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Online Commentaries in Canonical Order


Guidance in selection – Commenting & Commentaries by C. H. Spurgeon

(1876) | Commentary & Reference Survey (2007) | OT Commentary Survey
(2007) | NT Commentary Survey (2006)
The Bible – whole Bible commentaries on sale

Old Books of Historical Poetical Major Minor

Testament Moses Books Books Prophets Prophets
New Four Book of Epistles of General Book of
Testament Gospels Acts Paul Epistles Revelation

I. Old Testament | Old

Testament commentaries on

A. Books of Moses | C. F.
Keil & F. Delitzsch
(Hebrew) | Special
studies: – William
Henry Green – The
Higher Criticism of the
Pentateuch | Books of
Moses commentaries
on sale

1. Genesis – John
Calvin: Gen.
chaps. 1 - 23 •
chaps. 24 - 50
| Adam Clarke
| J. W.
McGarvey |
Matthew Henry | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson,
Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge |
John Wesley | Burton Coffman | Robert S. Candlish |
A. Dillmann (Hebrew) Vol. 1: Intro. & chaps. 1 - 11 •
Vol. 2: chaps. 12 - 50 | Marcus Dods | Special
studies: A. W. Pink's Gleanings in Genesis | Genesis
commentaries on sale | Steve Singleton – Genesis
Where It All Began: 17 Lesson Outlines on the
Foundational Book of the Bible

2. Exodus – John Calvin's Harmony of the Law vol. 1 •

vol. 2 • vol. 3 • vol. 4 | Adam Clarke | J. W. McGarvey
| J. W. McGarvey | Matthew Henry | John Gill | G. L.
Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | Burton Coffman
| A. H. McNeile | Special studies: A. W. Pink's
Gleanings in Exodus | A. W. Pink's 10 Commandments
| Exodus commentaries on sale

3. Leviticus – Adam Clarke | J. W. McGarvey | Matthew

Henry | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset,
Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John
Wesley | Burton Coffman | James G. Murphy | S. H.
Kellogg | Leviticus commentaries on sale

4. Numbers – Adam Clarke | J. W. McGarvey | Matthew

Henry | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset,
Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John
Wesley | Burton Coffman | G. B. Gray (Hebrew) |
Numbers commentaries on sale

5. Deuteronomy – Adam Clarke | J. W. McGarvey – Class

Notes | Matthew Henry | John Gill | G. L. Haydock |
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge | John Wesley | Burton Coffman | W. G.
Jordan | S. R. Driver (Hebrew) | Special studies: J. W.
McGarvey – Authorship of Deuteronomy |
Deuteronomy commentaries on sale

B. Historical Books | Books of History commentaries on sale

1. Joshua – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | J. W. McGarvey

| Matthew Henry | John Gill | G. L. Haydock |
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge | John Wesley | Burton Coffman | G. F.
Maclear | John Lloyd (Hebrew) | Special Studies: A.
W. Pink's Gleanings in Joshua | Joshua
commentaries on sale

2. Judges – Adam Clarke | J. W. McGarvey | Matthew

Henry | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset,
Brown | George C. M. Douglas | Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge | John Wesley | Burton Coffman | E. L.
Curtis | J. J. Lias | George Foot Moore (Hebrew) |
Judges commentaries on sale

3. Ruth – Adam Clarke | J. W. McGarvey | Matthew

Henry | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset,
Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John
Wesley | Burton Coffman | Charles H. H. Wright |
Ruth commentaries on sale

4. 1 Samuel – Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry | John Gill |

G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury
of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | Burton
Coffman | J. P. Lange | A. F. Kirkpatrick | H. P. Smith
(Hebrew) | W. G. Blaikie | 1 Samuel commentaries
on sale

5. 2 Samuel – Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry | John Gill |

G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury
of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | Burton
Coffman | A. F. Kirkpatrick | H. P. Smith (Hebrew) |
W. G. Blaikie | Special studies: A. W. Pink's Life of
David | 2 Samuel commentaries on sale

6. 1 Kings – Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry | John Gill |

G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury
of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | Burton
Coffman | C. F. Burney (Hebrew) | Alfred Barry | A.
W. Pink's Life of Elijah | J. R. Lumby | F. W. Farrar | 1
Kings commentaries on sale [top]

7. 2 Kings – Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry | John Gill |

G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury
of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | Burton
Coffman | C. F. Burney (Hebrew) | C. J. Ball | J. R.
Lumby | F. W. Farrar | 2 Kings commentaries on

8. 1 Chronicles – Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry | John

Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | C. J. Ball | W. H. Bennett | Special
studies: A. W. Pink's Life of David | 1 Chronicles
commentaries on sale

9. 2 Chronicles – Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry | John

Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | C. J. Ball | W. H. Bennett | 2
Chronicles commentaries on sale

10. Ezra – Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry | John Gill | G.

L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | Burton Coffman
| W. B. Pope | F. E. Ryle | Walter F. Adeney | Ezra
commentaries on sale

11. Nehemiah – Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry | John Gill

| G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | W. B. Pope | F. E. Ryle | Walter F.
Adeney | Nehemiah commentaries on sale

12. Esther – Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry | John Gill | G.

L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | Burton Coffman
| R. Sinker | Yosef Marcus | Walter F. Adeney | L. B.
Paton (Hebrew) | Esther commentaries on sale

C. Poetical Books | Poetical Books commentaries on sale

1. Job – Adam Clarke | J. W. McGarvey | Matthew Henry

| John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown
| Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | A. B. Davidson | Robert A. Watson |
S. R. Driver | S. R. Driver & G. B. Gray (Hebrew) –
Vol. 2: Philological Notes | Job commentaries on

2. Psalms – John Calvin: Pss. 1 - 35 • Pss. 36 - 66 • Pss.

67 - 92 • Pss. 93 - 119:20 • Pss. 119:21 - 150 |
Martin Luther Psalms of Degrees (Ascent, Ps. 120-
134) | Adam Clarke | Charles H. Spurgeon's Treasury
of David | Matthew Henry | John Gill | G. L. Haydock |
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge | John Wesley | Burton Coffman | A. F.
Kirkpatrick | A. F. Kirkpatrick – Vol. 1: Pss. 1 - 41 •
Vol. 2: Pss. 42 - 89 • Vol. 3: Pss. 90 - 150 |
Alexander Maclaren – Vol. 1: Pss. 1 - 38 | J. A.
Alexander – Vol. 3: Pss. 101 - 150 • All 150 in One
Volume | C. A. Briggs & E. G. Briggs (Hebrew) – Vol.
1: Intro & Pss. 1 - 50 • Vol. 2: Pss. 51 - 150 | Psalms
commentaries on sale

3. Proverbs – Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry | John Gill |

G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Franz
Delitzsch (Hebrew) – Vol. 1: ch. 1 - 17 • Vol. 2: ch.
18 - 31 | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John
Wesley | Burton Coffman | Moses Stuart | T. T.
Perowne | C. H. Toy (Hebrew) | Proverbs
commentaries on sale

4. Ecclesiastes – Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry | John

Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | E. H. Plumptre | George A. Barton
(Hebrew) | Ecclesiastes commentaries on sale

5. Song of Solomon – Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry |

John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | Andrew Harper | Song of Solomon
commentaries on sale

D. Major Prophets | Major Prophets commentaries on sale

1. Isaiah – John Calvin: chaps. 1 - 16 • chaps. 17 - 32 •

chaps. 33 - 48 • chaps. 49 - 66 | Adam Clarke | R. H.
Boll | Matthew Henry | John Gill | G. L. Haydock |
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge | John Wesley | Burton Coffman | J.
Skinner – Vol. 1: ch. 1 - 39 • Vol. 2: ch. 40 - 66 | G.
B. Gray (Hebrew) – Intro. & ch. 1-27 (1910) | T. K.
Cheyne (Hebrew) Vol. 1: Intro. & ch. 1 - 47 • Vol. 2:
ch. 48 - 66 | J. A. Alexander (Hebrew) Vol. 1: Intro. &
ch. 1 - 31 • Vol. 2: ch. 32 - 66 | George A. Smith |
Franz Delitzsch (Hebrew) – Vol. 1: Intro. & ch. 1 -27 |
Special studies on Isaiah: R. H. Kennett – The
Composition of the Book of Isaiah in the Light of
History and Archaeology (1910) | G. L. Robinson –
"One Isaiah" (1910-15) | A. R. Gordon – The Faith of
Isaiah: Statesman and Evangelist (1919) | Isaiah
commentaries on sale

2. Jeremiah – John Calvin: chaps. 1 - 9 • chaps. 10 - 19

• chaps. 20 - 29 • chaps. 30 - 47 • chaps. 48 - 52 |
Adam Clarke | George C. Workman (Greek & Hebrew)
– The Text of Jeremiah | R. H. Boll | Matthew Henry |
John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | R. G. Moulton | A. W. Streane | C.
Von Orelli (Hebrew) | Jeremiah commentaries on
sale [top]

3. Lamentations – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Matthew

Henry | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset,
Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John
Wesley | Burton Coffman | A. W. Streane |
Lamentations commentaries on sale

4. Ezekiel – John Calvin: Ezek. chaps 1 - 12 • chaps 13 -

20 | Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry | John Gill | G. L.
Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | A. B. Davidson
(1892) | Burton Coffman | Ezekiel commentaries
on sale

5. Daniel – John Calvin: Dan. chaps 1 - 6 • chaps 7-12 |

Adam Clarke | R. H. Boll | Matthew Henry | John Gill |
G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury
of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | Moses Stuart
| Albert Barnes | E.B. Pusey (1864) | C.H.H. Wright
(1906) | R.D. Wilson (1907) | Samuel R. Driver | J. D.
Prince | Burton Coffman | Daniel commentaries on

E. Minor Prophets | Minor Prophets commentaries on sale

1. Hosea – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry |

John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | T. H. Cheyne |
John Wesley | Burton Coffman | George A. Smith | W.
R. Harper (Hebrew) | Hosea commentaries on sale

2. Joel – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry |

John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | George A. Smith | J. A. Bewer
(Hebrew) | Joel commentaries on sale

3. Amos – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry |

John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | George A. Smith | W. R. Harper
(Hebrew) | Amos commentaries on sale

4. Obadiah – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry

| John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown
| Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | George A. Smith | George A.
Peckham | J. A. Bewer (Hebrew) | Obadiah
commentaries on sale

5. Jonah – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry |

John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | T. T. Perowne | George A. Smith |
Jonah commentaries on sale

6. Micah – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry |

John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | T. K. Cheyne | George A. Smith | J.
M. P. Smith (Hebrew) | Micah commentaries on

7. Nahum – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry

| John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown
| Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | A. B. Davidson | George A. Smith |
J. M. P. Smith (Hebrew) | Nahum commentaries on

8. Habakkuk – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Matthew

Henry | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset,
Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John
Wesley | Burton Coffman | A. B. Davidson | George A.
Smith | William H. Ward (Hebrew) | Habakkuk
commentaries on sale

9. Zephaniah – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Matthew

Henry | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset,
Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John
Wesley | Burton Coffman | A. B. Davidson | George A.
Smith | J. M. P. Smith (Hebrew) | Zephaniah
commentaries on sale

10. Haggai – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry

| John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown
| Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | George A. Smith | Marcus Dods |
Haggai commentaries on sale

11. Zechariah – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | John Stonard

| Matthew Henry | John Gill | G. L. Haydock |
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge | John Wesley | Burton Coffman | George
A. Smith – ch. 1 - 8 • ch. 9 - 14 | Marcus Dods |
Zechariah commentaries on sale

12. Malachi – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Matthew Henry

| John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown
| Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley |
Burton Coffman | George A. Smith | T. T. Perowne |
Marcus Dods | Malachi commentaries on sale

II. New Testament | J. A. Bengel, Gnomon of the NT – Vol. 1: Matthew -

Acts • Vol. 2: Romans - Revelation | New Testament commentaries
on sale

A. Gospel Accounts | John Calvin's Harmony of Evangelists (Mt,

Mk, & Lk): vol. 1 • vol. 2 • vol. 3 | B. F. Westcott –
Introduction to the Study of the Gospels (1902) | Gospel
Accounts commentaries on sale

1. Matthew – John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | W. C. Allen

(Greek) | Albert Barnes | A. Carr | A. Carr (Greek) |
Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | John Darby | John
Gill | G. L. Haydock | Matthew Henry | Jamieson,
Fausset, Brown | B. W. Johnson | C. S. Keener (IVP) |
Alexander Maclaren – Intro. - ch. 13 • Vol. 2: ch. 14 -
28 | J. W. McGarvey & P. Y. Pendleton | H. A. W.
Meyer (Greek) | A. Plummer (Greek) | A. T. Robertson
| A. T. Robertson's Word Pictures | Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge | Juan de Valdés | John Wesley |
Special studies on Matthew: A. W. Pink – Exposition of
Sermon on the Mount | Matthew commentaries on

2. Mark – John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | Albert Barnes |

R. H. Boll | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | John
Darby | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | E. P. Gould
(Greek) | Matthew Henry | A. F. Hort (Greek) |
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | B. W. Johnson | G. F.
Maclear | G. F. Maclear (Greek) | J. W. McGarvey & P.
Y. Pendleton | James Morison (Greek) | A. T.
Robertson's Word Pictures | J. Hamblin Smith (Greek,
short notes) | H. B. Swete (Greek) | Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | Special studies:
John W. Burgon – Last Twelve Verses of the Gospel
According to S. Mark Vindicated (1871) | Mark
commentaries on sale

3. Luke – John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | Albert Barnes |

D. L. Bock (IVP) | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman |
John Darby | F. W. Farrar (Greek) | John Gill | G. L.
Haydock | F. Godet (Greek) | Matthew Henry |
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | B. W. Johnson | J. W.
McGarvey & P. Y. Pendleton | A. T. Robertson's Word
Pictures | A. Plummer (Greek) | James Stark (Intro.-
ch. 10) | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John
Wesley | Arthur Wright (Greek) | Special studies:
William K. Hobart – The Medical Language of St. Luke
(1882) | William M. Ramsay – "Luke the Physician"
(1908) | P. C. Sense – Critical & Historical Enquiry
into the Origin of the Third Gospel (1901) | Luke
commentaries on sale

4. John – John Calvin: chaps 1 - 11 • chaps 12 - 21 |

Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry |
Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob
Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson,
Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge |
John Wesley | A. W. Pink | Marcus Dods – Vol. 1: ch.
1 - 11 • Vol. 2: ch. 12 - 21 | J. W. McGarvey & P. Y.
Pendleton | W. A. O'Conor | A. T. Robertson's Word
Pictures | B. W. Johnson | A. Plummer | A. Plummer
(Greek) | Frederick L. Godet – Vol. 1: Intro. & 1:1 -
2:11 (Greek) • Vol. 3: 11:1 - 21:25 | B. F. Westcott
(Eng text) | B. F. Westcott (Greek) – Vol. 1: Intro &
chaps. 1 - 7 | R. A. Whitacre (IVP) | Special studies:
Edmund H. Spears – The Fourth Gospel: The Heart of
Christ (1872) | J. B. Lightfoot – "Evidence for the
Genuineness of the Gospel of John" (1890) | H. H.
Wendt – Gospel of John: Its Genesis & Historical Value
(1902) | James Drummond – Inquiry into the
Character & Authorship of the Fourth Gospel (1903) |
Edwin A. Abbott – Johannine Grammar (1906) | C. F.
Burney – The Aramaic Origin of the Fourth Gospel
(1922) | George B. Stevens – The Johannine Theology
(1894) | John commentaries on sale

B. History of Primitive Church | Acts commentaries on sale

Acts – John Calvin: Acts chaps 1 - 13 • chaps 14 - 28

| Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry |
Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob
Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson,
Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | J.
W. McGarvey | J. W. McGarvey & P. Y. Pendleton | C.
R. Erdman | P. J. Gloag (Greek) | A. T. Robertson's
Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | J. R. Lumby | J. R.
Lumby (Greek) | Thomas E. Page (Greek) | J. Hamblin
Smith (Greek, short notes) | H. A. W. Meyer (Greek) |
W. J. Larkin (IVP) | Special studies: James Smith –
The Voyage & Shipwreck of St. Paul (1856) | J. B.
Lightfoot – "History of Apostle Paul After the Close of
Acts" | William Falconer – Dissertation on St. Paul's
Voyage (1870) | W. J. Conybeare & J. S. Howson –
The Life & Epistles of St. Paul (1864): Vol. 1 (Acts 9 -
19; Early epistles) • Vol. 2 (Acts 20 - 28; prison epistles, pastoral
epistles, & Hebrews) | Acts commentaries on sale

C. Paul's Letters | Special Studies: J. B. Lightfoot – "Chronology

of the Life & Epistles of Paul" | George B. Stevens – Pauline
Theology | Paul's Letters commentaries on sale

1. Romans – John Calvin | Martin Luther – Preface •

Commentary | Adam Clarke | R. H. Boll | Burton
Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John
Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L.
Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise
(Greek) | H. C. G. Moule | Charles Hodge | J. W.
McGarvey & P. Y. Pendleton | A. T. Robertson's Word
Pictures | B. W. Johnson | F. Godet – Vol. 1: Intro. &
chaps. 1 - 6 • Vol. 2: chaps. 6 - 16 | Charles Neil | W.
Sanday & A. C. Headlam (Greek) | Special Studies: J.
B. Lightfoot – "Structure & Destination of Romans" •
"Epistle to the Romans" | F. H. A. Hort "On the End of
Romans" | Romans commentaries on sale

2. 1 Corinthians – John Calvin: 1 Cor. chaps 1 - 14 •

chaps 15-16 | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman |
Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John
Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock |
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise (Greek) |
Charles Hodge (Greek) | H. A. W. Meyer (Greek) | T.
C. Edwards (Greek) | H. Olshausen & J. E. Cox
(Greek) | J. J. Lias | J. W. McGarvey & P. Y. Pendleton
| A. T. Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson |
Special studies: John Brown – The Resurrection of Life
An Exposition of I Corinthians XV with a Discourse on
the Resurrection of Our Lord (1852) | 1 Corinthians
commentaries on sale [top]

3. 2 Corinthians – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Burton

Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John
Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L.
Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise
(Greek) | J. H. Bernard (Greek) | Charles Hodge
(Greek) | H. A. W. Meyer (Greek) | H. Olshausen & J.
E. Cox (Greek) | A. T. Robertson's Word Pictures | B.
W. Johnson | L. L. Belleville (IVP) | Alfred Plummer
(Greek) | Special Studies: J. B. Lightfoot – "Mission of
Titus to the Corinthians" | 2 Corinthians
commentaries on sale

4. Galatians – John Calvin | Martin Luther | Adam Clarke

| R. H. Boll | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert
Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott |
John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | John
Macrgregor | William M. Ramsay | J. R. Boise (Greek)
| Frederic Rendall (Greek) | G. G. Findlay | A. T.
Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | E. H.
Perowne | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | J. B. Lightfoot
(Greek) | G. W. Hansen (IVP) | E. DeW. Burton
(Greek) | Special studies: H. D. Betz, "Literary
Composition & Function of Paul's Letter to the
Galatians" (2002) | Galatians commentaries on

5. Ephesians – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | R. H. Boll |

Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes |
John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill |
G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury
of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise
(Greek) | S. D. F. Salmond (Greek) | G. G. Findlay |
A. T. Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson |
Allan Turner | John Eadie (Greek) | T. K. Abbott
(Greek) | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | Special Studies: J. B.
Lightfoot – "Destination of the Epistle to the
Ephesians" (1904) | Ephesians commentaries on

6. Philippians – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Burton

Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John
Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L.
Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise
(Greek) | John Eadie (Greek) | H. A. A. Kennedy
(Greek) | Robert Rainy | A. T. Robertson's Word
Pictures | B. W. Johnson | Allan Turner | C. H. G.
Moule | C. H. G. Moule (Greek) | J. B. Lightfoot
(Greek) | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | G. D. Fee (IVP) | M.
R. Vincent (Greek) | Special Studies: J. B. Lightfoot –
"The Churches of Macedonia" | Philippians
commentaries on sale

7. Colossians – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Burton

Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John
Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L.
Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise
(Greek) | Alexander Maclaren | A. T. Robertson's
Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | John Rutherford | H.
C. G. Moule | A. S. Peake (Greek) | C. J. Ellicott
(Greek) | John Eadie (Greek) | J. B. Lightfoot (Greek)
| T. K. Abbott (Greek) | R. W. Wall (IVP) | Special
Studies: H. C. G. Moule – Colossian and Philemon
Studies (1861) | Colossians commentaries on sale

8. 1 Thessalonians – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | R. H.

Boll | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert
Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott |
John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R.
Boise (Greek) | James Denney | George Milligan
(Greek) | A. T. Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W.
Johnson | G. G. Findlay | James Moffatt (Greek) | C.
J. Ellicott (Greek) | J. E. Frame (Greek) | Special
Studies: J. B. Lightfoot – "The Churches of Macedonia"
• "The Church of Thessalonica" | 1 Thessalonians
commentaries on sale

9. 2 Thessalonians – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | R. H.

Boll | Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert
Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott |
John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R.
Boise (Greek) | James Denney | G. Milligan (Greek) |
A. T. Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | G.
G. Findlay | James Moffatt (Greek) | C. J. Ellicott
(Greek) | J. E. Frame (Greek) | 2 Thessalonians
commentaries on sale

10. 1 Timothy – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Burton

Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John
Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L.
Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise
(Greek) | A. E. Humphreys | Alfred Plummer | A. T.
Robertson's Word Pictures | N. J. D. White (Greek) |
B. W. Johnson | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | P. H. Towner
(IVP) | Special Studies: J.B. Lightfoot – "The Date of
the Pastoral Epistles" | 1 Timothy commentaries on

11. 2 Timothy – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Burton

Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John
Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L.
Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of
Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise
(Greek) | N. J. D. White (Greek) | A. E. Humphreys |
Alfred Plummer | A. T. Robertson's Word Pictures | B.
W. Johnson | C. J. Ellicott (Greek) | 2 Timothy
commentaries on sale

12. Titus – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman |

Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John
Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock |
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Boise (Greek) | N. J.
D. White (Greek) | A. E. Humphreys | Alfred Plummer
| A. T. Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | C.
J. Ellicott (Greek) | P. H. Towner (IVP) | Titus
commentaries on sale [top]

13. Philemon – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | R. H. Boll |

Burton Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes |
John Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill |
G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury
of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | [H. B.
Hackett] (Greek) | J. R. Boise (Greek) | W. E.
Oesterley (Greek) | | Alexander Maclaren | A. T.
Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | C. J.
Ellicott (Greek) | J. B. Lightfoot (Greek) | R. W. Wall
(IVP) | M. R. Vincent (Greek) | Special Studies: H. C.
G. Moule – Colossian and Philemon Studies (1861) |
Philemon commentaries on sale

D. General Letters | General Letters commentaries on sale

1. Hebrews – John Chrysostom's Homilies on Hebrews |

John Calvin | Adam Clarke | R. H. Boll | Burton
Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John
Darby | A. W. Pink | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott |
John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown |
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John Wesley | T. C.
Edwards | August Tholuck (Greek) – Vol. 1: Intro. &
chaps. 1 - 8 • Vol. 2: chaps. 9 - 13 | John H. A.
Ebrard (Greek) | Moses Stuart (Greek) | F. S.
Sampson & R. L. Dabney (Greek) | A. S. Patterson |
James Moffatt | F. W. Farrar | F. W. Farrar (Greek) |
B. F. Westcott (Greek) (2d ed. 1892) | Marcus Dods
(Greek) | A. T. Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W.
Johnson | A. W. Pink | Edward Fudge | Special
studies: George Milligan – Theology of Hebrews
(1899) | Hebrews commentaries on sale

2. James – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman

| Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John
Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock |
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge | John Wesley | Alfred Plummer | A. T.
Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | James
Moffatt | E. H. Plumptre | G. M. Stulac (IVP) | W. E.
Oesterley (Greek) | J. H. Ropes (Greek) | Special
Studies: William Patrick – James, the Lord's Brother
(1906) | J. B. Lightfoot – "The Brethren of the Lord"
(1865) | James commentaries on sale

3. 1 Peter – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman

| Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John
Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock |
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Lumby | A. T.
Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | E. H.
Plumptre | F. J. A. Hort (Greek) – Intro. & 1:1 - 2:17
| C. Bigg (Greek) | 1 Peter commentaries on sale

4. 2 Peter – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman

| Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John
Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock |
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge | John Wesley | J. R. Lumby | A. T.
Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | James
Moffatt | E. H. Plumptre | C. Bigg (Greek) | Special
studies: "The Authenticity of 2 Peter" (1999) | 2
Peter commentaries on sale

5. 1 John – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman

| Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John
Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock |
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge | Robert Law (caution: 27.7 Mb!) | John
Wesley | Robert S. Candlish | A. Plummer | William
Alexander | J. H. A. Ebrard (Greek) | A. T. Robertson's
Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | B. F. Westcott
(Greek) | M. M. Thompson (IVP) | 1 John
commentaries on sale

6. 2 John – Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew

Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott &
Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson,
Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge |
John Wesley | A. Plummer | William Alexander | A. T.
Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | B. F.
Westcott (Greek) | M. M. Thompson (IVP) | 2 John
commentaries on sale

7. 3 John – Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman | Matthew

Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John Abbott &
Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock | Jamieson,
Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge |
John Wesley | A. Plummer | William Alexander | A. T.
Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | B. F.
Westcott (Greek) | M. M. Thompson (IVP) | 3 John
commentaries on sale

8. Jude – John Calvin | Adam Clarke | Burton Coffman |

Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John Darby | John
Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L. Haydock |
Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Treasury of Scripture
Knowledge | John Wesley | Alfred Plummer | A. T.
Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | James
Moffatt | E. H. Plumptre | C. Bigg (Greek) | Jude
commentaries on sale

E. Book of Apocalyptic Prophecy | Revelation commentaries on

sale | Steve Singleton – Overcoming: A Study Guides to the
Book of Revelation – digital edition | hard copy

Revelation – Adam Clarke | R. H. Boll | Burton

Coffman | Matthew Henry | Albert Barnes | John
Darby | John Abbott & Jacob Abbott | John Gill | G. L.
Haydock | Jamieson, Fausset, Brown | Thomas
Whittemore | Treasury of Scripture Knowledge | John
Wesley | William Milligan | John N. Darby | A. T.
Robertson's Word Pictures | B. W. Johnson | E. W.
Hengstenberg – Vol. 1: Intro. & chaps. 1-12 • Vol. 2:
chaps 13 - 22 | E. B. Elliott (1867) – vol. 1 • vol. 2 •
vol. 3 • vol. 4 | W. H. Simcox | W. H. Simcox (Greek)
| J. J. L. Ratton (Greek) | William Milligan (The 1885
Baird Lecture) | F. J. A. Hort (Greek, chaps. 1-3 only)
| Henry Barclay Swete (Greek) | R. H. Charles
(Greek): Vol. 1: Intro. & chaps. 1 - 13 • Vol. 2: chaps.
14 - 22 | J. R. Michaels (IVP) | Special studies:
Alexander Keith – The Harmony of Prophecy or
Scriptural Illustrations of the Apocalypse (1851) |
William M. Ramsay – Letters to the Seven Churches of
Asia (1904) | Steve Singleton – Seven Letters to the
Church: Seeing Ourselves as Christ Sees Us • Behind
"Left Behind": Is the Popular Novel Series a Reliable
Guide to End-Times Events? • Can We Solve the 666
Puzzle? Using Interpretation Principles to Illuminate
One of the Darkest Verses in the Bible • "The Real
Meaning of 666: Not the Mark of the Beast, But How
Will You Handle Your Money?" • Revelaton, A
Helicopter View: When You Can't See the Forest for
the Bark • Revelaton & Predictive Prophecy: Exploring
the Options Before Jumping to Confusions • Worthy is
the Lamb: The Christology of Revelation 5 • Will
Christ Return in Stages? Exposing the Quirky Flaw of
Dispensationalism [top]
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