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Putin Was Right – Same Tree Different Fruit In

Obama’s New Homosexual America

Posted on July 1, 2015 by Rick Wells in Agenda 21, Homosexual Agenda, Obama, Political Corruption,
United Nations NWO //

Most of us remember the recent back and forth between Russian President Vladimir Putin
and Hussein Obama over the issue of the homosexual agenda in the days before the 2014
Sochi Olympic Games. Obama attacked Putin over his nation’s homosexual record and
policies with Putin inevitably one-upping an outgunned illegitimate US dictator in the
ever-expanding exchange of diplomatic un-pleasantries. One of the more notable and
uncomplimentary exchanges included the posting of a photo of the Obamas salivating at
the sight of a banana.

In recent days, Obama, the first half-black, half-homosexual, all America-hating foreigner
‘president’ has chalked up some successes in his attack on our nation, what he
disarmingly describes as the fundamental transformation of America. Included is the
adoption of a new definition of marriage as being between any two humans, with the
number and species restrictions surely already points slated for contention in the near

The rapid degradation of morals within American society has not gone unnoticed in the
Kremlin. In a January 2014 article, the Washington Times reported on then-recent Putin
keynote speech in which he said, “Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from
their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the same
level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan.
This is the path to degradation.”

They also note how in December, in his State of the Nation speech, Putin depicted Russia
as a bastion of traditional values, contrasted against what he described as the morally
bankrupt West. Putin advocated social and religious conservatism as the only means by
which to prevent the world from falling into “chaotic darkness.”

The Russian government implemented a ban on “homosexual propaganda,” the very type
of “My Two Dads” and “King & King” literature that Hussein Obama is now
championing as being somehow perversely virtuous.

The leader of the closely allied Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill l of Moscow, decried
what he described as the “spiritual disarmament” by Western governments of their
people, saying, “The general political direction of the [Western political] elite bears,
without doubt, an anti-Christian and anti-religious character.” He added, “We have been
through an epoch of atheism, and we know what it is to live without God. We want to
shout to the whole world, ‘Stop!’”

Another Orthodox Church leader, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, asserted that the modern-
day West is no better for a Christian believer than the Soviet Union.

The Washington Times offered some historic perspective of the personal cost to those
who lived under the godless Soviet boot, that “Soviet authorities executed some 200,000
clergy and believers from 1917 to 1937, according to a 1995 presidential committee
report. Thousands of churches were destroyed, and those that survived were turned into
warehouses, garages or museums of atheism.”

The situations certainly are in many ways reversed from what was previously the case
during the rivalry of the cold war. As the values of the United States are being assaulted,
words such as what are being spoken by Putin would never have passed the lips of Stalin
or Khrushchev.

In the year and a half since that article was published Obama has been on a terror
campaign against the fabric of American society through open borders, orchestrated racial
tensions, vilification of law enforcement and economic stagnation combined with
burgeoning social expenditures and attacks on our manufacturing and energy sectors. The
TPP through TPA has subordinated our Constitution and our sovereignty to Fascist
corporate interests and foreign governments.

Obama’s Marxist roots and beliefs are certainly better known to Putin than they are to the
average American, as is his true identity and the real story of how he came to power. As
America comes to resemble the former Soviet Union in more ways than it differs, Putin
and the Russian people who were formerly roundly demeaned by Americans for living in
a godless society appear, at least on the surface, to be getting the last laugh.

Keep the banana, Obama; you’re the joke.

Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and
our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on
Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit &
www.truthburgers.comTop of For

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