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A plena carga Full load

Abrazadera de cable Cable clip/clamp
Acero al silicio de grano Grain-oriented
orientado silicon steel
Acero de alta resistencia High-tensile steel
Acometida Power supply
Agua de enfriamiento de la Jacket water in a compressor or
envuelta engine, the water used
for cooling the cylinder
head and/or walls
Aire de refrigeración Cooling air air cooled for the
purpose of lowering the
temperature of a space
or products stored in a
Aislado 1. insulated 1. to cover and
2. isolated surround
something with
a material or
substance in
order to stop
heat, sound or
electricity from
escaping or
2. to separate
something from
other things with
which it is joined
or to keep it
aislante Cable insulator
Ajuste de tensión AVR (automatic
voltage regulation)
Alambre Wire
Alambre de espino Barred wire
Alimentar Power (to)
Feed (to)
Alternador Ac generator
Alumbrado reducido Dimmed lighting
Amarre de cable Cable landing
Amperímetro ammeter
Analizador de red Network analyser a group of electric
circuit elements which
can readily be
connected to form
models of electric
Analizador de redes Network analyser a group of electric
circuit elements which
can readily be
connected to form
models of electric
Ánodo de sacrificio Sacrificial anode
Apantallado (cable) shielded
Aparamenta de cuadros Main switching
eléctricos devices
Aparamenta eléctrica Electric
Apertura Disconnection Dicho de circuito
APR (alto poder de ruptura) HBC (high breaking
Aprovechamiento (ej. clase (B) recovery
Arandela washer
Arandela de presión Pressure washer
Area clasificada Hazardous area
Armadura de fleje Tape armouring
Armadura de un cable Cable a metallic cover placed
armour/armouring over the insulation of
wire or cable to protect
it from abrasion or
Armario Cabinet 1.An upright, cupboard-
like repository made of
metal, wood or plastic
for wall or floor
mounting, frequently
equipped with a frame,
shelves and/or drawers.
Used to house
apparatus or
Armario repartidor general Advanced patching
Arrancador Motor starter
Arranque directo 1) Direct-on-line process of starting a
starting motor by connecting it
2) across-the-line directly to the supply at
starting. rated voltage.

1) British English
2) American English
Arranque eléctrico Electric starting
Asiento de armadura Armouring bedding
Autoalimentado Self-powered
Autoextinguible Self-extinguishing
Autoportable (cable) Free-standing
Auxiliar de baja tensión Low voltage
Báculo de iluminación Lighting pole/post
Bajada de pararrayo Lowering of
lightning conductor
Bajo tension alive either charged with d.c.
potential different from
the earth's or connected
to a source of a.c. or
d.c. power
Baliza par aeronavegación Air beacon
Banda de plástico Plastic signalling
Bandeja de soporte Supporting tray
Bandeja portacable a Ladder-type cable consists of two side
escalera tray rails connected by
individual cross
members or rungs
offers versatility, lower
costs and maximum
ventilation for
conductors various rung
spacings are available
to provide support for
anything from small,
flexible computer wire
to rigid, interlocked
armor power cable
Barandilla de seguridad Safety handrail railing around top of
tower, platforms and
stairways, usually
composed of top
handrail, kneerail and
toeboard (depending on
Barra colectora (de cobre) busbar
Barra de neutro Neutral busbar Sistema de conexión de
los neutros de un banco
de transformación

a system of connections
joining the neutral
points of three single
phase transformers
Barra de tierra Earth collector bar
Base de enchufe Socket outlet
Bastidor bedframe
Batería condensadores Capacitor Bank
Batería de acumuladores Bank of a number of
accumulators accumulators grouped
in line and connected
Batería de arranque Starter battery a storage battery
designed mainly to start
an internal combustion
Biselar un cable Chamfer (to)
Blindado Metal-clad/metal-
Bloque autónomo Emergency lighting
Bloque de prueba Terminal strip
Bloqueo de ensayo Test block a piece of material
capable of transmitting
ultrasonic waves and
suitable for assessing
some particular features
of ultrasonic equipment
Bobina a emisión de Emission coil
Bobina de cierre Switching-on coil
Bobina de disparo Trip coil
Bobina de disparo Blowing out trip
Bobina de transformador coil
Bobinado amortiguador Damper winding
Bobinado de motor Motor winding
Bomba de engranaje Gear pump a rotary displacement
pump in which the
members keeping the
fluid in motion are two
gear wheels in mesh,
enclosed in a casing.
The fluid is carried
round from the suction
to the discharge side in
the tooth spaces

bomba rotatoria
constituida por dos
ruedas dentadas que
giran en sentidos
opuestos en el interior
de una carcasa
Borna Terminal block El término “borna” se
utiliza como sinónimo
de “terminal”, y se trata
de algo más pequeño
que un terminal
Borna de conexión Connection block
Borna de interconexión Interconnection
Borna de paso tipo mordaza Clamp-type cable
Borna de potencia Feeder/power
Borne terminal pieza conductora de
una máquina,
dispositivo o aparato
eléctrico, que sirve para
efectuar las conexiones
de los conductores
extremos, que se
sujetan con una brida,
rosca o tornillo
the conductive part of a
device, provided for
electrical connection to
external circuits; the
part of a device
intended for external
electrical connection
Borrado de memoria Memory reset
Botella terminal M.V.terminal
botonera Local control station
C.A corriente alterna A.C. alternating sistema de corriente
current eléctrica periódico cuyo
voltaje medio es cero.
a periodic current
having a zero mean
C.C. corriente continua DC current en electricidad,
corriente independiente
del tiempo ; corriente
que no cambia de
a current that is
independent of time. By
extension, a current in
which the direct
component is of primary
Caballo de vapor (C.V.) Horsepower (H.P.)
cabina switchgear
Cable blindado Screened cable
Cable coaxial
Cable de control Control cable an auxiliary cable used
for measuring, control,
protection and
communication circuits
Cable de manguera Multi-cable
Cable multipar Multipair cable
Cable semirigido desnudo Semi-rigid bare
Cable unipolar Single-core cable
Cableado Wiring (US)
Cabling (EU)
Cablear (panel board) Hardwire (to) to wire or cable directly
between units of
Caja de bornas//terminal Terminal
box/Junction box
Calderería enclosure
Cámara de corte de Break unit
Camino de rodadura Rolling path
Campo de ajuste Control range
Campo inductor Exciter field
Canal de cable Cable channel
Canaleta de cable Cable trunking
canalización Cables and ducting
Canalización Distribution duct
Canalización eléctrica Electric cable duct
Cáncamo de suspensión Lifting lug
Capacidad de cierre sobre Short-circuit peak
cortocircuito making capacity
Capacidad de descarga Discharge capacity
Capacidad de soportar Short-circuit making
cortocircuito capacity
Carga continúa Continuous load a load where the
maximum current is
expected to continue for
three hours or more
Carga desequilibrada Unbalanced load
Carga rápida Quick charging a charging with the
maximum charging
current until a shutdown
temperature, voltage)is
Cargadero Loading track
Cargador de batería Battery
Carretón truck
Carro Drawer Cajón donde se sitúan
los transformadores de
tensión y sus fusibles
de protección
Carter Oil-pan
Casquillo Lamp-holder
Categoría de empleo AC3 AC3 duty
Celda de acoplamiento Bus
Celda modular Modular panel
Celosia (de estructura Bay-work
Central hidroeléctrica Hydroelectric power
Centralita telefónica Telephonic
Centro de seccionamiento y Switching and
medida measuring centre
Centro de transformación Transformation
Cero contenidos en Halogens-free
Certificado de pruebas y Test and Calibration
ensayos certificate

CGE (control generador de Emergency

emergencia) Generating Set
Chasis remolcable Displaceable skid
Cierre cover De luminaria
Cinta adhesiva Adhesive tape
Circuito de alumbrado Lighting system
Circuito de control Control circuit
Circuito de disparo Firing circuit/shot- extends from the
firing circuit exploder along the shot-
firing cable, detonator
wires, and finally the
detonator The shot-
firing circuit is the path
taken by the electric
current from the
exploder when a shot is
Circuito de fuerza Power system
Circuito de intensidad Current circuit a circuit of a measuring
instrument through
which flows the current
of the circuit to which
the measuring
instrument is connected
Circuito de potencia Secondary circuit
Circuito magnético de chapa Cold-rolled grain-
de acero al silicio de grano oriented silicon
orientado steel sheeted
magnetic circuit
Circular To flow De fluidos, corriente
Cobre plateado Silver-plated copper copper on which a
coating of metallic silver
has been deposited
Coca dogleg
Cofret antideflagrante Flameproof junction
Cojinete bearing
Columna Column
Comité Eléctrico International
internacional (CEI) Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC)
Comité Europeo para CENELEC Acronym for the
Normalización Electrotécnica “European Committee
(CENELEC) for Electrotechnical
Standardisation”; The
European counterpart
of IEC. The symbol for
the European electrical
standards it establishes
is EN
Compatibilidad Electromagnetic the ability of signals and
electromagnética compatibility interference to coexist
without loss of the
information contained in
the wanted signal
Condensador capacitor componente utilizado
en circuitos electrónicos
para almacenar y
liberar tensión eléctrica

a passive electronic-
circuit component
consisting of,in basic
form,two metal
electrodes or plates
separated by a
Conducto de barras Feeder busduct
Conductor conductor que transmite corriente
applying to a medium to
indicate that it can
conduct current
Conductor Lead a flexible terminal;
usually of non-rigid wire
or tape
Conductor calefactor Heating conductor
Conductor de fases Phase conductor any conductor which is
intended to be
energised under normal
Conductor de protección Protective a conductor required by
conductor some measures for
protection against
electric shock for
electrically connecting
any of the following
parts: exposed
conductive parts,
extraneous conductive
parts, main earthing
terminal, earth
electrode, earthed point
of the source or artificial
Conductor de protección PE Earth wires
Conectado en estrella Star connected
Conector de cruce Equipotential cross
equipotencial connector
Conexión en triangulo Delta connection a winding connection so
arranged that the
phase-windings of a
transformer, or reactor,
or the windings for the
same rated voltage of
transformers, or
reactors, associated in
a three-phase bank, are
connected in series to
form a closed circuit
Conjunto de unión Connecting set
Conjunto de unión de Plup-in system
sistema enchufable (de connecting set
Conjunto eléctrico Electrical assembly
Conmutador Tap changer Este término se utiliza
siempre en el caso de
conmutador Selector switch
Conmutador actuador Actuator switch
Connexion en estrella star connection
Connexión en triangulo Open-delta winding connection in
abierto connection which the phase-
windings of a three-
phase transformer, or
the windings for the
same rated voltage of
transformers associated
in a three-phase bank,
are connected in series
without closing one
corner of the delta
Cono difusor Diffuser cone
Contacto de actuación de la Delayed protection
protección retardado trip contact
Contacto fijo Fixed contact
Contacto libre de tensión Voltage-free contact
Contactor Contactor
Contactor conmutado Single-pole double
through type
Contactor de tipo compacto Contactor of block
Contador Counter
Contador de agua Water meter
Contador de maniobras Operation counter a device indicating the
number of tap-changes
Contorneamiento Flashover disruptive discharge
external to the insulator,
and over its surface,
connecting those parts
which normally have the
operating voltage
between them
Contraespira de fleje Tape back turn
Contratuerca Safety nut
Control distribuido Distributed control a control technique
whereby portions of a
single control process
are located in two or
more places
Control integrato Integrated control
Controlador de celdas Programmable
programable (CCP) boards controller
Cordón/cuerda Wire strand
Corriente de cortocircuito a Short-time
corto plazo withstand current
Corriente de defecto Fault current
Corriente de desconexión Trip current
Corriente de entrada Inrush current
Corriente de llegada Incoming current
Corriente impresa Impressed current An electric current
supplied by a device
employing a power
source that is external
to the electrode system
Corriente inductora Inductive power
Corriente monofásica Single-phase
Corte Breaking
Cortocircuitar Short-circuit (to)
cortocircuito Short-circuit en electricidad, la
conexión intencionada
o accidental de varios
puntos de un circuito
con voltajes diferentes

an accidental or
intentional connection,
by a relatively low
resistance or
impedance, of two or
more points in a circuit
which are normally at
different voltages
Cuadro con aparamenta Switchboard
Cuadro de automatismo Control panel
Cuadro de contadores Metering panel
Cuadro de mando control panel
Cuadro de medida de Metering
contadores switchgear
Cuadro de relés intermedios Interposed relay
Cuadro de seccionamiento y Switching and
medida metering centre
Cuadro de Servicios Auxiliary
Auxiliares Switchgear
Cuadro de servicios Auxiliary a panel or cubicle on
auxiliaries switchboard which the devices
necessary to control, to
protect and to distribute
auxiliary a.c. and d.c.
supplies within a
substation are fixed
Cuadro eléctrico Electric cabinet
Cuadro general de baja Low voltage power
tensión/Cuadro de centre
distribución de baja tensión
Cuba hermética de SF6 Watertight SF6 tank
Cubículo Cubicle
Cubierta exterior de un cable Cable outer sheath
Cubierta/recubrimiento de un Cable sheath
Culata yoke
Curva de disparo Trigger curve
Curva sinusoidal Sine curve
De carga de resorte Spring stored
Depósito de expansión Expansion tank or
Desacoplado uncoupled
Descansillo intermedio (en Half pace
mitad de una escalera)
Desconector de presión Pressure switch
Desconexión de carga Load shedding the rapid rejection of the
load on an electric
Deslizamiento de motores Slip Loss of synchronism
Despejar una corriente To break a current
Desplazamiento angular Angular
Desplazamiento de fase Phase shift alteración de la fase de
una tensión o corriente
alterna, o una diferencia
de fase entre dos
señales alternas
the change in phase of
a voltage or current
after passing through a
circuit or cable
Detector de nivel Level detector a semiconductor device
circuit that detects an
output level from a unit
and produces an
analogue signal to
control that level, e.g.,
an emitter follower
whose output is fed
back as an
oscillator unit
Detector de paso de falta Fault detector relay
Devanado winding
Diagrama de cableado Interconnection
Difícilmente inflammable Hardly inflammable
Diodo fotoemissor Led (light- emitting dispositivo
diode) semiconductor
polarizado en sentido
directo para favorecer
la recombinación
electrón-hueco, por lo
cual la energía de
transición de la banda
prohibida se empleará
en emisión o radiación
de luz

a p-n junction that emits

light when biased in the
forward direction
Dispositivo de bloqueo Locking device a mechanical, electrical
or other device for
preventing the
operation of a piece of
apparatus under certain
Dispositivo de cebado Starting device the electrical apparatus
which provides the
conditions required for
starting a discharge
Distancia de seccionamiento Isolating distance the clearance between
open contacts meeting
the safety requirements
specified for
Efluvio Leakage
Ejecución fija fixed
Eléctrico (adj.) 1. electric 1. (power) using
2. electrical electricity for
power. E.g.
electric cable,
electric device…
2. related to
electricity. E.g.
electrocución electrocution muerte o lesión
causada por el paso de
una descarga eléctrica
potente a través del

a fatal electric shock

Eléctrodo de referencia Reference half-cell with a well-
electrode defined and constant
equilibrium potential
against which it is
possible to measure or
calculate other
electrode potentials by
including them in an
appropriate cell
Electrolítico galvanic
Elemento de corte Breaking device
Elemento de fijación Anchor bolts
Elemento de mando actuator an integral part of a
component to which an
external force is to be
Elevación de temperatura Temperature rise
embalamiento Overspeed
Embarrado de conexión Connection mud
Embarrado/barra colectora Bus bar
Embellecedor de caja de Connection box
mecanismo faceplate
Empalme splice a device used for
joining two or more

conexión de dos
conductores o de dos
cables de modo que la
unión sea
resistente y de buena
conductividad eléctrica

Empalme de cable Cable joint

Empuñadura Pistol grip
En triángulo abierto Open triangle
Enclavamiento /interconexión interlock the part operated by the
controlled apparatus
and reacting upon the
control circuit for the
purpose of imposing
certain conditions on
the operation of the
Endurecer (metal) Stiffen (to)
Energía eléctrica estabilizada Stabilized electric
Ensayo a frequencia Power frequency
Ensayo a impulso Light impulse
Ensayo de calentamiento Temperature-rise test undertaken to
test determine the
temperature-rise of one
or more parts of a
machine under
specified operating
Ensayo de comprobación Trial run
Ensayo tipo Type test the test of one or more
devices made to a
certain design to show
that the design meets
certain specifications
Ensuciar Foule (to) an
Entrada de cable Incoming of cable
Entrada del anillo Ring incoming
feeder line
Equipo de alto factor High-factor
Equipo de arranque Power loader
Escobilla brush
Esfuerzo de tracción Tractive power
Esfuerzo eléctrico Voltage stress
Espacio al rededor/provisto aisle
de pasillo/lateral
Esquema schematic
Esquema desarrollado Wiring diagram
Esquema sinóptico Mimic diagram an arrangement of
symbols representing
the current state of
switchgear and lines of
a substation or network
which may be
updateable and may
have control functions
Estación de maniobra Local push-buttons
Estación de marcha-paro Control station
Estado state the assigned range of
voltage, current, etc.,
corresponding to one of
the distinct recognisable
conditions of a digital
Factor de potencia Power factor the ratio of the total
active power to
apparent power both on
the a.c.side of a
Factor de saturación Saturation factor the ratio of the
saturated value of a
quantity under specified
conditions to its
unsaturated value
Fallo de tensión Loss of voltage a condition in which the
voltage is zero or near
zero at the supply
Falta a tierra Ground fault a fault caused by a
conductor connected to
earth or by the
insulation resistance to
earth which becomes
less than a specified
Fijación en pared Wall clamping
Filtro antipolvo Anti-dust filter
Fin de escala The maximum total
value of the scale
Final de carrera Limit switch
Fluctuación de tensión volt
Frequencia industrial Power frequency
Fuente de alimentación Power source
Fuerza de control torque

Fuerza electrodinámica Electrodynamic

Funda (cable) sheath the outer covering of a
cable. Its main function
is to provide protection
for the insulated
conductors which make
up the cable
Funda aislante Insulating cover
Fundirse Blow (to) Fuse, electric lamp,
Fusible A.P.R. High-breaking
capacity fuse
Gato elevador Lifting jack
Grapa de amarre (dispositivo Anchor clamp
para unir el cable al aislador)
Grapa de sujeción Fixture clamps
Grupo autónomo Self-powered group
Grupo de conexión Transformer vector transformers can be
group rewound to
accommodate different
voltages and varying
vector groups to suit
customer's specific
Grupo electrógeno Generating set
Harmónico Ripple
Herrajes fittings
Hilo de acero Steel wire
Hilo de cableado Hook up wire an insulated wire used
for low current,low
voltage (under 1000 V)
applications internally
within enclosed
electronic equipment
Hilo de cobre Copper wire
Homopolar homopolar Falta a tierra a través
de un cable de neutro
de un transformador
Hueco de tensión Voltage dip a sudden reduction of
the voltage at a point in
the electrical
system,followed by
voltage recovery after a
short period of
time,from a few cycles
to a few seconds
Imbricado overlapping
Impedancia equivalente Equivalent
Impendancia homopolar Zero-sequence of a polyphase winding;
impendance the zero-sequence
impedance may have
several values because
it depends not only on
the method of
connection of the
winding itself, but also
on the way in which the
other windings are
connected and on the
connections between
their neutrals and the
line terminals. For
example, for a two-
winding transformer, if
the second winding is
star-connected and has
a neutral terminal, two
impedances can be
defined depending on
whether the second
winding is unloaded, i.e.
no-load zero-sequence
impedance, or whether
its neutral terminal is
short-circuited with the
line terminals, i.e. short-
circuit zero-sequence
impedance. The zero-
sequence impedance
may be dependent on
the value of the current.
For auto-transformers,
other zero-sequence
impedances may be
considered,in particular
those obtained by
applying a voltage
between the input
terminals connected
together and the output
terminals connected
Inaflojable shakeproof
Índice de clase de precisión Accuracy class a number which
index characterises
accuracy class index for
relays is determined by
their reference limiting
error,expressed as an
absolute value
Ingreso de humedad Ingress of moisture
Instalación de alumbrado Lighting
Instalación de fuerza power This concept includes
motor control stations,
safety switches, welding
and socket outlets...
Instalación eléctrica Electrical facility
Instalación empotrada Flush mounting
Instituto de ensayo Trial institute
Intensidad de arranque Across-the-line
directo starting current
Intensidad de carga Charging current
desequilibrada intensity
Intensidad de corta duración Admisible short-
admisible time current
Intensidad de cortocircuito Short-circuit current The output current of a
photovoltaic generator
in the short-circuit
condition at a particular
temperature and

N.B. Los términos

empleados hacen
referencia al concepto
general. Cuando dicha
corriente se aplica
durante 1 o más
segundos la traducción
correspondiente es:
rated short-time
withstand current
Intensidad de falta a tierra Earth/ground fault a current caused by an
current accidental connexion
between a live part of
an electrical system and
Intensidad en vacío No load current
Intensidad nominal Rated current
Interruptor automático Automatic circuit-
Interruptor automático de Moulded case
caja moldeada circuit-breaker
Interruptor automático de Vacuum breaking
corte en vacío technology circuit-
Interruptor de acoplamiento Coupling circuit interruptor utilizado
breaker para acoplar dos redes
o dos partes de un
a circuit breaker used
for coupling two
Interruptor de contacto Tap switch
Interruptor de corte de aire Air circuit-breaker
Interruptor de enlace de Busbars coupling
barras circuit-breaker
Interruptor de tranferencia Transfer switch
Interruptor manual de corte On-load
en carga/ interruptor- disconnector switch
Interruptor marcha-parada On-off switch
Interruptor por chorro de aire Air blast circuit-
Interruptor rotativo Rotary switch
isócrono isochronous qualifying a time-
varying phenomenon, a
time-scale or a signal
the consecutive
significant instants of
which are separated by
time-intervals which all
have the same rated
duration or have rated
durations equal to
integral multiples of a
unit duration
Junta de estanqueidad gasket
Lampara de señal Signal lamp
Lámpara de señalización Monitoring/indicator
Lámpara de vapor de sodio Sodium vapour
Lámpara eléctrica Incandescent
incandescente electric lamp
Lámpara fundida Burnt-out lamp
Latiguillo de parcheo Patching hoses
Lazo/bucle loop
Lecho anódico Anode bed An anode bed consists
of grouped anodes
buried in soil. Anode
beds are used for
impressed current
cathodic protection
rather than for galvanic
Led Led (light emission
Limitador de sobretensiones Over-voltage
Línea de Alta tension HV line/power line
Línea de datos Data line línea de interfaz con el
nodo bidireccional
utilizada para transferir
datos hacia o desde un

for the purpose of the

slotted ring access
method,a bi-directional
node interface line used
in transferring the data
to or from a register.
Línea de fuerza Electrical supply
Lista de dimensiones Cutting list
Lumen lumen the luminous flux
emitted within unit solid
angle, steradian,
by a point source
having a uniform
luminous intensity of 1
Luminaria Lighting fixture an apparatus which
distributes, filters or
transforms the light
given by a lamp or
lamps and which
includes all the items
necessary for fixing and
protecting these lamps
and for connecting them
to the supply circuit
Mando maneta Rotary handles
Manguito de señalización ferrule
para cable
Manguito protector de cable Cable sleeve
Máquina auxiliar auxiliary
Masa ground the conducting mass of
the earth or a conductor
connected to it through
a very small
Masa eléctrica ground
Masilla plástica Plastic putty Para sellar
Mástil shaft
Material amagnético Non-magnetic
Material móvil Rolling stock
Mecanismo de bloqueo del Locking device a mechanical,electrical
grupo or other device for
preventing the
operation of a piece of
apparatus under certain
Media tension Medium-voltage
Medida en verdadero valor Root-mean-square
eficaz (RSM) value (RSM)
Mezcla alloy
Microrruptor microswitch
Modulo de corte Cutoff module
Modulo de corte y Cutoff and
aislamiento íntegro complete isolation
Montura antivibración Antivibration
Motor de inducción de jaula Squirrel cage an induction motor in
induction motor which a primary winding
on one member, usually
the stator, is connected
to the power source,
and a secondary cage
winding on the other
member, usually the
rotor, carries induced
Motor en marcha Running motor
Motor síncrono Synchronous motor a synchronous machine
for use as a motor
Música de espera (teléf.) Interval music
No emisor de humo No smoke
No propagador de llama Fire resistant
No-dúctil (metal) brittle
Nucleo core
Obturador shutter
Operador de centralita Swtchboard
Panel de alumbrado Lighting panel
Pantalla de cable Cable shield
Papel impegnado Impregnated paper obtained by treatment
with oils, waxes,
artificial resins, etc., in
such a manner as to
permeate it and give it
special qualities; used
largely for protective
wrapping and as
insulating material
Par de apriete Coupling torque/
Tightening torque
Pararrayo Lightning conductor
Parte conductora Conductive part a part which is capable
of conducting current
although it may not
necessarily be used for
carrying service current
Parte fija Stationary part
Parte viva/en tensión Live part en un equipo eléctrico,
cualquier parte o
elemento conductor
destinado a recibir y
transmitir energía
durante el uso normal.

any conductor or
conductive part
intended to be
energised in normal
use, including a neutral
conductor but, by
convention, not a PEN
Pasahilo Patch panels
Pasar corriente Inject (to) current
percutor striker mechanical device
forming part of a fuse
which, when the fuse
operates, releases the
energy required to
cause operation of
other apparatus or to
provide interlocking
Pérdida por dispesión Stray load loss Other losses in addition
to core, stator, rotor and
frictional losses, due to
leakage induced by
load current, design
flaws and manufacture
varables. They account
for 10% of total motor
Pérdida por efecto Joule Joulean loss
Pérdida por rozamiento con Windage loss
el aire
Pérdida total de carga Total loss of load
Pérdita de potencia Voltage drop
Periodo de integración Demand integration the time interval of an
period hour,e.g.half-
hour,etc.,over which the
electricity consumed is
integrated,in order to
determine the average
Pica de puesta a tierra Earth rod (EU)
Ground rod (US)
Pieza de adaptación Coupling-lightning
cabezal.mastil shaft
Pieza de fijación al poste Integrated spigot
Pintura temo-endurecida Thermoset paint
Placa base Guiding surface the guiding surfaces on
the bed of a machine
along which a table or
carriage moves
Placa de características nameplate
Plano acotado Dimensioned
Plano de conexionado Wiring diagram
Plano de interconesionado Connecting
Pletina de acero Steel flatbar
Pletina de Puesta a Tierra Grounding plates Rods (electodo en el
Poder de cierre Making capacity the value of prospective
making current that a
switching device is
capable of making at a
stated voltage under
prescribed conditions of
use and behaviour
Poder de cierre en Short-circuit making the making capacity for
cortocircuito capacity which the prescribed
conditions include a
short-circuit at the
terminals of the
switching device
Poder de corte Breaking capacity the value of prospective
breaking current that a
switching device is
capable of breaking at a
stated voltage under
prescribed conditions of
use and behaviour
Policlorulo de vinilo Polyvinyl chloride a thermoplastic material
composed of polymers
of vinyl chloride of great
resistance to water,
alcohols and
concentrated acids and
Poner a tierra Earth (to) (EU) to effect the necessary
Ground (to) (US) connections in order to
keep a given point of an
equipment, an
installation or a system
as close as practicable
to earth potential
Portafusible Fuse carrier/basis the movable part of a
fuse designed to carry
the fuse link
Posición abierto Open position the position in which the
clearance between
open contacts in the
main circuit of the
device is secured
Posición de operadora Attendant position a telephone
switchboard operator's
position.It provides
manual(plug and
jack)operator controls
for incoming and/or
outgoing telephone
Poste de brazo Bracket pole
Potencia Power the rate of transfer or
absorption of energy in
a system
Potencia activa Active power the ratio of the total
active power to
apparent power both on
the a.c. side of a
for sinusoidal voltage
and current, the real
part of the complex
power is the active
power. For periodic
non-sinusoidal voltage
and current, the active
power is the power of
the direct components
and of the active power
of the fundamental and
of the harmonics
Potencia aparente Apparent power
Potencia instalada Power capacity
Potencia nominal Rated power
Potencia reactiva Reactive power an imaginary part of the
complex power
Potencia/categoría/capacidad rating Se aplica normalmente
a un transformador
Prensaculata Yoke clamp
Prensaestopas Cable gland
Presión Sonora Sound pressure
Protección de Overcurrent the effect of a device
sobreintensidad protection operative on excessive
current but not
necessarily on short
circuit, to cause and
maintain the interruption
of current flow to the
device governed
Protección diferencial Differential
Proyector Lightflood
Prueba de funcionamiento General operating
Prueba de onda de choque Lighting impulse
Puente de comprobación Testing bonding bar
(protección contra rayos) (lightning
Puente de diodos Diode bridge
Puente de tiristor Thyristor bridge
Puente rectificador de diodos Diode rectifier
Puentear (corriente) Bridge (to)
Pulsador Push button
Pulsador de doble contacto, Sensitive/locked
contacto sensistivo/retenido double contacted
Pulsador de parada Stop button
Pulsador tipo seta Mushroom-head
lighting point
Punto de puesta a tierra Earthing point (EU)
Grounding log (US)
Punto doble Three-way light electrical light switch
switch that allows a light to be
turned on or off either of
two locations
Punto luz Lighting fitting
Pupitre Control desk
Radio de curvatura Bending radius the limitation of the
allowable curvature of a
(there are limits to the
bending radius, but the
jacket usually prevents
this being exceeded. As
thickness increases the
bending radius
Reactancia Control gear/ballast a device used with
discharge lamps for
stabilising the discharge
ballasts may be
resistive, inductive or
capacitive, or a
combination of these. A
ballast can, moreover
either alone or in
combination with a
starting device, be used
for starting the lamp.
The starting device may
be incorporated in the
Reactancia subtransitoria Sub-transient
Rearme automático Automatic reset Note: “to reset” is the
antonym of “to start”
Recorrido de cable Cable run
Rectificador rectifier
Red de electricidad Mains the system of pipes or
wires which carry water
or electricity into a
Red de neutro a tierra Network with all electricity leaving an
earthed neutral electrical substation
must return to that
substation in order to
complete a circuit.
Unless that circuit is
completed, electricity
will not flow. The current
leaves the substation
on a high voltage line
which eventually
connects to some
electrical "appliance."
After exiting the
"appliance" that current
must return to the
substation. The neutral-
grounded network
provides the returning
current two choices.
Either it can return via
the neutral line, which
accounts for the second
wire on our electrical
poles, or it can return
through the ground.
These two pathways
comprise the grounded-
neutral network.
Electricity flows through
the path of lowest
Red eléctrica Electric network
Electric power
Electrical system
Reductor de flujo Reducing flow
Regimen nominal de motor Rated duty
Regleta de conexión Connection block a base with terminals or
connecting strips used
to interconnect wires,
cables or cords
Regleta de enchufe Socket-outlet strips
for panels
Regleta de pruebas Test terminal strip
Regleta/regletero de bornas Terminal strip
regulación regulation modificación del valor
efectivo de una
magnitud variable para
mantenerla en un valor
predeterminado de
the modification of
the(effective)value of a
variable in order to
maintain it at a
predetermined value
Regulación/dor en vacío de X X positions off-load
escalones de tensión tap changer
Regulador elétronico Electronic regulator
Rejilla para luminaria Louver También apertura en
Relación de transformación Transformation ratio the ratio of the number
of turns in the
secondary windings of a
transformer to the
number of turns in the
primary windings
Relación de transformación Rated
de los transformadores transformation ratio
Relé auxiliar biestable Latching relay
Relé de disparo Tripping relay a relay controlling the
electromagnetic tripping
mechanism of a circuit
Relé de falta a tierra Ground detector
Relé de protección Protection a relay whose principal
device/protection function is to protect
relay service from interruption
or to prevent or limit
damage to apparatus
Relé de sobreintensidad de Time-dependent
tiempo dependiente overcurrent relay
Relé de tiempo dependiente Dependent-time a specified-time
measuring relay measuring relay for
which times depend, in
a specified manner, on
the value of the
characteristic quantity
Relé detector de paso de Fault detector relay
Relé en permanencia Permanent live
Relé en permanencia Permanent live
Relé estático Static relay an electrical relay in
which the designed
response is developed
by electronic, magnetic,
optical or other
components, without
mechanical motion
Relé homopolar Zero sequence
voltage relays
Relé temporizado Time-delay relay
Relleno de cable Cable filler the material used in
cables to occupy the
interstices formed by
the assembly of the
insulated conductors,
thus forming a cable
core of the desired
shape(usually circular)
Reloj astronómico Astronomical clock
Rendimiento efficiency
Reserva equipada Spare
resistencia Space-heater
Resistencia a tierra Grounding
Resistencia de aislamiento Insulation
Resistencia de Antiferroresonance
antiferroresonancia resistance
Resistencia de caldeo heater
Resistencia eléctrica Electric resistance in direct current, the
constant difference of
potential applied to the
ends of a conductor,
divided by the current it
produces when the
conductor has no
electromotive force
acting therein. It is
expressed in ohms
Restricción de carga Load shedding
Restricción de cargas Load shedding
Retardado (corriente) Lagging (current)
Rigidez dieléctrica Dielectric strength
Roseta (caja de conexión) Connection box
Rotor bloqueado Locked-rotor
Rótula de apoyo Jacking pad strong plate, usually
square, distributing
support of lifting jack
into surrounding
Rótulo de identificación Identification label
S/n As per needs
Salida del anillo Ring outgoing
feeder line
Sección recta circular Circular cross-
seccionador Disconnector switch
Seccionador de corte en On load Interruptor de corte en
carga disconnector switch carga es la misma cosa
que el seccionador.
Segregado (panel) Metal clad
selectividad selectivity
Selector selector
Selector giratorio Rotary selector
Silenciador silencer When large steam wells
are initially opened,
water and steam issue
accompanied by
considerable quantities
of rock fragments. After
the debris is
discharged, the steam
and water are usually
discharged horizontally
into a silencer to reduce
the tremendous noise.
Sin tension dead applying to a device or
circuit to indicate that a
voltage is not applied
Sin tensón frontal Deadfront Se dice de cuadro
Sinóptico Wall diagram an arrangement of
symbols representing
the current state of
switchgear and lines of
a substation or network
which may be
updateable and may
have control functions
Sistema de Alimentación Uninterrupted Sistema de
interrumpida Power Supply alimentación
(SAI) (UPS) ininterrumpida

a power supply that will

continue to operate
after the loss of AC
input power
Sistema de gestión Energy
Sistema de transferencia Switching system Interruptor que permite
la interrupción de una
línea dentro de un
cuadro en caso de fallo
en una parte de la
misma, garantizando de
esta manera que la
corriente siga pasando
en el resto.
Sistema de transferencia Automatic transfer
automática system
Sobretensión transitoria Current surge
Subestación elevadora Step-up substation transforming substation
in which the outgoing
power from the
transformers is at a
higher voltage than the
incoming power
suelo enrejillado (tramex) Supporting grid
Supresor de radio Suppressor of
interferencia radio-interference
Tabique de separación Separation plate
Tablero para distribución switchboard consists of an assembly
of apparatus on a
board, panel,
framework, etc.
consiste en el
ensamblado de un
cierto numero de
cortacircuitos, etc.) en
un tablero
Tapón plug
Tasa de distorsión armónica Voltage harmonic
de la tensión (% THD-V) / de distortion rate (%
la corriente (% THD-A) THP-V)/ Current
harmonic distortion
Temporización Time delay the total elapsed time or
lag required for a given
command to be effected
after the command is
Temporizado Time-controlled
temporizador timer instrument which
signals the end of an
interval of time or which
starts or stops a device
at predetermined time
Temporizador Time switch
Tendido al aire de cables Run open
Tension voltage
Tensión aplicada a frecuencia Power-frequency
industrial voltage
Tensión compuesta Voltage between
Tension constante Steady state
Tensión de aflojamiento Drop-out voltage
Tension de aislamiento Isolation voltage the maximum
voltage(AC or DC)that
can be continuously
applied between
isolated circuits without
a breakdown occurring
Tensión de choque Lighting impulse
Tension de control Control voltage a voltage across the
control terminals of a
Tensión de fase a neutro Voltage to neutral tensión entre un
conductor de fase de un
sistema trifásico y el
punto neutro teórico
the voltage between a
line conductor of a three
phase system and the
neutral point
Tension de mando Control voltage a voltage across the
control terminals of a
Tensión de prueba Test voltage
Tension de red Main voltage
Tensión entre fases Interlinked voltage
Tension nominal Nominal
Tensión nominal soportada a Lightning impulse
impulso de rayo
Tensión simple Voltage to earth tensión entre un
conductor de fase de un
sistema trifásico y la

the voltage between

any phase of a three
phase system and earth
Tension tope Ceiling voltage the maximum voltage
that a generator, under
operating conditions, is
required to supply at its
terminals for a limited
terminal Cable termination
Terminal de cable Cable terminal
Terminal de tierra Earthing terminal
Grounding lug
Terminales donde se Terminal strip
conectan los cables
Termómetro de dial Dial-type
Termometro de esfera Sphere termometer
Termómetro tipo quadrante Dial-type
termóstato Thermostat
Terna de cable A triple group of
Test de calentamiento Temperature-rise test undertaken to
test determine the
temperature-rise of one
or more parts of a
machine under
specified operating
Test de duración Life test a test to ascertain the
probable life, under
specified conditions, of
a component or device
(involving prolonged
operation of a device,
under near-normal or
overstress conditions,
usually to permit
assessment of the
probable period of
satisfactory operation of
other devices of the
same type)
tetrapolar quadripolar
Tierra Earth (British a conductive mass of
English) the earth, whose
Ground (American electric potential at any
English) point is conventionally
taken as zero
Tipo de arrollamiento Winding type
Toma auxiliar Convenience outlet
Toma de alumbrado Lighting outlet
Toma de conmutador tapping
Toma de corriente Socket outlet toma de donde se
extrae la corriente en
una fuente de

A mechanical electrical
connector. The socket is
also known as the
female connector
Toma de puesta a tierra Ground connection
Topología topology disposición física de los
distintos elementos que
componen una red, con
indicación de los
medios de enlace
utilizados entre nodos.

the structure of a
Tornillería Nuts and bolts
Tornillo Lug a termination, usually
crimped or soldered to
a conductor, that allows
connection to be made
with a retaining screw
Traceado eléctrico Electric heat tracing
Tramo de cable Segment of cable
Tramo de falta (de línea) Fault branch
Trampilla de acceso/ abatible Access trap/
Tranferencia automática Automatic
Transformador de Source transformer
Transformador de Current transformer
intensidad/de corriente
Transformador de medida Metering
Transformador seco Encapsulated dry-
encapsulado type transformer
Transformador trifásico Three-phase
Transformadores en llenado Hermetically sealed
integral en aceite transformers in
insulating oil
mineral bath
Transistor de Modulación de Pulse-width- a transistor utilised to
anchura de impulsos modulation give a squarewave
transistor output of variable
markspace ratio,
arranged to vary that
ratio according to an
analogue input to the
Trasformador de medida Instrument
Trazado de canalización Cable wireway
trenza Braid a woven metallic or
fibre layer applied over
wire or cable to act as a
protective barrier or
electrical screen
Trenzado Stranded/twisted
Trip (to) (relé) Desconectar
Tubería 1. conduit 1. a pipe or
2. duct passage for
water or
electrical wire to
go through

Unir/ajustar splice (to)

Váina de termómetro thermowell
Valor eficaz (RMS) Root-mean-square the square root of the
value mean of the squares of
the instantaneous
values of a quantity
taken over a specified
time interval,equal to a
period for a periodic
Variador de frecuencia Frequency
Variador de frecuencia Variable frequency
Variador de velocidad Speed variator a coupling device which
can be acted on in
order to vary the ratio of
the angular velocities of
a driving shaft and of a
driven shaft, or the ratio
of the available torques
on these shafts
Varilla de nivel de aceite Oil dipstick
Vcc (V coriente continua) Vdc (V direct
Velocidad de regimen Rated speed
Ventilador de regrigeración Cooling fan
Vida de diseño Design lifetime
Voltaje de salida Output voltage
VSAP (Vapor sodio alta HPSV

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