MOU Malay - Thai

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Assalamualaikum and good morning to all.

I’m here today to share with all of you my wonderful experience of being one of the participants
for the Malaysia – Thailand English & Cultural Exchange Programme which was held on
January 18th 2019 at SK Kenering, Gerik.

There were three schools involved excluding the hosting school with the school from Thailand,
Banmai Wankru. Two pupils were selected from our school for the programme, Nur Iman
Zakiah and I, Nur Alya that are both Year 5.

We went there with one of the PKG officer, En Azmi Bin Lop with his car and arrived at the
school at 9.00 in the morning. As we entered the school together with the delegation from
Thailand, we were welcomed with ‘kompang’ show from SK Kenering pupils.

Next, we all were escorted to the assembly point for silat and malay cultural dance
demonstration. The dancers danced gracefully while the silat practitioner amazed us with their
steps. Then, we took photos for remembrance.

The next slot started with speeches from the Headmaster of SK Kenering, followed by the
Deputy District Officer of Hulu Perak Education Office and continued with a speech from the
representative of the Thailand delegate.

The program went on with rendang cooking demonstration, angklung performance and choral
speaking from SK Kenering pupils. Then the Thais’ pupil took the stage with singing
performance. It then ended with Memorandum of Understanding signing between the three
schools from Malaysia and the Thailand school. This marked a collaboration effort between
the twos in learning the different cultures from both countries as well as enhancing the
competency of English through diverse future activities, which will be planned later on.

Later on, we were accompanied to visit booths, which had been set up by the hosting school
on a variety of malay’s folk games and cuisines. I had been given a chance to try at the games
and tasted the food. The food were really amazing and I was also able to test my skill in playing
the games there. Apart from that, I was also lucky to be able to mingle with friends not only
from different country, the Thais but as well as the pupils from the different school in my district,
which I had not known before. Before we ended, we group up again and took more photos to
mark the brilliant day that we had.

All of us then were taken for lunch and dismissed afterwards.

Overall, I had a very interesting experience throughout the program and really enjoyed it.

Thanks for lending me your ears.

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