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Adm : good afternoon, can I help you?

P : I want to control my pregnancy

Adm : okay, please register first here, do you have BPJS?
P : oh yes, I have. This is my BPJS card
Adm : with mrs. Anisa, 28 years old, the address is on Jalan Harsono. Is it true ?
P : yes that's right
Adm : This is the number of the queue, please go to the table in the corner there
P : Okay, where is the toilet next to mom?
Adm : from here mrs straight, then turn left
P : thank you mom
Adm : you’re welcome

N : Mrs. Anisa, 28 years old

P : (approaching the nurse)
N : Sit down please.
Please roll the sleeve. I will check your blood pressure
P : yes
N : Maternal blood pressure in the normal range is 100/70 mmHg
P : Alhamdulillah
N : Now the time is weighed . The yield is 56 kg.
P : Waw, goes up 1 kg
N : how many months have you been pregnant?
P : I just tested the pregnancy yesterday
N : So it's your first time checking. Well, now you go to the KIA room, right?
P : Okay sus, thank you
N : you’re welcome

P : excuse me ma'am
M : oh yeah, please come in
P : (seated)
M : how are you today ?
P : Alhamdulillah (smile)
M : Check for the first time ?
P : Yes ma’am, yesterday my test pack continued the results were positive
M : What complaints do you have at this time?
Q : lately I often feel weak and tired quickly
M : okay, I complete the mother's data

(After history and other physical examination)

M : from the results of the current examination of 8 weeks of maternal pregnancy,
the pregnancy in the mrs womb has not been palpable. Usually in 12 weeks new
pregnancy will be palpable.
P : oh yeah, ma'am
M : For complaints of weakness in pregnancy it is natural, I give you a tablet of
added blood and vitamins. Can you take it in medicine?
P : Thank you ma’am
M : You’re welcome, the next control is next month or anytime if you have a
P : okay ma’am

Mother queues to take medicine

P2 : Have you checked pregnant ?

P : yes ma'am, have you been queuing from the ma'am?
P2 : It's been around 10 minutes, it looks like it's coming soon.
P : it's quite a long time
P2 : yes, how many months have you been pregnant?
P : my pregnancy is currently around 2 months
P2 : Wow, there must be a lot of complaints
Q : Now I often feel weak
P2 : Is there nausea and vomiting or not?
P : No ma’am, it's just limp
P2 : Alhamdulillah, it means that the meal is still free
P : (smile)
P2 : Good health, I was first

A : Mrs. Anisa, 28 years old

P : yes ma'am
A : This is the vitamin, you drink it twice a day
P : What vitamins are you ma’am?
A : This is for appetite enhancer
P : okay ma’am
A : This blood booster is taken once a day
P : drink it morning, noon, or night, ma'am?
A : You can at any time, but it is recommended at night for better absorption
P : good ma'am
A : If so, please initial it here
P : thank you ma’am
A : You’re welcome

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