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Ragging is a systematic ritual physical and psychological of

freshmen or other juniors by their seniors in an educational
set up with the purported intent of socially inducting the
newcomers into the group. Ragging has positive effect on
the personality of the fresher. It helps in the interaction
between the senior and fresher. It’s a great fun. Ragging is
conducted during a fixed period in most institutions, which
may range from one day to the whole year. Once this period
is over, 'seniors' suddenly become friends: the beginning of
this new relationship is often a "fresher’s party", where in
some traditions, the freshers may rag their seniors. Seniors
then go out of their way to help the freshers they “ragged”;
almost becoming their guardians. This generalisation may
not always be true. In any event, innumerable freshers under
severe stress may have left the system by now, or may be
suffering from serious Psychological trauma, which continues
to take its toll through post-traumatic stress disorders.
Occasionally, there may have been physical injury, or some
may even commit suicide. Ya….guys there some harmful
result of ragging, but even a lots of benefit. I think it should
not ban totally. By the way guys do you know in UK ragging
is called by fagging and in USA hazing.

College life is very important in every body's life because it not only
determines the future of a person but also is a time when most
students understand the realities of life. But, do all students enjoy
their campus life? According to the Sri Lankan universities, none of
the students enjoy their campus life at least till the end of their first
year. This is mainly because of ragging. What is ragging? Does it
have any advantages? Is it important to a freshmen student? Well,
these are the questions to which the Sri Lankan society is looking the
answers for.

What is ragging? Ragging means causing, inducing, compelling or

forcing a student, whether by way of a practical joke or otherwise, to
do any act which detracts from human dignity or isolates his person
or exposes him to ridicule or to forbear from doing any lawful act, by
intimidating, wrongfully restraining, confining or injuring him or by
using criminal force to him or by holding out to him any threat of such
intimidation, wrongful restraint, confinement, injury or the use of criminal force. In plain English, it means

plain bullying a new student. There are two kinds of ragging, one is verbal and the other is physical. Usually,

the effect of verbal ragging is less

Ragging helps to learn about the seniors it is useful only when the junior takes as a part of enjoyment

The one advantage is that the student getting into the professional college is very much different from
the school life. the student after giving ragging is not so much worried . he is then in confident.

A healthy ragging...helps you open up to your seniors and makes you a sport...........become popular
among the batch and the seniors.......increases your circle of friends!

'There have been many instances where ragging has turned out to be
brutal, cruel and vulgar,' Thomas said, pointing out that a girl
student in Kerala was allegedly raped by her seniors in a nursing
college about a month ago.

'Students who go through these kind of cruelties sometimes commit

suicide or become mentally disturbed. Most of them do not want to
continue their studies. This has to be curtailed,' Thomas demanded.

'The practice of ragging is against our culture. It is a barbaric

and brutal action,' he said, asking the speaker to earmark a special
time when Lok Sabha could discuss the issue.


Shalini Iyengar , G.D.Birla Centre For Education, Class IX Co-educational schools are
an integral part of our modern day world. Living in a society where mingling with myriad
people is very essential, exclusive girls and boys schools are an outdated concept. When
boys and girls study together, it helps to further the idea of equality of sexes and teaches
us how to interact easily with members of the opposite sex. Having studied in both co-
education and all girls exclusive schools, I can definitely say that co-educational students
often turn out to have better rounded personalities and find themselves at ease both
socially and professionally. Suvinay Dash , St. James School, Class IX I think exclusive
boys school is somewhat irrelevant in today’s dynamic world. I have studied throughout
in co-education in Mumbai and its just been two months that I have been in exclusive
boys school. The students especially the boys are better disciplined and far more well-
mannered in the school premises at co-education. They cannot indulge in nasty pranks
and bad behaviour when they study along with members of the opposite sex and are
bound to maintain a certain code of conduct. Another advantage that they have over
students of exclusive boys school is that they tend to interact with girls more easily. The
boys from exclusive boys school might not be comfortable with members of the opposite
sex and hesitate in their interaction with girls at later stages in college or at the
professional level. Puja Hansalia , M. B. Girls H.S. School, Class XI In the changing
times where girls have proved that they are equal to boys in every field of life, co-ed
system of education helps members of both sexes to be better groomed. The atmosphere
in a good co-ed school provides a platform for continuous interaction and communication
which is very essential when one is planning a professional career.Apart from two-three
co-ed school, there are hardly any good co-education schools here, which I feel is very
sad for students in the city. Its not that we don’t get to interact with members of the
opposite sex. We do have inter-school events where we get together but I still feel that a
co-ed system is better. Pratyush Sureka , La Marteniere for Boys, Class XI Co-
education schools are obviously better than exclusive boys or girls school as it gives
members of both the sexes a better forum to interact with each other. Not only
professionally, it helps the individuals to make a better choice when it comes to choosing
life partners. I have been lucky to study in a school where we can interact with girls of
our counter-part school. In exclusively boys school some boys tend to be hesitant in
communicating directly with females. But in today’s competitive world it is impossible to
be successful without interacting with members of the opposite sex. The overall
development of a student is much better in a co-ed school.

co education has several advantages:

Co educated girls & boys are less shy over each other than others.
Co education improves confidence to interact with opposite gender.
Co educated people get more competitive mind than others.

They are much helpfull to each other, also they have strong friendship bond.
It develops gud communication skills which is of major concern these days.

Better behavior in the classroom!

Assertiveness in the classroom!

A higher percentage of girls also lowers the amount of classroom disruption

and fosters a better relationship between students and their teachers.

1.Dear Dahiya Saab, Recently there has been incidents in haryana where
girl's were physically abused in schools. Due to some similar incidents
Delhi Govt went a step ahead when It decided to transfer all the male
teachers from Girls school run by it in the NCT( thought it has not been
implimented as yet).....However I am in favour of Co-education because
of the following reasons:

1. Boys and Girls have thier own natural traits.Boys become aware of
girls' abilities and vice versa. A spirit of co-operation and competition
thrives in the co-educational system. For Example Girls learn risk-taking
attitudes from boys, which help them to venture outside their comfort
levels of learning.

2. Concern about Literacy: The ppl who are now protesting against Co
Education also raises concerns abt spreading literacy specially for the
girl child. (here I don't mean that literacy can only be spread thru Co
education, but we have more co ed schools now a days then purely Boys
or Girls school. Also just assume that a girl has passed her class 10th
exam form a neighbourhood co ed school and now she wants to continue
her education by going to a higher school bet there is no +2 school in
the vicinity and the parents are adamant on sending their daughter to a
girls school then in that situation they might decide to discontinue her
education, speically poor parents)

1.Co-Education is very importatnt in one's social and pshycological

development. It not only makes one more confident but also provides
better communication and inter-personal skills.

I belive people who study in a particular sex school are at a disadvantage

compared to people in co-ed schools.

It also has immense advantages in term of societal values and


In most part of world, most of people would agree that both boys and girls should
attend high school. However, the question is whether the high school should be
co-educational or a single-sex school. A coeducational high school offers the
best education for both sexes.

First of all, it is natural environment. As we know, the real world consists of both
sexes. Why not at school? If not, boys and girls can’t prepare for society. If they
are separately educated, they will be interested in the opposite sex too much.

Coeducation can provide both sexes an equal opportunity. Boys and girls can
participate in same classes and activities. On the contrary, at a single sex school,
girls are discouraged to compete with boys intellectually.
It is essential for both sexes at high school age, to get each other as classmates,
not as dates. First of all, experiments of learning together help both sexes to
break stereotypes and to deepen their understanding of each other. Secondly,
difficult situations about sex, like sexual harassment, happen because of

As everyone agrees, learners at high school age have not matured yet.
Therefore, they have a lot of flexibilities in their identities, ideas, and concepts. If
boys and girls miss chances to know each other adequately at that critical period,
they can’t reach the ultimate goal, real equal partnership between male and
female, in their future.


Nowadays, there are a large number of people that practice vegetarianism in the
world. According to recent research, more and more people are opting for a
vegetarian diet. They have concluded that it is nothing to lose. In addition the
vegetarian can contribute with the environmental and bring the benefits to
animal. People really think that to be a vegetarian is difficult, impossible, not safe
enough, can lose to much weight, etc.

Contrarily it is pretty easy and safe to be a vegetarian. For people that have not
know idea about vegetarianism should read before making their conclusions or
exchange or not their diet. In other words, people won’t believe how much they
will learn about nutrition, vegetables, grains, greens, vitamins and fruits.
Vegetarians are always in a good healthy and also in a good shape instead of

Reading about vegetarianism people will notice ho many diseases they can
avoid. Diabetics for example, there are three or four times more frequently on
meat eater. Furthermore heart disease is the number one killer in the USA.

People don’t know why meat cause health problems. Animals are created in
factory farms with less spaces than they need. Therefore, they are obligated to
live with their feces. In contrast with their natural lives. Also the antibiotics and
pesticides are sprayed on feed and on the animals themselves. This animal
products are very dangerous for human.

Vegetarianism it is not just a style of life as lot of people think it. To be a

vegetarian people just need to think in their health. On the other hand, they will
bring benefit to animals and help the ecology.
Co-education means the education of boys and girls in same school,colleges or
universities. This is a modern concept and has brought remarkable change in the
sociesties. It was first introduces in Switzerland, but now it has become popular almost in
all Europe and America.
The supporters of this system favour the system mainnly on two grounds,one economical
and other sociological.In first place they says that co-education is an economical measure
for poor countries like India,Pakistan and many others.

It is not possible for poor countries to build seperate colleges for both sexes as it requires
a lot of capital.A lot of money is required to build libraries,labortaries and the whole
building of a college or university.
In second place people claims that when both sexes will study in same class rooms their
confidene level will increase and the relation between both sexes will deepen and
strengthen its roots and that will be benificial for both sexes in their future life.
When the both sexes will study together the environment will be totaly changed, boys
will become less coarse and girls less morbid and that will be benificial for bith sexes.
More over, this type of system will blow the spirit of fight in getting more numbers
so,there will be more competetion and more intellectuals will be produced.
When both sexes will spend time in same class they will be able to understand their
natures and that will be helpful when they will .marry.
To educate both sexes under the same roof will require number of teachers and that will
be much better from the economic point of view.
When both sexes will be teached in same class room the fence of shyness will be
removed and will encourage both sexes to talk and discuss matters freely and confidently.
On the other hands some people have different opinion they claims that this system will
bring vulgarity and obscenity in the society. they claims that youth is blind ,so both sexes
should not be teached under same roof. They says that both sexes in their teen ages when
they meet freely , there are chances that they may become the victims of thier
emotions.They claims that this type of educations will remove the necessary distance
between the two sexes and that can be harmfull.
In the end onc can conclude that in some situations this system of education is necessary
but in some situations not.

Every coin has two sides, and my eye approaches to both of those silvery shiny sides,
the positivity of coeducation is that a person learns how to interact and deal with other
people and he/she develops her interpersonal skills which becomes a strong stivk to an
old man when he/she enters the professional life because in that period of your life it is
not necessary that you are only going to deal with girls if you are a girl or boys if you are
a boy.... The time shows every mirror so its better to be trained from earlier
The negative aspect is engaging in some non required activities like mostly in
coeducation girls and boys are found hanging around those cafes and pubs bunking the
classes and this all stinks.....

What is co-Education

Co-Education means the teaching of both boys and girls in the same school and

under the same roof. It also means imparting the same education to both the sexes

without any distinction. This system of education aims at bringing boys and girls

together. It allows free mixing of sexes without any inhibition.

The great Greek philosopher, Plato had propagated the system of co-education in

the ancient times. He believed that co-education will create a feeling of

comradeship between boys and girls. Plato was a great supporter of the education

of women. Therefore, he wanted them to be educated with men in the same

institutions. He felt that if men and women are taught together, it will develop their

personality to the maximum. They will not feel any shyness from each other. He

advocated that it was the only method in which both could become useful members

of the society.

Plato in reality was much influenced by the co-educational system of Sparta, a city

of Greece. There the boys and girls were given both the academic and physical

education together. The girls and boys studied and played together. They were both

taught the art of fighting, horse riding, archery etc. Thus the women of Sparta were

not in any inferior to men.

In ancient India also, there was no segregation between boys and girls in the Aryan

society. In the modern times, co-educational system is prevalent in Europe and USA.
In India also, now-a-days more and more co-educational schools and colleges are

being established.

Advantages of Co-Education

There are many advantages and hardly any disadvantages in the co-educational

system of education. The first advantage is that if boys and girls are taught

together, there will not be any need for opening separate schools for boys and girls.

Co-education is an economical system, because both boys and girls can study in

same schools and they can be taught by the same staff.

Secondly, boys and girls have to live together in the society in their later lives and if

they are taught together from the very beginning, they can understand each other

well. The girls will not feel shy in the presence of boys. The boys will also not tease

the girls.

Again if they are taught together, it will create a sense of healthy competition

among them. In this manner, they will work hard and pay serious attention to their

studies. A feeling of comradeship will also develop between the boys and girls. The

boys will not indulge in in eve-teasing and the girls will bot be afraid of boys. Thus

they will have a balanced development of their personality.

It is also a common experience that the boys behave decently in the company of

girls. They do not use rough and abusive language in the presence of girls. They also

dress properly and talk mannerly. Similarly, the girls will also lose their fear of the

boys if they are taught with them. On the other hand if boys and girls are taught in

separate schools, boys misbehave with the girls. they boys always have a curiosity

to know about them. But when they study together, their curiosity is satisfied and

they do not consider girls as strange creatures.

Thus if co-education is introduced, there will be no problem of discipline among the

students. In the western countries, there is no separation between boys and girls in

the schools.

Dis-advantages of Co-Education

Of course

certain conservative people criticize the system of co-education. According to them, this
system is against our tradition. They also fear that co-education will develop immoral
relationships between boys and girls. They believe that in this system both the boys and girls
will be spoilt. But these arguments do not hold much water.

The fact is that there are so many advantages of co-education when boys and girls have to
live later on as husband and wife, there is no need of separating them in schools. Rather it will
give them the opportunity to come close to each other and understand each other fully. We
should not believe in the morality of the medieval ages. The world is changing fast today and
women are being given an equal status with men in the society. Let us, therefore accept the
changing order and open more and more co-educational institutions in future and say good
bye to separate institutions.

Bribery, a form of pecuniary corruption, is an act implying money or gift given that
alters the behavior of the recipient. Bribery constitutes a crime and is defined by Black's
Law Dictionary as the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of any item of value to
influence the actions of an official or other person in charge of a public or legal duty. The
bribe is the gift bestowed to influence the recipient's conduct. It may be any money,
good, right in action, property, preferment, privilege, emolument, object of value,
advantage, or merely a promise or undertaking to induce or influence the action, vote, or
influence of a person in an official or public capacity.

one must be careful of differing social and cultural norms when examining bribery.
Expectations of when a monetary transaction is appropriate can differ from place to
place. Political campaign contributions in the form of cash, for example, are considered
criminal acts of bribery in some countries, while in the United States they are legal.
Tipping, for example, is considered bribery in some societies, while in others the two
concepts may not be interchangeable. In some Spanish-speaking countries, bribes are
referred to as "mordida" (literally, "bite"); in Arab countries they are Backshish or
Bakshish. However, Bakshish is more akin to tipping and is socially permissible. French-
speaking countries often use the expressions "dessous-de-table" ("under-the-table"
commissions), "pot-de-vin" (literally, "wine-pot"), or "commission occulte" ("secret
commission" or "kickback"). While the last two expressions contain inherently a negative
connotation, the expression "dessous-de-table" can be often understood as a commonly
accepted business practice (for instance, on the occasion of a real estate transaction
before the notary, a partial payment made between the buyer and seller; needless to say,
this is a good way to launder money). In German the common term is Schmiergeld
("greasing money"). In certain Scandinavian countries, the expression "mutbrot"
(litterally, "butter-bread") is quite commonly used and does not have the same negative
connotation as "bribe", even though according to the Transparency International
corruption perception index, corruption would be rare in that part of the world.

An India-Pakistan encounter, be it hockey or cricket, is

more about the mind than sport. Given the political
equation and relationship between the two Asian
neighbours, it is but natural that the tensions and pressures
arising from such extraneous situations spill on to the
sports field.
As such, Sunday’s contest between the two in the 12th men’s Hockey World Cup
would be a battle of wills and not just another match.

The respective team coaches would no doubt be counselling their wards on the need to
maintain calm and not allow emotions to influence their on-field action. Like it or not, it
has never been the case whenever India and Pakistan met on a hockey pitch where often
the exchanges turn physical.

Although both camps sound diplomatic ahead of Sunday’s game, the feeling within will
be one of trepidation, anxiety and of course, high tension.

‘It is never easy to play Pakistan. There is always an element of fear of failure because
of factors that are totally unconnected to sport. We in the Indian team were under
tremendous pressure going into that game, and it has always been so,’ recalled Mir
Ranjan Negi, the Indian goalkeeper in the 1982 Asian Games final that Pakistan won 7-1
at the National Stadium, now renamed after Dhyan Chand.

That is one game that no Indian player who had participated in it would like to be
reminded of. The defeat still rankles among fans of that generation. Nearly 14 years after
that final, Negi, when asked to don the pads for an international veterans’ game against
Pakistan in Dubai, was a bundle of nerves. The Pakistan veterans team contained
virtually the same members as of the 1982 squad – Islahuddin, Kalimullah and
Samiullah, to name a few.

Thus, the Sunday night contest promises to be yet another block-buster and a no-holds
barred battle of the sticks. Although off the field, the rival players enjoy a healthy
relationship, it is different matter when they don the national colours and face each other
on the ground.

As for the supporters of either team, it is a question of surviving 70 minutes without

suffering a heart-attack. Often, the spectators work themselves into a frenzy that is born
out of anxiety. Even the hardened sub-continental souls in the media enclosure are prone
to get emotional, for it is an experience that defies description. The passion is infectious.

On their part, the Indian players have always been wary of Pakistan’s special ability to
fight back. For the men from across the border, the moments of magic that Indians can
produce can turn them from heroes to villains as was the case on that balmy winter
evening in Chennai in 1995.

The occasion was the 1995 SAF Games final in Chennai. The stadium was overflowing
hours before the commencement of the game. The tension was palpable. The
temperatures rose by the minute as the early evening sun blazed on the brand new

Pakistan were at full strength, virtually the same team that had won the World Cup in
Sydney the previous year with India having finished a creditable fifth. In the Pakistan
line-up were such stalwarts as midfielder Tahir Zaman, forwards Kamran Ashraf and of
course, skipper Shahbaz Ahmed, undoubtedly the finest ball player of his generation.
Facing them were skipper Pargat Singh, centre-half Mohammed Riaz, and forwards
Dhanraj Pillay, then at his peak, and Mukesh Kumar.

The setting was perfect. After surviving early Pakistani attacks, India struck twice in two
minutes. Pillay scored from a penalty corner in the 18th and Mukesh found the boards
from another set-piece in the 19th. The noise in the stadium was deafening.

Into the second half, the Indians were at their flowing best. Pillay struck twice more from
two spectacular moves the spread-eagled the Pakistani defence. Mukesh made it 5-0 in
the 56th from a penalty corner. Pakistan marked their presence with Zaman and Ashraf
finding the net in the last five minutes before the hooter went to set off unprecedented
celebrations on and off the pitch.

Long time followers of the sport rate the SAF final as among the best matches between
the two in a tournament in the sub-continent. There have been other encounters that have
produced some dazzling hockey, but for India, the SAF Games gold medal match
remains a benchmark as it was one outing where everything clicked for the hosts. There
was cohesion and fluidity in the ranks never seen before or since.

Riaz, who played a lead role in controlling the flow from midfield, said it was one of the

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