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Paper #1: Personal reflection

The word death and dying are two side of one coin. Like the one between the body and the

mind. therefore, Death comes once in life and gets finished, but dying can be cause of any

incomplete dream, there are difference way of societies express death such as language, music,

media and literature. The individual perception of death by runs on different understanding of

cultural and religious perspective. My common reason of thinking about death and dying are: -

when I was seriously ill, when I lost family, friends and relatives. In this paper I will explain the

factors surrounding about the awareness of social as it pertains to death and dying indicating in

my life experience that related to the culture and religious practice what I have viewed since my

childhood up to know. And the stage of psychosocial development

Death and dying related with culture

the perception of death is the cultural and religious interpretation of the actual time for

acceptable death and dying. Every culture has its own set of beliefs that describe how to

people approach to the death. Culturally expression of death can be different from place

to place. For example, I observed that people’s acceptance of death in USA differ from

Africa. Because of the influence of culture and technology. In case of culture people may

find death more tolerable if they believe in a life after death. and some people believe that

the spirit of someone who has died directly influences the living family members. For

example, family members are comforted by the belief that their loved one is watching over

them. Therefore, Death has its own routine and procedure to help people with the grieving

process. Death and dying can create a sense of anarchy and confusion in the daily life of
family. During this time, society support the bereaved family by economically and ideally.

Traditionally, society save money just only for this purpose is called “Edir” They have their

own system to save money each month. Everyone who has above 18 years old should

be register as a membership and pay monthly payment regularly. This money never be

refundable if someone move out from the membership, but it used for only death and

dying process. Therefore, society adjusted to How people care for people as they

approach death. and what ceremonies are performed at the moments before and after

death. and How a person's body is handled after death. This includes how the person's

body is cleansed and dressed, who handles the body, and whether the body is buried or


Accepting death is so, difficult, because it is the last chance. after death, nobody

come back on earth. In my life, I had difficult time. When I was very young, I lost my dad

and mom at different time. My dad passed when 8 years old. Currently, I didn’t care about

anything. Because my mom alive and I didn’t have any idea about death and, he passed

away accidentally. My family told me he come back one day. I couldn’t remember the

situation what happened. However, I knew everything when my mom was dying. I was 14

years old and she was sick for two years. I had learned a lot of things at this time about

the importance of society, culture and what is the side effect of culture. I couldn't accept

her death. It was very difficult for me, before and after death. Before death, I didn’t believe

until her breathing stop. I didn’t prepare myself. This is negative side of our culture,

because we took her hospital. Doctor told us “she will die soon.” however, we couldn’t

accept him. I remembered that i asked him who are you? you are not god. He was

smiling. because I was under the influence of traditional culture. We took her to hospital
at the final stage. Some cultures are against the modern technology. Still know I am regret

about my mom. Because, she got traditional treatment instead of hospital treatment.

Because of the influence of the culture. I had bad memory about this. However, I

appreciate it about the society that helped us financially and ideally during grief time. After

death of my mom, the society play great role to change my life back to the normal. Still I

am member of that society. I pay my ‘EDIR’ on time. Because one of my family or me will

die here we need to go back our dead body to our society they will taker of us. finally, my

advice that People must adapt the beliefs and values of their culture to meet their unique

needs and circumstances.

Death and dying related with religion

Religion is the set of beliefs, feelings, and practices that relations between human beings.

Different kind of religion in the world. Some religions have developed starting from a

revelation based on the exemplary history of a nation, of a prophet taught an ideal of life.

Some religion believers believe that life can exist after death and some believer believe that

there is no life after death.

death is interpreted in numerous ways in all religions. For example, my religion is

Islam. I believe that I have two life. The one is Before death and other after death.

Before death means life on earth that temporary and short. During this time, life

become complicated. Because I know that I must have to do a lot of things within

short time. Currently if i do good or I follow prophet principles correctly I will go to

Heroine. If I don’t follow the principle of my religion, I will go to the hell instead of

going to the heroine. According to the religion, the definition of death in my religion
soul separate from the body. After separation soul go to hell or heroine that decide

by your activity during alive time and the rest of body change to soil.

the methods for disposing of the dead body when someone approach to the

death in Islam: - family and friends give comfort to the individual and recite from the

Qur’an, thereby reminding one of God’s mercy and forgiveness. Upon death, the

near and dear ones are encouraged to stay calm and consider the loss as God’s will

because He is the one who gives life and takes it away. After death, there are no

complicated rituals, and the body is washed and wrapped in a shroud for burial as

soon as possible, preferably within 24 hours, in order to avoid embalming.

the acceptance of this religion is a big difference in my life. Because when I was

teenager, I couldn’t read “qur’an” myself. I listened my family orally. Because of this

I didn’t believe that the existence of life after death. but now, I believe 100% the

existence of life after death. I can read “qur an” and understand everything well.


All living things are universality followed by death. In traditional cultures death can express by

different ways. death is often a natural and familial occurrence. The dying and dead are cared for by

their own family and children are not only close observers of this but are often active participants in

any society. In some instances, a person’s experience of grief may be at odds with cultural

norms. For example, someone who is quiet and reserved may not feel comfortable crying in

public as expected. Others may have a level of despair that feels out of step with cultural

beliefs about life after death. Despite cultural norms, people need to grieve in ways that feel
right to them. socialization is the most important for involves actively attempting to change

people’s perception.

I am believing about the meaning of death and dying help me to make sense of

secrecy. Islam believes in continued existence of the soul with transformed physical

existence and a Day of Judgment. deciding eternal destination of the human

beings to Paradise and Hell.

Paper #2: Current Events Paper Disasters

Disaster is unexpected event that caused by natural phenomena like,

dangerous weather and human activities, such as chemical spills, airplane

crashes, fires, building collapse etc. it disrupts the functioning of society’s

health, material, economy and environmental losses that exceed the society’s

ability to cope using its own resources. Most of the time disasters affect

developing country than developed country. Because developing country has

lack of awareness or readiness to reduces the impact of disaster. However

developed country has their own plane to protect disaster. This plane used

them as signals and indicators of both natural and man-made threats. such as

typhoons, flooding, the precursors of famine and stirrings of conflict, so we can

anticipate and reduce the impact of a humanitarian emergency.

When People live through a disaster can experience emotional distress. Feelings of

anxiety, constant worrying, and trouble sleeping. During this time, people need get first

aid, food, shelter, medical care, and counseling. I remembered 2002, sudden natural
disaster, water flood. 2000 people displaced, they were under risk and 500 people was

died. I was participated that situation to help them. I observed a lot of horrible things.

Some people need first aid, but majority of people need additional support to cope and

move forward on the path of recovery. I learned from that situation, anyone can be at

risk at any time. Therefore, everyone should be preparing themselves protect from

disasters including medical. I love America because of this, everything can have


To be aware about the disaster is good before, during, and after the event. Most

people are careless about disaster including me because I don’t download emergency

number in my phone, I don’t have family plan disaster plan red cross. Even if some time

I don’t check the weather. For minor thing, you should pay more or sometime lose life.

Especially for health everyone should be aware and be prepare for protect from the

disaster. disasters affect thousands of people each year They are often unexpected and

can leave whole communities in shock. Communities can decrease the risk of injury and

death by taking precautionary measures to lessens the impact of potential disaster.

discussion 1

Death and dying will happen for everyone and are so difficult to accept and handle to the

consequence. However, society can handle by culturally and religiously. From the death never get

profit. It is always losing. As I mentioned in paper one, I will never forget that happened in my life
during the death of my mom. I was losing my mom, but I got benefit from the society. Society

means the agent of socialization that contain family, school friends, and religion practices. they

helped me financially and morally that in order to get power to accept her death. This is culturally

obligation and continuous generation to generation in in the society. Death and dying are Recyling

for everyone because of this, society have their own rule and regulation to handle of this. I am

proud of this culture I learned a lot of things such as how to handle and accept death, the important

of participate in the society and religious practices.

Everything has its own season, time to be born and time to die as well as time for happiness
and sadness. Finally, time for every matter under heaven or hell. Thank you everyone for being
here today in the grieving process of my mother. I may acknowledge and share my joy in the gift
that her life was to me and my sickness that her death brings. I would like to share her personality,
hobbies and her relationship with the others
She was 61 years old when she passed away. It was hard to me to accept her death. I wish
I had more time to spend with her. It was not enough for me to stay with her. I didn’t get any
chance to help her, I wish I had. She was creating me next to god and she gave to me expressive
life. I were sleeping in her stomach for almost 9 months when I was infant, and I was one part of
her body. It is hard to accept mom death. The pain like loose of one part of our body or organ. I
wish all mom must longer and rest at peace in heaven. I wish that so much of her life had not
been lost to her illness, that things could have been different for her. While I know that she is at
peace and that her struggles are at an end, there is pain and sadness. But even though she is
gone, she has left the legacy of her love and perseverance. The ways she touched my life will
remain. I promised to keep those her memories alive by sharing with one another's.
I have plane to write book regarding my mother’s life, I always knew that she is an amazing,
generous and kind woman. She had six children including me. Her husband passed away 20 years
before her. She was a single mom for 20 years. She can marry but, she paid scarifies for us. All
children are too young, especially me I was the youngest from all her children. Now we grow up
and we have good life. She was happy when she saw us, everyone has built their own family. She
was the base of our life. Her role was as a mother and father. Her responsibility was more than
anyone. I can say she was a role model of all mom confidentially. Now in our mind she drew her
strength and left her legacy. she was a very sensitive and compassionate person. She loved her
family and friends very deeply. We were taught strong values and the importance of family, faith,
hard work, kindness, tolerance, generosity, forgiveness and love. She was a strong woman,
stubborn, gentle but direct and had an amazing sense of humor. However, her life had many
obstacles, and she struggled for 2 years with a devastating illness. Yet through it all, her love and
caring for her family remained her focus. finally, she is gone and left us.
She had excellent social interaction, and everyone love her. She was a generous, loving,
supportive and unselfish woman who always put other people before herself. She was charitable,
giving, considerate and kind. She was always involved in something that happened in the society.
She has positive attitude for everyone. I didn’t remember her negativity. All the time her hobbies
was helping poor people financially and ideally. She was sharing her experience for a single mom
as well as hare her idea as a counselor for how to manage their life helping their family.
Sometimes she stuck her nose into things that were none of her business, but I know her motives
were never malicious. She had the gift of gab and somehow was able to have complete strangers
share their life story with her within their very first conversations – she truly had a
compassionate, open heart. My mother cared deeply for everyone she knew, whether you were
her family, friend or a member of the community. She was always willing to help someone in
need. She had the kindest heart of anyone we knew. Her house was always filled with friends
and family. All our friends called her "mom", because she was like a mom to everyone.
Finally, I wish she will have a rest of peace and live in the heaven all the time

Paper 4 Organ donation video

This video is really the most important for about organ donation. I know Some people have
negative attitude about organ donation because of their religious or by different factors. I learned
from this video what do mean transplants. In this video all donors and receivers are showing us
how to save life and the important of organ donation. Organ donation can save and increase the
existence of your life, your lover’s life and all your family’s life. Therefore, organ Transplants are
one of the biggest achievements of modern medicine and can save or greatly enhance the lives
of other people. However, they depend completely on donors and their families consenting to
organ or tissue donation. One donor can save the life of several people, restore the sight of two
others and improve the quality of life of many more.
From the video, Cyndie Colarusso (RN) donor coordinator and David McAlister (MD) surgeon,
said that People of all ages should consider themselves potential donors. When a person dies, he
or she is evaluated for donor suitability based on their medical history and age. However, some
trans plant may or may not successful. for example, from this video, I observed the history of
Rebecca asceses (receiver) and Jennie Mesenbrink (donor). His mom Jennie said that her son was
very lovely physogastric happy person and his well remember by everyone including his
classmates. He died when he was fourth grad still his mom gets flowers for him every year. She
tried as much as possible to save her son. She was a great mom. Like Rebecca, Junko kenkey
received tissue. She said that tissue donation is the important part of our body. Tissue is a group
of cells or fluid that work together to perform a specific job in the body like cells in an organ like
the kidney or heart or blood cells

I would like to share some experience depend on this video. In my country, most people
didn’t have support organ donation by different reason including me, some of reasons are
religious reason, and lack of awareness about the importance of organ donation. Some religion
couldn’t allow the organ donation. But now I understand it is not good. I don’t believe that now.
I believe that Organ and tissue donation is more important to save human’s life. Imagine think
about your kids. I can’t accept any religion that oppose organ donation. Because I understand,
Organ transplantation gives thousands of children and adults each year a renewed chance at
living full and active lives. but the need for organs and tissue outweighs their availability. and, I
understand that committing to be an organ donor is a generous decision that can save the lives
of up at least eight individuals, and even more if a donor can give more tissue. Almost anyone,
regardless of age, race or gender, can become an organ and tissue donor, and there are no costs
to the person’s family However, there is some side effect for the donor’s health condition, but
not more than receiver's life and mental satisfaction.

Paper 5 funeral
funeral is the end of ceremony or service held shortly after a person's death, and Fascinating funeral
traditions from around the globe that including the person's burial, cremation. Advance care directives;
Obituary; Poems, and entombed. Death is a journey that all must take and establishing the path before
the time arrives can make that journey easier for us and our loved ones. Documenting and communicating
the final wishes is critical so that our loved ones know what we want and what to do when the time comes.

Funeral pre-planning is one reflection of a responsible mindset that a critical importance of

completing an advance directive. advance directives are valid only if a person is incapacitated and not
expected to recover. it is important ways of put the desire in writing form and it must be known by family
and physician. Having advance directives help to make things easier for family and for end of life to make
wishes clear now. I know a lot of family cases about the inherit business. Especially, in my country
(Ethiopia) most people didn’t decide their business before dying so that their family get confuse and
conflict. I have experience in my life, when my dad passed away my mom control all business and was not
problem, however when my mom passed away there was some confuse between us. She did say nothing
about her business before she died. I was the youngest all of us. I need money for school tuition and for
survive. None helped me unless my mom. But she passed. Because of that my older brothers discussed
peacefully each other, and they decided gave to me 80%. But some of them were not happy. From this
experience now I understand to Having advance directives help to make things easier for family and for
end of life to make decision. I understand the person entitled to control the final disposition is legally
bound to act consistently with my wishes, my reasonable and lawful instructions to the person entitled to
control the final disposition shall be faithfully and promptly performed. I also understand that I have the
right to revoke this directive at any time.

Now, I understand the important of Advance directives, so that I must have to decide and certify
that the declarant voluntarily signee all my business what I have and what I will have for my family as well
as my organ If I will healthy. Therefore, I will talk with my physician about the process and my family about
end-of-life decisions. I will put my decisions in writing, and I will discuss with my family or a trusted friend
and provide a copy to the person or people who will help make sure my wishes are honored. I will express
my wishes the way that I will direct that upon my dead body place in the grave. I will direct that the cost
of burial be paid for out of my estate. I will designate the following person to act on my behalf consistently
with my instructions as stated in this document. This person is entitled to control the final disposition and
shall faithfully carry out the reasonable and otherwise lawful directions. In the event of my death, I would
like to donate my organs. I understand that to become an organ donor, my organ function may be
maintained artificially on a breathing machine, (i.e., artificial ventilation), so that my organs can be
removed. Finally, I will Keep the signee original with my personal papers in a safe place and Give signee
copies to my doctors, family, close friends and person entitled to control final disposition named by me.

Obituaries are life stories, accomplishments and public notifications about recently deceased people,
and they may have several different versions. obituary in the funeral program can be longer and tell a
more detailed story. It is the centerpiece of the funeral program, which can serve as a very informative
keepsake about a person’s life and about the final services. It is hard to write own obituary, but I must
write my own obituary depend on the instruction of the paper. I wish my obituary will write in this way.
In this paper I would like to write my name Ali

Ali was born and raised in Ethiopia, he attended the university of Addis Ababa, graduate with
degree in physics. He held a teaching credential and 9th grade teacher at mesekerm high school for two
years. He came to united states in 2012 by diversity visa lottery with his lovely wife, he was attending
Monroe community college nursing program. Ali was a hard worker, smart and familiar with his employer.
Ali was coming from poor family and send money back home for his family. He was one of five children
born to the next to Yale and was the beloved husband of Samira said for over -- years and father of one
handsome son. he will forever be remembered by his devoted brothers Alex, fasil, Almaz, sable and Awabi
along with countless other friends and family who were blessed to know him. He loved listening to classical
music, playing the football, laughing, being with his family, having fun with friends and reading book. he
touched the lives of many people with his smile, generosity and maintained his trademark sense of humor
all the way to the end. A Celebration of Stages life will be held on --------------???

disposition refers to the way human remains are finally handled. Individuals has their own End of
life plan. Therefore, everyone estate planning tool used to outline their wishes once they pass away,
including how they want their body to be dealt with and whether they would like any funeral or memorial
services to be held in their name.In their End-of-Life Plan, they can also appoint a trusted individual to
ensure that their instructions are followed.

It is my will further desire that a funeral service be conducted at mosque, it is difficult to plane my
end of life celebration. Because I don't know where my end of life will be. My family will be happy my end
of life ceremony at back home. Because most of my family live in back home. End of life celebration in
Ethiopia and USA are totally difference Culturally, but religion almost the same. I don’t care my end of life
celebrate anywhere, but I need the service be religious. I wish my body to be dealt with after death that
depend on my religious method such as my body to remain intact and being stored below ground, I don’t
want to donate my body that used for medical research. However, I will donate my healthy organ. After
organ and tissue donation, funeral service will conduct at mosque, and my body will store below the
ground. I don’t need flower gift, will allow religiously. I will not allow put my body in refrigerator more
than one day. immediately put in underground within one day. according to my religious policy there is
not time to visitation or views by relative family and friends, maybe they live far area. Materials are a
pices of clothe to cover dead body and tombstone and pray every morning 7 days continuously since the
dead body put underground. Will not allow the decoration like coffin, plot, flowers, vault, urn, cremation,
embalming, song etc. funeral process must be in mosque. Will not allow in secular area

Price List: price depends on the country, in Ethiopia, we used earth burial method, it refers to ground
placement of your loved one's body. Burial is the traditional choice. It can be done directly, with no
viewing or ceremonies. It doesn't need paper work, no cost. Everything is takes place in church and
mosque. No cremation in Ethiopia, because cremation leads to the hill. the cost only for Automotive
Equipment. In general, no more than $150

However, in USA much more cost. It probably more than $ 5000. I can’t list the exact price. Because
it is a lot of service For example, A basic service charge includes, but is not limited to, staff to respond to
initial request for service; arrangement conference with family or responsible party; preparation and filing
of necessary certificates and permits; placement of obituary notices; funeral planning arrangements; and
coordination of service with cemetery, sheltering human remains until time of service and others as
required. Also included in Preparation of the Body, Alternative Care (bathing and surface disinfecting,
Refrigeration. Equipment and staff for mosque funeral or memorial. Finally, Automotive Equipment,
these are the typical set fees within a designated radius of the funeral home a mile radius but an additional
fee per mile per loaded mile outside of the designated radius may be.

Discussion 3 funeral
funeral is the end of ceremony or service held shortly after a person's death, and Fascinating
funeral traditions from around the globe that including the person's burial, and cremation.
Cremation is hill. I don’t believe that life going to be end. I mentioned in my paper one, everyone
has two life's. Life after death and life before death. Life after death in the heaven and hill that
depend on individual's activity on earth. Therefore, funeral means in my opinion the end of life
on earth, and the starting time life in heaven and hill.

I think, my funeral process will be in USA, therefore, Advance directives in America is easy.
But it more costs. If I am not sure what I do about advanced directives, I can talk with my doctor
and family about end-of-life decisions. Once I will decide. put my decisions in writing and I will
discuss with my family or a trusted friend and provide a copy to the person or people who will
help make sure my wishes are honored. I don’t have experience in USA. But I have I have
experience in Ethiopia, most people don’t have Advance directives experience including my
family, when my mom died, my family was confused about her money, she didn’t say about that.

PAPER 6 Death & Dying Research Presentation

Title: Adults& Suicide.

Objectives: -
• What the research was
• What demographic the research studied
• What were the procedures of the research?
• What was the results

What the research was

This research used to numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and
surveys. Quantitative research focuses on gathering numerical data and generalizing it across groups of
people and community to explain a phenomenon. It focusses on things that leads to adult suicide and
the relationship between suicide mortality, family structure, Family Relationships and socioeconomic
status for U.S. adult men and women

the procedures research

• Research Questions
• Data and Methods
• Variables and Measurement
• Statistical Analyses
• Results and Conclusion

The demographic the research

• Demographics is the study of a population based on factors such as age, race and sex.
Governments, corporations and nongovernment organizations use demographics to learn more
about a population's characteristics for many purposes, including suicides rate. Therefore,
• according to this article the researches focus on Marital Status, Family Size, Socioeconomic
Status, Family Relationships and Differences by Sex can causes of Adult Suicide Mortality in the
United States.

Adult Suicide Mortality in the United States:

Marital Status The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of marital status on
the risk of suicide, A related objective was to investigate the association between marital
status and suicide by sex.
• based on the 1979–1989 follow up. In estimating the effect of marital status,
adjustments were made for age, sex, race, education, family income, and region of
• According to the research, the main cause of mortality suicide in marital status is
• divorce has strong net effect on mortality from suicide. especially, among men.
• the study showed that in epidemiological research on suicide, more accurate results
would be obtained if samples are stratified based on key demographic or social
Family Size, Larger families and employment are associated with lower risks of suicide for both men
and women. Most research shows that the factors increase risk of suicide among men, but not
among women.

• Low levels of education,

• being divorced or separated,
• no married are main causes of adult suicide

Socioeconomic Status, Associations of demographic, socioeconomic, and suicide-related behavioral

factors were analyzed using multiple logistic regression.

• After stratification by age and gender, according to the research results show that low
education and unemployed young adult men and women had significantly higher rates of
attempts suicide.
• The lowest income level was associated with significantly higher rates of attempts to suicide,
young adult women than adult men
Differences by Sex in the USA the rate of suicide among individuals aged 65 and older is higher
than that for any other age group.

• There is a marked sex difference with men accounting for 86% of elderly suicides.
• Using a sample consisting of every reported suicide death of older individuals was found
that a different pattern of variables was predictive of suicide rates for men and women.
• For adult men, factors associated with financial and social status were the best predictors of
• For adult women, the predictors were indexes of social and environmental stability and

Family Relationships Family conflicts and problems involve a suicide attempts in adult people. The
questions are analyzed in a qualitative study of interviews with adult people in four different locations in
Brazil. The field data showed the following factors in order of the importance that the interviewees gave
to them: significant family losses; family and inter-generation conflicts; and explicit and veiled violence.
The speech of the subjects showed, as elements that led them to try to end their lives: sadness; feelings
of abandonment; isolation.

RESULTS of the research

• For the entire sample, higher risks of suicide were found in divorced than in married
• Divorced and separated persons were over twice as likely to commit suicide as
married persons.
• Being single or widowed had no significant effect on suicide risk. When data were
stratified by sex, it was observed that the risk of suicide among divorced men was
over twice that of married men.
• Among women, however, there were no statistically significant differentials in the
risk of suicide by marital status categories.

• Their results extend prior research that relies on aggregate-level data by
revealing that individual-level indicators of social integration are strongly
associated with the risk of suicide.
• Further, they find that some indicators of social integration are sex specific.
• Their results suggest that analyses of suicide that combine men and women
may be misleading.
• nationally representative sample of U.S. adults, marital status, family size,
educational attainment, and employment status are all associated with the
risk of suicide. Consistent with aggregate-level research, compared to those
who are married, those who are divorced or separated.

Current Stats:

suicide is a serious public health problem that affects many young people. Now the Researchers found
that more than half of adult who died by suicide by different causes such as did not have a known
diagnosed mental health condition at the time of death.

• Relationship problems or loss, substance misuse;

• physical health problems.
• job, money, legal or housing stress often contributed to risk for suicide
• Firearms were the most common method of suicide used by those with and without a known
diagnosed mental health condition.

The most recent overall suicide rates (2014-2016) varied four-fold; from 6.9 per 100,000 residents per
year in Washington, D.C. to 29.2 per 100,000 residents in Montana.

Across the study period, rates increased in nearly all states. Percentage increases in suicide rates ranged
from just under 6 percent in Delaware to over 57 percent in North Dakota. Twenty-five states had
suicide rate increases of more than 30 percent.

Community Impact:

Risk factors for suicide among adults include

- physical health problems, it can lead to suicide example if disability Pearson doesn’t treat equally in

-Depression is one of the suicides, but different factors depression comes through loss of job, marital
status, family low income, family status in village, lower educational level

. family discord major changes in social roles (e.g., retirement) perceived poor health prior suicide
attempts recent death of a loved one

. social isolation and loneliness; the major problem of community impact

-socially dependent substance abuse uncontrollable pain or the fear of a prolonged illness

Proposed Project:
The proposed project is a short-term selective prevention program that consists of targeted the suicide
prevention of adult.

I’ll go through the stages of creating a project proposal in depth. These are:

• Knowing what type of project proposal i will write

• Planning my proposal
• Writing my proposal

THE PROPOSED PROJECT Include sufficient details so that a reader without prior knowledge of the
model. I will identify and the potential solution I will seek to the test.

• Provide a brief narrative overview description of the proposed project.

• The project will make a change to an existing practice in the field of adult suicide.

• Briefly explain the cause of adult suicide and how to prevent the adult suicide.

Please be sure to reference articles in APA format within PowerPoint.

Source: Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell) Date: December 15, 2009

Source: Archives of Suicide Research Date: January 1, 2011

HIV paper
Pages 11—16
QUESTION What is the definition of HIV?

I = Immunodeficiency

V= virus

QUESTION What is the definition of AIDS?

A = Acquired

I = immune
D = deficiency

S = syndrome

QUESTION Name all the way in which HIV can be contracted

HIV is transmitted through contact with certain body fluids, such as semen, vaginal or anal fluid, breast
milk, and blood. Contact with these body fluids can occur during unprotected sex or when sharing needles
or other items with body fluids on them. Mothers can pass the HIV virus to their babies during pregnancy,
birth, and breastfeeding.

QUESTION What is the different between HIV and AIDS?

AIDS is a condition. While HIV is a virus that may cause an infection, AIDS (which is short for
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a condition. Contracting HIV can lead to the
development of AIDS. AIDS, or stage 3HIV, develops when HIV has caused serious damage to the
immune system.

QUESTION Once a person an AIDS status can they ever return to an HIV status?
Explain your answer.
My answer is yes, but it is rare case. According to the different research's indicate that. It can
be easy to confuse HIV and AIDS. They are different diagnoses, but they do go together: HIV is a
virus that can lead to a condition called AIDS, also known as stage 3 HIV. stage 3 HIV develops
when HIV has caused serious damage to the immune system. It is a complex condition with
symptoms that vary from person to person. Symptoms of stage 3 HIV are related to the infections
a person may develop as a result of having a damaged immune system that can’t fight them as

QUESTION Identify the elements of bereavements in this scenario

Bereavement is the state of loss when someone close to you have died. The death of
someone you love is one of the greatest sorrows that can occur. Therefore, according to the
scenario, Feelings of bereavement that occur the decline of her health. she is 50 years old. She
needs to date again like the young age, and she went to check up, her result was un expected to
her. The doctor told her she can live as normal life. She didn’t accept to take medication every
day. Her bereavement, medication may have side effect because of her age. She believes that it
is for young people disease not for old people. She was not giving up about her health decline.

QUESTION Identify the grief responses displayed by the woman using the
components of wellness (mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual)
According to this scenario, the major change her health that affect her mental and emotional
health. Sometimes it is hard to know if what you are experiencing is depression or sadness, worry.
But grief can be managed using interventions and strategies such as mental, emotional, physical,
social and spiritual. In this scenario, there is no Mental Wellness involves the ability to learn and use
information effectively for personal, family, and career development Learning Information
Personal Family Care. However, she was look like control stress and to express emotions
appropriately and comfortably. She will lose her social wellness. Because she worries about the
people talking behind her that why she doesn’t need joining support group and counselor. Her
spiritual component of wellness provides meaning and direction in life and unable to meet new
challenges. So, she didn’t accept her medical result. She decided not came back for checkup
again. She told to her mind I am fine. I am healthy, I don’t need treatment. Maybe she believes
about her religious Prayer, Meditation.

QUESTION Identify all secondary losses that can be attributed to the bereaved
Loss forever changes the world of the bereaved. It’s a new environment, personal and social,
an environment where the lost object is no longer present. An ending has occurred that demands
new beginnings. Before that happens, a period of transition takes place. During this time, the
bereaved closely examines what has been lost and what has been gained because of the ending.

QUESTION What follow up or support would this woman need to help her with
her mourning process?
This is community responsibility. Because, grief takes over in life and begin to feel hopeless.
The grieving process is an opportunity to appropriately mourn a loss and Other people don't have
the coping skills or support they need. because of a death or loss.

QUESTION Research and discus the statics regarding HIV IN OLDER women be
sure to provide reference
According to the different researches, as persons living with HIV/AIDS live longer, both the prevalence
and incidence of HIV infection in older women is expected to increase, and this review presents a model
and review of the extant literature on older women with HIV/AIDS in the United States. Older women are
rarely addressed in the discourse about HIV risk and prevention, and their concerns are often missed by
risk reduction programs that typically target men and younger adults. Societal biases around aging can
compound factors such as stigma and disclosure for older women. Primary care providers are often not
recommending routine HIV testing to older women or addressing the impact of age-related physiological
changes on risk and sexual health. Many older women may be starting new relationships and the role of
relational variables that are specific to this group of women are key in understanding prevention and
treatment. Empirical research focused on the needs of older women, and recognition of the diverse
composition and needs of this group is needed to inform prevention, intervention and best practices with
this population of women.

Reference Behav Med. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 Jul 1.

Published in final edited form as:

Behav Med. 2014; 40(3): 85–98.

QUESTION What was the most impactful point of the video for you and
This video is the most important for all. Especially, HIV/AIDS Awareness is a campaign designed
to help prevent HIV infections and Anyone can contract this disease, which is why it is important
for students to be aware and Healthcare workers have taken greatest risk for this type of HIV
transmission. Therefore, social video will help better understand the concept of this disease. I
learned a lot of things from this video. After I am watching this video, two things coming in my
mind. The first one, everyone should care their life's, because, one time if you infect such kind of
disease will be change your life demography. It follows psychological and social problem.
however, once happen, take treatment at early age without any choice in order to live longer.
QUESTION Discusses the difference of the women infected and affected with HIV
According to the video, most women may be at greater risk of being infected with HIV by different
mechanism. However, the family and the counsellor can play a tremendous role in counselling the lovers,
friends and family of the HIV-positive person in the practicalities of physical and emotional care. Affected
significant others experience the same psycho-social feelings as do their HIV-positive loved ones the same
feelings of depression, loneliness, fear, uncertainty, anxiety, anger, emotional, and hope.

The impact of HIV infection on affected others experience fear and anxiety about their own risk of
infection. I observed from the video, one of the infected old ladies affected by her boyfriend. She said HIV
is not stigma, but people are stigma by itself because her boyfriend affected her.

Page 23
QUESTION After watching the video segments discuss the concepts that it is a
community responsibility to educate and support those who HIV are infected or
From the video different women are infected by HIV. They start their treatment and they are doing
good. I don’t see any affect them. They are different age level. From the video, One of the Spanish women
has baby. Her baby is negative. I am happy about that. They live their life as a normal. I think nothing affect
them. Therefore, the responsibility of the community for those don’t know, an ethical framework that
suggests that an entity, be it an organization or individual, has an obligation to act for the benefit of
society. This is socially responsible by responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and making it a priority to
support the efforts of individuals and other organizations that work directly to impact change regarding

QUESTION In the video the counselors discussed person being infected from the
age of 13-80 years old and how it impacts generation presently and, in the
future, how does that information correlate with poem “sisters do you her me?”
The counselors discussed with the infected Pearson about HIV. It doesn’t necessary specific age to
treatment. She mentioned the age 13-80 years old affected and infected by AIDS. Therefore, they can get
treatment and doing well for all ages. The counselor Approach friendly and they advise them to being
diagnosed with HIV is life-changing news. Listen to your loved one and offer your support. Reassure them
that HIV is a manageable health condition. I understand from the video, all are getting treatment and they
are doing well. All are at different age they can get equal treatment.
QUESTION PAGES 28-34 CONDUCT a small poll of 10 people and them the following two
questions and record your answers below
Q#1. Using only 5 words when you think about HIV/AIDS. What are the first thoughts that come
to mind?
1) A I feel that life is over

B I feel stress and depression.

C it is hard to think about that

D go to hospital for check up

E take medication every day

2) A I feel like normal disease

B take medication all the time

C If I didn’t have sex, I wouldn’t have HIV,

D feeling scare

E feeling a social isolated

3) A death is coming in my mind

B give up for life or end of life

C I feel like to be isolated

D social discrimination

E dangerous disease all over the world

4) A think that people with HIV are dirty

B I deserved what they’d got.

C I was devastated when I found out that I had HIV.

D having HIV is a death sentence.

E it’s sexually transmitted. Disease

5 A if I am positive go to pray

B going to die

C life become missed up

D short cut of life

E life become boring

Q#2. Using only 5 words when you think about a person contracting HIV/AIDS what are the first thought
that come to mind? -
1)A he/she going to be dying soon.

B psychologically isolated from society

C dishonest for his/her partner/girl/boyfriend

D he/she did sexual with different partner

E she/he take medication every day

F should start treatment early

G life become boring for him/her

H should have counselor to prevent from depression.

QUESTION Based on the result of your poll do you think that the results reflect
that stigma exists for those who are infected with HIV/AIDS? EXPLAIN YOUR
Some people have extremely negative attitude about the people who lives with HIV. I interviewed some
people. They said that we used to think that people with HIV were dirty and deserved what they’d got.
We were devastated when we found out that we had HIV. we became one of those people’ in my opinion,
this is not good, we have to help them and understand. Other people have positive attitude about the
people who live with HIV. I share their ideas. It is not good for isolated them.

From the video one old lady said that HIV is not stigma, but people is stigma on themselves. Agree
that she is write. Her boyfriend had affected her because she was HIV positive. Therefore, Stigma is one
of the main reasons that some people end up having quite negative feelings about themselves in relation
to their HIV diagnosis. Since the beginning of the HIV epidemic a lot of negative and inaccurate ideas and
beliefs have developed about what HIV is, and what it isn’t. It can be difficult for anybody, including people
living with HIV, to avoid being exposed to all these ideas and not be influenced and affected by them.

QUESTION AFTER WATCHING the video segment discus, the correlation “the
silence” and “the stigma.”
he stigma—or negative feelings, attitudes and stereotypes—that surround mental health can make
getting help scary and leading a fulfilling life difficult. Stigma prevents people from seeking help. It restricts
resources from being allocated. And it discourages others from lending their support. Whereas, Silence
was specified by most as a strategy engaged in by self and others to negotiate interacting around suicide

QUESTION Discus your own thought around the concept of the stigma of HIV
based on the interviews in the video coupled with the result of your research poll.
Different people have different idea, when they find out that they are living with HIV., it can be difficult
to shake these ideas off. For example, some people who are living with HIV believe that they deserved
their diagnosis, that they are not worth looking after, or that having HIV is a death sentence. If you feel
this way, it’s important to question and challenge these thoughts and feelings. HIV support organizations
can help you do this, raising your awareness and understanding and providing access to peer support and
networks as you develop strategies to live a full and healthy life If you think carefully about all the things
you’ve ever seen and heard about HIV and then compare that with what you know to be true about your
own life, you may find that a lot of what you’ve seen and heard was just plain wrong.

QUESTION Research and discuss the HIV statistics in teens and young adults both
nationally and locally (be sure to include all demographic information-geographic
location, gender, race, sexual orientation, etc.)
2016, youth aged 13 to 24a made up 21% of all new HIV diagnoses in the United States. Most (81%) of those
new diagnoses occurred among young gay and bisexual men. Young black/African American and
Hispanic/Latino gay and bisexual men were especially affected.

Locally, according to the research indicate that in 2016, 8,451 youth received an HIV diagnosis
in the United States. Eighty percent (6,776) of those diagnoses occurred in young people aged 20
to 24. Eighty-one percent (6,848) of HIV diagnoses were among youth with infections attributed
to male-to-male sexual contact. African Americans accounted for 54% (3,719) of infections
attributed to male-to-male sexual contact, Hispanics/Latinos accounted for 25% (1,687), whites
accounted for 16% (1,094), and other races/ethnicities accounted for 5%. Four percent (274) of
infections among young men were attributed to heterosexual contact, 3% (228) were attributed
to male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use, and 1% (98) to injection drug use alone.
992 young women received an HIV diagnosis. Eighty-seven percent (865) of those infections were
attributed to heterosexual contact and 9% (92) were attributed to injection drug use. 1,473 youth
received an AIDS diagnosis, representing 8% of total AIDS diagnoses that year.

Nationally, According to the World Health Organization 36.7 million living with HIV as of the
end of 2015 – 3.9 million adults, 17.8 women (over 15); 1.8 million children (under 15)
2.1 million people newly affected with HIV in 2015
1.1 million died of AIDS-related illnesses in 2015; 110,000 were children (under 15)
Sub-Saharan Africa is the most affected region, with 25.8 million people living with HIV in 2014.

Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for almost 70% of the global total of new HIV infections.

QUESTION What are some barriers presented in this scenario that would hinder
teens from using protection, getting tested and spreading HIV further?
1 spreading HIV further by during sex (especially anal sex and vaginal sex)
through sharing needles for injecting drugs or tattooing

by getting stuck with a needle with an infected person's blood on it

2 getting tested if you have been sexually assaulted and you are a woman who is planning to get
pregnant or who is pregnant. You should to know your health status

3 using protection, use a condom every time they have sex (including vaginal, oral, or anal sex)
get tested for HIV and make sure all partners do too and reduce their number of sexual partners

get tested and treated for STDs (sexually transmitted diseases); having an STD increases the risk of HIV
infection and consider taking a medicine every day (called pre-exposure prophylaxis) if they are at very
high risk of getting infected (for example, if they are inPrEP or a sexual relationship with someone with

QUESTION Based on the results of your poll above, you think that Samantha has
reason to what her HIV status to be secret? Explain your answer
In my opinion HIV status should be secret, because to protect from the social isolated when I interview
the people, some people said that we used to think that people with HIV were dirty and deserved what
they’d got. we devastated when we found out that we had HIV. we became one of those people.
Therefore, HIV status to be secret

QUESTION PAGES 36 IDENTIFY (2) national and (2) local organizations that assist persons who
are infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. (please include websites, address main contact number
for all) and Describe the services that they provide (this can be collective list)

National organization #1 WHO, Department of HIV

Twitter @GHirnschall
The WHO Department of HIV/AIDS is part of the cluster for Communicable Diseases. The Department
includes the Global Hepatitis Programmed and is led by Gottfried Herschel. It consists of the following
units: The Global Hepatitis Programmed, HIV Treatment and Care; Key Populations and Prevention;
Strategic Information and Planning; and Office of the Director.

National organization #2 Kaiser Family Foundation, (650) 854 9400 | Fax: (650) 854 4800.
The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, or just Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), is an American non-
profit organization, Under Greater Than AIDS a national public information response to the U.S. The
Foundation is now an independent national organization.
Local organization #1 AIDS/HIV | Mental Health Association of Rochester, NY
1-607-821-7979 Website:

Local organization #2 New York State HIV Service Organizations

(315) 477-8479 or visit

This resource directory is intended for use by individuals seeking HIV/AIDS services. Included in this
directory is a list of organizers funded by the New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute to
provider HIV/AIDS services. Some organizations may provide additional HIV/AIDS services through other
funding sources. The organizations listed in a specific location may also provide services to people who
live in neighboring communities.

QUESTION PAGES 39 READ THE POEM: “Am I My sister’s?” and identify ways in which family,
friends and colleagues (school, work etc.) can be support to those infected by HIV/AIDS.
Approach friendly, being diagnosed with HIV is life-changing news. Listen to your loved one and offer
your support. Reassure them that HIV is a manageable health condition. There are medicines that can
treat HIV and help them stay healthy. Be available to have open, honest conversations about HIV. Follow
the lead of the person who is diagnosed with HIV. They may not always want to talk about it or may not
be ready. They may want to connect with you in the same ways they did before being diagnosed. Do things
you did together before their diagnosis;

QUESTION PAGES 48 Identify and describe all testing options

Rapid test is an immunoassay used for screening and produce quick 20 minutes

Follow-up diagnostic testing is performed if the first immunoassay result is positive. Follow-up
tests include an antibody difference test, which distinguish HIV-1 FROM HIV-2 AN HIV –1 nucleic
acid test, which look for virus directly
False-positive test are rare. If tests are conducting during the window period. They can give false-
negative result
Home access hiv-1 test and oraquick test
RNA test detects the virus directly and can detect the virus at about 10 days after infection.

QUESTION Identify 3-5 agencies/location in which the community can get tested. Inclde
how often testing can take places (one a year/month/week) and time frames.
1 health care provider for an HIV test.
2 Many medical clinics, for example Monroe county

3 substance abuse programs,

4 community health centers,
5 hospitals offer them too. And You can also find a testing site near you by: at least each three

QUESTION Research the following if a woman is pregnant and tests positive for HIV, what
are her options in terms of lowering the risks that her child will be positive as well? (please site
Yes. All pregnant women with HIV should take HIV medicines during pregnancy to prevent mothers-
child transmission of HIV. (Mother-to-child transmission of HIV is also called perinatal transmission of
HIV.) HIV medicines work by preventing HIV from multiplying, which reduces the amount of HIV in the
body (also called the viral load). A low viral load during pregnancy reduces the chances that any HIV will
pass from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth. Having less HIV in the body also helps keep
the mother to be healthy.

All pregnant women with HIV should start taking HIV medicines as soon as possible during pregnancy.
In general, women who are already taking HIV medicines when they become pregnant should continue
taking those HIV medicines throughout their pregnancies.

Resources; -HIV Medicines During Pregnancy and Childbirth

Last Reviewed: December 18, 2018

QUESTION If a baby is born to a positive mother and tests negative, how often should the
baby be tested after the intial test and over what length of time?

Three times. The first one six week after born. and the next Three months length.
Baby should take test when he became 2 years. again

QUESTION Page 57, After watching the video segment, “life after HIV,” discus what it means
to live vs. Living “in” HIV?
According to the video, people living with HIV and others affected by HIV.This means that we
look at health from an individual perspective. We consider health as much more than the absence
of illness and think holistically about an individual’s full range of needs, desires, capacities and
human rights. Therefore, if they are following the medical procedure. There is no any difference
from the normal life. There is some difference psychologically, but it can fix by counselor.

QUESTION Page 58, research and discussion the ability of person infected with HIV to live
normal lives, including but not limited to having non-infected partners and conceiving children.
IT IS POSSIBLE, but too hard. I know some people are living together one is infected and other
not infected. But I am not sure, it is possible to get baby. I searched that I didn’t get.

QUESTION Pags 59, based on the poems, “living positive,” and “grace,” discuss the concept
of “moving forward’ after HIV
HIV is a complex entity, existing in the medical realm of disease as well as in the cultural realm
of fluid systems of meaning. As individuals grapple with the change's HIV brings to their lives,
they seek ways to make meaning of their experiences. According to the poem, living positive
there is no choice unless take medication. If not changes to AIDS.

QUESTION Page 64, response to “front- line"

According to the word “front-line ‘she is on the way to knows the reality. She is a pregnancy.
Therefore, she must know what her result to save for her baby and manage her life's. If
somethings happen, nothing change unless god brings changes. Give to the god for everything
and live just as normal life. For me I don’t care about anything's. I am a believer. I know that life
is like a notebook. Two pages are already written by god. First page is birth last page is death.
Center pages are empty, so fill them by yourself. I fill them with smile and love.

QUESTION Page 66, response to “lean on me.”

“Lean on me” is based on a true story of a young boy lives with HIV FOR 15 years that including
with his mom. He has faced on challenge and get angry every day by his mom. However,
sometimes he feels bad. He asked himself what i am doing. He worries about his future and
social interaction. he should rest on emotionally and to take care of him. Need to know what he

QUESTION Page 68, response to “faith- filled.”

Living a life of faith requires more than lip service. It acts. That means the person of faith listens to the
Holy Spirit and obeys what He instructs him to do. So, if the Holy Spirit directs him to minister to
someone in a specific way, the faith person does it. God wants you to know what it’s like to be
consumed by his love. There is nothing you can put up as a barrier that can withstand God’s love; God’s
love permeates all.

QUESTION Page 69, read and provide reflection below to the poem “3 letters.
According to this poem when things went to wrong in our life, we used to feel hopeless,
and if we didn’t have our life under control, it was easy to feel anxious too, a life without hope
is a terrible thing. With nothing to hold on to for support when thing went to wrong. It was easy
to spiral out of control. But when we put our trust in god. Everything changed. He promises us
all hope in the bible. “blessed be the god according to his mercy.”

3 letters like HIV are the worst letters. Nobody like this word. HIV blacked the life of light.

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