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Teacher Leadership Experiences and Future Goals

Previous Leadership Experience:

- Grade Level Lead
- Founding School Educator
- Social Committee Chair
- Instructional Specialist
- Curriculum Developer
- Data Analyzer
- Intervention Specialist
- ELAC Team Member
- Technology Integrator
- Collaborative Team Member
- IEP Goal Contributor
- Learning Facilitator

Future Leadership Goals:

Goal 1: I will develop my leadership in collaboration with student families

! GOAL: Promote a sense of partnership in families and communities
! RATIONALE: Students, parents, teachers all benefit from positive partnerships Parent/Teacher
! NBPTS: Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and their learning
! TLMD: Domain 6. Improving Outreach and Collaboration with Families and Community
! OBJECTIVE: Promote and participate in multiple school-wide family events throughout the school year.
(Short/Long term)

Goal 2: I will develop my leadership in Curriculum

! GOAL: Increase student learning in the Language Arts are of writing

! RATIONALE: I struggle with teaching writing to my students and need to develop a strong curriculum,
which benefits my teaching and students How to Develop Curriculum
! NBPTS: Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to
! TLMD: Domain 4. Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning
! OBJECTIVE: Design and implement a strong writing program that will increase student achievement in
the Language Arts area of Writing, which can be used for years to come. (Short/Long Term)

Goal 3: I will develop my leadership in Professional Development

! GOAL: Increase my own knowledge and understanding of the teaching profession

! RATIONALE: When teachers are continuously reflecting on their craft and seeking to improve their skills,
their teaching improves and student learning is increased.
! NBPTS: Proposition 4: Teachers think systematically about their practices and learn from experience.
! TLMD: Domain 3. Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement
! OBJECTIVE: Complete my masters program in curriculum and instruction this year (Short Term) Obtain
my reading specialist certification (Long Term)

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