Fire Emblem Sword of Seals Cheat List

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Fire Emblem: Fuuin no Tsurugi (Sword of Seals)

CodeBreaker Codes for CodeBreaker v1.2 and higher

by borkborkbork

- Contents -

1 - Introduction
2 - Version History
3 - Notices for Codes - Important, read before using these codes
4 - Enabler Code
5 - Character Codes
6 - Miscellaneous Codes
7 - Digits and Support Character Slot Lists
8 - Credits
9 - Legal Information
10 - Contact Information

- 1 - Introduction -
Codebreaker Codes for FE6 have been out almost since this game came out.
However, nobody has actually bothered to make a Codebreaker codes faq
here, so
that's what I'm doing.

Anyway, I'm known as borkborkbork on the gamefaqs forums. I'm a

gba code maker. But despite that, I can still make simple codebreaker
Most of these codes I made myself and the few that I didn't make have
credited in section 8.

I am not responsible for any damage done while you are using these codes.
using these, you are taking the risk and freely admit that you are
your actions. Although the codes _SHOULD_ work, there is a chance that I
made a typo and I would be happy for you to contact me and notify me
anything you want corrected.

- 2 - Version History -
v1.5 - 29/11/05
Overhauled the weapon levels
v1.4 - 26/07/05
Okay, Okay, I'll update.
Contains code for chapter select and phase. Not much else.

v1.3 - 17/04/05

Fixed up Item slot problems (They were labelled wrongly)

Fixed Support Code's digits (Wrong)

v1.2 - 11/4/05
Added in slots 2-25 for all you lazy people out there
Merchant Codes also added in
Removed Instructions for some codes, should be self-explanatory
Codes were made in MSExcel, so if there's an error, it not my fault, its
filling. Contact me if there is an error though.

v1.1 - 6/2/05
Corrected the big mistake in the weapon levels
Added support cheat and Roy support character list

v1.0 - 2/2/05
Finished typing up the codes.

- 3 - Notices for Codes -
Most of these codes were made during the battle preparation, though most
them will work in-battle. Using them in the battle preparation is the
way, since if you manage to wreck something, a simple hard reset will
the codes' effects. In-battle, the game saves every change you make.

In some codes, there is a cluster of Xs. These tell you that these are to
replaced with some hexadecimal digits that are shown in the section 7 of

In some codes, there is a cluster of #'s. These tell you to replace them
with a
hexadecimal number of your choice. The easiest way to do this is to open
up the
windows calculator, turn it to scientific, type in the number you want in
decimal, then press the HEX radio button. The screen should show you the
you need to input. In these codes, do not forget that most of the things
in FE6
have caps. See Xsolaris's Average Stats Guide for these maximums.
these caps will probably glitch up your game.

Person Slots refer to the placement they are in on the battle preparation
screen. The numbers go horizontally like this:
- 1 - 2 -
- 3 - 4 -
- 5 - 6 -
- 7 - 8 -

etc. To check these slots in battle, press R on Roy (who will be slot 1
you have edited it) and press DOWN. The game will now show slot 2. Keep
pressing down to see the others in their orders of slots.

Please remember how codes work. A code will stay active until you turn it
So if you make slot two a mage, turn the code of as soon as your
because if the characters change slots the next slot 2 will become a mage
the code is still active.

- 4 - Enabler Code -

As I mentioned before I'm only a newbie code maker, so I have no idea how
make an enabler code. This one here was from, however, I
know who made it there, if the creators want to contact me, I'll add them
the credit them appropriately.

Enable Code (Must Be On)

00003CC7 000A
1009C180 0007

- 5 - Character Codes -

- Slot 1 -
8202AB78 XXXX Portrait
8202AB7C XXXX Class
3202AB80 00## Level
3202AB81 00## Experience
3202AB84 00## Turn Status
3202AB88 00## Max HP
3202AB89 00## Current HP
3202AB8A 00## Strength
3202AB8B 00## Skill
3202AB8C 00## Speed
3202AB8D 00## Defence
3202AB8E 00## Resistance
3202AB8F 00## Luck
3202AB90 00## Constitution Bonus
3202AB92 00## Move Bonus

3202AB94 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202AB96 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202AB98 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202AB9A 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202AB9C 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202AB95 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202AB97 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202AB99 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202AB9B 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202AB9D 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202AB9E 00## Sword Level

3202AB9F 00## Lance Level
3202ABA0 00## Axe Level
3202ABA1 00## Bow Level

3202ABA2 00## Staff Level

3202ABA3 00## Anima Level
3202ABA4 00## Light Level
3202ABA5 00## Dark Level

3202ABA8 00## Support 1

3202ABA9 00## Support 2
3202ABAA 00## Support 3
3202ABAB 00## Support 4
3202ABAC 00## Support 5
3202ABAD 00## Support 6
3202ABAE 00## Support 7
3202ABAF 00## Support 8
3202ABB0 00## Support 9
3202ABB1 00## Support 10

- Slot 2 -
8202ABC0 XXXX Portrait
8202ABC4 XXXX Class
3202ABC8 00## Level
3202ABC9 00## Experience
3202ABCC 00## Turn Status
3202ABD0 00## Max HP
3202ABD1 00## Current HP
3202ABD2 00## Strength
3202ABD3 00## Skill
3202ABD4 00## Speed
3202ABD5 00## Defence
3202ABD6 00## Resistance
3202ABD7 00## Luck
3202ABD8 00## Constitution Bonus
3202ABDA 00## Move Bonus

3202ABDC 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202ABDE 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202ABE0 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202ABE2 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202ABE4 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202ABDD 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202ABDF 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202ABE1 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202ABE3 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202ABE5 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202ABE6 00## Sword Level

3202ABE7 00## Lance Level
3202ABE8 00## Axe Level
3202ABE9 00## Bow Level

3202ABEA 00## Staff Level

3202ABEB 00## Anima Level
3202ABEC 00## Light Level
3202ABED 00## Dark Level

3202ABF0 00## Support 1

3202ABF1 00## Support 2
3202ABF2 00## Support 3
3202ABF3 00## Support 4
3202ABF4 00## Support 5
3202ABF5 00## Support 6
3202ABF6 00## Support 7
3202ABF7 00## Support 8
3202ABF8 00## Support 9
3202ABF9 00## Support 10

- Slot 3 -
8202AC08 XXXX Portrait
8202AC0C XXXX Class
3202AC10 00## Level
3202AC11 00## Experience
3202AC14 00## Turn Status
3202AC18 00## Max HP
3202AC19 00## Current HP
3202AC1A 00## Strength
3202AC1B 00## Skill
3202AC1C 00## Speed
3202AC1D 00## Defence
3202AC1E 00## Resistance
3202AC1F 00## Luck
3202AC20 00## Constitution Bonus
3202AC22 00## Move Bonus

3202AC24 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202AC26 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202AC28 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202AC2A 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202AC2C 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202AC25 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202AC27 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202AC29 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202AC2B 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202AC2D 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202AC2E 00## Sword Level

3202AC2F 00## Lance Level
3202AC30 00## Axe Level
3202AC31 00## Bow Level

3202AC32 00## Staff Level

3202AC33 00## Anima Level
3202AC34 00## Light Level
3202AC35 00## Dark Level

3202AC38 00## Support 1

3202AC39 00## Support 2
3202AC3A 00## Support 3
3202AC3B 00## Support 4
3202AC3C 00## Support 5
3202AC3D 00## Support 6
3202AC3E 00## Support 7
3202AC3F 00## Support 8
3202AC40 00## Support 9
3202AC41 00## Support 10

- Slot 4 -
8202AC50 XXXX Portrait
8202AC54 XXXX Class
3202AC58 00## Level
3202AC59 00## Experience
3202AC5C 00## Turn Status
3202AC60 00## Max HP
3202AC61 00## Current HP
3202AC62 00## Strength
3202AC63 00## Skill
3202AC64 00## Speed
3202AC65 00## Defence
3202AC66 00## Resistance
3202AC67 00## Luck
3202AC68 00## Constitution Bonus
3202AC6A 00## Move Bonus

3202AC6C 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202AC6E 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202AC70 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202AC72 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202AC74 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202AC6D 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202AC6F 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202AC71 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202AC73 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202AC75 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202AC76 00## Sword Level

3202AC77 00## Lance Level
3202AC78 00## Axe Level
3202AC79 00## Bow Level

3202AC7A 00## Staff Level

3202AC7B 00## Anima Level
3202AC7C 00## Light Level
3202AC7D 00## Dark Level

3202AC80 00## Support 1

3202AC81 00## Support 2
3202AC82 00## Support 3
3202AC83 00## Support 4
3202AC84 00## Support 5
3202AC85 00## Support 6
3202AC86 00## Support 7
3202AC87 00## Support 8
3202AC88 00## Support 9
3202AC89 00## Support 10

- Slot 5 -
8202AC98 XXXX Portrait
8202AC9C XXXX Class
3202ACA0 00## Level
3202ACA1 00## Experience
3202ACA4 00## Turn Status
3202ACA8 00## Max HP
3202ACA9 00## Current HP
3202ACAA 00## Strength
3202ACAB 00## Skill
3202ACAC 00## Speed
3202ACAD 00## Defence
3202ACAE 00## Resistance
3202ACAF 00## Luck
3202ACB0 00## Constitution Bonus
3202ACB2 00## Move Bonus

3202ACB4 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202ACB6 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202ACB8 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202ACBA 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202ACBC 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202ACB5 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202ACB7 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202ACB9 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202ACBB 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202ACBD 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202ACBE 00## Sword Level

3202ACBF 00## Lance Level
3202ACC0 00## Axe Level
3202ACC1 00## Bow Level

3202ACC2 00## Staff Level

3202ACC3 00## Anima Level
3202ACC4 00## Light Level
3202ACC5 00## Dark Level

3202ACC8 00## Support 1

3202ACC9 00## Support 2
3202ACCA 00## Support 3
3202ACCB 00## Support 4
3202ACCC 00## Support 5
3202ACCD 00## Support 6
3202ACCE 00## Support 7
3202ACCF 00## Support 8
3202ACD0 00## Support 9
3202ACD1 00## Support 10

- Slot 6 -
8202ACE0 XXXX Portrait
8202ACE4 XXXX Class
3202ACE8 00## Level
3202ACE9 00## Experience
3202ACEC 00## Turn Status
3202ACF0 00## Max HP
3202ACF1 00## Current HP
3202ACF2 00## Strength
3202ACF3 00## Skill
3202ACF4 00## Speed
3202ACF5 00## Defence
3202ACF6 00## Resistance
3202ACF7 00## Luck
3202ACF8 00## Constitution Bonus
3202ACFA 00## Move Bonus

3202ACFC 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202ACFE 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202AD00 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202AD02 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202AD04 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202ACFD 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202ACFF 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202AD01 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202AD03 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202AD05 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202AD06 00## Sword Level

3202AD07 00## Lance Level
3202AD08 00## Axe Level
3202AD09 00## Bow Level

3202AD0A 00## Staff Level

3202AD0B 00## Anima Level
3202AD0C 00## Light Level
3202AD0D 00## Dark Level

3202AD10 00## Support 1

3202AD11 00## Support 2
3202AD12 00## Support 3
3202AD13 00## Support 4
3202AD14 00## Support 5
3202AD15 00## Support 6
3202AD16 00## Support 7
3202AD17 00## Support 8
3202AD18 00## Support 9
3202AD19 00## Support 10

- Slot 7 -
8202AD28 XXXX Portrait
8202AD2C XXXX Class
3202AD30 00## Level
3202AD31 00## Experience
3202AD34 00## Turn Status
3202AD38 00## Max HP
3202AD39 00## Current HP
3202AD3A 00## Strength
3202AD3B 00## Skill
3202AD3C 00## Speed
3202AD3D 00## Defence
3202AD3E 00## Resistance
3202AD3F 00## Luck
3202AD40 00## Constitution Bonus
3202AD42 00## Move Bonus

3202AD44 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202AD46 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202AD48 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202AD4A 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202AD4C 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202AD45 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202AD47 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202AD49 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202AD4B 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202AD4D 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202AD4E 00## Sword Level

3202AD4F 00## Lance Level
3202AD50 00## Axe Level
3202AD51 00## Bow Level

3202AD52 00## Staff Level

3202AD53 00## Anima Level
3202AD54 00## Light Level
3202AD55 00## Dark Level

3202AD58 00## Support 1

3202AD59 00## Support 2
3202AD5A 00## Support 3
3202AD5B 00## Support 4
3202AD5C 00## Support 5
3202AD5D 00## Support 6
3202AD5E 00## Support 7
3202AD5F 00## Support 8
3202AD60 00## Support 9
3202AD61 00## Support 10

- Slot 8 -
8202AD70 XXXX Portrait
8202AD74 XXXX Class
3202AD78 00## Level
3202AD79 00## Experience
3202AD7C 00## Turn Status
3202AD80 00## Max HP
3202AD81 00## Current HP
3202AD82 00## Strength
3202AD83 00## Skill
3202AD84 00## Speed
3202AD85 00## Defence
3202AD86 00## Resistance
3202AD87 00## Luck
3202AD88 00## Constitution Bonus
3202AD8A 00## Move Bonus

3202AD8C 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202AD8E 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202AD90 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202AD92 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202AD94 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202AD8D 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202AD8F 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202AD91 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202AD93 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202AD95 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202AD96 00## Sword Level

3202AD97 00## Lance Level
3202AD98 00## Axe Level
3202AD99 00## Bow Level

3202AD9A 00## Staff Level

3202AD9B 00## Anima Level
3202AD9C 00## Light Level
3202AD9D 00## Dark Level

3202ADA0 00## Support 1

3202ADA1 00## Support 2
3202ADA2 00## Support 3
3202ADA3 00## Support 4
3202ADA4 00## Support 5
3202ADA5 00## Support 6
3202ADA6 00## Support 7
3202ADA7 00## Support 8
3202ADA8 00## Support 9
3202ADA9 00## Support 10
- Slot 9 -
8202ADB8 XXXX Portrait
8202ADBC XXXX Class
3202ADC0 00## Level
3202ADC1 00## Experience
3202ADC4 00## Turn Status
3202ADC8 00## Max HP
3202ADC9 00## Current HP
3202ADCA 00## Strength
3202ADCB 00## Skill
3202ADCC 00## Speed
3202ADCD 00## Defence
3202ADCE 00## Resistance
3202ADCF 00## Luck
3202ADD0 00## Constitution Bonus
3202ADD2 00## Move Bonus

3202ADD4 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202ADD6 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202ADD8 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202ADDA 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202ADDC 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202ADD5 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202ADD7 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202ADD9 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202ADDB 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202ADDD 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202ADDE 00## Sword Level

3202ADDF 00## Lance Level
3202ADE0 00## Axe Level
3202ADE1 00## Bow Level

3202ADE2 00## Staff Level

3202ADE3 00## Anima Level
3202ADE4 00## Light Level
3202ADE5 00## Dark Level

3202ADE8 00## Support 1

3202ADE9 00## Support 2
3202ADEA 00## Support 3
3202ADEB 00## Support 4
3202ADEC 00## Support 5
3202ADED 00## Support 6
3202ADEE 00## Support 7
3202ADEF 00## Support 8
3202ADF0 00## Support 9
3202ADF1 00## Support 10

- Slot 10 -
8202AE00 XXXX Portrait
8202AE04 XXXX Class
3202AE08 00## Level
3202AE09 00## Experience
3202AE0C 00## Turn Status
3202AE10 00## Max HP
3202AE11 00## Current HP
3202AE12 00## Strength
3202AE13 00## Skill
3202AE14 00## Speed
3202AE15 00## Defence
3202AE16 00## Resistance
3202AE17 00## Luck
3202AE18 00## Constitution Bonus
3202AE1A 00## Move Bonus

3202AE1C 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202AE1E 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202AE20 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202AE22 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202AE24 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202AE1D 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202AE1F 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202AE21 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202AE23 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202AE25 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202AE26 00## Sword Level

3202AE27 00## Lance Level
3202AE28 00## Axe Level
3202AE29 00## Bow Level

3202AE2A 00## Staff Level

3202AE2B 00## Anima Level
3202AE2C 00## Light Level
3202AE2D 00## Dark Level

3202AE30 00## Support 1

3202AE31 00## Support 2
3202AE32 00## Support 3
3202AE33 00## Support 4
3202AE34 00## Support 5
3202AE35 00## Support 6
3202AE36 00## Support 7
3202AE37 00## Support 8
3202AE38 00## Support 9
3202AE39 00## Support 10

- Slot 11 -
8202AE48 XXXX Portrait
8202AE4C XXXX Class
3202AE50 00## Level
3202AE51 00## Experience
3202AE54 00## Turn Status
3202AE58 00## Max HP
3202AE59 00## Current HP
3202AE5A 00## Strength
3202AE5B 00## Skill
3202AE5C 00## Speed
3202AE5D 00## Defence
3202AE5E 00## Resistance
3202AE5F 00## Luck
3202AE60 00## Constitution Bonus
3202AE62 00## Move Bonus

3202AE64 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202AE66 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202AE68 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202AE6A 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202AE6C 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202AE65 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202AE67 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202AE69 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202AE6B 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202AE6D 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202AE6E 00## Sword Level

3202AE6F 00## Lance Level
3202AE70 00## Axe Level
3202AE71 00## Bow Level

3202AE72 00## Staff Level

3202AE73 00## Anima Level
3202AE74 00## Light Level
3202AE75 00## Dark Level

3202AE78 00## Support 1

3202AE79 00## Support 2
3202AE7A 00## Support 3
3202AE7B 00## Support 4
3202AE7C 00## Support 5
3202AE7D 00## Support 6
3202AE7E 00## Support 7
3202AE7F 00## Support 8
3202AE80 00## Support 9
3202AE81 00## Support 10

- Slot 12 -
8202AE90 XXXX Portrait
8202AE94 XXXX Class
3202AE98 00## Level
3202AE99 00## Experience
3202AE9C 00## Turn Status
3202AEA0 00## Max HP
3202AEA1 00## Current HP
3202AEA2 00## Strength
3202AEA3 00## Skill
3202AEA4 00## Speed
3202AEA5 00## Defence
3202AEA6 00## Resistance
3202AEA7 00## Luck
3202AEA8 00## Constitution Bonus
3202AEAA 00## Move Bonus

3202AEAC 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202AEAE 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202AEB0 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202AEB2 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202AEB4 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202AEAD 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202AEAF 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202AEB1 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202AEB3 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202AEB5 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202AEB6 00## Sword Level

3202AEB7 00## Lance Level
3202AEB8 00## Axe Level
3202AEB9 00## Bow Level

3202AEBA 00## Staff Level

3202AEBB 00## Anima Level
3202AEBC 00## Light Level
3202AEBD 00## Dark Level

3202AEC0 00## Support 1

3202AEC1 00## Support 2
3202AEC2 00## Support 3
3202AEC3 00## Support 4
3202AEC4 00## Support 5
3202AEC5 00## Support 6
3202AEC6 00## Support 7
3202AEC7 00## Support 8
3202AEC8 00## Support 9
3202AEC9 00## Support 10

- Slot 13 -
8202AED8 XXXX Portrait
8202AEDC XXXX Class
3202AEE0 00## Level
3202AEE1 00## Experience
3202AEE4 00## Turn Status
3202AEE8 00## Max HP
3202AEE9 00## Current HP
3202AEEA 00## Strength
3202AEEB 00## Skill
3202AEEC 00## Speed
3202AEED 00## Defence
3202AEEE 00## Resistance
3202AEEF 00## Luck
3202AEF0 00## Constitution Bonus
3202AEF2 00## Move Bonus

3202AEF4 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202AEF6 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202AEF8 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202AEFA 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202AEFC 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202AEF5 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202AEF7 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202AEF9 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202AEFB 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202AEFD 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202AEFE 00## Sword Level

3202AEFF 00## Lance Level
3202AF00 00## Axe Level
3202AF01 00## Bow Level

3202AF02 00## Staff Level

3202AF03 00## Anima Level
3202AF04 00## Light Level
3202AF05 00## Dark Level

3202AF08 00## Support 1

3202AF09 00## Support 2
3202AF0A 00## Support 3
3202AF0B 00## Support 4
3202AF0C 00## Support 5
3202AF0D 00## Support 6
3202AF0E 00## Support 7
3202AF0F 00## Support 8
3202AF10 00## Support 9
3202AF11 00## Support 10

- Slot 14 -
8202AF20 XXXX Portrait
8202AF24 XXXX Class
3202AF28 00## Level
3202AF29 00## Experience
3202AF2C 00## Turn Status
3202AF30 00## Max HP
3202AF31 00## Current HP
3202AF32 00## Strength
3202AF33 00## Skill
3202AF34 00## Speed
3202AF35 00## Defence
3202AF36 00## Resistance
3202AF37 00## Luck
3202AF38 00## Constitution Bonus
3202AF3A 00## Move Bonus

3202AF3C 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202AF3E 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202AF40 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202AF42 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202AF44 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202AF3D 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202AF3F 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202AF41 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202AF43 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202AF45 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202AF46 00## Sword Level

3202AF47 00## Lance Level
3202AF48 00## Axe Level
3202AF49 00## Bow Level

3202AF4A 00## Staff Level

3202AF4B 00## Anima Level
3202AF4C 00## Light Level
3202AF4D 00## Dark Level

3202AF50 00## Support 1

3202AF51 00## Support 2
3202AF52 00## Support 3
3202AF53 00## Support 4
3202AF54 00## Support 5
3202AF55 00## Support 6
3202AF56 00## Support 7
3202AF57 00## Support 8
3202AF58 00## Support 9
3202AF59 00## Support 10

- Slot 15 -
8202AF68 XXXX Portrait
8202AF6C XXXX Class
3202AF70 00## Level
3202AF71 00## Experience
3202AF74 00## Turn Status
3202AF78 00## Max HP
3202AF79 00## Current HP
3202AF7A 00## Strength
3202AF7B 00## Skill
3202AF7C 00## Speed
3202AF7D 00## Defence
3202AF7E 00## Resistance
3202AF7F 00## Luck
3202AF80 00## Constitution Bonus
3202AF82 00## Move Bonus

3202AF84 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202AF86 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202AF88 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202AF8A 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202AF8C 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202AF85 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202AF87 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202AF89 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202AF8B 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202AF8D 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity
3202AF8E 00## Sword Level
3202AF8F 00## Lance Level
3202AF90 00## Axe Level
3202AF91 00## Bow Level

3202AF92 00## Staff Level

3202AF93 00## Anima Level
3202AF94 00## Light Level
3202AF95 00## Dark Level

3202AF98 00## Support 1

3202AF99 00## Support 2
3202AF9A 00## Support 3
3202AF9B 00## Support 4
3202AF9C 00## Support 5
3202AF9D 00## Support 6
3202AF9E 00## Support 7
3202AF9F 00## Support 8
3202AFA0 00## Support 9
3202AFA1 00## Support 10

- Slot 16 -
8202AFB0 XXXX Portrait
8202AFB4 XXXX Class
3202AFB8 00## Level
3202AFB9 00## Experience
3202AFBC 00## Turn Status
3202AFC0 00## Max HP
3202AFC1 00## Current HP
3202AFC2 00## Strength
3202AFC3 00## Skill
3202AFC4 00## Speed
3202AFC5 00## Defence
3202AFC6 00## Resistance
3202AFC7 00## Luck
3202AFC8 00## Constitution Bonus
3202AFCA 00## Move Bonus

3202AFCC 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202AFCE 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202AFD0 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202AFD2 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202AFD4 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202AFCD 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202AFCF 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202AFD1 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202AFD3 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202AFD5 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202AFD6 00## Sword Level

3202AFD7 00## Lance Level
3202AFD8 00## Axe Level
3202AFD9 00## Bow Level
3202AFDA 00## Staff Level
3202AFDB 00## Anima Level
3202AFDC 00## Light Level
3202AFDD 00## Dark Level

3202AFE0 00## Support 1

3202AFE1 00## Support 2
3202AFE2 00## Support 3
3202AFE3 00## Support 4
3202AFE4 00## Support 5
3202AFE5 00## Support 6
3202AFE6 00## Support 7
3202AFE7 00## Support 8
3202AFE8 00## Support 9
3202AFE9 00## Support 10

- Slot 17 -
8202AFF8 XXXX Portrait
8202AFFC XXXX Class
3202B000 00## Level
3202B001 00## Experience
3202B004 00## Turn Status
3202B008 00## Max HP
3202B009 00## Current HP
3202B00A 00## Strength
3202B00B 00## Skill
3202B00C 00## Speed
3202B00D 00## Defence
3202B00E 00## Resistance
3202B00F 00## Luck
3202B010 00## Constitution Bonus
3202B012 00## Move Bonus

3202B014 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202B016 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202B018 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202B01A 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202B01C 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202B015 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202B017 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202B019 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202B01B 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202B01D 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202B01E 00## Sword Level

3202B01F 00## Lance Level
3202B020 00## Axe Level
3202B021 00## Bow Level

3202B022 00## Staff Level

3202B023 00## Anima Level
3202B024 00## Light Level
3202B025 00## Dark Level
3202B028 00## Support 1
3202B029 00## Support 2
3202B02A 00## Support 3
3202B02B 00## Support 4
3202B02C 00## Support 5
3202B02D 00## Support 6
3202B02E 00## Support 7
3202B02F 00## Support 8
3202B030 00## Support 9
3202B031 00## Support 10

- Slot 18 -
8202B040 XXXX Portrait
8202B044 XXXX Class
3202B048 00## Level
3202B049 00## Experience
3202B04C 00## Turn Status
3202B050 00## Max HP
3202B051 00## Current HP
3202B052 00## Strength
3202B053 00## Skill
3202B054 00## Speed
3202B055 00## Defence
3202B056 00## Resistance
3202B057 00## Luck
3202B058 00## Constitution Bonus
3202B05A 00## Move Bonus

3202B05C 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202B05E 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202B060 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202B062 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202B064 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202B05D 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202B05F 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202B061 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202B063 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202B065 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202B066 00## Sword Level

3202B067 00## Lance Level
3202B068 00## Axe Level
3202B069 00## Bow Level

3202B06A 00## Staff Level

3202B06B 00## Anima Level
3202B06C 00## Light Level
3202B06D 00## Dark Level

3202B070 00## Support 1

3202B071 00## Support 2
3202B072 00## Support 3
3202B073 00## Support 4
3202B074 00## Support 5
3202B075 00## Support 6
3202B076 00## Support 7
3202B077 00## Support 8
3202B078 00## Support 9
3202B079 00## Support 10

- Slot 19 -
8202B088 XXXX Portrait
8202B08C XXXX Class
3202B090 00## Level
3202B091 00## Experience
3202B094 00## Turn Status
3202B098 00## Max HP
3202B099 00## Current HP
3202B09A 00## Strength
3202B09B 00## Skill
3202B09C 00## Speed
3202B09D 00## Defence
3202B09E 00## Resistance
3202B09F 00## Luck
3202B0A0 00## Constitution Bonus
3202B0A2 00## Move Bonus

3202B0A4 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202B0A6 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202B0A8 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202B0AA 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202B0AC 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202B0A5 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202B0A7 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202B0A9 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202B0AB 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202B0AD 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202B0AE 00## Sword Level

3202B0AF 00## Lance Level
3202B0B0 00## Axe Level
3202B0B1 00## Bow Level

3202B0B2 00## Staff Level

3202B0B3 00## Anima Level
3202B0B4 00## Light Level
3202B0B5 00## Dark Level

3202B0B8 00## Support 1

3202B0B9 00## Support 2
3202B0BA 00## Support 3
3202B0BB 00## Support 4
3202B0BC 00## Support 5
3202B0BD 00## Support 6
3202B0BE 00## Support 7
3202B0BF 00## Support 8
3202B0C0 00## Support 9
3202B0C1 00## Support 10
- Slot 20 -
8202B0D0 XXXX Portrait
8202B0D4 XXXX Class
3202B0D8 00## Level
3202B0D9 00## Experience
3202B0DC 00## Turn Status
3202B0E0 00## Max HP
3202B0E1 00## Current HP
3202B0E2 00## Strength
3202B0E3 00## Skill
3202B0E4 00## Speed
3202B0E5 00## Defence
3202B0E6 00## Resistance
3202B0E7 00## Luck
3202B0E8 00## Constitution Bonus
3202B0EA 00## Move Bonus

3202B0EC 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202B0EE 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202B0F0 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202B0F2 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202B0F4 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202B0ED 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202B0EF 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202B0F1 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202B0F3 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202B0F5 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202B0F6 00## Sword Level

3202B0F7 00## Lance Level
3202B0F8 00## Axe Level
3202B0F9 00## Bow Level

3202B0FA 00## Staff Level

3202B0FB 00## Anima Level
3202B0FC 00## Light Level
3202B0FD 00## Dark Level

3202B100 00## Support 1

3202B101 00## Support 2
3202B102 00## Support 3
3202B103 00## Support 4
3202B104 00## Support 5
3202B105 00## Support 6
3202B106 00## Support 7
3202B107 00## Support 8
3202B108 00## Support 9
3202B109 00## Support 10

- Slot 21 -
8202B118 XXXX Portrait
8202B11C XXXX Class
3202B120 00## Level
3202B121 00## Experience
3202B124 00## Turn Status
3202B128 00## Max HP
3202B129 00## Current HP
3202B12A 00## Strength
3202B12B 00## Skill
3202B12C 00## Speed
3202B12D 00## Defence
3202B12E 00## Resistance
3202B12F 00## Luck
3202B130 00## Constitution Bonus
3202B132 00## Move Bonus

3202B134 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202B136 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202B138 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202B13A 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202B13C 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202B135 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202B137 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202B139 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202B13B 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202B13D 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202B13E 00## Sword Level

3202B13F 00## Lance Level
3202B140 00## Axe Level
3202B141 00## Bow Level

3202B142 00## Staff Level

3202B143 00## Anima Level
3202B144 00## Light Level
3202B145 00## Dark Level

3202B148 00## Support 1

3202B149 00## Support 2
3202B14A 00## Support 3
3202B14B 00## Support 4
3202B14C 00## Support 5
3202B14D 00## Support 6
3202B14E 00## Support 7
3202B14F 00## Support 8
3202B150 00## Support 9
3202B151 00## Support 10

- Slot 22 -
8202B160 XXXX Portrait
8202B164 XXXX Class
3202B168 00## Level
3202B169 00## Experience
3202B16C 00## Turn Status
3202B170 00## Max HP
3202B171 00## Current HP
3202B172 00## Strength
3202B173 00## Skill
3202B174 00## Speed
3202B175 00## Defence
3202B176 00## Resistance
3202B177 00## Luck
3202B178 00## Constitution Bonus
3202B17A 00## Move Bonus

3202B17C 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202B17E 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202B180 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202B182 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202B184 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202B17D 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202B17F 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202B181 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202B183 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202B185 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202B186 00## Sword Level

3202B187 00## Lance Level
3202B188 00## Axe Level
3202B189 00## Bow Level

3202B18A 00## Staff Level

3202B18B 00## Anima Level
3202B18C 00## Light Level
3202B18D 00## Dark Level

3202B190 00## Support 1

3202B191 00## Support 2
3202B192 00## Support 3
3202B193 00## Support 4
3202B194 00## Support 5
3202B195 00## Support 6
3202B196 00## Support 7
3202B197 00## Support 8
3202B198 00## Support 9
3202B199 00## Support 10

- Slot 23 -
8202B1A8 XXXX Portrait
8202B1AC XXXX Class
3202B1B0 00## Level
3202B1B1 00## Experience
3202B1B4 00## Turn Status
3202B1B8 00## Max HP
3202B1B9 00## Current HP
3202B1BA 00## Strength
3202B1BB 00## Skill
3202B1BC 00## Speed
3202B1BD 00## Defence
3202B1BE 00## Resistance
3202B1BF 00## Luck
3202B1C0 00## Constitution Bonus
3202B1C2 00## Move Bonus

3202B1C4 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202B1C6 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202B1C8 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202B1CA 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202B1CC 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202B1C5 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202B1C7 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202B1C9 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202B1CB 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202B1CD 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202B1CE 00## Sword Level

3202B1CF 00## Lance Level
3202B1D0 00## Axe Level
3202B1D1 00## Bow Level

3202B1D2 00## Staff Level

3202B1D3 00## Anima Level
3202B1D4 00## Light Level
3202B1D5 00## Dark Level

3202B1D8 00## Support 1

3202B1D9 00## Support 2
3202B1DA 00## Support 3
3202B1DB 00## Support 4
3202B1DC 00## Support 5
3202B1DD 00## Support 6
3202B1DE 00## Support 7
3202B1DF 00## Support 8
3202B1E0 00## Support 9
3202B1E1 00## Support 10

- Slot 24 -
8202B1F0 XXXX Portrait
8202B1F4 XXXX Class
3202B1F8 00## Level
3202B1F9 00## Experience
3202B1FC 00## Turn Status
3202B200 00## Max HP
3202B201 00## Current HP
3202B202 00## Strength
3202B203 00## Skill
3202B204 00## Speed
3202B205 00## Defence
3202B206 00## Resistance
3202B207 00## Luck
3202B208 00## Constitution Bonus
3202B20A 00## Move Bonus
3202B20C 00## Item Slot 1 Type
3202B20E 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202B210 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202B212 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202B214 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202B20D 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202B20F 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202B211 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202B213 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202B215 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202B216 00## Sword Level

3202B217 00## Lance Level
3202B218 00## Axe Level
3202B219 00## Bow Level

3202B21A 00## Staff Level

3202B21B 00## Anima Level
3202B21C 00## Light Level
3202B21D 00## Dark Level

3202B220 00## Support 1

3202B221 00## Support 2
3202B222 00## Support 3
3202B223 00## Support 4
3202B224 00## Support 5
3202B225 00## Support 6
3202B226 00## Support 7
3202B227 00## Support 8
3202B228 00## Support 9
3202B229 00## Support 10

- Slot 25 -
8202B238 XXXX Portrait
8202B23C XXXX Class
3202B240 00## Level
3202B241 00## Experience
3202B244 00## Turn Status
3202B248 00## Max HP
3202B249 00## Current HP
3202B24A 00## Strength
3202B24B 00## Skill
3202B24C 00## Speed
3202B24D 00## Defence
3202B24E 00## Resistance
3202B24F 00## Luck
3202B250 00## Constitution Bonus
3202B252 00## Move Bonus

3202B254 00## Item Slot 1 Type

3202B256 00## Item Slot 2 Type
3202B258 00## Item Slot 3 Type
3202B25A 00## Item Slot 4 Type
3202B25C 00## Item Slot 5 Type
3202B255 00## Item Slot 1 Quantity
3202B257 00## Item Slot 2 Quantity
3202B259 00## Item Slot 3 Quantity
3202B25B 00## Item Slot 4 Quantity
3202B25D 00## Item Slot 5 Quantity

3202B25E 00## Sword Level

3202B25F 00## Lance Level
3202B260 00## Axe Level
3202B261 00## Bow Level

3202B262 00## Staff Level

3202B263 00## Anima Level
3202B264 00## Light Level
3202B265 00## Dark Level

3202B268 00## Support 1

3202B269 00## Support 2
3202B26A 00## Support 3
3202B26B 00## Support 4
3202B26C 00## Support 5
3202B26D 00## Support 6
3202B26E 00## Support 7
3202B26F 00## Support 8
3202B270 00## Support 9
3202B271 00## Support 10

- O t h e r S l o t s -

To get the 2nd person , add 48 HEX to the address ( 1st part ).
To get the 3rd person , add 96 HEX to the address.

Basically , find out what person slot the character is in, subtract it by
Convert the answer to hexadecimal and multiply by 48 HEX. Then add it to
code's address and done. For example:

I have Noah in slot 12.

12 - 1 = 11.
Converted to hex is B
B x 48 = 318

So to change anything in slot 12, you must add 318 HEX to the address.
change his class:

8202AB7C XXXX is the code for changing the class of person slot 1. the
is 8202AB7C.

8202AB7C + 318 = 8202AE94

8202AE94 will be the address for the new code. Let's make him a female
the code will be 8202AE94 A7F0.

There, done

- 6 - Miscellaneous -
3202AA56 #### Chapter Code (Very dangerous, only use on save screen)
3202AA57 #### Phase Code
3202AA58 #### Turn Number

8202AA50 423F Max Gold

8202AA52 000F

Merchant Codes:

You have to keep them in order. That means if you only have 21 items in

merchant, you shoudl use slot 22's code, not slot 99's

82039430 ##XX Slot 1

82039432 ##XX Slot 2
82039434 ##XX Slot 3
82039436 ##XX Slot 4
82039438 ##XX Slot 5
8203943A ##XX Slot 6
8203943C ##XX Slot 7
8203943E ##XX Slot 8
82039440 ##XX Slot 9
82039442 ##XX Slot 10
82039444 ##XX Slot 11
82039446 ##XX Slot 12
82039448 ##XX Slot 13
8203944A ##XX Slot 14
8203944C ##XX Slot 15
8203944E ##XX Slot 16
82039450 ##XX Slot 17
82039452 ##XX Slot 18
82039454 ##XX Slot 19
82039456 ##XX Slot 20
82039458 ##XX Slot 21
8203945A ##XX Slot 22
8203945C ##XX Slot 23
8203945E ##XX Slot 24
82039460 ##XX Slot 25
82039462 ##XX Slot 26
82039464 ##XX Slot 27
82039466 ##XX Slot 28
82039468 ##XX Slot 29
8203946A ##XX Slot 30
8203946C ##XX Slot 31
8203946E ##XX Slot 32
82039470 ##XX Slot 33
82039472 ##XX Slot 34
82039474 ##XX Slot 35
82039476 ##XX Slot 36
82039478 ##XX Slot 37
8203947A ##XX Slot 38
8203947C ##XX Slot 39
8203947E ##XX Slot 40
82039480 ##XX Slot 41
82039482 ##XX Slot 42
82039484 ##XX Slot 43
82039486 ##XX Slot 44
82039488 ##XX Slot 45
8203948A ##XX Slot 46
8203948C ##XX Slot 47
8203948E ##XX Slot 48
82039490 ##XX Slot 49
82039492 ##XX Slot 50
82039494 ##XX Slot 51
82039496 ##XX Slot 52
82039498 ##XX Slot 53
8203949A ##XX Slot 54
8203949C ##XX Slot 55
8203949E ##XX Slot 56
820394A0 ##XX Slot 57
820394A2 ##XX Slot 58
820394A4 ##XX Slot 59
820394A6 ##XX Slot 60
820394A8 ##XX Slot 61
820394AA ##XX Slot 62
820394AC ##XX Slot 63
820394AE ##XX Slot 64
820394B0 ##XX Slot 65
820394B2 ##XX Slot 66
820394B4 ##XX Slot 67
820394B6 ##XX Slot 68
820394B8 ##XX Slot 69
820394BA ##XX Slot 70
820394BC ##XX Slot 71
820394BE ##XX Slot 72
820394C0 ##XX Slot 73
820394C2 ##XX Slot 74
820394C4 ##XX Slot 75
820394C6 ##XX Slot 76
820394C8 ##XX Slot 77
820394CA ##XX Slot 78
820394CC ##XX Slot 79
820394CE ##XX Slot 80
820394D0 ##XX Slot 81
820394D2 ##XX Slot 82
820394D4 ##XX Slot 83
820394D6 ##XX Slot 84
820394D8 ##XX Slot 85
820394DA ##XX Slot 86
820394DC ##XX Slot 87
820394DE ##XX Slot 88
820394E0 ##XX Slot 89
820394E2 ##XX Slot 90
820394E4 ##XX Slot 91
820394E6 ##XX Slot 92
820394E8 ##XX Slot 93
820394EA ##XX Slot 94
820394EC ##XX Slot 95
820394EE ##XX Slot 96
820394F0 ##XX Slot 97
820394F2 ##XX Slot 98
820394F4 ##XX Slot 99
820394F6 ##XX Slot 100

- 7 - Digits and Support Character Slot Lists -

Values:FB=S Rank
C9=A Rank
97=B Rank
65=C Rank
33=D Rank
01=E Rank
00=Can't Use Weapon

Phase Digits:
00=Your Turn (Blue)
40=Allies turn (Green)
80=Enemy's Turn (Red)

Support Levels

In these codes, replace the ## with:

3c=Support C ready, just need to talk
3d=Support C
79=Support B
c8=Support A ready, just need to talk
c9=Support A

These digits were postedby Dutchbest, probably made by Terranigma Freak,

Satoshi, on the Fire Emblem: Sanctuary of Strategy Forums, or simply FESS
forums. They are located here:

Portrait Digits

76D0: Roy
7700: Clarine
7730: Fa
7760: Shin
7790: Sue
77C0: Dayan
70F0: Dayan D
7820: Barth
7850: Bors
7880: Wendy
78B0: Douglas
7910: Wolt
7940: Dorothy
7970: Klein
79A0: Saul
79D0: Ellen
7A00: Yodel
7A30: Yodel D
7A60: Chad
7A90: Karel
7AC0: Fil
7AF0: Rutger
7B20: Dieck
7B50: Oujay
7B80: Garrett
7BB0: Allen
7BE0: Lance
7C10: Percival
7C40: Igrene
7C70: Marcus
7CA0: Astohl
7CD0: Ward
7D00: Lott
7D30: Bartre
7D60: Bartre B
7D90: Lugh
7DC0: Lilina
7DF0: Hugh
7E20: Niime
7E50: Niime D
7E80: Ray
7EB0: Lalam
7EE0: Yuno
7F10: Yuno D
7F40: Thito
7F70: Thito C
7FA0: Thito D
7FD0: Thany
8000: Zeiss
8030: Gale
8060: Elfin
8090: Cath
80C0: Sophia
80F0: Miledy
8120: Gonzales
8150: Gonzales B
8180: Noah
81B0: Treck
81E0: Zealot
8210: Echnida
8240: Echnida B
8270: Cecila
82A0: Geese
82D0: Geese
8300: Merlinus
8330: Eliwood
8360: Guinevere

Class Digits

A130: Lord
A178: Mercenary M
A1C0: Mercenary F
A208: Hero M
A250: Hero F
A298: Myrmidon M
A2E0: Myrmidon F
A328: Sword Master M
A370: Sword Master F
A3B8: Fighter
A400: Warrior
A448: Armour Knight M
A490: Armour Knight F
A4D8: General M
A520: General F
A568: Archer M
A5B0: Archer F
A5F8: Sniper M
A640: Sniper F
A688: Priest M
A6D0: Priest F
A718: Bishop M
A760: Bishop F
A7A8: Mage M
A7F0: Mage F
A838: Sage M
A880: Sage F
A8C8: Shaman M
A910: Shaman F
A958: Druid M
A9A0: Druid F
A9E8: Cavalier M
AA30: Cavalier F
AA78: Paladin M
AAC0: Paladin F
AB08: Troubadour
AB50: Valkyrie
AB98: Nomad M
ABE0: Nomad F
AC28: Nomadic Trooper M
AC70: Nomadic Trooper F
ACB8: Pegasus Knight
AD00: Falcoknight
AD48: Dragon Knight M
AD90: Dragon Knight F
ADD8: Dragon Master M
AE20: Dragon Master F
AE68: Soldier
AEB0: Bandit
AEF8: Pirate
AF40: Berserker
AF88: Thief M
AFD0: Thief F
B018: Bard
B060: Dancer
B0A8: Makute M
B0F0: Makute F
B180: Divine Dragon
B1C8: Dark Dragon
B210: King
B258: Citizen M
B2A0: Citizen F
B2E8: Children M
B330: Children F
B378: Transport Unit
B3C0: Master Lord

Item Digits

These were posted by sample2, I'm guess they were made by Terranigma
Freak, and

Satoshi on the FESS forums

00 - Nothing
01 - Iron Sword
02 - Iron Blade
03 - Steel Sword
04 - Silver Sword
05 - Slim Sword
06 - Poison Sword
07 - Brave Sword
08 - Light Brand
09 - Durandal
0a - Armourslayer
0b - Rapier
0c - Killing Edge
0d - Lancereaver
0e - Wo Dao
0f - Sword Of Seals
10 - Iron Spear
11 - Steel Spear
12 - Silver Spear
13 - Slim Spear
14 - Poison Spear
15 - Brave Spear
16 - Javelin
17 - Malte
18 - Horseslyer
19 - Killer Lance
1a - Axereaver
1b - Iron Axe
1c - Steel Axe
1d - Silver Axe
1e - Poison Axe
1f - Brave Axe
20 - Hand Axe
21 - Armads
22 - Hammer
23 - Killer Axe
24 - Swordreaver
25 - Devil Axe
26 - Halberd
27 - Iron Bow
28 - Steel Bow
29 - Silver Bow
2a - Poison Bow
2b - Killer Bow
2c - Brave Bow
2d - Short Bow
2e - Long Bow
2f - Miurgre
30 - Ballista
31 - Long Ballista
32 - Killer Ballista
33 - Fire
34 - Thunder
35 - Fimbulvetr
36 - Elfire
37 - Aircaliber
38 - Fenrir
39 - Bolting
3a - Forblaze
3b - Lightning
3c - Divine
3d - Purge
3e - Aureola
3f - Flux
40 - Nosferatu
41 - Eclipse
42 - Apocalypse
43 - Heal
44 - Mend
45 - Recover
46 - Physic
47 - Fortify
48 - Warp
49 - Rescue
4a - Restore
4b - Silence
4c - Sleep
4d - Torch
4e - Hammerne
4f - Watch
50 - Berserk
51 - Unlock
52 - Barrier
53 - Flame Stone
54 - Divine Stone
55 - Demon Stone
56 - Secret Book
57 - Goddess Icon
58 - Angelic Robe
59 - Dragonshield
5a - Energy Ring
5b - Speedwings
5c - Amulet
5d - Boots
5e - Body Ring
5f - Hero Crest
60 - Knight Crest
61 - Orion's Bolt
62 - Elysian Whip
63 - Guiding Ring
64 - Chest Key X 5
65 - Door Key
66 - Bridge Key
67 - Lockpick
68 - Vulnerary
69 - Elixir
6a - Pure Water
6b - Torch
6c - Antitoxin
6d - Gold Card
6e - Silver Card
6f - Gold
70 - Dark Breath
71 - Exaccus
72 - Steel Blade
73 - Silver Blade
74 - Al Sword
75 - Gant Lance
76 - Tina Staff
77 - Holy Maiden
78 - Wyrmslayer
79 - White Gem
7a - Blue Gem
7b - Red Gem
7c - Delphi Shield
7d - Runesword
7e - Spear
7f - Tomahawk

Support Lists:


Slot 1 : Lilina
Slot 2 : Marcus
Slot 3 : Wolt
Slot 4 : Cecilia
Slot 5 : Sophia
Slot 6 : Sue
Slot 7 : Thany
Slot 8 : Lalum
Slot 9 : Alan
Slot 10: Lance

- 8 - Credits -
Thanks to for the enabler code. If anyone can tell me who
the code, can they tell me so I can actually credit the person?

Thanks to sample2 (Superbus) , dutchbest and Terranigma Freak, and

Satoshi on

the FESS forums for the digits.

Thanks to YougnLink for emailing me about certain mistakes in the faq and
helping to improve the guide

Thanks to GameFAQs for hosting this

Lastly, big thanks to Intelligent Systems and Nintendo for making this

- 9 - Legal Information -

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for

private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
publicly without advance permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or
as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation

^An altered form of GameFAQS' example on Contributer Central, but its

just as

- 10- Contact Information -

I can be contacted at

However, with all the spam, viruses and trojans going about, it might be
if you asked for me in the GameFAQs FE6 Forums, seeing its almost empty.

If you do send an email to me, make sure you have this exact phrase in
subject or it will be thrown into my junk folder:

"FE6 Codebreaker Codes"

Also say what the email deals with, eg - request, correction etc.

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