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The Lemonade War

The Lemonade War

by Jacqueline Davies
A Book Unit

Scroll down for free lesson plans for the book The Lemonade War! Here, you will find a
sample lesson, a quiz, and a portion of the test. You can also find the scope and sequence for
our complete The Lemonade War book unit.

It includes lessons, a test, writing assignments, quizzes, and answer keys. We use these lessons
in our own classrooms and base them on the Common Core Language Arts standards.

To buy the entire unit, go to the following link:

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Book Units By Teachers, LLC

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The Lemonade War

Scope and Sequence

Common Core State Standards that are addressed in each chapter are in parenthesis
beside the chapter/skill.

Chapter 1: Onomatopoeia (L5)……………………………………………………… …….. Page 3

Chapter 1: Questions and Vocabulary (RL1, L4)……………………………….. Page 4
Chapter 2: Concrete and Abstract Nouns (L1)…………………………………. Page 5
Chapter 2: Questions and Vocabulary (RL1, L4)……………………………….. Pages 6
Chapter 3: Plot (L2)…………………………………………………………………………………. Pages 7-8
Chapter 3: Questions and Vocabulary (RL1, L4)................................... Page 9
Chapter 4: Prepositions (L1)…………………………………………………………………… Page 10
Chapter 4: Questions and Vocabulary (RL1, L4)…………..……………………. Page 11
Chapter 5: Sequencing (RL2)………………………………………………………………….. Page 12
Chapter 5: Questions and Vocabulary (RL1, L4)…………………………………. Page 13
Chapter 6: Types of Sentences (L2)…………………………………………………….. Page 14
Chapter 6: Questions and Vocabulary (RL1, L4)………………………………… Page 15
Chapter 7: Visualizing (RL7)…………………………………………………………………… Page 15
Chapter 7: Questions and Vocabulary (RL1, L4)…………………………………. Page 17
Chapter 8: To, Too, and Two (L1)…………………………………………………………… Page 18
Chapter 8: Questions and Vocabulary (RL1, L4)…………………………………. Page 19
Chapter 9: Dictionary Skills (L4)…………………………………………………………… Page 20
Chapter 9: Questions and Vocabulary (RL1, L4).……………………………….. Page 21
Chapter 10: Contractions (L2)……………………………………………………………….. Page 22
Chapter 10: Questions and Vocabulary (RL1, L4)……………………………….. Page 23
Chapter 11: Comparing and Contrasting Characters (RL3) .………………Page 24
Chapter 11: Questions and Vocabulary (RL1, L4)………….……………………..Page 25
Chapter 12: Synonyms (L5)……………………………………………………………………… Page 26
Chapter 12: Questions and Vocabulary (RL1, L4)……………………………….. Page 27
Chapter 13: Fact and Opinion (W1)……………………………………………………….. Page 28
Chapter 13: Questions and Vocabulary (RL1, L4)……………………………….. Page 29
Chapter 14: Creating an Advertisement (W4,5,6)……….. ………………….. Page 30
Chapter 14: Questions and Vocabulary (RL1, L4)……………………………….. Page 31
Book Test……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Pages 32-34
Answer Key………………………………………………………………………………………………. Pages 35-42

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The Lemonade War

Name __________________________________ Date ________________

Chapter 1- Onomatopoeia

Onomatopoeia is the use of words whose sounds suggest their meaning. Examples of
onomatopoeias are “buzz”, “hiss”, or “moo” because these are “sound” words. They are
actually a sound. Authors use onomatopoeias to make reading and writing more
interesting and to help create more vivid pictures for the reader.
In The Lemonade War, Evan is lying on his back throwing the baseball up. As he catches
it, the ball makes a sound as it hits his hand. This sound is “thwap”. This is an example
of onomatopoeia.

Look through chapter 1 and find five more examples of onomatopoeia.

1. ______________________ 2. _____________________

3. ______________________ 4. _____________________

5. ______________________

Now get with a partner and come up with more examples of onomatopoeia.

6. _____________________ 7. ______________________

8. _____________________ 9. ______________________

10. _____________________ 11. ______________________

Write a sentence with one of your examples.


Book Units By Teachers, LLC ©2012 Page 3

The Lemonade War

Name _______________________________ Date ___________________

Chapter One- Questions and Vocabulary

1. Who is the first character you meet in this chapter?
I found this on page_________________

2. Where is the setting in this chapter (be specific)?

I found this on page________________

3. Who is Jessie?
I found this on page_______________

4. Why do you think Evan is mad at Jessie and give reasons to support your thinking?

5. How did Evan get hurt?

I found this on page_______________________________________

Vocabulary -Determine the meaning of this word. Write dictionary, word parts, or context
clues to identify the strategy you used to figure out the word’s meaning.

1. humiliated -

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The Lemonade War

Name ________________________________ Date ______________

The Lemonade War Book Test

1. Why couldn’t Evan sell lemonade in the town center?

A. He didn’t have transportation to the town center.
B. He didn’t have a permit.
C. He couldn’t find a place to set up his lemonade stand.

2. Which of the following is an example of onomatopoeia?

A. scra-a-ape
B. walking
C. air conditioner

3. Why was Evan in the basement trying to avoid Jessie?

A. She got on his nerves because she was his sister.
B. He didn’t like being around her friends.
C. He was mad because she was going to be in his class at school.

4. What did Scott do that showed Evan he was not a good business partner?
A. He drank a lot of the lemonade himself.
B. He gave away the lemonade.
C. He was rude to the customers.

5. What vow had Evan and Jessie taken since their dad left?
A. to not let anyone hurt their mom
B. to not fight in front of their mom
C. to always help their mom with the dishes

6. What was Jessie’s weakest subject?

A. math
B. science
C. feelings

This is only a portion of the book test! Download the entire unit today
for other great Common Core based lessons, writing activities, quizzes,
and the complete book test!

Book Units By Teachers, LLC ©2012 Page 5

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