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Source: ME 451 Computer-aided Manufacturing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

CAMware Demonstration: Pro/Manufacture

 Learn how to use Pro/Manufacture (a CAMware program within Pro Creo Parametric)
 Use the Pro/Manufacture to generate the machining operations for part features
 Generate the G-code to machine the parts

Overview of Part:

How do we machine this part?

1. Model the part using Creo Parametric

2. Plan the machining operations based on the part material, available tools, and required
operations :
a. What machine parameters do we have to work with?
i. Spindle speed (rotation speed of the cutter): 1000 Rpm roughing, 2000 Rpm
finishing, etc.
ii. Feed Rate: 10 inch/min roughing, 5 inch/min profiling, etc.
b. Machining operations
i. Rough milling: Cut away large portions of material on perimeter of gear
ii. Finish milling (Profiling): Smooth the profile of the perimeter of the gear
iii. Hole-making: Drill the holes in the middle
c. Required tools:
i. 1/4” End milling cutter: for Rough milling
ii. 1/8” End milling cutter: for finish milling
iii. 3/4” Drill: for big hole
iv. 1/2” Drill: for small holes

Some definition for different milling operation:
Source: ME 451 Computer-aided Manufacturing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Steps to Generate the G-code using Pro/Manufacture:

A- Create A Working Directory:

1. Create a folder and rename it with your first and last name
2. Download the files “ME451_gear_demo.prt” and“ME451_workpiece_demo.prt” from Compass2g
Lab 3 folder and move them to the folder that you just created.

B- Develop Pro/Manufacture Model:

1. Open Creo Parametric.

2. Choose Set Working Directory and choose the folder you just created. Click Ok.
3. In Creo Parametric choose FileNewManufacturing and give it a name (i.e. ME451_demo_part).
Click Ok.
4. The first step is to load the part (the model you created and wish to manufacture, in this case
ME451_Gear_Demo). Click Reference Model in the Component ribbon. Navigate to your part in
the created folder and click Open.
5. You must now constrain the part. Change the constraint type from Automatic to Default. Click the
Green Check Mark (GCM from now on). Click Ok in the “Create Reference Model” window if it pops
6. Next you must tell Pro/Manufacture what the workpiece stock (i.e. the starting block shape and
dimensions). You can create this part within the manufacturing interface, use an already created
part, or let the Pro/manufacture to create a stock part automat fitting the part. The workpiece
should be a block which fully encompasses the part you would like to make. All the option are
explained below

a. Use already existing part:

i. Pull down the menu under Workpiece then choose Assemble Workpiece and
navigate to the part you already created (in this case
ME451_Workpiece_Demo.prt). Click OK.
ii. Change constraint type from Automatic to Default.(note: if this doesn’t work, just
constrain the parts to be right on top of each other.) Click the GCM, then OK when
“Create Stock Workpiece” window pops up. Click Done/Return.
b. Create a new part:
i. Pull down the menu under Workpiece then choose Create Workpiece and enter a
name (i.e. “workpiece”) for the part. Click the GCM.
ii. Click Protrusion. Make sure Extrude is selected. Click Done. Click
PlacementDefine and choose the bottom plane of your part. Click Sketch. Define
your references (NC_ASM_FRONT and NC_ASM_RIGHT) and click Solve and then
Source: ME 451 Computer-aided Manufacturing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

close the Reference window. Create a rectangular around your part. When finished,
click the GCM to exit sketcher.
iii. Make extrusion the same height (or higher, if desired) as your part. You may have
to enter a negative height (or click ) to get the extrusion to go in the correct
direction. Click the GCM.
c. Auto-fitting to the part:
i. Pull down the menu under Workpiece then choose Automatic Workpiece.
ii. Click the GCM
7. You should now see your part surrounded by a greenish box (the workpiece stock).
8. You must now define a new coordinate system which will be used by the machine. In the Datum
ribbon, choose the Coordinate System Tool . Holding the control key click the three surfaces
which will define your new coordinate system. The first surface you click will define the plane
normal to the X-Axis, the second will be normal to the Y-axis and the third will be normal to the Z-
axis. (Click planes in the order shown below).

9. A new coordinate system should then appear in one of the corners of your model. In the Coordinate
System box click the Orientation tab then click the flip button next to X and Y. New coordinate
system should look like picture above. Click ok.
10. Click FileSaveOk. (this will create an *.asm file in the working directory)

C- Define the Machining Workspace:

We will now define a window whose projection onto the part will determine what gets
machined in the volume milling process below.

1. Click the Mill Window Tool icon . Select the Sketch Window Type icon . Click the red
word Placement and select the top plane of your part. Click the Sketch icon at the top of the
screen. Click Sketch.
2. Select the outer boundaries of the part (they form a square) and the middle circle as references.
Click Close.
Source: ME 451 Computer-aided Manufacturing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

3. Create a square and circle as shown below. Note: the square extends a bit beyond the part
being machined as the mill window defines where the drill bit is allowed to travel, and thus must
be slightly larger than the part. The inner circle prevents the holes from being milled (we will drill
them in a separate step).

4. Click the GCM, then the other GCM.

D- Machine Setup

1. Select Operation in the Process ribbon. Notice that there are two red dots in this window:
2. Click the icon for Mfg Setup > Mill to the right of the Operation ribbon to open the “Milling
Work Center” window.
3. Switch to the Tools tab, and click on the Tools… button to set up the cutting tools. The Tools
Setup window will now open.
4. In the General tab, specify the geometric properties of your cutting tools. We will use four tools
for this demonstration:
a. 1/4” End milling cutter
i. Name: T0001
ii. Type: End Mill
iii. Cutter Diameter: 0.25”
iv. Leave other settings as they are
v. Click Settings tab and make sure tool number is 1
vi. Click back to the General tab and click Apply
b. 1/8” End milling cutter
i. Name: T0002
Source: ME 451 Computer-aided Manufacturing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

ii. Type: End Mill

iii. Cutter Diameter: 0.125”
iv. Leave other settings as they are
v. Click Settings tab and change tool number to 2.
vi. Click back to the General tab and click Apply
c. 3/4” Basic Drill
i. Name: T0003
ii. Type: Basic Drill
iii. Cutter Diameter: 0.75”
iv. Leave other settings as they are
v. Click Settings tab and make sure tool number is 3
vi. Click back to the General tab and click Apply
d. 1/2” Basic Drill
i. Name: T0004
ii. Type: Basic Drill
iii. Cutter Diameter: 0.5”
iv. Leave other settings as they are
v. Click Settings tab and change tool number to 4
vi. Click back to the General tab and click Apply
5. Click OK to go back to Milling Work Center window, and OK again to get to the Operation
ribbon. Notice the red dot next to is gone.
6. Click on the area next to to select the coordinate system that the machine will use. (note
that the red arrow goes away.)
7. Click on the coordinate system you created earlier.
8. Click GCM to exit the Operation Setup Window
9. Save the file.

E- Create Tool Paths

Volume Removal Sequence:

1. Click the Mill tab and click Roughing > Roughing in the Milling ribbon.
2. Enter a name (like “Roughing”) in the Properties tab.
3. Choose the tool you would like to use (1/4” end mill) in the pull down menu next to .
4. In the Parameters tab, enter appropriate values in the highlighted areas. (Units are automatic; just
enter the numbers.)
a. Cut_Feed : 9in./min. This is the speed the cutter will move horizontally
b. Max_Step_Depth : 0.125in. This is the depth of each milling pass over the part.
c. Step_Over : 0.1” This is the lateral distance between tool bit runs.
d. ClearDistance : 0.2” This is the distance between the cutter and the top face of the part at
the start of cutting.
e. SpindleSpeed : 1000 rpm This is the rotation speed of the cutter
5. In the Reference tab, select the mill window you created previously.
Source: ME 451 Computer-aided Manufacturing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

6. In the Clearance tab, enter 0.2 for the Value box.

7. Click GCM.
8. Right click on the Roughing operation you just created in the model tree, choose Play Path. The
“Play Path” window can be used to observe the tool path taken by the cutter. Within the Play Path
window you can click CL Data to see the CL code.
9. If desired, click to view a rough video of the machining process. You can also adjust the
display speed in the Play Path window. Click Close to exit.
10. If desired, right click on the Roughing operation in the model tree, click InformationFeature
Information. to see the cutting time and other machining information.
11. Save the file.

Profiling Sequence (It may help to hide the workpiece before proceeding)

1. Click the Mill tab and click Profile Milling in the Milling ribbon.
2. Enter a name (like “Profiling”) in the Properties tab.
3. Choose the tool you would like to use (1/8” end mill) in the pull down menu next to .
4. In the Parameters tab, enter appropriate values in the highlighted areas. (Units are automatic;
just enter the numbers.)
a. Cut_Feed : 5in./min. This is the speed the cutter will move horizontally
b. Step_Depth : 0.125in. This is the depth of each milling pass over the part.
c. ClearDistance : 0.2” This is the distance between the cutter and the top face of the part
at the start of cutting.
d. SpindleSpeed : 2000 rpm This is the rotation speed of the cutter
5. In the Reference tab, select the surfaces needed to be profiled. You can select while holding
down the Ctrl key, select all of the vertical surfaces on the perimeter of the gear as shown in
figure below.

6. Click the GCM

7. You can again view the tool path by right clicking the Profile Milling operation in the model tree
and choose Play Path.

Sequence to Machine Holes

1. Under the Mill tab, click the Standard button under the Holemaking Cycles ribbon.
Source: ME 451 Computer-aided Manufacturing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

2. Enter a name (like “Big_hole”) in the Properties tab.

3. Choose the tool you would like to use (3/4” drill bit) in the pull down menu next to .
4. In the Parameters tab, enter appropriate values in the highlighted areas. (Units are automatic;
just enter the numbers.)
a. Cut_Feed : 15in./min. This is the speed the drill will move vertically
b. ClearDistance : 0.2” This is the distance between the cutter and the top face of the part
at the start of cutting.
c. SpindleSpeed : 1000 rpm This is the rotation speed of the cutter
5. In the Reference tab, select the center vertical axis of the central hole.
6. Click GCM.
7. You can again view the tool path by right clicking the BIG_HOLE operation in the model tree and
choose Play Path.
8. Repeat this procedure to machine the small holes (name the sequence Small_hole), only use the
1/2” Drill Bit and be sure to hold down the Ctrl key so that the axis of all of the small holes can
be selected.
9. Save the file.

Creating G-code

1. Select the machining Operation/s from the model tree, right-click on the operation and select
Play Path
Note: you can select multiple operations at once by holding the control key. Right clicking then
gives you options pertaining to all selected items.
2. Select file from the Play Path window, then Save As CL data.
3. Under the Manufacturing tab > Output ribbon, select Post a CL file. Select the file, which you
saved in step 2, then select Done in Menu Manager.
4. Click on PP List Select any of the Post Processing (PP) standard for the given machine
controller to create the final G-Code file (*.tap file) in the same directory where the file in step 2
Note: point on the PP method from the list to find the machine controller type supported by the
method in the lower left corner on Creo Parametric.
5. An information window will pop up. Click Close.
6. Find the .tap file and open with Notepad.
7. Look at the file and see if you understand it.

This completes the Pro/Manufacture Tutorial. Hopefully it is detailed enough to be of use to you. With
just a bit of playing around you will discover that this really is a pretty simple and useful tool to use.

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