Strassenbau 2016

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1 Erstellungsleitfaden with#Pages [3]

ALLPLAN road construction... 3
1.1 Options and tips... 3 #Pages [3]
1.1.1 Set the options and follow these basic #Pages [3]
instructions. 3
1.2 #Pages [8]
How do I read a site? ............................................................................................... 8 variant
1.2.1 REB... 8 #Pages [8]
1.2.2 Variant DWG to model with CX-ALLPLAN #Pages [13] model... 13 importing large amounts of data... 14
1.2.3 #Pages [14]
1.2.4 #Pages [17]
Border / outer triangles... 17
1.2.5 Lines include... 18 #Pages [18]
1.3 Coordinates... 22 #Pages [22]
1.3.1 Z field cropping... 22 #Pages [22]
1.4 Drawing results... 23 #Pages [23]
1.4.1 Contour lines create... 23 #Pages [23]
1.5 Bulk charge and #Pages [26] represent...
Isopachyten 26 acquisitions... 30
1.6 #Pages [30]
1.6.1 By base DGM (3D-Vermaschung) #Pages [30]
in the ALLPLAN excavation to CADICS road DGM... 30 2D
1.6.2 insert in a DGM... 32 #Pages [32]

2 Line guides... 34 #Pages [34]

2.1 Horizontal lines... 34 #Pages [34]

2.1.1 2D drawing... 34 #Pages [34]
2.1.2 Acquisition of design... 36 #Pages [36]
2.1.3 Draft transfer directly to axis... 44 #Pages [44]
2.1.4 General editing of #Pages [46]
horizontal elements... 46 benchmarks edit... 53
2.1.5 #Pages [53]
2.1.6 Special edits... 58 #Pages [58]
2.1.7 Tangent method as axis input... 61#Pages [61]
2.1.8 Kilometre... 64 #Pages [64]
2.2 Vertical lines... 65 #Pages [65]
2.2.1 Enter the axis... 65 #Pages [65]
2.2.2 Height of any point access from... #Pages
78 [78]
2.2.3 Create reference points... 79 #Pages [79]

3 Profiles and sections...#Pages

82 [82]
3.1 Definition of project profiles... 83 #Pages [83]
3.1.1 Standard... 83 #Pages [83]
3.1.2 Multilayer profiles... 88 #Pages [88]
3.2 Assignments (in sections)... 91 #Pages [91]
3.2.1 Curve widening... 98 #Pages [98]
3.2.2 Cross slope. 100 #Pages [100]
3.2.3 Speed... 104 #Pages [104]
3.3 Profile preview... 106 #Pages [106]

4 Section details #Pages [111]111

4.1 Introduction... 111 #Pages [111]
4.2 #Pages
Definition and construction of border... [111]
4.2.1 #Pages [112]
Insert description of types / border... 112
4.2.2 Profile numbers schema... 113 #Pages [113]

4.3 Simple restriction... 113 #Pages [113]

4.4 Bus stations, parking lots, display#Pages [115]
bays... 115
4.5 Retaining walls... 119 #Pages [119]
4.5.1 Delta height and absolute level of#Pages
OK... 119[119]
Crown width change... 121 #Pages [121]
4.5.3 Special shape... 122 #Pages [122]
4.6 Slopes and berms. 123 #Pages [123]
4.6.1 #Pages
Landfills with buckling over existing [123]
terrain... 123
4.6.2 Berm over existing terrain with #Pages
certain [125]
embankment height... 125 drainage pipes in the
4.7 Foundation layer... 127 #Pages [127]
4.8 #Pageswith
Embankment between 2 parallel streets [129]different heights... 129 single handlebar tutorial...
4.9 133 #Pages [133]
4.9.1 Horizontal geometry edges define #Pages [134]
the... 134
4.9.2 Query vertical geometry for margins#Pages [134]
and take over... 134
4.9.3 Create connection from the edge #Pages
of the[138]
axis to the structure axis /... 138 catalog... 145
4.10 #Pages [145]
4.10.1 Borders origin function... 145 #Pages [145]
4.10.2 Borders source other source... 151#Pages [151]
4.11 Lists... 153 #Pages [153]
4.11.1 Ceiling books... 154 #Pages [154]
4.11.2 Mass... 161 #Pages [161]
4.12 Output... 166 #Pages [166]
4.12.1 Situation... 167 #Pages [167]
4.12.2 Longitudinal... 170 #Pages [170]
4.12.3 Longitudinal with parallel... 172 #Pages [172]
4.12.4 Transverse profiles... 173 #Pages [173]
4.12.5 Multi-axis cross sections... 175 #Pages [175]
4.13 Special Plan parameters... 176 #Pages [176]
4.14 #Pages
Models deriving for visualization... 178 [178]
4.15.1 switch
Stake out... 181 #Pages [181]
Insurance points... 181 #Pages [181]
4.15.2 On plumbing of points... 184 #Pages [184]
4.15.3 Orthogonal layout... 185 #Pages [185]
4.15.4 Polar stakeout. 186 #Pages [186]
1 Erstellungsleitfaden with ALLPLAN road construction

1.1 Options and tips

1.1.1 Set the options and follow these basic instructions.

Click engineering base in the Funktionenpallette.

Switch extras in the register.

Now click on options

You can group standard leave except items settings. This setting is new, and prevents
the edges, labels etc as a polygon group produced in output. This was a setting which you
can stop the groupings for the subsequent finishing of a plan to have a customer request.

Here is everything on all normally, so that the labels. If but when caption cross-sections
only on tilt + height will click in the profile preview Windows no colored button more visible
for on and removal of the soil.

Here you can see an installation which tools of the road construction you have installed
and whether anything has been installed. If this window is empty, so the installation didn't
work, or the driver is wrong or the license is wrong.

New in version 2016 is it here license play as opportunity driven to read a license for an
upgrade. Here it will be also possible to control the license server in the future to once
which is released for road construction. Currently still in the development phase.
Fundamentally important that working in the ALLPLAN always on by layer, therefore the
layer must be enabled by layer.

Screen color -. PIN coupling must be disabled!

Also must either be the one who works in road construction owners of the project, or
Sysadminrechte have. ALLPLAN road construction works automatically in the
background with layers. This new layer is created and only a sysadmin or the owner of a
project can create new layer. This is not possible (even within a Workgroupe not) other
users. !

Even if the road construction module is 2016 more closely tied to space plan commands
since version, it is still not allowed to click back or forward on the commands. This leads
to false representations, crashes should be thus refrain from etc...und. !

You can get if you have replaced the wrong command with ESC off but new.

Always when you 1st start ALLPLAN road construction in the morning, you should select
models - list command, and you can open the list briefly.

This ensures that the layers are loaded in the background and the road construction engine
runs normally optimally. Also this is road construction after a new installation of ALLPLAN
control whether the engine is running and is properly installed. You should see this mask.

Everything is so. If you have already a model like this, it will be shown. For a new
installation, this mask is of course empty.

All plan a database built roads, with the terrain, and the road project data, it is a project to
create currently only possible with a single image. Since all information is in a TB it is
therefore very important that you increasingly save it as a backup.

After each step, you should create a backup of data. After you import of the site after
creating the horizontal geometry after you create the profile previously, after the vertical
geometry etc.
Of a way to make a backup would be via project pilot to copy the content of the TB's on an
another TB. It copies the contents of the database with.

Or click file - export - export loaded images with resources.

Important but on the back read will be asked whether you want to or not to adjust the
resources. Customize here always on item resource numbers for deviation choose.

Another good backup would be to create a CXD. This is the CADICS standalone file.

In the module Base export click on civil engineering.

Can then be read via import when needed again.


1.2 How do I read a site?

1.2.1 Variant REB

In General, they are very often the cx command need to ALLPLAN model or 3D model
surfaces. The longer or more also ESRI ArcGRID data to z.B of also quite simple AscII
files to import. Or XYZ for Laserscanns. Also a convenient import of an existing site format
is the REB.

REB is a very common format, so that you can import an entire DTM with meshing or
export. It must be but all data in a REB file in there. Only D49 or D58 alone does not work,
because the point data in the D45 would lack. To do so click on the features of pallet and
select road DGM. Then on the tab interface and select Import REB.
Now search your REB file that you have received and select model model number 1 for
the 1.

When you click F5 after reading the contour of the terrain area is represented as a

With models, you can now test the imported model list.

Realizing the number of triangles which inside was taken and how many points the site
has... As well can H min, H max, and check the x-min and y max.

A REB file the triangulation must not be because it is itself already in the file.

Now, you want to really look at the model, see not only the contour. To do this, click view
(blue monitor) in the tab.

So that you can graphically depict what is available in the database is the module "Pointing"

This function exists only in the terrain model with huge amounts of data not everything can
be shown and should.

The principle is simple.

The creating commands are used to create the respective element.
The change commands to delete the respective element.

ALLPLAN wants to know all commands you of which model you want to view the item.
Accordingly enter number & OK.
By each terrain model points and lines can be displayed without calculations.

The right outline shape of the terrain data is shown. Now, you want to see also the mesh

This command shows a wireframe in the model dar.

Adjusts the space as 3D surfaces.

1.2.2 Variant DWG to model with CX-ALLPLAN model

Hereby read DWG you have imported and included the points and lines in a model.

After the DWG file import, click road DGM in the module on the CX command.

See models see list that points and lines are imported, but there are still no triangles
because they do not "intermixed" or are calculated.

See calculating must now be clicked on triangulation and this is calculated.

On models - list back to the control.

Here you can see the number of calculated triangles now and you can also represent
these with pointing out.

The same process applies to surfaces to model import, except that then no triangulation
must be calculated because it has already faces in the file.

Everything for more import then how under REB described.

1.2.3 Importing large amounts of data

If you get z.B by swisstopo as flight recordings (x, y, z) data so you can them also as XYZ
importing grid. Laser scans mean very often very large amounts of data. If you have
several million points, then a model and the triangulation of results a few million more
triangles, so you should not try to show this by means of 3D surfaces or as triangles. The
import of such data in the database may take several minutes computing time.

I want to display large amounts of data you found himself only with contour lines.
Everything else would expect quite a few minutes, do crash bzw...zum because the part of
image size in the ALLPLAN is reached.

But can they raise are screwed into the version 2016 on 1024 mega.

Contour lines represent the terrain data with millions of points, etc, saves time and above
all memory of part of. However, a project can be calculated exactly.
1.2.4 Border / outer triangles

According to the calculation of triangles, it may be that the a area is too large and you will
need only a narrower range.

Needed to achieve this goal, you eliminate the command border triangle.

The site to calculate the triangles may look.

Edge triangles eliminate under the register lines + triangle

Here, you specify the maximum length of an outer triangle.

Maximum length is the maximum length of the hypotenuse of a triangle of outdoor.

This operation was made in the database and now need to point to new the triangulation.

The result is your "cropped" terrain model.


1.2.5 Calculate lines

Features road DGM, see the command Edit which allows an editing of a site in the
database in many ways. Here can points be added, or changed in height break lines
added or taken away, triangles are added to, or away case lines, for labels by contour
lines are created or deleted away, etc.

in the

2. (Fold edge

Connect new triangles
the Data

Change type of triangle

Contour line marking

Contour line marking

Change over points

Delete triangles
Change points

Delete points
Insert breaks

cutting, etc.)

Delete lines
Add points

Tree lines

The PIN keeps the foreground window, so you can run the same command
multiple times. To find this needle, all graphical input on the DB.

If you choose Add Breaklines drag to another a fold point of one. If you actively provided
yet the PIN to the command will continue active from point to point, otherwise 1.
Execution closed. In the plan, a green line appears where the new fold edge along will
run. Once you click on save and get out but, you should also leave the command, the
green line will be no longer visible. That's normal.

The DB-edit window have always in the left upper corner stores, or Cancel command.
These Windows should not use the basic commands of ALLPLAN (as measure, display,
etc.) "mixed". But clean work through and then save, or cancel.

Because the fold only temporarily exists you must be calculated in the model. Therefore
you have to click on calculate structure lines.

To check, you can list the models again, they will see that they have more points and
triangles. These are fresh interpolated.

This operation was made in the database and now you need the triangulation points new

Ads to click well on lines is important. Thus, all calculated break lines are inserted.
My notes:

1.3 Coordinates
Similarly, as the module "Calculations", you can modify the model as a whole coordinates in
the module.

1.3.1 Z field cropping

Sometimes you read files, which points, which lie at the 0 point. Instead of laboriously
looking for them, you can eliminate these all terrain model.

My notes:
1.4 Drawing results
This module is used to create plans with coordinate grid and further information.

In addition the contour lines must be created here, which is explained in the next chapter.

1.4.1 Create contour lines

Clicking on the command of the contour line, ALLPLAN wants to know you of which model
you would like to calculate the contour lines. Accordingly enter no and OK.

Listing of the contour

In the field of equidistance, enter the height of main lines and branch lines.

If you want to draw a plan you select the target part image, which must be highlighted
(yellow) but only active in the background and press draw.

A contour plan that is read out selected TB with frame and coordinates.

Confirm simply OK the contour lines in the database are stored.

See painting can take influence listing the contour lines on the contour lines as you are
So you can see the contour lines during editing change in the module:

With show contour lines allow the contour lines on the model to represent.

My notes:

1.5 Bulk charge and represent Isopachyten

Huge jumps were built in a ski resort. It's created a terrain model from the landfill and after
the landfill.

We would like to calculated the volume of order and removal.

Here the hills as a model.

The two models in the list of models in the project.

On a 3rd area, we now calculate the difference of the triangles of the two models.

Under calculation, click intersection.

Expecting model 1 and model 2 model 3.

The new model has more triangles and 2 layers. Furthermore we can now calculate the

On the tab, now click Print on ground.

Just click OK.


Make sure that links up the model 3 is selected. Click on calculate and left under volume
of order and removal should appear automatically. Therefore, you know the moved

A special feature of the ALLPLAN road-building program is that the Delta contour lines
between order and removal can be displayed, the so-called Isopachyten. This is to better
represent the excavation.

Now, select the tab drawing and therein click on Isopachyten.

Switch pointing to the register and select Isopachyten as.

The Isopachyten appear on the height of 0, all contours above 0 are all below 0 for the
removal for the job.

1.6 Acquisitions
1.6.1 By base DGM (3D-Vermaschung) in the ALLPLAN excavation to CADICS road DGM

DGM element in 3-d element on a different part of

image as calculate area. With the ALLPLAN DGM

Export as DXF
Should the visible 3D surfaces not be accepted, you must increase the tolerance. Worst -
case: make DXF DWG.

1.6.2 2D paste in a DGM

Initial situation is a terrain violet shown here with break lines.

2D-Polygonlinien (here black lines in the example) are either all plan design with

or an imported DXF / DWG. -> General import third-party data.

Layer of the terrain model switch off so that

only the 2D lines are visible.

In a new model 2, model count let z.B

2 anticipate important even triangulation model, because only the break lines in it are.

In addition, now the heights must be interpolated.

Now you need to merging the two terrain models.

Then calculate also still at best the triangulation of the model 3 and then you have brought
up formerly 2D lines of level 0 on the terrain height and eingemascht as break lines.

2 Line guides
2.1 Horizontal lines

2.1.1 2D drawing Axis preparation

To create the 2D drafting, with the base commands of the construction of

ALLPLAN. They are also in the civil engineering modules available.

Create approximately following axis in the middle of the existing road.

So that the data on the correct layer, double click in the Tiefbau-Wizard right double-click

This can of course only those customers who have made the wise decision to purchase
the planning package.

Next, you make an element compound of the road axis.

Click on the first line:

And do you then double click with the right mouse button. The entire geometry is
automatically added together to connecting element.

If it didn't work out, you should check your geometry, then an interruption is in there

The control of the zero point is important - he

finds himself a cross, left, at the beginning of
your axis. If the point in the wrong place,
make You the Operation Undo,.
reflect the geometry and form a new element
connection which you reflect back to the
original position.

With the module map you could drive yet the axis, label etc, but on the basic
training of TB alignment and site teach you and described. Therefore dispensed with here.

2.1.2 Design acquisition

If the preliminary project phase has expired or you want to go by the variant study on
preparing and refining your project, then take as much data from the 2D in the database.

To all plan 2016.1-4 version, you need to replace even the 2D data via an interface called
KA40. You have these can proceed as described in the next chapter. Click export file.
This command is found in the module location.

Adjust the red highlighted box to the specified values, then click the Apply button.

Click on item link

You can choose the file name and where you want to save it now myself.

Now, they have converted the geometric values in numbers which you want to import into
the database.

ALLPLAN knows where the data is stored you create an axis in the database, but first
change the sub-picture.

On this TB, you have of course already previously read the existing site into the database.

Switch road, now also among the features on the module line.

Click here on the management of the axes command.

The axis administration mask opens. First click New and automatically opens an axis
database. As the name, enter the desired name, where is axle 1 / 2 / of the
practice proven.

This axis is automatically active, therefore, is select greyed out.

In other words, that do everything to close out this mask on the axle of 1 is generated.

Type set road because we now want to make a road axis and no train or sewer, because
this would be also possible.

Under the General tab set the desired Chainage type.

Here, you can enter special calculation codes as standard if required.

You want to for example the cross slope of the side 1 is equal to the cross-slope of the
main roadway.

That would be the standard: ss640123-xy

SS can be "SN", "RN" or "DN":

SN is normal
RN is for national roads
DN is the cross slope of the side 1 is equal to cross-slope of the main roadway.

X can be 1, 2 or 3:
SN640123-1 stands for main streets with guard rail in the Middle as isolation
SN640123-2 stands for back roads out of town
SN640123-3 is known for secondary roads.

Y can be empty, 1,2,3 or 4 and rounding may refer to:

0 = 0.5%

1 = 0.1%

2 = 0.01%

3 = 0.001%

Thus would be to achieve as standard to the desired result:

DN640123-21 to enter

In the register of cross-slope, you define the desired parameters.

Where you still can set at Quergefälltyp how and whether the cross slope is to be
calculated. Select not calculated by sections so you determine so that the cross slope is
produced manually later in terms of sections. Want to take advantage of the automatic
calculation to select simple.

If you use a hook here at characteristic points so a cross-section is used later in automatic
transverse profile deployment in a bow at the beginning and end of slur automatically
regardless of the defined contour interval.

There we might still not just knowledge of what KM which KM we plan the road let we that
here just on free set. It is later on KM so is the red line which represents the axis on the
appropriate values set may be shortened or extended depending on the.
This register has been new in version 2016 added and serves the automatic recalculation
of data if a change will be made later. A renewed calculate of the distance same will
therefore lapse points and calculate the profiles as in earlier versions and that significantly
increases the speed of planning which will certainly please you. But even if the hooks are
used here.

If you all have set this register to your liking click on exit.

Switch the module and click interfaces of road alignment.

Here now select KA40 read and search the re1 file of the item link which you have read.

The axis name refers to columns 4 and 5 in the KA040 file. ALLPLAN
has always a "0".

If you want to replace an existing axis you choose that action.

Then click on extract. You will see nothing on the screen then, but the data on the axis
were read in the background.

This axis as a construction will be shown only when you click horizontal geometry.
Axle parts such as straight lines, arcs are marked with a symbol and written a number.
The current RADIUS is also written at arches.

The blue dots are used as benchmarks.

If you now click on the green checkmark, so leave the editing and the axis is displayed in
red as well as the labels of the design disappear.

2.1.3 Draft transfer directly to axis version 2016.1-4

New ALLPLAN 2016.1-4 there is the possibility a line, an element combination or easy to
read without the detour as KA40 import to make and only an axis database to open a line
directly as an axis.

The design data should be but in the same TB as the terrain data / project data

Click the new command axis acquisition under editing.

In this window, enter the name for the axis, and then click object select. Then tap in the
TB take over the element which should be adopted as the axis and close the window.

The construction should be immediately registered in the database of the administration of

the axis as an axis and you can enter the required parameters to the axis, as described in
the previous chapter.

2.1.4 General editing of horizontal elements

Now is the axis in the database and you can edit the values to parameterized.

This means that you can now convert values instead of looking for new graphic solutions.

It is however freely simply continue to prefer tracing your 2D and then to replace the axle.

To make all edits on the horizontal axis, with the command:

When you click on it opens the DB-edit window (such as at the DGM):

You also see that your axle is provided with more information.

In parallel, this window also goes on, that is met you a few times in the road construction
of DGM. All appropriate or requested items are reported here. Also, error messages etc.
can be followed here. Especially then displays values from the cross-section or
longitudinal if there are then z.B to track points in this window and no longer hidden links
at the bottom of the screen. Radii, change and add spirals

Next are click again prompted which element you want to edit (similar to the DGM) and
you the line of the element or type the item number.

In the next step, the properties of the element, as well as the coordinates of the fixed
points are listed below and are available for editing.

If the project velocity is but too high for the set RADIUS get first this note which you now
OK to confirm before you set up a change. This is a note to the planning.

Change a value (E.g., RADIUS) and simply click in the next box to indicate your change or
click the Middle green hook. You are satisfied with the changes you close the window with
the 1st Green hook and everything is stored. Do you want to not save the change, but the
window left to connect with the Red Cross.

Here in the example we look at more closely the geometry of the elements. You see a
straight line. Who is that 2 so-called benchmarks determined by which
Direction of the straight lines determine here represented by P001 and P002 orange.
Then comes the straight in the radius of 140 over the element 2 before see an area shown
in red, this is a Clothoid. Even after the RADIUS R140, there is equal to 2 spirals that
make up a Clothoid of turn of.

Clicks to change the item 2 of our example so you can see the entered parameters. In the
title is visible here is a so-called swing district. This therefore because this district leads
not by 2 points, but only at the point of P003 is been attached under the command of
benchmarks with fixing 1.

In the same screen bottom right you see even a distance of 10.20 m.

The big blue circle that leads to the point 3 is the representation of this positive distance
was also entered at the anchorage 3. Therefore, the
axle geometry through the fixed point 3 but left him passes. By the way, is there with a
distance minus one so it is then a purple circle which then the axle geometry right past leads.

Now look up item 3 the RADIUS 120 closer to, you can see that there is a so-called buffer
circle. That means the radius of this circle was not the command Add, but insert before
any other element created.

With insert, insert between existing geometries.


Also see the value of 45 which determines the first Clothoid of the Clothoid of of turn of
and the A2 parameter with value 30 which immediately determines the other Clothoid
parameter A1. The Clothoid at the end of the circle was defined with parameter A3 and
the value of 30. Want you so install a Clothoid, and one before a RADIUS according to the
RADIUS, so you'd have to parameter A1 so + A3 type. A2 is blank.

We define spirals after A ^ 2 = L * R

R/3 < A < R Paste items from other items.

Location map

The road still with a radius of 40 m should be added before the element and the element 1
should be 2 to the element. Click on the horizontal lines and then calculate.

Select Paste and circle

Click on front element to the existing element 1. Set the icone with a click on any location.

Select the radius of 40 m and then on benchmarks. There choose attach 1 + 2 through
these two points should be attached the new district. You deduct the points at the desired
location and click on the green checkmark to save this mask and leave. At the same time,
the construction is redrawn.

If necessary a Clothoid is also automatically added.

My notes:

2.1.5 Edit points What are any benchmarks?

The fixed points define how the elements (lines, circles, spirals) are aligned. So, you're
the most important geometric information in the horizontal lines.

In the event of a transfer of data the start and endpoints are the benchmarks.

If the entry in the database, the benchmarks serve mostly as a tangent point.

With the editing of benchmarks, you want to so change not radii but change the
coordinates, distances, and insert any new points.
54 Switch to fixed point

Next, you are asked which point you want to change elements. You click simply on it or
enter the number.

Note: Fixed point number is not equal to item number!

Same in the next box, type through the new coordinates click on a. As a result,
the point moves easily.
The moment where you have dropped the new point, new counts all existing geometry.
That is all embankments and normal profiles adapt, if once already in the sections about
been allocated and calculated. That is discussed in the following chapters.

Result to move the checkpoint. Point given distance (E.g. houses edges with distance)

Click again at the desired point, enter the distance and confirm with OK.

As a result, a RADIUS is recorded around the point (blue):

You must now include the items on the new point, you do this:

Should here pink line trains emerge as these are continuations and are not fed into the
kilometre - so it's a kind of auxiliary.

Here we see now as the axis left leads to the blue circle past. You could now leave the
horizontal lines with OK and exit and save with the green checkmark. Reverse spacing (lines on other intersection)

Its lines left now misses the point 1, you can turn this around:

As a result, you see a different color (purple) of the circle (the distance calculation is seen
by + on - moved)

You must now include the items on the new points, you do this:

2.1.6 Special modulations RADIUS for a fix length of straight start

Initial situation: A straight line followed by a RADIUS, which was the starting
point by graphical determination.

Goal: Add item 5 with a fixed length and the RADIUS to move backwards.

Check measurement with line the length of the element

Next, you wish to edit this 91.64559 m to smart value, do this:

Select the circle and not the straight!

Simply enter a fixed length and click in the next box

You will immediately receive the preview:


To confirm this value:

You are back in the horizontal geometry and can continue from there to edit or save the
input definitely.

My notes:
2.1.7 Tangent method as axis input

As you have seen from the previous exercises, the workflow is much more like that you
design in 2D and then incorporate into the database. So the KA40 method before the
version 2016.1-4 or axis acquisition from this version.

Should you however wish to enter the axis directly in the database, we recommend
entering tangents, this must be entered as a polyline.

To select a new part image and switch the surveyors Foundation.

Here again, first, you must create the axis in the database.

This axis is automatically to active.

This means that everything you to close this mask on the axis 1 can make.

You want as you know at the horizontal geometry work and press editing accordingly:

You want to add new items:

The elements always on the last element are appended to the command group - Add.

With the command group - insert - insert elements in front of another element.

Now select the horizontal lines the command - administrative of the horizontal elements,
then add tangent.

Enable the PIN in the tangents box and simply click the first two tangent points out
Waiting for you are drawn to the elements before you right away click the next point.

It is placed at the 1 tangent point drop an icone and at the 2. Generates a fixed point (blue
circle). A construction line runs through both.
Now insert the 3. tangent point, but take the command circuit + tangent to. You want to
set now equal the RADIUS, which by the 2. the tangent point is then also put.

Just to see the deposed of the 3rd tangent point is the RADIUS set by the previous
tangent point. You do this now just keep the last point the desired geometry.

Where the icon comes out, you identify with one click.
Then, the mask with the values of the Cove opens, enter a RADIUS and possibly Clothoid

My notes:

2.1.8 Chainage 0 km
Each axis has a 0-point.
If you accept your first project axis, it is used as the element connection was made.

When is created directly in the database into, you must manually set the point. To
re-enable the horizontal lines:

Next, you open the calculation commands select reference here KM and click on the
desired point in the situation.

Set at 0.0 KM. Leave the mode to 1 which means that the direction stays positive the item
numbers along. As well, it means that between horizontal and vertical geometry is always
a match takes place.

Be sure to leave the horizontal lines with the green checkmark to save and exit.

The desired point has now taken over the KM 0, its prior value has been recorded in the
database of the axis as a reference number of kilometres and there should not be
2.2 Vertical lines
Each axis must have also a vertical lines, select the axis that you want to edit if you have
several axes.

In the list the axis on and click Select, then stop.

2.2.1 Enter the axis

There are two commands for the vertical lines:

Vertical lines and vertical + horizontal lines 90% you can realize
with the normal, vertical input.

Usually the mask for the vertical geometry opens up right and you will see a curve band
Green Award. Should open this window when the 1st time only the row of icons show so
you can drag the window over the handles simply bigger. All

Values entered here will be immediately inserted into the database and stored. It's a
DB-edit window such that the horizontal geometry.

Information about elements


The intersection of the tangent

Horizontal position point

Settings of the peaks

in the
Store the data in DB

Offset value (vector)

Shift values (vector)

Measurement of altitude
Insert and modify

Terrain display
Points of reference

Point of reference
Snap points



Free Record site

Notice that when you open the vertical geometry, site displays the history never directly,
but only the cam belt.

ERGO the terrain must be read as a first input shortly.

And until Chainage you click in the origin window or values type.

The distance you use additional cuts, parallel to the active axis. Thus the area of the left
and right of the road could also appear. The values are then z. B with + 3 and -3 to enter.
The green line is the area just above the axis positive the blue input by distance and the
purple input negative. New in version 2016 is now, that
If you leave the vertical geometry again and return the site information is still and it
must be not only again read the site new.

My notes:
68 Insert tangent point

With management of the intersection of the tangent, you can create vertical tangents.

Enable the PIN so that you can make several tangent point. You have done the same
when entering the horizontal geometry.

Here you can either enter exact values (Kilometerage, height) or click off. In practice,
clicking off and subsequently set to the points.

Displays all information about the tangent points. KM, height, and gap between tangent
points. Now, imagine to the tangent points on request, in KM, or height, or both or all
tangent points are to be converted to the terrain.
Click on the tangent points or adjust the numbers by hand. Here the mode 1 means that
between vertical and horizontal geometry changes automatically applied.
70 Insert Cove

Again opens an additional window for input and you can simply click on the desired TSP,
enter RADIUS and press OK.

The change of the TSP is exactly the same as the input.

You can enter the length of the tangent, and then calculate the RADIUS. (Click tangent) Settings of the superelevation
The tool tips explain what to adjust.
The superelevation value which is stored in the scale is important.

My notes:
72 Convert tangent point

To switch of TSP's various options available are:

Best go through the commands from top to bottom to find out how this behavior.

The most use are rearranging KM, moving H, probably or possibly even rearranging KM /

During renovation, you want to refer to the existing height, you can do so with this
command the easiest way.

Also an offset (E.g. 0.1m below order) is possible. Area in the kilometre and / or height move

These range shifts are possible with so-called vectors.

The vector is defined as a line - with initial (Basic) - and endpoint and can pass its
inclination or position of TSP's or tangents.

1. Enter the Anfangspunt


An arrow is created

2. Specify the ending value for the vector:

Either with a Chainage:

Or directly specify the length of the vector:

3. Move your tangent points

You can see how the TSP now is at the tip of the arrow:

Sometimes it is desired that you would like to move on an incline in % over the next
tangent point.
Important this you click on the next tangent point, the window is always the gap that is left
from the tangent point specified. Here I would like to move on like the 8.65% 8.33%.

The result then looks like.


2.2.2 Height of any point access

Often, E.g. when renovating, you want to know how much you are at certain points, have
constructed but no tangent point.

Enable the following command and click on the desired location, either in the longitudinal
or the situation.

At the moment, the information is still displayed on the status line below:

Later in this mask:

My notes:
2.2.3 Create reference points

Management of vertical datums to create reference points in the vertical geometry, which
refer to the horizontal situation.

Optimally here if you work in the vertical and horizontal view.

This setting shows the longitudinal and horizontal geometry as construction.

Selecting create YX, clicking on the desired point in the situation which should be
displayed in the longitudinal.

Is specified in the longitudinal line, simultaneously represented in horizontal geometry as a

smaller blue circle.

If you want to make it in the normal vertical geometry, it's also

Will be then again a blue line in the longitudinal.

with point of reference info and which represents the location of my reference point in the
longitudinal, and you click on the blue line see the coordinate position of the reference

With this, you can make different queries in the longitudinal.

On the screen below the values appear then.

Never forget you after the completion of the vertical or

horizontal Geometry the Is State
Save as described at the beginning of this document.
Rather once again securing is recommended.

3 Profiles and sections

You have entered your axle complete with horizontal and vertical geometry.

Now you want to go to the actual road body.

Road widths, walkways, spacers, cross slopes, cross-sections, embankments, etc. will be
discussed in this chapter.

Now draw a normal profile to determine how the rule is your project, make detailed
information about the geometry, with the lateral profiles.

Similar to the project profiles, with whom you want to cover the normally make the normal
profiles in the civil engineering modules.

Their structure is defined in four groups of project profiles:

· Width of profiles

· Substructure

· Embankment

· Connection to terrain model

These groups separately stored, thus you every time, when you define a new
embankment type must define the whole groups.

If you have several axes, you can use the same project profiles, thus you can make
changes centrally, E.g. removal of humus.
This data storage for maximum flexibility and productivity.
Tip: Create standard types on an empty image of part of, and export the DB in a CXD, so
have as a template database, which you can read on new frames.

3.1 Definition of project profiles

3.1.1 Standard
The definition of each project profile can enter with a preview, or individually to open the

Click on to get into the individual masks profile Preview:

Click the Web as 1. Click Modify. In the next screen, click New and enter a name for the
free Strip and set the desired values.

Then close this mask with stop.

Then select the free Strip in the next window, and see the preview to do so. It is not
spectacular and offers only a straight line. Now click on the height rule profile change.

You see always also the option with the Save icon to make a favorite free Strip type, the
rule sections, the sections, the embankment types etc. So you can also in follow-up
projects on the same basic settings again revert and then easily adjust to the new project.
Click Restart and now enter a name for the rule's profile. Here you determine how many
lanes you need, how wide they are, and what have the roadway for a cross-slope. You
have determined the main road at the axis definition with which cross slopes, Max and min
you work. You can enter an offset for still, the height of the edge of the stone for example.
Again click on stop when you are finished.

Still choose rule profile and you can see already if the gap against the road run as
positively entered or from the street away negative.

Now click on the embankment type


Here you enter if you need one of the banquet.

If you want a trench at a test distance, specify a 1 that means until 1 m outside the given
rule profile should a trench arise. They give a high value such as 10 m will be no digging,
if you instead match z.B up to 4 m.

Enter a bank.
You can even determine to make retaining walls, if can no longer be unshored.

You could enter also berms.

The register has materials for us no meaning. This is a relic from the CADICS standalone
version. We can assign the materials in the animation as surfaces in ALLPLAN.

All the values which appear in the project profiles are default values, edit it a little to find
out how the values behave in the preview window.

In the preview window, you can select the individual project profiles and the controls to
move the terrain beginning and endpoint.

On the right side of the profile preview, you will see the possibility to assign a rule profile
or an embankment type. If you leave blank This means that rule's profile and the type of
embankment have chosen which on the left side for right is. Otherwise, create a new type
of embankment or a new rule profile which should apply to the left and set it here.

If you have determined all values, then leave the mask to stop, doesn't help create has no
meaning in ALLPLAN.

3.1.2 Multilayer profiles

Hereby, you determine the thickness of the covering bodies.

Here you miss name for the main roadway structures to be able to define side to the multi
layer types.
Here you choose the structure

You see the result but in the derivation of the cross-sections.

y B OE
schu ng sn eig ung y B OE
s c hu ngs ne igu ng
= =
x A u fsc hüttung x A btra gu ng
S chnittpunkt BOE
s chung / G elAE
n de

Nebenfahrbahn 1
Nebenfahrbahn 1
Ma uer
Kron enbre ite


x Be rm e
Tes thOE
h e ab

sbO Be rme


Ab Zw is chenhOE

s- - + + -


ag g
ftr n

A u chu
sE G ra bentiefe
Fre istr eifen x Un te rb au

10 : 1
A btragung

Mauer HOE
l inks

G rabe nbre ite Berm e nbrei te

Dic ke
Hum u s Abtr agung S chnittpunkt B OE
s chung / G elAE
n de

Horiz. D is t BOEs c hungs E ins chnitt

Testa bstand a b
( Gr abe n )

Ma uer Hori z. Dis t. ab

Freistreifen links Freistreifen rechts

3.2 Assignments (in sections)
After you have now created your catalog on project profiles you want to assign them to
your axis. As you do this step:

a) May have several axes.

b) Want different project profiles on an axis.

Select so your axis, as in the horizontal and vertical lines:

Everything that has to do with your building assignments, cross slopes, etc. do new with
the register sections

First, you select right to rule profile.

You open a dialog box that lets you write directly to the database.
Them striking again, that actually is a DB-edit window. Here you see the curve band and a
blue line. If you now click the icon with the + then create a section types.

You select what km should apply this rule type. If you enter only a 0 means this, that from
KM 0 to the end of the project will have always the same profile its validity. If you need a
different profile at km 25, click again on the icon with the + and enter a new control type.

In the window, you will then see the name of the profile type of rule and the bottom blue
line he was associated with what KM is. Of course, you can also correct an entry or
change, or delete.

You do this with the icons next to the create rule profile type.

You have entered all rule profiles right out the window with the green checkmark. You
should not save the input want to click on the Red Cross.

Now, you do the same thing with the right embankment type. Again on the icon with the +
click and enter the type of the embankment at the desired km.
As with the base type.

As with the free Strip type

Here you define then also with the icon with the + of which km up to what km and at what
distance the cross profiles should be exposed.

Notice that after all of this information is on the screen with the axis still nothing has
changed. Now they all want to calculate the values you do this in the editing tab, there you
can select alternate sections.


assigned to
Information about elements

- Assignment
isung switch

Horizontal position point

in the

Offset value (vector)

Confirm assignment

Shift values (vector)

Delete assignment
Reject assignment

Move over vector

Points of reference

Point of reference
New section

Snap points
Zuwe KM

Fixed point



Longtime customers of the ALLPLAN road construction know that you could also make all
settings sections. You click simply from top to bottom out. But on customer's request for a
better operation the register has sections man Yes new for which we earlier had entered
in the values which we want to calculate now.

You need to click only on the calculator.

This calculates all profile lines and display them labeled and green on the axis line.
That alone is enough nicht...wir want or calculate the profiles.

The contour of the road edges and slopes appears. But still not really plastic looks in
the animation window, but you see only 3D lines.

Landfill green = cut =

Brown Mauer gray =
dig = black

Therefore to calculate even the 3D - pages


3D pages and then in the next window, click Genereation of 3D pages on the current axis.

Choose which km until what km you want to let calculate the 3D pages. She could from
click which incidentally also graphically in the situation.

Now, leave the window with this symbol.

Now click on save and exit.

3 corner of land are reported in the situation.

In the animation window you can see now the road very vividly and you could forgive even
appropriate Oberflächenmaterialen if you want. You can obtain coordinates heights with
measurement if you want.

My notes:

3.2.1 Curve widening

Since version 2016, there is a separate input option in the module for this

You want to create an oversize left but as 1, you want to specify in which area you need
no oversize loads:

Oversized 0 you determine there is no width and you have defined a sine wave with a
value of 2. If you choose a 1 there is a linear transition.

Between the KM 20 and 28.013 should occur the sine wave and automatically pay off.
As a sine wave should include the last section between 80 and 90 KM automatically
themselves. Then the full width of the road, in this case by 3 m is to be 90 km again valid.

In the window of the sections, you will see the band with the KM and width specification. If
you now click the green checkmark for calculate click is the geometry automatically
calculated, it is not necessary to go into the sections and click profiles as it used to

3.2.2 Cross slope

According to the horizontal and vertical lines, as well as the definition of the project
profiles want to certainly either enter the camber, or automatically calculate.

Open the axis management, first to see the common parameters of the transverse
dispersion for the axis:

The tab of the transverse gradient and edit the values according to your requirements.
Thus, you can use automatic calculation.

You prefer to define your camber himself? In the transverse slope type, select: Cross slope on the basis of a calculation routine, type

As mentioned in the previous chapter, you can count on automatically also the camber,
which occurs especially during long civil engineering objects to train. For this enter your
values in the axis administration and choose a transverse gradient type.

Then stop and run the following command - about Wait for 5 seconds.
This command replaces your entries that were made by hand! Then, open
the sections and check the calculation.

Any changes and additions can of course still make, or simply switch to the parameters on
the axis and repeat the process.

After the automatic charge it looks so aus...die transitions are not consistent.

After adjusting, it looks like.

If you want to thrive in slightly faster to copy that cross slope right to left, so you need to
adjust the left side not even by hand.

You make this edit and the command sections in turn in the register

With editing the Quergefällssegmente you get into this command selection.

Here you choose cross-slope copy right to the left.

If you clicked on it is copied in the background.

You can also look at the result.

Click links back to the cross slope segments and cross-slope

The left side has taken over mirrored the values.

My notes:
104 Define camber himself

If you have determined in the database of the axis that you want to enter the cross-slope
by hand in the sections so you can do also.

You notice that the next commands are very similar as in the assignment of project
profiles, the cross points of the profile and the oversize.
Accordingly the definition:

Here too, the logic is the same as in the other allocations in the DB edit Windows. If no
new information comes, then the cross slope is moved on easily.

Enable the PIN and then define several sections to get to the input, E.g. with the following

Everything else, then again as described under the cross slope automatically.

3.2.3 Speed
The input of speed is entering the cross-slope.

You could do that but also automatically calculate leave under calculate
Geschwindigkeit...hier but wait a moment until bottom left disappears this.

3.3 Profile preview

Small but fine feature is the profile preview, which you often use for renovations and to
check your bulk list. Or you want to
Profiles examine cross-slope.

You open a DB-edit window, but here no direct inputs are possible - it is used only for
controlling your input.
Floor plan -
based on

Cross profile aufziechnen based on

Information about elements

the kilometre (free profile)

3D-Pages (unused!)
Shift values (vector)
Cross profile record

the QP-Number

Previous profile
Preview engineer

Next profile

Cutting line

You can choose whether you want a profile to a specific KM or a particular axis point.
You can jump to the next profile or to the previous.

Disembarking from the profile display with the icon door.


If you change options - road construction in caption cross-sections in the CADICS at all,
so you'll see always fill areas cross profile preview for the up or removal.

Here in my example I have inclination but + amount specified to not see the fill areas.

With information about the profile, you can select individual items and ask for height.

The result still left in the command line visible at the moment.

ALLPLAN offers but still an ingenious way to create a profile and it also in the TB to
depose a cut and even labeling with heights.
Additional modules in the module then switch to the register of bridges and civil
engineering. You will find the command cut of along arbitrary curve. Thus you can put a
cut a 2D polygon or line along. He is also radii along, making a settlement cut. This cut
can be created in version 2016 even associatively.

Here set the desired parameters and then click one of the displayed profile lines in the
situation. Or insert line with a 2D a desired line of cut across through your road project
any way you want.

Select now the direction, the Red arrows indicate this.

With a left click, you have chosen the cut and in the cross-hairs. Now, the position in the
plan where you want to.

You choose the sectional dimension of and click on the blue border of the cut.

Now, it automatically puts the correct height Kote at any point from which you can select.
4 Section details (borders)
4.1 Introduction
Very versatile, you can model your civil engineering project in the width with the project
profiles and the cross-slope. Anyway you can do everything and then the section details,
and borders come to train.

You can, for example, with the borders:

· Put borders around values

· Move margins in the horizontal or vertical on another axis

· A slope parameter for a field change

· Walls, berms and ditches to insert manually ·
Connect drainage pipes and drainage systems in the street

The boundaries are the centerpiece for all, what value attach a complete in all details to
have elaborate model, resulting in E.g. determining mass and less 2D-Nachbearbeitung
with advantage.

A large part of the tasks of the borders you can apply also with 2D in the post-processing
of the plans.

Before you begin this chapter, we recommend you to try even more to the project profiles
and make transitions.

Then you will find the limits in the sections:

4.2 Definition and construction of a border

Open the borders in the sections:

Each border has at least two parameters, namely:

· Types description how you should

· Origin, or connection

Then each border may have any further information, which however differ from the
standard, these values are in the modification

With the type description is then set to behave has become as the border.

4.2.1 Insert description of types / border

90% of your time with 2D-Hilfskonstruktion you need fixing.

The border type is also crucial for the origin, for example in the functions.
4.2.2 Profile numbers scheme

4.3 Simple restriction

In the following you want to adjust to the right edge of the road, as he appears in the
image above.

Navigate to the module sections

In sections, click on
Create line

Here, in this case horizontally, you choose attach.

Beginning and end km from click or type. Profile point determined right or left edge. Seen
in km in the direction we take type the right margin so a 12. Designation can be made
even, is a good because what is at several borders side by side can they be kept separate
so more clearly.

In the mask, the border display looks. 12

links for the profile type and name right for the name of the border. You see even a
vertical line which demarcates the line before the name. This is the sign for fixing
horizontal. We had horizontal taken limit, then it would look like:

Origin of the border now, switch

As origin, we choose a constant in this case. We will refer

to the existing edge and set the desired distance with distances from him with a constant at the beginning

At the beginning, we want to set the distance to 1.5 m across the street and at the end to
a width of 3 m.
After clicking on OK everything is recalculated automatically unless one has thrown the
command calculate ever profiles.

4.4 Bus stations, parking lots, display bays

You want to build a bus station. To do this, you capture on a separate line TB the desired
geometry of the busway as 2D. Then as element combination as KA40 read back out, or
with axis transfer version 2016.1-4

In the road alignment module, you will create a new axis.

Now add the KA40 of the bus lane.


Geometry not forget until horizontal to click after inserting because

otherwise you see nothing.

Now replace the axle. Select the main axis of the road to which you want to insert the bus
lane like to.

Now switch back to the sections

To edit the boundaries then

Click on the create a waterline

Then select the context menu fix H

Click the road axis the StartPoint and endpoint of the bus lane in the situation in the KM
off. Because we want to love to hang these on the left lane we choose the profile point 2
under our profile numbering scheme.

Origin and you select road axis.


Window, click on the resulting boundary line in the DB, the 1 and then at a distance you
enter a 0, for direction then a 1 as the busway positively expands axis in the same
direction as the main axis. The busway would be in the opposite direction, with its
kilometre then we would have to type a-1. This is very important to keep you always under
control. Now you switch axis name still on the origin axis, in our case, this is the bus lane.

Don't worry if it looks a little square in the final printed map the radii are beautifully drawn.
4.5 Retaining walls

4.5.1 Delta height and absolute level of OK

By default you will get to the retaining walls-> automatically adapted to embankment-OK.
This may seem quite bizarre.

The next step, you will define the wall with a Delta height of 6 m at the beginning and 6 m
at the end opposite the side of the road.


Edititeren of the borders - add border - fix H (profile point 8 and 18)

Defining the origin - function - TALUSCR (see reference guide)

Thus, the limit is defined and now newly added the profiles and 3D-Seiten.

The result will look approximately like this.

My notes:
4.5.2 Change Crown width

Because an intermediate part of our wall is highly stressed, you want to widen the wall

Edititeren the borders - add limit - limit H + V (profile point 8-> on PP1 is already an other

Def. Origin - other / slope parameter - parameter 16 (see reference guide)

Also, the values are related at the beginning and end of the kilometre, you could create
also a Trapeze-shaped top.

Thus, the limit is defined and now newly added the

profiles and 3D-Seiten.

The result should look like this:

My notes:

4.5.3 Special shape

Sometimes, you want to have special floor plan forms of a retaining wall. This is desirable
especially in the construction of Bach.

The approach is that you used the banquet as embankment and you get as a "free point
First the horizontal Geometry the Leading edge Wall define:

After you define the wall sections - limits:

1. Wall insert (item 8/18)

Origin function:
The gap indicates the height at the beginning and end.

2. Bind front edge of the wall to axis

The direction is 1, because both axes in the same direction are (by westen-East)

3. Banquet given angle individual (not on slope type) (point 7 / 17):

Slope parameter
4.6 Slopes and berms
4.6.1 Landfills with buckling over existing terrain

Free Strip investigation width must be at least 100 m!

For the definition, you need two limits with an origin function (see below): TALUS1S a 2
elevation-> defined
TALUS2B-> created an additional berm, which lines up on the terrain height 2.

Layered terrain models place this function the height of the berm on the intersection with
the 2.Schicht of the site. The rest of the slope is calculated with the values defined in the
embankment type.
GL type 1 and 2 Parameter of embankment type
Value A, E 1 and 2 Not decisive
GL type 3 and 4 Specific parameters
Values of A from 3 and 4 Slope of the embankment before the berm

Values E for 3 and 4 Width of the berm

Interpolation mode Not decisive
String conditions Not applicable (< >)
Profile point 8 links | 18 right

The functions Talus2(x) can use this function with a simple terrain model
run be. With Help by shift and the
Interpolation mode simulates ground layer the 2.
GL type Not decisive
Values of A
Vertical offset at the beginning of the line
Value E Vertical offset at the end of the waterline
Interpolation mode decisive (1,2,3,4)
String conditions Not applicable (< >)
Profile point 8 links | 18 right
124 Remove kink in the berm

If you want to have a kink in the berm there are two possibilities:

1. Change the type of embankment

Simply set the width of the berm to the desired m.

2. Customize border of the berm

Layered terrain models place this function the height of the berm on the intersection with
the 2.Schicht of the site. The rest of the slope is calculated with the values defined in the
embankment type.
GL type 1 and 2 Parameter of embankment type
Value A, E 1 and 2 Not decisive
GL type 3 and 4 Specific parameters
Values of A from 3 and 4 Slope of the embankment before the berm

Values E for 3 and 4 Width of the berm

Interpolation mode Not decisive
String conditions Not applicable (< >)
Profile point 8 links | 18 right
4.6.2 Berm over existing terrain with certain embankment height

1. Change the type of embankment

Simply set the width of the berm to the desired m.

The advantage, if you make the value with the embankment type is that the value of
multiple borderlines remains and can be changed even faster!

The same applies to the landfill and the Einschitt.


2. Set the border of the berm

Much like in the walls, you need only a borderline with heights.

The distance defines the height of the embankment, then a berm is made.

Sets a berm height (absolute or relative to the edge of the banquet).
GL type 1 and 2 Relative height
Values of A, E 1 and 2 Relative value of Z
GL type 3 and 4 Absolute altitude
Values of A, S 3 and 4 Absolute value of Z

Interpolation mode Decisive (1,2,3,4)

String conditions Not applicable (< >)
Profile point 8 links | 18 right
4.7 Drainage pipes in the Foundation layer

To define the drainage line without sewage network. It defines only the channel profile
and then connects this with the road.

Only the channel profile must be defined and then it goes back to the road construction.
(Road axis choose don't forget!).

In the sections and boundaries change.

Edit the boundaries - add border - fix H (profile point 1)


Define the origin sewerage - channel 1 (important exactly correct taking the name of the
channel line and case-sensitive, etc,) t

Control now profiles selected ads to KM or profile number. As an example here under the
edging left the drainage pipe over the whole length of the Strasse.wird displayed.
4.8 Embankment between 2 parallel streets with different heights
A more common case 2 streets away is with a steeper inclination running is still parallel to
the other street.

Initial situation:

Run in parallel the 2 axes, but on different Nieveaus.

Select the axis of which is higher. Could be also the bottom actually does not matter.

Now navigate to the sections. Click on calculate

Then select create structure. If one wants to refer to a road of a different axis, so that must
be made through a tree line. It has the function of a border. It is not possible a border of
one other axis directly to refer to. One should overstate the 'existing' border with a tree line
one then refers to.

This structure line must hand numbered in the following mask. You put a 1.

Now click the desired KM in the situation from up to down. Profile point choose a 4 or 5
end side in this case.

The result is then a pink line to the desired edge.

Now select the real axis and select then the sections.

But here select Create a border with mount H + V we want a border so horizontally and

Because it's the right foot of the embankment of the profile is the 18 it would be the left, it
is the 8.

The origin is a tree line that we have created on the other axis.

Select the line on which you have created, this distance is 0 and the direction is indeed
the same as the other axis of the Strukturline, therefore a positive 1 it would be opposite
you would enter a-1. Now select the line.

In version 2016 will now close the masks fully expected the berm.
4.9 A handlebar tutorial
Free sample:

We have an existing axis and would build on this an other axis as a driver.

First as step 1, you would need to set a 2 wheel (single link) to the main axis. This you
could via tangent points make or import back a 2D construction as KA40 then let or newly
take over as axis.

Axis 1 (main axis) select and activate. Then click on profiles. You create a profile through
the generated 2 axle at the rendezvous point with the 1 St axle. You want to know to what
extent they should meet.

Therefore, you know the connection point of the height for the longitudinal of axis 2.

4.9.1 Define horizontal geometry of the edges

Define the margins in accordance with Chapter 4

You will now draw the left and right edges of the horizontal geometry of the 2. A Multilink
rear suspension. This gives each an own new axis. Pay attention to the KM and select KM
a 0 per axis, so that the best all axis in the same direction. To prevent opposing axes.

4.9.2 Query the vertical geometry for margins and take over
Start edge of axis of axis 1, for example, with the height of query on the left. This is the
connection points for the left edge of a wheel on the 1. Axis. The axle 1 must of course be
only selected and active.

Under road alignment - select cross-sections.

With information now profile points - road point read.

The information will appear in the dialog line (Please give):

Now enable axis 2 and apply the vertical information as described above.

Now assign this information to the respective edge axis, in the vertical geometry of the

With the intersection of the tangent put just two free tangent points with KM / height.
After you set your two free points on the respective Chainage and level.

Switch to the KM on the points of the axis 3 in the situation.

Then the height change.

Then save and exit the vertical geometry.

4.9.3 Create connection from the edge of the axis to the axis/structure
Assign project profiles of the edge axis. In the same step you assign equally the same
distance points.

The assignment of the project profile is the basis to define borders. Assign axis point create
Call the distance same points the sections to produce them.

Put reference points at beginning, intersection of the axes and at the end of the edge.

Add axis points according to the reference points.

140 Defining boundary lines

1. First, you define the side of the road to connect the road axis 2.

By clicks, you define the location in the floor plan of up to, and at what point (see point
table) this limit is to be created.

As a next step, enter the information of what exactly should be done with this boundary
line - the origin.
So stop the project profile when the profile point adjust the boundary string as follows:

Their result is then shown in the window:


2. Next, you define the borderline to the tree line on the axis 1

By clicks, you define the location in the floor plan of up to, and at what point (see point
table) this limit is to be created.

As a next step, enter the information of what exactly should be done with this boundary
line - the origin.

Then switch back to the boundary line is set to "F".

Their result is then shown in the window:

3. Set road thickness to 0

By clicks, you define the location in the floor plan of up to, and at what point (see point
table) this limit is to be created.

As a next step, enter the information of what exactly should be done with this boundary
line - the origin.

Their result is then shown in the window:


Now you have to calculate only the axis point and profile

Of course, other things in this way are possible, E.g. in the construction of Bach:
4.10 Catalog
4.10.1 Borders origin function
Almost all wishes of embankment design can be fulfilled with the functions. These
functions are all types of borders available! Calculation of slope and slope foot

Calculation of the embankment when the horizontal radius is smaller than the distance to the edge of the road.

GL type Not decisive

Values of A, E Not applicable (0.0,0.0)
Interpolation mode Not applicable (1)
String conditions Not applicable (< >)

Sets the height of the slope foot (absolute or relative to the edge of the banquet).
The tendency in the embankment type defined is maintained. The profile is verbungen
with the terrain by a vertical line.
GL type 1 and 2 Relative height
Values of A, E 1 and 2 Delta Z value
GL type 3 and 4 Absolute altitude
Values of A, S 3 and 4 Absolute value of Z

Interpolation mode Decisive (1,2,3,4)

String conditions Not applicable (< >)
Profile point 8 links | 18 right

Sets the height (absolute or relative to the edge of the banquet) of the foot of the slope. The
tendency in the embankment type defined is not retained.
If there are several points of intersection with the ground at the desired height between
the banquet and free strip width, which is the closest to the banquet, is selected.

If no intersection is found, the boundary line is ignored. GL type 1

and 2 Relative height
Values of A, E 1 and 2 Delta Z value
GL type 3 and 4 Absolute altitude
Values of A, S 3 and 4 Absolute value of Z

Interpolation mode Decisive (1,2,3,4)

String conditions Not applicable (< >)
Profile point 8 links | 18 right
146 Retaining wall, berm, special embankment slope

Sets a retaining wall Crown height (absolute or relative to the edge of the banquet). GL type
1 and 2
Relative height
Values of A, E 1 and 2 Delta Z value
GL type 3 and 4 Absolute altitude
Values of A, S 3 and 4 Absolute value of Z

Interpolation mode Decisive (1,2,3,4)

String conditions Not applicable (< >)
Profile point 8 links | 18 right

Sets a berm height (absolute or relative to the edge of the banquet).
GL type 1 and 2 Relative height
Values of A, E 1 and 2 Relative value of Z
GL type 3 and 4 Absolute altitude
Values of A, S 3 and 4 Absolute value of Z

Interpolation mode Decisive (1,2,3,4)

String conditions Not applicable (< >)
Profile point 8 links | 18 right

Calculation of a bank with a specific slant up to a
specified height.
The rest of the slope is calculated with the values defined in the embankment type.
GL type 1 and 2 Relative height
A value of 1 by 1 and 2 Specific embankment slope
Value of 2 by 1 and 2 Delta Z value
GL type 3 and 4 Absolute altitude
Values of A from 3 and 4 Specific embankment slope
Values E for 3 and 4 Absolute value of Z

Interpolation mode Decisive (1,2,3,4)

String conditions Not applicable (< >)
Profile point 8 links | 18 right Intersections on second elevation

Layered terrain models the embankment slope individually up to the intersection with the
2.Schicht of the site to define.
The rest of the slope is calculated with the values defined in the embankment type.
GL type 1 and 2 Acquires inclination in the embankment type

Value of 1 and 2 Not decisive

Value E 1 and 2 Not decisive
GL type 3 and 4 Specific inclination
Values of A from 3 and 4 Cut slope
Values E for 3 and 4 Embankment slope
Interpolation mode Not decisive
String conditions Not applicable (< >)
Profile point 8 links | 18 right

Layered terrain models this function places the height of the retaining wall Crown on the
intersection with the 2.Schicht of the site. The rest of the slope is calculated with the
values defined in the embankment type.
GL type 1 and 2 Parameter of embankment type
Value of 1 and 2 Not decisive
Value E 1 and 2 Not decisive
GL type 3 and 4 Specific parameters
Values of A from 3 and 4 Tilt the wall
Values E for 3 and 4 Width of the wall Crown
Interpolation mode Not decisive
String conditions Not applicable (< >)
Profile point 8 links | 18 right

Layered terrain models this function places the height of the berm on the intersection
with the 2.Schicht of the site. The rest of the slope is calculated with the values defined
in the embankment type.
GL type 1 and 2 Parameter of embankment type
Value of 1 and 2 Not decisive
Value E 1 and 2 Not decisive
GL type 3 and 4 Specific parameters
Values of A from 3 and 4 Slope of the embankment before the berm
width the berm
Values E for 3 and 4
Interpolation mode Not decisive
String conditions Not applicable (< >)
Profile point 8 links | 18 right

The functions Talus2(x) can use this function with a simple terrain model
run be. With Help by shift and the
Interpolation mode simulates ground layer the 2.
GL type Not decisive
Values of A
Vertical offset at the beginning of the line
Value E Vertical offset at the end of the waterline
Interpolation mode decisive (1,2,3,4)
String conditions Not applicable (< >)
Profile point 8 links | 18 right Banquet

Change the parameters that determine the banquet, according to whether it is a notch or
GL type 1 and 2 Not decisive
Value of 1 and 2 Banquet width at cut
Value E 1 and 2 Banquet width at landfill
Interpolation mode Not decisive
String conditions <> Inclination of the banquet according to type of embankment
<P> According to the angle of the main roadway, if

is less than the slope parameter <F>

"according to the angle of the main roadway profile point
7 on the left. 17 right | 27 left and right

Change banquet in cut slopes
GL type 1 and 2 Not decisive
Value of 1 and 2 Banquet width at cut
Value E 1 and 2 Banquet inclination

Interpolation mode Not decisive

String conditions <> Inclination of the banquet according to type of embankment
<P> According to the angle of the main roadway, if

is less than the slope parameter <F>

"according to the angle of the main roadway profile point
7 on the left. 17 right | 27 left and right Dig

Insert a moat in the embankment of
GL-type 1 and 2 Trench towards outside
GL type 3 and 4 Ditch direction inside out
Value A Total width of the trench
Value E Depth of the trench
Interpolation mode Not decisive
String conditions Not decisive
Profile point 8 links | 18 right

Insert a trench at the foot of the dam
GL type Not decisive
Value A Width of the moat sole
Value E Depth of the trench
Interpolation mode Not decisive
String conditions Not decisive
Profile point 8 links | 18 right

Insert a ditch most on the slope edge GL type
Not decisive
Value A Width of the moat sole
Value E Minimum depth of the trench
Interpolation mode Not decisive
String conditions Not decisive
Profile point 8 links | 18 right


Borderline family for the calculation of the substructure. (ARX, AFX,
ANX) Each calculation is defined by the following values.
GL type Not decisive
Relative distance to the point (+) According to profile outside
After the inside of the profile
Direction (+) the same tendency holds after the point
(-) the tendency reverses after the point, but
only if it is positive
Interpolation mode Not decisive
String conditions Not decisive
Profile point 1-6 links | 11-16 right

Changes the location of the transverse tilt reversal point.

Changes the location of the transverse tilt reversal point.
Then, the selected point is the high point of the substructure with a single-sided cross

The corresponding highest point is selected either the right or the left. Then, the
selected point is the high point of the substructure with a single-sided cross slope. Special functions

Definition of a combined boundary line

Definition of an interpretation of the cross slope

Definition of a special substructure
4.10.2 Borders source other source
Slope parameters (code T):

1 Free strip width in m

2 Banquet width in m
3 Tilt the balance in %
4 Trench width in m
5 Digging depth in m

6 Test distance for digging into m

7 Tilt the balance (incision) in m tilt the balance

8 (embankment) in m
9 Test distance for balance in m
10 Slope inclination (cut)
11 Slope inclination (landfill)
12 Maximum wall height (incision) in m
13 Maximum wall height (embankment) in m
14 Wall suit (cut)
15 Wall suit (landfill)
16 Crown width of walls in m
17 Test distance to walls in m
18 Berm width in m
19 Difference in height between 2 berms
20 Test height for berms

Combined origins are possible only for sewers!

Nebenfahrbahn 1

Nebenfahrbahn 1


y Embankment slope y Embankment slope


= =
x Landfill x Removal

16 Point slope / terrain

(E inschnitt)

(A btrag)

Crown width
3 20









ng 19
10 tbOsEchu


Test height off

hn Berm


Ein Intermediate level

11 s- - + + -

ag g

ftr n
Mauer HOE

A u chu
sE Digging depth
Free Strip
x Substructure 5
10 : 1


Trench width Berm width

Humus removal Point slope / terrain
4 18
Horiz. D is embankment cut
Test distance off
17 6

Wall Horiz. Dist. Off

1 Free Strip links Free Strip right


Editions and derivations

In this chapter, you will learn how to make derivatives from your, or make the processing
engineering model.

My notes:
4.11 Lists

From your model, you can spend well various lists.

These are written in an editor-file and immediately opened. Save this file in your project or
copy the contents in your word processor (E.g. Word) to edit it further.

You can find the commands to do this in the module road alignment - print

My notes:

4.11.1 Ceiling books Horizontal lines

You select the desired parameter and click Print. The Editor window will flash briefly and
below on the taskbar you can then open the editor. Vertical lines
156 Axis points (cross-sections)

Transverse profile points
158 Surfaces Routes, General project information.
160 General project information

4.11.2 Mass Earth mass

Red scores = relates purely to humus (soil)

Yellow results = is the volume of project base
Grey results = MB removal = Earth's mass removal of UK best. Humus-OK project
PL = order = order by UK Earth best. Humus to UK base Orange
results = difference of removal and order
162 Earth mass detail Transports
164 Transport recording

Yet a target part picture turn yellow in the background so that you can also select it.

Blue columns mean deepest compensation. Above the light blue line only removal, below
it would only order. The blue line across summed over all means planning -
compensation. The red columns are surplus humus and the line across means humus
about surplus totals. Grey columns mean order humus and green columns mean
transverse. Axis point - KM

Very elegant command providing me all data to a specific km and distance to the axis.

4.12 Output

From your model, you can spend well various plans.

These are either drawn or in the active on a target image of part of.

Prior to issuing the plans must set the drawing parameters!

Also make active the output target portion images in the background (yellow)
4.12.1 Situation
1. Go to the parameters of the situation:

Click change under draw first on location.

Then please just click Import.


Under Favorites, search project in your project the TB Strasse_Situation.rdz file and
upload it. This is a favorite setting made by us and takes you a lot of work off for the
representation of the situation plan.

Then go to layer and styles, click planning package. The colors in the table should now by
be been converted previously black in colour. Now click one of the tabs, here not
everything to 0 may be provided, but number codes must be entered. If you see values
only 0, read again situation the RDZ. Because if you make an output with 0, not
everything, or nothing at all is drawn in the output to the target part image!

If so click on save and then quit.

2. Open the output mask

· Choose your axle (s) and give the range of scale type
· (text size)
· Check the decimal
· Select the target image
· Define what should be drawn
· Plot parameters, location map should be at P42 = 616 / D42 = 4.0 / H08 = 1.2
must be set.

If the mask has been set press the recording button.

You should get the result on the target image.


4.12.2 Longitudinal
1. Again first, load the parameters

Download the RDZ to the longitudinal

2. Before you open the template, and if you would like to evaluate a ramp band and
speed chart in the longitudinal click:

Wait few seconds per command, you see on the left bottom of the display that is

Then click on Strassenlängsprofil.

To obtain also a longitudinal result should be the axis within the terrain model and must
have at least 3 tangent points. Otherwise, you will receive no longitudinal.


If you would like to create a longitudinal, but still no project is created you can set a
reference to the axis KM and distance same can enter and calculate points previously.
Set request parameters. Click on drawing and the longitudinal as ready-to-plan is created
on the target image. It is standard that the caption below the Gefällsanzeige appears. You
don't, will that then you must move subsequently by hand, the text on the plan.

4.12.3 Longitudinal with parallel

Every now and then it is desired that produces in the longitudinal parallel to the project
should be presented. This is to simulate a tunnel ceiling. The development of working
that created tunnels be included in future 3D etc. in a longitudinal section. Until then but
you can help yourself with this trick.

To do this, "they rape" the median strip. Enter a value for the width of 1 mm and with
backfilling the desired parallel distance. You then assign the rule's profile in the sections
on the necessary km.

Finally, these additional parameters set in the output for the longitudinal.

The result is a parallel to the project in the longitudinal plan.

Transverse profiles
1. Download the parameters again first analog situation and longitudinal to the cross
profiles, take the TB_Strasse_Querprofile_Plan.rdz.
2. Check whether F21 = 1 is set.

Then you can create a cross profile plan on 2 different versions.

Either axis points of the numbering after, or with a particular KM distance.

You can set softpacks parameters concerning the representation of the cross profiles.
With or without dimensions, various scales etc. According to your needs. Here you
need to pröbeln a little to understand all the settings and to be able to distinguish.
4.12.5 Multi-axis cross sections

It is also possible to put that each axis indicates the correct Kilometerage and cut a
section about multiple axes. Also here you can choose whether you place the cutting axis
points or KM.

4.13 Special Plan parameters

Click new, type the desired parameters click Create, then click Save. Here you can
specify that the left and right road elevation profiles be represented is labeled in the
Now switch on the map

4.14 Models deriving for visualization

You have the project model which you have used for the road project.

Now click on show and switch 3D surfaces of the site to do so, and the result is then so
that it looks that a landslide had occurred.

The goal would be to have a model which would properly display the street in the grounds
with 3D surfaces.
To do this switch interfaces first DGM - road construction.

Here you select the command 3D - road model

You see automatically she will click next proposed model number, just click OK.

It is calculated, a new model then what you can use lists to verify models.

If you represent the edges and 3D surfaces can then via pointing you back a beautiful
model see only from the road alone. Please note, but this is a model that looks like your
project. Aren't changes to make, in this temptation, I can't of course you would need to
display only your Orginalprojekt, so you can then make adjustments.

Next we want to connect the origin site to the road site to a single model.

See road construction DGM models now copy the original site to a new number.

Now select the register calculate and there from merger.

Here, select the copy of the original site and the model of the road (Yes not your project!)
and have it on a new model.

The newly calculated model must exhibit even more points and triangles than the other

Let now in my case 4 model display this.

The result is an Association of the models.

4.15 Stakeout
4.15.1 switch
Insurance points
Basically, you must simply temporarily widen the road width.

You want the roadside points "out aligned".

The main roadway width 50 cm increase and apply. Then:

You expect new road body. Flares go

automatically, that you enter that in relation to
the axis.

So to calculate the file you change the module


With this, you can export a layout file. See interfaces in Homer Street file across Quake

You can select points with a Delta distance. Delta R Delta right. Selected here only road
and side points.
The result of the points for the main road and side only on the right side. Analog you can
easily that also left separately issue if necessary.

4.15.2 Up sounding points

The principle is that one with the road axis compares a coordinates file (format AV) and
get a coordinates file again.

1 = height comparisons to points outside of the profiles 2 =

height comparisons to points in the profile

1 = Yes Differential shaft height / ground point

1 = no Shaft height to center point aligned
2 = Yes Comparison in the roadway (direct project height in the street) with
2 = no the shaft height comparison
4.15.3 Orthogonal layout

1 = 1. Point the stakeout straight (the values of of stakeout of the point are calculated
from here!)
2 = 2 point of the stakeout straight

3 = this value say, where the stake out straight in the profile would be (z.B by the roadside
in the axis, etc.)

4 = here entering the fineness of the subdivision on the road

5 = this value generated more points with any distance 6 = defined with
1, 2, 3... the numbering of Absteckungpunkte

4.15.4 Polar stakeout

Layouts of fixed points out. E.G. for Theodolites stakeout.

Placing the stations horizontal location points off, then later to determine that is to put the
new axis. You can horizontal location points via horizontal geometry
or in the sections make.

Click on manage the points.

so I dropped off the points Station1 etc.

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