Meeting Minutes

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Approved Meeting Minutes


ATTENDING: Kirby, Mercurio, Yee, Vann, Kern, Beyaert, Coffey, Volin, Palacios, Bank,
NOTATTENDING: Walters, Johnson, Shalaby, Madison, Pellegrini, Simmons, Godfrey,
Madsen, Walkling
STAFF ATTENDING: Barial, Pfuehler, Scheer
GUESTS: Director John Sutter, Jerry Kent
PUBLIC: Dawn DeMarcus, Steve Soderstrom

The meeting began at 7:02 p.m.

1. Approval of Minutes: PAC member Beyaert moved and PAC member Volin
seconded approval of the November 26, 2012 minutes with edits. PAC members Coomber,
Bank and Johnson abstained due to absences.

2. Introductions: PAC Chair Kirby asked PAC members, staff and the public to
introduce themselves.

3. Board Member Comments: Director Sutter spoke about the proposed Gateway
park which will be right next to the touchdown at the new bay bridge. After decades we got a
commitmen5 from the Army and the Dept. of the Interior that we would get a conveyance from
the Oakland. It is a scenic location. Caltrans and the MTC – 9 agencies – formed a working
group and there is a plan now that could be at least a 60 acre park, more than the spit which
will come to us. Including the sawtooth building and Caltrans wants to convert it into a museum.
Mike Anderson is representing the park district on the working group. The billboard wants to
put a bunch of billboards on the Oakland side of the bay bridge and is one of our issues.

Sutter commented that The Regional Park Foundation is a helpful organization and are a
grouped of community leaders who are adept at fundraising. They focus on camperships.
Fundraising drives focused on particular parks might be of interest to the PAC. Sutter
commented on the Budget 2013 which is balanced, with a 3% increase of revenue which gives us
opportunity to hire. Sutter is intrigued by shuttle service to parks where the climb up is
strenuous. Kirby commented that the board approved the PAC’s workplan. Kern asked if Sutter
has met the new State Park District. Sutter said he has not but GM Doyle will meet with him.

PAC memberYee shared a story that relates to Stanford staging area and how an enterprising
boy scout troop sold $1 cups of lemonade and cookie.

Public Comments: Dawn Demarcus, interested in the PAC, and Steve Soderstrom, former
PAC member, attended the meeting. Neither had any comments. PAC member Vann asked
why are the public comments limited to items not on the agenda. PAC Chair Kirby stated that
Public Comments at the beginning of the meeting are limited to items that are not on the
agenda and are governed by the constraints of the Brown Act which specifies that we cannot
respond to anything legally that is not agendized and comments are to be forwarded to staff.

a. History of the General Managers of EBRPD – Jerry Kent
Jerry Kent, former AGM of Operations, is looking at the political history of the District over the last
150 years and maybe more importantly over the last 78 years after the District was formed.

The origin of the Park District

The Districts history starts with Central Park in New York in 1857 with Frederick Longsted Olmsted,
farther of landscape architecture. The Yosemite Grant to preserve Yosemite Park, the Golden Gate
Park in 1870, Yellowstone Park in 1872, City Playground 1890, Big Basin Redwoods (the first real state
park in CA) in 1902 and National Park System 1916, CA State Park System in 1928 over 75 years was
the origin of the park movement in the United States. The Park Districts story began in 1928. Ansel
Hall, first supervising naturalist for Yosemite, of the NPS and George Gibbs Jr. (Manager at Olmsted
Firm) put together the Proposed Park Reservations Plan in 1930 for 433 residents; 9 cities and 2
counties; which was the first philosophy for the east bay. In 1934 71% of the residents in 7 cities and 1
county voted to form the district. The board that planned the park consisted of ? Roberts, Leroy
Goodrich, August Vollmer, Charles Lee Tilden, Aurelia Reinhardt who was the real conservationists.
All were fiscally conservative Republicans. Their job was to buy, get or convince EBMUD to let them
have 10,000 acres of surplus watershed land. In1936 new park board agreed to pay EBMUD $656,000
for 2100 acres for three parks which were Tilden, Sibley and Temescal. In1936 they started to design
and build parks which put men to work during the depression. Along with the board additionally the
following men helped to destgn and build parks and they were: Nells Arlenson, Regional Manager for
WPA, Frank Kittredge of National Parks Chief Engineer, John McClaren from Golden Gate Park was a
consultant, Elbert Vail who became the first General Manager.

Kent showed the first map which was called the Playground Guide which was published in 1937.
There were 4 consultants and the board wanted to figure out a new type of park system which was
going to involve active and passive recreation in a natural setting. It became the EBRPD thing which
was unique at that time. From 1936-1940 went to work on first 3 parks. WPA spent $1M in grants
and park district will spend $63,000 as its match for the grant. CCC workers were in a camp where
Tilden Nature area is now and they would get paid approx. $35.00/month. WPA workers were local
men. The annual budget was $195,000 about ½ went to pay EBMUD for the land and the rest went
for hiring staff and managing the park district. That process was interrupted in WWII; all those free
workers left to be involved in the war effort. After ’45 general managers became more important and
the board made big decisions. The nine General Managers past to present were: Elbert Vail, Harold
Curtiss, Richard Walpole, William Penn Mott, Jr., Irwin Luckman, Richard Trudeau, David Pesonen,
Pat O’Brien and Robert Doyle. The legislature designated the board as the political body that sets all
policy, manages business affairs of the park district and hires the general manager who will be the
administrative arm of the district. There have been 44 board members. Kent continued his
powerpoint presentation depicting board members highlighting history of the board members in 1948
Avery Stone replaced Vollmer, John Macdonald replaced Reinhardt were new blood; 4 businessman
and 1 labor leader. They approved the Tilden Merry-Go-Round concession and hired a naturalist for
the Tilden nature area.

In 1953 Macdonald, Sibley (Father of the Regional Parks), Roberts, Godfrey and Goodrich acquired
and opened Roberts and Grass Valley; during this time there were 6 parks, no regional trails, 5,000
acres, 50 employees and $460,000.

1956 Alameda County asked the District to implement their County Park Plan; to purchase and
operate 5 parks in Alameda County. The district said they would do it as long as the state and county
would help them acquire the land and develop the parks: Sunol, Cull and Don Castro, Garin, Crown
Beach, Coyote Hills and Shadow Cliffs and Del Valle.

1960 there were 46 field employees at the park district. In 1959 the employees joined AFSCME..
Union President was Bob Blau.

1961 there were 45 field employees and 5 office employees at Skyline. . Wes Adams, Tom Flood,
German Maiden, Carolyn Thatcher, Ceil Koplos were the office employees. CC County became more
urbanized and in 1961 had a county bond measure to vote approval to buy and operate parks.
Residents voted no.

In 1964 the directors were Robert G. Sproul, Clive Woolridge, Marlon Haley, John Macdonald,
George Roeding (his family bought the fruit tree industry to California). Hired Mott and added most of
CC County and opened up Lake Chabot. They hired 2 directors in Alameda, 2 Contra Costa and 3
would cross county lines; 5 businessman and 2 educators.

In 1964 the residents asked the District to run a campaign in CC County to have the county annex
the park district - Measure B. The County voted yes at 54%. Finally the district is a regional agency
which represents 2 counties. It started buying parks in CC County. In about 10 years the District had
Briones, Kennedy Grove, Las Trampas, Miller Knox, Pt. Pinole and Black Diamond Mines. Mott was
able to get additional funding and hired employees and expanded the park significantly. There were 14
parks; 1 regional trail, 12,000 acres, 142 employees and $1.2 M budget.

The first public confrontations came about conservation and park theology happened over Tilden
Botanic Garden and Willow Park Golf Course. The environmental folks didn’t like either of the two
so they talked to Jack Knox, CC Assemblyman and had a hearing which Dick Trudeau handled. Out of
the debate, the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) formed, which is one of the largest lobbying
groups for the State of California. The board found that its real boss in Sacramento. Knox was clear
that the District needed its own legal advice which before that the District Attorney office was
providing free legal advice. The attorney at that time was Earl Warren, who went on to become Chief
Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Don Black was the first private attorney hired, Elda Maldonado was
the first hired in-house attorney and Ted Radosevich is the longest attorney in the districts history.

In 1971 Woolridge Badger, Haley, Harberts, Blumberg, Roeding, MacDonald the directors wanted to
buy Pt. Pinole and needed to figure out how to get $6 M. They borrowed money from Bank of
America and got funding through grants. Joe Bort who was chair of Ala County Board of Supervisors
during the Epperson Ridge debate he became a friend and advocate for the park district and the
district had credibility for the next 20 years. At this point there are 23 parks, 2 regional trails, 21,000
acres, $4 M budget.

1972 – 1977 Trudeau was the General Manager, during this time there was a 2 month union strike,
14 new parks and 9 trails and it was tumultuous and productive for the park. The Master Plan was
done in 1977 and was the first comprehensive board policy for acquiring, planning and operating parks
and trails, headed up by Stewart Udall, Baum, Bort and Milnes, Blaumburg and Cogswell.
In 1978 Howard Jarvis, the District lost millions of dollars, homeowners gained, state and voters now
rule and financing for the park district was totally changed.
In 1979 directors were Kessel, Radke, Costa, Jefferd, Jardin, Cogswell, Badger
In 1984-1988 O’Donnell, Duncan, Jefferds, Kessel, Bowers, Radke, Peterson this board established
some of the strongest environmentalists concepts. Trudeau retired. In1988 42 parks 56,000 acres, 375
employees, $ 24M budget. Passed Measure AA in 1988. Grants from AA did a lot of local projects.
In1991 Kessel, Radke, Coombs, Duncan Williams, Holmes, O’Donnell this became Pat O’Brien’s
transition board.

1998 - 2003: Siden, Wieskamp, Radke, Lane, Siri, Sutter, Severin and was one of the most experienced
boards. This board responded to 1991 hills fire, formed assessment district in east CCC and annexed

the Livermore area. Now there are 52 parks, 23 trails, 70,000 acres, 41 employees and, $45M budget.
They are stable and the most unique people who spent most of their lives in business and actively
involved in public service and were excellent directors for the park district. Recreation was important
to this board. More politically connected and integrated by gender and interests – passed WW. Pat
O’Brien served 22 years as the General Manager and is the longest tenured and most productive;
modernized the agency and provided for expansion for the next 25 years.
We now have 65 parks, 31 trails, 112,000 acres, 721 employees (FTEs) $171M, 300 P/T and several
thousand volunteers.
The District has worked hard and is now one of the most highly regarded agencies in the East Bay.

PAC member Beyaert handed out a booklet and the PAC members read it out loud. It builds on a
letter from William Penn Mott which goes from 1964 – 1970 and is called Save Our Bay Park and is
from the Contra Costa Shoreline Parks Committee.

PAC member Kern asked if Kent was going to memorialize this history in a book. Kent says he has
done an oral history at the District. Chair Kirby asked if Kent were able to interview any of the
people. Kent remarked that he knew all of the board members and worked with many since 1962, and
found them all to be educated and focused on the park district. Palacios asked Kent to define park
theology. Kent stated that it is actually park philosophy however after working with people in this field
for almost 50 years he has found that people feel so strongly that it almost becomes theological.

Director Sutter noted that when the park district went out for Measure AA, Jerry Kent was the
Acting GM. PAC member Vann asked Kent why he didn’t list himself as general manager and Kent
said that in his view the only ones that were appointed should be there. Vann what is the definition of
regional trails. Kent explained that there are 1200 miles of trails in its system and the regional trails
are the ones that are not in parks and connecting residential area. PAC member Coomber
commented on how far the district has come and how the district has increased accessibility into the
parks. Kent the east bay has been good to the park district. Kent every one of the directors would
say that it is the citizens advocates and staff that have worked to help to further the district. Vann
might be missing the ADA program. $10M up to ADA in the next 20 years. Kirby adoption of the plan
would be a good milepost. Volin affirmative action plan was s result of a lawsuit that was brought from
by the women workers and the union. Board opposed it. Integrated Pest Mgmt and the board resisted
it for quite a while. Kent responded that the district has active 2 unions – advocated for their
employees on social and environmental issues. Kirby it is a dynamic situation.

b. Youth Appointment Discussion – Glenn Kirby, PAC Chair & Erich Pfuehler,
Government Relations & Legislation Manager
Glenn Kirby, PAC Chair, opened with a suggestion from talking with the General Manger and Erich to
increase the diversity on the PAC and one suggestion was to have a youth representative on the
committee from each of the counties. Erich Pfuehler said that we have worked with a senior from
Fremont who is doing a Quest Project and has illuminated a number of issues with regard to social
media and outreach that the district has not delved into as much. That experience combined with our
the experience Carol Johnson and I have had with a 2 county office of education kids outdoor
challenge into a curriculum based protocol that is now being piloted in the 3rd grade classrooms, for
the kids in the classroom, and raises awareness about what the district is and does. We thought one
option would be to appoint a student for 1 term. Tangentially trying to work with schools to lower
voter threshold to 55% for local elections. We are not in any rush and are open to thoughts and

PAC member Kern stated that he is in favor of this direction. Challenge is to engage the youth and
transportation in the evening. When youth are there it gives us a perspective and is essential to us and
the work that we are doing. I would try to get a process that is transparent to allow all the districts to
compete for this. PAC member Beyaert says that this is a much bigger issues that relates to changing
demographics – we don’t have any elderly, latino’s, gender diversity or native americans. Let’s think
about this. Kirby commented on increasing the size of the PAC and we have a working number and
am reluctant to add new members. We are constrained because 7 of the 21 seats come from outside
authority and we give them a free hand. The board can use their 14 seats to make their
improvements. Kirby thinks a 1 year commitment is necessary and should the young people in school
have a work product. If the district was going to have a youth outreach program can they contribute.
PAC member Vann added that he thinks basically it is a good idea and in favor there are a number of
pitfalls, what kind of support would they need to come to meetings, and how would they be selected –
1 person from each of the counties. Supt. of Dept. of education and each of the cities have their own
school board. Kern clarified. Kirby does this include community colleges. Vann sometimes young
people coming into a group like this might be intimated to get involved. Have a designated spot on the
agenda to put their ideas out if they have any. Vann I would be cautious about imposing a work
product. Vann added that we should add a designated spot on the agenda. Kirby associated with
career goals. Palacios added that it is a great idea; the youth that is selected could be a female of
particular decent. She added that the short loop trails was helped out by the District internships.
Kirby thought looking at a narrow lense of appt. to pac and the student can engage to the district in a
broader passion. Youth ages 17 to 25. We are going to work with student outreach in both counties.
Coffey great idea only it should be a 2 year commitment. Kirby agree to a one year commitment.
Volin more appropriate if it was a college student. We have raised some diversity issues and we
should not lose focus. Other components of this population that are underserved. Coomber –
supportive of the idea – vague and vaporous. Detail work that has to be done. I see it as a way to
engage the segment. Barial added that seniors have to graduate with volunteer hours and could use
this for that. PAC is supportive. Kirby thought there were some good suggestions and thinks the
PAC is supportive; students, youth, college, high school, age range.

c. Work Plan 2013 – Glenn Kirby, PAC Chair & Erich Pfuehler, Governmet
Relations & Legislative Manager
Glenn Kirby, PAC Chair, will not be taking an action, it is for information. Kirby asked about the
Chabot Gun Range contract. Anne Scheer said this contract will not be up until 2014 and will go to
board operations committee a year in advance and typically does not come to the PAC. Right now it
is an approved use of district property and so in order to change it we would have to go to board ops
committee and then they would decide whether to take it to the full board. Kirby in anticipation of
this and understanding the process we did take a look at our own operating guidelines and saw that
we could request from the board that items that could potentially be controversial be routed through
our work plan. We went to board executive committee and recommended to the full board and The
full board approved our workplan to have that concessionaire agreement added to our workplan. If it
is not going to be renewed until 2014 but if the process starts this year we have acknowledgement
from the board that that should come through us. We want to keep apprised of when that is coming
to us. Scheer will let Mimi know.

PAC member Beyaert Rick Parmer has left us. Scheer he has accepted another position and Anne
Rockwell will be acting. John Escobar is replaced by Matt Graul will be acting. Erich this item was a
suggestion by Judi Bank on Natural Resources. PAC member Kern asked if Kevin Fox could provide a
written update on the metrics on volunteer hours and what the outreach was doing. Erich there are
some goals that have not been finalized yet on our workplan. PAC member Volin and Beyaert would
like to see the new territory in Contra Costa.

6. PAC Member Comments – PAC memberYee major restoration work at Mission

Peak which was done by youth from the high school and mountain biking community and are
working together. The kids inspired the adults. PAC member Vann ambassador at the MLK
event which also happened to be the National Day of Service.

7. Report from the Chair – none.

8. Board Committee Reports – PAC member Bank gave a report on her prepared
Board Operations meetings attendance.

9. Status of Recommendations – none yet

10. Old Business – PAC member Coffey asked about the PAC;s comments on the
Master Plan. Erich Pfuehler responded that Mike Anderson is not quite ready to report and
Kirby assured that the PAC comments would be on a separate track.

11. New Business – None.

12. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m.

Summary of Actions:
1. The November 26, 2012 meeting minutes were approved with edits.

Respectfully submitted,
Yolande Barial, PAC Secretary

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