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Anika Nayana Murthy
Deeksha Aithal
Divya Vani.R
Guru Prasad V Ingin
Chetna U Tilwani
Raj Ravi Katageri

Meaning & Nature of Learning/John parankimalil

Learning is the process by which an individual acquires knowledge, attitudes and skills
that are necessary to meet the demands of life. While touching a burning candle, a child gets
burnt and he with draws the fingers. When he faces a similar situation again he withdraws his
fingers faster. Gradually he Learns to avoid not only the burning candle but also other
burning things. The behaviour of an individual is thus changed through experiences. This
change in behaviour brought about by experience is commonly known as learning.

Thus learning means change in behaviour (or) behaviour potential that occurs as a result
of experience. Learning can result from both vicarious and direct experience. Vicarious
means observing someone and learning from that observation and not being directly
involved in the experience.

For example:
A child learns how to clap hands by seeing someone else do it. Learning also takes place
through direct experience.

A child learns to write by practicing writing. A child normally learns from his parents,
teachers and the environment.

Nature of Learning:

1.Learning is Universal:
Every creature that lives learns. Man Learns most. The human nervous system is very
complex. So are human reactions and so are human acquisition. Position learning vital for
children's growth and development.

2.Learning is Through Experience:

Learning always involve some kind of experience direct or indirect(vicarious).

3. Learning is from all Sides:

Today learning is from all sides. Children learn from parents, teachers, environment
nature, media etc.
4. Learning is Continuous:
It denotes the lifelong nature of learning. Everyday new situations are faced and the
individual has to bring essential changes in his style of behaviour adopted to tackle them.
Learning his birth to death.

5.It Results in Change in Behaviour:

It is a change of behaviour influenced by previous behaviour. It is any activity that leaves
a more (or) less permanent effects on a later activity.

6.Learning is an Adjustment:
Learning helps the individual to adjust himself adequately to the new situations. Most
learning in children consists in modifying, adopting and developing their original nature. In
later life the individuals acquire new form of behaviour.

7. It Comes about as a Result of Practice:

It is the basis of drill and practice. It has been proven that students learn best and retain
information longer when they have meaningful practice and repetition every time practice of
course learning continuous.

8. Learning is a Relatively Permanent change:

After a rat wake up from his nap he still remembers the path to the food. Even if you have
been on a bicycle for years, in just a few minutes practice you can be quite proficient again.

9. Learning as Growth and Development:

It is never ending growth and development. At reach stage the learner requires new vision
of his future growth and news ideas of achievements in the direction of his effort. According
to woodworth, " All activity can be called learning so far as it develops the individual".

10.Learning is not directly observable:

The only way to study learning is through some observable behaviour. Actually, we
cannot observe learning we see only what precedes performance, the performance itself and
the consequences of the performance.

Elements of Learning:

1. Motivation:
The concept of motivation is important to learning theory. Remember motivation is based
on needs and goals. Motivation acts as a spur to learning.

For example:
Men and women who want to take up a bicycle riding for fitness and recreation are
motivated to learn all they can about bike riding and also practice often. They may seek
information concerning the prices, quality and characteristics of bicycles and "learn" which
bicycle are the best for the kind of riding that they do. They will also read any articles in their
local newspapers about bicycle trails and may seek online information about "active
vacation" that involves biking or hiking. Conversely, individual who are not interested in bike
riding are likely to ignore all information related to the activity. The goal object (bicycle
Riding in order to relax and stay fit) simply has no relevance for them. The degree of
relevance (or) involvement determines the consumers levels of motivation to search for
knowledge (or) information about a product (or) service. Uncovering consumer motives is
one of the prime tasks of marketers, who then try to teach motivated consumer segments why
and how the product will full fill the consumer needs.

If motivate sir to stimulate learning, cues are the stimuli that gives directions to these
motivates. An advertisement for an exotic trip that includes bike riding may serve as a cue for
bike riders, who may suddenly " recognize" that they " need" a vacation. The ad is the cue,
(or) stimulus, that suggest a specific way to satisfy a salient motive. In the Market place,
price, styling, packaging, advertising and store displays all serve as cues to help consumer's
full fill their needs in product specific ways.
Cues serve to direct to consumer drives when they are consistent with the consumer
Expectations. Marketers must be careful to provide cues that do not upset those expectations.

For example:

Consumer's expect designers clothes to be expensive and to be sold in upscale retail stores.
Thus a high fashion designer should sell his (or) her clothes only through exclusive stores and
advertise only in upscale fashion magazines. Each aspect of the marketing mix must reinforce
the other if cues are to serve as the stimuli that guide consumer actions in the direction by the

How individuals react to a drive or cue how they behave constitute their response.
Learning can occur even when responses or not over overt. The automobile manufacturers
that provides consistent cues to a customer may not always succeed in stimulating a purchase.
However, if the manufacturer's succeeds in forming a favourable image of a particular
automobile model in the consumer's mind, it is likely that the consumer will considered that
make a model when he or she is ready to buy.

A response is not tied to a need in one to one fashion. Indeed, as was discussed in a need
or motivate may evoke a whole variety of responses.

4. Reinforcement:
Reinforcement increases the likelihood that a specific response will occur in the future as
the result of particular cues or stimuli.

Behaviour learning theories are sometimes referred to as "stimulus response theories

because they are based on the premise that observable response to specific external stimulus
signal that learning has taken place.When a person acts in a predictable way to a known
stimulus, he or she is said to have "learned". Behavioural theories are not so much concerned
with the process of learning as they are with the inputs and outcomes of learning, that is in
the stimuli that consumers select from the environment and the observable behaviour that
results two behavioural theories with great relevance to marketing are classical conditioning
and instrumental conditioning.
Influences of Learning on Consumer Behaviour:

1.Recognition and Recall:

An advertisement intended to attract the attention of consumers towards its certain
elements, features or parts and then relate them with the advertised brand and therefore,
different amount of awareness is experienced by consumers once they are exposed to an
advertisement. The components of the memory of the consumers for information advertised,
are represented by recognition and recall, however the recognition can only make use of the
outermost or surface level of memory when correlated with retail measures.

The ability of the consumers to identify a similar advertisement as a one already seen by
them earlier is referred to as recognition. The first goal of any ad is to get observed which is
measured by the recognition tests. They can be used to inform the advertiser about the
manner in which the consumers remember the different components of an ad.

2. Cognitive Responsible to Advertising:

The extend to which the intended advertising message is understood by the consumer
correctly is one more influence that learning has on the consumer behaviour. Different the
effectiveness of an advertising campaign, advertisers consider evaluating all the different
parameters of advertising along with different media together.

3. Attitudinal and Behavioural Measures of Brand Loyalty:

Whether to define brand loyalty in terms of consumer attitude or consumer behaviour
comes out of fundamental issues among the researchers.

(a)Behaviour Scientist:
According to the behavioural scientists, who follow the theory of instrumental
conditioning, the first trial of a product strengthened through satisfaction gives birth to brand
loyalty that results in repeating the purchase.

(b) Cognitive Research:

For creation of brand loyalty, cognitive researchers focus on the mental processes. It is
considered by such researchers that strong preference for brand and repeat purchase
behaviour are the result of consumers involving in the extensive process of problem solving
and comparing various qualities and features. It is observed that consumer most of the time
buy the products within their standards and suitable prescribed range of brands.

The consumer loyalty is treated as the function of the following three groups of influence
as opined by an integrated conceptual framework:
 consumer driver
 brand driver
 social driver

4. Brand Equity:
The stored value which is built up in the brand in order to have the competitive advantage
is termed as brand equity. The value of brands can be measured in terms of their worth
additional of products and services. There are number of opinions related to brand equity. All
the measures approve the fact that substantial value can be added to the product and source
with the help of brands. However it is not true all the time. There can be incidents where the
brand can be treated as liability, as a result the brand can play the role of the both value driller
and enhancer. There are number of works done in the field of marketing for exploring,
interpreting and clarify in the broad meaning of brand equity. The measurement and
management become important mainly because of the significance of brand.

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