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On March 24, 1989, during Raymond’s tenure as president of Exxon, one of its oil
tankers ran aground in Prince William Sound off Alaska’s coast. This Prince William is
not a duke of Cambridge as we think but this is the ocean channel between two bodies
of land which known as Prince William Sound. Within days, the Exxon Valdez had
leaked 257,000 barrels of oil into the pristine waters – at the time, that accident
considered as the largest oil spill ever at American shores. But as we know in 2010,
BP’s Deepwater Horizon explosion outdid the Exxon Valdez, spilling nearly 5 million
barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico. During the year of spill, Exxon spent $2.1 billion on
clean up activities, unfortunately Exxon Valdez accident was damaged the public’s
trust in oil companies and dragged down the industry’s reputation. And year after
year, in 1992, US Coast Guard declared the clean up complete. The clean up total spent
over $4.3 billion as a result of accident. Now, they had implemented an operational
system in order to prevent future accident. They will be more safety and running

2. Raymond was sceptical about scientists’ warnings of climate change. He opposed

government regulations. Raymond worried that growing concerns about global
warming would impact ExxonMobil’s future international business activities.

Different opinion between Raymond and climate scientists. Climate scientists report
that burning fossil fuels(fyuls) like oil and natural gas would affect global warming,
cause the result of warmer world. However, Raymond always believed he could reach
his own informed conclusions about the climate change isn’t human-made.

Given his considerable scepticism about global warming, Raymond also did not believe
in cleaner energy alternatives like solar and wind power. This is why he void the US’s
agreement to the Kyoto Protocol to reduce worldwide greenhouse gas emissions. The
Kyoto protocol is actually international agreement which taken by
United Nations program called UNFCCC (United Nation Framework Convention of
Climate Change) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to avoid global warming
around the world.

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