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Chapter 2 section 1

1. The motion of an object is best measured against a

C. frame of reference that is not moving.
Correct. Measuring motion involves measuring both displacement and time.
Displacement is best measured in reference to a nonmoving point.

2. During a five-minute period, a caterpillar crawls in a straight line along the edge
of a meter stick from the 18 cm mark to the 42 cm mark. The displacement of the
caterpillar during this time is
B. 24 cm.
Correct. The distance from the 18-cm mark to the 42-cm mark is 24 cm.

3. A friend’s house is 1326 m eastward from your house. If you drive straight east
and arrive at your friend’s house 103 s later, the average velocity of your trip is
A. 12.9 m/s east.
Correct. Velocity is displacement divided by time.

4. Suppose that you drive to your friend’s house as in item 3, but you decide to turn
south after 53 s and drive a distance of 3420 m to pick up some sodas. After getting
the sodas, you retrace your path northward and proceed eastward for another 50 s to
your friend’s house. Your side trip took an extra 11 minutes (660 s).
Average velocity to friend’s house = a
Average speed for trip = b
Total displacement from your house = c
D. a = 12.9 m/s east; b = 10.7 m/s; c = 1326 m
Correct. Your average velocity is the displacement from your house to your friend's
house divided by the time you took. The distance of the side trip figures only into the
calculation of avg. speed.

5.How many minutes will it take you to walk a distance of 3.20 km northward if your
average velocity is 1.65 m/s north?
B. 32.3 min

6. In which of the following situations is the net displacement of an object equal to

D. The object is moved -4 m in the x direction, 6 m in the x direction, and -2 m
in the x direction.
Correct. All displacements are in the x direction and they sum to zero

7. After an object moves for 15.0 s, its x displacement is 27.5 m. After moving for a
total of 35.0 s, the x displacement of the same object is 42.5 m. What is the average
velocity of the object in the x direction during the period of time between 15.0 s and
35.0 s?
A. 0.750 m/s
Correct. The displacement during the 20.0 s between t = 15.0 s and t = 35.0 s was
(42.5 m - 27.5 m) = 15.0 m. Therefore, the average velocity is 15.0m/20.0 s = 0.750
8. The motion of an object is represented by the following graph.

The velocity of the object is approximately

B. 3.5 m/s.
Correct. Examining the graph shows that the object has moved about 35 m in 10 s.
Therefore, the average velocity is about 3.5 m/s.

9. The motion of an object is represented by the following graph.

The instantaneous velocity of the object at time t = 10 s is approximately
C. 26.0 m/s.
Correct. The slope of the tangent to the curve of the graph at t = 10 s is about 26

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