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Chairman: Lothar Henrich (Railion-DE)

Secretariat: France H. Lafargue (AFNOR - France)

TITLE CWA Working Group : Numbering and Coding Structure for

Railway Vehicle Identification - Report to ERA Activity 15.and SEDP
Reference Files Work Groups


ACTION For information


TAF Workshop Secretariat
France H. Lafargue
11 avenue Francis de Pressensé
93571 Saint-Denis La Plaine Cedex
Tel: +33 1 41 62 86 08
Fax : +33 1 49 17 90 00
CWA Working Group

Coding Structure
for Railway
Vehicle Identification

Report to ERA Activity 15.

SEDP Reference Files
Work Groups
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Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................6
1 Scope .....................................................................................................................................................11
2 Normative References............................................................................................................................12
3 Definitions and abbreviations .................................................................................................................13
3.1 Definitions ...............................................................................................................................................13
3.2 Abbreviations ..........................................................................................................................................14
4 CWA on Vehicle Numbering...................................................................................................................15
4.1 Vehicle Numbering Scheme ...................................................................................................................15
4.2 Allocation of number...............................................................................................................................16
4.3 Management of the reference lists .........................................................................................................16
4.3 Reference Files ......................................................................................................................................16
4.4 Administration .........................................................................................................................................17
4.4.1 Creation and Management of Users........................................................................................................17
4.4.2 Creation and Management of Roles ........................................................................................................18
4.4.3 Rights of access read/ write or amend/ delete.........................................................................................19
4.4.4 Rights of update/delete of codes .............................................................................................................19
4.4.5 Push/Pull access .....................................................................................................................................20
4.4.6 Responsibilities for completeness, quality, timeliness .............................................................................20
4.4.7 Procedure for adding deleting data fields ................................................................................................20
4.4.7 Data system management.......................................................................................................................21
Annex A: Interoperability codes used for wagons (digits 1-2)...........................................................................22
Annex B: International traffic ability codes used for hauled passenger vehicles (digits 1-2) ............................23
Annex C: Types of tractive stock (digits 1-2) ....................................................................................................24
Annex D: Coding of the countries in which the vehicles are registered (digits 3-4 and abbreviation) ..............25
Annex E: Standard numerical marking of wagons (digits 5 to 7)......................................................................27
Annex F: Codes for the technical characteristics of the hauled passenger stock (digits 5-6) ..........................28
Annex F (continuation): Codes for the technical characteristics of the hauled passenger stock (digits 5-6) ...29
Annex F (continuation): Codes for the general characteristics of hauled passenger stock (digits 7-8)............30
Annex G: Codes for the technical characteristics of the special vehicles (digit 6 to 8).....................................32
Annex G (continuation): Type and sub-type of special vehicle (digits 7-8) .......................................................33
Annex H: Rules for the determination of the check-digit (digit 12) ...................................................................34
Annex I: Alphabetical marking of the interoperability capability ........................................................................35
Annex J: Keeper’s abbreviation marking ..........................................................................................................36
Annex K: Letter marking for wagons excluding articulated and multiple wagons .............................................38
Annex L: Letter marking for hauled passenger stock .......................................................................................62
Annex M: Letter marking for special vehicles ...................................................................................................63
Annex N: Inscription of the number and linked alphabetical marking on the bodywork ...................................64
Annex O Database Rules – Central and National ............................................................................................66
O.1 Vehicle Number field..................................................................................................................................66
O.2 Database structure change involving the Vehicle Number ........................................................................67
O.3 Creation and management of roles involving the 12 digits of the vehicle Number ....................................68
O.4 Context diagram for the Vehicle Number management subsystem ..........................................................71
O.5 Main Functions required around the Vehicle Number life cycle.................................................................72
To create a new Vehicle Number ...............................................................................................................72
To change an existing Vehicle Number .....................................................................................................72
To cancel an existing Vehicle Number.......................................................................................................73
To confirm the use of a Vehicle Number....................................................................................................73
O.6 Creation and management of role for the vehicle characteristics data excepted the 12 digits of the
vehicle Number .........................................................................................................................................74
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Normalised coding structures are needed to support data exchange as defined in the Technical
Specification for Interoperability (TSI) relating to the subsystem Telematic Applications for Freight of
the Trans-European Conventional Rail System referred to in Article 6(1) of Council Directive
The TSI for Telematic Applications for Freight (TAF) defines the standard electronic messages con-
taining data required for interoperability between the actors in the Trans-European rail network. The
coding structure defined in this CEN Workshop report can be used in the TAF-TSI message ex-
CEN has created the CWA as a deliverable to bridge the gap between the activities of consortia and
the formal process of standardisation represented by CEN and its national members. A CWA is de-
veloped by CEN Workshops, comprising only participants with direct interest, and it is therefore not
accorded the status of a European standard. The CWA can be migrated eventually to full EN status.
The series of CWAs produced for “Coding Structures in Support of Freight Telematics for Interopera-
bility of the Trans-European Conventional Rail System” was required to consist of:
• Coding for Customers and Companies in the Rail Transport Chain,
• Coding For Railway Business Locations,
• Train Identification.
• Vehicle Identification
This draft CWA "Vehicle Identification" was not published together with the three other draft CWAs
as the request was withdrawn. However, at the request of DG TREN and DG Enterprise the work
was continued and this report has been prepared by the task group of the CEN/ISSS Workshop
"Coding Structures in Support of Freight Telematics for Interoperability of the Trans-European Con-
ventional Rail System", for presentation to the European Railway Agency (ERA) work group for Activ-
ity 15. – Registration of Rolling Stock and to the Strategic European Deployment Plan project working
groups, including the one determining the TAF Reference databases.
In addition to complying with the requirements of the TAF-TSI due consideration has also been given
to appropriate compliance with the requirements of the Technical Specification for Interoperability
Subsystem Conventional Rail Traffic, Operation and Management (OPE-TSI).
The coding structure defined in this report may be used as a basis for other eventual regulations
concerning telematic applications in other domains.
This report defines the coding structure to identify unambiguously and uniquely railway vehicles as
defined in the Technical Specification for Interoperability - Telematics Applications Freight Services
(TAF-TSI) derived from Directives 2001/14/EC and 2001/16/EC.
The defined coding structure of vehicles meets the requirements and vision of the TAF-TSI. It can be
used in various applications and for different purposes (documents, messages, marking, etc.).
The code structure has sufficient flexibility to satisfy the expected demand for codes requested in the
forthcoming decades in the current EU single market, and its possible expansion and operation with
non-EU and OTIF member States.
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Until now all rolling stock in international traffic has been required to be registered with and overseen
for technical acceptance and maintenance by a Railway Undertaking (RU). i.e. integrated into that
RU’s fleet. This therefore meant that a vehicle changing owner/State would often be required to be
re-registered with another RU and therefore a change in number occurred.
This has now changed as a result of the introduction of three elements of legislation:

• EU Directives for interoperability

• COTIF 1999 and the planned changes to it

• TSI legislation for TAF (Telematics for Freight), OPE (Operations) and RST (Rolling Stock)
The specific features of this legislation have been used to guide the remainder of this report.

A. EU Directives
1. Directive 2001/16/EC dated 19 March 2001 as amended by Directive 2004/50/EC
For a new wagon to be placed into service it must:-
1.1. have a certificate of “EC” declaration of conformity or suitability. This certificate is pro-
duced by a Notified Body (NoBo), competent in the required areas, as chosen by the pro-
curement entity. The Notified Body shall be responsible for compiling a technical file,
which has to accompany the EC declaration of verification, which must contain all neces-
sary documents certifying conformity of the Interoperability constituents. It should also
contain all elements relating to the conditions and limits of use and to the instructions con-
cerning servicing, constant or routine monitoring, adjustment and maintenance. (Article
1.2. with the presentation of the EC declaration of verification, it must be authorised by a
member state for placing into service and the Keeper registered in the Rolling Stock Reg-
1.3. Notified Bodies are assessed and approved by member States within whose territory they
reside and those member States notify the Commission of the list, identification numbers
and areas of responsibility of those approved Notified Bodies. (Article 20)
1.4. The procurement entity or its official representative may choose any Notified Body which
is competent for the areas of responsibility and not necessarily resident in the State which
he chooses to make application for placing into service.

1.5. The procurement entity or its official representative need not necessarily be resident in the
State which he chooses to make application for placing into service
1.6. In accordance with Article 16(1) of Directive 2001/16/EC, where compliance with the TSIs
has been achieved and an EC Declaration of Verification is granted within one Member
State for freight wagons, this shall be mutually recognised by all Member States.

When seeking safety certification under article 10 of directive 2004/49 (Part B of the cer-
tificate) or authorisation of placing in service under article 14(1) of directive 2001/16, Rail-
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way Undertakings may seek certification/authorisation of placing into service for grouped
wagons. Wagons may be grouped according to series or type.

Once safety certification or authorisation of placing into service is granted for grouped
wagons in one Member State, this shall be mutually recognised by all Member States in
order to avoid duplication of safety/interoperability checks by Safety Authorities.

1.7 The wagons referred to under Point 1.1. to 1.6. relate specifically to wagons that are fully
TSI compliant operating over TSI compliant areas.

1.8. Where there is deviation in any of the aspects of 1.7. then authorisation of each State to
be involved would be required – ergo the allocation of such authorisation must be regis-
tered in the reference files of the TAF-TSI annex on Rolling Stock Databases.

2 Change of Keeper/Area of Operation

2.1. Should a vehicle be sold/transferred and the Keeper is changed then the approving au-
thority needs to be notified and the Technical File updated as well as the Rolling Stock
Register, plus of course the Vehicle Keeper Marking (VKM) on the vehicle.

2.2. For the change of one Keeper to another Keeper it needs to be ensured that the new
Keeper has the necessary accreditation or achieves it – for example on the requirement of
Dangerous Goods.

2.3. For a change of area of operation then any significant change in environment/operational
aspects need to be reflected and adopted into the maintenance file. (The assessment of
maintenance is still an open point in the RST TSI and will no doubt be covered in the ERA
work programme for Activity No. 10. of the Work Programme for 2005 under drafting of
TSIs for conventional rail (Third Mandate)).

.3 Example

3.1. A fully TSI compliant wagon, as per 1.7., has a Keeper in State A, which State authorised
it being placed into service, is sold to a new Keeper in State B. Then only the approving
State A needs to be notified of Keeper change and to check that the new Keeper is ac-
credited for his role plus change of VKM and possibly Maintenance Plan requirements.

3.2. A wagon as per 1.8. which has a Keeper in State A and is sold to a Keeper in State B re-
quires notification to the various authorising States of change of Keeper, change of VKM
and check that the Keeper is accredited for his role plus possible change of Maintenance
Plan requirements.

Work undertaken by the OTIF work group on the harmonising the COTIF acceptance (ATMF) and
technical (APTU) annexes with the requirements of the corresponding EU regulations needs to be
taken into consideration. The group was populated by Article 21 Committee members (State repre-
sentatives), OTIF, DG TREN, UIC and UIP. COTIF covers 42 Member States, including all the EU
With the entry into force of the new COTIF1999 the responsibility for the RU to register wagons
ceases – even for its own rolling stock – and the approval for entry into service will be the responsibil-
ity of the State chosen by the procurer of rolling stock.
Only the authority which has granted the admission of a type of construction or the admission to op-
eration may withdraw it.
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The admission to operation shall be suspended:

a) when technical checks, inspections, maintenance and servicing of the railway vehicle pre-
scribed in the Annexes to the APTU Uniform Rules, in the special conditions of admission
pursuant to Article 7 § 3 of ATMF or in the construction and equipment prescriptions con-
tained in the Annex to RID are not carried out;
b) if in case of severe damage to a railway vehicle, the order of the competent authority to
present the vehicle is not complied with;
c) in case of non-compliance with these Uniform Rules and prescriptions contained in the
Annexes to the APTU Uniform Rules;
d) when the competent authority so decides.
The admission to operation shall become void when the railway vehicle is withdrawn from ser-
vice. This withdrawal from service shall be notified to the competent authority which has
granted the admission to operation.
A data bank containing an on-line accessible rolling stock register with information concerning the
railway vehicles in respect of which a Certificate of Operation has been issued and the types of con-
structions in respect of which a Design Type Certificate has been issued shall be established and
kept up to date under the responsibility of the Organisation.
Such admission is related to the object (vehicle), not to the owner/keeper.
Concerning the COTIF technical requirements, it is the intention that they, for the COTIF standard
level, shall be equal to the TSIs.
In COTIF are also included provisions for information technology for vehicles to be developed. A
COTIF TAF must therefore be foreseen.

The TAF-TSI requires that the vehicle number is independent of the owner, keeper and user.
Interoperability places a heavy and full responsibility on the RU as a duty holder for what is placed in
his train and therefore the duty holder is highly dependent on Keepers – including other RUs acting
as keepers - ensuring that rolling stock offered for haulage is fully compliant with the acceptance cri-
teria. This requires the duty holder to comply with the Technical Specification for Interoperability Sub-
system: Rolling Stock Scope: Freight Wagons referred to as the Rolling Stock TSI (RST-TSI). Trace-
ability and uniqueness of number is therefore an important requirement in this respect as well as a
requirement in the TAF-TSI and OPE-TSI.
It is felt that during the migration from the current situation to the full implementation of the TAF-TSI
the concept of a structured number, as currently employed, should be retained which is not a prob-
lem providing vehicle numbers remain stable.

2. The responsibility for ensuring the safe operation and compliance of the wagons which it hauls
at any given time lies with the Duty Holder (the operating railway of the moment).
Quote from RST-TSI para
In the case of entities other than the Railway Undertaking using the Rolling Stock being
responsible for the maintenance of the Rolling Stock used, the Railway Undertaking using
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the Rolling Stock must ascertain that all relevant maintenance processes are in place and
are actually applied. This must also be suitably demonstrated within the Safety Manage-
ment System of the Railway Undertaking.
2.1 The Duty Holder must therefore check the Rolling Stock databases, to which he has se-
cured rights of access during his time as Duty Holder, to ensure compliance and he has
the right to refuse to haul if not satisfied, with justified reasons, with those details or visual
inspection of the wagon(s) when presented for traffic.
2.2. The Keeper (referred to as the Entity responsible for the Maintenance file in the RST-TSI
para 4.2.8.) is responsible for the fact that his wagons are compliant with their mainte-
nance plans, that only accredited workshops for his types of vehicle are used and that the
mandatory maintenance details required by the TSIs in the Rolling Stock databases are
updated in timely manner.

D. Conclusions
1. The number structure, coding and marking of a vehicle must necessarily be harmonised and
unique not only in the EU but in the whole COTIF area as the vehicles having Keepers in
the EU travel not only in the EU States but also in the non-EU OTIF Member States and
vice versa. The coding, uniqueness, traceability and retrieval of reference data must there-
fore be assured all over.
2. The question of Safety as per C 2.1. and C 2.2. is self regulating and controlled by the State
through their authorisation of the Safety Management System of the Railway Undertakings.
The Railway Undertakings need to follow their duty holder obligations – vide RST-TSI para and be able to demonstrate this fact. There is therefore no need to change a
wagon number in the achievement of this. In fact traceability through retaining the same
number from construction to scrapping has safety benefits.
3. A Keeper does not have to reside in the State approving a wagon but must be accredited for
his role, particularly if dealing with Dangerous Goods.
4. The Notified Body does not have to reside in the State approving a wagon nor of operations
but must be listed by his own State as competent for the area of responsibility involved in
compiling the technical file.
5. If changing the ‘home’ or operations of a wagon there is no need to notify the authorising
State for a fully compliant TSI wagon operating on TSI compliant areas, since the approval
is already given and is mutually recognised by the other States.
6. If changing the Keeper then this must be notified and accreditation of Keeper verified, plus
VKM change in both the register and physically on the wagon.
7. There is no need to change a wagon number if changing ‘home’, area of operations or
8. Since COTIF acknowledges the accepting authority as the only one which can withdraw ac-
ceptance of a vehicle it therefore makes sense, as stated, for the country code for that au-
thority to be part of the number and not changed when a vehicle moves from owner to
owner in different States or change of area of operation. This facilitates the use of a lifelong
9. When considering the foregoing points it is clear that it makes sense for a country code, re-
lating to the initial State authorising admission to operation, to be included in the 12 digit ve-
hicle number in positions 3 and 4.
10. In essence each State can decide whether it wants to issue numbers or not. If they issue
numbers they are unique due to the country code and they only need to inform the central
organisation of the numbers issued and type of vehicle/VKM etc., If they do not wish to is-
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sue/control numbers they can obtain the numbers from the central organisation which again
uses the country code of acceptance to maintain uniqueness etc., thus the co-ordination
problem is overcome.
11. The issuing State is the ‘governing’ responsible entity for the acceptance of the wagon but
that any safety authority maintains its right to stop vehicles it considers ‘unsafe’ and then
liaise with the accepting State for rectification/withdrawal as the case may be.
12. It is of considerable value that the numbering system could be backwards compatible, and a
check-digit is very important in order to reduce data capture errors when vehicle numbers
are manually registered in the field for operations.
13. From the foregoing it can be seen that there is the basis for vehicle numbering which can
meet a structured number concept but remain unique and unchanging as required by TAF-
TSI and customers. Therefore it can be proposed to ERA that this format along with the
OTIF database, which would happily straddle the EU and non EU OTIF members, should be
subscribed to.
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1 Scope
This document describes the number and linked marking applied in a visible manner on a railway ve-
hicle (wagon, coach, traction unit, trainset, special vehicle, railway bogie used in intermodal transport)
to identify it uniquely and unambiguously in operation. It does not describe other numbers or mark-
ings eventually engraved or fixed in a permanent manner on the chassis or the main components of
the vehicle during its construction.
The conformity of the number and linked marking with the indications described in this document is
not mandatory for:

- vehicles that are only used on networks to which this TSI does not apply;
- heritage vehicles, in a historical guise;
- vehicles that are not normally used or transported on the networks to which this TSI applies.
Nevertheless, these vehicles must receive a temporary number permitting their operation when used
or transported on networks to which this TSI applies.
The described numbering structure is independent of the owner, Keeper and user and satisfies the
expected demand of entries in the forthcoming decades for the current EU single rail market, its pos-
sible expansion and operation with non EU OTIF Member States and other States on the European-
Asian continent.
The coding structure (format of number and process to get or, if the case occurs, change the num-
ber) permits a unique and unambiguous identification for use in applications following international
conventions for various purposes (documents, messages, marking, etc.) to meet the requirement and
vision of the TAF-TSI and OPE-TSI .
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2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, consti-
tute provisions of this report. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any
of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this report are encour-
aged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents
indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to ap-

TAF-TSI Conventional Rail TSI Telematic Applications for Freight as agreed by the
Committee set up under Article 21 of the Directive 96/48/EC Interoperability
of the Trans-European High Speed Rail System.

RST-TSI Technical Specification for Interoperability Subsystem: Rolling Stock

Scope: Freight Wagons as agreed by the Committee set up under Article
21 of the Directive 96/48/EC Interoperability of the Trans-European High
Speed Rail System.
OPE-TSI Technical Specification for Interoperability Subsystem Conventional Rail
Traffic, Operation and Management as agreed by the Committee set up
under Article 21 of the Directive 96/48/EC Interoperability of the Trans-
European High Speed Rail System.
New COTIF Convention Concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) of 9 May
1980 in the Version of the Protocol of Modification of 3 June 1999.
EN 14033-1 Railway applications – Track – Technical requirements for railbound con-
struction and maintenance machines – Part 1: Running of railbound ma-
List of Vehicle Keeper To be defined by ERA Activity 15,and SEDP Work Groups both in co-
Markings ordination with OTIF
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3 Definitions and Abbreviations

3.1 Definitions
Central Database (CD): The database which contains the vehicle number series allocated by State
registration bodies.

Central Administration Service: The central service administering the TAF-TSI reference data-
base(s) (normally appointed by the ERA and OTIF forming the principles for the allocation of vehicle
numbers and supervising the reference database system).

Central Rolling Stock Register: The ERA/OTIF appointed central register of vehicle numbers

Competent Authority: Any national or supra-national organisation or authority wishing to submit

changes to this standard
COTIF : Convention Concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) of 9th May 1980 in the Ver-
sion of the Protocol of Modification of 3rd June 1999.
Customer: This is the Consignor or Consignee as defined in the TAF-TSI. It is the party which, by
contract with a carrier consigns, receives or conveys goods.
Duty Holder: Any Railway Undertaking in charge of any train/vehicle on the network at any given
Fleet Manager: A competent body capable of managing vehicles covered by the report.

Infrastructure Manager (IM): An ‘infrastructure manager’ means any public (State) or Private Com-
pany or undertaking which is responsible, in particular, for establishing and maintaining a railway in-
frastructure. This may also include the management of traffic control and safety systems. The func-
tions of the infrastructure manager on a network or part of a network may be allocated to different
bodies or undertakings.
Keeper: The person, who being the owner or having the right to dispose of it, exploits a vehicle eco-
nomically in a permanent manner as a means of transport and is registered as such in the Rolling
Stock Register.
National Database (ND): The database used to manage the Rolling Stock Registry Service
National Safety Authority: The State appointed safety body supervising the adherence to the TSI
NoBo: Notified body appointed by EU Member State Organisation: A company or body referred to in
the report
Owner Designated Vehicle Database (ODVD): Any approved database meeting the full needs of
the TSI and report. Approval is determined by the Registration Authority
Railway Undertaking: Railway undertaking shall mean any public or private undertaking the princi-
pal business of which is to provide services for the transport of goods and/or passengers by rail with
a requirement that the undertaking must ensure traction; this also includes undertakings which pro-
vide traction only.
Reference Code Lists: The lists of values and their meanings used in the reference files
Reference Files: A set of defined tables used to turn code lists shared by the TSIs into common
Registration Authority /Body (Registry): The body with responsibility for the rolling stock service
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Role: A defined area of responsibility

Rolling Stock Register (‘States’): The State register of vehicles approved for entry into service.
Rolling Stock Register Service: The national service administering the national register of allocated
vehicle numbers
SEDP: Strategic European Development Plan as adopted under 01/16-ST02 part 1 version EN07
Regulation TAF dated 23/11/2004
Send/Receive: A service which uses electronic transfer for changes rather than online access
User: Any person who has rights of access to vehicle data as defined in roles. This is sub-defined as;

• Casual User: Any unnamed user of the services described below, normally to provide access
for persons who have only occasional need to reference unsecured data elements.

• Authorised User: Any notified users in the document who will have formal roles authorised
by the service administrator.

• Administration User: Any user with ‘administration’ rights to be able to add users, modify
files and amend code lists.

Workshop: An approved organisation accredited to build, inspect, repair and/or maintain vehicles

3.2 Abbreviations

Abbreviation Definition
A Alpha
AEIF European Association for Railway Interoperability
AN Alphanumeric
CEN Centre for European Normalisation
COTIF Convention Concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) of 9 May
1980 in the Version of the Protocol of Modification of 3 June 1999.
CWA CEN Working Agreement
ERA European Railway Agency
ID Coded Identification
IM Infrastructure Manager
IT Information Technology
N Numeric
ND National Database
NoBo Notified Body
ODVD Owner Designated Vehicle Database
OSJD Organization For Cooperation between Railways
OTIF Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail
RU Railway Undertaking
SEDP Strategic European Development Plan
TAF Telematic Applications for Freight
TSI Technical Specification for Interoperability
UIC International Union of Railways
UML Unified Modelling Language
VKM Vehicle Keeper Marking
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
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4 Report on Vehicle Numbering

4.1 Vehicle Numbering Scheme

Each railway vehicle receives a number consisting of 12 figures (called the standard number) with the
following structure:
Type of vehicle Country Technical Serial Self-checking
and indication of the in which the vehicle characteristics number digit
Types of rolling stock interoperability is registered
[2 figures] [2 figures] [4 figures] [3 figures] [1 figure]
00 to 09
10 to 19
20 to 29
0000 to 9999 001 to
Wagons 30 to 39
[details in annex E] 999
40 to 49
80 to 89
[details in annex A]
50 to 59 01 to 99 0 to 9
Hauled passenger vehi- 60 to 69 [details in an- 0000 to 9999 001 to [details in
cles 70 to 79 nex D] [details in annex F] 999 annex H]
[details in annex B]
0000001 to 8999999
[the meaning of these figures
Tractive rolling stock is defined by the Member
90 to 99
States, eventually by bilateral
[details in annex C] or multilateral agreement]
9000 to 9999 001 to
Special vehicles
[details in annex G] 999

In a given country, the 7 digits of technical characteristics and serial number are sufficient to identify
uniquely a vehicle inside each group of wagons, hauled passenger vehicles, tractive rolling stock1
and special vehicles2.
Alphabetical markings complete the number:
a) markings linked to the interoperability ability (details in annex I);
b) abbreviation of the country in which the vehicle is registered (details in annex D);
c) Keeper’s3 abbreviation (details in annex J);
d) abbreviation of the technical characteristics (details in annex K for hauled passenger vehicles, an-
nex L for wagons, annex M for special vehicles).

1 For tractive rolling stock, the number has to be unique in a given country with 6 digits.
2 For special vehicles, the number has to be unique in a given country with the first digit and the 5 last digits of the techni-
cal characteristics and serial number.
3 A vehicle keeper is the person, who being the owner or having the right to dispose of it, exploits a vehicle economically
in a permanent manner as a means of transport and is registered as such in the Rolling Stock Register.
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4.2 Allocation of Number

The rules for the management of the numbers will be proposed by the ERA as part of the activity
N°15 of its work programme 2005 and in co-ordination with OTIF but this report recommends the
procedure outlined herein.

4.3 Management of the Reference Code Lists

Technical characteristics, codes and abbreviations are managed by one or more bodies (hereinafter
referred to as “Rolling Stock Register Service”) to be proposed by ERA (European Railway Agency)
as a result of activity N° 15 of its work programme 2005 and in co-ordination with OTIF but this report
recommends the procedure outlined herein.

4.4 Reference Files

All reference files containing the reference code lists described in the following annexes are stored in
IT systems developed within the requirements of the TAF-TSI (SEDP). The rules for these are de-
scribed in 4.4.3. and Annex O.
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4.4.1 Creation and Management of Users

Authorised Users will have allocated the following characteristics

• User name

• Password

• Organisation

• Contact details

• Role (defined by 4.4.2 below)

Casual Users will not be controlled and will only have access to the agreed standard charac-

Users must be validated and allocated within one working day of application. The forms are
available through nominated web sites.
The levels of administration service are defined
A. Central administration service

• Agree changes to structures

• Approve rolling stock registers as compliant with OPE-TSI (and COTIF)

• Manage the broad allocation of numbers to countries and their registration bodies

• Supervise that system, including data quality

All users of the Central Administration Service will fall into 3 classes

• Administration Users maintaining the central structure register

• Authorised Users representing approved or user companies who need access to

the registries in real time and have access to submit updates to the Central Ad-
ministration Service

• Casual Users who have read access only (do not need to register to have limited
B. Rolling Stock Register Service

• Register vehicles (assign unique numbers and coding)

• Hold data on vehicle approvals (scope, validity, type of vehicle, etc.)

• Hold data on current Keeper of a vehicle (VKM) and its keeper history

• Hold current technical data per vehicle – (Technical File)

• Hold interoperability data

• Support real time access as required by the TAF-TSI and OPE-TSI

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• Marking for "dubious" / not accredited keepers

Users of the Rolling Stock Register Service fall into 3 classes

• Administration Users maintaining the Central Rolling Stock Register

• Authorised Users representing approved or user companies who need access to

the registries in real time and have access to submit updates to the Central Ad-
ministration Service

• Casual Users who have read access only (do not need to register have limited

4.4.2 Creation and Management of Roles

The following roles are defined with default access rights to National and Vehicle Registers:

Role Definition Read rights Update rights Send/Receive

IM Infrastructure All data based on None Yes as notified

Manager vehicle number as
defined in TAF-TSI,
RU (operator) Train Operator Vehicle data for Owned vehicles Yes as notified
trains en route and (excluding vehicle Update mileage
all vehicles directly number) and
under their control approval data
for transits. In all
cases by number
KEEPER Vehicle Keeper All data for vehicles Vehicles for which Yes
for which he is keeper (excluding
keeper vehicle number) and
approval data
CUSTOMER Consignor or All vehicles for None None
Consignee which he has
consignments in
NoBo Notified bodies Vehicles requested Partial for certificate Yes certificate
to approve, assess and route approval updates only
data for vehicles
under approval
Registration Approved rolling All data under All vehicles in own Yes to and from CD
authority stock registries number series of the directory, number and each other for
authority and keeper only transfers
Supervising body Checks and audits All data for wagons None but can mark Yes
(delegated safety role notified by State being supervised the database if
authority) keeper not following
procedures correctly
Workshop Accredited Own vehicles and Vehicles ex shop Yes maintenance
workshops vehicles in shop details only
Fleet manager Vehicle owner / Own vehicles None Yes for own vehicles
Keeper or Customer receive only
Registration number Central allocation All data under For vehicle number Yes for updates
administrator body service administrator’s allocation rules only.
responsibility Number only.
Casual User All others To basic vehicle None None
information by type

Roles can only be amended by the Central Administration Service which will notify changes 6
months in advance of coming into force.

The Keeper must be consulted on the allocation of update rights for his vehicles.
Page 19 of 75

4.4.3 Rights to Access Read/ Write or Amend/ Delete

[It is anticipated that this will be expanded by the work of the TAF-TSI SEDP]

The program will provide access consistent with the needs of the user roles. There will be no
direct access to the database. Controlled access will be via an approved programme.

The Central Administration Service will resolve changes in access rights.

Example Role based rules are:

Change of Vehicle Characteristics

Change steps Keeper RU Customer Casual IM Rolling Stock Central

Users Register Administration
Service Service
1. Propose for X
approval the
modification and
make available all
the relevant
2. Approve or not the X
modification and
send the
notification to
3. Validate the X
modification and
make available
within the Central

4.4.4 Rights to Update/Delete Reference Lists

If any Competent Authority wants to create, modify delete codes or abbreviations, it submits
a request on the approved form with justification to the Central Administration Service. The
forms are available on approved websites.
All interested parties linked to the system are automatically informed when the tables contain-
ing the reference lists are updated.
Page 20 of 75

4.4.5 Send/Receive Access

Users have to register for send/receive access.
Registration Authorities must support send/receive for real time Authorised Users only.
[This is expected to be xml based queue of file transfers]

4.4.6 Responsibilities for Completeness, Quality, Timeliness

Complaints about Completeness, Quality and Timeliness must be sent Central
Administration Service who will request the appropriate National Safety Authority to
Registries will validate all received data for
• Completeness
• Timeliness (in particular regarding approvals and maintenance data)
• Quality through an ad-hoc audit

[It is anticipated that this will be expanded by the work of the TAF-TSI SEDP]

4.4.7 Procedure for Adding Deleting Data Fields

Technical characteristics, codes and abbreviations are managed by a Central Administra-

tion Service to be defined by ERA.
If any Competent Authority wants to create, modify delete codes or abbreviations, it submits
a request on the approved form with justification to the Central Administration Service. The
forms are available on approved websites.
The tables containing the reference lists in the IT system developed within the requirements
of the TAF-TSI (SEDP) are updated and the interested entities linked to the system are auto-
matically informed of the change.
Example roles are:

Change of Data Fields within the Database

Change Process Keeper RU Customer Casual User IM Rolling Central
Stock Administration
Register Service
1. Proposal for data X X X X X X X
structure change from any
competent authority (to be
sent to Rolling Stock
Register Service)
2. Make an analysis of both X
the relevancy and impact
of the change requested
and then forward the
proposal to the Central
Administration Service
(with a copy to the initiator)
3. The Central X
Administration Service
approves or rejects the
request and if approved
defines a reasonable period
for implementation.informing
all the affected parties
Page 21 of 75

4.4.7 Data System Availability

The above systems must be available on a 24 hours and 7 days per week basis for both
number data and reference data.
Up to 2 hours of downtime per month is permitted overnight on Sunday nights for essential
On 24 hours notice to Authorised Users. the Rolling Stock Register Service will be permitted
occasional short term interruptions of no more than 10 minutes.
1. Before acceptance the Central Administration Service [or ERA in the case of the central ad-
ministration service] will appoint a Competent Authority to confirm the service is compliant
Page 22 of 75

Annex A:

Interoperability Codes used for Wagons (digits 1-2)

2nd digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2nd digit

1 digit 1st digit
Gauge fixed or variable fixed variable fixed variable fixed variable fixed variable fixed or variable Gauge

0 with axles Spare with axles 0

TSI and/or COTIF PPW wagons
TSI wagons b Not to be used pending further decision d
Wagons used gauge)
1 with bogies with bogies 1
and/or by industry

2 with axles TSI and/or COTIF Others TSI and/or with axles 2
and/or TSI and/or COTIF wagons b COTIF wagons b
wagons b PPW wagons
PPW Spare
(fixed gauge)
PPW wagons
3 with bogies PPW wagons PPW wagons with bogies 3

Non TSI Wagons with

4 with axlesc 3
special num- with axles 4
Service wag- Others wagons
and non COTIFb Others wagons Others wagons bering for
8 with bogiesc with bogies3 8
and non PPW characteristics
Domestic traffic International International International International Domestic traffic
or international traffic by Domestic traffic by Domestic traffic by Domestic traffic by Domestic or international
Traffic Traffic
traffic by spe- special traffic special traffic special traffic special traffic traffic by special
cial agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement agreement
1st digit 1st digit
nd nd
2 digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 digit

a. Compliance at least with Rolling Stock TSI.

b. Including vehicles which comply with existing regulations and carry these digits at the time of coming into force of these new regulations.
c. Fixed or variable gauge.
d. Except for wagons in category I (temperature-controlled wagons).
Page 23 of 75

Annex B:

International Traffic Ability Codes used for Hauled Passenger Vehicles (digits 1-2)
The conditions between square brackets are transitional and will be deleted with the evolutions of RIC (see general remarks, point 3).

Domestic traffic or
a b international traffic TSI and/or
Domestic traffic TSI and/or RIC/COTIF and/or PPW b PPW
by special agree- RIC/COTIF
2 digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 digit
Gauge- Gauge-
non air-
adjustable adjustable
Vehicles for (1435/1520) (1435/1672)
vehicles (in-
domestic traffic non air- non air- Vehicles with spe-
cluding car-
[of which conditioned conditioned cial numbering for Fixed-gauge
5 carrying wag- Reserved
keeper is a RIC vehicles vehicles technical charac- vehicles
RU listed in [of which [of which teristics Gauge-
[of which Gauge-
annexD] keeper is a RIC keeper is a RIC adjustable
keeper is a RIC adjustable
RU listed in RU listed in Fixed- (1435/1520)
RU listed in (1435/1520)
annex D] annex D] gauge ve- vehicles with
annex D] vehicles with
hicles gauge-
Gauge- Gauge- change of bo-
Service vehi- adjustable ax-
Fixed-gauge adjustable adjustable gies
cles not run in les
air-conditioned (1435/1520) (1435/1672)
Service vehi- revenue-
vehicles air-conditioned air-conditioned Gauge-
cles not run in earning service Car-carrying wag-
6 [of which vehicles vehicles adjustable ve-
revenue- [of which ons
keeper is a RIC [of which [of which hicles
earning service keeper is a RIC
RU listed in keeper is a RIC keeper is a RIC
RU listed in
annex D] RU listed in RU listed in
annex D]
annex D] annex D]
fixed-gauge air-
and pressure-
tight vehicles
7 [of which Reserved Reserved Reserved Other vehicles Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
[of which
keeper is a RIC
keeper is a RIV
RU listed in
RU listed in
annex D]
annex D]
a. Compliance at least with future TSI on hauled passenger vehicles.
b. Compliance with RIC or COTIF according to the regulation in force.
Page 24 of 75

Annex C: Types of Tractive Stock (digits 1-2)

The first digit is “9”.

The second digit is defined by each Member State. It can for example fit with the self-checking digit if this digit is also calculated with the serial number.
If the second digit describes the type of tractive stock, following coding is mandatory:

Code General vehicle type

0 Miscellaneous
1 Electric locomotive
2 Diesel locomotive
3 Electric multiple-unit set (high speed) [power car or trailer]
4 Electric multiple-unit set (except high speed) [power car or trailer]
5 Diesel multiple-unit set [power car or trailer]
6 Specialised trailer
7 Electric shunting engine
8 Diesel shunting engine
9 Maintenance vehicle
Page 25 of 75

Annex D:
Coding of the Countries in which the Vehicles are Registered (digits 3-4 and abbreviation)
“Information relating to third countries given for information purposes only.”

Countries Alphabetical Numerical Companies concerned Countries Alphabetical Numerical Companies concerned
(EU, OTIF, OSJD) country country by the square brackets (EU, OTIF, OSJD) country country by the square brackets
3 4 3 4
code code in annex B code code in annexes B
Albania AL 41 HSh Lebanon RL 98 CEL
Algeria DZ 92 SNTF Liechtenstein LIE
Armenia AM 58 ARM Lithuania LT 24 LG
Austria A 81 ÖBB Luxembourg L 82 CFL
Azerbaijan AZ 57 AZ Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of) MK 65 CFARYM (MŽ)
Belarus BY 21 BC Malta M
Belgium B 88 SNCB/NMBS Moldova MD 23 CFM
Bosnia-Herzegovina BIH 44 ŽRS Monaco MC
50 ŽFBH Mongolia MGL 31 MTZ
Bulgaria BG 52 BDZ, SRIC Morocco MA 93 ONCFM
China RC 33 KZD Netherlands NL 84 NS
Croatia HR 78 HŽ North Korea PRK 30 ZC
Cuba CU 40 FC Norway N 76 NSB, JBV
Cyprus CY Poland PL 51 PKP
Czech Republic CZ 54 ČD Portugal P 94 CP, REFER
Denmark DK 86 DSB, BS Romania RO 53 CFR
Egypt ET 90 ENR Russia RUS 20 RZD
Estonia EST 26 EVR Serbia-Montenegro SCG 72 JŽ
Finland FIN 10 VR, RHK Slovakia SK 56 ŽSSK, ŽSR
France F 87 SNCF, RFF Slovenia SLO 79 SŽ
Georgia GE 28 GR South Korea ROK 61 KNR
Germany D 80 DB, AAE Spain E 71 RENFE
Greece GR 73 CH Sweden S 74 GC, BV
2 2
Hungary H 55 MÁV, GySEV/ROeEE Switzerland CH 85 SBB/CFF/FFS, BLS
Iran IR 96 RAI Syria SYR 97 CFS
Iraq IRQ 99 IRR Tajikistan TJ 66 TZD
Ireland IRL 60 CIE Tunisia TN 91 SNCFT
Israel IL 95 IR Turkey TR 75 TCDD
Italy I 83 FS, FNME Turkmenistan TM 67 TRK
Japan J 42 EJRC Ukraine UA 22 UZ
Kazakhstan KZ 27 KZH United Kingdom GB 70 BR
Kyrgyzstan KS 59 KRG Uzbekistan UZ 29 UTI
Latvia LV 25 LDZ Vietnam VN 32 DSVN
(1) Codes to be confirmed.
(2) Until the evolutions indicated in point 3 of the general remarks come into force, these companies can use the codes 43 (GySEV/ROeEE), 63 (BLS), 64 (FNME), 68 (AAE). The period of
updating will then be defined together with the concerned Member States.
Page 26 of 75
(3) According to the alphabetical coding structure described in Appendix 4 to the 1949 convention and Article 45(4) of the 1968 convention on road traffic.
(4) Companies who, at the time of coming into force, were members of UIC or OSJD and used the described country code as company code.
Page 27 of 75

Annex E:
Standard Numerical Marking of Wagons (digits 5 to 7)

This annex indicates in tables the numerical marking in 4 figures associated to the main technical char-
acteristics of the wagon.
This Annex is distributed on a separate medium (electronic file).
Page 28 of 75

Annex F:
Codes for the Technical Characteristics of the Hauled Passenger Stock (digits 5-6)
6 digit 0 1 2 3 4
5 digit
Reserved 0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
10 side-corridor compart- ≥ 11 side-corridor compart-
Vehicles with 1 ments or equivalent open- ments or equivalent open-
1 Reserved Reserved Two or three axles
class seats saloon space with centre saloon space with centre
aisle aisle
10 side-corridor compart- 11 side-corridor compart- ≥ 12 side-corridor compart-
Vehicles with 2 ments or equivalent open- ments or equivalent open- ments or equivalent open-
2 Three axles Two axles
class seats saloon space with centre saloon space with centre saloon space with centre
aisle aisle aisle
10 side-corridor compart- 11 side-corridor compart- ≥ 12 side-corridor compart-
Vehicles with 1st or ments or equivalent open- ments or equivalent open- ments or equivalent open-
st nd 3 Reserved Two or three axles
1 /2 class seats saloon space with centre saloon space with centre saloon space with centre
aisle aisle aisle
st st nd st nd st nd
1 or 1 /2 class 10 1 /2 class compart- ≤ 9 1 /2 class compart-
4 Reserved Reserved Reserved
couchette cars ments ments
2 class couchette
5 10 compartments 11 compartments ≥ 12 compartments Reserved Reserved
Reserved 6 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
Sleeping cars 7 10 compartments 11 compartments 12 compartments Reserved Reserved
Driving trailer with seats, all
st st nd nd Vehicles with seats, all
classes, with or without lug- Vehicles with 1 or 1 /2 Vehicles with 2 class seats
classes with specially-fitted
8 gage compartment, with driv- class seats with luggage or with luggage or mail com- Reserved
areas, e.g. children’s play
ing cab for reversible work- mail compartment partment
Vehicles of special area
design and vans
Luggage vans and two or
Side-corridor luggage vans,
Luggage vans with mail com- three-axle 2nd class vehicles
9 Mail vans Luggage vans with or without compartment
partment with seats, with luggage or
under customs seal
mail compartment
Note: Fractions of a compartment are not considered. The equivalent accommodation in open saloon cars with centre aisle is obtained by dividing the number of available seats by 6, 8 or
10 depending on the construction of the vehicle.
Page 29 of 75

Annex F (continuation):
Codes for the Technical Characteristics of the Hauled Passenger Stock (digits 5-6)
6 digit 5 6 7 8 9
5 digit
Reserved 0 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
≥ 7 side-corridor compart-
st 8 side-corridor compartments 9 side-corridor compartments
Vehicles with 1 ments or equivalent open-
1 Reserved Double-deck coaches or equivalent open-saloon or equivalent open-saloon
class seats saloon space with centre
space with centre aisle space with centre aisle
≥ 8 side-corridor compart-
nd 9 side-corridor compartments
Vehicles with 2 Only for OSJD, double-deck ments or equivalent open-
2 Double-deck coaches Reserved or equivalent open-saloon
class seats coaches saloon space with centre
space with centre aisle
≥ 8 side-corridor compart-
st 9 side-corridor compartments
Vehicles with 1 or ments or equivalent open-
st nd 3 Reserved Double-deck coaches Reserved or equivalent open-saloon
1 /2 class seats saloon space with centre
space with centre aisle
st st nd
1 or 1 /2 class st
4 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved ≤ 9 1 class compartments
couchette cars
2 class couchette
5 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved ≤ 9 compartments
Reserved 6 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
Sleeping cars 7 > 12 compartments Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
Double-deck driving coach
Coaches with seats and with seats, all classes, with or Dining cars or coaches with Other special coaches (con-
8 couchette cars, all classes, without luggage compart- bar or buffet area, with lug- Dining cars ference, disco, bar, cinema,
Vehicles of special
with bar or buffet area ment, with driving cab for gage compartment video, ambulance coaches)
design and vans
reversible working
Two or three-axle luggage Two or three-axle car-carrying
9 Reserved Car-carrying wagons Service vehicles
vans with mail compartment wagons
Note: Fractions of a compartment are not considered. The equivalent accommodation in open saloon cars with centre aisle is obtained by dividing the number of available seats by 6, 8 or
10 depending on the construction of the vehicle.
Page 30 of 75
Annex F (continuation):
Codes for the General Characteristics of Hauled Passenger Stock (digits 7-8)
Energy supply 8 digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Maximum speed 7 digit
Other volt-
ages than
3000 V~ 1500 V~
0 All voltages * Reserved 1000 V~ * Reserved 1500 V~ 1000 V, 3000 V= Reserved
+ 3000 V= + 1500 V=
1500 V,
3000 V
1500 V~
< 120 km/h All voltages * 1000 V~ 1000 V~ 1000 V~ 1000 V~ 1000 V~ 3000 V= 3000 V=
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Reserved + 1500 V= 1 1
+ Steam + Steam + Steam + Steam + Steam + Steam 1 + Steam + Steam
+ Steam
3000 V~
3000 V~ 3000 V~
1 1 1 1 + 3000 V= 1500 V~ 1500 V~ 1
2 Steam Steam + 3000 V= Steam + 3000 V= Steam 1 1 A
1 1 +1500 V~ + Steam + Steam
+Steam +Steam 1
+ Steam
1000 V~
1000 V~ 1 1 1500 V~
3 All voltages Reserved 1000 V~ * 1000 V~ * 1000 V~ 1500 V~ 3000 V= 3000 V=
+ 3000 V= + 1500 V=
1500 V=
1 1500 V~
All voltages * All voltages All voltages 1000 V~ * 1500 V~ 1000 V~ 3000 V~ 3000 V=
4 1 1 1 1 1 + 1500 V= 1 Reserved
+ Steam + Steam + Steam + Steam + 1500 V= + Steam + 3000 V= 1 + Steam
+ Steam
121 to 140 km/h Other volt-
ages than 1500 V~
All voltages * All voltages All voltages 1000 V~ 1500 V~
5 1 1 1 1 Reserved 1 1000 V, + 1500 V= Reserved Reserved
+ Steam + Steam + Steam + Steam + Steam 1
1500 V, + Steam
3000 V
1 3000 V~ 3000 V~ 1 1
6 Steam Reserved Reserved Reserved Steam Reserved Reserved A
+ 3000 V= + 3000 V=
1500 V~
1 1500 V~ 1500 V~
7 All voltages * All voltages + 3000 V= 1000 V~ * 1000 V~ 1500 V~ 3000 V= 3000 V=
2 + 1500 V= + 1500 V=
All voltages
141 to 160 km/h Other volt-
ages than 1
All voltages * All voltages 3000 V~ All voltages * 1000 V~ 3000 V~ All voltages * A
8 1 1 Reserved 1 1 1000 V, 1 2
+ Steam + Steam + 3000 V= + Steam + Steam + 3000 V= + Steam G
1500 V,
3000 V
2 All voltages 1000 V~ 1500 V~ A
> 160 km/h 9 All voltages * All voltages 1 1000 V~ 1000 V~ Reserved 3000 V= 2
+ Steam + 1500 V~ + 1500 V= G
Only for domestic traffic vehicles
Only for vehicles able to international traffic
All voltages Single phase alternating current 1000 V 51 to 15 Hz, single phase alternating current 1500 V 50 Hz, direct current 1500 V, direct current 3000 V. Can also include single
phase alternating current 3000 V 50 Hz
Page 31 of 75
* For certain vehicles with 1000V single phase alternating current, only one frequency, either 16 2/3 or 50 Hz, is permitted
A Autonomous heating, without train bus electricity supply line
G Vehicles with train bus electricity supply line for all voltages, but requiring a generator van to supply air-conditioning
Steam Steam heating only. If voltages are written, the code is also available for vehicles without steam heating.
Page 32 of 75

Annex G:
Codes for the Technical Characteristics of the Special Vehicles
(digit 6 to 8)

Authorised speed for special vehicles (digit 6)

Self-propelled travelling speed

≥ 100 km/h < 100 km/h 0 km/h
Self-propelled 1 2
V ≥ 100 km/h
Non self-propelled 3
Can be put into a
train Self-propelled 4
V < 100 km/h
and/or restric-
tions Non self-propelled 5
Self-propelled 6
Cannot be put into a train
Non self-propelled 7
Self-propelled rail/road vehicle
b 8
than can be put into a train
Self-propelled rail/road vehicle
b 9
than cannot be put into a train
Non self-propelled rail/road vehicle 0

a. By restriction is meant a special position in a train (e.g. at the rear), an obligatory protection wagon, etc.

b. Special conditions concerning inclusion in a train must be complied with.

Page 33 of 75

Annex G (continuation):
Type and Sub-Type of Special Vehicle (digits 7-8)

7th digit 8th digit Vehicles / machines 7th digit 8th digit Vehicles / machines
1 Track laying and renewal train 0 Other
Switches and crossing laying 1 Earthworks recording car
2 equipment 2 Track recording car
3 Track rehabilitation train Overhead line recording car
1 4 Ballast cleaning machine Gauge recording car
Infrastructure 5 5 Signalling recording car
Earthworks machine 6
and superstruc- 6 Telecommunications recording
ture Measuring 6
7 car
8 7
Rail-mounted crane (excl. rerail- 8
9 ing) 9
0 Other or general Other
High capacity plain track tamping
1 1 Emergency crane
Other plain track tamping ma- 2 Emergency haulage car
2 chines 3 Emergency tunnel train
Tamping machine with stabilisa- 4 Emergency car
3 tion 7 5 Fire car
Tamping machine for switches Emergency Sanitary vehicle
2 4 6
and crossings
Track 7 Equipment car
5 Ballast plough
Stabilisation machine
Grinding and welding machine
0 Other
8 Multi-purpose machine
Track inspection car
9 Tractive units
3 Transport car (excl. 59)
1 Multi-purpose machine
4 Power car
2 Rolling and unrolling machine 8
Mast installation machine
3 Traction, trans- Track car / powered car
Drum carrier machine port, energy, etc.
Overhead line tensioning ma- 7 Concreting train
5 chine 8
3 Machine with elevating work 9
Overhead line platform and machine with scaf-
6 0 Other
fold Self-propelled snow plough
7 Cleaning train
2 Hauled snow plough
8 Greasing train
3 Snow broom
9 Overhead line inspection car
4 De-icing machine
0 Other
5 Weed-killing machine
1 Deck laying machine 9 6 Rail cleaning machine
2 Bridge inspection platform Environment 7
3 Tunnel inspection platform
4 Gas purification machine
5 Ventilation machine
Machine with elevating work 0 Other
Structures 6 platform or with scaffold
7 Tunnel lighting machine 1
Category 1 rail/road machine
8 2
9 3
Category 2 rail/road machine
0 Other 4
5 Rail loading/unloading and trans- 0 5
1 port machine Category 3 rail/road machine
Loading, unload- Rail/road 6
ing and various 2
Loading/unloading and transport 7
transport 3 Category 4 rail/road machine
machine for ballast, gravel, etc. 8
5 Other
Sleeper loading/unloading and 0
6 transport machine
Loading/unloading and transport
8 machine for switchgear, etc.
Loading/unloading and transport
9 machine for other materials
Page 34 of 75

Annex H:
Rules for the Determination of the Check-Digit (digit 12)

The check-digit is determined in the following manner:

- the digits in the even positions of the basic number (counting from the right) are taken at their own
decimal value;
- the digits in the odd positions of the basic number (counting from the right) are multiplied by 2;
- the sum formed by the digits in even position and by all the digits which constitute the partial prod-
ucts obtained from the odd positions is then established;
- the units digit of this sum is retained;
- the complement required to bring the units digit to 10 forms the check-digit; should this units digit be
nought, then the check-digit will also be nought.

1- Let the basic number be 3 3 8 4 4 7 9 6 1 0 0

Multiplication factor 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
6 3 16 4 8 7 18 6 2 0 0
Sum: 6 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 4 + 8 + 7 + 1 + 8 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 0 = 52
The units digit of this sum is 2.
The check-digit number will therefore be 8 and the basic number thus becomes the
registration number 33 84 4796 100 - 8.

2- Let the basic number be 3 1 5 1 3 3 2 0 1 9 8

Multiplication factor 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
6 1 10 1 6 3 4 0 2 9 16
Sum: 6 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 4 + 0 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 6 = 40

The units digit of this sum is 0.

The check-digit number will therefore be 0 and the basic number thus becomes the
registration number 31 51 3320 198 - 0.
Page 35 of 75

Annex I:
Alphabetical Marking of the Interoperability Capability
(check with approved Annex P)
TEN: Vehicle which complies with Rolling Stock TSI
RIV: Wagon which complies with the RIV regulations at the date of their abolishment
PPW: Wagon which complies with PPW agreement (inside OJSD States)
RIC: Coach which complies/complied with RIC regulations
OT1 to OT9:
The alphabetical marking of the interoperability capability concerning special vehicles is described in an-
nex N.
Page 36 of 75

Annex J:
Keeper’s Abbreviation Marking

Definition of the Vehicle Keeper Marking (VKM)

A Vehicle Keeper Marking (VKM) is an alphanumeric code, consisting of 2 to 5 letters1. A VKM is in-
scribed on each rail vehicle, near the vehicle number. The VKM denominates the Vehicle Keeper as
registered in the Rolling Stock Register.
A VKM is unique in all countries covered by this TSI and all countries that enter into an agreement that
involves the application of the system of vehicle numbering and vehicle keeper marking as described in
the OPE-TSI.

Format of the Vehicle Keeper Marking

The VKM is representation of the full name or abbreviation of the vehicle keeper, if possible in a recog-
nisable manner. All 26 letters of the Latin alphabet may be used. The letters in the VKM are written in
capitals. Letters that do not stand for first letters of words in the keeper's name may be written in lower
case. For checking uniqueness, the written name will be ignored.
Letters may contain diacritic signs2. Diacritic signs used by these letters are ignored for checking
For vehicles of Keepers that reside in a country that does not use the Latin alphabet, a translation of
the VKM in its own alphabet may be applied behind the VKM separated from it by a slash-sign (“/").
This translated VKM is disregarded for data-processing purposes.

Exemptions for using a Vehicle Keeper Marking

Member States may decide to apply the following exemptions.
A VKM is not required for the vehicles whose numbering structure does not follow the present annex
(cf. general remark, point 2). Nevertheless, adequate information about the identity of the vehicle
keeper has to be provided to the organisations involved in their operation over networks to which the
OPE-TSI applies.
When the full name and address information is inscribed on the vehicle, a VKM is not required for:
- vehicles of Keepers with such a limited vehicle fleet that this does not warrant the use of a VKM;
- specialised vehicles for infrastructure maintenance.
A VKM is not required for locomotives, multiple units and passenger vehicles used in national traffic
only, when:
- they carry their Keeper's logo and that logo contains the same and well recognised letters as the
- they carry a well recognised logo that has been accepted by the competent national authority as an
adequate equivalent for the VKM.
When a company logo is applied in addition to the application of a VKM, only the VKM is valid and the
logo is disregarded.

1 For NMBS/SNCB, the use of an encircled single letter B can be continued

2 Diacritic marks are "accent-signs", such as in À, Ç, Ö, Č, Ž, Å etc. Special letters such as Ø and Æ will be represented by a single letter; in
tests for uniqueness Ø is treated as O and Æ as A.
Page 37 of 75

Provisions about Allocation of Vehicle Keeper Markings

A vehicle Keeper can be issued more than one VKM, in case:
- the vehicle keeper has a formal name in more than one language;
- a vehicle keeper has good cause to distinguish between separate vehicle fleets within his organisa-
A single VKM can be issued for a group of companies:
- that belong to single corporate structure that has appointed and mandated one organisation within
this structure to handle all issues on behalf of all others;
- that has mandated a separate, single legal entity for handling all issues on their behalf, in which event
the legal entity is the keeper.

Register of Vehicle Keeper Markings and Procedure for Allocation

The register of VKM is public and updated on a real time basis.
An application for a VKM is filed with the applicant's competent national authority and forwarded to the
Rolling Stock Register Service. A VKM can be used only after publication by the Rolling Stock Register
The holder of a VKM must inform the competent national authority when he ends the use of a VKM,
and the competent national authority will forward the information to the Rolling Stock Register Service.
A VKM will then be revoked once the keeper has proved that the marking has been changed on all ve-
hicles concerned. It will not be reissued for 10 years, unless it is reissued to the original holder or at his
request to another holder.
A VKM can be transferred to another holder, which is the legal successor to the original holder. A VKM
stays valid when the holder changes his name to a name that does not bear resemblance to the VKM.
The first list of VKM will be drafted using existing railway company abbreviations.
The VKM will be applied to all new build wagons after entry into force of the relevant TSIs. Existing
wagons will have until end 2014 to comply with VKM marking.
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Annex K:
Letter Marking for Wagons Excluding Articulated and Multiple

1. Important Notes

In the attached tables:

- the information given in metres refers to the inside length of the wagons (lu);
- the information given in tonnes (tu) corresponds to the highest load limit shown in the loading
table for the wagon in question, this limit being determined in accordance with the procedures
laid down.

2. Index Letters with an International Value Common to all Categories

q pipe for electric heating which can be supplied by all accepted currents
qq pipe and installation for electric heating which can be supplied by all accepted currents
s wagons authorised to run under "s" conditions (see annex B of RST-TSI)
ss wagons authorised to run under "ss" conditions (see annex B of RST-TSI)

3. Index letters with an national value

t, u, v, w, x, y, z
The value of these letters is defined by each Member State.
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter E - Open High-sided Wagon
Reference wagon Of ordinary type,
with side and end tipping, with flat floor
with 2 axles: lu ≥ 7,70 m; 25 t ≤ tu ≤ 30 t
with 4 axles: lu ≥ 12 m; 50 t ≤ tu ≤ 60 t
with 6 axles or more: lu ≥ 12 m; 60t ≤ tu ≤ 75 t
Index a with 4 axles
letters aa with 6 axles or more
c with floor traps
k with 2 axles: tu < 20 t
with 4 axles: tu < 40 t
with 6 axles or more: tu < 50 t
kk with 2 axles: 20 t ≤ tu < 25 t
with 4 axles: 40 t ≤ tu < 50 t
with 6 axles or more: 50 t ≤ tu < 60 t
l without side tipping
ll without floor traps
m with 2 axles: lu < 7,70 m
with 4 axles or more: lu < 12 m
mm with 4 axles or more: lu >12 m
n with 2 axles: tu > 30 t
with 4 axles: tu > 60 t
with 6 axles or more: tu > 75 t
o without end tipping
p with station for brakeman
a. This concept only applies to open high-sided wagons with a flat floor, and provided with a device enabling them to
be used, either as ordinary wagons with a flat bottom, or for gravity unloading of certain goods by suitable position-
ing of the traps.
b. Only applicable to wagons with gauge of 1520 mm.
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter F - Open High-sided Wagon
Reference wagon Of special type
with 2 axles: 25 t ≤ tu ≤ 30 t
with 3 axles: 25 t ≤ tu ≤ 40 t
with 4 axles: 50 t ≤ tu ≤ 60 t
with 6 axles or more: 60 t ≤ tu ≤ 75 t
Index a with 4 axles
letters aa with 6 axles or more
b high capacity with axles (volume > 45 m )
c with controlled gravity unloading, on both sides, alternately, at the top
cc with controlled gravity unloading, on both sides, alternately, at the bottom
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)
fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
k with 2 or 3 axles: tu < 20 t
with 4 axles: tu < 40 t
with 6 axles or more: tu < 50 t
kk with 2 or 3 axles: 20 t ≤ tu < 25 t
with 4 axles: 40 t ≤ tu < 50t
with 6 axles or more: 50 t ≤ tu < 60 t
l with bulk gravity unloading, on both sides, simultaneously, at the top
ll with bulk gravity unloading, on both sides, simultaneously, at the bottom
n with 2 axles: tu > 30 t
with 3 axles or more: tu >40 t
with 4 axles: tu > 60 t
with 6 axles or more: tu > 75 t
o with axial bulk gravity unloading, at the top
oo with axial bulk gravity unloading, at the bottom
p with axial controlled gravity unloading, at the top
pp with axial controlled gravity unloading, at the bottom
ppp with station for brakeman
a. Wagons with gravity unloading in category F are open wagons, which do not have a flat floor and have no tipping
facility either at the end or the side.
b. Only applicable to wagons with gauge of 1520 mm.
The method of unloading these wagons is defined by a combination of the following characteristics:
Arrangement of the unloading apertures:
- axial: Apertures situated above the centre of the track
- bilateral: Apertures on either side of the track, outside the rails
(For these wagons, unloading is:
- simultaneous, if complete emptying of the wagon requires the apertures to be open on both sides,
- alternate, if complete emptying of the wagon can take place by opening the apertures on one side
- top: The lower edge of the discharge through (without taking into account mobile devices which may extend
this through) is situated at least 0.700 m above the rail, and allows for the use of a conveyor belt to take
away the goods
- bottom: The position of the lower edge of the discharge through does not allow for the use of a conveyor belt to
take away the goods
Rate of unloading:
- bulk: Once the apertures are open for unloading, they cannot be closed again until the wagon is empty
- controlled: At any time during unloading, the flow of the goods can be regulated or even stopped
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter G - Covered Wagon
Reference wagon Of ordinary type
with at least 8 ventilation apertures
with 2 axles: 9 m ≤ lu < 12 m; 25 t ≤ tu ≤ 30 t
with 4 axles: 15 m ≤ lu < 18 m; 50 t ≤ tu ≤ 60 t
with 6 axles or more: 15 m ≤ lu < 18 m; 60 t ≤ tu ≤ 75 t
Index a with 4 axles
letters aa with 6 axles or more
b high capacity: - with 2 axles: lu ≥12 m and payload capacity ≥ 70 m

- with 4 axles or more: lu ≥ 18 m

bb with 4 axles: lu > 18 m
g for grain
h for fruits and vegetables
k with 2 axles: tu < 20 t
with 4 axles: tu < 40t
with 6 axles or more: tu < 50 t
kk with 2 axles: 20 t ≤ tu < 25 t
with 4 axles: 40 t ≤ tu < 50 t
with 6 axles or more: 50 t ≤ tu < 60 t
l with less than 8 ventilation apertures
ll with enlarged doors apertures
m with 2 axles: lu < 9 m
with 4 axles or more: lu < 15 m
n with 2 axles: tu > 30 t
with 4 axles: tu > 60 t
with 6 axles or more: tu > 75 t
o with 2 axles: lu < 12 m and payload capacity ≥ 70 m
p with station for brakeman
a. Only applicable to wagons with gauge of 1520 mm.
b. The concept "for fruits and vegetables" applies only to wagons provided with additional ventilation apertures at the
floor level.
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter H - Covered Wagon
Reference wagon of special type

with 2 axles: 9 m ≤ lu ≤ 12 m; 25 t ≤ tu ≤ 28 t
with 4 axles: 15 m ≤ lu < 18 m; 50 t ≤ tu ≤ 60 t
with 6 axles or more: 15 m ≤ lu < 18 m; 60 t ≤ tu ≤ 75 t
Index a with 4 axles
letters aa with 6 axles or more
3 a
b with 2 axles: 12 m ≤ lu ≤ 14 m and payload capacity ≥ 70 m
with 4 axles or more: 18 m ≤ lu < 22 m
bb with 2 axles: lu ≥ 14m
with 4 axles or more: lu ≥ 22 m
c with end doors
cc with end doors and fitted internally for the transport of motor cars
d with floor traps
dd with tipping body
e with 2 floors
ee with 3 floors or more
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain

ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)

fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
g for grain
gg for cement
h for fruits and vegetables
hh for mineral fertilizer
i with opening or shunt walls
ii with very robust opening or shunt walls
k with 2 axles: tu < 20 t
with 4 axles: tu < 40 t
with 6 axles or more: tu < 50 t
kk with 2 axles: 20 t ≤ tu < 25 t
with 4 axles: 40 t ≤ tu < 50 t
with 6 axles or more: 50 t ≤ tu < 60 t
l with movable partitions
ll with lockable movable partitions
m with 2 axles: lu < 9 m
with 4 axles or more: lu < 15 m
mm with 4 axles or more: lu > 18 m
n with 2 axles: tu > 28 t
with 4 axles: tu < 60 t
with 6 axles or more: tu > 75 t
o with 2 axles: lu 12 m < 14 m et volume utile ≥ 70 m
p with station for brakeman
a. 2-axle wagons bearing the index letters "f", "fff" can have a payload capacity less than 70 m .
b. Only applicable to wagons with gauge of 1520 mm.
c. The concept « for fruits and vegetables » applies only to wagons provided with additional ventilation apertures at
the floor level.

d. Movable partitions may be dismounted temporarily.

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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter I - Temperature-controlled Wagon
Reference wagon Refrigerator wagon
with class IN thermal insulation,
with motor-driven ventilation, with gratings and ice bunker ≥ 3,5 m

with 2 axles: 19 m ≤ floor area < 22 m ; 15 t ≤ tu ≤ 25 t

2 2

with 4 axles: floor area ≥ 39 m ; 30 t ≤ tu ≤ 40 t


Index a with 4 axles

2 2
letters b with 2 axles and large floor area: 22 m ≤ floor area ≤ 27 m
bb with 2 axles and very large floor area: floor area > 27 m
c with meat hooks
d for fish
e with electric ventilation
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)
fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
a b
g with mechanical refrigeration
gg refrigerator with liquefied gas
h with class IR thermal insulation
i mechanically refrigerated by the machinery of an accompanying technical
a b c
a c
ii accompanying technical wagon
k with 2 axles: tu > 15 t
with 4 axles: tu < 30 t
a d
l insulated without ice bunkers
m with 2 axles: floor area < 19 m
with 4 axles: floor area < 39 m
mm with 4 axles: floor area ≥ 39m
n with 2 axles: tu > 25 t
with 4 axles; tu > 40 t
o with ice bunkers of capacity less than 3,5 m
p without gratings
a. The index letter "l" shall not be marked on wagons bearing the index letters "g", "gg", "i" or "ii".
b. Wagons bearing both the index letters "g" and "i" can be used individually or in a mechanically refrigerated raft.
c. The concept of "accompanying technical wagon" applies at the same time to factory wagons, workshop wagons
(both with or without sleeping accommodation) and dormitory wagons.
d. The index letter "o" shall not be marked on wagons bearing the index letter "l".
e. Only applicable to wagons with gauge of 1520 mm.
Note: The floor area of covered refrigerator wagons is always determined taking into account the use of ice bunkers.
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter K - 2-axle Flat Wagon
Reference wagon Of ordinary type
with drop sides and short stanchions
lu ≥ 12 m; 25 t ≤ tu ≤ 30 t
Index b with long stanchions
letters g fitted for the transport of containers
i with removable cover and non-removable ends
j with shock-absorbing device
k tu < 20 t
kk 20 t ≤ tu < 25 t
l without stanchions
m 9 m ≤ lu < 12 m
mm lu < 9 m
n tu > 30 t
o with non-removable sides
p without sides
pp with removable sides
a. Index letter “g“ may be used together with category letter K exclusively for ordinary wagons which have only been
additionally fitted out for the transport of containers. Wagons fitted out solely for the transport of containers must be
classified in category L.
b. The index letter “p“ shall not be marked on wagons bearing index letter “i“.
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter L - 2-axle Flat Wagon
Reference wagon Of special type
lu ≥ 12 m; 25 t ≤ tu ≤ 30 t
Index b with special fittings for securing purposes for medium-sized containers (pa)
letters c with swivelling bolster
d fitted out for the transport of motor cars, without deck
e with decks for the transport of motor cars
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)
fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
a b
g fitted for the transport of containers (except pa)
a c
h fitted out for the transport of steel coils, eye to side
a c
hh fitted out for the transport of steel coils, eye to sky
i with removable cover and non-removable ends
ii with very robust removable metallic cover and non-removable ends
j with shock-absorbing device
k tu < 20 t
kk 20 t ≤ tu < 25 t
l without stanchions
m 9 m ≤ lu < 12 m
mm lu < 9 m
n tu > 30 t
p without sides
a. The inscription of the index letters "l" or "p" is optional for wagons bearing the index letters "b", "c", "d", "e", "g", "h",
"hh", "i" or "ii". But numerical codes must always correspond to letter markings on wagons.
b. Wagons used solely for the transport of containers (except pa).
c. Wagons used solely for the transport of steel coils.
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter O - Mixed Flat and Open High-Sided Wagon
Reference wagon Of ordinary type
with 2 or 3 axles, with drop sides or ends and stanchions
with 2 axles: lu ≥ 12 m; 25 t ≤ tu ≤ 30 t
with 3 axles: lu ≥ 12 m; 25 t ≤ tu ≤ 40 t
Index a with 3 axles
letters f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)
fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
k tu < 20 t
kk 20 t ≤ tu < 25 t
l without stanchions
m 9 m ≤ lu < 12 m
mm lu < 9 m
n with 2 axles: tu > 30 t
with 3 axles: tu > 40 t
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter R - Flat Bogie Wagon
Reference wagon Of ordinary type
with drop ends and stanchions
18 m ≤ lu < 22 m; 50 t ≤ tu ≤ 60 t
Index b lu ≥ 22 m
letters e with drop sides
g fitted for the transport of containers
h fitted out for the transport of steel coils, eye to side
hh fitted out for the transport of steel coils, eye to sky
i with removable cover and non-removable ends
j with shock-absorbing device
k tu < 40 t
kk 40 t ≤ tu < 50 t
l without stanchions
m 15 m ≤ lu < 18 m
mm lu < 15 m
n tu > 60 t
o with non-removable ends less than 2 m in height
oo with non-removable ends, 2 m or more in height
p without drop ends
pp with removable sides
a. The use of the index letter “g“ associated with the category letter R is only possible in the case of ordinary wagons
which have only been additionally fitted out for the transport of containers. Wagons fitted out solely for the transport
of containers must be classified in category S.
b. The use of the index letter “h“ or “hh” together with the category letter R is only possible in the case of ordinary
wagons which have only been additionally fitted out for the transport of containers. Wagons fitted out solely for the
transport of containers must be classified in category S.
c. The index letters "oo" and/or "p" shall not be marked on wagons bearing index letter "i".
Page 48 of 75
Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter S - Flat Bogie Wagon
Reference wagon Of special type
with 4 axles: lu ≥ 18 m; 50 t ≤ tu ≤ 60 t
with 6 axles or more: lu ≥ 22 m; 60 t ≤ tu ≤ 75 t
Index a with 6 axles (2 bogies of 3 axles)
letters aa with 8 axles or more
aaa with 4 axles (2 bogies of 2 axles)
b with special fittings for securing purposes for medium-sized containers (pa)
c with swivelling bolster
b c
d fitted out for the transport of motor cars, without deck
e with decks for the transport of motor cars
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)
fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
b cd
g fitted for the transport of containers, total loading length ≤ 60’ (except pa)
b cd
gg fitted for the transport of containers, total loading length > 60’ (except pa)
b e
h fitted out for the transport of steel coils, eye to side
b e
hh fitted out for the transport of steel coils, eye to sky
i with removable cover and non-removable ends
ii with very robust removable metallic cover and non-removable ends
j with shock-absorbing device
k with 4 axles: tu < 40 t
with 6 axles or more: tu < 50 t
kk with 4 axles: 40 t ≤ tu < 50 t
with 6 axles or more: 50 t ≤ tu < 60 t
l without stanchions
m with 4 axles: 15 m ≤ lu < 18 m;
with 6 axles or more: 18 m ≤ lu < 22 m
mm with 4 axles: lu < 15 m
with 6 axles or more: lu < 18 m
mmm with 4 axles : lu ≥ 22 m
n with 4 axles: tu > 60 t
with 6 axles or more: tu > 75 t
p without sides
a. Only applicable to wagons with gauge of 1520 mm.
b. The inscription of the index letters "l" or "p" is optional for wagons bearing the index letters "b", "c", "d", "e", "g",
“gg”, "h", "hh", "i" or "ii". But numerical codes must always correspond to letter markings on wagons.
c. Wagons which in addition to the transport of containers and swap bodies are used to transport vehicles shall be
marked with the index letters "g" or "gg" and the letter "d".
d. Wagons used solely for the transport of containers or for transport of swap bodies for grab handling and spreader
e. Wagons used solely for the transport of steel coils.
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter T : Wagon with Opening Roof
Reference wagon With 2 axles: 9 m ≤ lu < 12 m; 25 t ≤ tu ≤ 30 t
with 4 axles: 15 m ≤ lu < 18 m ; 50 t ≤ tu ≤ 60 t
with 6 axles or more: 15 m ≤ lu < 18 m; 60 t ≤ tu ≤ 75 t
Index a with 4 axles
letters aa with 6 axles or more
b high capacity: with 2 axles: lu ≥ 12 m
a b
with 4 axles or more: lu ≥ 18 m
c with end doors
a b c
d with controlled gravity unloading, on both sides, alternately, at the top
a b c
dd with controlled gravity unloading, on both sides, alternately, at the bottom
a b c
e with unobstructed height of the doors > 1,90 m
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)
fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
g for grain
h fitted out for the transport of steel coils, eye to side
hh fitted out for the transport of steel coils, eye to sky
i with opening walls
j with shock-absorbing device
k with 2 axles: tu < 20 t
with 4 axles: tu < 40 t
with 6 axles or more: tu < 50 t
kk with 2 axles: 20 t ≤ tu < 25 t
with 4 axles: 40 t ≤ tu < 50 t
with 6 axles or more: 50 t ≤ tu < 60 t
a b c
l with bulk gravity unloading, on both sides, simultaneously, at the top
a b c
ll with bulk gravity unloading, on both sides, simultaneously, at the bottom
m with 2 axles: lu < 9 m
with 4 axles or more: lu < 15 m
n with 2 axles: tu > 30 t
with 4 axles: tu > 60 t
with 6 axles or more: tu > 75 t
a b c
o with axial bulk gravity unloading, at the top
a b c
oo with axial bulk gravity unloading, at the bottom
a b c
p with axial controlled gravity unloading, at the top
a b c
pp with axial controlled gravity unloading, at the bottom
a. Index letter “e“:
- is optional on wagons bearing the index letter “b“ (but numerical codes must always correspond to letter markings on wagons),
- shall not be marked on wagons bearing the index letters “d“, “dd“, “i“, “l“, “ll“, “o“, “oo“, “p“ ou “pp“.
b. Index letter "b" and “m” shall not be marked on wagons bearing the index letters “d“, “dd“, “l“, “ll“, “o“, “oo“, “p“ or “pp".
c. Wagons with gravity unloading in category T are wagons fitted with an opening roof giving access to a loading hatch over the com-
plete length of the body; these wagons do not have a flat floor and are not designed for end or side tipping.
The method of unloading these wagons is defined by a combination of the following characteristics:
Arrangement of the unloading apertures:
- axial: Apertures situated above the centre of the track
- bilateral: Apertures on either side of the track, outside the rails (For these wagons, unloading is:
- simultaneous, if complete emptying of the wagon requires the apertures to be open on both sides,
- alternate, if complete emptying of the wagon can take place by opening the apertures on one side only)
- top: The lower edge of the discharge through (without taking into account mobile devices which may extend this through) is
situated at least 0.700 m above the rail, and allows for the use of a conveyor belt to take away the goods
- bottom: The position of the lower edge of the discharge through does not allow for the use of a conveyor belt to take away the

Rate of unloading:

- bulk: Once the apertures are open for unloading, they cannot be closed again until the wagon is empty
- controlled: At any time during unloading, the flow of the goods can be regulated or even stopped
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter U - Special Wagons
Reference wagon Other than those in categories F, H, L, S ou Z
with 2 axles: 25 t ≤ tu ≤ 30 t
with 3 axles: 25 t ≤ tu ≤ 40 t
with 4 axles: 50 t ≤ tu ≤ 60t
with 6 axles or more: 60 t ≤ tu ≤ 75 t
Index a with 4 axles
letters aa with 6 axles or more
c with unloading under pressure
d with controlled gravity unloading, on both sides, alternately, at the top
dd with controlled gravity unloading, on both sides, alternately, at the bottom
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)
fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
g for grain
i fitted out for he transport objects which should exceed the gauge if they were
loaded on ordinary wagons
k with 2 or 3 axles: tu < 20 t
with 4 axles: tu < 40 t
with 6 axles or more: tu < 50 t
kk with 2 or 3 axles: 20 t ≤ tu < 25 t
with 4 axles: 40 t ≤ tu < 50 t
with 6 axles or more: 50 t ≤ tu < 60 t
l with bulk gravity unloading, on both sides, simultaneously, at the top
ll with bulk gravity unloading, on both sides, simultaneously, at the bottom
n with 2 axles: tu > 30 t
with 3 axles: tu > 40 t
with 4 axles: tu > 60 t
with 6 axles or more: tu > 75 t
o with axial bulk gravity unloading, at the top
oo with axial bulk gravity unloading, at the bottom
p with axial bulk gravity unloading, at the top
pp with axial bulk gravity unloading, at the bottom
Some countries use Category letter X for infrastructure wagons. This can continue for the period until next revision when
they should be re-categorised as U or other standard category.
a. Wagons with gravity unloading in category U are closed wagons which can only be loaded through one or more load-
ing apertures situated in at the top part of the body, and whose total opening dimensions are less than the length of
the body; these wagons do not have a flat floor and are not designed for end or side tipping.
b. In particular:
- well wagons
- wagons with a central recess
- wagons with an ordinary sloping diagonal permanent control desk
c. Index letter "n" shall not be marked on wagons bearing the index letter “i”.

The method of unloading these wagons is defined by a combination of the following characteristics:
Arrangement of the unloading apertures:
- axial: Apertures situated above the centre of the track
- bilateral: Apertures on either side of the track, outside the rails
(For these wagons, unloading is:
- simultaneous, if complete emptying of the wagon requires the apertures to be open on both sides,
- alternate, if complete emptying of the wagon can take place by opening the apertures on one side only)
- top: The lower edge of the discharge through (without taking into account mobile devices which may extend
this through) is situated at least 0.700 m above the rail, and allows for the use of a conveyor belt to take
away the goods
- bottom: The position of the lower edge of the discharge through does not allow for the use of a conveyor belt to
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take away the goods
Rate of unloading:
- bulk: Once the apertures are open for unloading, they cannot be closed again until the wagon is empty
- controlled: At any time during unloading, the flow of the goods can be regulated or even stopped
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter Z - Tank Wagon
Reference wagon With metal shell,
for the transport of liquids or gases
with 2 axles: 25 t ≤ lu ≤ 30 t
with 3 axles: 25 t ≤ tu ≤ 40 t
with 4 axles: 50 t ≤ tu ≤ 60 t
with 6 axles or more: 60 t ≤ tu ≤ 75 t
Index a with 4 axles
letters aa with 6 axles or more
b for oil products
c with unloading under pressure
d for food and chemical products
e fitted with heating devices
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)
fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
g for the transport of gases under pressure, liquefied or dissolved under pressure
i tank of non-metallic material
j with shock-absorbing device
k with 2 or 3 axles: tu < 20 t
with 4 axles: tu < 40 t
with 6 axles or more: tu < 50 t
kk with 2 or 3 axles: 20 t ≤ tu < 25 t
with 4 axles: 40 t ≤ tu < 50 t
with 6 axles or more: 50 t ≤ tu < 60 t
n with 2 axles: tu > 30 t
with 3 axles: tu > 40 t
with 4 axles tu > 60 t
with 6 axles or more: tu > 75 t
p with station for brakeman
a. Only applicable to wagons with gauge of 1520 mm.
b. The index letter "c" shall not be marked on wagons bearing the index letter "g".
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Annex K (continuation):
Letter Marking for Wagons for Articulated and Multiple Wag-


1. Important Notes

In the attached tables, the information given in metres refers to the inside length of the wagons

2. Index Letters with an International Value Common to all Categories

q pipe for electric heating which can be supplied by all accepted currents
qq pipe and installation for electric heating which can be supplied by all accepted currents
s wagons authorised to run under "s" conditions (see annex B of rolling stock STI)
ss wagons authorised to run under "ss" conditions (see annex B of rolling stock STI)

3. Index Letters with a National Value

t, u, v, w, x, y, z
The value of these letters is defined by each Member State.
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter F - Open High-sided Wagon
Reference wagon Articulated or multiple wagon
with axles, with 2 units
22 m ≤ lu < 27 m
Index a with bogies
letters c with controlled gravity unloading, on both sides, alternately, at the top
cc with controlled gravity unloading, on both sides, alternately, at the bottom
e with 3 units
ee with 4 units or more
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)

fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
l with bulk gravity unloading, on both sides, simultaneously, at the top
ll with bulk gravity unloading, on both sides, simultaneously, at the bottom
m with 2 units: lu ≥ 27 m
mm with 2 units: lu < 22 m
o with axial bulk gravity unloading, at the top
oo with axial bulk gravity unloading, at the bottom
p with axial controlled gravity unloading, at the top
pp with axial controlled gravity unloading, at the bottom
r articulated wagon
rr multiple wagon
a. Wagons with gravity unloading in category F are open wagons, which do not have a flat floor and are not designed
for end or side tipping.
The method of unloading these wagons is defined by a combination of the following characteristics:
Arrangement of the unloading apertures:
- axial: Apertures situated above the centre of the track
- bilateral: Apertures on either side of the track, outside the rails
(For these wagons, unloading is:
- simultaneous, if complete emptying of the wagon requires the apertures to be open on both sides,
- alternate, if complete emptying of the wagon can take place by opening the apertures on one side only)
- top: The lower edge of the discharge through (without taking into account mobile devices which may extend
this through) is situated at least 0.700 m above the rail, and allows for the use of a conveyor belt to take
away the goods
- bottom: The position of the lower edge of the discharge through does not allow for the use of a conveyor belt to
take away the goods
Rate of unloading:
- bulk: Once the apertures are open for unloading, they cannot be closed again until the wagon is empty
- controlled: At any time during unloading, the flow of the goods can be regulated or even stopped
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Annex K (continuation):
Category letter H - Covered Wagon
Reference wagon Articulated or multiple wagon
with axles, with 2 units
22 m ≤ lu < 27 m
Index a with bogies
letters c with end doors
cc with end doors and fitted internally for the transport of motor cars
d with floor traps
e with 3 units
ee with 4 units or more
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)
fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
g for grain
h for fruits and vegetables
i with opening or shunt walls
ii with very robust opening or shunt walls
l with movable partitions
ll with lockable movable partitions
m with 2 units: lu ≥ 27 m
mm with 2 units: lu < 22 m
r articulated wagon
rr multiple wagon
a. The concept "for fruits and vegetables" applies only to wagons provided with additional ventilation apertures at the
floor level.
b. Movable partitions may be dismounted temporarily.
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter I - Temperature Controlled Wagon
Reference wagon Refrigerator wagon
with class IN thermal insulation,
with motor-driven ventilation, with gratings and ice bunker ≥ 3,5 m

articulated or multiple wagon

with axles, with 2 units
22 m ≤ lu < 27 m
Index a with bogies
letters c with meat hooks
d for fish
e with electric ventilation
ee with 4 units or more
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)
fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
g with mechanical refrigeration
gg refrigerator with liquefied gas
h with class IR thermal insulation
i mechanically refrigerated by the machinery of an accompanying technical wagon
a b

a b
ii accompanying technical wagon
a c
l insulated without ice bunkers
m with 2 units: lu ≥ 27 m
mm with 2 units: lu < 22 m
o with ice bunkers of capacity less than 3,5 m
oo with 3 units
p without gratings
r articulated wagon
rr multiple wagon
a. The index letter "l" shall not be marked on wagons bearing the index letters "g", "gg", "i" or "ii".
b. The concept of "accompanying technical wagon" applies at the same time to factory wagons, workshop wagons (both
with or without sleeping accommodation) and dormitory wagons.
c. The index letter "o" shall not be marked on wagons bearing the index letter "l".
Page 57 of 75

Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter L - Flat Wagon with Separate Axles
Reference wagon Articulated or multiple wagon
with 2 units
22 m ≤ lu < 27 m
Index a articulated wagon
letters aa multiple wagon
b with special fittings for securing purposes for medium-sized containers (pa)
c with swivelling bolster
d fitted out for the transport of motor cars, without deck
e with decks for the transport of motor cars
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)
fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
a b
g fitted for the transport of containers
a c
h fitted out for the transport of steel coils, eye to side
a c
hh fitted out for the transport of steel coils, eye to sky
i with removable cover and non-removable ends
ii with very robust removable metallic cover and non-removable ends
j with shock-absorbing device
l without stanchions
m with 2 units: 18 m ≤ lu < 22 m
mm with 2 units: lu < 18 m
o with 3 units
oo with 4 units or more
p without sides
r with 2 units: lu ≥ 27 m
a. The inscription of the index letters "l" or "p" is optional for wagons bearing the index letters "b", "c", "d", "e", "g", "h",
"hh", "i" or "ii". But numerical codes must always correspond to letter markings on wagons.
b. Wagons used solely for the transport of containers (except pa).
c. Wagons used solely for the transport of steel coils.
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter S - flat Bogie Wagon
Reference wagon Articulated or multiple wagon
with 2 units
22 m ≤ lu < 27 m
Index b with special fittings for securing purposes for medium-sized containers (pa)
letters c with swivelling bolster
d fitted out for the transport of motor cars, without deck
e with decks for the transport of motor cars
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)
fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
a b c
g fitted for the transport of containers, total loading length ≤ 60’ (except pa)
a b c
gg fitted for the transport of containers, total loading length > 60’ (except pa)
a d
h fitted out for the transport of steel coils, eye to side
a d
hh fitted out for the transport of steel coils, eye to sky
i with removable cover and non-removable ends
ii with very robust removable metallic cover and non-removable ends
j with shock-absorbing device
l without stanchions
m with 2 units: lu ≥ 27 m
mm with 2 units: lu < 22 m
o with 3 units
oo with 4 units or more
p without sides
r articulated wagon
rr multiple wagon
a. The inscription of the index letters "l" or "p" is optional for wagons bearing the index letters "b", "c", "d", "e", "g", “gg”,
"h", "hh", "i" or "ii". But numerical codes must always correspond to letter markings on wagons.
b. Wagons which in addition to the transport of containers and swap bodies are used to transport vehicles shall be
marked with the index letters "g" or "gg" and the letter "d".
c. Wagons used solely for the transport of containers or for transport of swap bodies for grab handling and spreader
d. Wagons used solely for the transport of steel coils.
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter T - Wagon with Opening Roof
Reference wagon Articulated or multiple wagon
with axles, with 2 units
22 m ≤ lu < 27 m
Index a with bogies
letters b with unobstructed height of doors > 1,90 m
c with end doors
a b
d with controlled gravity unloading, on both sides, alternately, at the top
a b
dd with controlled gravity unloading, on both sides, alternately, at the bottom
e with 3 units
ee with 4 units or more
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain

ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)

fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
g for grain
h fitted out for the transport of steel coils, eye to side
hh fitted out for the transport of steel coils, eye to sky
i with opening walls
j with shock-absorbing device
a b
l with bulk gravity unloading, on both sides, simultaneously, at the top
a b
ll with bulk gravity unloading, on both sides, simultaneously, at the bottom
m with 2 units: lu ≥ 27 m
mm with 2 units: lu < 22 m
a b
o with axial bulk gravity unloading, at the top
a b
oo with axial bulk gravity unloading, at the bottom
a b
p with axial controlled gravity unloading, at the top
a b
pp with axial controlled gravity unloading, at the bottom
r articulated wagon
rr multiple wagon
a. Index letter "b" shall not be marked on wagons bearing the index letters “d“, “dd“, “i“, “l“, “ll“, “o“, “oo“, “p“ or “pp".
b. Wagons with gravity unloading in category T are wagons fitted with an opening roof giving access to a loading hatch
over the complete length of the body; these wagons do not have a flat floor and are not designed for end or side tip-
The method of unloading these wagons is defined by a combination of the following characteristics:
Arrangement of the unloading apertures:
- axial: Apertures situated above the centre of the track
- bilateral: Apertures on either side of the track, outside the rails
(For these wagons, unloading is:
- simultaneous, if complete emptying of the wagon requires the apertures to be open on both sides,
- alternate, if complete emptying of the wagon can take place by opening the apertures on one side only)
- top: The lower edge of the discharge through (without taking into account mobile devices which may extend
this through) is situated at least 0.700 m above the rail, and allows for the use of a conveyor belt to take
away the goods
- bottom: The position of the lower edge of the discharge through does not allow for the use of a conveyor belt to
take away the goods
Rate of unloading:
- bulk: Once the apertures are open for unloading, they cannot be closed again until the wagon is empty
- controlled: At any time during unloading, the flow of the goods can be regulated or even stopped
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter U - Special Wagons
Reference wagon Articulated or multiple wagon,
with axles, with 2 units
22 m ≤ lu < 27 m
Index a with bogies
letters e with 3 units
ee with 4 units or more
c with unloading under pressure
d with controlled gravity unloading, on both sides, alternately, at the top
dd with controlled gravity unloading, on both sides, alternately, at the bottom
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)
fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
g for grain
i fitted out for he transport objects which should exceed the gauge if they were
loaded on ordinary wagons
l with bulk gravity unloading, on both sides, simultaneously, at the top
ll with bulk gravity unloading, on both sides, simultaneously, at the bottom
m with 2 units: lu ≥ 27 m
mm with 2 units: lu < 22 m
o with axial bulk gravity unloading, at the top
oo with axial bulk gravity unloading, at the bottom
p with axial controlled gravity unloading, at the top
pp with axial controlled gravity unloading, at the bottom
r articulated wagon
rr multiple wagon
Some countries use Category letter X for infrastructure wagons. This can continue for a period until next revision when
they should be re-categorised as U or other standard category.
a. Wagons with gravity unloading in category U are closed wagons which can only be loaded through one or more load-
ing apertures situated in at the top part of the body, and whose total opening dimensions are less than the length of
the body; these wagons do not have a flat floor and are not designed for end or side tipping.
b. In particular:
- well wagons
- wagons with a central recess
wagons with an ordinary sloping diagonal permanent control desk

The method of unloading these wagons is defined by a combination of the following characteristics:
Arrangement of the unloading apertures:
- axial: Apertures situated above the centre of the track
- bilateral: Apertures on either side of the track, outside the rails. (For these wagons, unloading is:
- simultaneous, if complete emptying of the wagon requires the apertures to be open on both sides,
- alternate, if complete emptying of the wagon can take place by opening the apertures on one side only)
- top: The lower edge of the discharge through (without taking into account mobile devices which may extend
this through) is situated at least 0.700 m above the rail, and allows for the use of a conveyor belt to take
away the goods
- bottom: The position of the lower edge of the discharge through does not allow for the use of a conveyor belt to
take away the goods
Rate of unloading:
- bulk: Once the apertures are open for unloading, they cannot be closed again until the wagon is empty
- controlled: At any time during unloading, the flow of the goods can be regulated or even stopped
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Annex K (continuation):
Category Letter Z - Tank Wagon
Reference wagon With metal shell,
for the transport of liquids or gases
articulated or multiple wagon
with axles, with 2 units
22 m ≤ lu < 27 m
Index a with bogies
letters c with unloading under pressure
e fitted with heating devices
f suitable for traffic with Great Britain
ff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by tunnel exclusively)
fff suitable for traffic with Great Britain (by train-ferry exclusively)
g for the transport of gases under pressure, liquefied or dissolved under pressure
i tank of non-metallic material
j with shock-absorbing device
m with 2 units: lu ≥ 27 m
mm with 2 units: lu < 22 m
o with 3 units
oo with 4 units or more
r articulated wagon
rr multiple wagon
a. The index letter "c" shall not be marked on wagons bearing the index letter "g".
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Annex L:
Letter Marking for Hauled Passenger Stock
Serial letters with an international value:
A 1st class coach with seats
B 2nd class coach with seats
st nd
AB 1 /2 class coach with seats
WL Sleeping-car with serial letter A, B or AB depending on the type of accommodation offered.
The serial letters for sleeping-car with “special” compartments are supplemented with in-
dex-letter “S”
WR Dining-car
R Coach with dining-car, buffet or bar compartment (serial-letter used in addition)
D Van
DD Open, 2-tier car-carrier van
Post Mail van
SR Bar coach with dancing facilities
WSP Pullman coach
Le Open 2-axle 2-tier car-carrier wagon
Leq Open 2-axle 2-tier car-carrier wagon fitted with train supply cable
Laeq Open 3-axle 2-tier car-carrier wagon fitted with train supply cable

Index Letters with an International Value:

Coach fitted out to carry disabled passengers
c Compartments convertible into couchette accomodation
Vehicle fitted to receive bicycles
Vehicle fitted with central power supply
f Vehicle fitted with driver’s cab (driving trailer)
Centre-aisle coach with seats
m Vehicle over 24,5 m in length
s Centre-aisle in vans and coaches with luggage compartment

The number of compartments is shown in the form of an index (for example: Bc9)

Serial Letters and Index Letters with a National Value

The others serial letters and index letters have a national value, defined by each Member State.
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Annex M:
Letter Marking for Special Vehicles
This marking is indicated in document EN 14033-1 “Railway applications – Track – Technical re-
quirements for railbound construction and maintenance machines – Part 1: Running of railbound
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Annex N:
Inscription of the Number and Linked Alphabetical Marking
on the Bodywork
General Arrangements for External Markings
The capital letters and figures making up the marking inscriptions shall be at least 80 mm in
height, in a sans serif font type of correspondence quality. A smaller height may only be used
where there is no option but to place the marking on the sole bars.
The marking is to be put not higher than 2 metres above rail level.

The marking shall be inscribed on the wagon bodywork in the following manner:
23 TEN 31 TEN 33 TEN 43 (In this case without VKM, full
80 D-RFC 80 D-DB 84 NL-ACTS 87 F name and address information is
7369 553-4 0691 235-2 4796 100-8 4273 361-3 inscribed on the vehicle)
Zcs Tanoos Slpss Laeks

For wagons whose bodywork does not offer a large enough area for this type of arrangement, par-
ticularly in the case of fIat wagons, the marking shall be arranged as follows:
01 87 3320 644-7
When one or more index letters of national significance are inscribed on a wagon, this national
marking must be shown after the international letter marking and separated from it by a hyphen.

Coaches and Hauled Passenger Stock

The number shall be applied to each sidewall of the vehicle in the following manner:
F-SNCF 61 87 20 - 72 021 - 7
B tu

The marking of the country in which the vehicle is registered and of the technical characteristics
are printed directly in front of, behind or under the twelve digits of the vehicle number.
In case of coaches with driver’s cabin, the number is also written inside the cabin.

Locomotives, Power Cars and Special Vehicles

The standard 12-digit number must be marked on each sidewall of the tractive stock used in inter-
national service in the following manner:
91 88 0001323-0

The standard 12-digit number is also written inside each cabin of the tractive rolling stock.
The Keeper can add, in letters of larger size than the standard number, an own number marking
(consisting generally of digits of the serial number supplemented by alphabetical coding) useful in
operations. The place where the own number is marked is left to the choice of the keeper.
Examples SP 42037 ES 64 F4 - 099 88 - 1323 473011
92 51 0042037-9 9480 0189 999 - 6 91 88 0001323-0 92 87 473011-0 94 79 2 642 185-5

These rules may be altered in bilateral agreements for vehicles existing when the OPE-TSI comes
into force and assigned to a specific service and where there is no risk of confusion between dif-
ferent stocks operating on the rail networks concerned. The exemption is valid for a period de-
cided upon by the competent national authorities.
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The national authority can prescribe that the alphabetic country code and the VKM be recorded in
addition to the 12 digit vehicle number.
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Annex O:
Database Rules – Central and National
This annex provides the database rules necessary for maintaining the Vehicle Number

O.1 Vehicle Number field

There are 5 main fields in the Vehicle Number, two of which are linked.

\/ \/ Field linked to ensure a

unique Number for a vehicle.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Interop- Main Technical

Country Serial Number Chk Description
erability Characteristic

Check Digit

Serial Number

Technical Characteristics

Country of registration for vehicle (ini-

tial approval country)

Interoperable Capability

Figure 1 : Structure of the Vehicle Number

The first element of two digits defines the interoperability capability of a vehicle.
The second element of two digits defines the Country in which the Vehicle is registered, which is
normally the initial Country of approval.
The third element of four digits defines the main technical characteristics of the Vehicle.
The fourth element defines the serial number ensuring uniqueness of the Vehicle number under
the responsibility of the Country where the Vehicle is registered.
The fifth element, of one digit, is a Check Digit, as determined in Annex H, to counter errors when
entering Vehicle numbers in a computer and thereby increasing the reliability of the information in
the database. (Data can be identified as in error for later correction)
This numbering scheme enables a country to perform its own vehicle registration numbering inde-
pendently of other countries.
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O.2 Database Structure Change involving the Vehicle Number.

In order for several remote databases to co-exist some rules are necessary.
These remote databases will manage the lists of Vehicle Numbers administered by responsible
persons forming the Registration Authority for the TAF-TSI, OPE-TSI and RST-TSI.

In order to manage this structure effectively a CD is needed to ensure each vehicle number is al-
located to one and only one registration authority and by the registration authority to one and only
one registration database.

Responsibility for the CD comes under the Central Administration Service

This Central Administration Service must be responsible for the administration of Registration
Authorities and in particular, when such bodies cease to exist.

When such a situation occurs, the Central Administration Service must ensure that data integ-
rity is maintained and when replacing registration authority entities for whatever reason.

The Central Administration Service must keep track of all Vehicle Numbers assigned by the
“Registration Authority” in order to identify which numbers have been used.
An example structure is defined below:
CC 1 => RA 1 Registration CC k
CC 2 => RA 2 Structure CC 2
VI 1 Legend
… => … Administration CC 1 VI 2 => CC : Country Code
VI 1 => PV 1
CC k => RA k … => … RA : Registration Authority
VIVI2 1=> PV 2
Central VI 2=> VI
… …
k => VI : Vehicle Number

k => …PV k
Database VI k

Registration VI 1 Registration VI 1 Registration VI 1

Authority VI 2 Authority VI 2 Authority VI 2
… => … … => … … => …
1 VI k 2 VI k k VI k

Remote Remote Remote

Database Database Database

Figure 2 : Database structure associate with the Vehicle Number

The “Registration Structure Administration” is responsible for the Country Code attribution in order
to ensure a unique data associated with all remote databases which list the Vehicle associated
with the Vehicle Number.
The “Registration Structure Administration” is also responsible for the monitoring of all data al-
ready defined on the remote database in order to ensure that usable Vehicle Numbers allocated
by the Central Administration Service and which are withdrawn can be reassigned if necessary
(this is unlikely).

The Registration Authority is responsible for the complete Vehicle Number creation and ensur-
ing that the data associated with all Vehicles already registered in the TAF-TSI area.
The Registration Authority is also responsible for the audit history of all Vehicles associated with
the Vehicle Number and the internal links (Vehicle Number evolution for the same Vehicle).
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O.3 Creation and Management of Roles involving the 12 Digits of the

Vehicle Number
When a Vehicle is used in the TAF-TSI area, different roles can be identified as a user of the Ve-
hicle Number and some of them are involved in the values contained in this data.
The following table identifies the main actors and their actions caused by the evolution of the Vehi-
cle Number (this means that the value associated with the Vehicle must be changed).
In the first column the table gives an abbreviation for the user concerned.
In the second column is indicated the role in the TAF-TSI environment.
In the third column is given a short definition of the user in the TAF-TSI environment (sufficient to
understand how this user can be affected).
In the fourth column is defined the read access for the Vehicle Number with some indication on the
particular function expected by this access.
In the fifth column is identified the user which is involved in any change to the Vehicle Number with
their role and effect on the data.
Page 69 of 75

Abr. Role Definition Read rights Update => Send Remarks

rights <= Receive
IM IM Infrastructure Manager Yes No => Exist_Vehicle_Id? The IM has no role in
<= State_Vehicle_Id! the vehicle Number
definition and
RU RU (operator) Train Operator Yes No => Exist_Vehicle_Id? The RU has no role in
<= State_Vehicle_Id! the vehicle Number
definition and
KP KEEPER Vehicle Keeper Yes, to verify if his Yes, to action the => New_Vehicle_Id? The Keeper must give
vehicle is correctly technical digits <= New_Vehicle_Id! the correct information
registered. definition. => Change_Vehicle_Id? to the registration
Digit x to y <= Move_Vehicle_Id! number administrator
=> Exist_Vehicle_Id? in order to define the
<= State_Vehicle_Id! Number.
CS CUSTOMER Consignor or Yes, to verify the No => Exist_Vehicle_Id? The customer has no
Consignee registration of his <= State_Vehicle_Id! role in the vehicle
vehicle. Number definition and
NB NoBo Notified Bodies Yes, to be sure that No => Exist_Vehicle_Id? The NoBo must verify
a correct Number is <= State_Vehicle_Id! the registration state of
given to a vehicle. a vehicle to deliver the
RA Registration Approved rolling stock Yes, to check the Yes, to action the <= Vehicle_Id? The Registration
Authority registries state of the serial number and => New_Vehicle_Id! Authority uses an
Need a unicity of identification the country code <= Vehicle_Id_List? available serial number
registration authority performed locally. => Vehicle_Id_List! associated with its
linked with a field <= Exist_Vehicle_Id? country code in order
within the Number (eg => State_Vehicle_Id! to define completely
country ) the vehicle Number.
WS Workshop Accredited workshops Yes, to verify the Yes, in case of => Change_Vehicle_Id? The workshop can
registration state of important changes <= Move_Vehicle_Id! make important
the vehicle on hand. which might => Exist_Vehicle_Id? engineering alterations
change some <= State_Vehicle_Id! which may require a
technical definition new vehicle Number.
Digit x to y
FM Fleet Manager Vehicle owner / Yes, to verify the Yes, to cancel a => Cancel_Vehicle_Id? The owner is
Keeper registration state of vehicle Number <= Free_Vehicle_Id! responsible for the
his vehicle. when the vehicle is => Exist_Vehicle_Id? developments on his
removed. <= State_Vehicle_Id! vehicle.
RA Registration Central allocation body Yes, to check the Yes, to keep => Vehicle_Id_List? The Registration
Structure state of the available the list of <= Vehicle_Id_List! Authority makes the
Administrator identification all registered => Exist_Vehicle_Id? list of all vehicles
performed on the vehicles. <= State_Vehicle_Id! already identified by
complete area of the <= Exist_Vehicle_Id? the different
TAF-TSI. => State_Vehicle_Id! Registration
Authorities known to it.
CU CASUAL USER All others Yes, to be sure that No => Exist_Vehicle_Id? The IM has no role in
a Number is <= State_Vehicle_Id! the vehicle Number
associated with a definition and
vehicle. evolution.
In the sixth column is given the flow name used by the user to access the Vehicle Number data in
order to define the communication interface required to perform the data exchange necessary with
the different database Number.
In the seventh column is given a short remark on the role of the user in the life cycle of the Vehicle

Example Database Commands:

New_Vehicle_Id? this command requests a new vehicle Id with the technical characteristic notified

New_Vehicle_Id! this command returns the new vehicle Id defined following the request

Cancel_Vehicle_Id? this command requests the cancellation of the vehicle Id from the list

Free_Vehicle_Id! this command returns the cancellation of the vehicle id.

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Change_Vehicle_Id? this command requests the cancellation of the vehicle Id from the list and a new
Vehicle Number with the technical characteristics notified.

Move_Vehicle_Id! this command returns the cancellation of the last vehicle id and the creation of a
new vehicle id following a major change in the physical characteristics used affect-
ing the vehicle and its Number.

Vehicle_Id? this command requests the status associated with the Number given.

Exist_Vehicle_Id? this command asks if the vehicle Number given is already in use

State_Vehicle_Id! this command returns the existence of vehicle associated with the Number given.

Vehicle_Id_List? this command requests a list of the already defined Numbers managed by the reg-
istration authority or registration number administrator

Vehicle_Id_List! This command returns a list of Numbers already in use.

Page 71 of 75

O.4 Context Diagram for the Vehicle Number Management Subsystem

Based on the paragraph above, context diagrams can be proposed with function decomposition
involving all the main actors involved in the evolution of the Vehicle Number.
The diagrams include also the flow required to ensure the Registration Authority changes not al-
ready included in the previous table.

Registration Number Standard Documentation Registration

Administrator Authority
To create To transfer To cancel To become New Move
LDBM LDBM LDBM LDBM Vehicle_No Vehicle_No
Code Registration
Modify Authority Country
Central List Code Remote
Data Base Country Item Data Base
Manager Item Manager
Functions Functions
Candidate LDB Item LDB Item
of List Modify

Registration Change Move List of

Author Vehicle_No VehicleNo Vehicle Numbers
Unallocated New allocated
List Vehicle_No! Vehicle_No
Keeper Cancel
WorkShop Fleet Manager

Exist Exist
Vehicle_No? State State Vehicle_No?
Vehicle_No! Vehicle_No!


Figure 3 : Function allocated with the Database Manager which manipulate the Vehicle Number

To commence this new system with the current situation, the Registration Authority is identified
by the Country code defined by the digits 3 & 4 in the vehicle number definition.

When a new Registration Authority appears, a country code must be defined for it in order to
maintain the concept a unique vehicle Number
The impact of a new Registration Authority in the Vehicle Number directly affects the unique-
ness of the data.

When an existing Registration Authority ceases, then the administration rules must ensure that
all the vehicle Numbers already defined by this user are kept available and it does not compromise
the uniqueness of the Number. This is a constraint on the Registration Number Administrator.
The impact of the loss of a Registration Authority on the Vehicle Numbers involved also directly
impacts on the uniqueness of this data. Therefore to reduce the impact when this situation occurs
the Registration Number Administrator must perform a Registration Authority Database copy peri-
odically. (Frequency to be determined by the level of risk involved).
Page 72 of 75

The fields "Country" and "Serial Number" must be considered as linked and considered as country
allocated numbering to be allocated by the “registration authority" concerned.

O.5 Main Functions Required around the Vehicle Number Life Cycle
The functions to be performed by users of the TAF-TSI structure related to the Vehicle Number life
cycle are described below:
The Context Diagram above showed a number of main actors in the Vehicle Number life cycle :

• the Central Administration Service which is the CD Manager responsible for number
range allocation,

• the Registration Authority which is responsible for the ODVD,

• the Keeper who is responsible for requesting the Vehicle Number creation, and also
responsible of the evolution of this data when a Registration Authority change is neces-

• the Workshop which is responsible of the evolution of this data when the physical Vehi-
cle changes require it,

• the Fleet Manager who is responsible for the deletion of the Vehicle Number when the
physical Vehicle id destroyed.
All other actors are considered as users of the Vehicle Number using this data to perform different
TAF functions as per the TSI.
To ensure the linkages between the different users we identify the following functions:

• To create a new Vehicle Number.

• To change an existing Vehicle Number.

• To cancel an existing Vehicle Number.

• To confirm the use of a Vehicle Number.

Each function can be described through the flow of commands exchanged.

To create a new Vehicle Number

• Request new vehicle number from Rregistration Authority

• If already free numbers are available then allocate

• If not request from the Central Database then allocate

• Note that allocation will have a time period awaiting confirmation

To change an existing Vehicle Number

• Request change of vehicle number

• If already free numbers available then allocate

• If not request from Central Database then allocate

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To cancel an existing Vehicle Number

• Request to cancel vehicle number

• Confirm vehicle is scrapped or modified

• If modified, request change as above

To confirm the use of a Vehicle Number

• Confirm vehicle number now in use
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O.6 Creation and Management of Role for the Vehicle Characteristics

Data with the Exception of the 12 Digit Vehicle Number
The target of the TAF-TSI is to access certain key data which characterises the vehicle.
The TAF-TSI must be able to exchange data by using the vehicle Number and the characteristics
identification with the rights as defined inside the Telematic Application for Freight. This standard
defines the way to achieve the exchange.
To manipulate the vehicle characteristics, it is necessary to define a structure to locate the appro-
priate characteristic, for example, by a tree architecture Number which can be increased when
new architecture is required to cover all the vehicle characteristics data to be manipulated.
The standard must manage the Number of the characteristics in order to ensure a unique defini-
tion with each data structure to be manipulated.
Then the send and receive column must be sufficient to:

• identify the structure itself,

• identify the relevant Number necessary to achieve the data access,

• request the data,

• respond with the data.

The role and identification of the user which manipulates such data is relevant to the application
itself, so it is not necessary to define it here.
The data structure for the characteristics exchanged could be as follows:

\/ \/ Field linked to ensure a

unique Number for a data
1 2 3 4 5 … 7 Bytes

Group Data Data Data

… Chk Description
Number Number Len 1

Check Digit

Definition of the data structure

Length of the data in bytes

from Data 1 until Chk included

Number used inside the definition

group to access data.

Definition group associated with the


When a new characteristic must be defined, the designer of the application which requires it must
ask for the necessary Number to be designated which could be public or not.
For public use, a description for each Number must be produced such that it can be used by any
other application with the same meaning that has been described.
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Commands sent and received:

Characteristic ? To request the value of a characteristic
Characteristic ! To reply with the value of a characteristic

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