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Pancreatic Cysts

Pathologic Classification, Differential Diagnosis, and Clinical Implications

Olca Basturk, MD; Ipek Coban, MD; N. Volkan Adsay, MD

● Context.—Cystic lesions of the pancreas are being recog- sis, cystic lesions of the pancreas are often either benign
nized with increasing frequency and have become a more or low-grade indolent neoplasia. However, those that are
common finding in clinical practice because of the wide- mucinous, namely, intraductal papillary mucinous neo-
spread use of advanced imaging modalities and the sharp plasms and mucinous cystic neoplasms, constitute an im-
drop in the mortality rate of pancreatic surgery. Consequent- portant category because they have well-established malig-
ly, in the past 2 decades, the nature of many cystic tumors nant potential, representing an adenoma-carcinoma se-
in this organ has been better characterized, and significant quence. Those that are nonmucinous such as serous tu-
developments have taken place in the classification and in mors, congenital cysts, lymphoepithelial cysts, and
our understanding of pancreatic cystic lesions.
squamoid cyst of pancreatic ducts have no malignant po-
Objective.—To provide an overview of the current con-
cepts in classification, differential diagnosis, and clinical/bi- tential. Only rare nonmucinous cystic tumors that occur
ologic behavior of pancreatic cystic tumors. as a result of degenerative/necrotic changes in otherwise
Data Sources.—The authors’ personal experience, based solid neoplasia, such as cystic ductal adenocarcinomas,
on institutional and consultation materials, combined with cystic pancreatic endocrine neoplasia, and solid-pseudo-
an analysis of the literature. papillary neoplasm, are also malignant and have variable
Conclusions.—In contrast to solid tumors, most of which degrees of aggressiveness.
are invasive ductal adenocarcinomas with dismal progno- (Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2009;133:423–438)

U ntil the end of the 1970s, the spectrum of cystic le-

sions of the pancreas was relatively narrow and con-
sisted mainly of mucinous and serous neoplasms.1–3 From
tion of surgical pathologists because, often, they are man-
aged medically or by surgical drainage without resection.
They develop as a complication of alcoholic, biliary, or
the 1980s onward, the development and widespread use traumatic acute pancreatitis,8,9 predominantly in adult
of new imaging techniques led to an increase in the num- men. Those resulting from biliary disease or trauma occur
ber of resected cystic lesions.4 This, in turn, advanced our in younger patients and have an equal predilection for
knowledge of these tumors. New entities were described, both sexes.7 The lesions develop when a focus of peripan-
and the pathogenesis, morphology, and biology of the en- creatic fat necrosis is resorbed, thereby producing a de-
tities already known were studied in more detail.5 bris-filled space surrounded by granulation tissue that is
This article reviews the currently available information ultimately enclosed within a fibrous capsule. Some pseu-
on the clinicopathologic features, differential diagnosis, docysts arise from the release of pancreatic enzymes into
and biologic behavior of the pancreatic cystic lesions. The an anatomic sac. There is no epithelial lining (Figure 1).
lesions discussed below follow an order that, in the au- The adjacent stroma may be hypercellular and may mimic
thors’ experience, reflects their frequency, presumed cell ovarian-type stroma, characteristic of mucinous cystic neo-
of origin, and clinical significance, as well as the published plasm (MCN). Depending on the severity and duration of
data in the literature.5,6 Estimated relative frequency of the pancreatitis, the pseudocyst may resolve spontaneous-
cystic lesions is shown in Table 1. ly, or it may achieve a size that is no longer self-resorbable
INJURY-RELATED AND and will require surgical intervention.
INFLAMMATION-RELATED CYSTS The clinical diagnosis of a pseudocyst is usually
straightforward; however, on occasion, the differential di-
Pseudocyst agnosis includes neoplastic cysts and vice versa. There are
Pseudocysts are the most common type of cystic lesions case reports in which virtually every pancreatic neoplasm
of the pancreas,7 although they rarely come to the atten- presents as a pseudocyst.10–15 For example, solid-pseudo-
papillary neoplasms often undergo massive cystic degen-
Accepted for publication November 4, 2008. eration, and mucinous cystic neoplasms16 have a tendency
From the Department of Pathology, New York University, New York, to become infected and contain suppurative contents.
New York (Dr Basturk); and the Department of Pathology, Emory Uni- Moreover, although rare, ductal adenocarcinomas may un-
versity, Atlanta, Georgia (Drs Coban and Adsay). dergo central necrosis and clinically mimic pseudo-
The authors have no relevant financial interest in the products or cysts.5,17,18 Proper sampling is crucial for correct diagnosis
companies described in this article.
Reprints: N. Volkan Adsay, MD, Department of Pathology, Emory in such cases. Any epithelial element within the cyst wall
University Hospital, 1364 Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30322 (e-mail: suggests an alternative diagnosis to pseudocyst. Cyst fluid analysis for amylase and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 133, March 2009 Pancreatic Cysts—Basturk et al 423
Types of Cystic Lesions in the Pancreas
Injury-related and inflammation-related cysts (30%)
Paraduodenal wall cyst
Infection-related cysts
Neoplastic cysts (60%)
Ductal lineage
Mucinous type (30%)
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm
Mucinous cystic neoplasm
Intraductal oncocytic papillary neoplasm
‘‘Retention cyst,’’ ‘‘mucocele,’’ and ‘‘mucinous nonneo-
plastic cyst’’
Cystic change in ordinary ductal adenocarcinoma and
other invasive carcinomas
Serous (clear-cell) type (20%)
Serous cystadenoma
Oligocystic (macrocystic) variant of serous cystadenoma
von Hippel-Lindau syndrome–associated pancreatic
Serous cystadenocarcinoma
Not otherwise specified
Intraductal tubular carcinoma
Endocrine lineage (⬍5%)
Cystic pancreatic endocrine neoplasm
Acinar lineage (⬍1%)
Acinar cell cystadenoma (cystic acinar transformation)
Acinar cell cystadenocarcinoma
Cystic/Intraductal acinar cell carcinoma
Endothelial lineage (⬍1%)
Mesenchymal lineage (⬍1%)
Undetermined lineage (5%)
Solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm
Mature cystic teratoma
Congenital cysts (⬍1%)
Duplication (enterogenous) cysts
Duodenal diverticula
Miscellaneous cysts (⬍5%)
Lymphoepithelial cyst
Squamoid cyst of pancreatic ducts
Epidermoid cysts within intrapancreatic accessory spleen
Cystic hamartoma
Endometriotic cysts
Secondary tumors

are also helpful in distinguishing pseudocysts from neo-

plastic cysts that are mucinous.19 While amylase concen- Figure 1. Pseudocyst. Depending on the stage of pseudocyst forma-
tion, the wall of a pseudocyst consists of inflammation and granulation
trations are consistently elevated in pseudocysts, typically tissue or variably organized fibroinflammatory tissue. By definition,
many thousands of units per liter, elevated cyst fluid CEA there is no epithelial lining; instead, the cyst wall merges with the cyst
levels higher than 200 ng/mL suggest a mucinous epithe- contents composed of fibrin, necrotic fat cells, debris, hematoidin pig-
lium-lined cyst. ment, and aggregates of histiocytes (hematoxylin-eosin, original mag-
nification ⫻4).
Paraduodenal Wall Cyst Figure 2. Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm. Dilatation of the
A distinct form of chronic pancreatitis occurring pre- ducts leads to a multilocular cyst formation, with many cysts filled with
dominantly in the periampullary region, and often asso- tan, friable papillary nodules.
ciated with cysts on the duodenal wall/adjacent pancreas, Figure 3. Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm. The main duct is
has been reported under various names, including cystic filled with tall papillary fronds lined by mucin-producing cells (he-
dystrophy of heterotopic pancreas, pancreatic hamartoma matoxylin-eosin, original magnification ⫻4).
of duodenum, paraduodenal wall cyst, myoadenomatosis,
and groove pancreatitis.7,20,21 In our experience, most pa-
424 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 133, March 2009 Pancreatic Cysts—Basturk et al
tients are men aged 40 to 50 years, and history of alcohol believe the branch duct type is a biologically distinct en-
abuse and cigarette smoking is characteristic.21–23 Macro- tity, and therefore every attempt should be made during
scopically, there is mucosal thickening, marked duodenal macroscopic examination to determine the distribution of
wall scarring, trabeculation of duodenal musculature, and the lesion, as discussed below42,44,48,53–55 The adjacent pan-
macrocystic and microcystic changes in the duodenal creatic parenchyma is usually firm and pale white because
wall. Presumably because they arise from the ‘‘heterotop- of scarring and atrophies from chronic obstruction in main
ic’’ ducts on the duodenal wall or accessory ampulla, the duct–type IPMNs, whereas it is generally normal in
cysts may sometimes be partially lined by ductal epithe- branch duct–type IPMNs. Associated solid or gelatinous
lium and partially by granulation tissue, unlike conven- nodules may correspond to an invasive component.
tional pseudocysts which have no association with the Microscopically, papillae with 3 distinct morphologic
ducts. The walls of the cysts are composed of markedly patterns can be seen.35,56–61 (1) In most branch duct–type
inflamed fibrous tissue, with evidence of foreign-body– IPMNs, the papillae are lined by tall columnar cells with
type giant cell reaction, in which mucoprotein material is basally oriented nuclei and abundant pale supranuclear
engulfed, and of myofibroblastic proliferation. Luminal mucin, creating a pattern reminiscent of gastric foveolar
and mural calcifications are common. epithelium or low-grade pancreatic intraepithelial neopla-
sia (PanIN) 1A. These IPMNs are classified as gastric-fo-
Infection-Related Cysts veolar (Figure 4, A). Because this phenotype is also com-
Rarely, hydatid cysts,24–27 necrotic tuberculosis infec- mon in the nonpapillary areas of main duct–type IPMNs,
tions,28,29 and other entities can occur in the pancreas and it is also referred to as null type. The pattern does appear
mimic primary cystic neoplasms. to be full recapitulation of gastric mucosa, with small
glandular elements at the base that express MUC6 mucin
NEOPLASTIC CYSTS and more papillary areas expressing MUC5AC. Scattered
goblet cells, however, are quite common and can be high-
Ductal Lineage, Mucinous Type lighted by immunolabel for MUC2. (2) Most main duct–
Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm. Intraduc- type IPMNs show papillae that are lined by columnar cells
tal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) were thought with cigar-shaped nuclei and variable amounts of apical
to be very rare; however, in recent years, better recogni- mucin, closely resembling colonic villous adenomas and
tion of this neoplasm has led to an increase in its recog- are classified as villous-intestinal61 (Figure 4, B). They do,
nized incidence.30–32 Among pancreatic resection speci- in fact, show molecular characteristics of intestinal differ-
mens, the incidence of IPMN is approximately 5%; among entiation, as evidenced by CDX2 and MUC2 expression,
cystic lesions, it is about 20%. Pathologically, IPMNs are which have tumor suppressor activity.61 The papillae are
characterized by intraductal proliferation of neoplastic also positive for MUC5AC. When these IPMNs are asso-
mucinous cells, which usually form papillae and lead to ciated with an invasive cancer, it is typically of colloid
cystic dilation of the pancreatic ducts and formation of type,61 and colloid carcinomas also express CDX2 and
clinically and macroscopically detectable masses30,31,33–47 MUC2, but not MUC1.59 (3) In a small proportion of
(Figures 2 and 3). IPMNs, the papillae are more complex and are lined by
Clinically, IPMNs occur slightly more frequently in men cuboidal cells, often with round nuclei containing a single
than in women. The mean age at diagnosis is 68 years, prominent eccentric nucleolus (Figure 4, C). These are re-
with a range of 25 to 94 years. Patients usually present ferred to as pancreatobiliary. They typically do not express
with nonspecific abdominal symptoms, although in some, CDX2 and MUC2, but may instead express MUC1 (a
a history of pancreatitis is noted. Approximately 30% of ‘‘marker’’ of aggressive phenotype in the pancreas) and
patients have tumors in other organs (particularly the co- MUC5AC.61 Invasive carcinoma associated with this group
lorectum and stomach), some synchronous and others me- is usually of tubular type, with all the morphologic fea-
tachronous.35,48,49 Intraductal papillary mucinous neo- tures of ordinary ductal adenocarcinoma. The invasive
plasms have also been reported in patients with the Peutz- component also expresses MUC1, but not MUC2.59
Jeghers syndrome50 and with familial adenomatous pol- Both villous-intestinal and pancreatobiliary types of
yposis.51 Mucin extrusion from the ampulla of Vater IPMN may transition to areas with gastric-foveolar mor-
during endoscopy is virtually diagnostic for these neo- phology; however, it is uncommon to find both intestinal-
plasms. Radiologically, a markedly distended main pan- and pancreatobiliary-type papillae within the same IPMN.
creatic duct, or numerous cysts representing dilated Noninvasive IPMNs have a spectrum of cytoarchitec-
branch ducts, can be seen. Today, the more common pre- tural atypia (Figure 5). Those that have a single layer of
sentation is as an incidental small cyst in the pancreas on neoplastic cells with well-oriented, small, and uniform nu-
a computed tomography scan obtained for other reasons. clei without mitoses or necrosis are classified as either an
Seventy percent of IPMNs occur in the head of the pan- adenoma62 or, more recently, as an IPMN with low-grade
creas. The lesions may be localized, multicentric or, rarely, dysplasia.32 When there is nuclear stratification, slight loss
the entire ductal system may be involved. By definition, of polarity, nuclear enlargement, and some nuclear pleo-
they are larger than 1 cm. Macroscopic examination of morphism, the lesions are classified as borderline tumor
IPMNs is imperative for documenting involvement of the (IPMN with moderate dysplasia). Carcinoma in situ
pancreatic ductal system and the distribution of the dis- (IPMN with high-grade dysplasia) exhibits architectural
ease within the ductal system. In some cases, the IPMN atypia with cribriforming, significant loss of polarity,
primarily involves the main pancreatic duct (main duct and severe nuclear pleomorphism. Mitoses are often
type), and in others, it is mostly confined to the branch present.30,36,63,64
ducts (branch duct type); the latter is predominant partic- Until recently, approximately 30% of IPMNs resected
ularly in IPMNs that arise in younger patients and is more have had an associated invasive carcinoma, either of the
likely to involve the uncinate process.44,52,53 Some authors colloid65 or ordinary ductal type34,35; however, this number
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 133, March 2009 Pancreatic Cysts—Basturk et al 425
Figure 4. The category of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms encompasses 3 morphologically distinct types of papillae. A, Gastric-foveolar
or null type. Tall columnar cells with basally located nuclei and abundant apical mucin resemble gastric-mucosa or pancreatic intraepithelial
neoplasia 1 lesions. B, Villous-intestinal type. Similar to colonic villous adenomas, with tall, fingerlike projections lined by pseudostratified,
basophilic columnar cells with cigar-shaped nuclei. A variable amount of mucin is present in the cytoplasm. C, Pancreatobiliary type. More
complex branching papillae lined by relatively cuboidal cells, some with prominent nucleoli (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnifications ⫻40).

seems to be highly population-dependent and appears to approach is mostly extrapolated from anecdotal observa-
be decreasing because of increased diagnosis of smaller tions and from our current view of the biology of these
lesions. Invasion may develop both adjacent to and away tumors. If there is no or only minimal atypia (IPMN with
from the IPMN66 and can be invisible at gross examina- low-grade dysplasia) at the margin, we do not recommend
tion. It seems that main duct–type IPMNs, and those that additional surgery, provided that clinically, there is no oth-
are large, complex, and nodular, often prove to be carci- er lesion in the remaining pancreas. At the other end of
nomas and require more aggressive therapy. Given the the spectrum, when there is carcinoma in situ or invasive
high prevalence of cancer and the data from the literature, carcinoma at the margin, additional surgery is warranted,
it is unlikely that any combination of clinical and radio- if clinically feasible. Florid papillary nodules at a margin
logic parameters will accurately discriminate between ma- also require careful evaluation and possibly additional
lignant and nonmalignant main duct–type IPMNs.52,67,68 surgery, because their presence suggests the likelihood
Management of IPMNs is rather problematic and, there- that more tumor is present in the remaining pancreas. The
fore, some authors even advocate total pancreatectomy for
scenario that is probably most problematic is the presence
such cases.69 On the other hand, branch duct–type IPMNs,
of denuded epithelium and inflammation on a frozen-sec-
and those that are small and without complex nodulari-
tion specimen. In our opinion, this is worrisome and we
ties, usually prove to be IPMNs with low-grade dyspla-
sia.67 Less than 15% of these clinically innocuous-appear- and others (G. Zamboni, MD, oral communication, May
ing branch duct IPMNs prove to have carcinoma in long- 2008) advocate extra margin evaluation for such cases.
term follow-up.67 Accordingly, current consensus proto- Overall 5-year survival for patients with IPMN is higher
col67 advocates a ‘‘watchful wait’’ approach if a branch than 70%.32 Recent studies have shown that the prognosis
duct IPMN is (1) less than 3 cm, (2) does not have any for patients with resected and carefully examined low-
complexities or mural nodules, (3) shows no changes dur- grade dysplasia and borderline tumors is excellent, but
ing follow-up, and (4) is asymptomatic.52,55,67,68 However, patients with carcinoma in situ may experience recurrenc-
this approach is applicable only if the patient can be kept es and metastases. The aggressive behavior of cases with
under close supervision, as outlined in the consensus pro- carcinoma in situ is attributed to missed foci of invasive
tocol. cancer that are either unresected because of unrecognized
Another problematic area in the management of IPMNs multifocality or undiagnosed during pathologic exami-
is the status of surgical resection margins.69 Our current nation. In some series, patients with invasive carcinoma,
426 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 133, March 2009 Pancreatic Cysts—Basturk et al
mucin-producing epithelium (Figure 7) that resembles en-
docervical epithelium. Scattered goblet-type cells may be
seen. Immunohistochemically, the epithelial component of
MCNs stains for cytokeratin (CK) 7, CK8, CK18, CK19,
CEA, and MUC5AC. Only gobletlike cells express MUC2.
Scattered neuroendocrine cells are present and can be
demonstrated by immunohistochemical labeling for neu-
roendocrine markers, such as chromogranin and synap-
tophysin. On the cyst wall and septae, a distinctive ovar-
ian-type stroma composed of densely packed spindle cells
with sparse cytoplasm and uniform, elongated nuclei is
seen (Figure 7). This stroma is an entity-defining feature
of MCNs, and its presence has become a quasi-require-
ment for the diagnosis.67 It regularly expresses progester-
one receptors, and to a lesser degree, estrogen receptors.
Moreover, some MCNs are reported to be associated with
ovarian thecomas,79 further suggesting a hormone influ-
ence in the pathogenesis of these neoplasms. Cells of the
stromal component also stain for ␣-inhibin and calretinin.80
Just as with IPMNs, MCNs also exhibit characteristics
of an adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Those without atypia
are classified as MCNs with low-grade dysplasia32 or mu-
cinous cystadenomas.62 In such cases, the cysts are lined
by flat, mucin-producing, cuboidal to columnar epitheli-
um with basally oriented uniform nuclei (Figure 7). These
are typically devoid of papillae and no mitoses are seen.
Those MCNs with mild to moderate architectural and cy-
Figure 5. Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms with high-grade tologic atypia are classified as MCNs with moderate dys-
dysplasia (carcinoma in situ) exhibit significant architectural and nu- plasia or borderline tumor. The epithelium may be several
clear atypia, including loss of polarity and marked pleomorphism (he- cells thick and often forms papillae. The columnar nature
matoxylin-eosin, original magnification ⫻20). of the cells is maintained, with no significant pleomor-
phism or nuclear irregularities. The nuclei vary slightly in
size and shape; nucleoli may be present. Occasional mi-
which may follow an aggressive clinical course, had a 5- toses may be seen. Those MCNs that exhibit prominent
year survival rate as low as 36%42,54,69,70 papillary proliferations that form intraluminal polypoid
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms have several masses with cribriform architecture and severe cytologic
overlapping features with mucinous cystic neoplasia, as atypia are classified as MCNs with high-grade dyspla-
discussed below. These neoplasms also need to be distin- sia63,81 or carcinoma in situ63,81 (Figure 8). Significantly in-
guished from PanIN.71 The separation of IPMNs from creased mitoses are characteristic. Not surprisingly, the in-
PanIN is based primarily on size: IPMNs are usually larg- cidence of carcinoma in situ increases with the size and
er (⬎1 cm) and form a macroscopically and/or radiolog- complexity of the lesion. It should be remembered, how-
ically detectable mass.72,73 In other words, they represent ever, that foci of carcinoma in situ can be very patchy or
a ‘‘mass-forming’’ type of dysplastic process, whereas focal, not visible grossly, often with an abrupt transition
PanINs are detected microscopically/incidentally. between histologically bland epithelium and epithelium
Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm. Mucinous cystic neo- with severe atypia. The neoplasm is classified based on
plasms are presumably de novo cystic tumors and have the highest, rather than the average, degree of atypia.75,76,78,82
distinctive clinicopathologic characteristics. They are seen Less than one-fifth of all MCNs are associated with in-
almost exclusively in perimenopausal female patients vasive carcinoma.82,83 The invasive component can be very
(mean age, 48 years; male to female ratio ⬍1:20) and most focal, and numerous sections may be required to properly
arise in the body or tail of the pancreas.2,74–78 Macroscop- evaluate these neoplasms. Grossly papillary or nodular ar-
ically, MCNs are composed of thick-walled multilocular eas should be sampled first, as these areas are most likely
cysts that can become very large (up to 35 cm). The lesions to harbor a carcinoma component. If an invasive carcino-
often have a thick pseudocapsule, and the outer surface is ma is not identified in this initial sampling, then the entire
usually smooth and well demarcated (Figure 6). Focal cal- neoplasm should be submitted for histologic examination.
cifications are sometimes present at the periphery of the The invasive carcinomas that arise in association with
neoplasms. Unless there is fistula formation, the cysts do MCNs are usually of tubular/ductal type. Additionally,
not visibly communicate with the pancreatic ductal sys- some MCNs may be associated with undifferentiated car-
tem. The individual locules, seen grossly, are typically be- cinoma with osteoclast-like giant cells,84,85 adenosquamous
tween 1 and 3 cm and have thick walls. Especially in larg- carcinoma,86 choriocarcinoma, or even high-grade sarco-
er samples, the wall of the cysts may have velvety papil- ma.87 Pure mucinous (colloid) carcinoma is exceedingly
lations and even solid mural nodules that correspond to uncommon with MCNs.88 If an invasive carcinoma is pres-
papillary elements. The cyst contents are often mucoid, ent,63,81 it is preferable to report these entities as ‘‘invasive
but watery fluid, hemorrhagic fluid, or even necrotic de- carcinoma of 㛮㛮㛮 type, 㛮㛮㛮 cm, arising in association with
bris may also be noted. MCNs (㛮㛮㛮 cm).’’
Microscopically, the cysts are lined by tall, columnar, Recent studies indicate that grade does accurately pre-
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 133, March 2009 Pancreatic Cysts—Basturk et al 427
Figure 6. Mucinous cystic neoplasm typically forms a thick-walled cyst in the tail of pancreas.
Figure 7. Mucinous cystic neoplasm with low-grade dysplasia (mucinous cystadenoma). The cells have tall mucin-laden cytoplasm with basally
located bland-appearing nuclei. Note the underlying ovarian-like cellular stroma (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ⫻10).
Figure 8. Mucinous cystic neoplasm with high-grade dysplasia (carcinoma in situ) exhibits prominent papillary proliferations that form intraluminal
polypoid masses with cribriform architecture and loss of nuclear polarity. The nuclei show significant pleomorphism, prominent nucleoli and
increased mitoses (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ⫻20).
Figure 9. Intraductal oncocytic papillary neoplasms are characterized by complex branching papillae, oncocytic cells and intraepithelial lumina
that often contain mucin (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnifications ⫻4 and ⫻40 [inset]).
Figure 10. Large-duct variant of ductal adenocarcinoma is composed of irregularly distributed invasive glandular elements that are larger than
those of ordinary ductal adenocarcinoma. Some may show abortive papilla formation (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ⫻2).
Figure 11. Serous cystadenoma is characterized by a well-demarcated tumor composed of innumerable small cysts creating a spongelike or
honeycomb appearance. A stellate scar is commonly present.
428 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 133, March 2009 Pancreatic Cysts—Basturk et al
dict outcome,75,76,78,82 but this statement holds true only for documented. In our experience, despite their highly pro-
cases that can be graded properly. Patients with complete- liferative nature and large size (with a mean of 6 cm),
ly resected MCNs, in whom the presence of even a minute invasive carcinomas arising from IOPNs are typically un-
in situ or invasive carcinoma has been effectively excluded common, and such cases may have a long protracted clin-
by through examination and extensive sampling, are al- ical course. In other organs, such as the kidney, oncocytic
most always cured. However, those with invasive carci- change is associated with a biologic behavior different
noma often have a relatively aggressive clinical course from that of nononcocytic neoplasms. Whether this obser-
with recurrences and metastasis. Some tumors may have vation applies also to the pancreas remains to be seen.
more indolent behavior, presumably because of the small ‘‘Retention Cyst,’’ ‘‘Mucocele,’’ and ‘‘Mucinous Non-
size (early stage) of the invasive carcinoma, which is neoplastic Cyst.’’ In general, most cysts lined by mucin-
brought to clinical attention with a large MCN. In fact, in ous epithelium in the pancreas are considered neoplastic.
their analysis of 56 MCNs, Zamboni et al78 have reported This has become especially true since the inclusion of the
that the extent of invasion is the most significant prog- entity formerly called mucinous metaplasia or mucinous hy-
nostic factor. Patients with in situ carcinoma may, on oc- pertrophy into the PanIN category as PanIN-1A.72 However,
casion, also experience recurrences and metastases, pre- obstruction and fibrosis may lead to cystic dilatation of
sumably due to undocumented foci of invasive carcinoma. the upstream ducts7 (ie, a retention cyst, or if mucus filled,
Although MCNs and IPMNs have some features that a mucocele).95,96 Most patients with this type of cyst are
overlap, the two can be distinguished by clinical, gross, asymptomatic adults and the cysts are detected inciden-
and microscopic findings.67 While IPMNs are seen pre- tally. The lesions are usually single and unilocular with a
dominantly in the head of the pancreas and in older men smooth and glistening lining. Microscopically, they have
(60–70 years),34,78,89 most MCNs occur in the tail of the pan- a simple epithelial lining. Most authors restrict the term
creas in patients who are perimenopausal women. Intra- retention cyst to unilocular cysts lined by cuboidal cells
ductal papillary mucinous neoplasms involve the pancre- lacking significant apical mucin,7 but controversy exists
atic ducts, whereas MCNs typically do not communicate when these cysts exhibit columnar mucinous lining. Some
with the ductal system. Most importantly, the presence of authors classify such cases as mucinous nonneoplastic
ovarian stroma is diagnostic for MCNs and has become a cysts,97,98 whereas others prefer to include them in the cat-
requirement for the diagnosis of this tumor type.67 The egory of IPMNs with low-grade dysplasia. In other words,
only instance in which the requirement for the presence there are no specific criteria that distinguish these innoc-
of an ovarian stroma may perhaps be waived is when a uous mucin-lined cysts from IPMNs, or for small cysts,
tumor, with all the clinicopathologic characteristics of a from PanINs, except the presence of papillae, which allows
classical MCN, occurs in an older woman. Typically, how- an unequivocal diagnosis of branch duct IPMN. The au-
ever, even in these cases, the tumor would give the im- thors’ current approach is to classify a grossly detectable
pression that an atrophied and hyalinized ovarian-like cystic lesion, larger than 1 cm and lined by mucinous ep-
stroma forms a band around the cyst. ithelium, as an IPMN; however, it is quite possible that
Intraductal Oncocytic Papillary Neoplasm. Intraduc- this approach will change as more facts about these lesions
tal oncocytic papillary neoplasm (IOPN)90 is regarded as are elucidated. Since retention cysts may result from duc-
a special subtype of IPMN,74 although recent molecular tal obstruction, it is important to ensure that they are not
findings suggest that it may be different from IPMN. The caused by a tumor, such as a small invasive carcinoma
IOPNs typically lack the KRAS2 mutations, which are seen located proximal to the cyst.
in 70% of IPMNs.91,92 Regardless, many of the attributes Cystic Change in Ordinary Ductal Adenocarcinoma
discussed above for IPMNs also apply to IOPNs. The fea- and Other Invasive Carcinomas. Rarely, conventional
tures that characterize and delineate IOPNs from other infiltrating ductal adenocarcinomas of the pancreas may
IPMNs are the following. undergo cystic change.5,17,18 In our experience, this occurs
The unilocular or multilocular lesions exhibit cystic di- in less than 1% of cases.17 In some pancreatic cancers, a
latation of the pancreatic ducts, many of which contain large, radiologically detectable cyst may form because of
large, tan, and friable nodular proliferations. Microscopi- central necrosis. Such cases can be misdiagnosed preop-
cally, they are characterized by very tall and complex ar- eratively as ‘‘pseudocysts.’’ 99 In other cases, infiltrating
borizing papillae93 (Figure 9). One distinctive feature that ductal adenocarcinomas can obstruct the pancreatic duct
appears to be relatively specific for these neoplasms is the and lead to cystic dilatation of the upstream duct. A large
presence of intraepithelial lumina, which are round, duct (microcystic) variant of ductal adenocarcinoma100–102
punched-out spaces within the epithelium that often give also exists, with infiltrating tubular units that are larger
the proliferation a cribriform architecture (Figure 9). These than those of ordinary ductal adenocarcinomas (Figure
intraepithelial lumina often contain mucin. The cells of 10). This variant mimics noninvasive pancreatic tumors
IOPNs are oncocytic, because of an abundance of mito- characterized by cystic and papillary patterns such as
chondria, and the nuclei contain single, prominent, and MCNs or IPMNs. It may be distinguished from the latter
eccentric nucleoli (Figure 9). Scattered goblet cells may be group of neoplasms by the smaller size of its cysts, irreg-
identified. In contrast to other IPMN types, labeling of ularity of the duct contours, clustering of the ducts, pres-
IOPNs for MUC6 is usually positive,94 whereas MUC5AC ence of intraluminal neutrophils and granular debris, de-
and MUC2 are largely restricted to goblet cells, or are gree of cytologic pleomorphism, and myxoid quality of
present only focally. the stroma. Clinically it behaves like ordinary grade 1 duc-
Most IOPNs qualify for classification as carcinomas in tal adenocarcinoma.
situ based on the exuberance of papillary elements, the Other invasive malignant neoplasms of the pancreas,
large nuclei, prominent nucleoli, and mitotic activity; how- such as undifferentiated carcinoma with osteoclast-like gi-
ever, the relationship between this cytoarchitectural com- ant cells13 or squamous cell carcinomas,103 occasionally
plexity and the potential for malignancy has yet to be fully present as cystic masses.
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 133, March 2009 Pancreatic Cysts—Basturk et al 429
Figure 12. Serous cystadenoma. Numerous, tightly packed small cysts lined by low cuboidal tumor cells with clear cytoplasm, and small, round
uniform nuclei that have dense, uniform chromatin (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ⫻20).
Figure 13. Oligocystic variant of serous cystadenoma showing a large unilocular cavity.
Figure 14. Intraductal tubular carcinoma with nodular and smooth-contoured growth resembling intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm. Inset
shows tightly packed small tubular glands lined by cuboidal cells with round to oval atypical nuclei (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnifications
⫻2 and ⫻40 [inset]).

430 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 133, March 2009 Pancreatic Cysts—Basturk et al
Ductal Lineage, Serous (Clear Cell) Type inantly in the head of the pancreas, where it may obstruct
Serous Cystadenoma. Serous cystadenoma (SCA) is a the common bile duct and cause jaundice.114 It shows no
benign neoplasm composed of uniform glycogen-rich ep- evidence of sex predilection. The epithelial lining of these
ithelial cells that form innumerable small cysts containing cysts may become denuded, and it may be difficult to dis-
serous fluid.1,104 The mean age of affected patients is 61 tinguish oligocystic SCAs from mucinous neoplasms or
years. Up to one-third of the patients with SCA are pseudocysts unless the lesion is extensively sampled.
asymptomatic and the neoplasms are discovered inciden- VHL-Associated Pancreatic Cysts. Pancreatic involve-
tally. Almost two-thirds of SCAs occur in the body-tail ment is seen in 50% to 80% of patients with VHL syn-
region of the pancreas and are seen predominantly in fe- drome. The pancreatic cysts are virtually indistinguish-
male patients (female to male ratio, 3:1). The lesions usu- able from those of SCAs when taken out of context, but
ally present as relatively large masses measuring up to 25 they affect the pancreas diffusely or in a patchy fashion
cm. Macroscopic appearance is very distinctive and read- rather than forming a distinct, well-demarcated tumor.
ily diagnostic for this tumor type. Their cut surface shows Gene alterations associated with VHL are present in these
numerous, tightly packed, small, thin-walled cysts lesions.
(spongelike or honeycomb appearance) arranged around Serous Cystadenocarcinoma. Although extremely
a central stellate scar, which may contain calcifications rare, serous cystic neoplasms of the pancreas that involve
(Figure 11). The cysts usually do not communicate with lymph nodes and the liver have been reported104,115–122 and
the pancreatic duct system. form the basis for their designation as serous cystadeno-
Microscopically, the single layer of cuboidal or flattened carcinomas. Most are microscopically identical to SCAs,
cells lining the small cysts have well-defined cytoplasmic and no morphologic findings, other than tumorigenic be-
borders, pale to clear cytoplasm, and small, round uni- havior, distinguish these malignant variants from their be-
form nuclei with dense, homogeneous chromatin and in- nign counterparts.
conspicuous nucleoli (Figure 12). The nuclear contours are Ductal Lineage, Not Otherwise Specified
very smooth. Atypia and mitosis are absent. The tumor
cells are intimately admixed with prominent capillary net- Intraductal Tubular Carcinoma. Intraductal tubular
work akin to other clear-cell tumors also associated with carcinoma is a distinct clinicopathologic entity that has yet
von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome (renal cell carcino- to be fully characterized.123–125 By its intraductal nature, it
ma, capillary hemangioblastoma, etc).105 The central stel- resembles IPMNs and may occasionally have a similar
late scar and the stroma separating the cysts are composed cystic component. Microscopically, the lesions are com-
of acellular collagenous connective tissue. Special stains posed of intraductal nodules of tightly packed, small tu-
highlight the abundant intraepithelial glycogen with ab- bular glands and solid areas lined by predominantly cu-
sence of mucin. Serous cystadenomas are presumed to boidal cells with modest amounts of cytoplasm, which do
arise from the centroacinar cell/intercalated duct sys- not contain any apparent mucin. The nuclei are round to
tem106 and express cytokeratins (AE1/AE3, CAM 5.2, CK7, oval and atypical. Mitotic figures are readily identifiable
CK8, CK18, CK19), ␣-inhibin, and MUC6. Characteristi- (Figure 14). Necrosis has been reported in some cases, fo-
cally, there is no immunoreactivity to CEA.107 They do not cally showing comedo pattern.125 Immunohistochemically,
harbor the molecular genetic alterations that are charac- all the tumors are positive for CK7 and CK19, most ex-
teristic of mucinous-type ductal neoplasia of the pancre- press MUC1 and MUC6, and all are negative for CK20,
as.108,109 Instead, VHL gene alterations (loss of heterozy- CDX2, MUC2 and MUC5AC.
gosity at chromosome 3p25 and a VHL-gene germline mu- Approximately one-third of intraductal tubular carci-
tation) are detected in 40% of cases.106,110 GLUT-1, a mol- nomas have an associated, typically grossly invisible, in-
ecule involved in glycogen metabolism, is also expressed vasive adenocarcinoma.125 Therefore, careful sampling and
consistently.111 evaluation is warranted. Limited data indicate that if there
Currently, with the advances in radiologic methods, it is no associated invasive carcinoma despite the histologic
is more feasible to recognize SCAs preoperatively, and de- indicators of a high-grade malignancy, overall outcome is
ciding which patients are candidates for surgery becomes relatively favorable.
an issue. Some authors recommend nonoperative tumor
management with clinical follow-up for patients with Endocrine Lineage
asymptomatic and small (⬍4 cm) tumors and reserve the Cystic Pancreatic Endocrine Neoplasm. A mild cystic
option of resection for symptomatic patients, larger tu- change is not uncommon in pancreatic endocrine neo-
mors (⬎4 cm), or for tumors that show rapid growth rate plasms, particularly in the larger tumors, but marked cys-
(doubling time of a few months) in clinical follow-up.112 tic alteration is rarely seen.126–139 Although 25% of patients
Oligocystic (Macrocystic) Variant of Serous Cystade- with these neoplasms have hereditary multiple endocrine
noma. A rare oligocystic (macrocystic) variant of SCA is neoplasia syndrome, most tumors are clinically nonfunc-
composed of fewer but larger loculi and lacks the central tioning. They exhibit either a unilocular cyst (Figure 15)
stellate scar (Figure 13).106,113 This variant occurs predom- or a multilocular microcystic pattern. The cysts are lined

Figure 15. Pancreatic endocrine neoplasm with extensive cystic and hemorrhagic degeneration.
Figure 16. Cystic and intraductal acinar cell carcinoma forms papillary nodules that are punctuated by glandular and microcystic areas. The
cysts vary in size and configuration, and some contain intraluminal pale, acidophilic, amorphous material that is characteristic of enzymatic acinar
products (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ⫻10).
Figure 17. Solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm characterized by marked hemorrhage and cystic degeneration.

Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 133, March 2009 Pancreatic Cysts—Basturk et al 431
by a ragged cuff of well-preserved neoplastic endocrine Mesenchymal Lineage
cells and filled with a clear serosanguineous fluid instead
Schwannomas in the pancreas and retroperitoneum
of necrotic debris. The solid areas of the tumors reveal
tend to be cystic and are termed multicystic schwanno-
characteristic cytomorphologic features of a well-differ-
mas.148–150 They can be mistaken for MCN with denuded
entiated pancreatic endocrine neoplasm, including round,
epithelium. Some sarcomas,151 especially gastrointestinal
monotonous cells with a moderate amount of cytoplasm
stromal tumors, and other nonepithelial tumors of this re-
and distinctive nuclear chromatin pattern. Although the
gion, such as paragangliomas, also present as a cyst.5,152
tumors are large, malignant behavior is not as high as
expected, which raises the question of whether the cystic
Undetermined Lineage
component leads to an overestimation of size without con-
tributing to the effective tumor volume. Solid-Pseudopapillary Neoplasm. Solid-pseudopap-
illary neoplasm (SPN) is a distinctive tumor type in the
Acinar Lineage pancreas that often presents as a cystic mass, and for this
reason was previously referred to as solid and cystic,153,154
Acinar Cell Cystadenoma (Cystic Acinar Transforma-
solid and papillary,155 cystic and papillary, and papillary cys-
tion). This uncommon phenomenon is seen in adults
tic.156,157 It is now known that the cavities of SPNs are not
with a mean age of 47 years, and the consensus is that it
‘‘true’’ cysts, but rather represent a necrotic/degenerative
is a benign process.7,140,141 The lesion is usually discovered
incidentally but may produce a clinically detectable uni-
Most SPNs occur in women in their twenties or thir-
locular or multilocular cystic mass ranging from 1.5 to 10
ties158 (mean age, 28 years; male to female ratio, 1:20). The
cm in greatest diameter. Multicentricity is common, and
lesions are relatively evenly distributed throughout the
some lesions diffusely involve the pancreas. Microscopi-
gland and are often large (with a mean diameter of 9 to
cally, the cysts are lined by 1 to several layers of cytolog-
10 cm).4 Some appear grossly encapsulated. The cut sur-
ically bland acinar cells with round, basally oriented nu-
face typically shows variable appearance depending on
clei and granular, eosinophilic apical cytoplasm. The cy-
the degree of hemorrhage and necrosis. Some have a
toplasmic zymogen granules are positive for periodic
bloody appearance with only scattered, beige-tan solid tu-
acid–Schiff and resistant to diastase digestion. Immuno-
mor foci (Figure 17); others may be solid, fleshy tumors
histochemical labeling for markers of acinar differentiation
throughout. Small streaks extending to the adjacent pan-
(trypsin, chymotrypsin, and lipase) is also positive. Inter-
creas are common. Often, the cellular areas show a deli-
estingly, the tumor cells express CK7, while normal acinar
cate microvasculature that forms pseudorosettes, creating
cells are negative for this marker.
an ependymoma-like appearance (Figure 18), or they may
Acinar Cell Cystadenocarcinoma. The cystic form of
be accompanied by hyalinized or myxoid stroma. This dis-
acinar cell carcinoma (ACC) is well documented but is
tinctive pattern is created by the differential dyscohesion
extremely uncommon; only a handful of cases have been
of cells away form the vasculature, apparently related to
documented in the literature.142–146 The lesions are large
the recently documented alterations in cell adhesion mol-
(mean size, 24 cm), circumscribed, and diffusely cystic,
ecules such as E-cadherin and ␤-catenin.159–161 Clusters of
with individual locules ranging from a few millimeters to
uniform tumor cells usually have eosinophilic cytoplasm.
several centimeters. Microscopically, the cysts are lined by
Cytoplasmic vacuoles and foamy macrophages are also
single or several layers of neoplastic acinar cells, some-
common. Some cells may contain periodic acid-Schiff–pos-
times forming minute lumina within the epithelial lining.
itive and diastase-resistant intracytoplasmic eosinophilic
There is nuclear atypia with prominent single nucleoli.
hyaline globules. The nuclei are round to oval and uniform
Solid nests of neoplastic cells, areas of necrosis, and easily
(Figure 18) and have finely stippled chromatin and fre-
identifiable mitotic figures support a malignant diagnosis.
quent longitudinal grooves. The overall appearance of
Special stains and immunohistochemical markers can be
SPNs closely resembles that of pancreatic endocrine neo-
used to document the presence of acinar differentiation.
plasia, but unlike endocrine tumors, the nests in SPNs
Cystic/Intraductal Acinar Cell Carcinoma. Acinar cell
tend to be less distinct. There are irregular clusters of cells,
carcinomas are typically solid tumors; however, some
nuclei are more ovoid, and the chromatin pattern is more
ACCs show prominent intraductal growth and/or papil-
fine and diffuse rather than having a salt-and-pepper ap-
locystic patterns, which brings in the differential diagnosis
of intraductal neoplasia147 (Figure 16), and may also have
Solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm is one of very few neo-
a cystic component. The correlation of macroscopic and
plasms for which the direction of differentiation of the
microscopic findings, histochemical and immunohisto-
neoplastic cells has yet to be established. No evidence ex-
chemical features can be helpful for distinguishing these
ists for ductal, acinar, or frank endocrine differentia-
tumors from intraductal neoplasms, especially IPMNs.
tion.47,158 Immunohistochemically, the neoplastic cells dif-
fusely and strongly express vimentin, ␣1-antitrypsin,
Endothelial Lineage
CD56, and neuron-specific enolase; meanwhile, expression
Lymphangioma. Lymphangiomas may also present as of epithelial markers (AE1/AE3, CAM 5.2) can be focal or
pancreatic and peripancreatic cystic masses that may mea- weak. Cells are commonly positive for synaptophysin and
sure as much as 25 cm.6 Histologically, the lesions are neuron-specific enolase; however, staining for chromo-
lined by endothelial cells, as demonstrated by immuno- granin, the most specific endocrine marker, is typically
histochemical labeling for endothelial markers (CD31, negative or only very focal. Recently, CD10 expression162
CD34, or D2-40). Labeling for epithelial markers (cytoker- was found to be almost uniformly present, and c-kit
atins) is consistently negative. The stroma may contain (CD117)163 and FLI-1164 expressions were detected in many
smooth muscle cells, aggregates of mature lymphocytes, SPNs. Moreover, the neoplastic cells consistently express
and foamy histiocytes. progesterone receptors and also the beta form of estrogen
432 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 133, March 2009 Pancreatic Cysts—Basturk et al
transformation with aggressive clinical course were re-
Mature Cystic Teratoma. Mature cystic teratomas are
exceedingly rare neoplasms in the pancreas and, as in oth-
er sites, are recognized by the presence of mature tissue
elements from three germlines.171 Those reported in the
pancreas are predominantly monodermal teratomas with
only ectodermal derivatives and are referred to as der-
moid cysts.172 They are usually seen in younger patients
(in their second or third decade of life) and are difficult
to distinguish from lymphoepithelial cysts. The presence
of sebaceous glands or hair follicles is more typical for
dermoid cysts. Thorough macroscopic and microscopic
examinations are warranted for areas of solid, fleshy, or
necrotic tissue to assess the presence of a carcinoma aris-
ing within the teratoma.
Duplication (Enterogenous) Cysts
Very rarely, congenital cysts of foregut derivation may
also occur adjacent to the pancreas.173–177 They may cause
pancreatitis and often present in childhood. Most are
found in the head of the pancreas and some communicate
with the pancreatic ducts. They are lined by a variety of
epithelia including squamous, gastric, small intestinal, re-
spiratory (bronchogenic), or simple ciliated epithelium.178–180
The wall of the cyst contains bundles of smooth muscles.
We have also seen 2 examples with ciliated epithelium and
one of these had an associated high-grade papillary ade-
nocarcinoma with pancreatobiliary-type features.
Duodenal Diverticula
Duodenal diverticula are outpouchings of the duode-
num, and the lumen of the cyst (as well as mucosa) is
Figure 18. Solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm. Prominent pseudopapil- contiguous with the duodenal lumen. These rare lesions
lary growth pattern is present (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnifica- may coexist with other anatomic abnormalities such as
tion ⫻10).
choledochocele, annular pancreas, or polysplenia syn-
Figure 19. Nuclear and cytoplasmic ␤-catenin staining in solid-pseu- drome.181 Most are found at or near the ampulla of Vater
dopapillary neoplasm (original magnification ⫻40). and extend distally into the lumen of the duodenum. The
common bile duct and pancreatic duct usually empty into
the diverticulum, and then a second orifice in the diver-
receptors,165 suggesting a role for hormones in the evolu- ticulum allows drainage of the duct contents into the in-
tion of these neoplasms. testine.182 Patients may have complications such as inter-
The only known, generally consistent genetic aberration mittent duodenal obstruction, bleeding, abdominal pain,
is a mutation in exon 3 of the ␤-catenin gene, which results or occasionally pancreatitis.182 In fact, some complications
in nuclear ␤-catenin staining166,167 (Figure 19). The expres- may result from a paraduodenal wall cyst associated with
sion of CD56, progesterone receptor, and FLI-1, all located paraduodenal pancreatitis, as discussed above. Duodenal
on chromosome 11q, points to the fact that chromosome diverticula should be distinguished from foregut cysts,
11q may be involved in a translocation or harbor a mu- which do not communicate with the duodenal lumen.
tation that results in the expression of some or all of these
proteins in SPNs.164,168 Others
Yet another peculiar aspect of SPNs is their clinical be- Patients with polycystic kidney disease,183 both adult
havior.158 More than 80% of SPNs are cured by surgical and infantile types, and with medullary cystic kidneys184
resection. Ten percent to 15% of affected patients may may have cystic lesions in the pancreas. Cystic fibrosis
have metastases to the liver or peritoneum, rarely to the may lead to the cystic dilatation of the pancreatic ducts,
lymph nodes, but even patients with metastases are often generally not clinically detectable, by causing intraluminal
cured by surgical resection. There do not appear to be any impaction.185,186
reliable histopathologic criteria to distinguish SPNs that Cystic transformation of the pancreas has also been de-
can metastasize from those that do not.169 Necrosis, mitotic scribed in a variety of congenital syndromes187 including
activity, perineurial invasion, and invasion to adjacent Ivemark syndrome, trisomy 13 or 15, Meckel-Gruber syn-
pancreas have all failed to prove any correlation with met- drome, Elejalde syndrome, glutaric aciduria, chondrodys-
astatic behavior. However, recently, 2 cases of anaplastic plasia, short-rib polydactyly syndrome (Jeune syndrome
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 133, March 2009 Pancreatic Cysts—Basturk et al 433
and Saldino-Noonan type),188 and others with no specific
Familial fibrocystic pancreatic atrophy is an interesting
phenomenon described in a family with pancreatic cancer
from Seattle, Washington, and is characterized by a lobu-
locentric pancreatic atrophy associated with fibrocystic
(microcystic) changes and endocrine cell proliferation.190
Other families with pancreatic cancer may also show sim-
ilar cystic changes.191

Lymphoepithelial Cyst
Lymphoepithelial cysts are multilocular (60%) or uni-
locular (40%) cystic lesions mostly seen in older adults
(mean age, 56 years) with a male predominance (male to
female ratio, 4:1).172,192 They can be seen in any component
of the pancreas and often project into the peripancreatic
tissues. The cyst content may vary from serous to cheesy/
caseous appearing. If the cyst content is removed, the lin-
ing of the cysts is observed to be smooth or finely gran-
ular. The cyst wall and trabeculae are usually 1 to 3 mm
Microscopically, the cysts are lined by well-differenti-
ated stratified squamous epithelium (Figure 20), usually
with keratinization. In some areas, the lining may appear
more transitional, and in others, appear flat, cuboidal, and
focally denuded. Rarely, there are scattered sebaceous and
mucinous gobletlike cells (Figure 20). A recent report in-
dicates that goblet cells may be more common than pre-
viously appreciated.193 Extensive sebaceous or mucinous
elements are more suggestive of a teratoma. The squa-
mous epithelium is surrounded by a band of dense lym-
phoid tissue (Figure 20) composed of mature T lympho-
cytes. Reactive germinal center formation is common. In
some examples, the lymphoid tissue has a thin capsule
and a subcapsular sinus, suggesting that the process may
have arisen in a peripancreatic lymph node. Epithelioid
granulomas, collections of foamy histiocytes, cholesterol
clefts, and fat necrosis may be present. The adjacent pan-
creas is usually unremarkable. Lymphoepithelial cysts of
the pancreas do not appear to be associated with condi-
tions related to lymphoepithelial cysts of the parotid gland
or head and neck region, such as autoimmune disorders,
human immunodeficiency virus infection, lymphoma, or Figure 20. Lymphoepithelial cyst. The cyst is lined by squamous-type
carcinoma, and their origin is uncertain. epithelium with scattered goblet cells surrounded by a distinct band of
lymphoid tissue (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ⫻20).
Squamoid Cyst of Pancreatic Ducts Figure 21. Epidermoid cyst within intrapancreatic accessory spleen.
The cyst has a thin squamous epithelial lining surrounded by splenic
Squamoid cysts of pancreatic ducts are relatively small, red and white pulps (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnification ⫻4).
unilocular cysts with a median size of 1.5 cm; however,
some are large, may have high CEA levels, and thus un-
dergo resection with the clinical impression of being an
IPMN. The lesions have variable lining ranging from at- the squamous/transitional nature of the epithelial lining
tenuated, flat, nonstratified squamous to transitional to (p63 nuclear expression, which is not otherwise detected
mucosal-type stratified squamous epithelium without cor- in other components of the pancreas),195 and also suggests
nified layer or parakeratosis. They typically contain dis- a relationship to the centroacinar/intercalated duct sys-
tinctive muco-proteinaceous acidophilic acinar secretions tem (MUC1 and MUC6 expression).
that form concretions, thus confirming communication
with the acinar system. The wall of the cyst is composed Epidermoid Cysts Within Intrapancreatic
of a thin band of fibrous tissue devoid of any lymphoid Accessory Spleen
tissue. Neither acute nor chronic inflammation is a feature These cysts are extremely rare. All the reported cases
of this lesion.194 Clinical, macroscopic, and microscopic have occurred in the tail of the pancreas,172,196–198 where
findings indicate that squamoid cysts of pancreatic ducts accessory spleens are not too uncommon. They are seen
represent cystic dilatation of the native ducts rather than in adults (mean age, 37 years), and occur equally in men
a de novo cyst formation. The immunophenotype confirms and women. The lesions can be unilocular or multilocular
434 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 133, March 2009 Pancreatic Cysts—Basturk et al
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