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2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE)

Blind User Wearable Audio Assistance for Indoor Navigation

Based on Visual Markers and Ultrasonic Obstacle Detection

W. C. S.S. SIMÕES, Member, IEEE and V. F. de LUCENA Jr., Senior Member, IEEE
Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil,

Abstract – This paper presents an indoor navigation wearable and his group proposed a tool that makes use of pre-estimated
system based on visual markers recognition and ultrasonic directions obtained by magnetic sensors, angular velocity
obstacles perception used as an audio assistance for blind people. calculus, gravity sensors, and RGB camera to guide their
In this prototype, visual markers identify the points of interest in users. This work used Kalman filters to process data and to
the environment; additionally this location status is enriched with increase the location accuracy and the route calculations [4].
information obtained in real time by other sensors. A map lists
these points and indicates the distance and direction between
Based on the already presented works and on the specific
closer points, building a virtual path. The blind users wear also needs of the local blind community we decided to develop a
glasses built with sensors like RGB camera, ultrasonic, new low cost tool able to help the indoor navigation through
magnetometer, gyroscope, and accelerometer enhancing the audio instructions. The guidance mode is done using visual
amount and quality of the available information. The user markers arranged on the environment, linked as nodes in a
navigates freely in the prepared environment identifying the bidirectional connected graph. Detection of obstacles is made
location markers. Based on the origin point information or the
using computer vision and ultrasonic perception.
location point information and on the gyro sensor value the path
to next marker (target) is calculated. To raise the perception of
the environment, avoiding possible obstacles, it is used a couple II. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM
of ultrasonic sensors. The audio assistance provided to the user The proposed wearable device is a combination composed
makes use of an audio bank, with simple known instructions to
of a hardware module and two software modules to deal with
indicate precisely the desired route and obstacles. Ten blind users
tested and evaluated the system. The results showed rates of the collected environmental information. The software
about 94.92% successful recognition of the markers using only 26 modules recognize visual markers through one RGB camera
frames per second and 98.33% of ultrasonic obstacles perception and static or dynamic obstacles through ultrasonic sensors at a
disposed between 0.50 meters and 4.0 meters. safe distance. The users receive instructions through sound
messages in their bone conduction headset [5]. Fig. 1 shows
I. INTRODUCTION the proposed software architecture.
For blind people, walk freely is a challenge due to lack of
information about the destination addresses, obstacles, etc. For
them, there are plenty of new technologies that could be
employed to decrease the difficulties caused by this
impairment, making the relationship between man and
environment more harmonious as possible [1].
Blind people use mainly the canes to move around and
avoid obstacles. That is a very useful instrument and widely
spread among blind people worldwide. Unfortunately, it is still
a limited resource unable to provide an independent
navigation and it cannot be used to detect objects or people
more than a few feet away or above the waist of the user [1].
In fact, there are related proposals dealing with this
problem based on modern technologies. Barathi and his
associates presented a navigation technique using ultrasonic
sensors on a cane and glasses to perceive obstacles on the
ground level and above the head. They used standardized
audio messages related to the perceived values to
communicate with users [2]. Xiangxin and Mates described
the building of a dog robot guide that uses ultrasonic sensors
and an intelligent cord to communicate with users. The robot Fig. 1. Proposed interaction system architecture.
indicates through vibrations and jerks the action to be
performed [3]. The robot also used a camera to capture images The hardware module consists in a pair of glasses modeled
to recognize obstacles through classifiers Haar Cascade. Tian to receive a RGB camera and two ultrasonic sensors. A low
cost mini PC was used to run the computer vision algorithms,
SAMSUNG, CAPES, FAPEAM, and CNPq supported this research. store the Haar Cascade classifiers, store the audio database,

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2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE)

control a bone conduction headset, and a camera. A information or not belonging to any object harm the
microcontroller board controls the ultrasonic sensors, a identification process.
magnetometer, a gyroscope, and one accelerometer. The initial After the image processing, it is performed the image
prototype used a pair of ordinary glasses with a camera and segmentation step. This step consists in use filters to separate
ultrasonic sensors attached to them (Fig. 2). or group the pixels in patterns. In this project are used the
Sobel [7] and Canny [6] filters respectively to highlight or
rebuild the thin and thick edges of objects.
To build a Haar-Like classifier it is necessary to use two
images sets: the positive, which contains the object one wants
to map, and negative, which contains other objects. Haar-like
is an automaton that searchs for a string of binarized data in a
tree AdaBoost (tree where each node is a sub-tree).
OpenCV uses three algorithms to build the Haar-like
cascade: Objectmarker, CreateSamples, and TrainCascade [9].
The Objectmarker creates a text file containing the image
name and markers of the selected area. This file is converted
Fig. 2. First pair of glasses used in experiments. into a vector through CreateSamples tool that standardizes the
brightness, lighting and the images size for submission in the
After the first feedbacks about the usability of the classification process. The Traincascade learns the pattern
prototype, we decided to design the glasses to hide the submitted in the vector and builds a Haar-Like tree.
electronics and making it a more discreet device. A 3D printer Some related work suggest that to reach a good classifier it
was used to try out the users’ suggestions. Some partial results is necessary around 10,000 low quality images and a 14 level
are shown in Fig. 3. tree [8]-[9]. This project uses 2,000 high definition images and
18 level tree, empirically defined by tuning of the tree
The indoor environments can be workplaces or homes. In
these places have static objects (doors, walls, etc.), objects that
can change places (furniture), and dynamic objects. The map
of indoor environment is done using printed visual markers
arranged at known points (static and furniture objects) [12].
The marker attributes like IDs, audio information, and
relationship with other markers are recorded on a database.
Each of the markers have a unique identifier and can be easily
recognized by the system. Ultrasonic perception complete the
system to trigger warning signals about the dynamic objects to
the user and to the computer vision.
The markers identification process uses proximity methods
and visual pattern analysis. The proximity method uses a
symbolic and relative location of the marker, through abstract
Fig. 3. Glasses prototype design process.
and statistical information. These markers positioning
information are used in navigation.
The software module consists in a Computer Vision module
During navigation, when the system detects a marker, the
and the Ultrasonic Perception module operating in parallel
information about your position, direction to others markers,
mode. The computer vision module is used to recognize the
arrival time, etc. are updated and enhanced. The name of this
visual markers and some obstacles placed in the environment.
method is navigation by proximity based on visual pattern.
It first performs the video stabilization to correct the motion
This method allows increasing the information about the states
caused by the user walking. The image processing adapts the
of the markes with the use. With an enough learning time, the
system to brightness variations and smooths the detected
system tends to stabilization and stops the modification of the
noises. The image segmentation reinforces the outer edges and
the inner details of the objects before the recognizer step.
In step of image preprocessing, a radiometric calibration A. Guidance Mode
makes the system adaptable to brightness and luminous In order to run an experiment, six visual markers (A, B, C,
intensity changes. In order to increase the objects perception D, E, and N) were adopted. The first goal was to find the best
applies the following noise reducing techniques: histogram places to put the markers, considering the different height of
equalization, morphological transformation and Gaussian users, ease of reading the markers. After these experiences, we
smoothing. decided to glue the markers on the floor. This decision helped
The image processing techniques has to two effects: remove to eliminate the need for users in turning their heads from side
important data or keep some noise. When removes important to side to detect the markers. These markers were placed in a
data, some objects lost characteristics that helps in identifying corridor, as shown in Fig. 4.
them. When leftover noise in the image, unconnected

61 978-1-4673-8364-6/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE)

These users had the following profile: average height of 1.7

meters, average steps distance of 47 centimeters. The average
of their speed walk was 20 steps in 17 seconds (1.17 steps in
one second).
A path was chosen with a mandatory return to the starting
point to be experienced by users. The path starts at an
intersection (E) and follows a straight corridor to the
bookmark D. At this point, the user indicated that he/ she
Fig. 4. Scenario for free mode navigation. would like to return to the initial marker to finalize his/ her
The visual markers are processed as nodes in a bidirectional In our experiments, each user has done 5 navigations,
connected graph. A weight value is given to each node using totaling 50. In each navigation there were 6 markers covering
as criterion the distance between them. These values are a distance of 80 meters. The total number of read markers was
recorded in an adjacency matrix (Table I). The weights 1, 2 300 in all 50 navigations. Each navigation recorded the time
and 10 indicate respectively the markers directly linked, route spent in the full path and the delivery time of messages about
junction and indirectly linked. the targets or about the obstacles in the path. The path itself
was also registered on a database.
A B C D E N In all navigations, users had contact with 300 markers and
A 10 1 10 10 2 10 only 8 markers were missed or falsely identified due to light
conditions. The success rates was 94.92% for markers
B 1 10 10 10 10 10
detection and 98.33% to perception the obstacles. The average
C 10 1 10 10 10 10 time to reach destination was 100 seconds.
D 10 10 1 10 10 10
In order to get subjective feedback about the system, users
were subjected to six questions (Table 2). Question 1 was
E 2 10 10 10 10 2 about the quality of the guidance obtained by the system.
N 10 10 10 10 2 10 Question 2 was about the system capacity to provide freedom
or independence to users in navigation along the path.
For each marker, multiple sound instructions are associated. Question 3 was about the extent to which the system was
The user receives the accurate instruction, according of his/her helpful in providing information about the current position
trajectory. The system calculates the user direction and selects and/or localization. Question 4 was about how much the
the audio instruction to assist the user. system was reliable to the user. Question 5 was about the
For example, in a navigation from E (route junction) to the response time of the system and the Question 6 about the
marker D, the system builds a trajectory and selects the audio usability of the system.
instruction, as showed in Fig. 5.
Performance Evaluation Level
Question Excellent Good Good Satisfactory Poor
1 Guidance quality 55% 30% 5% 5% 5%
2 Independence 35% 35% 25% 5% 0%

Fig. 5. Path between marker E and marker D with audio assistance. 3 Localization 35% 35% 25% 5% 0%
4 Reliability 55% 20% 10% 15% 0%
Using the adjacency matrix the system can offer the best and 5 Response time 35% 35% 20% 10% 0%
shorter path and do corrections to get a specific marker if user 6 Usability 5% 65% 20% 10% 0%
takes a wrong way. In adjacency matrix, each cell have the
actual marker weight value. Looking at the two best results of performance evaluation
The system uses proximity algorithms to receive information (Excellent or Very Good), one realizes that: 85% approved the
about the symbolic location of markers and enhances this guidance qualify (question 1), 75% approved the reliability
information with visual pattern analysis, through information (question 4), 70% approved the system independence, model
on characteristics of the scene. The system increases the of localization adopted, response time and usability (questions
degree of accuracy with the use and performs fine adjustments 2, 3, 5 and 6).
to the predefined information of the markers. The answers over these questions show clearly points
where the research and prototype must be improved in order to
III. EXPERIMENTS satisfy the users.
Ten blind users evaluated the proposed navigation system
efficiency. They received a brief explanation about the system.

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2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE)

V. EVALUATIONS A pair of glasses with camera and ultrasonic sensors was

Two evaluation criteria were used: efficiency and time to used as a wearable device for detection and identification of
recognizing a certain visual marker by classifiers. In order to the points of interest through visual markers. The markers and
evaluate efficiency in recognizing the classifiers, the proposed obstacles mapped, when detected on the routes, were informed
techniques presented by Rautaray and Agrawal [10], and by to the blind user through sound instructions and the obstacles
Wilson and Fernandez [11] were used. The algorithms were unmapped by warning sound signals.
implemented so that the classifiers could be tested as The results show that there are still many gaps to be treated
originally proposed. In fact, they could be reproduced and for increased quality in indoor navigation directed to blind
parameterized according with descriptions given by the users and that the approaches used are promising. The next
authors. Table III summarizes the results obtained from each steps are more detailed studies on the indoor mapping
marker classifier. techniques, definition of a language to be used in the
identification of markers and run other experiments using
TABLE III different models of cameras, like the infrared camera, to
ADJACENCY MATRIX FROM EXPERIMENTAL ENVIRONMENT increase the prototype confidence on your results, mainly
This work [11] [10] when used it in low-light environments.

True False True False True False REFERENCES

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This paper proposed the application of strategies that
allowed to the user to navigate in an indoor environment
through use of a wearable navigation system, discreet and with
low cost. The system offered an audio assistance when
recognized a visual marker on the environment and warned
about potential obstacles unmapped, located on the route.
The development methodology of this work indicated that
the Indoor Navigation could adopt a mapping of identification
points by an adjacency matrix and processing in a self-
organizing tree for offering guidance maps from these points.

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