Lizette Felipe - 20time Annotated Working Bibliography - 1233964

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20Time Annotated Working Bibliography1 

1. MLA Citation: ​Use EasyBib to develop an MLA citation and copy it here. 

A Study on Bullying Tendencies among Preadolescents.” ​Journal of Education and Learning ​, 2017 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below. 

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

This article is about the amount of bullying that occured in school, and is now a problem that needs 
to be solved.  

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

What this source offer is the real meaning of bullying. In this source the writer went into deep of a 
detail of bullying.  

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 

This source fits into my research because open more doors to me to understand the meaning of 
bullying, and each group of age deals with it. Yes, this source was very helpful. Before this source I 
already knew what bullying meant but with this source it dug deeper into bullying.  
2. MLA Citation: ​Use EasyBib to develop an MLA citation and copy it here. 

“Bullying .” ​American Psychological Association​, American Psychological Association, 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below. 

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

This source was about bullying as well. But it tells you what to do if you are being bullied or if you 
see someone being bullied, and take standers and be a upstander. For an example, in the article 
children are not the only ones that are being bullied it, people that work in offices also are being 
bullied. In school the psychologists had found a way to prevent the bullying from happening, which is 
by setting up a bullying prevention programs, using the research they are using. “​But psychologists
are using this research to develop bullying prevention programs that are being implemented in
schools around the world.”

Adapted from ​Purdue OWL

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

What this resource offers that the other resources did not offer is the resource that you can receive 
help if you are being bullied, or you can help someone if they are being bullied.   

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 

This source fits into my research because bullying is not a good thing to face when you are alone, 
and in this resource it has benefits in it that people get there it.  
3. MLA Citation: ​Use EasyBib to develop an MLA citation and copy it here. 

“Dealing With Bullying (for Teens).” Edited by D'Arcy Lyness, K
​ idsHealth​, The Nemours Foundation, July 2013, 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below. 

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

This source also goes more deeper into bullying. As said before the age group that is affected more 
are children. As said in the article there are kids that wake up every morning scared to go to school 
because they are being bullied. Also how the adults are unable to see the bullying happening. 

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

This resources gave me good answer because before starting this research I knew kids that were 
being bullied were most likely scared to tell an adult that they were being bullied. Also this resource 
helped me understand why kids are being bullied, which is because of their social or appearances. 
This goal of this source is to help me why bullying ourres.  

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project 

This source fits into my research because it explains why bullying happens. Yes this source was very 
helpful because it helps me understand more why some kids are scared to go to school. This source 
helps to shape my understanding of the controversy I am researching because it helped me put 
myself in kids shoes and understanding where they are coming from.  
4. MLA Citation: ​Use EasyBib to develop an MLA citation and copy it here. 

“Dealing With Bullying (for Teens).” Edited by D'Arcy Lyness, K
​ idsHealth​, The Nemours Foundation, July 2013, 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below. 

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

“​Bullying is, presumably, as old as humanity, but research into it is relatively young: in 1997,” This article is about a
writer that wrote. She was studying about bullying as well. In her research there was only “4 states that had oficial
statutes against bullying.”

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

This resource responds to my research question by knowing more about bullying. Reading her article 
helped me understand why people take bullying so serious. What this source offers that others 
sources do not offer is a real life story. Yes, this research is reliable because the writer herself did 
research on bullying and what was done. 

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 

This source fits into my research because it bullying, and how bullying can be solve.  
5. MLA Citation: ​Use EasyBib to develop an MLA citation and copy it here. 

Lorenz, Taylor. “Teens Are Being Bullied 'Constantly' on Instagram.” T
​ he Atlantic​, Atlantic Media Company, 10 Oct. 2018, 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below.

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

This source is about teens that get bullied a lot on social media called instagram. Using the social 
media of Instagram teens are allowed to communicate with other friends. But then the friendships 
bonds that were created online end up turning down hill. Online a survey was created nd more than 
one in five 12-20 year old that experience bullying on Instagram.  

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

The source responds to my research question now it is talking about the age groups that gets bullied 
online. What this resource offers that other do not is a real life example of cyberbullying that is 
happening online. Yes, this resource is reliable because the survey that was done online showed he 
age agew that was being bullied and in what way teenagers were bullying each other  

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 

This source fit into my research question by now seeing how teenagers were affecting each by 
bullying each other on social media. I can used this in my project by comparing kids and teenagers 
on those who have been bullied.  
6. MLA Citation: ​Use EasyBib to develop an MLA citation and copy it here. 
“Bullying.” ​Psychology Today​, Sussex Publishers, 2019, 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below. 

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

This source talks about who is a bully. Such as a bully has a lack of prosocial behavior, or untrobled 
by anxiety and having a hard time understanding others feelings. This source also talks about the 
age group that has experienced bullied. For an example, 6-12 grades, and a quarter of students have 
experienced it.  
Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

The source responds to my research question because as said before the source talked about 
kids/teenagers that have experience bullying before. Yes this information is reliable because it also 
talks about the meaning of bullying and why a bullier bullies others. 

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 

This source fits into my resource because it would go along with the age group that are being 
affected by bullying. But also source let me know what grades levels were being affected by being 
bullied in school.  
7. MLA Citation: ​Use EasyBib to develop an MLA citation and copy it here. 

“Facts for Kids About Bullying.” S
​​, Department of Health and Human Services, 2019, 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below. 

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

This source was about those who have been bullied feels, such as feeling depressed, sad, or lonely. 
Alos why the kid bully other for example they think they are better the the kid they are bullying.  

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

The source responds to my research question is the different ways bullying occurs, such as why a 
kid bully or what a kid could do when they see bullying happening. 

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 

This sources fits into my research because I got to know what the kids that are experiencing bullying 
or in the other hand what cause the bully to bully other kids. I could use this in my project because 
explaining how the kids feels.  
MLA Citation: ​Use EasyBib to develop an MLA citation and copy it here. 

Link to source: ​Share a link to the source below. 

Summary: ​Describe the key points of the source, including at least three key quotes. 

Assessment: ​Evaluate how the source responds to your research question. What does this source 
offer that other sources do not offer? Is the information reliable? How do you know? Is the source 
biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? 

Reflection: ​How does this source fit into your research? Was it helpful? If so, how? How does it help 
to shape your understanding of the controversy you are researching? How can you use this source 
in your project? 


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