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Middeleeuws Nederlands Zij kwamen bij een galgenveld,
Traditional, unless stated otherwise daar hing zo menig vrouwenbeeld.

Heer Halewijn Alsdan heeft hij tot haar gezeid,

mits gij de schoonste maget zeit,
AADA AGAD DAAA of EEAE EDEA AEEE zo kiest uw dood, het is nog tijd.

Wel als ik dan toch kiezen zal,

Heer Halewijn zong een liedekijn,
dan kies ik toch het zweerd voor al.
en al die dat hoorde wou bij hem zijn
Maar trekt eerst uit uw opperst kleed,
En dat vernam een koningskind,
want maagdenbloed dat spreidt zo breed,
dat was zo schoon en welbemind
zo ’t u bespreidde dat ware mij leed.
Zij ginc al voor haar vader staan,
Eer dat zijn kleed getogen was,
ach vader mag ik naar Halewijn gaan
zijn hoofd lag voor zijn voeten ras,
zijn tong nog deze woorden sprak:
Ach neem, gij dochter, neen gij niet,
die derwaarts gaan en keren niet.
Gaat ginder in het koren,
en blaas daar op mijn horen,
Zij ginc al voor haar moeder staan,
dat al mijn vrinden ’t horen.
ach moeder mag ik naar Halewijn gaan
Al in het koren en gaan in niet,
Ach neem, gij dochter, neen gij niet,
op uw horen en blaas ik niet,
die derwaarts gaan en keren niet.
moordenaars wil en doen ik niet.
Zij ginc al voor haar zuster staan,
Gaat ginder onder de galge,
ach zuster mag ik naar Halewijn gaan
en haal aar een pot met zalve,
en strijk die aan mijnen roden hals.
Ach neem, gij zuster, neen gij niet,
die derwaarts gaan en keren niet.
Al onder de galge en gaan ik niet,
een pot met zalve en haal ik niet,
Zij ginc al voor haar broeder staan,
moordenaars wil en doen ik niet.
ach broeder mag ik naar Halewijn gaan.
Zij zette zich schrijlings op haar ros,
’t is mij al eens al waar dat gij gaat,
en zingend en klingend reed zij door ’t bos.
als gij uw eer maar wel bewaart
en gij uw kroon met rechten draagt.
Zij zette het hoofd op haren schoot,
van bloed was haren voorschoot rood.
Toen is zij op haar kamer gegaan,
daar trok zij haar beste kleren aan.
En toen zij kwam ter halver baan,
kwam Halewijns moeder daar gegaan:
Wat deed zij aan haren live,
Schoon maagd, zaagt gij mijn zoon niet gaan?
een hemdeken fijnder als zijde.
Uw zoon heer Halewijn is gaan jagen,
Wat deed zij aan, haar schoon korslijf,
gij ziet hem weer uws levens dagen.
van gouden banden stond het stijf.
Uw zoon heer Halewijn is dood,
Wat deed zij aan, haar roden rok,
ik heb zijn hoofd in mijnen schoot,
van steke tot steke een gouden knop.
van bloed is mijnen voorschoot rood.
Wat deed zij aan, haar keerle,
Als zij aan haar vaders poorte kwam,
van steke tot steke een peerle.
zij blaasde de horen als een man.
Wat deed zij aan haar schoon blond haar,
En als de vader dit vernam,
een krone van goud en die woog zwaar.
’t verheugde hem dat zij wederkwam.
Toen ging zij naar haar vaders stal,
Er werd gehouden een banket,
daar koos zij het beste ros van al.
het hoofd werd op de tafel gezet.
Zij zette zich schrijlings op dat ros,
en zingend en klingend reed zij door ’t bos.

En toen zij kwam ter halver baan,

toen kwam mijn heer Halewijn daar gegaan.

Gegroet, zei hij, en kwam tot haar,

gegroet schoon maagd bruin ogen klaar.

Zij reden met melkander voort,

en onderweg viel menig woord.

English translation: Sir Halewyn And syne they rose and gaed awa,
wi’ mony a word atween the twa.
Sae to a gallows-field they pass,
Sir Halewyn sang sae sweet and braw, whaur hung sae mony a bonnie lass.
that nane that heard cud bide awa.
He turnin to his fere, quo’ he,
The King’s young dochter heard him sing, since a bonnier lass there canna be,
Her father lo’ed her abune a’ thing. i’ll let you wale the death you dee.
She gaed to her father, father o’mine, Gin I may choose hoo I shall dee,
hae I leave to gae efter Sir Halewyn? I pray you, draw your swoord on me.
Na, lassie na, her father spak, But first, your mantle lay aside,
there’s mony that gae, but few come back. a maidens’s bluid may spatter wide,
twere shame your cleas should a’be dyed.
She gaed to her mither, mither o’ mine,
hae I leave to gae efter Sir Halewyn? But ere he cud his cload undae,
his sindered heid before her lay,
Na, lassie, na, her mither spak, his tongue begoud thae words to say:
there’s mony that gae, but few come back.
Gae to yon field o’here,
She gaed to her sister: Sister o’ mine, blaw on my horn sae clear,
hae I leave to gae efter Sir Halewyn? that a’ my friends may hear.
Na, sister, na, her sister spak, I winna gang among the bere,
there’s mony that gae, but few come back. nor blaw upon your horn sae clear,
nor heed the word o’ a murderer.
She gaed to her brither: Brither o’mine,
hae I leave to gae efter Sir Halewyn? Gae under the gallows-tree;
a pot o’ slave you’ll see,
It’s ane to me: gang whaur you wud; bring’t for my neck that’s sae bluidie.
but see and no tine your maidenhude;
and wear your croon as a King’s lass should. I winna gang to the gallows-tree,
nor heal the neck, sae ill to see,
She has risen and gane to her bed-chawmer, o’ him wha wad hae slauchtered me.
and put on her brawest cleithin there.
By the hair she has grippit his bluidie heid,
What has she put on her fair bodie, and washed it clean that was sae reid.
a sark, was finer than silk cud be.
She has bestridden her horse sae guid,
What has she put on her best bodice, and aye she sang as she rade through the wood.
a’ stiff wi’ gowden bands it is.
She has ridden half through the wood and syne,
What has she put on her scarlet goon, she met the mither o’ Halewyn:
tassels o’ gowd a’ hingin doon. did my son come this wey, fair queyn?
What has she put on her cloak sae feat, Your son, Sir Halewyn, is a huntin gane,
a glistenin pearl at ilka pleat. in your life you’ll never see him again.
What has she set on her yallow hair, Your son, Sir Halewyn, he is deid,
a croon o’ gowd that was heavy to wear. here in my lap I carry his heid,
wi’ his bluid is a’ my bodice reid.
She has gane into her father’s sta’
and lowsed the fleetest horse o’ them a’. When her father’s yett was near at han’,
she blew her horn wi’ the strength of a man.
She has bestridden the horse sae guid,
and aye she sang as she rade through the wood. Her father heard the trumpet plain,
and was blithe that his lass was hame again.
Half through the forest she has gane,
and has met Sir Halewyn ridin alane. In the muckle ha’ they birled the wine,
and glowered on the heid o’ Sir Halewyn.
To a tree nearby his horse he tied; Translated by: Unknown
the lassie, trummlin, grew flichtered and fleyed.

Greeting, quo’ he, faires o’ fair,

greetin, quo’ he, broon een sae rare,
come sit you doon, unbind your hair.

Sae mony hairs as she unbound,

sae mony tears fell tae the ground.

Het daget in den Oosten (Antwerps English translation: At Dawn the Sun is
liedboek 1544) Rising.
DmAmEmDmAmDmDm AmCDmDm AmCDmDm
Het daget in den oosten, het lichtet overal, At dawn the sun is rising, light through the world does flow,
hoe luttel weet mijn liefken, och, waar ik henen zal. how little does my love know, o, whither I shall go.

Och, waren’t al mijn vrienden, die mijn vijanden zijn, My enemies surround me, if they my friends would be,
ik voerd’u uiten lande, mijn lief, mijn minnekijn. my love, my sweet, I’d take thee over the stormy sea.

Dats waar zoudt gij mij voeren, stout ridder welgemeid? Then whither would you take me, o knight so brave and gay?
Ik ligg’ in mijns liefs armkens, met groter waardigheid. THe arms of my beloved will hold me everyday.

Ligt gij in uws liefs armen, bilo gij’n spreek niet waar! The arms of your beloved, will nevermore hold you.
Gaat henen ter linde groene, verslagen zo leit hij daar. Go up unto the limetree, find slain your lover true.

’t Meisken nam haren mantel, en zij ging enen gang, Her cloak she wrapped around her, and on her way she went.
al totter linde groene, waar zij den dode vand. She went unto the limetree, and found her lover dead.

Och ligt gij hier verslagen, versmoord al in uw bloed, O, do you lie defeated, my eyes can’t bear the sight.
dat heeft gedaan uw roemen, en uwen hogen moed. Your bragging it has caused this, your bragging and your pride.

Och ligt gij hier verslagen, die mij te troosten placht? O do you lie defeated who used to comfort me?
Wat hebt gij mij gelaten zo menigen droeven dag? You’ve left me naught but a life full of sorrow and misery.

’t Meisken nam haren mantel, en zij ging enen gang, Her cloak she wrapped around her and on her way she went,
al voor haar vaders poorte, die zij ontsloten vand. from that dread place she travelled, up to her father’s land.

Och, is hier enig here, oft enig edelman, O, is there any lord here, or nobleman who could
die mij daar mijnen dode begraven helpen kan? assist me in the burial of my beloved good?

Die heren zwegen stille, zij ’n maakten geen geluid; The knights they all were silent, no sound their lips did pass,
dat meisken keerde haar omme, zij ging al wenende uit. the maid she left the castle, her tears did wet the grass.

Zij nam hem in haar armen, zij kuste hem voor zijnen mond, She lifted up his body, she kissed him then goodbye,
in eender korter wijlen, tot also meniger stond. she kissed his lips and fingers, she kissed him many times.

Met zijnen blanken zwaarde dat zij die aarde opgroef; She lifted up his sharp sword, and with it she dug deep.
met haar sneeuwwitten armen, ten grave dat zij hem droeg. With her white hands she led him to his eternal sleep.

Nu wil ik mij gaan begeven in een klein kloosterkijn, Now I will leave this graveside and to a convent go.
en dragen zwarte wijlen, en worden een nonnekijn. The black veils of a nun are the clothes that I will know.

Met hare klare stemme, die misse dat zij zank, Her voice as clear as water the masses it did sing.
met haar sneeuwwitten handen dat zij dat belleken klank. Her hands as white as snowflakes the Angelus did ring.
Translated by Hilde and Sarah

gisteren was er uw hals zo wit, nu is die zo rood als bloede.
Heer van Bruinswijk (Haerlems oudt
Liedtboeck) Hoe dat ik nu te moede ben, dat zal ik jou wel zeggen,
ik heb er niet ene vriend zo goed dat hij mij ter aarde wil leggen.
AmAmGAm CCAmE AmEmGAm AmAmGAm Sneeuwwit Vogeltje
Het was een kind, zo klein een kind, een kind van twaalf jaren. AmAmEmEmAmAmEmEm
’t zou met zijn boogje uit jagen gaan waar hazen en konijnen
waren. AmDmGAmEAmDmGEAm
Hij spande zijn boogje alzo stijf, en in de diepste kerve, Adm
het schoot daar hazen, konijnen dood, daarom zo moest het
sterven. Daar was een sneeuwwit vogeltje al op een stekendorentje.
Wilt gij niet mijnen bode zijn? Ik ben te klein een vogelkijn.
En dat vernam de heer van Bruinswijk, hij deed dat klein kind Al zijt gij klein, gij vliegt zo snel. Gij voert daar mijne boodschap
vangen, wel.
hij zette het op een hoog kasteel, hij zwoer hij zou het doen Hij nam dat briefken in zijnen bek. En vloog er mee tot over ’t
hangen. hek.
Hij gaf dat venster enen stoot: slaapt gij mijn lief of zijt gij dood?
En dat vernam zijn moederken zo ver in vreemde landen, ’k En slape noch ’k en wake niet. ik ben getrouwd al een half
zij nam haar zilver en rood goud, naar Bruinswijk is zij jaar.
gegangen. Zijt gij getrouwd al een half jaar? Het dochte mij wel duizend
Mijn edele heer al van Bruinswijk wil jij mij dat kind geven.
Ik heb er nog zilver en rood goud en dat zal ik jou geven.
Van twee koningskinderen
Jouw zilver en jouw rode goud, dat mag hier niet meer baten.
Al was het zijn halsje van rode goud, zijn leven moet het laten. EmGEmG EmGEmE or AmCAmC AmCAmA
Mijn edele heer al van Bruinswijk, wil jij mij dat kind geven. Het waren twee koningskinderen, zij hadden mekander zo lief,
Ik heb er nog zeven dochters stout, en die zal ik jou geven. zij konden bijeen niet komen, het water was veel te diep.
Jouw zeven dochters hoef ik niet, want drie dat zijn maar Wat deed zij? Zij stak op drie keersen, als ’s avonds het
nonnen, dagelicht zonk:
en vier dat zijn er zo edel landsvrouwen, zij schitteren onder de Ach liefste, komt, zwemt er over! Dat deed ’s konings zone was
zonne. jonk.
Mijn edele heer al van Bruinswijk, wil jij mij dat kind geven. Dit zag daar een oude quene, een alzo vilijnig vel:
Ik heb er nog zeven zonen stout, en die zal ik jou geven. Zij ging er dat licht uitblazen, toen smoorde die jonge held.
Jouw zeven zonen hoef ik niet, want drie dat zijn maar papen, Och moeder, mijn liefste moeder, mijn hoofdje doet mijnder zo
en vier dat zijn er zo edel landsheren, zij dragen het keizers wee,
wapen. mocht ik er een wijle gaan wand’len, gaan wandelen langs de
Als ’t kind op ’t eerste trapje trad, het keek zo dikwijls omme,
daar zag het zijn zeven zusters stout van verre gereden komen. Och dochter, mijn liefste docher, alleen en moogt gij daar niet
Rijdt aan rijdt aan mijn zusters stout, en steekt jouw paard met maar wekt uwe jongste zuster, laat die met u wandelen gaan.
Had je een half uur langer gewacht mijn leven waar al verloren. Och moeder, mijn jongste zuster, is nog een zo kleine kind,
zij plukt er wel alle die bloemkens die zij onderwegen vindt.
Als ’t kind op ’t tweede trapje trad, het keek zo dikwijls omme,
daar zag het zijn zeven broeders stout van verre gereden Zij plukt er wel alle die bloemkens, die bladerkens laat zij staan,
komen. dan klagen die lieden en zeggen: dat hebben ’s konings kind’ren
Rijdt aan rijdt aan mijn broeders stout, en steekt jouw paard met
sporen. Och dochter mijn liefste dochter, alleen en moogt gij daar niet
Had je een half uur langer gewacht mijn leven waar al verloren. gaan,
maar wekt uwen jongsten broeder, laat die met u wandelen
Als ’t kind op het derde trapje trad, het moest nog eenmaal gaan.
het liet er zo menig natte traan al in de schale zinken. Ach moeder, mijn jonste broeder, is nog een zo kleinen kind,
Hij loopt er naar alle die vogels, die hij onderwegen vindt.
Mijn edele heer al van Bruinswijk, nou sluit jouw poorte vaste,
want morgen eer de dag aanbreekt, zo zal jij krijgen gasten. Die moeder die ging naar de kerke, die dochter die ging haren
Des morgens als de zon opkwam, de poorten gingen open. tot zij er bij ’t water een visser, haars vaders visser vand.
Daar lag mijn heer al van Bruinswijk door zijne hals geschoten.
Och visser, zo sprak zij, visser, mijns vaders visserkijn,
Mijn edele heer al van Bruinswijk, hoe zijt gij nu te moede, gij zoudt er voor mij eens vissen, het zal u gelonet zijn.

om onze goed en ons bloed en onze steden.
Hij smeet zijne netten in ’t water, de lodekens gingen te grond, Hoort de Spaanse trommels slaan, hoor Maraans trompetten!
in ’t korte zo was daar gevisset, des konings zone was jonk. Zie, hoe komt hij trekken aan! Bergen te bezetten.
Berg op Zoom, houdt u vroom, stut de Spaanse scharen,
Wat trok zij van haren hande? Een vingerling, rode van goud, laat ’s land boom, en zijn stroom trouw’lijk toch bewaren.
houd daar, zei zij, goede visser, dees vingerling rode van goud.
’t Moedige, bloedige, woedige zwaard
Zij nam toen haar lief in haar armen, en kuste hem aan zijnen blonk en klonk dat de vonken daaruit vlogen.
mond, Beving en leving, opgeving der aard,
och mondeken kost gij nog spreken, och herteken, waart gij wonder, gedonder nu onder was nu boven.
gezond. Door al ’t mijnen en ’t geschut, dat met daaglijks hoorde,
menig Spanjaard in zijn hut in zijn bloed versmoorde.
Zij hield er haar lief in haar armen, en sprong er met hem in de Berg op Zoom, houdt zich vroom, stut de Spaanse scharen,
zee. ’t Heeft ’s land boom, en zijn stroom trouw’lijk doen bewaren.
Adieu zei zij, schone wereld, gij ziet er mij nimmermeer.
Die van Oranje kwam Spanje aan boord,
Adieu o mijn vader en moeder, mijn vrindekens alle gelijk, om uit het veld als een held ’t geweld te weren;
adieu mijn zuster en broeder, ik vare naar ’t hemelrijk. Maar al zodra Spinola ’t heeft gehoord,
trekt hij fluks heen op de been met al zijn heren.
EmGEmG EmGEmE or AmCAmC AmCAmA Cordua kruit spoedig voort, zag daar niet te winnen.
Don Velasco liep gestoord: ’t Vlas was niet te spinnen.
Berg op Zoom, houdt zich vroom, stut de Spaanse scharen,
English translation: Two Children of ’t Heeft ’s land boom, en zijn stroom trouw’lijk doen bewaren.
Kingly Houses
De Storm van Munster (1535)
Two children of kingly houses, for love of each other must weep. CCCEm EmDCC CCCEm CEmCC
Apart, could not cross to each other, the water was far too deep.
Wie was diegene, die die loverkens brak,
Ah canst thou but swin, my true love, so swim over here to me, ende die ze aan zijn narrekappe stak?
Three tapers for thee I am trimming, and they shall give light to Het wil hem openbaren!
me. Wij riepen dat kruise al van den hemel aan,
wij vrome landsknechten alle.
’T was heared by a faithless novice, who feigned the while to
sleep, Het was op enen Maandag,
the tapers bright she extinguished, the prince he was drowned dat men den storm voor Munster zag,
in the deep. omtrent den zeven uren.
Daar bleef zo menig landsknecht dood
It was on a sunday morning, the folk were happy and gay, te Munster onder die muren.
not so the kings’ lovely daughter, her eyes they were closed for
aye. Die storm die duurde een korte tijd,
totdat die metten waren bereid,
For she threw her mantle from her and sprang far into the sea, die metten waren gezongen.
good night, my father and mother, ye’ll never again see me. Toen schoten wij daar drie bussen los,
alarm zo sloegen die trommelen.
Then there while the bells were ringing, they heared a great
sorrows dark cry, Die landsknechten waren in groter nood:
here lie the two king’s loved children, together in death they lie. daar bleef er wel drieduizend dood
in anderhalver uren;
Berg op Zoom Is dat niet een grote schare volks?
Nog en zal geen landsknecht treuren.
EmD EmD EmDGDEm DEm (2x)
Wij weken in een wilde veld,
GDEmD EmEmAEm (2x) in die schansen hebben wij gevuurd ons geld,
GGDD AmEmDEm (2x) enen raad zouden zij ons geven,
of AmGAmGAmGCGAmGAm (2X) wij riepen Maria, Gods Moeder aan:
’Beschermt ons lijf en ons leven!’
CGAmG AmAmDAm (2X)
CCGG DmAmGAm (2X) Die dit liedeken eerstmaals zank,
(Beleg Bergen op Zoom, 1592) hij is een vroom landsknecht genaamd,
Merck toch, hoe sterk nu in ’t werk zich al stelt, hij heeft zeer wel gezongen.
die t’allen tijd zo ons vrijheid heeft bestreden. Hij is te Munster aan dans geweest,
Ziet, hoe hij slaaft, graaft en draaft met geweld den rei is hij ontsprongen.

Later Nederlands Wat trok de ruiter toen uit zijn ak
Traditional, unless stated otherwise een ketting van goud en die was zeer lang,
die wil ik schoon kind aan jou schenken,
Komt vrienden in den ronde wil dan nu aan jouw lief niet meer denken.

DmDmADm DmDmADm FCDmA DmDmDmGDm Al was deze ketting nog zo lang

dat ik vanuit de hemel op aarde kwam
AmDmDmDm Ik zou hem veel liever verliezen
AmAmEAm AmAmEAm CGAmE AmAmAmDmAm Dan een andere minnaar te kiezen.
De ruiter nam af zijn fluwelen hoed
en hij heeft er zijn allerliefste gegroet
Komt vrienden in den ronde, minnaars van enen stiel.
het was maar om jou te proberen zei hij
Ik zal u gaan verkonden, hoe ik door ’t slijperswiel
of je er een ander bemint dan mij.
de kost verdien voor vrouw en kind,
schoon blootgesteld aan weer en wind.
(Maar zij zei wel als je me dan niet vertrouwt
Terlierelom, terla, van links om rechts om
dan vraag ik me af of je wel van me houdt
draait mijne steen door het roeren van mijn been,
en anders dan ben je verschrikkelijk dom
dus ga nu maar weg en keer niet weerom.
De smid die moet hard werken, gestadig voor het vier,
’t verlies van jouw liefde bracht angst in mijn hart
hij durft hem niet versterken, met ene kan goed bier.
en dom gedrag dat kan dan worden verwacht.
Terwijl ik ga op mijn gemak, soms ook wel met een lege zak.
Edoch dacht ik nooit te beleven
dat mijn lief mij niet meer kon vergeven.
De schoenpik stijf gezeten op enen pikkestoel,
zou kaas en droog brood eten, maar als ik nood gevoel,
Nu dat je dit toegeeft zal ik nog eens zien
dan slijp ik tot de avond toe, en zo heb ik nooit arremoe.
en ik denk dat je mijn liefde toch wel verdient
Dus zal ik niet meer op je kijven
De kleerfrik maakt ons kleren voor acht stuivers per dag,
als het niet meer gebeurt mag je blijven.)
wil hij den loon vermeren, hij snijdt meer dan hij mag.
Last three verses added by Pierre and Sandra
Maar ik met mijnen slijpersteen, ik win meer op een uur alleen.

De maalder moet graan malen tot in het fijnste meel, Te Haarlem

hij moet dubbel betalen voor zijne droge keel.
Maar ik door ijver en door vlijt, ik win mijn brood in eerlijkheid. EmEmEmD EmCDGGDGCDEmEm
Mijn vrouw die roept victoria over den slijperstiel, DDDA DGADDADGADD
zij vindt haar grootste gloria in ’t draaien van mijn wiel.
Mijn kinders hebben geen ongemak, zij lopen met de bedelzak! Te Haarlem in den Houte, keert de molenaar om,
daar woont een meiske stoute, om en om en wederom en keert
Sa vrienden voor het leste, all’ ambachten zijn goed, de molenaar om
maar ’t mijn is toch het beste, schoon ik soms slapen moet Dat hoorde een der knapen, die wou bij’t meiske slapen.
op hooi en stro in enen stal, dan heb ik kost voor niemendal! Als mijn moeder dat wiste, zij sloot mij in een kiste.
Men zal uw moeder schenken wijn, zij zal zo wel tevreden zijn.

Het magetje
Daar zou er een magetje vroeg opstaan
om haar zoetelief te zoeken gaan Wij zijn mooie meisjes van de streek, en dansen wel zeven
zij zocht al onder de linden, maal in de week.
maar zij kon daar haar liefje niet vinden. Tirom pom pom, tirom pom pom, wat malen wij daarom?
En waarom zullen we treuren, we hebben ja nog geen man,
Toen kwam er een ruiter al door het bos geen man.
en van goud zo waren zijn sporen De tijd zal nog wel komen dat we nog treuren kunnen.
hij zei er wel maagdeken schone Wij zijn nog vrijgezellen en hebben nog geld te tellen.
waarom telde gij al die bomen. M’n lieve wicht, je doet me niks, al ben je nog zo fiks, zo fiks.
Wij zwieren tot de morgen en laten de roosjes zorgen.
Ik tel er de groene bomen neit Wij zwieren tot schoon lichten dag, tot boer en vrouw ons lopen
en ik pluk er voorwaar ook de bloemetjes niet. zag.
Maar ik heb er mijn liefje verloren,
kan geen tijding van hem horen.

Heb jij er jouw liefje verloren

kan je geen tijding van hem horen,
hij is er op zeelands Douwen
en verkeert daar met een ander schoon vrouwe.
zo moge de hemel zijn leidsman zijn
met alle mooi meisjes die bij hem zijn.

Van den Visser
Een visser ging uit vissen, zo ver al op de Rijn.
Hij vond daar niets te vissen dan een mooi maagdekijn.
Och visser, zei ze, visser, wat vis heb jij gevangen?
Te Groenland op de klippen daar is het goed vissen gaan.

Te Groenland op de klippen, daar ligt zo koude sneeuw,

daar bevriezen mijn handen en voeten, mijn hoofd doet mij zo
Bevriezen jouw handen en voeten, doet er jouw hoofd zo zeer,
ga dan maar in mijn stoven, daar vriest het nimmermeer.

Maar toen de loze visser al in haar stoven kwam,

toen betond hij het haar te vragen, naar haar getrouwde man.
Wat heb jij mij te vragen, naar mijn getrouwde man?
Mijn man is naar de kerke hij bidt gods heiligen aan.

Is jouw man al naar de kerke, ’k denk bij de koele wijn,

zo laat ons eten en drinken, en laat ons vrolijk zijn.
Maar toen zij daar zo lagen, toen kwam haar eigen man,
toen dacht de loze visser, hoe kom ik hier nu vandaan?

Het vrouwtje was behendig, zij deed de lichten uit,

toen sprong de loze visser van boven ’t venster uit.

Medieval English
Traditional, unless stated otherwise Robin Adair (melody 14th century)
Summer is acuming in (1276)
GGGGCDG (defisgab)
What’s this dull town to me? Robin’s not near.
DGAD DDGD DGD DGAD DGDGD DADDAD What was’t I wished to see, what wished to hear?
CFGC CCFD CFC CFGC CFCFC CGCCGC Where all the joy and mirth made this town heaven on earth
o, they’re all fled with thee, Robin Adair.
Summer is acuming in loudly sing cuckoo.
Groweth seed and bloweth mead and spring the wood anew. What mad th’assembly shine? Robin Adair.
Sing cuckoo! Ewe now bleatheth after lomb, louth after calve cu, What made the ball so fine? Robin was there.
Bullock verteth bucke sterteth, mury sing cuckoo. What when the play was o’er, what made my heart so sore?
Sing cuckoo nu, well singest thou cuckoo, or swik you never nu. o, it was parting with Robin Adair.

But now Thou’rt cold to me, Robin Adair,

Bryd one Brere But now hou’rt cold to me, Robin Adair,
yet he I lov’d so well still in my heart shall dwell
EmEmEmEm GGGG GDDD EmAmEmDEm Oh, I can ne’er forget Robin Adair.
AmAmAmAm CCCC CGGG AmDmAmGAm Words: Lady Caroline Keppel (18th century)
(laatste regel: babagabddcdcbabb)
When that I was (Elizabethan)
bryd one brere, brid, brid one brere,
kynd is come of loue, loue to craue. EmAmEmAm EmEmEmEm EmAmEmEm of
Blithful biryd, on me thu rewe,
or greyth, lef, greith thu me my graue. DEmDEm DDDD DEmDD

Hic am so bliye, so brydit brid on brere, When that I was a little tiny boy with a heigh ho, the wind and
quan I se that, hende in halle. the rain,
Yhe is quit of lime, loveli, trewe, a foolish thing was but a toy for the rain it raineth everyday.
yhe is fayr and flur of alle. With a heigh ho, the wind and the rain, for the rain it raineth
Mikte hic hire et wille hauen,
stedefast of loue, louelit, trewe, But when I came to man’s estate gainst thieves and knaves
of mi sorwe, yhe may me sauen; men shut their gate.
loye and blisse were, ers me Newe. But when I came, alas to wive by swaggering never could I
A great while ago the world begun,.., but that’s all one, our play
Greensleeves is done,
and we’ll strive to please you every day.
CCGG AmAmEE CCGG AmEAm Twa magicians
Alas my love you do me wrong, to cast me of discoureously CCAmAmGGCGC DmGC | CGC CGC CCFFG-
And I have loved you for so long delighting in your company.
Greensleeves was all my joy, greensleeves was my delight GCGGAmDG GDGGAmDG | GGCCDDGG AmA-
greensleeves was my heart of gold and who but my lady mDD GGDDGDG GDGGGAmAmDD
I have been ready at thy hand to grant whatever you would DDGG
I have both waged life and land, thy love and good will for to O, she looked out of the window as white as any milk,
have. and he looked into the window as black as any silk.

Your vows you’ve broken like my heart, o why did you so Refr: Hullo, hullo, hullo hullo you coal black smith
enrapture me? you have doen me no harm.
Now I remain in a world apart, but my love remains in captivity. You never shall have my maidenhead that I have kept so long.
I’d rather die a maid ah, but then she said
Well, I will pray to God on high, that thou my constancy may see then be buried all in my grave.
And that yet once before I die, thou wilt vouchsafe to love me. Than to have such a nasty, husky, dusky, musty,
fusky coal-black smith.
Greensleeves now farewell, adieu, to God I pray to prosper A maiden I will die.
For I am still thy lover true, come once again and love me. Then she became a star, a star all in the nigt,
and he became a thundercloud and muffled her out of sight.

Then she became a rose, a rose all in the wood
and he became a bumblebee and kissed her where she stood. The Riddle Song (dialogue type: 15th
She became a storm, a storm so violent,
and he became the ground beneath to take whatever she sent. EAEB7EB7 EFAAE
She became a ring, a ring all made of gold
I gave my love a cherry that had no stone,
and he became a jeweller, to have her and to hold.
I gave my love a chicken that has no bone.
I gave my love a ring that has no end,
And she became a tree, that tree it was a pine
I gave my love a baby that’s no crying.
and he became an ivy plant that round her limbs did twine.
How can there be a cherry that has no stone,
And she became a glove, a glove all made of fur
how can there be a chicken that has no bone.
but he became a cold, cold man and put his hand in her.
How can there be a ring that has no end,
how can there be a baby that’s no crying.
Then she became a house, a house along the way;
and he became a wayfarer and entered her by day.
A cherry when it’s blooming has no stone,
a chicken when it’s pipping has no bone
Then she became a sheet, a white sheet on a bed;
A ring when it’s rolling, it has no end,
and he became a red coverlet and gained her maidenhead.
a baby when it’s sleeping, has no crying.
CCAmAmGGCGC DmGC | CGC CGC CCFFG- The Snowy Breasted Pearl
GCC (the original in Gaelic is medieval)
There’s a colleen fair as May. For a year and for a day
DDGG I have sought by every way her heart to gain.
There’s no art of tongue or eye, fond youths with maidens try,
but I’ve tried with ceaseless sigh yet tried in vain.
If to France or far off Spain, she’d cross the watry main
Follow me up to Carlow (melodie 1580) to see her face again the seas I’d brave.
And if tis heavns decree, that mine she may not be,
(e)EmEmEmD EmEmEmDCEm EmEmEmD may the Son of Mary me in mercy save.
GGDD GGDEm GGDD EmGDEm O thou blooming milk-white dove, to whom I’ve given my love
do not ever thus reprove my constancy.
or AmAmAmG AmAmAmGFAm AmAmAmG There are maidens would be mine, with wealth in land and kine,
AmAmAmGFAm if my heart would but incline to turn from thee.
CCGG CCGAm CCGG AmCGAm But a kiss with welcome bland, and touch of thy fair hand
is all that I demand, would’st thou not spurn.
For if not mine dear girl, o snowy-breasted pearl,
Lift Mac Cahir Og your face brooding over the old disgrace
may I never from the fair with life return.
that black FitzWilliam stormed your place and drove you to the
Grey said victory was sure, soon the firebrand he’d secure
until he met at Glenmalure Feach Mac Hugh O Byrne.
Pastime with Good Company (by Henry
Refr: Curse and swear lord Kildare, Feach will do what Feach VIII, 1518)
will dare.
Now Fitzwilliam have a care, fallen is your star low. GGDD GDDEm GGDD GDDEm GGGGDD
Up with halberd out with sword, on we go for by the Lord, GGGGDEm
Feach Mac Hugh has given his word, Follow me up to Carlow.
See the swords of Glen Imayle, flashing o’er the English Pale, CCCCGAm
see all the children of the Gael beneath O Byrne’s banner. Pastime with good company, I love and shall untill I die.
Rooster of the fighting stock, would you let a Saxon cock Grudge who will but none deny, so God be pleased thus live will
Crow out upon an Irish rock? Fly up and teach him manners! IFor my pastance, hunt sing and dance, my heart is set
all goodly sport, for my comfort, who shall me let?
From TAssagert to Clonmore, flows a stream of Saxon gore
och, great is Rory Og O More, at sending lones to Hades. Youth will needs have dalliance, for good or ill some pastance
White is sick and Lane is fled, now for black Fitzwilliam’s head, company we thinketh best, all thoughts and fancies to digest.
we’ll send it over, dripping red, to Liza and her ladies! For idleness is chief mistress of vices all,
then who can say, but mirth and play, is best of all.

Company with honesty, is virtue vices to flee.

Company is good and ill, for every man hath his free will.
The best I sue, the worst eschew, my mind shall be
virtue to use, vice to refuse, thus shall I use me.

Shall I come
Come away, sweet love
Shall I come sweet love to thee, when the evening beams are mA (2x)
Shall I not excluded be, will you find no feigned let?
Let me not, for pity more, tel the long long hours at your door. mADmD (2x)
Come away, come sweet love, the golden morning breaks,
Who can tell what thief or foe in the covert of the night All the earth, all the air of love and pleasure speaks.
for his weal will work my woe or through wicked foul despite? Teach thine arms then to embrace, and sweet rosey lips to kiss,
So my I die unredressed, ere my long love be possessed. and mix our souls in mutual bliss.
Eyes were made for beauty’s grace, viewing rueing love’s long
But to let such dangers pass which a lover’s thoughts disdain. pain,
Tis enough in such a place, to attend love’s joys in vain. procured by beauty’s rude disdain.
Do not mock me in they bed when these cold cold nights freeze
me dead. Come away, come sweet love, the golden morning wastes,
Dowland while the sun from his sphere his fiery arrows casts,
making all the shadows fly, staying in the grove,
to entertain the stealth of love.
O Mistress mine Thither, sweet love, let us hie, flying, dying in desire,
wing’ed with sweet hopes and heaven’ly fire.
mEmAmG CEmG Come away, come sweet love, do not in vain adorn,
beauty’s grace that should rise like to the naked morn;
CAmG CAmG FFC FFC AmDmC CDmAmC CDm- Lillies on the rivers side and fair Cyprian flowers new blown
AmDmC FamC desire no beauties but their own.
Ornament is nurse of pride, pleasure measures love’s delight,
O mistress mine, where are you roaming. haste then sweet love our wished flight.
O stay and hear, your true love’s coming. Dowland
That can sing both high and low.
So trip no further pretty sweeting
for journeys end in lover’s meeting Now is the Month of Maying
Every wise man’s son doth know.
What is in love, this not hereafter. ADD
Present myrth hath present laughter.
What’s to come is still unsure.
And in delay there lies no plenty DGG
so kiss me now, you sweet and twenty Now is the month of maying,when merry lads are playing,
Youth’s a stuff will not endure. falalalalalalalala (2x)
Dowland Each with his bonny lass upon the greeny grass. Falala...

The Spring clad all in gladness doth laugh at winter’s sadness,

Fine Knacks for Ladies falala..
And to the Bagpipes’ sound, the Nymphs tread out their ground.
Fie then, why sit we musing, love’s sweet delight refusing?
Fine Knacks for Ladies, cheap, choice brave and new, Falala..
Good penny worths, but money cannot move. Say dainty Nymphs and speak, shall we play barley break?
I keep a fair, but for the fair to view, Falala..
a beggar may be liberal of love. Morley
Though all my wares be trash, the heart is true,
the heart is true, the heart is true.
Coventry Carol (1591)
Great gifts are guiles, and look for gifts again,
my trifles come an treasures from my mind,
it is a precious jewel to be plain; EmEmAmA AAmEm AAAmA AAE
sometimes in shell the orients pearls we find. Lully, lullay, thou little tiny child, by by lully lullay,
Of others take a sheaf, of me a grain, lullay thou little tiny child, by by lully lullay.
of me a grain, of me a grain.
O sisters too, how may we do, for to preserve this day,
Within this pack, pins, points, laces and gloves, this poor youngling, for whom we sing, by by lully lullay.
and divers toys, fitting a country fair,
but in my heart, where duty serves and loves, Herod the king in his raging, charged he hath this day
turtles and twins, court’s brood, a heav’nly pair. his men of might in his own sight all children young to slay.
Happy the heart that thinks of no removes,
of no removes, of no removes. So woe is me poor child, for thee, and ever mourn and pray
Dowland for thy parting nor say nor sing by by lully lulay.

Three ravens (16e eeuw)
Three Ravens
There were three ravens sat in a tree, a down a down hey down
a down, There were three ravens in a tree, a down, a down a derry
they were as black as they might be with a down. down,
One of them said to its mate, where shall we our breakfast there were three ravens in a tree, heigh ho,
take? the middle most raven said to me, there lies a dead man at yon
With a down, derry derry derry down down. tree.
A down a down, a derry down, heigh ho.
Down in yonder greene field, there lies a knight slain neath his
shield. There comes a lady full of woe (2x)
His houds they lie down at his feet so well they can their master There comes a lady full of woe, riding fast as she can go.
Who’s this who killed my own true love, (2x)
His hawkes they flie so eagerly, there’s no fowle dare come him I hope in heaven he’ll never rest, nor e’er enjoy that blessed
nie. place.
But there comes a fallow doe, as great with your as she might
The Dowie Dens of Yarrow (16e eeuw,
She lifted up his bloody hed and kist his woulds that were so
red. komt uit vroeg 17e eeuws boek)
She got him up upon her backe, and carried him to an earthen
lake. AmAmEmAm AmAmGC CCGEm AmEmAm
She buried him before the prime, she was dead herselfe ere
evensong time. There was a lady in the North, I ne’er could find her marrow,
God send every gentleman such hawkes, such hounds and she was courted by nine gentlemen, and a ploughboy lad frae
such a leman. Yarrow.

These nine sat drinking at the wine, as oft they’d done afore, o,
Twa Corbies They hae made a vow amang themselves, tae fecht wi’ him on
AmAmEmAmAm AmAmEmEmAmAm She’s washed his face and kaimed his hair as oft she’s done
or DmDmAmDm DmDmAmDm DmFFC afor, o,
she’s made him like a knight sae bright, tae fecht for her on
DmDmAmDmDm DmDmAmAmDmDm Yarrow.
As I was walking all alane I heard twa corbies makin a main As he walked up yon high, high hill and doon by the holms o’
The teen untae the tither did say o, where shall we gae dine the yarrow,
day, o. there he saw nine armed men, come to fecht wi’ him on Yarrow.
In ahin yon auld fail dyke, I wat there lies a new slain knight There’s nine o’ you, there’s one o’ me, it’s an unequal marrow,
An naebody kens that he lies there, o, but his hawk an his but I’ll fecht you a’ one by one, on the dowie dens o’ Yarrow.
hound an his lady fair o.
And there he flew and there he slew, and there he wounded
His hawk is tae the huntin gane, his hound tae bring the wild sorely,
fowl hame, till her brother John came in beyond and pierced his hairt most
His wife has ta’en anither mate, o, so we may mak oor denner foully.
sweet o.
O faither dear, I dreamed a dream, a dream of dule and sorrow,
Ye’ll sit on his white breist bone, and I’ll pike out his bonny blue I dreamed I was p’in the heather bell on the dowie dens ’o
een, Yarrow.
Wi’ae lock o his yalla hair o, we’ll theek oor nest when it grows
bare. As she walked up yon high, high hill, and doon by the holms of
Many a ane for him maks mane, but none sall ken whaur he is there she saw her Willie dear, lying pale and dead on Yarrow.
Through his white bones, when they are bare, o, the wind shall Her hair it being three quarters lang, the colour it was yellow,
blow fer ever mair, she wrappit it round his middle sae small, and bore him doon to
o, the wind shall blow fer ever mair. Yarrow.

O faither dear, you’ve seiven sons, you may wed them a

for the fairest fooer amang them all, was the lad I loved on

This fair maid being big with child, a fact which did cause
she lay deid in her lover’s airms, between that day and morrow. Sir Patrick Spense
Based on an event in 1281
The Dowie Dens of Yarrow II AmAmDEmDmAmEm EmAmCEmCAmEm
CGCF CG FFCC CGC CGCF CCG FFCC CGC The King sits in Dunferline toon, a_drinking at the wine,
O late at e’en and drinking the wine, ere we made the lawing, and he has called for the finest skipper in Fife and all the land.
we set a pact of the two between, tae fecht it in the dawning.
Refr: Well have ye come tae part yer land, or cam ye here tae Then oot it spak an auld carle, stood by the King’s ain knee;
borrow, says: Patrick Spens is the strangest sailor, that ever sailed the
or did ye come tae wield yer brand, ond the Dowie Dens of sea.
The King has screvit a braid letter, and signed it wi’’s ain hand,
O stay ham, stay hame, my bonny bairn, bide wi’ me the and sent it tae young Patrick Spens, was walking on Leith
morrow, Sands.
for my cruel brother will ye betray on the Dowie Dens of Yarrow.
Tae Norrowa’, tae Norrowa, tae Norrowa’ over the faem,
O as he gaed doon by Tenny’s Field, I wa’t he gaed wi’ sorrow, the King’s dochter o’ Norrowa’ ’tis ye mun bring her haem.
for there in a den, were nine armed men, tae fecht wi’ him on
Yarrow. When he leukit the letter on, a muckle laugh gaed he,
but ere he’d done the reading o’t, the tears blinded his e’e.
Well have ye cam’tae part yer land, or cam’ye here tae borrow?
Or did ye come tae wield yer brand on the Dowie Dens o’ O, wha is it’s done this fell deed, and telt the King o’ me?
Yarrow? Although it were me ain faither, an ill deith may he dee!

I hav’na’ come tae part my land, nor yet tae beg or borrow, They hadne been in Norrowa, a week but barely three,
But I cam’ here tae wield my brand, on the Dowie Dens of when a’ the lords o’ Norrowa did up and spak sae free.
These outland Scots waste our King’s gowd, and swolle our
If I see ye all, yer nine tae one, and that’s an unfair marrow. Queen’s fee,
But I will fight, while lasts my brand on the Dowie Dens o’ Weary fa’ the tongue that spak, sic a muckle lee.
How can this be? said Patrick Spens, I pray ye tell tae me.
Well five did he hack, and four did he slay on the bloody braes The bows o’ ma ship are wrocht wi’ gowd and there’s twal kists
o’ Yarrow, o’ white money.
Till that false knight came in ahin and ran his body through o.
Tak tent, tak tent, my guidmen a’, and mind ye be weel forn,
Gae ham, gae hame, guid brother John, find yer sister Sarah, for come it wind or come it hail, our guid ship sails the morn.
her lief lord lies cruelly slain on the bloody braes of Yarrow.
Then oot it spak the weatherman: I fear we’ll a’ be drooned,
As she gaed down yon high, high hill, I w’at she gaed wi’ sorrow, for come it wind or come it hail, our guid ship sails the morn.
for there in a den, there were three slain men, on the bloody
braes o’ Yarrow. Then oot it spak the weatherman: I fear we’ll a’ be drooned,
for I saw the new mune late yestreen, wi’ the auld mune in her
Scarborough Fair
They hadna sailed abune an hour, an hour but and a half,
DmDmCDm FDmGDm DmFFAmAm DmCAmDm when the lift grew laich an’ the wind blew laich, and the ship it
EmEmDEm EmGEmEm AmEmAmD EmDDEm was a wrack.
AmDEm O where will I get a bonnie lad, tae tak’ my steer in hand,
AmAmGAm CAmDAm AmCCEmEm AmGEmAm while I climb up the high tapmast, tae see if I can spy land.
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley sage, rosemary and thyme, He hadna gane a step, a step, a step but barely ane,
remember me to one who lives there, when teh bows o’ our guidy ship did brak, and the saut sea it
for she once was a true love of mine. cam’ in.
Tell her to make me a cambric shirt,
without any seams or fine needlework. O laith, laith were our guid Scots lords, tae wat their
Tell her to wash it in yonder dry well, cork_heeled shoon,
where water ne’er sprung nor drop of rain fell. but lang ere a’ the play was dune, they wat their hats abune.
Tell her to dry it on yonder thorn,
which never bore blossom since Adam was born. O lang, lang will the ladies sit, wi’ their fans intae their hands,
O will you find me an acre of land, before they see Sir Patrick Spens come sailing tae the land.
between the sea foam and the sea sand.
O, will you plough it with a lamb’s horn, Half over, half over tae Aberdour, where the sea’s sae wide and
and sow it all over with one peppercorn. deep,
And when you have done and finished your work, it’s there lies young Sir Patrick Spens, wi’ the Scots lords at his
then come to me for your cambric shirt. feet.

Was ye near and near enough? Did ye their numbers see?
The Bonnie Earl of Murray And tell to me, John Hielan’ man, what might their numbers be?
Based on an event in 1592
I was near and near enough, an I their numbers saw,
AmAmEmEm AmEmEmAm AmCCG And tell to me, John Hielan’ man, what might their numbers be?
or DmDmAmAm DmAmAmDm DmFFC I was near and near enough, an I their numbers saw,
there was fifty thousand hielan’ men a_marching fae Harlaw.
For they went on and further on, and doon and by Bulquhain,
Ye hielan’s and ye lawlan’s, o, where hae ye been? it’s there I met Sir James the Rose and Sir John the Graeme.
They hae ta’en the Earl o’ Murray, and laid him on the green.
He was a braw callant, and he played at the ring. If that be true, said Sir James the Rose, we’ll no cume muckle
And the bonnie Earl o’ Murray, he micht hae been a king. speed,
O, lang will his ladie look frae the castle doon, we’ll call upon wor merry men, and we’ll turn wor horses’ heids.
ere the bonnie Earl o’ Murray, comes soondin’ throught the toon.
They went on and further on, and doon and by Harlaw.
O, wae betide Huntley, and whaurfore did ye say? They baith fell fast on ilka side, sic straiks ye never saw.
I bade ye bring him tae me, and forbade ye him to slay.
He was a braw callant, and he played at the ball, The Hielan’ men wi’ their lang swords, they laid aboot fu’ sair,
And the bonnie Earl o’ Murray, was the flooer amang them a’. an’ if they drove back wor merry men, three acres breadth and
O, lang will his ladie look frae the castle doon, mair.
ere the bonnie Earl o’ Murray, comes soondin’ throught the toon. Lord Forbes unto his brother did say: O brither, dinna ye see,
for they beat us back on every side, and we’ll be forced to flee.
Ye hielan’s and ye lawlan’s, o, where hae ye been?
They hae ta’en the Earl o’ Murray, and laid him on the green. O nay, o nay, me brither dear, o nay, that maunna be,
He was a braw callant, and he played at the glove Ye’ll tak’ your guid sword in your hand, and ye’ll gan in wi’ me.
And the bonnie Earl o’ Murray, he was the queens love.
O, lang will his ladie look frae the castle doon, Then the twa brithers brave went amangst the thrang,
ere the bonnie Earl o’ Murray, comes soondin’ throught the toon. they swabbed doon the Hielan’ men, wi’ swords baith sharp and
The Burning of Auchendown The first straik Lord Forbes gied, the brave Mac Donald reeled,
Follow up of the story of the Earl o’ Murray the second straik Lord Forbes gied, the brave Mac Donald fell.
AmEmEmAmAmEmAm AmEmEmAmAmEmAm
Whit a cry amang the Hielan’ men, when they saw their leader
EAmED EAmEDE (2X) fa’,
DmAmAmDmDmAmDm DmAmAmDmDmAmDm they lifted him and buried him, a lang mile frae harlaw.
Gypsy Rover
As I cam’ in by Fiddich Side, on a May mornin’,
I spied young Willie MacIntosh, an hour before the dawnin’. EEBEB EBEB EBEA EAEAE
Turn again, turn again, turn again I bid ye,
if ye burn Auchendown, Huntley he will heid ye! of AAEA AEAE AEAD ADADA
Heid me or hang me, that shall never fear me, of GAmGD GAmGD GDGEm GCGCG
I’ll burn Auchendown tho’ the life leaves me. of CDmCG CDmCG CGCAm CFCFC
As I cam’ in by Fiddich Side on a May mornin, Gypsy Rover came over the hill, down to the vally so shady
Auchendown was in a bleeze, an hour before the dawnin’. he whistled and sang till the greenwoods rang, and he won the
Crawin’, crawin, for a’ youn crouse crawin’, heart of lady.
ye brunt your crop and tint your wings, and hour before the Refr: A, di do da di do da day, a di do da di day, di
dawnin’. he whistled and sang till the greenwoods rang, and he won the
heart of a lady.
The Battle of Harlaw she left her father’s castle gate, she left her own true lover
(Based on an event in 1411) She left her servants and estate, to follow the gypsy rover.
Her father saddled his fastest steed and roamed the valley all
or CDmCDmCDmCDmAm FCAmDm over
As I cam by the Geerle, man, and in by Netherha’, He sought his daughter at great speed and her whistling gypsy
there were fifty thousand Hielan’ men a_marching tae Harlaw. rover.
Refr: Sing duddle_i_o, sing fal a do, sing diddle_ i_o_i_ay
He came at last to a mansion fine, down by the River Claydee
An’ did you come fae the Hielan’s man? An’ did ye come a’ the And there was music and there was wine, for the gypsy and his
way? lady.
An’ did ye see MacDonald and his men as they marched fae
Skye? He is no gypsy my father, she said, but lord of these lands all
For I cam fae the Hielan’s man, an’ I came a’ the way, and I will stay till my dying day, with my whistling gypsy rover.
An’ I saw Mac Donald and his men as they marched fae Skye.

go kill your greyhounds, king Henry, and bring them here to me.
Spotted Cow And when he’s slain his good greyhounds, it made his heart full
CEmCCDmC GAmCAmCAm CDmCAmEmC for she’s eaten up with skin and bone, left nothing but hide and

One morning in the month of May, as from my cot I strayed, More meat, more meat, you king Henry more meat ye give to
just at the dawning of the day I met with a charming maid. (bis) me,
go kill your gohawks, king Henry, and bring them here to me,
’Good morning to you, wither?’, said I, ’Good morning to you And when he’s slain his gay goshawks, it made his heart full
now.’ sore,
The maid replied: Kind sir, she cried, I’ve lost my spotted cow. for she’s eaten them up with skin and bone, left nothing but
feathers bare.
No longer weep, no longer mourn, your cow’s not lost my dear,
I saw her down in yonder grove, come love and I’ll show you Some drink, some drink, now king Henry some drink ye give to
where. me,
you sow up your horses hide and bring in a drink to me.
I must confess you’re very kind, I thank you sir, said she, And he’s sown up the bloody hide and a pipe of wine brought in,
we will be sure her there to find, come sweetheart go with me. and she drank it up in one big draft, left never a drop there_in.

And in the grove they spent the day, they thought it had passed A bed, a bed now, king Henry, a bed you make for me,
too soon. for you must pull the heather green and make it soft for me,
At night they homeward bent their way, while brightly shone the and pulled has he the heather green and made for her a bed,
moon. and taken has he his gay mantle and over it he did spread.

If he should cross the flowery dale, or go to view the plough, Take off your clothes now, king Henry, and lie down by my side,
she comes and calls: My gentle swain, I’ve lost my spotted cow. now swear, now swear you king Henry, to take me for your
O god forbid, said king Henry, that ever the like be tied,
King Henry that ever a fiend that comes from hell should stretch down by
my side.
AGDmCDmCA When the night was gone and the day had come, and the sun
DmAmGmGmCGD DmAmGmGmDCG shone through the
GGGCDGmA DCGmFGmFD the fairest lady that ever was seen lay between him and the
And never a man a_wooing went that lacketh thing of three, I’ve met with a many a gentle knight, that gave me such a fill,
a star of gold, an open heart and full of charity. but never before with a courteous knight, that gave me all my
And this was seen of King Henry, though he lay quite alone, will.
he’s taken him to a haunted house seven miles from the town.

He chased the deer now him before and the doe down by the Jack Orion
till the fattest buck in all the flock King Henry he has slain, EmAEmEmEmDEmEmDDDD EmAEmEmEmDE-
his huntsmen followed him to the hall, to make them burly mEmDDDEm
now the wind was heared to rise, and earthquake rocked the AmDAmAmAmGAmAmGGGG AmDAmAmAmGA-
floor. mAmGGGAm
And darkness covered all the hall where they sat at their mead, Jack Orion was a good fiddler, as ever fiddled on a string,
the greydogs yowling left their food and crept to Henry’s feet. he could make young women mad, to the tune his fiddle would
And louder howled the rising wind and birsts the fastened door, sing.
and in there came a grizzly ghost stamping on the floor.
He could fiddle the fish out of salt water, or water from a marble
Her head hit the rooftree of the house her middle you could not stone,
span, or milk out of a maiden’s breast, though babes she’d got none.
each frightened huntsman fled the hall and left the king alone.
Her teeth were like the tethered stakes, her nose luf or mel He’s taken his fiddle into his hand, he’s fiddled, he’s sung,
and nothing less she seemed to be like a fiend that’s come from and oft he’s fiddled unto the king, who never thought it long.
As he sat fiddling in the castle hall, he’s played them all so
Some meat, some meat, ye king Henry, some meat ye give to sound asleep,
me, all but for the young princess, and for love she stayed awake.
go kill your horse, you king Henry, and bring him here to me.
He has gone and slain his very brown steed though it made his At first he played a slow grave tune, and then a gay one flew,
heart full sore, and many’s the sigh and loving word that passed between these
for she’s eaten up with skin and bone, left nothing but hide and two.
Come to my bower, sweet Jack Orion, when all men are at rest,
More meat, more meat, you king Henry more meat ye give to as I’m a lady true to my word, thou shalt be a welcome guest.

He’s wrapped his fiddle in a cloth of green, a glad man was he, O then it was your young footpage, that has so cruelly beguiled
then he’s run off to his own house, says Tom, come hither unto me.
me. And woe that the blood of the ruffian lad should spring in my
When day has dawned and the cocks have crown, and flapped Then she pulled forth a little sharp knife, that hung down at her
their wings so wide, knee.
I’m bidden to that ladies door, to stretch out by her side.
O’er her white feet the red blood ran, or ever a hand could stay,
Lie down in your bed dear master, and sleep as long as you and dead she lay on her bower floor, at the dawning of the day.
i’ll keep good watch and waken you three hours before ’t is day. Jack Orion ran to his own house, saying, Tom my boy come
here to me,
But he rose up that worthless lad, his master’s clothes he did Come hither now and I’ll pay your fee, and well paid you shall
don, be.
A collar he’s cast about his neck, he seemed a gentleman.
If I had killed a man tonight, Tom I would tell it thee.
Come to my bower, sweet Jack Orion, when all men are at rest, But if I have taken no life tonight, Tom, thou hast taken three.
as I’m a lady true to my word, thou shalt be a welcome guest.
Then he pulled out his bright brown sword, and dried it on his
He’s wrapped his fiddle in a cloth of green, a glad man was he, sleeve,
then he’s run off to his own house, says Tom, come hither unto and he smote off that vile lad’s head, and asked for no man’s
me. leave.

When day has dawned and the cocks have crown, and flapped He set the sword’s point to his breast, the pommel to a stone,
their wings so wide, through the falseness of that lying lad, these three lives were all
I’m bidden to that ladies door, to stretch out by her side. gone.
Lie down in your bed dear master, and sleep as long as you
i’ll keep good watch and waken you three hours before ’t is day. AmDAmAmAmGAmAmGGGG AmDAmAmAmGA-
But he rose up that worthless lad, his master’s clothes he did
A collar he’s cast about his neck, he seemed a gentleman.

Well he didn’t take that lady gay, to bolster nor to bed,

but down upon the bower floor he quickly had her laid.

And neither kissed her when he came, nor when from her he did
and in and out of her window, the moon like a coal did glow.

Wrecked are your stockings love, stubbly is your cheek and

and tangled is that yellow hair, that I saw yestere’en.

The stockings belong to my boy Tom, they’re the first to come to

my hand,
the wind it tangled my yellow hair, as I rode over the land.

Tom took his fiddle into his hand, so saucy there he sang.
Then he’s off back to his master’s house, as fast as he could

Wake up, wake up my good master, I fear ’tis almost dawn,

wake up, wake up, the cock has crowed, ’tis time that you were

Then quickly rose up Jack Orion, Put on his cloak and shoon,
and cast a collar about his neck, he was a lord’s true son.

And when he came to the lady’s bower, he lightly rattled the pin,
the lady was true to her word, she rose and let him in.

O whether have you left with me your bracelet or your glove?

Or are you returned back again, to know more of my love?

Jack Orion swore a bloody oath, by oak and ash and bitter
saying: ’Lady, I never was in your house, since the day that I
was born.

Be she green or gray, be she black or fair,
Later English let her be a woman, I shall seek nae mair.
Traditional, unless stated otherwise
If she like a drappie, she and I’ll agree,
Calling on song if she dinna like it, there’s the mair for me.

AmAmGAm AmAmD AmAmGAm AmGAm or A Rosebud in June

or DmDmCDm DmDmG DmDmCDm DmCDm DmAmDmAm DmAmGAm AmAmDmC
Good people pray heed our petition, your attention we beg and DmAmDmDm AmDmAmDmAm AmCCAm
we crave, or AmEmAmEm AmEmDEm EmEmAmG
and if you are inclined for to listen, an abundance of pastimes
we’ll have. AmEmAmAm EmAmEmAmEm EmGGEm

We’ve come to relate many stories, concerning our forefather’s It’s a rosebud in June, and the violets in full bloom,
times, and the small buds are singing love songs on each spray.
and we trust they will drive out your worries, of this we are all of Refr: We’ll pipe and we’ll sing love, we’ll dance in a ring love,
one mind. when each lad takes his lass all on the green grass.
And it’s o_o_o_oh to plough, where the fat oxen graze low,
Many tales of the poor and the gentry, of labour and love will and the lads and their lasses a sheep shearing go.
there are no finer songs in this country, in Ireland and Scotland When we have all sheared our jolly, jolly sheep,
likewise. what joy can be greater than to talk of their increase.

There is one thing more needing mention, the dances we’ve Their flesh it is good, it’s the best of all food,
danced all in one, and their wool it will clothe us and keep our backs from the cold.
so now that we have your attention, we’ll play on to the beat of
the drum. Here’s the ewes and the lambs, here’s the hogs and the rams,
and the fat wethers too, they will make a fine show.

Uister Tramping Song

Landlay, count the Lawin
FFCCFFDmG FCFCFDmF Landlady, count the lawin, the day is near the dawin,
Refr: Come along, come along, there is food about together. ye’re a blind drunk, boys, and I’m but jolly fou.
Come along, come along, be it fair or stormy weather. Refr: Hey tu_ti taiti, how tuti taiti, hey tutti taiti, who’s fou nu?
With the hills and home before us and the purple of the heather,
we’ll sing a happy chorus: come along! Cog and ye were ay fou, cog and ye were ay fou,
I wad sit and sing to your, if ye were ay fou!
O how gay sings the lark, and the sky is awake!
With the promise of the day, as the road we gladly take. Weel may ye a’ be, ill may ye never see,
It’s heel and toe and forward bidding farewell to the town, the gods bless the king and the companie.
and the welcome that awaits us ere the sun goes down.

It’s the smell of sea and shore, it’s the tang of bog and peat, The House of the Rising Sun
it’s the scent of briar and mirtlebeth put’s magic in your feet.
So home we go rejoicing over brach and over style, AmCDF AmCE AmCDF AmEAm
and soon we will be putting out that last long mile.
There is a house in New Orleans, they call the Rising Sun,
It’s been the ruin of many a boy, and me, o God, I’m one.
I Maun Hae a Wife
My mother was a tailor, she sewed my new blue jeans,
CDmCDmCDmCDm DmCCDm DmCDmC My father was a gamblin’ man, down in New Orleans.
I maun hae a wife, whatsoe’er she be; If I had done like mama said, I wouldn’t be here today,
an she be a woman, that’s enough for me but being so young and foolish, let a gambler lead me astray.
Refr: Buy broom besoms! Wha will buy then now?
Fine heather ringers, better never grew. The only thing a gambler needs is a suitcase and a trunk,
and the only time he’s satisfied is when he’s all adrunk.
If that she be bonny, I shall think her right,
if that she be ugly, what’s the odds at night? Go tell my baby sister, don’t do like I have done,
please shun that house in New Orleans they call the Rising Sun.
O, as she be young, how happy shall I be,
if that she be older, sooner she will dee. I’ve got one foot on the platform, the other foot on the train,
I’m going back to New Orleans, to wear that ball and chain.
If that she be fruitfu’, o, what joy is there!
If she should be barren, less will be my care. I’m going back to New Orleans, my race is almost done,
I’m going back to New Orleans, to live in that Rising Sun.

She moved through the fair
My young love said to me: ’My mother won’t mind,
and my father won’t slight you for your lack of kine.’
She stepped away from me and this she did say: GAmDGEmAmDG GAmDGEmAmDG GEmEmD-
It will not be long love, till our wedding day. DEmGGAmD DAmDGEmAmDG
She stepped away from me and she moved through the fair, I wish I was in Carrickfergus, only for nights in Ballygrant,
and fondly I watched her move here and move there. I would swim over the deepest ocean, only for nights in
Then she went her way homeward with one star awake, Ballygrant.
as the swan in the evening moved over the lake. But the sea is wide and i can’t swim over, nor have I the wings
to fly.
The people were saying no two e’er were wed, If I could find me a hondsome boatsman to ferry me over to my
but one has a sorrow that never was said, love and die.
and I smiled as she passed with her goods and her gear
and that was the last that I saw of my dear. Now in Kilkenny, it is reported, they’ve marble stones as black
as ink.
I dreamt it last night that my young love came in, With gold and silver I would transport her, but I’ll sing no more
so softly she entered, her feet made no din; now ’till I get a drink.
she came close beside me, and this she did say: I’m drunk today, but then I’m seldom sober, a handsome rover
It will not be long love, ’till our wedding day. from town to town.
Ah, but I’m sick now, my days are over, come all ye young lads
DDCD of AAGA of GGFG and lay me down.

Love is pleasing The Blacksmith

I wish, I wish, I wish in vain, I wish I was a youth again. A Blacksmith courted me, nine months and better,
But a youth again I will never be, till apples grow on the ivy tree. he fairly won my heart, wrote me a letter,
with his hammer in his hand, he looked so clever,
O love is pleasin and love is teasin, and love is a pleasure when and if I were with my love, I would live forever.
first it’s new,
but as it grows older, sure the love grows colder, and it fades O, where has my love gone, with his cheeks like roses,
away like the morning dew. and his good black cloak on decked around with roses.
I’m afraid the shining sun, will burn his beauty,
I left my father, I left my mother, I left all my brothers and sisters and if I were with my love, I would do my duty.
I left all my friends and my own relations, I left them all for to Strange new is come to town, strange news is carried,
follow you. strange news flies up and down, that my love is married.
Well I wish them both much joy, though they don’t hear me,
But the sweetest apple is the soonest rotten, and the heart of and may God reward him well, for the slighting of me.
love is the soonest cold,
and what can’t be cured love, has to be endured love, and now I Don’t you remember when you lay beside me,
am bound for America. and you said you’d marry me, and not deny me,
if I said I’d marry you, ’t was not to try you,
And love and porter make a young man older, and love and so bring your witness love, and I’ll not deny you.
whiskey make him old and grey,
and what can’t be cured love, has to be endured love, and now I O, witness have I none, save the God almighty,
am bound for America. and may he reward you well for the slighting of me,
and her lips grew pale and wan, it made a poor heart tremble,
to think she loved a one, and he proved deceitful.
The lark in the clear air
A blacksmith courted me, nine months and better,
(dbgffgecd) EmCDDGGAm EmCDDGCDG he fairly won my heart, wrote me a letter,
EmEmCGEmAmDAm EmCDDGCDCG with his hammer in his hand, he looked so clever,
And if I were with my love, I would live forever.
Dear thoughts are in my mind, and my soul soars enchanted,
as I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day;
for a tender beaming smile, to my hope has been granted,
and tomorrow she shall hear, all my fond heart would say.

I shall tell her all my love, all my soul’s adoration.

And I think that she will hear me, and will not say me nay;
It is this that gives my soul all it’s joyous elation,
as I hear the sweet lark sing, in the clear air of the day.

O tell me what does your brother do? He is a robber just like
The schools of Herrin’ you.
O dear god what have I done, I’ve slain my sisters all but one!
GCG GCD GDGC GCG And so he drew his wee pen knife and there he took his own
DGD DGA DADG DGD dear life.
It was a fine and a pleasant summers day, out of Yarsmouth
harber I was farin’, The Knight and the Unicorn
as a cabin boy on the sailin’ laggert, we were off to hunt the
shoals of herrin’. ADEA ADEA EADE ADEA
Now the work was hard and the hours were long, and the
treatment surely took some bearin’, There was a knight, a lusty knight, a randy knight was he,
there was little kindness and the kicks were many, as we hunted he had eleven mistresses and bastards thirty-three,
for the shoals of herrin’. he indulged in every excess yes, and each licentious whim,
so you should have seen his jaw drop when a unicorn chose
Now we fished the swarth and the broken bank, I was cook and him!
by the water sharin’,
and I used to sleep standing on my feet, and I dreamt about the Please go away, my gold-maned friend, begone I do declare!
shoals of herrin. My reputation will be shot with all the maidens fair.
I fear you’ve got the wrong, o, my friend with coat so fine,
Now we left the homeground in the month of June, and the I haven’t been a virgin since I reached the age of nine!
Caldy Shields we soon were bearin
with a hundred grant of the silver darlins, that we’ve taken for I’ve led a very lusty life - Falls,Winters, Springs and Summers,
the shoals of herrin. I have no peers with pole weapons, yes I’ll take on all comers,
So go away fair unicorn, if not I’ll be grief stricken,
Now you’re up on deck, you’r a fisherman, you can swear and the rampant cock upon my shield will turn into a chicken.
show a manly bearin’,
take your turn on deck with the other fellows as you’re following The ladies all reject me thinking I’m so much bravado.
the shoals of herrin. There must be twenty knights around with chastity their motto.
sor go away fair unicorn, yes, please leave me alone,
Through the stormy seas and the livin gales just to earn your the ladies will not lay with me with you for chaperone!
daily bread you’re daring
from the dober strait to the Farreur Islands while ye’re following Please go away fair unicorn, begone and do not tarry,
the shoals of herrin. you’ll find the kind of man you seek up in the monastery,
on second thought, they’re not the type that’s celibately
Night and day we’re faring come winter we hail or winter gail, sleeping,
sweat or cold, growing up, growing old, as ye hunt the bonny instead of mass and priestly vows, it’s mistresses they’re
shoals of herrin. keeping.
By unknown.
The unicorn said not a word, but with a soft tap-tap,
she coiled her hooves around his feet, put his head upon his
Bonnie Bonnie Bank of the Virgio lap,
the knight looked in her deep brown eyes and asked "Why me?
EmEEEm EmEEEm of AmAAAm AmAAAm Why you?"
The unicorn demurely said: "My lord, I’m horny too!"
Three sisters walked out one ifne day, All the lee and the lonely-
o, There was a knight, a lusty knight, a randy knight was he,
They met a robber on the way, on the bonnie bonnie banks of he took to wife a unicorn, and they’re both quite happy!
the Virgio. By unknown
He took the first one by the hand, he whipped her ’round and
made her stand.
O will you be a robbers wife, or will you die by my pen knife?
O I’ll not be a robbers wife, I’d rather die by your pen knife?
She he took his wee pen knife and there he took her own dear
He took the next one by the hand , he wipped her round and
made her stand.
O, will you be a robbers wife, or will you die by my pen knife?
O I’ll not be a robbers wife, I’d rather die by your pen knife.
So he took out his wee pen knife and there he took her own
dear life.
He took the last one by the hand, he wipped her round and
made her stand.
O will you be a robbers wife, or will you die by my pen knife?
o, I’ll not be a robbers wife, and I’ll not die by your pen knife.
For you have killed my sisters dear, you wouldna done that if my
brother was here.

For you sae douce, ye sneer at this, ye’re nought but senseless
Donald MacGillavry asses, o,
the wisest man the world e’er saw, he dearly loved the lasses, o.
EmEmEmEm EmEmDD EmEmEmEm AmGDD Auld Nature swears, the lovely dears her noblest work she
(efge, bcdebe) classes, o,
her prentice hand she tried on man, and then she made the
AmAmAmAm AmAmGG AmAmAmAm DmCGG lasses, o.
(Alternative ending:
Donald’s gane up the hill, hard and hungry We’re a dry wi’ drinkin’ o’t, we’re a’ dry wi’ drinkin’ o’t,
Donald comes down the hill wild and angry the parson Kissed the fiddler’s wife, and he couldna preach for
Donald will clear the gouk’s nest cleverly thinkin’ o’t.
Here’s to the king and Donald MacGillavry. The down bed, the feather bed, the bed amang the rashes o,
Come like a weighbauk, Donald MacGillavry yet a’ the beds is no’ sae saft as the bellies o’ the lasses o.)
Come like a weighbauk, Donald MacGillavry
Balance them fair, and balance them cleverly,
off with the counterfeit, Donald MacGillavry. Blow your winds
Donald’s run o’er the hill but his tether man, ADAE DEED ADAE DEEA
as he were wud, or stang’d wi’ an ether man, DGDA GAAG DGDA GAAD
when he comes back, there’s some will look merrily,
Here’s to King James, and to Danald MacGillavry. As I gaed uut one morning fair to view the heathers round
Come like a weaver, Donald MacGillavry (2x) there I saw a pretty girl come tripping o’er ground.
Pack on your back, and elwand sae cleverly,
Gie them full measure, my Donald MacGillavry. Refr: Sing blow your winds in the morning, blow you winds heigh
Donald has foughten wi’rief and roguery, Clear away the running gear and blow winds, blow!
Donald has dinner’d wi’ banes and beggary,
Better it were for Whigs and Whiggery, My father has a milkwhite steed, he keeps it in the stall,
Meeting the devil then Donald Macgillavry. and when he eat’s it’s hay or corn when he eats at all.
Come like a tailor, Donald MacGillavry (2x)
Push about, in and out, thimble them cleverly, I told my dear to come with me, she laughed right in my face
here’s to King James and Donald MacGillavry. So I took her up to the horse’s stall, and put her in the horse’s
Donald’s the caftan that brocks nae taingleness,
whipping and prigging and a’ newfangleness. She sais this is an awful thing, to treat a maiden so
They maun hae justice, or faith he’ll tak it man. take of the reins and halter and to sea with you I’ll go.
Come like a cobbler, Donald MacGillavry (2x)
Beat them, and bore them, and lingel them cleverly, She dressed up in her sunday best, to meet me in the church
up with King James and with Donald MacGillavry. but my lugger sailed the night before and I left her in the lurch.
Donald was mumpit wi’ mirds and mockery, To my father’s farm I can’t go back, for fear she might be there
Donald was blinded wi’ blads o’ property, for the marriage game is not for me, to that I roundly swear.
Arles ran high, but makings were naething, man,
Lord how Donald is flying and fretting man.
Come like the devil, Donald MacGillavry (2x) The Trooper and the Maid
Skelp them and scaud them that proved sae unbritherly,
up with King James and with Donald MacGillavry. DmDmCA DmDmFADm (ddggagfd)
Green grow the rashes, o.
A trooper lad came here last night, wi’ riding he was weary,
GGAmAm AmGAmEm a trooper lad cam here last nicht, fan the moon shone bricht an’
Bonnie lassie, I’ll lie near ye noo, Bonnie lassie, I’ll lie near ye,
Refr:Green grow the rashes o, green grow the rashes, o and I’l far a’ your ribbons reel, or the mornin’ ere I leave ye.
the feather bed is nae sae saft as a bed among the rashes o.
She’s ta’en his heich horse by the heid, an’ she’s led him tae the
There’s naught but care on every hand, in every hour that stable,
passes, o, she’s gi’en him corn an’ hay till ate, as muckle as he was able.
what signifies the life of man, an ’twere not for the lasses, o?
She’s taken the trooper by the hand, and she’s led him to her
The warly race may riches chase, an’ riches still may fly them, o, chamber,
and that at last they catch them fast, their hearts can ne’er enjoy she’s given him bread and wine to drink, and the wine it was like
them,o. amber.
But gie me a cannie hour at e’en, my arms aboot my deario, She’s made her bed both long and wide, and she’s made it like
and warly cares and whirly men may all go topsalteerio. a lady,
she’s taken he wee coatie over her head, says: Trooper, are ye

I sigh for the vally o’ dark Lochnagar.
He’s taken of his big top coat, likewise his hat and feather,
and he’s taken his broadsword fae his side, and now he’s down A there my young footsteps in infancy wandered,
aside her. my cap was the bonnet, my cloak was the plaid.
On chieftains departed, my memory lingered,
They hadna’ been but an hour in bed, an hour and half a as daily I strayed through the pine covered glade.
quarter, I sought not my home till the day’s dying glory,
fan the drums came beating up the toon, an’ ilka beat was gave place to the rays of the bright polar star.
faster. My fancy was cheered by the bold marshal story,
as told by the sons o’ dark Lochnagar.
It’s up, up,up an oor curnel cries, It’s up, up, up and away, Refr: Brave Caledonia, clear are thy mountains,
It’s up, up,up an oor curnel cries, for the morn’s oor battle day. I sigh for the valley o’ dark Lochnagar.

She’s taken her were cloakie over her head, and she’s followed Years have rolled on Lochnagar, since I left you
him doon to Stirling. years must roll on ere I see you again.
She’s grown sae fu’ an’ she couldna boo, An’ they left her in Though nature of verdure and flowers bereft you,
Dunfermline. uet still art thou dearer than Albion’s plain.
England thy beauties are tame and domestic,
Bonnie lassie I maun leave ye noo, Bonnie lassie, I maun leave to one who has roved on the mountains afar.
ye, O, for the crags that are wild and majestic
An’oh but it does grieve me sair, That ever I lay sae near ye. the steep frowning glories of dark Lochnagar.

It’s Fan’ll ye come back again, My ain dear trooper laddie, Ill starred now the brave did no vision foreboding,
Fan’ll ye come back again, an’ be your bairnies daddy? tell you that fate had forsaken our cause,
yet were you destined to die at Culloden,
O haud your tongue my bonnie lass, ne’er let this partin grieve though victory crowned not your fall with applause.
ye, Yet were you happy in death’s earth slumbers
when heater cowes grow ousen bows, bonnie lassie, I’ll come Tae sleep with your clan in the caves o’Braemar
and see ye. the pitbroch rsounds tae the pipers loud numbers
your deeds to the echoes of dark Lochnagar
Cheese and bread for carles an’ dames, Corn an ’hay for your deeds to the echoes of dark Lochnagar
horses, Words by Lord Byron
Cups of tea for auld maids, and bonnie lads for lasses.

I will go
Rattlin’ Roarin’ Willie
Refr: I will go, I will go, when the fighting is over
o, rattlin roarin Willie, o, he held tae the fair, to the land o’ McLeod, that I left tae be a soldier.
an’ for to sell his fiddle and buy some other ware. I will go, I will go..
but parting with his fiddle, the salt tear blin’t his e’e
And rattlin roarin Willie, ye’re welcome hame to me. When the King’s son came along, he called us all together
saying brave Highland men, will ye fight for me father?’
O Willie come sell your fiddle, come sell your fiddle sae fine, I wil go, I will go..
o Willie, o me sell your fiddle, and buy a pint of wine!
If I should sell me fiddle, the warl’ would think I was mad, I’ve a buckle on my belt, a sword in my scabbard,
for many a ranting day my fiddle and I hae had. a red coat on my back and a shilling in my pocket.

As I came by Crochallan I cannily keekit ben, When they put us all on board the lasses were singing,
Rattlin, roarinWillie, was sitting at yon boord-en but the tears came tae their eyes when the bells started ringing.
sitting at yon boord-en, and amang guid companie;
rattlin’ roarin’ Willie, ye’re welcome hame to me. When we landed on the shore, and saw the foreign heather,
we knew that some would fall and would stay there forever.

Dark Lochnagar When we came back to the glen, the winter was turning,
our goods lay in the snow, and our houses were burning..
Away ye grey landscapes, ye gardens of roses,
In you let the minions of luxury rove
And restore me the rock where the snowflake reposes
if still they are sacred to freedom and love.
Brave Caledonia, clear are thy mountains,
round their white summits the elemants war.
Though cataracts roar instead of smooth flowing fountains,

The Banks of Newfoundland
The Haughs of Cromdale
CGCCGDG (gfisedg>b) DmDmDmC FAmDmAmDmAmDmDm
GDGGDAD (dcisbad) or AmAmAmG CEmAmEmAmEmAmAm
AmGAmEmamAmEm AmAmGAmAmEmAmAm
On St Patricks Day, the seventeenth from New York we set sil
kind fortune did favour us with a sweet and a pleasant gale. As I cam in by Auchendown just a wee bit fae the toon
We bore away from Americay, the wind being off the land Tae the Hielands I was bound tae view the Haughs of
And with courage brave we ploughed the wave bound down for Cromdale.
Newfoundland. I met a man in tartan trews, spiered at him what was the news,
Quoth he: ’The Hieland army rues that e’er we cam tae
Ou Captain’s name was Nelson just twenty years of age Cromdale.
as true and brave a sailer lad as ever ploughed the wave.
The Eveline our brig was called, belonging to McLean We were at dinner every man, when the English host upon us
And with courage brave, we ploughed the wave, bound down for cam
Newfoundland A bloody battle then began Upon the Haughs of Cromdale.
The English horse they were sae rude, bathed their hooves in
When three days out to our surprise our Captain he fell sick hielan’ blood,
He shortly was not able to take his turn on deck but our brave clans they boldly stood, upon the Haughs of
The fever raged which made us think that death was near at Cromdale.
So we bore away from Halifax, bound for Newfoundland But alas we could no longer stay, and over the hills we came
At three o clock we sighted a light that we were glad to see, seir we did lament the day, that e’er we cam to Cromdale.
the small-pox being raging, that’s what it proved to be. Thus the great Montrose did say, Hielan’ Man show me the way,
At four o clock in the afternoon, as sure as God’s command, we will o’er the hills this day, tae view the Haughs o’ Cromedale.
He passed away in Arichat, bound down for Newfoundland
They were at dinner every man, when great Montrose upon
All that night long we did lament our dear departed friend them cam,
and we were praying unto God for what had been his end. a second battle then began, upon the Haughs of Cromdale.
We prayed that God would guide us and keep us by his hand. The Grant McKenzie and Mackay, as Montrose they did espy,
And send us fair wind while at sea, bound down for then they fought most valiantly, upon the Haughs of Cromdale.
The MacDonalds they returned again, the Camerons did their
standards join,
I once loved a Lass McKintosh played a bloody game, upon the Haughs of
GGG GCCGG GGFDmD GCGG FCGG The Gordons boldly did advance, the Frasers fought with sword
(dggag) and lance,
DDD DGGDD DDCAmA DGDD CGDD the Grahams they made the heids tae dance, upon the Haughs
of Cromdale.
I once loved a lass, and I loved her so well,
I hated all others, who spoke of her ill, Then the loyal Stewarts with Montrose, so boldly set upon their
But now she’s rewarded me well for my love, foes,
for she’s gone to be wed tae another. laid them low with hieland blows upon the Haughs of Cromdale.
Of thirty thousand Cromwells men, a thousand fled tae
I saw my love to the church go Aberdeen,
with bridegroom and brides maids they made a fine show. the rest of them lie on the plain, upon the Haughs of Cromedale.
And I followed them on with my heart full of woe
she was going to be wed tae another.
The Jolly Beggarman
I saw my love sit down to dine
as I sat down beside her I poored out the wine,
I drank to the lassie that should have been mine, FDmFDmC DGDF DGDF DGCG
even though she’d been wed tae another. or DDAEm DDAC DDAEm DDAD
The men of the forest they asked of me
’How many strawberries grow in the salt sea?’ or DDDC DDAC DDCD DDCD
I answered them all with a tear in my e’e CCCG DDAC DDDC DDAD
’How many ships sail in the forest?’

Dig me a grave and dig it so deep I am a jolly beggarman, a beggin’ I ha’e been
and cover me o’er my head till my feet, for three score mornings, alyin’ on the green.
And I will lie down and I’l take a long sleep, Known from the Liffy along to Killyloo
and maybe in time I’ll forget her. all allong by this name I have of old Johnny Doo.
Of all the trades in the world abeggin’ is the best
for when a man is tired he can lay him down to rest.

Beg for his supper, he’s nothing else to do it’s the mantle of your maidenhead, that I would have from thee,
but to tumble around the corner with his old rig-a-doo. with my rue rum rority right rum rority right me werity an.

I slept in the Barn, down by Carnarven He taken her by the milk white hand and by the lee lang sleeve,
a devillish night it was, I was sleepin’ till the dawn. he’s laid her down upon her back, and asked no man’s leave.
Holes in the roof, the rain comin’ through,
and the bats and rats and cats were all aplayin’ peekaboo. Now since you’ve laid me down, you must take me up again,
And who awakened but the lady of the house? and since you’ve had your will to me, now come tell me your
With the long spotty apron and the calico blouse? name.
She began to frighten when I said: BOO.
Hey now don’t you be afraid of me it’s only Johnny Doo! Some call me Jim, some call me John, begad it’s all the same,
but when I’m in the King’s high court, Erwillian is my name.
I met a littly flaxy-haired girl one day.
’Come on, littly flaxy haired girl’, I did say. She being a good scholar, she spelled it over again:
’Hello little beggarman, and how do you do Erwillian that’s a Latin word, so William is your name.
with your rags and your tags and your old rig-a-doo?’
Get ye new leggin’s, a collar and a tie When he heard his name pronounced he mounted his high
it’ll get ye a new lady by and by. horse,
I’ll get a pair of leggings colored and blue but she belted up her petticoats and followed with all her force.
and a nice old fashioned lady will a make it for ye too.
He rode and she ran the long summer’s day,
Out on the road with me bag on me back untill they came by the river commonly called the Tay.
out on the road with me big and heavy sack,
holes in me boots, me toes stickin’ through, The water is too deep my love, I’m afraid you cannot wade,
with me diddly-eidle-oodle and me old rig-a-doo! but before he’d ridden his horse well in she was on the other

Plaisir d’Amour She went up to the King’s high door, she knocked and she went
DADD GDAA GADGDAD said: sir, one of your chancellors robbèd me, and he's robbed
or AEAA DAEE DEADAEA me right and clean.

Plaisir d’amour ne dure qu’un moment, Has he robbed you of your mantle, has he robbed you of your
chagrin d’amour dure toute la vie. ring?
The joys of love, are but a moment long, No he's robbed me of my maidenhead and another I cannot
the pain of love endures the whole night long. find.
Your eyes kissed mine, I saw love in them shine,
you brought me heaven on earth when your eyes kissed mine. Well if he is a married man, then hangèd he will be,
My love loves me, and all the wonders I see, but if he is a single man, he shall marry thee.
A rainbow shines in my window, my love loves me.
And now he’s gone, like dream that fades into dawn, This couple they got married, they live in Huntington,
but the world stays locked in my heartstrings, my love loves me. she's the earl of Aily'
s dauther, and he's the blacksmith'
s son.
Plaisir d’amour ne dure qu’un moment, EmAEmA GDGA G7CG7Em
chagrin d’amour dure toute la vie. AmDAmD FCAmG FCFAm

Mairi’s Wedding Killiecrankie

Refr: Step we gaile on we go, heel for heel and toe for toe, or GGCC GGDD GGCC GCCG
arm in arm and on we go, all for Mairi’s wedding. GCCC GGGD GGCC GDCG
Over hillways up and down, myrtle green and bracken brown, Where hae ye been sae braw, lad, where hae ye been sae
past the sheiling through the town, all for sake of Mairi. brankie, o.
where hae ye been sae braw lad, cam be by Killiecrankie, o?
Plenty herring, plenty meal, plenty peat tae fill her creel, Refr: An ye had been where I hae been, Ye wad na been sae
Plenty bonny bairns as weel, That’s the toast for Mairi. cantie, o,
an ye had seen what I hae seen, on the braes o'Killiecrankie, o.
Cheeks as bright as rowans are, brighter far than any star,
fairest of them all by far is my darling Mairi. I fought at land, I fought at sea, at hame I fought my auntie, o,
but I met the devil and Dundee on the braes of Killiecrankie, o.
Over hillways up and down, myrtle green and bracken brown,
past the sheiling through the town, all for sake of Mairi. The bauld Pitcur fell in a furr an'Clavers got a clankie, o.
Or I had fed an Athol gled, on the braes o'Killiecrankie, o.
The Royal Forester
I am a forester of this land, as you can plainly see,

Mary Mack
The Cruiskeen Lawn
or AmAmAmG GGGDm CCDmAm AmEAmAm GGDDEmBEmEmEmBEm (bbbeefg)
There’s a nice wee lass and her name’s Mary Mack, Let the farmer praise his grounds, let the huntsman praise his
mak’ no mistake, she’s the miss Im going to tak’, hounds,
there’s a lot of other chaps that would get upon her track, let the sheherd praise his dewy scented lambs,
but I’m thinking that they’d have to go up early. but I more wise than they spend each happy night and they
with my darling little cruiskeen lawn, lawn lawn,
Refr: Mary Mack’s mother’s making Mary Mack marry me, with my darling little cruiskeen lawn.
my mother’s making me marry Mary Mack,
And I’m gonna marry Mary to get married and take care of me, Refr: Gra machree ma cruiskeen, slaine geal mavourneen,
we’ll all be making merry when I marry Mary Mack. gra machree a coolin bawn, bawn bawn, o gra machree a coolin
Of: Little jug my heart’s love, bright health to my own dove,
This wee lass, she has a lot of brass, little jug my own heart’s love, love love, little jug my own heat’s
she has a lot of gas, her father thinks I’m class, love.
And I’d be a silly ass to let the matter pass,
HEr father thinks that she will suit me fairly. Immortal and divine, great Bacchus, god of wine, create me by
adoption your own sun.
Now Mary and her mother gang an awfull lot together, In hopes that you’ll comply may me glass never run dry, nor me
in fact you never see the one, or the one without the other, darling little cruiskeen lawn.
And the fellows often wonder if it’s Mary or her mother
or the both of them together that I’m courting. And when grim death appears, in a few but happy years, and
sais o, won’t you come along with me?
Now the wedding day’s on wednesday, and everything’s I’ll say: begone you knave, for great Bacchus gave me leave, to
arranged, fill another cruiskeen lawn.
her name will soon be changed to mine, unless her mind be
changed, So fill your glasses high, let’s not part with lips so dry, although
and with making the arrangements, faith, I’m just about the lark proclaimes it is the dawn,
deranged, and since we can’t remain may we shortly meet again, to fill
for marriage is an awfull undertaking. another cruiskeen lawn.

Ye Jacobites by Name O no, John

or AmAmAmE AmEmAm AmCGG On yonder hill there stands a creature who she is I do not know.
AmEmAmEm AmEmAm I’ll go and court her for her beauty, she must answer yes or no.
Refr: O no John, O no John, no!
Ye Jacobites by name, give an ear, give an ear,
ye Jacobites by name, give an ear. On her bosom are buncehs of posies, on her breast where
Ye Jacobates by name, your faults I will proclaim, flowers grow.
your doctrines I maun blame, you shall hear, you shall hear, If I should chance to thouch that posy, she must answer yes or
your doctrines I maun blame, you shall hear. no.

What is right and what is wrong by the law. Madam I am come for to court you, if your favor I can gain:
What is right what is wrong, a short sword and a long, if you will but entertain me, perhaps then I might come again.
a weak arm and a stron for to draw.
My husband was a Spanish captain, went to sea a month ago,
What makes heroic strife famed afar. the very last time we kissed and parted, bid me always answer
What makes heroic strife, to whet the assassin’s knife, no.
or hunt a parent’s life with bloody war.
Madam in your face is beauty, in your bosom flowers grow,
Then leave your schemes alone in the state. in your bedroom there is pleasure, shall I view it, yes or no?
Then leave your schemes alone, adore the rising sun,
and leave a man alone to his fate. Madam shall I tie your garter, tie it a little above your knee,
if my hand should slip a little further, would you think it amiss of

My love and I went to bed together, there we lay till cocks did
Unclose your arms my dearest jewel, unclose your arms and let
me go.

Loch Tay Boat Song
Whiskey in the Jar
As I was going over the farfamed Kerry Mountains
GGDG I met with Captain Farell and his money he was counting.
CCG CCG CCG GDG GGG CCG CCG GGDG I first produced my pistol and then produced my rapier
saying stand and deliver for you are my bold deceiver
When I’ve done my work of day, and I row my boat away, Refr: with your whack fol the diddle day, whack fol the diddle
doon the waters of Loch Tay as the evening light is fading. day,
And I look upon Ben Lawers where the after glory glows whack fool the diddle day there’s whiskey in the jar.
and I think on two bright eyes and the melting mouth below.
She’s my beautious nighean ruadh, she’s my joy and sorrow I counted out my money and it made a pretty penny
too, I put it in my pocket and I gave it to my Jenny
and although she is untrue, well, I cannot live without her. She sighed and she swore that she never would deceive me
For my heart’s a boat in tow, and I’d give the world to know But the devil take the women for they never can be easy.
Why she means to let me go, As I sing horee horo.
I went into my chamber for to take a slumber
Nighean ruadh your lovely hair, has more glamour I declair, I dreamt of golden jewels and sure it was no wonder
than all the tresses rare from Kilin to Aberfeldy. For Jenny took my charges and filled them up with water
Be they lint white, brown or gold, be they blacker than a sloe, And sent for Captain Farrell to be ready for the slaughter.
they’re no more worth to me then the melting flake of snow.
Her eyes are like the gleam, of the sunlight on the stream, ’T was early in the morning, before I rose to travel
and the songs the fairies sing seem like songs she sings at The guards were all around me and likewise Captain Farrell
milking, I then produced my pistol for she stole away my rapier
but my heart is full of woe, for last night she let me go, But I couldn’t shoot the water so a prisoner I was taken.
and the tears begin to flow as I sing horee horo.
If anyone can aid me it’s my brother in the army
I think that he is stationed in Cork or in Kilkenny
Jock O’ Hazeldean (by Sir Walter Scott) And if he’d come and join me, we’d go roving in Kilkenny
I swear he’d treat me fairer than me darling sporting Jenny.
The Raggle Taggle Gypsies (based on
GDG an event in 1624)
Why weep ye by the tide lady, why weep ye by the tide?
I’ll wed ye tae my youngest son, and you will be his bride.
And you will be his bride, lady, sae comely tae be seen. Three gypsies stood at the castle gate, they sang so high, they
And aye she let a teary fall, for Jock O’ Hazeldean. sang so low,
The lady sat in her chamber late, her heart it melted away as
Now let this wilfull grief be done, and dry your cheaks sae pale. snow.
Young Frank is chief of Erington and Lord of Langly Dale.
His step is first in peaceful hall, his sword in battle keen, They sang so sweet they sang so shrill, that fast her tears
but she she let a teary fall, for Jock O’ Hazeldean. began to flow,
and she laid down her silken gown, her golden rings and all her
A chain of gold you shall not lack, nor braid to bind your hair, show.
Nor metaled hound nor managed hawk, nor palfrey fresh and
fair. She plucked off her high-heeled shoes, a made of Spanish
And you the foremost of them all will ride our forest queen leather o,
But aye she let a teary fall, for Jock O’ Hazeldean. she went in the street with her bare, bare feet, all out in the wind
and weather o.
The church was decked at morningtide, the taper glimmered
there. O saddle to me my milkwhite steed, and go and fetch my pony,
The priest and bridegroom wait the bride, and dame and knight o,
are there. That I may ride and seek my bride, who’s gone with the raggle
They sought her baith by bower and hall, the lady was nae taggle gypsies o.
she’s over the border and the wall, with Jock O’ Hazeldean. O he rode high and he rode low, he rode through wood and
copses too.
Until he cme to an open field, and there he espied his lady o.

What makes you leave your house and land, your golden
treasures for to go,
what makes you leave your new-wedded lord, to follow the
raggle taggle gypsies o.

An see ye not that braid, braid road, that lies across that lily
What care I for my house and my land, what care I for my leven?
treasure o, that is the path of wickedness, though some call it the road to
what care I for my new wedded lord, I’m off with the raggle heaven.
taggle gypsies o.
And see not ye that bonny road, that winds about the fernie
Last night you slept on a goose-feather bed, with the sheets brae?
turned down so bravely o. That is the road to fair Elfland, where thou and I this night maun
But tonight you shall sleep in a cold open field, along with the gae.
raggle taggle gypsies o.
But Thomas, ye maun hold your tongue, whatever ye may hear
What car I for a goose-feather bed, with the sheets turned down or see,
so bravely o. For if you speak word in Elflyn land ye’ll never get back to your
For tonight I shall sleep in a cold open field, along with the ain countrie.
raggle taggle gypsies o.
AmAmGEmGEmFAmGAm O they rade on, and farther on, and they waded through rivers
aboon the knee,
and they sae neither sun nor moon, but they heard the roaring
True Thomas of the sea.

FDmFAm FCFD It was mirk, mirk night, there was no starlight, they waded
through red blood to the knee,
CAmCE CAmCAm for all the blood that is shed on earth, runs through the springs
of that countrie.
True Thomas lay on Huntlie Bank, a ferlie he pied with his ee
and there he saw a lady bright, come riding down by the Eildon Syne they come on to a garden green, she pulled an apple frae
Tree. a tree:
take this for thy wages, True Thomas, it will give thee the
Her shirt was o the grassgreen silk, her mantle of the velvet fine, tongue that can never lie.
at ilka tett of her horse’s mane, hung fifty siller bells and nine.
My tongue is mine ain, true Thomas said, a gudely gift, ye wad
True Thomas he pulled aff his cap, and louted low down tae his gie to me:
knee; I neither dought to buy nor sell, at fair or tryst where I may be.
all hail, thou mighty Queen of Heaven, for thy peer on earth I
never did see. I dought not speak to prince or pear, nor ask of grace from fair
O no, O no, Thomas she said, that name does not belang to Now hold your tonge the lady said, for as I say, so must it be.
I am but the Queen of fair Elfland that am hither come to visit He has gotten a cloak of the elven cloth and a pair of boots of
thee. velvet green.
Till seven years were gane and past, true Thomas on earth was
Harp and carp Thomas, she said, harp and carp along wi me, never seen.
and if ye dare to kiss my lips, sure of your bodie I will be.
Betide me weal, betide me woe, that weird shall never daunton CAmCE CAmCAm
Syne he has kissed her rosy lips, all underneath the Eildon
Tree. I’m a Rover and Seldom Sober
Now y maun go with me, she said, true Thomas ye maun go GCGGGD DGDGGDG
and ye maun serve me seven years through weal or woe, as
chance may be. I’m a rover seldom sober, I’m a rover of high degree,
It’s when I’m drinking, I’m alsways thinking how to gain my love’s
She mounted on her milkwhite steed, she’s taken True Thomas company.
up behind;
and every time the bridle rings, the steed goes swifter than the Though the night be as dark as dungeo, not a star to be seen
wind. above,
I will be guided without a stumble into the arms of my own true
O they rode on and further on, the steed goes swifter than the love.
untill they reached a desert wide and living land was left behind. He stepped up to her bedroom window, kneeling gently upon a
Light down, light down now, true Thomas, and lean your head he rapped at her bedroom window: darling, dear, do you lie
upon my knee, alone?
abide and rest a little space, and I will show you ferlies three.
It’s only me your own true lover open the door and let me in,
O see ye not yon narrow road, so thick beset with thorns and for I have come on a long journey, and I’m near drenced to the
briers? skin.
That is the path of righteousness, though after it but few
enquire. She opened the door with the greatest pleasure, she opened
the door and let me in,

they both shook hands and embraced each other, until the
morning they lay as one.
I’ll tell me ma
The cocks were crawing, the birds were whistling, the streams
they ran free about the brae, GGCGDDGG GGCGDDGG GGCCGGDD GGCC-
remember lass, I’m a ploughman laddie, and the farmer I must GDGG
Now my love, I must go and leave thee, and though the hills DADD
I will climb then with greater pleasure since I’ve been in the
arms of my love.
I’ll tell me ma, when I go home, the boys won’t leave the girls
All ’Round my Hat alone.
They pull my head, they stole my comb, and that’s allright till I
She is handsome, she is pretty, she’s the belle of Belfast city.
DDDEmDD She is courtin one two three, please won’t you tell me who is
Albert Mooney sais he loves her, all the boys are fighting for her.
Refr: All around my hat I will wear the green willow, They rap at the door and they ring at the bell, saying true love
and all around my hat for a twelvemonth and a day. are you well?
If anybody asks me the reason why I’mm wearing it, Out she comes as white as snow, rings on her fingers, bells on
it’s all because my true love is far, far away. her toes,
Old Jenny Murphy says she’ll die if she doesn’t get the fellow
My love she was fair, and my love she was kind too, with the roving eye.
and many were the happy hours between my love and me,
I never could refuse her, whatever she’d a mind to, Let the wind and the rain and the hail blow high and the snow
And now she’s far away, far over the stormy sea. come tumbling from the sky
She’s as nice as apple pie, but she’l get her own love by and by.
Will my love be true, and will my love be faithful, When she gets a lad of her own, she won’t tell her ma when she
or will she find another swain to court her where she’s gone. gets home
The men will all run after her, so pretty and so gracefull let them all come as they will but it’s Albert Mooney she loves
and leave me here lamenting, lamenting all alone. still.
versie 2
Fare thee well, cold Winter, and fare thee well cold Frost
It’s nothing I have gained but my own true love I’ve lost
The wild rover
I’ll sing and I’ll be merry, when occasion I do see
She’s a false, deludin’ young girl, let her go! Farewell be!
My love she was fair, and my love she was kind, too GGGCC DDDGG GGGCC GDDG GDDDD
And many were the happy hours between my love and me
I never could refuse her, whatever she’d a mind to
She’s a false, deludin’ young girl, let her go! Farewell be!
I’ve been a wild rover for many’s the year
The other night I brought her a fine diamond ring and I’ve spent all my money on whiskey and beer.
But she tried to deprive me of a far better thing But now I’m returning with gold in great store
I never could refuse her, whatever she’d a mind to and I never will play the wild rover no more
She’s a false, deludin’ young girl, let her go! Farewell be! Refr: and it’s no, nay never, no nay never no more
will I play the wild rover, no never no more.
Will my love be true, and will my love be faithful?
Will she find another young man, to court her when I’m gone? I went to an alehouse I used to frequent
The men will all come court her, so pretty and so graceful and I told the landlady my money was spent
She’s a false, deludin’ young girl, let her go! Farewell be! I asked her for credit, she answered me nay,
such custom as yours I could have everyday.
It’s a quarter pound of Reason, and a half a pound of Sense
A small sprig of Time, and as much of Prudence, I brought up from my pocket ten souvereigns bright,
You mix them all together, and you will plainly see And the landlady’s eyes opened wide withe delight.
She’s a false, deludin’ young girl, let her go! Farewell be! She said: I have whiskeys and wines of the best,
and the words that I told you were only in jest.

I’ll go home to my parents, confess what I’ve done

and I’ll ask them to pardon their prodigal son.
And when they’ve caressed me as oft times before,
I never will play the wild rover no more.

Refrein: So fare thee well my own true love for when I return
Fear a Bhatha united we will be
It’s not the leaving of Liverpool that grieves me, but my darling
EmEmEmD DEmEmEmDD DEmEmGGD CEmA- when I think of thee.
AmAmAmG GAmAmAmGG GAmAmCCG FAm- I have shipped on a Yankee sailing ship, Davy Crockett is her
DmDmFAm Dand her Captain’s name was Burgess, and they say that she’s
a floating hell.
I’m often hunting the hightest hilltop
I scan the ocean your boat to see. Oh the sun is on the harbour love and I wish I could remain
Willt come tonight love, willt come tomorrow, for I know it will be a long long time, before I see you again.
or ever come love, to comfort me.

Fear a bhatha, sna horo wail la, (3x) Cockles and mussels
so fare thee well love, where ever you’ll be.
There’s not a hamlet or well I know it
where you go wandring or rest a while.
But all its old folk you win with talking, GEmAmAm GEAD GEmAmDGDAmEmDG EmA-
and charm its maidens with song and smile. mDGDAmEmDG
Fear a bhatha, sna horo wail la, (3x) In Dublins fair city where the girls are so petty I first set my eyes
so fare thee well love, where ever you’ll be. on sweet Molly Malone
As she wheels her wheelbarrow through the steeds broad and
narrow crying cockels and mussels alive, alive ho.
The rising of the moon
CCGG FCGC CCGG FCGC Alive alive ho, alive alive ho, crying cockles and mussels, alive,

Oh then tell me Sean o Farrell tell me why you hurry so She was a fishmonger, but sure ’t was no wonder, for so were
hush a buchall hush and listen and his cheeks were all aglow. her father and mother before.
I hear orders from the captain get you ready quick and soon And they both wheeled their barrow through streets broad and
for the pikes must be together at the rising of the moon. narrow, crying cockles and mussels, alive, alive ho.

Oh then tell me Sean o Farrell where the gathering is to be? She died of a fever, and no one could save her, and that was
In the old spot by the river so well known to you and me, the end of sweet Molly Malone.
one word more for signal token, whistle up the marchin tune But her ghost wheels her barrow through streets broad and
with your pike upon your shoulder by the rising of the moon. narrow, crying cockles and mussels, alive, alive ho.

Out from many a mud wall cabin eyes were watching through
that night The star of the County Down
many a manly heart was throbbing for the blessed warning light
Murmurs passed along the valleys, like the banshee’s lonely EmEmGDGEmG EmEmGDGCDEm
and a thousand blades were flashing at the rising of the moon.
There beside the singing river, that dark mass of men were DDEmEmDDD DDDADGAD
far above the shining weapons hung their own beloved green. Near Banbridge town in the County Down one morning last July
Death to every foe and traitor! Forward, strike the marching tune Down a Boreen green came a sweet coleen and she smiled as
and hurrah my boys, for freedom, ’tis the rising of the moon. she passed me by.
From Bantry Bay up to Derry Quay and from Galway to Dublin
Well they thought for poor old Ireland and full bitter was their Town
fate no maid I’ve seen like the brown coleen that I met in the County
O what glorious pride and sorrow fills the name of 98 Down.
Yet thank God, e’en still are beating hearts in manhood’s
burning moon Refr: She looked so sweet from her two bare feet to the sheen
who would follow in their footsteps at the rising of the moon. of her nut brown hair
such a coaxing elf, sure I shook myself, for to see I was really
The leaving of Liverpool
As she onwards sped, sure I scratched my head, and I looked
DDGDGDA DDGDDAD r AAGDDGAA DDGAD- And I says, says I, to a passerby: Who’s the maid with the
nutbrown hair?
DAD He smiled at me and he says, says he: that’s the gem of
Ireland’s crown
Farewell to you my own true love I am going far far away young Rosie Mc Cann from the Banks of the Bann, she’s the
I am bound for California and I know that turn some day. star of the County Down.

At the harvest fair I’ll be surely there, so I’ll dress in my Sunday Shall win my mad Tom from me
clothes I’ll weep all night, with stars I’ll fight
With my shoes shone bright and my hat cocked right, for a smile The fray shall well become me
from my nutbrown rose.
No pipe I’ll smoke, no horse I’ll yoke, till my plough is a And when that I’ll be murdering
rustcoloured brown The Man in the Moon to the powder
till a smiling bride by my own fireside sits the star of the County His staff I’ll break, his dog I’ll shake
Down. And there’ll howl no demon louder
EmEmGDGEmG EmEmGDGCDEm (Version B)
Of your five sound senses,
GGAmAmGFmGG EmEmGDEmCDEm You’ll never be forsaken,
or DDDADDDD DDDADGADD Nor wander from yourself with Tom,
DDEmEmDDD DDDADGAD Abroad to beg your bacon.

The night’s my constant mistress,

The Black Velvet Band And the lonely owl my marrow,
The flamin’ drake, and the night-crow make,
GGGGGGD GGGGGDDG Me music to their sorrow.
DDDDDDA DDDDDAAD I know more than Appollo,
As I went walking down Broadway, not intending to stay very Far off when he lies sleepin’
long, I see the stars of mortal wars,
I met with a frolicsome damsel as she came tripping along. And the wounded welkin weeping.
Refr: Her eyes they shone like diamonds, you’d think she was With a host of furious fancies,
queen of the land, Whereof I am commander,
with her hair thrown over her shoulders, tied up with a black With a flaming spear, and a horse of air,
velvet band. Through the wilderness I wander
A watch she pulled out of her pocket and slipped it right into my A knight of ghosts and shadows,
hand I summoned am to tourney,
On the very first day that I met her, bad luck to the black velvet Ten leagues beyond the wide world’s end,
band. Methinks it is no journey.
(Both Versions)
Before judge and jury next morning both of us did appear For to see Mad Tom of Bedlam
a gentleman claimed his jewellery and the case against us was Ten thousand years I have traveled
clear. Mad Maudlin goes on dirty toes
For to save her shoes from gravel.
Seven long years transportation right down to "Van Dieman’s
Far away from my friends and companions, betrayed by the O, no, not I
black velvet band.
FAmC DmEmDmEm (2x) FamCF
A Newfoundland sailor was walking by the strand,
Bedlam Boys He spied a pretty fair young maid, and took her by the hand.
O will you go to Newfoundland, along with me?, he cried.
AmEmEmEmAm AmEmEmEmAm But the answer that she gave him was: it’s o, no, not I.
DmAmAmAmDm DmAmAmAmDm
For to see Mad Tom of Bedlam To think that I would marry you, on me twould lay the blame
Ten thousand miles I traveled your friends and relations would scorn me to shame.
Mad Maudlin goes on dirty toes If you was born of noble blood and me of low degree,
For to save her shoes from gravel. do you think that I would marry you? It’s o no, not me.
Still I sing bonny boys, bonny mad boys
Bedlam boys are bonny Then six months being over and seven coming neigh
For they all go bare and they live by the air this pretty fair young maid, she began to look so shy,
And they want no drink or money. her corsets would not touch and her apron would not tie,
I went down to Satan’s kitchen made her think on all the times she said: o, no, not I.
For to get me food one morning
And there I got souls piping hot Then eight months being over and nine months coming on
All on the spit a-turning this pretty fair young maiden she brought forth a son.
(Version A) She wrote a letter to her love, to come most speedily,
My staff has murdered giants but the answer that he gave her was: o, no, not I.
My bag a long knife carries
For to cut mince pies from children’s thighs He said: my pretty fair maid, the best thing you can do
And feed them to the fairies is take your babe all on your back and a begging you may go
and when that you get tired, you can sit you down and cry,
The spirits white as lightening and think on all the times you said: o, no, not I.
Would on me travels guide me
The stars would shake and the moon would quake So come all you pretty fair maids, a warning take by me,
Whenever they espied me don’t ever put your trust in a green willow tree.
For the leaves they will wither and the roots they will die,
No gypsy, slut or doxy don’t you see what you can come to saying: o, no, not I.

I saw a man walk out the door, a little after three (AM!)
The Curse Who was that man.. after three..
..that’s an English tax-man ..
AmEmAmEm EmAmAmEmAm .. But an Englishman that could last till three...
DmAmDmAm AmDmDmAmDm
Remember me, in the cold moonlight. The sleeping Scotsman
Remember me, in the morning bright.
Remember me, when the sun is high. GGDG DCDD CGCG GGDG DDAD AGAA
Remember me, remember me, remember me. GDGD DDAD CCDD GGDG GGAA DDAD
Remember me, the one who loved you true. A Scotsman clad in kilt left a bar one evening fair,
Remember me, whose kiss you never knew. an one could tell by how he walked he’d drunk more than his
Remember me, the one you turned away. share.
Remember me, remember me, remember me. He stumbled on until he could no longer keep his feet,
then staggered off into the grass to sleep, beside the street.
Remember me, when he’s by your side. Refr: A ring-di-diddle-e-di do, a ring-di-diddle-i-day,
Remember me, when you are his bride. he staggered off into the grass to sleep beside the street.
Remember me, when your lips touch his.
Remember me, remember me, remember me. A pair of young and lovely girls just happened to come by,
and one said to the other, with a twinkle in her eye:
Remember me, on you this bane I cast. You see yon sleeping Scotsman, so strong and handsome built,
Remember me, until you’ve breathed your last. I wonder if it’s true what they don’t wear beneath the kilt?
Remember me, each time you close your eyes.
Remember me, remember me, remember me. They crept upon the sleeping Scotsman, quiet as could be,
and lifted up his kilt above the waist, so they could see,
Remember me, when your foe’s in sight and there, behold, for them to view, beneath his Scottish skirt,
Remember me, in your final fight. t was nothing but what God has graced him with upon his birth!
Remember me, as the sword comes down.
Remember me, remember me, remember me. They marveled for a moment, then one said: We’d best be
Remember me, by your grave I weep. but let’s leave a present for our friend before we move along!
Remember me, a guilty vigil I keep. So as a gift, they left a blue silk ribbon, tied into bow,
Remember me, for I love you still. around the Bonnie Star the Scottish kilt did lift and show!
Remember me, remember me, remember me.
The Scotsman woke to Nature’s Call, and stumbled towards a
Seven Nights Drunk behind the bush, he lifts his kilt, and gawks at what he sees.
When I came home on Monday night, Then in a startled voice he says to what’s before his eyes:
as drunk as drunk could be, I ken’ na whaur y’been, m’lad, but I see y’won Frist Prize!
I saw a horse outside the door,
where my old horse should be.
So I called my wife (HEY WIFE!)
Sweet Rose of Allandale
and I said to her, would you kindly tell to me
who owns that horse outside my door,
where my old horse should be? ADGGDA DDGAADD
O, you’re drunk, you drunk, you silly old fool, GGCDDGA GGCDDGG CCGGGDD GGCDDGG
can’t you plainly see?
That’s a lovely sow that my mother sent to me.
Well it’s many a day I’ve travelled, Oh the sky was clear, the morn was fair
a hundred miles or more, Not a breath came over the sea
but a saddle on a sow I’ve never seen before! When Mary left her highland home
And wandered forth with me
Tuesday: Saw a coat behind the door. Though flowers decked the mountainside
Who owns that coat.. And fragrance filled the vale
That’s a lovely blanket, By far the sweetest flower there
But buttons on a blanket.. Was the rose of Allandale

Wednesday: pipe, tin-whistle, Sweet rose of Allandale

tobacco in a tin-whistle. Sweet rose of Allandale
By far the sweetest flower there
Thursday: boots, geranium pots, Was the rose of Allandale
laces in geranium pots.
Where’er I wander to the east and to the west
Friday: head, baby boy, And fate began to lower
whiskers on a baby boy. A solace still was she to me
In sorrow’s lonely hour
Saturday: rise, shillelagh, Though tempest wreck my lonely barque
knackers on a shillelagh. And may rend the quivering sail
One maiden warm withstood the storm
Sunday: Twas the rose of Allandale

And when my feeble lips were parched
Never wed an old man
On Africa’s burning sands GGGDD GGGDD GCGDD GCD7G
She whispered hopes of happiness
And tales of foreign lands An old man came courting me hey ding dorum di,
My life had been a wilderness An old man came courting me, me being young,
Unblessed by fortune’s gales an old man came courting me, saying would you marry me,
Had fate not linked my lot to her maids when you’re young never wed an old man.
The Rose of Allandale. Because he’s got no falurum, dal diddle I urum
He’s got no falurum, fal diddle fal day
He’s got no falurum, he’s lost his ding durum
Song of the Shieldwall Maids, when you’re young never wed an old man.
CCGG CCESC EbFED EbFD ACED ACED DDCA When we went to church, hey ding dorum di,
DDAmD He left me in the lurch.
When we went to bed, he lay like he was dead.
Hasten, o, sea-steed, over the swan-road,
Foamy necked ship o’er the froth of the sea,
Hengest has called us from Gotland and Frisia,
To Vortigern’s country his army to be. Old Skibbereen (eedegagecdc)
We take our pay there in sweeter then silver,
we take our plunder in richer then gold. AmAmAmAmDmAmAm AmCAmEmCCE7
For Hengest has promised us land for the fighting,
land for the sons of the Saxons to hold! AmAmFEmAmCE7 DmDmAmAmDmAmAm

Hasten, o fyrdsmen, down to the river, Oh faither dear I often hear you speak of Erin’s Isle,
the dragonships on the in-flowing tide, Her lofty scenes, her valleys green, her mountains rude and
The lindenwood shield and the old spear of ashwood wild.
are needed again by the cold water side. They say it is a lovely land where in a prince might dwell.
Draw up the shieldwall, oh shoulder companions Oh why did you abandon it the reason to me tell.
later whenever our story is told,
they’ll say that we died guarding what we call dearest, Oh son I loved my native land with energy and pride,
land that the sons of the Saxons will hold! Till a blight came o’er my crops - my sheep, my cattle died,
My rent and taxes were too high, I could not them redeem,
Hasten, o house-carls, north to the Dane-Law, And that’s the cruel reason that I left old Skibbereen.
Harold Hardrada’s come over the sea,
His longships he’s laden with berserks from Norway Oh well do I remember the bleak December day
to gain Cnut’s crown and our master to be. The landlord and the sheriff came to drive us all away
Bitter he’ll find there the bite of our spear points They set my roof on fire with cursed English spleen,
hardruling Northmen too strong to die old. And that’s another reason that I left old Skibbereen.
We’ll grant him six feet, plus as much as he’s taller
of land that the sons of the Saxons will hold. Your mother too, God rest her soul, fell on the snowy ground,
She fainted in her anguish, seeing the desolation round,
Make haste, son of Godwin, southward from Stanford, She never rose, but passed away from life to mortal dream,
Triumph is sweet and your men have fought hard. I heaved a sigh and bade goodbye to dear old Skibbereen.
But William the Bastard has landed at Pevensey
burning the land you have promised to guard. And you were only two years old and feeble was your frame,
Draw up the spears on the hilltop at Hastings I could not leave you with my friends, you bore your father’s
fight ’til the sun drops and evening grows cold, name,
and die with the last of your Saxons around you, I wrapped you in my cotamore at dead of night unseen,
holding the land we were given to hold. I heaved a sigh and bade boodbye, to dear old Skibbereen.

O faither dear, the day may come when in answer to the call,
Each Irishmen, with feelings stern, will rally one and all,
I’ll be the man to lead the van beneath the flag of green,
Wjhen lout and high we’ll raise the cry “Remember Skibbereen”.

Danny Boy
Oh Danny Boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen and down the mountain side.
The Summer’s gone and all the roses dying,
‘tis you ‘tis you must go and I must bide.

But come ye back when Summer’s in the meadow,

Or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow,
‘Tis I’ll be there in sunshine or in shadow
oh Danny Boy oh Danny Boy I love you so.

And when ye come and all the lowers are dying,

If I am dead, as dead I well may be.
You’lll come and find the pljace where I am lying,
And kneel and say and Ave there for me.

And I shall heart tho soft you tread above me,

And all my grave will warmer sweeter be,
If you will bend and tell me that you love me,
Then I shall sleep in peace untill you come to me..

Medieval French, Spanish, Portuguese,
German, Russian, Latin Je ne l’ose dire.
Traditional, unless stated otherwise
Tourdion (1530)
Refr: La la la je ne l'o-, je ne l'o-, je ne l'ose dire,
ACCAAGCCDCFE ACCAAGAAEA la la la je le vous dirai, et la la la, je le vous dirai.
DFFDDCFFGFEA DFFDDCDDAD Il est un homme en nos ville que de sa femme es jaloux.
Il n'
es pas jaloux sans cause, mais il est cocu du tout.
Quand je bois du vin clairet, ami tout tourne, tourne tourne Il n'
es pas jaloux sans cause, mais il est cocu du tout.
tourne. Il aprête et si la maine Au marché s' en va du tout.
Aussi desormais je bois Anjou ou Arbois.
Chantons et buvons a ce flacon faisons la guerre,
chantons et buvons mes amis, buvons donc! Dinderin
Buvons bien, la buvons donc a ce flacon, faisons la guerre. GDDDDEm GDDDDEm EmEmGD DGDEmG
En mangeant d’un gras jambon, a ce flacon faisons la guerre. GGGDDDEm
Korobuschka CCCGGGAm
(some people think this is medieval, some say it is much later) Refr: Dinderin, dinderin, dinderin dana, dinderin (2x)
EAmEAm DmAmEAm Je me leve'un bel matin, Matinata per la prata,
ADmADm GmDmADm encontré le ruisenor, que cantaba so la rama, dinderindin.

Entcontré le ruisenor, que cantaba so la rama,

Ach polna, polna, korobuschka, iest icitsi ipatscha,
Ruisenor, le ruisenor, fácteme'aquesta embaxata, dinderindin.
pasjalee maiah zasnobuschka, malabietska wa pletcha.
Ruisonor, le ruisenor, Fácteme'
aquesta embaxata,
Widi, widi wrosj wisokoju, tamdonotski pogosju,
Y digalo'
a mon ami, que je ya só maritata, dinderindin.
azabisju charno okoju, wsje tobare rarlosju.

Zeni san platiel namalië, nitorgusa niskupiz, Pase el agua

patsavleika, gupkialie, bliscje kmi omu sadis.
Watipala not tumandaya, zdjod ndali maladyz,
zja idiot prisjla jelamaya, prodaiet tovai kopetz. AmAmDAm

Katje perzno torgujetza, vsio boitsa peredat, Pase el agua, ma Julietta, Dama. Pase el ague, venite vos
paren stebitsej tsilhouetsa, prosit tzenu habavljad. amoy.
Ju m' en anay en unvergel (2x) tres rosetas fui culler; ma Julioe-
Znayed tolku not grubunaya, uak poladik anni, letta, Dama.
horaz perjamis tu rozj wisokaya, tainu sverto sochrani. Vertaling
Schön Julietta, komm zu mir in den Garten, Schön Julietta,
schon lange wart ich dein.
Belle qui tiens ma vie In meinen Garten trat ich ein, pflückte für dich drei Röselein.
Julioletta, Liebste mein, immer in Freuden denk ich dein.
AAACCDGC(2x) CGFECFFA Ich hab ein Goldnes Ringelein, allzei soll es dein eignen sein.
Lass mich dein nicht länger warten, komm zu mir in den Garten.
Belle qui tiens ma vie, captive dans tes yeux,
Qui m' a l'
ame ravie d'un souris gracieux.
Viens tot me secourir, on me faudra mourir.

Pourquoi fuis-tu mignarde si je suis pres de toi?

Quand tes yeux je regarde je me perds dedans moi.
Car tes perfections changent mes actions.

Tes beautes et ta grace et tes divins propos

ont echauffe la glace qui me brulait les os.
Et ont rempli mon coeur d' une amoureuse ardeur.

Approche donc ma belle, approche toi mon bien,

ne me suis plus rebelle puisque mon coeur est tien.
Pour mon mal appaiser donne moi un baiser.

In Taberna Aldus drinken de soldaten, drinken burgers en prelaten,
drinken knechten met hun meiden, drinken man- en vrouwvolk
EAmAmE(2X) GDGGDG EAmAmE | GFG beiden.
ADmDmA(2X) CGCCGC ADmDmA | C C Drinkt wie trouw en wispelturig, drinkt wie sloom is en wie vurig,
drinkt wie blondgelukt en grijs, drinkt wie dom is en wie wijs.
In taberna quando sumus, non curamus, quid sit humus,
sed ad ludem properamus, cui semper insudamus. Drinkt de balling, de onbekende, de arme zieke in zijn ellende,
Quid agatur in taberna, ubi summus est pincerna, drinkt wie jong is en wie kaal is, drinkt wie klerk en principaal is.
hoc est opus ut quaeratur, sic quid loquar, audiatur. Drinkt de zuster, drinkt de broedere, drinkt ouwe opoe en drinkt
Quidam ludunt, quidam bibunt, quidam indescrete vivunt, Drinkers hier en drinkers daar, honderd, duizend bij elkaar.
sed in ludo qui morantur, ex his quidam denudantur,
quidam ibi vestiuntur, quidam saccis induuntur, Wel voor honderdzeven gulden maken ze vanavond schulden,
ibi nullus timet mortem, sed pro Bacchus mittunt sortem. in het drinken zijn ze onmatig, van betalen hoogst nalatig.
Aldus gaan de mensen vitten, als we vrolijk samen zitten;
Primo pro nummata vini, ex had bibunt libertini, wie zo oordeelt zij vervloekt en niet als gerecht geboekt.
semel bibunt pro captivis post haec bibunt ter pro vivis. Vertaling: W. van Elde
quater pro Christianis cunctis, quinquies pro fidelibus defunctis,
sexies pro sororibus vanis, septies pro militibus silvanis.
Santa Maria
Octies pro fratribus perversis, novies pro monachis dispersis,
decies pro navigantibus, undecies pro discordantibus, AmEmEmAm(2X) DDEmD DDEmA DDGD
duodecies pro paenitentibus, tredecies pro iter agentibus, DDEmD
tam pro papa quam pro rege, bibunt omnes sine lege.
bibit hera, bibit herus, bibit miles, bibit clerus, GGAmG
bibit ille, bibit illa, bibit servus cum ancilla,
bibit velox bibit piger, bibit albus, bibit niger, (^edcbbcdeaa, ^defegfefdd)
bibit constans, bibit vagus, bibit rudis, bibit magnus. Santa Maria, strela do dia,
nostra-nos via pers Deus e nos guia.
Bibit pauper et aegrotus bibit exul et ignotus,
bibit puer, bibit canus, bibit praesul et decanus, Ca veer faze-los errados, que perder foran per pecados
bibit soror, bibit frater, bibit anus, bibit mater, entender de que mui culpados, son; mais per ti son perdoados
bibit iste, bibit ille, bibit centrum, bibit mille. da ousadia, que Iles fazia, fazer folia, mais que non deveria.
Parum sescentae nummatae, durant, ubi ipse immoderate, Amostrar-nos deves carreira, por gaar en toda maneira,
bibunt omnes sina meta, quamvis bibant mente laeta. a sen par luz e verdadeira, que tu dar-nos podes senlleira;
Sic nos rodunt omnes gentes, et sic erimus egentes. ca Deus a ti a, outograria, e a querria, por ti dar e daria.
Qui nos rodunt, confundantur, et cum iustis non scribantur.
Guiar ben nos pod’o teu siso, mais ca ren pera Parayso,
u Deus ten senpre goy’e riso, pora quen en el creer quiso;
De Taveerne e prazer-m-i-a, se te prazia, que foss’a mia, alm’en tal
Kalenda Maya
Als we in de taveerne toeven kan de dood ons niet bedroeven.
Neen, het is om vreugd te scheppen dat wij ons steeds EDEA(2X) EAEA AADA(2X)
derwaarts reppen. AGAD(2X) ADAD DDGD(2X)
Hoe het op de kroeg gesteld is, waar de opperschenker ’t geld
is, Kalenda maia, ni fuellis de faia,
dat moet nodig bestudeerd: hoor dus wat mijn lied u leert. ni chans d’auzell, ni flors de glaia,
non es qe.m plaia, pros dona gaia,
Die hier drinken, die daar spelen, ginder is ’t een wild krakelen; tro q’un isnell, messagier aia,
van wie aan het spel meededen zijn er die zich naakt uitkleden, de vostre bell, cors, qi.m retraia,
zijn er die een pak aantrekken of met zak en as zich dekken: plazer novell, q’amors m’atraia,
niemand vreest hier Magere Hein, allen zweren bij de Wijn. e jaia, e.m traia, vas vos., donna veraia,
e chaia, de plaia, .l gelos, anz qe.m n’estraia.
De eerste dronk geldt wie betalen, al wie leeft ten tweede male,
dan drinkt al wat tof en taai is op wie brommen in de bajes,
vierdens alle Christenen ter ere, vijfdens op wie sterven in den
zesdens op de meisjes van de straat, en dronk zeven de

Acht op de verlopen fraters, negen, bedelende paters,

tien de zwervers en nachtbrakers, elf op alle ruziemakers,
twaalf op wie hun zonden boeten, dertien wie de zee op
en als’ Paus of Keizer geldt drinken allen ongeteld.

Palestina-Lied Ceo fu la summer de l' escrit(t)
Qu' il li aveit(t) madé et dit:
DmAmAmDm(2X) AmDmAmAmDmAm [Cumé] del che-evrefoil esteit
AmDmAmDm Ki a la codre se perneit.
AmEmEmAm(2X) EmAmEmEmAmEm
Quant il s'
iëst laciez e pris
EmAmEmAm E tut entur le fust s'
est mis,
"Bele amie, si est de nus;
Allererst lebe ich mir werde, sit min suendic ouge siht, [Ne] vus sanz mei, ne mei sanz vus."
daz here lant und ouch die erde, der man so vil der eren giht.
Mirst geschehen des ich ie bat, ich bin komen an die stat La reïne vait chavauchant,
da got mennischlichen trat. Ele esgardat tut un pendant,
Le bastun vit, Bien l' aperceu[t],
Schoenu lant rich unde here, swaz ich der noch han gesehen. Tut[e]s les lettres i conu[t].
So bist duz ir aller ere. waz ist wunders hie geschehen!
daz ein magt ein kint gebar, here uebr aller engel schar, [Del] chemin un poi s'esluïna
was daz nicht ein wunder gar? Dedenz le bois celui trova
Walther von der Vogelweide [Que] plus l'
amot que rien vivant:
Entre [eu]s meinent joie grant.
Le lai du Chevrefeuille Mais quant ceo vient al desevrer,
(egabcisdcisbab(2x) bbcbafised egbefisgfisede) Adunc comencent a plurer.
Tristram a Walès s'en rala,
GEmDG(2X) EmEmAD GEmDEm Tant que sis uncles le manda.
Pur la joié q'il ot euë,
Asse(t)z me ples e bien le voil De s' amië qu' il ot veuë,
Del lai qu’hum nume Chrevrefoil Tristram, ki bien saveit harper,
[Que] la vérité vus en cunt, En aveit fait un nuvel lai.
Comment fu fet, de coi(y) et dunt.
"Gotelef" l'
apelent Engleis,
Li reis Mars esteit curucie(é) "Chevrefoil" le nument Franceis,
Vers Tristram sun nevuz irivé: Dit vus en ai la verité
De sa tere le cungéa del lai que j'
ai ici cunté.
Pur la reïne qu'il ama.

En sa cuntree en est alex, The song of the Honeysuckle

En Suthwalés u il fu nez.
Un an demurant tut entier (egabcisdcisbab(2x) bbcbafised egbefisgfisede)
Ne pot ariere repertier. GEmDG(2X) EmEmAD GEmDEm
Tristram es dolent, trespensis, I wish to sing you clear and strong
Por ceo s' esmut de sun païs. about the Honeysuckle song.
En Cornuäïlle vait tut dreit So listen and I will tell you
Le u la reïne maneit. her origins and tell it true.
En la forest tut sul se mist: King Mark was angered at Tristan,
Ne voleit pas(z) qu' hum le weïst. his nephew had him malice done,
Od pausanz, od povre gent because Tristan' s love for the Queen
Perneit la nuit herbergement. an exile Tristan would be seen.
Ceo li de-ent qu' il unt oï- Tristan went home, where he was born,
Que li barun erent bani; in the South of Wales he would mourn,
[A] Tíntagèl deivent ve-enir: and he stayed there for a year, for
[Le] reis i veolt sa curt tenir. his return could be no more.
Lo jur qui le rei fu meüz, Tristan was in sorrow deep,
Tristram en est al bois[z] venuz, and his exile could not keep.
Sur le chemin que il saveit, He left his country, found his way,
[Que] la routé passer(è) deveit. to Cornwall, where the queen did stay.
Une codre trencha par/mi, He found the shelter the forest gave,
Tute quareië la fendi. and hid so he would there be safe.
[Quent] il a pa-are le bastun, He hides alone in woods so wild,
De sun cutel escrit(t) sun num: is helped by peasant, pauper, child.
Se la reïne s'
aperceit These poor ones give him then this word,
Que mut(t) grant garde en perneit that they have of the barons heard,
De sun ami bien conustra that are to come to Tintagel,
Le-e bastun, quant el le verra. for there the King's court will soon dwell.

Alli pedri al mi amor;)
Tristan went to the forest deep, M’asento y vo llorando.) 2x
to the path to which the King would keep.
He found a place which he knew well Secretos quero descuvrir,
that would first of their coming tell. Secretos de mi vida;
El cielo quero por papel,
He took his knife so sharp and see, La mar quero por tinta,
he’s taken a branch of a green nut-tree.
When down the leave and bark soon came Los arvoles por pendola,
he’s written the letters of his name. para ’scrivier mis males.
No hay quen sepa mi dolor,
The Queen would know this branch on sight Ni ajenos ni parientes.
were she to see it in sunlight
if she would her attention hold On this side of the great mountain
for of this the branch her told: I see a fire burning high,
and since I lost my love out there
He sent her this small piece of wood all that I do is sit and cry.
because with their love thus it stood:
like Honeysuckle and branch entwined, I wish to tell you my secrets
so I am yours and you are mine. that my life together link,
I want the sky for blueish paper,
The Queen rides by on her white steed I want the sea for writing ink.
and when she sees the wood takes heed,
she reads the name of her own sweet I want the trees to use for pens
and in the wood wander her feet. to write of griefs that passed me by,
None can know how sad I am,
She enters then the forest deep not far away and not close by.
and finds there who her heart did keep,
And so they found their love anew,
nothing but gladness between the two. A la uno yo naci
But then time comes to part and leave (cfffcf.fggis.besg.gisf 2x
and both lovers begin to weep. gisgis.gisgisgfg.g.fegfescisecisc2x
Tristan goes back to Wales, all blue,
just as the King had made him do.
And with the joy of seeing her DmDmAmDm FCADmA ADmA
he wanted again to harp for her
he made her a new song so bold A la una yo naci; A la dos m’engrandeci; 2x
of which I have now the story told. A las tres tomi amante; A las cuatri me cazi; 2x
GEmDG(2X) EmEmAD GEmDEm Alma, vida, y corason. 2x
Dime ni~na donde vienes? Que te quero conocer.
Si tu no tienes amante, Yo te hare defender,
A’har noghenim Alma, vida, y corason.

(eefgisfede agisbagisfe Yendome para la guerra, dos bezos al aire di;

El uno es para mi madre, Y el otto para ti.
fefgisabagisfe fede efefefedcisee Alma vida y corason.
EmDmEm EEE DmEE DmE EEE AmEAmE I was born at age of one, and grew up at age of two,
took a lover at age three, and at four was wedded too.
AmGmAm AAA GmAA GmA AAA DmADmA with my soul, my life and my heart.
A’har noghenim ashir shira, Whence came you little girl, I’ll get to know you, yes I will
Al yalat ’hen, Gam a’ ira. If you have no true beloved, I’ll defend you from all ill.
Sha’har lamnatsea’h Omera. with my soul, my life and my heart.
I will sing you now a song
of a woman for so many long, When I went off to fight a war, I threw kisses in the air
I will make desire strong. one kiss was for my mother, the other for you my dear.
with my soul my life and my heart.
Esta monta~na d’enfrente
(aaaa.>cis>d>cisbesa. d.aagfgagfe.
aaagfefedfedcis<bes<a <a<bescisefdcd<bes<a)
AmAm AmEm AmAm AmEmEmAm
DmDm DmAm DmDm DmAmAmDm
Esta monta~na d’enfrente
S’aciende’y va quemando.

Yo m’enamori
Dos amantes tengo la mi mama
(efisgfisedfise agfiseescbcesefiseescb
efisgab>cb ab>cbagba (fgfggg ffefd effisg>cgisgisgg >c>cis>cbesgisg gis>c.ggisfis
bagfisegfisc, 1e regel, fisgfiseesccbb) -.. -..
fiseesfiseesc 2x Dos amantes tengo la mi mama,
Al cual que me tome yo?
ba>cbagbaa. agbagfisagg. El uno es pantalonero,
fiseesfiseesc 2x ) El otro es particuler.
Al pantalonero, la mi mama,
EmG AmD Enganadolo esto.
GDEm EmDEm AmEmDEm Al particular, mi mama,
AmEm AmEm Lo amo de corason.
EmAm AmG Echa ague en la tu perta,
AmEm AmEm Pasare y me caere,
or AmGAm DmAmGAm AmC DmG Para que salgan los tus parientes,
Me dare a conocer.
DmAmDmAm AmDm DmC DmAmDmAm Ven bijuca, ven hermoza,
Yo m’enamori d’un aire, ah, Veras onde bivo yo;
D’un aire d’una mujer, Entre dos monta~nas altas,
D’una mujer muy hermoza Donde no’nde~nava yo.
Linda de mi corason.
Yo m’enomori d’un aire, ah, I have two lovers, oh, my mother,
Linda de mi corason. 2x wich of the two shall I choose to see?
Tralala.. One is a only a little tailor,
Linda de mi corason. 2x the other one is special to me.

Yo m’enamori de noche, ah, The little tailor, oh, my mother,

El lunar ya m’enano. is the one that I deceive,
Si esto era de dia, but the special one, my mother
Yo no atave amor. brings my heart much grief.

Si otra vez m’enamoro, ah, Throw some water at your doorstep,

D’un aire d’una mujjer, and I will fall when I pass,
D’una mujer muy hermoca, so your family will meet me,
Linda de mi corason, and they’ll know that you’re my lass.
Sea de dia con sol, ah,
si otra vez m’enamoro. Come my jewel, come my beauty,
Sea de dia con sol, ah, and my dwelling you shall see.
Tralala.. I live right between two mountains,
Sea de dia con sol.2x in a place that’s much to good for me.

I fell in love with the sweet graces, ah

of a jewel of a woman Los biblicos
she’s the jewel of all women,
Beauty that has pierced my heart. (dgabesagbesagfisesd ddgabesagbesa
I fell in love with the sweet graces, ah, abescbesacbesagbesagfisesd dfisesesdcdes fisdefisga/dd)
Beauty that has pierced my heart 2x
Beauty that has pierced my heart 2x Los biblicos cantan en el arvol de la flor;
Debaso se a sentan Los que sufren del amor 2x
I fell in love while it was nighttime, ah,
for the moonlight has bespelled me, La rosa enflorese En el mes de mai,
as in daylight it would not be. Mi neshama s’escurese, Sufriendo del amor.
Love would then never have bound me.
Mas presto ven palomba, Mas presto ven con mi;
And if I find a love like this again, ah, Mas presto ven querida, Corre y salvame.
of a jewel of a woman,
who’s the jewel of all women, The nightingales sing sweetly, in the tree that flowers bears,
Beauty that has pierced my heart, And whom I beneath it see, weaps so many lovestruck tears.
It will be while the sun is shining, ah
if I fall in love again The rose is blooming o, so sweet, in the fresh month of may,
it will be while the sun shines. but my soul is in such great need, for a love that will not stay.
if I fall in love again Come to me more quickly, dove, come more quickly here with
it will be while the sun shines.. me,
come to me more quickly love, please run fast and save me.

Partos trocados
(ddgisgisgisagis gisabagisfisgisfis
fisgisagisagisfiseesd dfisgisfiseesgisfis
AmAm EmDAm EmCAm AmEm AmGAm
DmDm AmGDm AmFDm DmAm DmCDm
La sclava pario un hijo, La ama pario una hija,
Las cumadres, fechi zeras, Trocan a las criaturas,
oh, oh, oh.

Un dia de aquillos dias, A cunar asentaria

Cunando la cunava, Enfasando la enfasava.

Un dia de aquillos dias, Acantar se le metia,

Nani, nani la mi hija, Criada y non parida.

The slave bore a son once more, o, the mistress bore a

the midwives, witches all, o, swapped both the infants soon, o.

One of those days of sorrow, she sat rocking in the morrow,

with the baby at the door, o, swaddling her some more, o.

One of these days of sorrow, she sat singing in the morrow,

nani, nani, my daughter, o, raised but not born before, o.

know the grean peace of the garden, that within your mind does
My own songs bloom.
all written by Sarah bat David
Know your anger, know your fears, know your joys, know love
Lady Drachenwald that’s true,
know your sorrows, know your tears, know I’ll stay a friend to
AmEmEmAm AmEmEmAm AmDmEmAm you.
DmAmAmDm DmAmAmDm DmAmAmDm Song for Isle
I’l sing you of a lady sweet, of grace and virtue seldom told. Lovely land of greens and gold, where a hundred views unfold.
Of kindness speaks her every deed, her gentle smile is never Where for the wayfarer bold are thousand wonders to behold.
Where my travels me may lead, if I return to her she’ll greet Lovely are your plains so wide, dreaming in moon’s silver light,
me well, my lady Drachenwald. or to walk through forests bright, where the squirrels quickly
She is much loved by many men, and women too, I dare to say.
Her heart opens to all of them, she gives them food, a place to Climbing hills where rabbits run, looking backward at the sun,
stay, seeing where your road begun, and how ’till here it has been
or other things, and if she can, she’ll give all that she has to spun.
and keep them living day by day. Rest at wayside for a while, you can see the flowers smile,
when you’re starting your next mile, wand’ring through the land
Her gentle curves so softly flow, her eyes are like two pools so of Isle.
that in the moonlight silver glow to anyone who’s not asleep. Silver sparkles in the bay, reds and browns on autumn’s day,
Her dress of velvet green will show the trees and flowers there flaming forests guard the way to soft warm beds where you can
that grow, stay.
her beauty in my heart I keep.
Reaching place where road has led, finding safety and a bed
But I cannot stay at her side, my soul just will not let me be. a place to rest your tired head and dream of all that you have
I must be roaming far and wide and many lands and people see. met.
But I will not too often hide myself from her beloved sight, Written with Hilde
for in her arms I long to be.

Song for a friend The Black Rider

AmEm AmEm FC FEm
Friend, I don’t know how I should start, seeing all the times we FCFC FCGC FCFC FCGC FCGC FCGC
knew, Once there lived a lady in a castle strong and tall,
you have grown so close to my heart, there are not many like with her father and her uncle, one who was not kind at all.
you. He was not very content, with the place he had in there,
and he planned to take the castle from his brother and the heir.
You freed my imagination, taught me how it was to fly, But soon the black rider would wander through the land,
now I know no hesitation, now my dreams are soaring high. he’ll have the bad ones to punish and the weak ones to defend.

O, you were the first to love me, in a shy and gentle way, They went out for a hunt and the uncle saw his chance,
but my fears kept coming to me, and you saw I couldn’t stay. and soon he’d killed her father and she just escaped the dance.
She dressed herself in black, used a mask to hide her face,
O,my life was dark and cloudy, like an autumn’s rainy day, she went into the forest, made herself a hiding place.
you were always there to help me, guide my steps along the Since then the black rider wanders through the land
way. she had the bad ones to punish and the weak ones to defend.

You talked to me those endless hours, about the things that life The uncle had the castle now, and still wanted her dead.
does bring, He ordered his eight servants and he told them she had fled.
broke down my defensive towers, and at last I let you in. He said go out and scourge the land, burn it like a flame,
and dress in black like she has done so she will get the blame.
You saw me bloom, you saw me grow, I got stronger every day, And then eight black riders wandered through the land
though the path was hard and slow, I came back to joy that way. they made the life of peasants hard, followed their lord’s com-
Now I know that you still love me, although in a different way,
I just hope that you’ll be with me, Goddess grant, many a day. Still the lady is alive, and doing what she can.
Though she is strong, she’s on her own, against her are eight
Know the sunlight on your body, know the quiet of the night, men.
know the salt smell of the wide sea, know you’ll never have to But one day everyone will see that she was always right.
hide. She will avenge her father then and finally get her right.
And then the black rider will stop to roam the land,
Know the salty tast of sweat when passion burns up within you, no need for bad ones to punish, or weak ones to defend.

Refr: We will fight these brazen men coming to our home
A soft and gentle heart. we will show them what we can, we’ll defend our own.
AmAmEAmAmAmE DmAmGEEDmE Our country is so beautiful, her rolling hills of gold,
AmAmEAmAmAmE DmAmGEEEAm her waterholes so bountiful, more green than can be told,
or DmDmADmDmDmA GmDmCAAGmA Her orchards filled by live, vine, feed camel sheep and lamb.
But the pearl of her for whom I pine is Jerusalem.
We are the finest artisans the world will e’er provide,
He was a boy of twelve years old, a shy, unhappy lad, science flows from our teachers pens, who in their art delight.
she was a deer, both shy and bold, to his window she was led. Mathematics, history, but also cotton fair,
When he first heard the bushes sigh and went to look and see, and even the oranges that you see, grow under our care.
when he looked in her glitt’ring eye, he felt his soul set free.
We follow the One who told us how to live, to work, to die.
He talked to her in crooning voice, that showed his gentleness, But other groups we will allow if they with rules comply.
she did not shy from this strange boy, she came to his carress. But these barbarians from the West, they think they are our
And then she jumped and ran away, for careful she was still. friend
He dreamed of her soft eyes that day, and of her gentle will. they think that they know everything best, and they wat our land.
He feared that she would not return, searching he could not go. If they think that they can decide how we live our lives
For his father told him: "you must learn what my son needs to we will show them quite a fight, gather all the tribes.
know. They will pay for every life that falls into their hand,
You’ll learn to fight and use the sword, you’ll practise till you so will they repay their strife for Jerusalem.
you will be like a hard, strong lord, your dreaming now shall
stop." See the dawn.
The boy did really try his best, and fought and practised much, DmFDmGF CAmGE DmFGAm DmFGAm
his father put him to the test, and vented his disgust.
the boy despaired: his father’s dream did not fit him the least.
And when he could he sought a gleam of the sweet and gentle
beast. See the dawn comes: her sweet sight shows us now a red-gold
He found her soon and they became the best of friends those The first unsuspected sight of the sun’s warm golden light
two. commences cruel a lover’s plight, of their love no-one may
Together she was always tame, the boy was never blue. know...
Their friendship grew over the years, in winter, spring and fall, See the dawn comes: her sweet sight shows us now a red-gold
untill this came true of his fears: there was a hunting call. glow.

His father took him to the hunt, to show he was a man. See the dawn comes: her sweet sight wakes the bird-song, high
He laughed hard and he ordered blunt: "Go first, if that you can." and low.
The boy went first, and looked around, and fear grew in his But the lady wants to hide, snuggle to her lover’s side,
heart. ’Sun, be gone from us’, she cried, but Sun has never pity
And as it happened then he found the deer stood in his path. known...
See the dawn comes: her sweet sight wakes the bird-song, high
She looked at him with glitt’ring eye, his father said with delight: and low.
"This deer will so easily die, and grace our meal tonight!"
They boy just stood, and looked into her eyes, and her sweet See the dawn comes: her sweet sight could much happiness
face, bestow.
until he knew what he must do, and scared her from the place. But she, who soon will be a bride, and her love then be denied,
only kept on holding tight, while their fear and fright did grow.
His father cuffed him on the ears, so angry was he then. See the dawn comes: her sweet sight could much happiness
But what hurt more than this, I fear, he saw her not again. bestow.
Then they went home, and many years did pass since this
event. See the dawn comes: her sweet sight lets a single salt tear flow.
The boy grew up, despite his tears, became a gentle man. And he says for her he’ll fight show his worth, with all his might,
but she only holds him tight, asks him only peace to know.
And after years this former boy went walking in the woods, See the dawn comes: her sweet sight lets a single salt tear flow.
until to his surprise and joy the deer before him stood.
She came to him with unsure step, older had grown her charms. See the dawn comes: her sweet sight by the sky is fully shown.
She laid her head upon his lap, and died there in his arms. Now they leave each other’s side, no longer in this field they’ll
but look back ’till they loose sight until that comfort leaves also..
Saracen Battle song (edef) See the dawn comes: her sweet sight by the sky is fully shown.

Ik schrijf zelf vele liedjes die je van me hoort,
To Celebrate our Guild helaas komt het vaak voor dat iemand er zich erg aan stoort,
omdat ik slechts de waarheid zeg, ik overdrijf toch nooit!
DAD GD GD DAD DG CF BA AD GD Weet je, daarom ben ik heel miskend, vervolgd en ook berooid.
GDG CG CG GDG GC FDm BD DG CG En soms dan heeft zo’n nette heer het heel hoog in zijn bol
In Spring we’ll sing a flower out which like our music grows, en gooide met een groots gebaar mijn hoed met koper vol,
and every green leaf that will sprout brings inspiration close. zodat ik over hem dan alleen goeds te zingen dien
Refr: Let music sound in Drachenwald, to lift our spirits high, maar alleen voor bergen goud zal ik de waarheid niet meer zien.
so that of joys we may be told, and that those times gone by,
we ever in our hearts will hold. Ik zing te hoog, niet hard genoeg of het verkeerde lied,
en wat ik ook proberen mag echt helpen doet het niet.
Sunlight won’t hide on Summer’s day, but spreads its boons Maar zeg mij wie er meer verstand dan ik heeft van muziek?
around, Wie er klaagt, nou die zingt zelf maar eens en dat is mijn
That is the time that we will play to celebrate with wound. repliek.
En dus blijf ik nog steeds doorzingen tegen alles in
In fall, know all, the food is stored, the trees a mighty sight. En ooit dan word ik hofminstreel en heb ik toch mijn zin,
And during work, who will be bored with stories day and night? en tot die tijd houd ik mijn hoed op voor een kleine gunst,
wat echt heel weinig gevraagd is voor Ongewaardeerde Kunst.
Each day we stay in Winter’s snow close where the fire burns,
A new flute in our hands will grow to play when Spring returns. Ik ben een arme bardenmeid maar wees maar voorbereid
beroemd zal ik eens worden het kost me alleen wat tijd
We’ll share, at fair or feast or court the knowledge that we hold, en dus trek tot dan maar rond met ijver en met vlijt
and find the information stored in books and what is told. want weet als ik straks ontdekt word hebben al die mensen spijt!

And then we’ll plan some music new, a song like this is built,
which I am singing now to you to celebrate our Guild. The little minstrel girl
(On "the jolly beggarman")
When Summer Sings GGDAm GGDF GGDAm GGDG
When Summer sings her highest song loves follows in her or DDDC DDAC DDCD DDCD
a melody of days grown long, of laughter on the lake, I am a little minstrel girl which can be very hard,
a tune of sunlight in the woods, of mountains tow’ring high, for always I must travel and then at the first light part.
of flowers’ scent that smells so good, and of my love and I. I sleep on floors or in the hay and eat my bread all dry
Though I am the finest artist I still in the gutter lie.
We whisper in the evening breeze, like trees do in the wind, Sometimes when I sing a copper falls besides my bench.
we circle just like honey-bees, to catch a flower’s scent. but they also throuw tomatoes and I do abhor the stench.
We cuddle close, just I believe, like two small turtle doves, I sing just like a lark but still some do think me a curse
and failing light of summer’s eve will find us in the groves. so I’ve learned to run real fast because a beating is much
The warm bright sunlight of the morn will wake us from our
sleep, I’ve written many songs which no one ever will forget,
to walk amidst the golden corn, a treasure worth to keep. unfortunately often someone really gets upset
O would dear Summer never die, nor Winter take Her place, For I always tell the truth which I will never overdo,
forever then my love and I could walk in her embrace. But that’s why I’m hunted, unacknowledged and a poor one too.
And sometimes a real puffed up disdainful lord who then will
soon forget
De arme bardenmeid will throw with a grand gesture copper coins into my hat,
so I should sing of him like there is only good I see,
(op de wijs van ’the jolly beggarman’)
but it’s only hands of gold can dim the light of truth for me.
FDmFDmC DGDF DGDF DGCG I sing too high, not hard enough or just do it all wrong,
or DDAEm DDAC DDAEm DDAD whatever I do try some keep disliking every song.
But tell me who knows more then me about a lively tune?
CAmCAmG ADAC ADAC ADGD Who complains can try themselves or take a journey to the
CCCG DDAC DDDC DDAD So I will keep on singing despite all my sweat and pain,
because one day I finally a place at court will gain.
Ik ben een arme bardenmeid en dat is grote pech
Until that time I ask if you would with a copper part,
want steeds weer moet ik reizen, ben altijd onderweg,
which is not much asked for hearing Unappreciated Art.
Ik slaap in stro en op de grond en eet heel vaak droog brood
en ik weet ik ben een groot artiest maar leef toch in de goot.
I am a little minstrel girl, I’m sure that more was meant
En als ik zing dan krijg ik af en toe wat geld als dank,
In time I will be famous, my succes will soon be sent
maar ook rotte tomaten en ik hou niet van die stank,
so I will keep on travelling with lute and drum and tent
ik kan toch prachtig zingen maar men vindt mij soms een plaag,
because if I am discovered all those people will repent.
dus ren ik maar voor mijn hachie weg want anders krijg ik slaag.

A Ray of Hope
So often my life is black or grey
I feel like a bird falling down in it’s flight
And would I be standing close to it
I wouldn’t be able to see any light
I will fly on wings of gossamer
I will dance in patterns as ancient as stone
I’ll sing until the roses bloom
I’ll laugh until I’m no longer alone
I really keep fighting for my life
But often these things just will not work out
And other times I will climb up again
And know: a new budding leaf will soon sprout

I’d like to be strong and loving and kind

I would like to fly on the wings of my dreams
But my fears and my worries are weighing me down
To fly isn’t easy as sometimes it seems

Spring Song
The grass is green and I am here
Sing do-dah-day-dee-do
No time for tears, no time for fear
Sing do-dah-day-dee-do
The friendly sun is shining bright
Sing do-dah-day-dee-do
The world is flowed in golden light
Sing do-dah-day-dee-do

The sun is warm, the sky is blue

Sing do-dah-day-dee-do
Today the whole world seems brandnew
Sing do-dah-day-dee-do
The trees they bloom in pink and white
Sing do-dah-day-dee-do
It is an overwhelming sight
Sing do-dah-day-dee-do

The spring has come, the winter’s gone

Sing do-dah-day-dee-do
We have been waiting for so long
Sing do-dah-day-dee-do
The flowers show their faces small
Sing do-dah-day-dee-do
And I, well I just love it all
Sing do-dah-day-dee-do

SCA Filk
On existing melodies, unless mentioned otherwise Silent Knight
Local SCA
Silent Knight, unconsious knight, on the ground, lost the fight,
AmAmFAm AmAmFAm DmCAmG CCAmG CCAm mighty backhand from a big broadsword, wielded by a white-
Arrest these merry gentles nay, it would be so unkind, belted lord,
if you’ll but wait a moment sir, we will relieve your mind, sleep in heavenly peace, sleep in heavenly peace.
we are not escaped lunatics, so kindly us unbind,
for we are your local SCA, SCA, we are your local SCA. Silent knight, unconscious knight, marshalls cry: Hold the fight!
Chirurgions bring a stretcher out, wonder if he’s fought his last
These men aren’t wearing dresses sir, those are not pantyhose, bout,
no those are tights and tunics sir, they are medieval clothes, look at that dent in his helm, look at that dent in his helm.
and men were really macho then, like everybody knows,
so please do not look at us that way, that way, for we are your Silent Knight, unconscious knight, next time he won’t call: Light!
local SCA. Better to die than it is to lie, he’ll just hit harder on his next try,
rhinohiding don’t pay, rhinohiding don’t pay!
We recreate past ages sir, and that is all we do. Andrew MacRobb
Please give our swords and knives to us, we’d like our axes too.
Return us all our weapons sir, the act you will not rue,
for we mostly use them for display, display, for we are your local Woad (gfefgabg)
We really are not dangerous although we like to fight,
We do it on a tourney field you see, so it’s allright.
And we wear lots of armour too, like any noble knight, AEmCEmAADD EmAEmEmEmDG
and use wooden sticks to whale away, whale away, for we are or AmDAmAmDDGG AmDAmAmAmGAm (2x)
your local SCA.
O, we pavane in public sir, the horse bransle do also, DAmFAmDDGG AmDAmAmAmGC
full many a fine feast attend and to a revel go.
And all the night we sing and drink, for free the mead doth flow. What’s the use of wearing braces, hats or spats or shoes with
And drive 100 miles the next day, the next day, for we are your laces,
local SCA. vests and pants you buy in places down on Brompton Road?
What’s the use of shirts of cotton, studs that always get forgot-
We have a King and Queen who do our loyalty command. ten?
This is the Shire of Polderslot, the only in the land, These affairs are simply rotten - Better far is woad.
and we were on our way to court, but not the one you planned! Woad’s the stuff to show men, woad to scare your foemen.
O, please let us go upon our way, our way, for we are your local Boil it to a brilliant blue and rub it on your legs and your abdo-
SCA. men.
Ancient Britons never hit on anything as good as woad to fit on
Arrest these merry gentles, nay, discretion you should use, neck and knees or where you sit on - Tailors be you blowed!
for we are lords and ladies sir, so how can you refuse?
I say, that is a lady, sir! You should not her abuse! Romans came across the cannel, all dressed up in tin and
It is not genteel to act this way, this way, and lock up your local flannel;
SCA. half a pint of woad per man’ll clothe us more than these.
Morgana Bro Morganwyg Saxons, you may save your stitches, building beds for bugs in
we have woad to clothe us which is not a nest for fleas.
I’m a Pelican Romans keep your armours, Saxons, your pyama’s,
Hairy coats were made for goats, gorillas, yaks, retriever dogs
I’m a Pelican and I’m OK, I work all night and I work all day, March on Snowdon with your woad on never mind if you get
I autocrat, I hold events, I order the lavatries. rained or snowed on,
On Sunday I clean up camp, and I’m always last to leave! never need a button sewed on, bottoms up to woad!
Lyrics and Melody: Donald Swan
I’m a Pelican and I’m OK, I work all night and I work all day,
I wear this bird about my neck, to impress both young and old,
my talents they are many, and younger Peers I scold.

I’m a Pelican and I’m OK, I work all night and I work all day,
When things go wrong it’s me you see to put right on its course,
and if I’m not around to steer things right, there’s always God, of

I’m a Pelican and I’m OK, I work all night and I work all day,
We stand around and polish crowns of all the Royalty,
we fix the thrones, we make no bones, for Pelicans are we.
Payne of Wede Rysing

the monks keep it hid in the cellar there-
Colorful Bruise Bjorn took a torch and went down to look;
he returnèd without any hair.
or CCAmC FFGC CCAmC DmFC And the angels sang to St. Bunstable,
Refr: Glory, glory what a colorful bruise I’ve got, (3x) as he heavenward rose on the wings of the blast,
And I ain’t gonna fight no more. welcome martyr, to him they cried;
On the morning of the tourney I stepped bravely on the field, few have risen to heaven so fast!
and then I saw my foeman and my senses they did reel.
He was six foot eight, three hundred pounds and forgèd out of
steel, Abbot Edmund Adamant (op Gypsy Ro-
and I ain'
t gonna fight no more.
He cracked my shield and broke my helm and beat me to the EEBEB EBEB EBEA EAEAE of AAEA AEAE AEAD ADADA
my armour lay in tatters all the tourney field around. of GAmGD GAmGD GDGEm GCGCG
They gathered it together, though one boot they never found, of CDmCG CDmCG CGCAm CFCFC
and I ain'
t gonna fight no more. Abbot Edmund came down to his flock, his careful watch to
And when the melee teams were picked my heart was filled with he watched his flock by day and night, and he won the heart of a
fear, sheep.
they put me in the foremost line, although I craved the rear, Refr: Abbot Edmund Adamant most careful watch does keep,
The blows I took disabled me for almost half a year, he is a shepherd of our church, and very fond of sheep.
and I ain'
t gonna fight no more.
He often came down to his flock, to hear their confession,
So now when tourneys come around, I watch them from the his penances are never har, and sometimes they' re quite fun.
The blood and gore upon the field my body can' t abide. He would hear their woolly sins, and then he would them bless,
And with the lovely ladies on the sidelines I reside, but what could he do when this lady sheep, her love for him did
and I ain'
t gonna fight no more. confess.
Sir Steven MacEanruig and Sir William the Lucky
It was a very hard problem, it fairly made him weep,
I have taken my celibate vows, but do they apply to sheep?
Hymn to St. Bunstable (op Abbot Edmund Adamant, Abbot Edmund Baa,
Greensleeves) Abbot Edmund Adamant, the little sheep call him "pa".
Linnet Kestrel
CCGG AmAmEE CCGG AmEAm Volga Birthday
Bunstable was a friar who lived or DmCC DmCC CFADm CFADm
and prayed in the abbey of Lechbury; Refr: Happy birthday, hum, happy birthday, hum.
His task it was to guard the casks, Doom destruction and despair, people dying everywhere.
and he worked at this diligently. May the cities in your wake, burn like candles on your cake.
Refr: St. Bunstable was a holy man, Now you' ve reached the age you are, your demise cannot be
his spirit lit with a burning lame. far.
Let us glow like St. Bunstable, Hear the women wail and weep, kill them all but spare the
and drink yet one more oast to his name. sheep.
Though you' re turning 29, age to your is like fine wine.
No holy day nor feast would ever So you' re twenty-nine again, don' t tell lies to your old friends.
cause this friar his job to shirk; You saved the damsel in distress, now your social life' s a mess.
Summer, winter, fall and spring, You must be wedded very soon, the baby' s due the next full
day and night did he spend at his work. moon.
Were I sitting in your shoes, I' d go out and sing the blues.
The lands of the abbey knew naught of peace, You' re a period cook ' tis true, just ask the beetles in the stew.
and with joyous hearts all did greet each worn, Now you' ve lived another year, and your death is drawing near.
till up the river in dragon-ships We brought you linen white as clouds, now we' ll sit and sew
came the viking, the Terrible Bjorn. your shroud.
Now your jail-bait days are done, let' s go out and have some
The monks, in terror, did gather up fun.
all their goods and flee to escape their fate, It'
s your birthday, never fear, you' ll be dead this time next year.
but Bunstable, prone on the cellar floor, People dying on the earth, go ahead, eat your desert.
did not rouse until it was too late. 'Twas bad enough your hair turned grey, but now it' s falling out
they say.
Come out, fat priest, cried the viking chief, The Black Plague has just struck your town, you yourself feel
for this Christian building I'
ll set afire; quite run down.
But Bunstable sat by the cognac vat, They steal your sword, your gold, your house, they take your
and he dreamt of the heavenly choir. sheep but not your spouse.
Your servants steal, your wife' s untrue, your children plot to
Wait, said the Vikings, there'
s treasure great, murder you.

The Heralds said to me
(to the Twelve days of Christmas)
The first time I sent my device, The Heralds said to me
"It violates the Rule of Three"

The next time I tried it, the Heralds said to me

"We changed the forms, and it violates the Rule of Three".

The third time I tried, and the Heralds said to me,

"We upped the fees, we changed the forms,
and it violates the Rule of Three".

Another time I tried and the Heralds said to me,

"We haven’t got it, we upped the fees, we changed the forms,
and it violates the Rule of Three".

The fifth time I tried it, the Heralds said to me,

"In a decision rendered by the College of Arms on August 1st,
A.S. V it was decided that this style of heraldic design was
not appropriate to the aims and intentions of the Corporate
ody. Holy! Holy! Holy! " (verse 5 is delivered in an extremely
fast, monotone, similiar to a Gregorian Chant.)

Wicca Lord of the Dance
DCDG DCDD GAmGC DCDD When she danced on the water and the wind was her horn
AGAD AGAA DEmDG AGAA the Lady laughed and everything was born
And when sh lit the sun and the light gave Him birth
In days gone by, when the world was much younger, the Lord of the Dance first appeared on the earth.
we wondered at spring, born of winter’s cold knife,
wondered at the games of the Moon and the Sunlight, Refrain
we saw then the Lady and the Lord of all life. Dance dance, where ever you may be
I am the Lord of the Dance said he.
Refr: Around and around and around turns the good Earth I live in you as you will live in me
All things must change as the seasons roll by. And I lead you all in the dance said he.
We are the children of the Lord and the Lady
whose Mysteries we learn from the Earth and the Sky. The horn of the Lady cast its sound cross the plain
the birds took the notes and gave them back again.
In all lands the people were tied with the good Earth; Till the sound of her music was a song in the sky
plowing and sowing as the seasons declared- and to that song there is one reply.
waiting t reap of the rich golden harvest;
Knowing Her love in the joys that they shared. The moon in here phases and the tides of the sea
The movements of the earth and the seasons that will be
Through Flanders and Wales and the green hills of Ireland are the rhythm for the dancing and a promise through the years
in the kindoms of England and Scotland and Spain, That the Dance goes on through out joy and tears.
Circles grew up all along the wild coastlines;
we worked for the land with the Sun and the Rain! They danced in the darkness and they danced in the night
they danced on the earth and everything was light,
In Egypt and Sumer, through Bharat and Mali, they danced out the darkness and they danced in the dawn
as N’eilla and Bast and Inanna She came- And the day of their dancing still goes on and on.
Cities grew up near the jungles and deserts;
Her own know Her still by these ancient proud names. I dance in the circle when the flames leap up high
I dance in the fire and I never ever die.
On the water’s far shore, some were called Anasazi, I dance in the waves of the bright summer sea
Through tundra to desert and forest they came- for I am the Lrd of the waves’ mysterie.
Leaving circles and spirals throughout Turtle Island;
Preserving the land in the Goddess’s name. I sleep in the kernel and I dance in the rain
I dance in the wind and through the waving grain.
Circles for healing and working the weather; And when you cut me down I care noting for the pain.
circles for knowing the Moon and the Sun; In the Spring I’m the Lord of the Dance once again.
circles for thanking the lord and the Lady;
Circles for dancing the Dance never done! I dance at the sabbath when you dance out the spell
I dance and sing that everyone be well.
And then came the priests from the hot arid southland, And when the dancing’s over do not think that I am gone.
bearing the world of their God up above- To live is to dance, so I dance on and on.
saying it was evil to worship the Lady,
so they tortured and burned in the name of his love. I gaze on the heavens and I gaze on the earth
and I feel the pain of dying and rebirth.
Well, the centureis turned and Her children grew fewer, And I lift my head in gladness and in praise
Though the flame in the hearts of the faithful survived- for the dance of the Lord and the Lady gay.
And where once there were dozens, now there are thousands (original melody: old shaker hymn)
and thousands and thousands and thousands alive!

Time’s wand’_ings have turned us from hillside and forest

to live where tall buildings caress Earth and Sky-
Still we live in the love of the Lord and the Lady
and our magic grows daily; some things never die!

And we who reach for the stars in the heavens

lifting our eyes from the hedges and rows,
still live in the love of the Lord and the Lady,
the greater the Circle, the more the love grows!
(melody: Alan Bell, words: Gwendolyn Zak and others)

Morning Hymn
Out of Sight
Dawn touches the sky with her pink fingers,
the sun started travelling through the sky. My Lady You are hardly visible tonight
Misty veils lie over the land, The trees they bare their branches, it is a sad, sad sight
they slowly turn in upon themselves. The weather is so comfortless, it’s been raining overnight
Our Lady is with us this morning, My Lady You are hardly visible tonight
Our Lady is with us today.
My Lady You are hardly visible tonight
The sounds of the people are awaking The trees they bear their branches, it is a lovely sight
are heard through the forests, cities and fields, The weather is so comforting, it’s been raining overnight
slowly people are becoming aware My Lady You are hardly visible tonight
of their lives and their plans and their duties today. Amaranth
Our Lady is with us this morning,
Our Lady is with them today.
Every day we are glad with our lives,
though not everything will always go right, AmAmEm/Am or DmDmAm/Dm
we always remember the beautiful times,
but also keep those that were not all right. Softly leaves are rustling in the air
Our Lady is with us this morning, Softly do the stars shine everywhere
Our Lady is with us today. Softly water rippling in the pool
Aoife Softly do I sing to evening cool

Softly moon is shining in the night

A Warning Softly will descend her silver light
Softly hear the beating of my heart
AmAmEmAmEmEm(2X) EmGCAm(2X) Softly from my griefs I now do part
DmDmAmDmAmAm(2X) AmCFDm(2X) Amaranth

My Lady if I see how we hurt You

I can just cry Invocation & Evocation
And I don’t understand why we so use You
Though I do try AmAmDmDmAmEm
To see Your laughter broken by the greys of smog and stone
And those who were Your children of which many now have Earth is moving, body’s moving
gone Please come to our sacred site
Guard us in our magick rite
We’ve sent the magick out far from our lives Air is swirling, thoughts are whirling
It went away Please come to our sacred site
To bent all to our will that were our strives Guard us in our magick rite
Hold You at bay Fire’s burning, passion’s turning
We wanted to play Gods with our lives and our deaths Please come to our sacred site
And now the darkness takes us every time we take a breath Guard us in our magick rite
Water’s flowing, feeling’s growing
But still You keep us tight in Your warm embrace Please come to our sacred site
And we need You Guard us in our magick rite
The green song of the land sunshine on our face Spirit’s glowing, magick’s growing
The sky so blue Please come to our sacred site
To see the stars atwinkle in the blackness of Your hair Guard us in our magick rite
But we will have to change before we mar Your beauty fair Earth is moving, body’s moving
Amaranth Here does end our magick rite
Leave with thanks, o spirit bright
Air is swirling, thoughts are whirling
Moonchant Here does end our magick rite
Leave with thanks, o spirit bright
AmEmEmAm or DmAmAmDm Fire’s burning, passion’s turning
Here does end our magick rite
Lady of the moon Leave with thanks, o spirit bright
Give us Your silver light Water’s flowing, feeling’s growing
Lady of the moon Here does end our magick rite
Shine on us so bright Leave with thanks, o spirit bright
Lady of the moon Spirit’s glowing, magick’s growing
Smile on us tonight Here does end our magick rite
Amaranth Leave with thanks, o spirit bright

Both the sun and the rain are important to us, both have their
Body Chant own special feel,
there’s nothing that we can’t embrace and enjoy, everything’s
Your feet firmly rooted in earth part of the Wheel.
Firmly rooted in earth
Your thoughts they spin in your mind like air The little bird singing on the branch of a tree, the starry
They spin in your mind like air darkness of night,
Your passion in you is kindled like fire mowed grass, a warm bath, or a big apple bite, their small,
In you is kindled like fire taste, sound, feel or sight.
Your hair is long o it flows just like water Or to really see someone else for some time, their hopes,
Long o it flows just like water dreams and also their hurts,
Your breath in you o it is your spirit in you can make you feel love filling up your whole heart, untill it feels
in you o it is your spirit like it bursts.
It’s hard to remember this every day, there are so many
hardships to bear,
Listen to the trees but nothing else will make our lives worth to live, for what other
option is there
EDED(2X) EDED EDEG EGCG EGEG but to really notice the world all around, to let it sing through
Then you will know what it is to feel joy, then you will surely be
Listen to the trees, how they whisper in the wind (2x)
They’re whispering of Yule-tide, the longest night of all
They whisper that from now on the length of nights will fall
They whisper of the wintercold, they whisper it won’t break
They whisper that the growing sun of spring a promise makes
Listen to the trees, how they whisper in the wind (2x)
They’re whispering of Brighid, still in winter’s hold
They whisper of the snowbells, blooming in the cold
They whisper that the sun will wax, they whisper he will grow,
They whisper of the early spring that’s still coverd by snow.
Listen to the trees, how they whisper in the wind (2x)
They’re whispering of Eostar, the festival of spring
They whisper of the beauty and the joy it brings
They whisper of leaves sprouting and they’re whispering of
They whisper of the new life that now all around is seen.
Listen to the trees, how they whisper in the wind (2x)
They’re whispering of Beltane, when everything is new
They whisper of each bud, from which a blossom grew
They whisper of fertility, they whisper about love
They whisper about making love with moonlight from above.
Listen to the trees, how they whisper in the wind (2x)
They’re whispering of Litha, when the days are long
They whisper of the summer, when the song is strong
They whisper of his power and they whisper of his might
They whisper that the wheel turns on and fading must the light
Listen to the trees, how they whisper in the wind (2x)
They’re whispering of Lammas, the feast of the first corn
They whisper: though the grain does die in time it is reborn
They whisper of the berries and they whisper about fruit
They whisper that of life and death a symbol is this food
Listen to the trees, how they whisper in the wind (2x)
They’re whispering of Mabon, the second harvest time
They whisper of the grapejuice, changing into wine
They whisper of the balance and of equal day and night
They whisper that from this day on the dark will win from light
Listen to the trees, how they whisper in the wind (2x)
They’re whispering of Samhain, when the veil is thin
They whisper of the old year and the new begin
They whisper of the spirits, visits from the other side
They whisper with bare branches of the coming winter nights
Listen to the trees, how they whisper in the wind (2x)

’Love of Life’..

A heart should be open to all things in life, to the little, simple

to children, to people, to beasts and to plants, do you also hear
their voice?

Help mij bevechten wat het leven van mijn stam tezeer bedreigt
Roleplaying/Life roleplaying Songs opdat het kwade driemaal krijgt wat het and’ren heeft gegeven.

Weet je nog.. Ik bevecht slechts hen die breken de cirkels van hoe allen leven
naar onevenwichtigheid streven, weet op hen zal ik mij wreken.
Ik ben een waardig tegenstander, ook mijn leven is in gevaar,
GDAmD GDAmD GDAmD AmEEA en voor mijn dood ben ik steeds klaar, met Ithillas in mijn
Geesten van dit land bescherm mij, wezens van berg en beek
en woud,
Weet je nog, zo lang geleden, ‘k was een kind, in een licht land.
geesten van steen en vuur en hout, help mij waken, wees aan
Alles leek anders dan heden, de wereld nam me bij de hand.
mijn zij.
Ik liep in bossen, rood en goud, de blaadren dansten in mijn
ik was toen 14 winters oud, het leven nam voor mij haar start.
Refr: Waarom heb ik toen niet geluisterd, waarom was ik zo Werklied
trots en dom,
nu ben ik aan mijn schuld gekluisterd, doden roepen mij alom. AmCEE CAmGEAmCE7E CAmGEAmE7Am
Ik was zo trots, ik was een vrouw, mijn vrienden zeiden, ‘t is niet DmFAA FDmCADmFAA FDmCADmAADm
Toen ik mij bewijzen wou bracht ik de stam in groot gevaar. Maal het graan, mijn zuster voor de broden, maal het graan mijn
Ze zeiden ga kijken in de toren dat is genoeg voor ons bewijs, zuster voor het brood.
de wijsheid kon ik toen niet horen, en dat had een te hoge prijs. Vil het dier, mijn broeder, voor de huiden, vil het dier, mijn
broeder, voor het vlees.
Ik was bang, maar niet genoeg, en veel te dapper, voor mijn Etcetera, etcetera..
Terwijl mijn hart in mijn keel sloeg zette ik door, met domme Refrein: Onze moeder geeft ons alles om te leven
moed. 't Zwijn geeft vlees, '
t Hert een pees,
Je kon het duister bijna voelen, ze omhelsde mij met armen Graan geeft meel, Plant een deel,
zacht. Boom geeft hout, Aarde goud wil ze geven.
Je kon het kwade daar zien broeden, het won aan sterkte en Meel wordt brood, hout een boot,
aan macht. vacht wordt bed, draad een net,
riet een mand, goud een band naar ons streven.
Toen heb ik ze opgewekt, ze sliepen dieper dan de dood, Ster
met zweren waren ze bedekt, hun stille dreiging, die was groot.
Ze vlogen lachend langs me heen, raakten mij aan met vingers
Vangen kon ik er geeneen, niets is er dat ze tegenhoudt.
Alles waar ze omheen zweefden dat werd ziek, vaak tot de DmFAA FDmCADmFAA FDmCADmAADm
mijn stam kon dit niet overleven, het lijden was er toen zo groot. Refrein: Onze Stam geeft ons steeds heel wat te beleven.
Ook ik werd ziek, maar zou niet sterven, al was dat vast beter Wil je '
t weten, moet je horen
geweest. '
k hoop dat het je kan bekoren
Hoe kan ik mij ooit rust beërven, ‘t is allemaal mijn schuld en dat het je niet zal storen, wacht maar even.
geweest? Want die vreemde mensen hier
brengen ons steeds veel plezier,
Ik ging zwerven ver van daar, mijn schuld stond mij de dood niet '
k hoop dat het je wat vertier mag geven.
voor leven was ik nog niet klaar, tot een sidhe mij vond, zo bang Onze Eekhoorn en Smeder houden van wat pret,
en moe. waarom anders gaan ze altijd samen vroeg naar bed.
Nu heb ik een zware taak, ik zal betalen wat ik moet.
Want ik bevecht de geesten kwaad, ik maak mijn vroegere Onze Ster is zo'
n groot krijger met haar grote zwaard,
daden goed. ik moet zeggen van mijn mes, dat is veel meer waard.
Want ik bevecht de geesten kwaad, ik maak mijn vroegere
daden goed. Onze Wassende Beer is toch zo' n groot shamaan,
Ster waarom krijgt hij ons vuur dan niet sneller aan?

Groen Blad wil niet de oorzaak zijn van '

t sterven van een dier,
Geesten van dit Land '
k vraag me af hoe vaak hij al getrapt heeft op een mier.

EmG EmD EmG EmDEm Regenboog is zo stoer, want ze maalt nooit graan,
AmC AmG AmC AmGAm is ze bang dat ze de steen op haar hand zal slaan?

Geesten van dit land bescherm mij, wezens van berg en beek Roosmarijn is soms zo stil, dat je'
t niet gelooft,
en woud, even later kletst ze beide oren van je hoofd.
geesten van steen en vuur en hout, help mij waken, wees aan
mijn zij. Snelle Speer kan bij '
t rennen zo snel verdergaan,
dat hij een zwoegende schildpad makk' lijk kan verslaan.

Het was waar: hij was veel beter dan ik eerder had gedacht.
Dansend Hert maakt nooit vlees, zou het als hij kookt ‘k Had een mog’lijkheid gevonden en kon hem toen licht
snel zo zijn dat het eten brandt totdat het rookt. verwonden,
deze kille donk’re nacht.
Spirits Wave’s got many stories crammed into his head,
could it be their sumptious banquets have made him so fat? Maar hij scheen het niet te voelen en hij grinnikte nog zacht,
en toen raakte hij mijn benen, mijn standvastigheid verdwenen
Meritus is zo beschaafd en hij studeert zo goed, door de kille donk’re nacht.
hij weet niet eens hoe hij zijn eigen eten maken moet.
Knielend vocht ik voor mijn leven, wanhoop nam me in haar
Sneeuwvos vindt dat dieren meer hebben te zeggen, macht,
omdat ze Grijnzende Wasbeer alles uit moet leggen. en alleen daar in het duister voelde ik het zacht gefluister
van mijn kille donk’re nacht.
Vissende Reiger houdt twee ogen op het Geestenland,
dus hij heeft om hier te zien nog alleen zijn hand. Maar een hand raakte mijn lichaam, vulde mij met levenskracht
ik sprong op en hief Ithillas voor een slag die zeker raak was
En dan is er die man die zo in ’t Duister Rent, op de kille donk’re nacht.
kan hij soms de weg terug niet vinden naar zijn tent.
Maar zo mocht het nimmer wezen: met een bulderende lach
Vlam help Wassende Beer als die vuurtje stookt ging hij terug, mijn grote vijand, ging hij snel terug naar zijn
maar kijk uit dat je het dorp daarbij niet ook oprookt. land,
in die kille donk’re nacht.
Vos zat vele jaren lang bij de Sidhe aan ’t gelag
’k hoop dat hij ons brouwsel toch ook nog waarderen mag. Dus nu blijf ik steeds oplettend met Ithillas op mijn wacht,
maar als wij weer strijd beginnen, kan ik deze keer wel winnen
Roos en Melisse gaan vaak samen tegen hun mannen in, van de kille donk’re nacht, op een kille donk’re nacht?
want alleen zien ze niet zitten, dat heeft toch geen zin. Ster

Tweelicht die is man en vrouw, zou die soms streven,

dat ie zichzelf zo kinderen kan geven? Lumbulendil
Das die is een echte Den: lachen kan hij niet AmEmAmAm AmEmAmAm CGGAm CGGAm
’k hoop dat hij ’t plezier van dit refrein toch ook inziet. DmAmDmDm DmAmDmDm FCCDm FCCDm
Cammlach is een echte handelaar der Zilverberk, Lumbulendil, Vriend van Schaduw, alles heb je me geleerd,
als ’t kan verkoopt hij je de sterren aan het zwerk. je vond mij met doodsverlangen, dat heb je van mij geweerd,
om mijn schuld en spijt te delgen gaf je mij een heel nieuw werk
’t Is moeilijk om voor .. te verzinnen, je leerde mij voor leven vechten, maakte mij gezond en sterk.
met welke slechte eigenschap ik moet beginnen.
Ster Lumbulendil, als ik terugkijk, ‘k was zo moe en angstig toen,
AmCEE CAmGEAmCE7E CAmGEAmE7Am mijn stam had ik ten val gebracht en ik wist niet wat ik moest
Als je daar toen niet geweest was, in’t Drakengebergte groot,
dan had ik het opgegeven, dan had ik gezocht de dood.
Een kille, donk’re nacht
Lumbulendil, jij mijn vader, een ander heb ik nooit gezien,
AmGDE AmGDD AmGGEm jij gaf mij moed en vertrouwen, gaf mij meer dan ik verdien.
En toen ik ook goed kon dansen en mijn training was gedaan
DmCGDm DmCGG DmGGDm toen gaf jij mij schoon Ithillas, zei dat ik moest zwerven gaan.
In een herberg op een eiland heb ik op mijn lot gewacht, Lumbulendil ‘k hoop dat ik je voor mijn sterven nog ontmoet,
Ik was eenzaam, had geen vrinden, geestesrust kon ik niet dat je niet, wat mij verteld is, Dame Dood al hebt begroet,
vinden, want ik hoor vreemde verhalen van hoe sluw jij bent geweest,
‘t was een kille donk’re nacht, ‘t was een kille donk’re nacht. en die brengen mij aan ‘t twijflen, of zag ik jouw ware geest?
Toen voelde ik iets verschuiven, glijdend naar de duistre macht.
Vol magie zo was dit eiland, wat zou komen nu naar mijn kant?
In de kille donkre nacht. O Kastanje Groot
Toen verscheen daar een wild wezen, stralend van de zwarte AmEmAmE AmEmAmE (Am) of DmAmDmA
en mijn zwaard Ithillas trilde, omdat zij bevechten wilde
DmAmDmA (Dm)
deze kille donk’re nacht.
O kastanje groot, met je vijfvingerige blad, jij bent onze hoeder.
Ik bevecht de kwade geesten, dat is mijn lot en mijn kracht, Wat een zicht jij bood, toen je nog je bloesem had, onze
en daarom mat ik mijn vijand, ieder had zijn zwaard in zijn hand geesteshoeder.
‘k mat de kille donk’re nacht. Met je wortels stoot je heel diep op zoek naar ‘t nat van onze
Aarde Moeder,
En wij vochten in het duister, en de zwarte geest die lacht: jij bracht ons in nood van je vruchten wat je had, jij blijft onze
‘Jij klein meisje, ga uit spelen, ga een ander maar vervelen, hoeder.
mijd de kille donk’re nacht.’

‘T was heel lang gelee en wij leefden trots en fier, wij de Groene Ioan werd ouder en wilde niet sterven,
Mensen dus hij liet komen de magiers uit heel het land.
wij leefden tevree, in balans met plant en dier, binnen deze Door hen zou hij zo zijn jeugd weer verwerven,
grenzen, maar deze kuur liep helaas verschrikkelijk uit de hand.
maar er kwam een wee, en een hongersnood kwam hier, Want hij werd er niet jong door, en de dood zou het hem
doodde vele mensen. nimmer schenken.
Jij bracht vruchten mee, met braam, bes, peen en vlier, wat wij Een eeuwigheid had hij nu voor zich om dit te overdenken.
konden wensen. Ja, u hoort, hij leeft voort, niemand kan hem vinden,
ver van hier, zonder plezier, niemand kan hem binden.
Jij waakt over mij en de mijnen waar wij gaan, dat heb je
gezworen, Na 117 jaar van regeren,
daarom zingen wij, waar wij zitten, gaan of staan, waar je het was hij het zat, en hij gaf zijn keizerskroon aan Wigmar door.
kan horen, Maar deze Wigmar die zou het nooit leren,
en wij geven vrij, van ons lied, ons werk, ons graan, wat je kan en hij had ook met het keizerrijk niet het beste voor.
bekoren, Want hij zou wel 15 keer, met een paard of dames trouwen.
en daarom waak jij over ‘t kwaad dat komt vandaan van de En hij liet de ambten niet meer over aan iemand dan vrouwen.
Zwarte Toren. Hij was slecht onderlegd in het ambt van keizer,
met zijn lijk was het Rijk vast een heel stuk wijzer.
Help ons, broeder met het bevechten van gevaar dat ons kan
bedreigen. Deze problemen die hoorde toen Ioan,
Licht ons van ‘t bed, maak ons wakker maak ons klaar, als dat van alle mensen die Wigmar zo had tekortgedaan.
snel mocht stijgen, Ioan zei: “Ik zal eens kijken wat ik kan”
jij hebt ons gered, daarom zijn wij zo dankbaar, achting zul je En hij is toen met hem mee naar Wigmar toegegaan.
krijgen, Daar nam hij de kroon weer mee, om hem verder door te
in de dood gaan met jou en samen ver vandaar, kan onze geest geven.
ontstijgen. De mensen waren weer tevree, Ioan is toen niet gebleven.
Ster Hij bleef stug, en wou terug, naar zijn rustig leven.
Heel alleen, vrienden geen, is hij toen gebleven.

De Ballade van Keizer Ioan Niemand zou hem nog om hulp in gaan roepen,
dat is hem toen snel beloofd, toen hij Wigmar had afgezet.
(Merck toch hoe sterck) Maar soms komt hij helpen de Keizerrijks troepen,
EmD EmD EmDGDEm DEm (2x) iedere keizer die weet: er wordt stiekum op hem gelet.
GDEmD EmEmAEm (2x) Hij bracht Linda eens vooraan om de keizerskroon te dragen.
Floris liet hij ook opstaan, zodat hij bracht veel goede dagen.
GGDD AmEmDEm (2x) Dit verhaal, helemaal, geeft u wat te denken.
of AmGAmGAmGCGAmGAm (2X) Deze bard wacht met smart wat u haar gaat schenken.
CGAmG AmAmDAm (2X) Oioli
De Ballade van Robin
Hoort, vrienden hoort, want ik wil u vertellen,
van een groot man die ons land gered heeft van de strijd. CGCG CGDG CGCG CGDG CGDG CGDG
Hij liet zich door kennis al jong vergezellen
en werd een magier groot, bekend tot in onze tijd.
Ioan was zijn goede naam, en hij was een prins daarboven.
Groot was zijn macht, en groot zijn faam, dat kan niemand hem Het was eens in de hoofdstad in een tijd heel lang gelee,
beroven. er was een prins geboren en men was heel blij daarmee,
Hoort nu toe, wordt niet moe, want het zal tijd nemen of men zou heel blij geweest zijn met Robin was zijn naam,
dit verhaal, helemaal, van mij te vernemen. als de magiër Bru er toen niet voor de poort zou staan.
Want Robin die zou er later heel hard vechten gaan.
Zijn vaders vader was keizer voor jaren, Voor vrijheid en gelijkheid in de bres blijven staan.
en toen die stierf zou de kroon al naar zijn eigen zoon toegaan.
Maar deze wilde dit baantje bewaren, De stad heeft hard gevochten maar Bru nam haar toch nog in,
zodat de kroon van de macht op onze Ioan’s hoofd moest en hij liet de keizer doden en daarbij ook zijn gezin.
staan. Maar onze kleine Robin ontsprong gelukkig nog de dans,
Werd hij als keizer wel geduld, door hen die hij dan moest in de armen van een keukenmeid kreeg hij toch nog eenkans.
leiden? Want Robin die zou er later heel hard vechten gaan
De priesters van de Hemelkeizer kult, discussieerden toen voor zou voor vrijheid en gelijkheid in de bres blijven staan.
Na een tijd werd het beleid eind’lijk onderschreven, Toen kleine Robin groter werd en toen zelfs elf jaar
onze held, als verteld, is keizer gebleven. kwam Robin weer opnieuw in een heel direct gevaar
want rovers stalen hem weg van de oude keukenmeid
Ioan die deed veel goed werk toen als keizer, en toen werd hij als slaaf in de arena opgeleid.
want hij verbood de corruptie van zijn dienaren. Want Robin die zou er later heel hard vechten gaan,
En ook als bouwheer bleek hij des te wijzer, zou voor vrijheid en gelijkheid in de bres blijven staan.
hoor wat hij toen heeft gedaan in zijn regeringsjaren!
Hij bracht ons kunstmatig licht, dat op alle straten straalde. Hij werd een dapper krijger en hij vocht er toen voor zes,
De riolering maakte hij dicht, zodat het de stank weghaalde. hij werd geadoreerd door het publiek en had succes.
Dit bedacht, en gebracht, staat zelfs nu nog heden, Maar hij vergat de and’ren niet voor wie het slecht kon gaan,
na zo’n tijd, door zijn vlijt, in al onze steden. en daaraan paste hij zijn idealen dan ook aan.
Robin is er toen het grote gevecht aangegaan

had vrijheid en gelijkheid heel hoog in het vaandel staan. Dat maakt het soepje beter dan wat jij ooit hebt geproefd!”
Zij hoopte dat de reus Arak daarmee was afgetroefd.
Maar Bru was hard en wreed en hij was nog steeds aan
demacht, De reus verliet het huis op zoek naar aardbeien in ‘t veld,
en Robin vond dat er nu niet meer kon worden gewacht. Paulien verliet de ketel en verstopte zich toen snel.
Hij riep toen alle slaven en hij zei: “Het is nu tijd.” De reus kwam terug en zei dat er geen aardbei was te zien,
Waarna hij toen de gladiatoropstand heeft geleid. en keek toen in de pan en miste plots onze Paulien.
Robin is er toen het grote gevecht aangegaan
had vrijheid en gelijkheid heel hoog in het vaandel staan. Hij brulde en hij riep: “Waar is mijn vlees nu toch weer heen!”
Paulien was slim en zei: “Je kijkt niet door de vulling heen!
Robin werd de leider van het leger van de stad, De soep is zo gevuld, je kunt me nu gewoon niet zien”.
en ‘t duurde ook niet lang meer voor hij meer gevochten had. De domme reus geloofde haar en at er toen voor tien.
Hij bevrijdde Noria, Pelinor en Elsenia,
en ook Dialodor, Encique en ook het land van Aa. De reus had veel gegeten en daarom was hij wat moe,
Robin die heeft zo in zijn groot gevecht Hij lag al snel te snurken en hij deed zijn oogjes toe.
zijn eigen land en dat van vele anderen gered. Paulien die sloop toen dichterbij en sloeg hem op zijn hoofd,
en zo komt het dat zij Arak heel dapper heeft gedood.
Robin werd toen keizer en hij kreeg toen heel veel macht
en hij heeft toen ook aan het goed van zijn groot Rijk gedacht. Paulientje was een held nu, de bewondering was groot,
Zo bracht hi j gouverneurs naar de nieuwe provinciegrens totdat de keizer aan het hof het ook nog had gehoord.
en hij maakte een nieuw wetboek en dat gold voor ieder mens. Hij maakte haar toen Hertogin van het oud reuzenland.
Robin die heeft zo in zijn groot gevecht Dit was Paulien van Traa' s verhaal en van haar groot verstand.
zijn eigen land en dat van vele anderen gered. Oioli

Robin stierf gelukkig na wel 62 jaar

en toch was hij zelfs na zijn dood met helpen nog niet klaar. Drink met mij
Hij gaf zijn zoon advies over de drempel van de dood,
zijn invloed is bij Generaal en Hemelkeizer groot. GGCG CCDGDG CGDG (4x)
Robin die heeft zo in zijn groot gevecht or DDGD GGADAD GDAD
zijn eigen land en dat van vele anderen gered.
FCFC FCGC FCFC FCGC FCGC FCGC Refr: En drink met mij, klink met mij, wie drinkt met mij, jongens,
wie drinkt met mij? We drinken op de keizer en het bier dat
stroomt er vrij.

O, Paulientje We drinken met z’n allen en we zitten hier bijeen.

We drinken op de hemelkeizer, nuchter is er geen.
CGDG CCDG GCGD GCCG GGCC DDDG Een toost dus op de keizer (en ook op de Generaal)
En ook op het gezelschap dat hier zit met veel kabaal.
De eerste dronk is op de lekebroeder op het land,
Refr: O, Paulientje, Paulientje, Paulientje wil een reus, als hij niet hoeft te werken heeft hij bier al in zijn hand,
O Paulientje, Paulientje, nam hem toen bij de neus. de tweede dronk is op de priester die de vrede maakt
hij wil wel onderhandelen, als ‘t drinken maar niet staakt.
Paulientje was een mooie meid en breed nog bovendien.
Zo’n sterreke persoonlijkheid heb jij vast nooit gezien. Een derde voor de paladijn die rondzwaait met zijn zwaard,
Zij reisde er door heel het land bij nacht en ook bij dag, en daarmee brengt hij ieder en zichzelf ook van de kaart.
totdat een reus haar schoonheid al vanuit de verte zag. Nu rest ons nog te drinken op de Hemelkeizer hoog,
en mocht hij ons verhoren, nu dan zitten we nooit droog.
Hij zag dat lekker hapje en hij kreeg toen gelijk trek, Oioli
hij rende heel hard naar haar toe en greep haar bij de nek,
Paulien stribbelde tegen maar er was geen helpen an,
wat zij ook deed uiteindelijk verdween ze in de pan.

De reus stookte het vuur op en de hitte werd best groot,

Paulien dacht hard na, want zij wist, zij wilde nog niet dood.
Uiteindelijk zei zij slim tot die domme reus: Ik weet
nog lekk’re dingen voor jouw soep die jij heel dom vergeet!

“Wat dacht je van wat worteltjes, is dat geen goed idee?”

De reus Arak dacht even na en was het eens daarmee.
Hij was toen even weg maar kwam verrekte snel weer terug.
Paulien die vloekte binnensmonds want hij was veel te vlug.

Zij vroeg om groenten, aardappels, en ook nog om wat zout,

waarvan de reus uiteindelijk een lekker soepje brouwt.
Maar hij had alles in zijn huis en was nooit erg lang weg,
Pauline dacht nog harder na, want anders had ze pech.

Ze zag toen dat het winter was, en kreeg een goed idee:
“Neem ook nog maar wat aardbeien voor ‘n lekker soepje mee!

Voor de moed en eer van de Generaal
De Ballade van de Kolonisatie der Wilde
GFF Ik trek nu toch al jaren rond, in onze Wilde Landen,
Kom, soldaten, kom marcheer naar het strijdgewoel en voelde me daar erg gelukkig bij.
daar hakken wij de vijand neer, dat is ons hoogste doel. en ook de mensen hier regelen hun zaakjes het liefst zelf,
Maar eerst dagen wij hen uit keer op keer, met schelden en en waren zo altijd voldoende vrij.
kabaal, Maar nu komen er kolonisten uit het Keizerrijk,
want wij vechten voor de moed en eer, van de Generaal. en nu is het gedaan met onze rust.
Ze gedragen zich alsof ze er de enigen nu zijn,
Als wij marcheren naar het slagveld dan ziet ied’re maagd: en niemand slaapt meer prettig of gerust.
daar voor haar daar marcheert een held, dapper en
onversaagd. En sommigen zijn duister of hooghartig of zelfs slecht,
En wij zwaaien daarom telkens weer met ons hel blinkend staal, en anderen die zijn gewoon onguur.
want wij vechten voor de moed en eer, van de Generaal. Ze noemen ons barbaren en ze zijn absoluut niet
wat je je voorstelt bij een goede buur.
En alle verraders, beef en ween, en verberg je snel, Vaak geloven ze niet eens in de Kring van de Natuur,
want jullie kunnen nergens heen, we vinden jullie wel. maar in een Keizer, of zelfs in een Generaal.
En dan is er geen vluchten meer, het zwaard spreekt onze taal, En je mag er niets van zeggen, anders wordt iedereen boos,
want wij vechten voor de moed en eer, van de Generaal. want dit is toch voor iedereen normaal?

Komt jonge krijgers, naar onze kant, maak onze rangen sterk, Refr: We zijn niet blij met deze lieden die ons land bezetten
want wij verdedigen heel het land, en doen het mooiste werk. en voelen ons erg aan de kant gezet.
Daarom roepen wij nu weer, en zingen wij allemaal: Vaak trekken ze zich echt niets aan van al onze gewoonten,
Wij vechten voor de moed en eer van de Generaal!!! op ons wordt er nu toch niet meer gelet.
NIET door Oioli Gelukkig luist'
ren sommigen toch nog naar dit dorp,
al was dat ook geen ogenblik te vroeg.
Het enige voordeel is met deze mensen in de buurt
Verzetslied van de Wilde Landen gebeurt er aan vernieuwing wel genoeg.

DDGG DDCC (2x) DDCC GGDC (2x) DDGG DDCC Natuurlijk hadden wij onze problemen wel gehad,
zoals met die verrekte elvenpoort.
DDCD (2x) Arcimboldo was ons dinghoofd toen en ging er snel naartoe
AADD AAGG (2x) AAGG DDAG (2x) AADD AAGG toen hij van de problemen had gehoord.
AAGA (2x) Hij kwam nooit terug, en ieder dacht dat hij daar was gedood,
Refr: O, geweldig keizerrijk, glorieus in het gevecht. en dit heeft velen heel erg veel verdroten.
Groot je krijgers, luisterrijk, hun compagniëen zijn zo hecht. Maar hij was ziek geworden met de paarse elvenziekte daar,
Je tovenaars geleerden, met boeken die vol kennis staan. omdat hij de poort bijna had gesloten.
Je priesters die vereerden, alle goden die bestaan.
Pas toen Arcimboldo ging, sluiten de poort van ' t Elvenkwade Daarom waren de beste krijgers spoorloos en verdwenen,
toen kwam de overwinning, werden jullie woorden daden. en niemand kon hen waar dan ook nog vinden.
(Jullie strijden voor het goed, en bevechten al het kwade, En toen het Keizerrijk de Wilde Landen wildehebben
ieder kent je grote moed, en bewondert jullie daden). konden zij daardoor zomaar van ons winnen.
Maar als de grote krijgers van dit land hier nu nog waren,
Lang was onze zware strijd, tegen jullie oorlogsdrang, dan was dat jullie zeker nooit gelukt.
door Kernoenen steeds bevrijd, nooit zijn onze krijgers bang. En nu gaan alle mensen hier dus onder vreemde regels
Zomaar geven wij niet op, al denken jullie dat nu wel. en onder jullie willekeur gebukt.
Eerst was jullie strijd een flop, wij bleven immer capabel.
Nu heb je wel gewonnen maar, acht jezelf nu niet te hoog. Vrijdagavond kwamen zij in onze herberg aan
Want je hele krijgerschaar is achter haar oren nog niet droog. en maakten daar gelijk een boel kabaal.
De orcs uit onze buurt kwamen ' ns kijken hoe het zat
Ombredo die altijd zat, zonder ooit eens rond te rennen en schrokken zich te pletter allemaal.
rustig boven op zijn gat, kon zijn oorlogen zo plannen. En vele kolonisten vinden orcen echt het laagste
Honderd vijftig jaar gelee Kernoen gekozen door het volk en een van hen werd in elkaar geslagen.
dacht hij met ons en jullie mee, werd een echte vredestolk. En toen werden de orcen boos, want zij zijn lichtgeraakt,
Toen hadden wij nog succes, al dacht de keizer toen van niet zij gingen alle mensen toen belagen.
hij leerde deze zware les: en hij stierf in ons gebied.
De paarse elvenziekte heeft zich in het dorp verspreid,
Maar wat verder naar het noorden was een poort opengegaan en raakte toen zelfs ook de kolonisten.
waarvan wij toen later hoorden, elfen komen er nu aan. En daarvan schrok iedereen toen en om dit op te lossen,
Arcimboldo besloot om dit snel te bestrijden. verzonnen zij toen vele slimme listen.
En nooit keerde hij weerom van de noordelijke weiden. De druides hebben heel hard geprobeerd de boel te stoppen,
Jullie konden nu dus winnen omdat wij onze krijgers missen, maar slaagden hier niet heel geweldig in.
ik zou me dus ook maar bezinnen, voordat jullie je in je De tovenaars die wilden daarom roepen een vreemd wezen,
grootheid vergissen! (door Oioli) een demon in de vorm al van een spin.

Een hane ei en ook de hand van Zog zou kunnen helpen, ‘t beleg’ren duurde maanden voort, hun voorraad was
gelukkig wisten zij wel wat zij deden. verdwenen.
De demon die kon die ziekte inderdaad nog wel genezen,
toch waren ze niet helemaal tevreden. Toen zei de abt: “Ach Zon, geef mij je kracht om te vertrekken,
Want steeds weer kwamen elven langs en raakten mensen aan, ik sluip naar buiten in mijn pij, ik kan ‘t niet langer rekken.
waardoor die dan die enge ziekte kregen.
Daarvan werd je krankzinnig maar het eerste wat je zag Hij sloop er weg en ging toen daar bij het moeras naar binnen,
was overal veel vieze paarse vegen. hij wist een pad langs dat gevaar, zo zou zijn reis beginnen.

Ook werd er toen een rechter uitgekozen voor het land De broeders waren toen zo blij, dat hulp spoedig zou komen,
en ieder mocht, zo werd er toen gezegd, ze haalden een vat wijn erbij en lagen snel te dromen.
vertellen wie dat zijn moest, maar wat bleek voor alle boeren
voor stemmen kregen zij geen enkel recht! De abt, die hulp zocht verderop, hem was een pad gegeven.
En onze smid is door de kolonisten ’s nachts vermoord, Maar toen zei hem de vijand STOP!, en hij begon te beven.
als was hij weerwolf hij deed niemand kwaad!
En de druidenoffers worden nu niet meer geaccepteerd Men martelde hem toen omdat men hem daar had gevangen,
voordat de poort uiteindelijk dichtgaat. hij zei hen alles van het pad, toen lieten ze hem hangen.

En meer dingen die waren er toen duid’lijk aan de hand, Het klooster is toen uitgemoord, geen broeder bleef in leven,
zoals het vreemde zonneamulet, en spoken worden daar gehoord, door wie zich daar ‘s nachts
dat een van deze kolonisten zocht al in ons land, begeven.
en in de handen van een orc al was gezet. Oioli
En het verhaal van de twee prinsen die beiden heel graag
trouwen met dezelfde mooie vrouw. Klaaglied van Siona
Zij haadden allebei een opdracht om zichzelf mee te bewijzen,
om zo te laten zien hun moed en trouw. AmAmEmEm AmAmEmEm AmamEmEm
AmAmEmAm (1adf)
Maar ook de criminaliteit die groeide in die tijd,
nog nooit was er zoveel geweld geweest.
DmDmAmAm DmDmAmAm DmDmAmAm
Diefstal was aan de orde van de dag en heel gewoon, DmDmAmDm
en men gedroeg zich soms gelijk een beest.
En zaterdag werd zelfs de Drost vermoord door rovergroep Ach waar ben je Arcimboldo, van wie ik zo zielsveel houd.
en dat was nog niet alles wat er was, Kom toch terug, ik mis je zo, kom toch terug naar je eigen
want ook zo een bezweerder werd in deze nacht gedood, vrouw.
dat geeft in deze streken niet te pas!
Ach mijn lief, waarom verliet hij mij? Hij ging voor zijn land nu
Degenaar de resident ging een markies benoemen strijden.
en koos hiervoor het dinghoofd’s neefje Odo. Waarom bleef hij niet aan mijn zij, want nu moet ik eeuwig
Maar het oude dinghoofd was gevonden in het bos, lijden.
en nu wilde het dorp dus Arcimboldo.
Toen volgde er onenigheid over wie markies zou worden, O, zijn macht was veel en groot, en zo sterk zijn toverkrachten,
de keuze werd uiteindelijk gemaakt. maar ik vrees nu is hij dood, en ik moet mijn leven wachten.
Nu is dus Arcimboldo de Markies der Wilde Landen,
de ander heeft zijn groot verzet gestaakt. Hij was dinghoofd van het land, hij beschermde onze mensen.
En sterk was onze liefdesband, ach wat kon ik nog meer
Ik hoop dat jullie nu ook de gebruiken leren kennen wensen.
die wij kennen als wijs en slim en goed.
en dat je ook met dorpelingen rekent in ’t gebied Ach had hij maar nooit gezien van de elfen al het kwade,
dan doen jullie het toch misschien wel goed. dan was hij nog hier misschien, had hij niet die drang tot daden.
En als ’t nog lukt de poort te sluiten naar het Elvenrijk
dan staan we wel bij jullie in het krijt. Hij ging sluiten d’elfenpoort, hij nam de allerbeste krijgers.
Doe daarvoor straks je best zodat het dorp jullie weer mag Zij renden toen als herten voort, en zij vochten gelijk tijgers.
en zich zo dus uiteind’lijk weet bevrijd.
Oioli Hij ging weg en kuste mij, en zei: “Maak je toch geen zorgen”.
AmEmAmE AmEmAmE (Am) of DmAmDmA Nu mis ik hem aan mijn zij, ied’re nacht en ied’re morgen.
DmAmDmA (Dm) Hij is nu vast al bij de doden, toch zal ik altijd op hem wachten.
Nooit zijn mijn tranen uitvergoten, hij is altijd in mijn gedachten.
Het klooster van de zon (Braes of
Ik droomde van een vreemde plek midden in de moerassen,
daar stond een klooster achter ‘t hek waarop de broeders

Er lag een leger voor de poort om ‘t klooster in te nemen,

Men maakte daarvan een serum, dat sluiten kon de poort,
Het Elfenlied na een belangrijk ritueel, als men niet werd gestoord.
AmAmEmEm DmDmAmAm AmamEmEm En in de nacht toen stonde ze, alle dapp’ren groot
DmAmEmAm te wachten bij de alvenpoort, om leven of om dood.
DmDmAmAm GmGmDmDm DmDmAmAm En drie geloven waren daar, een cirkel maakten zij.
En drie magieën waren daar, zij zongen er ook bij.
De zonnecultus die nu plots opgekomen was,
Volle maan staat hoog te schijnen, sluit de deuren en de ramen, zij hadden de muziekdoos die toch zo belangrijjk was.
voordat kinderen verdwijnen omdat ‘s nachts de elfen kwamen. En ik speelde toen ook nog fluit, voor als het fout zou gaan.
Met dit alles is toen de poort gelukkig dichtgedaan.
Blijf toch veilig, blijf toch binnen, veilig achter slot en luik.
Moest ik nu mijn reis beginnen, schrikkend van ied’re boom of En zippolantus, magiër, hij deed een heldendaad,
struik? hij nam de sleutel de poort mee in, toen die daarmee dichtgaat.
En de bezweerder Daffy D’Ucque, hij vocht daar echt niet half,
Zachte tred in schemerduister, takken slaan in mijn gezicht, en Oempie onze super-orc, wel hij versloeg een alf.
word ik door mijn angst gekluisterd? Wat zie ik in ‘t zilver licht?
Het eindigde met een groot feest, in het nomaden kamp,
Vreemde schaduw in de bomen. Vreemde geluiden in de nacht. daar dronken we en feestten we, bij het licht van een lamp.
Waarom moest ik hier nu komen? Waarom heb ik niet En spoken en wat restjes alf drukten de pret toch niet.
gewacht? Dit is’t verhaal van alles wat er hier nu is geschied.
Dan staat iemand in het maanlicht, kijjkt mij aan met duistre blik.
Hooghartigheid is in zijn gezicht, daarom schrok en vluchtte ik.
Hart klopt bonkend in mijn oren, want ik heb een elf gezien.
Dan zing ik: zal hij het wel horen? Redt dit mijn leven soms AmAmEmEm AmEmEmAm AmCCG
Nu mijn lied mij begeleidt zie ik in de verte licht. or DmDmAmAm DmAmAmDm DmFFC
Ik heb de herberg toch bereikt en sla de deur achter me dicht. CAmFAm DmAmDmAm DmFCF
Ach, lieden van de Wilde Landen, wat is er gebeurd?
Men vermoordde Arcimboldo, nu wordt weer om hem getreurd.
De ballade van de alvenpoort (op Why Hij was er zo dapper, hij bevocht het elvenkwaad,
weep ye) maar er is nu echt geen strijd meer waar hij nog naartoe gaat.
Lang kijkt zijn vrouwe uit naar hem van haar huis,
CGCC CFG CGCG CGC FFFC CCF CGCC maar het dinghoofd Arcimboldo, hij komt nimmermeer thuis.
Ach, lieden van de Wilde Landen, wat is er gebeurd?
GDGG GCD GDGD GDG CCCG GGC GDGG Men vermoordde Arcimboldo, nu wordt weer om hem getreurd.
GDG Hij heeft veel geleden door de magie van de poort
Voor lange tijd had niemand van hem meer gehoord.
Laat mij u zingen een verhaal over een alvenpoort, Lang kijkt zijn vrouwe uit naar hem van haar huis,
die in de Wilde Landen stond, heb je daarvan gehoord? maar het dinghoofd Arcimboldo, hij komt nimmermeer thuis.
De mensen van het Keizerrijk, die kwamen hier toen aan,
zij heersten over de mensen hier en zo is dat gegaan: Ach, lieden van de Wilde Landen, wat is er gebeurd?
Men vermoordde Arcimboldo, nu wordt weer om hem getreurd.
Alcofibras van ‘t keizerrijk, hij kwam met een idee Toen werd hij gevonden en genezen werd hij,
en Nokan, de druide groot, hij kwam en hielp ook mee, Daarna was hij weer dinghoofd, en markies daar ook nog bij.
en Arcimboldo reise toen naar ‘t plaatsje Reutelpaal Lang kijkt zijn vrouwe uit naar hem van haar huis,
daar ging de groep toen samen heen, verzameld allemaal. maar het dinghoofd Arcimboldo, hij komt nimmermeer thuis.

En Freya chatelaine kwam en hielp de waard, haar oom. Ach, lieden van de Wilde Landen, wat is er gebeurd?
Daar werd Arcimboldo vermoord, nu rust hij zonder droom. Men vermoordde Arcimboldo, nu wordt weer om hem getreurd.
De rovers hadden het gedaan, en werden toen gezocht, Oioli
20 hoofden werden door Degenaar voor 1 goudstuk gekocht.

Een vreemde gast kwam ook nog daar, Bilet zo was zijn naam.
Hij doodde een heel arme boer, toen die voor hem bleef staan.
Nomaden waren ook nog daar, van hun markt teruggekeerd,
ze hadden heel veel lekker bier, en dat was niet verkeerd.

De boeren waren heel niet blij met wie over hen heerst,
en daarom zetten zij toen op de groep ‘de Boeren Eerst’.
De magiers kwamen bijeen en overlegden toen
over de handigste manier om de poort dicht te doen.

En daarvoor wilde men het bloed, van d’enge spin daemon.

Hij hielp ons van de ziekte af, maar de dood dat werd zijn loon.

De volgende morgen kwam er een gast - die door de gardisten was
De Ballade van de Drie Keizers meegebracht
Torres van Alkemade was zijn naam - zijn methodes die waren niet zacht.
AmAmAmC CCCAM (2x) AmAmDmAm Hij legde hen op de pijnbank en - onder pijnen gaven zij alles toe
DmAmDmC De zonnecultus kwam in discrediet - maar wij allen wij werden dit moe.
EmEmEmG GGGEm (2x) EmEmAmEm En vele gardisten werden gedood - de krijgers van Leta namen ze meer.
AmEmAmG Daarom werden zij harder nog - zij executeerden er twee.
In het verre Wilde Land zo ver liggend naar het noorden Gilbert en Gobelyn-Archibald stierven - maar de anderen werden gered.
is altijd veel aan de hand, waarvan ik dan ook snel hoorde. En Nebuka die stierf ook want hij had - georganiseerd dit verzet.
Daarvan zing ik nu dus hier, hopelijk brengt het plezier.
Er waren ook hagedismannen aldaar - die door de pelsjagers werden
Want een lid van de senaat kwam hier om er rond te vragen
Zij waren dit zat en zij vochten terug - voor zij van ‘t land waren gevaagd.
hoe’t met burgerrechten gaat, waarom boeren hier die dragen. Zij broedden uit een heel groot ei - en een hagedisridder kwam eruit,
Ontzet was zij toen zij keek en het een samenzwering bleek. heel groot, met vleugels en stekende staart, en een enorme grote snuit.

Toen kwam er het kwaad bericht dat de keizer was gestorven De vrouwen sloten zich samen aan - en besloten bij de ‘Weird Sisters’ te
en zijn familie toen gericht dit zwaar lot daar heeft beorven. gaan
De prinses en prins alleen kwamen vluchtend snel hierheen. want zij zijn het chauvinisme zat - en zij trekken zich niets meer van
mannen aan.
Toen wierp zich de grootvizier op als keizer van ’t Rijk, Alle gardisten werden gedood toen de - minstreel werd gepakt voor haar
stuurde gardisten snel naar hier, zochten door ’t hele Rijk lied
naar de prins en de prinses, maar zij hadden geen succes. en nog eens toen de executies stopten, - want slim dat waren ze niet.

Zij gaven er zoveel aanstoot dat niemand hen hier meer mocht. Toen kwam de demon Bilet en ging - konkelend rond al in de hal
Daar waren velen het niet mee eens - en zij legden samen een val.
Allen werden zij gedood, daarom werd niet hard gezocht.
Zij verzamelden vier kelken bij elkaar - en brachten die naar ‘t donk’re bos
maar er komen er steeds meer, waarheen gaat het deze keer?
Daar kwam Bilet en hij was heel boos - en hij liet vele vuurballen los.
Prins en prinses wierpen zich op, de prins werd dinghoofd van ’t En de druides die hielden de kelken vast en er - stierven er twee door
land. Bilet zijn vuur.
Maar hij kreeg een reuzestrop, werd gedood door trollenhand. Berem was er een en ook Arco zij keerden - terug al naar de natuur.
De prinses staat aan ’t begin. Is zij toekomstig keizerin? ‘s Avonds was er een ritueel - voor de equinox van de lentekeer
en Champix hield er zo’n mooie speech - voor ieder die leefde niet meer.
Maar er was een groter kwaad van een keizer-tovenaar.
Peder pleegde zwart verraad, heeft het Tripartiet vergaard, Men dacht dat Leta was ontvoerd maar dat bleek later niet waar te zijn
de ziel van Bru was daarin gegaan, zou opgewekt weer voor maar ‘s middags kwam er van Rashied een leger en dat was echt niet
haar staan. klein.
Er kwam een grote slag en ieder - die vocht heel hard maar het hielp niet
Allen vreesden zeer dit kwaad, behalve ene Daffy d’Ucque. veel
er waren gewoon geen rebellen genoeg - en het kostte hen bijna de keel.
Men verdacht hem van verraad, maar hij plaatste ’t 4e stuk.
En daarmee was Bru verslagen tot in onze levensdagen.
Toen eindelijk kwam prinses Leta terug - die toch niet meer ontvoerd
bleek te zijn,
Daarom is er nu dus feest, en wij dansen in het rond. met de hertog van Batori en zijn ridders - hun hulp bij de slag was niet
Het gevaar is nu geweest, en het land is weer gezond. klein.
Maar wat is des keizers zet, als hij hoort van ons verzet? Dus wij hebben gewonnen de zware slag - al is dit niet makkelijk geweest
Oioli en nu is dus dit land weer veilig - en daarom vieren wij feest.
De Laatste Herberg (op Greensleeves)
(ac) AmCGEm AmFEE AmCGEm AmEAmAm
or (eg)EmGDD EmCDD EmGDD EmAmEmEm
De tocht was lang, de tocht was zwaar - voor Leta en haar legerschaar,
van de Wilde Landen naar Bekesteen - naar haar hal want daar gingen ze
Leta was de leidster van - de rebellen al tegen Karasjied.
Wij vechten tegen zijn willekeur - en stoppen dat zullen we niet.

Overal langs de zware weg - waren dorpen in het rond platgebrand,

en keizerlijke gardisten volgden - hen overal door het land.
De Garde nam toen de herberg in - en zij namen toen ieders wapens in,
zij waren hard, wreed en groen en blauw - maar ook niet zo heel erreg

De barbaren die waren zo erg zij wer-den bij de gardisten ingelijfd

Zij gingen infiltreren daar - en weet dat ‘t daar niet bij blijft.
Zij doodden Paracelsuis - toen die door magie onzichtbaar was
Zij zeggen “‘twas een ongeluk” - maar zo’n ongeluk geeft toch geen pas.

De Clan van de Beer Broedertwisten (op In een herberg)
Wij zijn de berenclan en wij zijn dapper en vol moed, In een jachtslot in Batori leefde hertog Dragomir,
we vechten aardig maar vooral het drinken doen we goed. hij leefde een heel lang leven, wist zoveel geluk te geven,
Refr: Ren snel weg en berg je vlug, want de clan van de beer is en zijn boeren staan steeds fier, werken met heel veel plezier.
Maar er kwamen bergen monsters op de roep van Godolfin,
Wij zijn de angst van iedere gardist al in het land, zij bevochten alle mensen, en zij kenden echt geen grenzen,
ze rennen heel hard van ons weg, hun zwaard al in hun hand. hoofden hakken had geen zin, want er zat geen ‘backbone’ in.

17 Gardistenlijken staan op onze naam, Dragomir die wou niet weten wat het werk was van zijn zoon,
Helaas moesten daarvoor Orbauw en Bjorn van ons weggaan. vroeg om helden in de kranten, die kwamen van alle kanten,
Godolfin stak hem naar de kroon, vond dit alles heel gewoon.
We stalen Robin’s zilvren zwaard dat iedereen lang zocht,
En als hij niet gestopt is wel, dan zoekt hij het nu nog. Maar de helden waren nogal twijfelachtig vond men hier,
want het was best wel een bende, er kwam plots een hoop
Belasting geven we niet, onze haat daarvoor is groot. ellende,
Liever slaan we dus snel de belastinginner dood. ze hadden wel een boel plezier, maar waren ze ook wel fier?

We drinken veel met ogers wel een emmertje of twee, Toch waren er goede lieden onder allen die hier staan.
dat gaat dan op in ene teug, van hopla, weg ermee. Kyral die gewond vertelde aan een ander groepje helden
dat zij snel weg moesten gaan, en daardoor ging hij eraan.
Dus hoed je voor de Berenclan, gardisten man en vrouw,
want wij dienen prinses Leta en wij blijven immer trouw. En ook was er nog iets erger in het duister van de nacht,
Oioli Daffy D’Ucque en Kama Sutra, vochten daar samen en weldra
daar door ieders grote kracht, slapen beiden nu heel zacht.

Marise’s lied (op I once loved a lass) De druiden werken samen aan een herfstig ritueel,
en zij zochten criminelen die zij dan konden bevelen
GGG GCCGG GGFDmD GCGG FCGG om te sterven, liefst heel veel, maar zij vonden niet zoveel.
Dus zij doodden toen boer Krelis die nog nooit iets had gedaan,
DDD DGGDD DDCAmA DGDD CGDD en de andere geloven die konden niet echt geloven
dat zij dit hebben gedaan, wilden niet meer naast hen staan.
Marise, ik zag je voor ‘t eerst in het bos
zo mooi en zo lieflijk, je haar dat hing los Toen kwam vrouwe Gwendoline die een enge vampier was
je jurk wit als sneeuw en je ogen zo blauw, Dragomir ging haar verdrijven maar zal dit ook lang zo blijven
‘k zie niets anders meer behalve alleen jou. want zij is niet in haar sas met de plaats waar zij steeds was.
Je loopt niet, maar zweefde zacht over het pad En de berenclan die haatte alle cavaliers zo erg
mijn hart werd geraakt, niets dat nog waarde had. dat zij daarom er een doodden en toen geen excuses boden
Behalve jouw liefde, jouw wensen, jouw wil. en de hertog was getergd, tot in zijn bot en zijn merg.
Want als jouw stem klinkt, wel dan valt alles stil.
Hij liet daarom allen doden van de hele berenclan.
Maar jij bent zo hoog, en al ben je steeds aardig, Op de middagmaaltijd kwamen vele mensen daarom samen
ik weet wel jouw liefde die ben ik niet waardig. en iemand had een slim plan, had vergif daarin gedaan.
Maar toch moet mijn hart steeds weer spreken voor jou
ik heb je zo lief, schone dame en vrouw. Senatrice en nog andren rolden brakend in het rond
en toen leek het of ze even zouden verliezen hun leven
Jouw ogen die fonkelen zo in de nacht toen ze lagen op de grond, en ieder er omheen stond.
mijn hart bonst ervan en mijn wil die wordt zacht,
als jouw glimlach straalt op je lippen zo rond Maar de hertog kon genezen en hij deed did toen ook snel
is mijn evenwicht zoek en vindt geen vaste grond. en hij wendde dus het gevaar, ieder is hem dan ook dankbaar
maar verdrietig is hij wel, zoals ik je nu vertel.
Ik wil met je reizen, alles laten zien,
de stad en de bossen, als ik je maar dien, En toen op een zondagochtend ging Godolfin in beraad
de bergen, de dalen, de zee o zo blauw, hij ging allen nu bevechten die hem zagen als een slechte,
o, wacht toch op mij en ik blijf immer trouw pleegde naar zijn pa verraad, zoals het een zoon niet staat.
Oioli voor Kethrion
En er kwam een grote veldslag en Godolfin die stierf daar,
en zijn monsters al tezamen omdat avonturiers kwamen
maar de hertog treurt nu diep om zijn zoon, hij had hem lief...

Requiem voor Daffy De Ridders van Oberon
AmGAmG AmGAmEm DAmEmAm AmGAmG AmAmGEmAmEmAm (2x) GGAm GGEmAm
DmCDmC DmCDmAm GDmAmDm DmCDmC AmAmGAmEmAm (2x) GGEmAm (3x) GGEmEm
GDmAmDm DmCDmAm or DmDmCAmDmAmDm (2x) CCDm CCAmDm
Hoort lieden al tezamen, naar dit zo droevig lied,
Ik wil een man bezingen, ach ja, wie kent hem niet?
DmDmCDmAmDm (2x) CCAmDm (3x) CCAmAm
Wijs en groots en dapper en vriendelijk als geen,
rustig en altijd een vriendelijk woord voor iedereen. Gewapend uit de holle heuvel, uit het elvenland,
Al was hij goed met spreuken hij had nooit zoveel geluk, vechtend tegen ’t kwade euvel dat schaadt ’t groene land,
Je weet over wie ik het heb, ’t is over Daffy d’Ucque. Groot hu macht en groot hun faam komen ze heldendaden
Zijn vader Arnon zei tot hem: "Waarom word je geen held. "Ridders van Oberon" was hun naam, het Oog was het teken op
Ik wil dat je jezelf bewijst, ik heb het je verteld." hun blazoen.
En Daffy tegen wil en dank, ging dus een moeilijk pad,
omdat hij in het heldenwerk echt zoveel zin niet had. O Schittering van zonlicht op metaal! Die glinstering, die kracht
Maar vader kreeg gelijk al dank ik dat slechts aan de zoon, die pracht en praal.
want helden zijn dat niet altijd, maar meestal heel gewoon. Schoner dan een mens kan zijn, hun wapensmeedwerk prachtig
Hij deed zijn best te vechten, maar tover lag hem meer, hun moed en kracht zijn nimmer klein, op weg naar bloed, naar
dus deed hij menig spreukje om te helpen keer op keer, dood en pijn..
maar soms wou het niet helpen en dan trok hij toch zijn zwaard,
zoals toen zij daar bij de Alvenpoort waren vergaard. Zij strijden fel, zij vechten voor dit land. Feilend staat wel hun
Toch vond hij zichzelf toen geen held zoals zijn vader wou, leven onderpand.
hoewel hij zich bewijzen en ons allen redden zou. Zij strijden hard, zij strijden goed, hun pracht besmeurd met
Peder was een zwarte dame, die hij ooit eens zag, De wanhoop die ieder voelen moet, want ach, hun strijd die gaat
zij hield niet van het leven, van de liefde, van de dag, niet goed..
zij was heel duister en zij bracht ons allen in gevaar,
want alle delen van het tripartiet waren van haar. Een valt er neer, de elvenglans gedoofd. En dan steeds weer,
Behalve dan het vierde deel wat Daffy zelf nog had, van levensbloed beroofd.
als Peder dat ook vond dan werd de hele wereld zwart. En ieder vecht er wat hij kan, zij volgen goed hun leider’s plan,
maar sterven tot de laatste man, en leggen zo hun grootste
Elk vreesde voor zijn leven en vertrouwde niemand meer ban..
en dit deed vriendelijke Daffy in zijn hart wel zeer.
Hij werd beschuldigd van verraad maar zette toch nog door. Hun levenskracht is hun grootste magie.. Wie had gedacht wat
Redden kon hij ons pas toen hij ’t vertrouwen echt verloor. ik nu voor me zie?
Hij deed een ritueel met Peder in een duistre stee, Want in hun laatste stervensuur gaven zij kracht aan de natuur.
en voegde in het vierde deel en redde ons daarmee. De vijand onder plantenvuur betaalt voor deze veldslag duur..

Toen iedereen hem prees werd hij verlegen en heel rood Dank Elven groot, Ridders van Oberon,
en zei: "Ach hou toch op, mijn werk dat was toch niet zo groot!" Want jullie dood, was dit land’s levensbron.
En dit laat zien dat hij toch nog een held geworden was, Kaya
want die laten zich nimmer voorstaan door een groot gebras.
Maar in een duister gangetje werd hij onlangs gedood,
en niemand weet waarom dit moest, dit onrecht o zo groot.
Demetrios’ leger
Moge Vrouwe Maan die hij zozeer bewonderd heeft
op hem schijnen tot ze hem weer rust en vrede geeft. GDAD GGAD DGDA DGGD DDGG AAAD
Ik denk aan hem met weemoed en ik mis hem nu al veel,
geheime kennis werd hem toch uiteindelijk teveel. REFREIN:
Ik dank je Daffy voor jouw voorbeeld van een moedig mens. En we drinken bij deze al op Demetrios,
Rust zacht, waar je ook bent, dat is wat ik je nu nog wens. van onder zit ’t zeker vast, van boven zit ’t los.
Demetrios ging zoeken naar een nieuwe soldaat,
maar hij kon die niet vinden, want je weet hoe ’t bij hem gaat.
Hij keek in de kazernes maar daar vond hij ze echt niet
ze waren allemaal gevlucht al uit zijn grondgebied.

En we drinken bij deze al op Demetrios,

van onder zit ’t dan wel vast, van boven zit ’t los.

Toen ging hij naar de jagers maar hij vond ze nergens meer
ze zaten liever in het bos dan onder deze heer.
De boeren die toen hoorden dat hij hen dan toch wel wou
die renden voor hem weg tot aan de laatste man en vrouw.

En we drinken bij deze al op Demetrios,

van onder zit ’t soms nog vast, van boven zit ’t los.

De ridders wel die keurden hem toen echt geen cent meer De ballade van de Vervloekte Herberg
zij gingen naar de and’re kant al racend op hun paard. AmAmAmC CCCAm (2x) AmAmDAm DmAmDmAm
En toen werd hij wanhopig en hij ging maar naar de kroeg. EmEmEmG GGGEm (2x) EmEmAEm
Hij had ’n biertje nodig voor hij verder krijgers joeg.
En we drinken bij deze al op Demetrios,
van onder zit ’t niet erg vast, van boven zit ’t los. Deze herberg waar ik woon, altijd open, altijd gastvrij.
Toch is er iets ongewoon, want veel gasten zijn er niet vrij.
Hoe meer hij dronk wel des te beter zag hij daardoor in Als ze verder willen gaan komen ze altijd weer voor de deur te
nou deze mensen gaan wel mee, dan heb ik toch mijn zin! staan.
Maar als hij nu niet uitkijkt zal hij snel versteld wel staan
want elke dief al in zijn groep zal eens uit stelen gaan. Soms wordt het me wat te veel, moet ik trekken, moet ik reizen,
maar dat lukt me nooit geheel, want ik kom tot mijn afgrijzen
En we drinken bij deze al op Demetrios, al een heel kwartaal, da’s gek, steeds terecht op dezelfde plek.
van onder zit ’t niet meer vast, van boven zit ’t los.
Maar misschien is ’t snel voorbij, want velen zijn erbij gekomen,
En wat dan van de anderen die ook nog zitten hier? die dit vast wel, hopen wij, even samen klaar gaan stomen.
Als straks de veldslag komt zitten wij veilig achter ’t bier! Die de vloek die mij verdriet eindelijk maken teniet.
Dus drink nu op Demetrios en op zijn leger-last,
want hij zal straks versteld staan dat geloof ik echt en vast! Noren kwamen over ’t water, zoeken naar hun spokenplaag.
En die vonden ze ook later, groeiend in dit land gestaag.
En we drinken bij deze al op Demetrios, Nu weten zij dat ’t juweel liggen moet naast ’t graf van priester
van onder zit ’t echt niet vast, van boven zit ’t los. Kameel.
Kelten kwamen uit hun landen, zowel van dichtbij als van ver.
Sommigen die hadden banden met dit land en de herberg.
De liefde van het volk Want zij hoorden ’t was vervloekt, daarom gingen ze op zoek.

(aeee) AmCCE CDmEDmAm Zelfs de Uaine uit het Noorden, kwamen ons terzijde staan,
omdat zij van geesten hoorden dat zij hierheen moesten gaan.
DmFFA FGmAGmDm Zij leden heel zwaar aan de vloek, want zij verloren hun
Demetrios wees alert, wees voorzichtig, wees bereid, voorvaders’ roep.
want ik ben geen trouw soldaat, ik ben een wilde bardenmeid.
Er kwamen priesters uit het Zuiden van het oud Klassiek geloof.
Demetrios jij bent laf, je kan je eigen gevecht niet aan, Want wat zochten deze luiden? Tempels ooit van hen geroofd.
waarom anders nam je ons om voor jou naar de dood te gaan? Maar ook zij wilden ons bijstaan, toen ze onze herberg waren
Demetrios kijk maar uit, let goed op wie je vertrouwt
je hele leger kwam uit dwang zodat je weinig overhoudt. Maar de Vloek zal zomaar niet vervagen, want de koning van de
Demetrios weet wel goed ze volgen je uit nood en dwang stelt ons vele zware vragen, in ruil voor informatie.
en zonder liefde van het volk dan duurt je heerschappij niet En we hopen dat dat het kwaad eindelijk toch eens verslaat.
Kaya Ook dit lied is voor het raadsel, al is haar bijdrage klein,
want het blijft nog steeds een raadsel hoe de afloop nu zal zijn.
Maar ik wens ze veel geluk, en dan kan de poging toch echt niet
Een Vrouw Alleen... meer stuk!
Dus hier sta ik, een zwaard in mijn handen, AmAmAmC CCCAm (2x) AmAmDAm DmAmDmAm
wat heb ik gedaan, waar ga ik naartoe? EmEmEmG GGGEm (2x) EmEmAEm
Wat is die haat, die ik in mij voel branden, AmEmAmEm
Ik was het geweld en het vechten toch moe?

Een duistre demoon, zo kwaad, een verschrikking,

bedreigde mijn groep, zo vals en zo wreed.
en ik hielp mee, bevocht zijn verstikking
wij maakten een zwaard van tover gesmeed.

Krachten van aarde, water en lucht,

vuur en ook chaos komen tezaam.
Want voor dit zwaard zijn demonen beducht,
maar vrouwen alleen kunnen dit wezen aan.

En dit is mijn grief: ik vocht zonder liefde

ik vocht met woede en haat in mijn hart.
Ik droeg het zwaard en ik wondde en griefde
het duister, maar nu ken ik twijfel en smart.

Softly they move to the House of their rivals,
Necessity no single sound can be heard in the air.
Soon the screams of the dying are stifled,
AmCAmG EmCAmAm EmGEmD EmDGEm the power of the dead ones will now be theirs.
The Matron cries out: "Now my House is the greatest!".
Lady, we who do not live below and Your beauty and wisdom Her pride shows like a silver gleam in her eyes.
know, Then she looks baffled at a knife thrust in her breast,
want to ask Your aid in this, with this one who was amiss. and without a sound she falls and she dies.

He has tried to kill one of Your kind, but he left his luck behind. Now she is Matron, her power is stronger,
Now he fell in his own trap, and had no choice but take a nap. her House is the most powerfull of them all.
All do suspect what she’s done, but can’t proof it,
We cannot just let him go, he will trie again, we know. but she’ll have to be carefull, for she too can fall.
But we do not wish him dead, can You give us aid in that?
Tell me what’s light without shadow to shine in,
Answer: Like a mother that brings new life, goodness comes what is an endless night without a day?
through pain and strife. What is intrigue without love, without friendship?
But thou problems will be made undone, when those who’re I do not know, but perhaps you can say..
parted again are one. Noamuth

Into the dark

A Question to Cruelty
Noamuth where do you go, into the earth so far below,
Lady Bright, I ask Your help, I ask Your help, where not a single thing does grow, Noamuth where do you go?
have you seen the cruelty of my people?
Lady Bright, I do not see, I do not see I go into the hollows steep, where the lightless creatures sleep.
why anyone could cause such pain. I have crossed the chasms deep, and at the end there is Drow’s
Refr: This death is beyond anything Keep.
I’d wish to the most dark ones.
And I cannot stop remembering Noamuth, please tell me too, who are those travelling with you?
what my people would do with such power, Does this deep darkness make them blue? And tell me, what
what my people would do with such might. will be their due?

Lady Bright, can You tell me, can You tell me One of these humans is my friend, the other two I did not send.
where I’ll find the one who is this dark? I wonder if they comprehend the danger in which they descend.
Lady Bright, please show me how, please show me how
I can stop her threat to life. Noamuth why do you seek the ones of whom I heard you
Lady Bright, will You help me, will You help me, Why do you go to them so meek, into the halls so dark and
for the sake of the ones who dance beneath the moon? bleak?
Lady Bright, give me Your aid, give me Your aid,
I seek the safety of our dreams, I’ve come to seek my people here, to tell them of light’s joy and
I seek the safety of our dreams, tear,
I seek the safety of our dreams... and of the laughter one can hear, of grass and flower, rain and
Noamuth deer.

Noamuth, can you not see, your people, who have exiled thee,
A Knife in the Dark will never listen to your plea? Have you no wish to remain free?
AmGAmG AmGAmEm EmGEmAm EmGEmAm I know the dangers that I face, and yet I’m pulled towards this
DmCDmC DmCDmAm AmCAmDm AmCAmDm place.
You know most Drow I cannot praise, but I’ll keep hoping in this
She walks in the dark street, the city is sleeping, case.
in search of a Drow who is hiding in holes.
He’ll live, cause she needs the knowledge he’s keeping, Noamuth, do you not fear, that you will find your death out here,
and later she’ll use him to further her goals. or towards a worse fate steer.. Will you then not shed a tear?
Refr: A knife in the dark, tread sure but tread silent.
Cherish the powers of fear and of hate. I know my fears; I shall not lie, but I’ve known love, I mustn’t cry.
Strengthen your influence by persuasion or violence, Yet my fear doth run most high for those I shelter: they might
that is what had made my people so great. die..
When she has finished her work in the alley,
she goes to her House, to tell of her deeds.
Her Matron says: there’s no time to dally,
we’ll have to move quickly, in silence and speed!

Al weet ik..
Al weet ik dat ik uw liefde niet waardig ben,
toch moet ik zeggen wat ligt in mijn hart. De zachte warmte van de zon geeft mijn vermoeid hart rust.
Deze manier is de enige die ik ken, Mijn vingertoppen worden nu door koele stroom gekust.
want ik ben maar een eenvoudige bard. Het water parelt op mijn huid als ’k mij ermee verfris,
’t verkwikt en geeft me nieuwe kracht, of ’t levenswater is.
Weet ook dat ik uw daden niet echt begrijp,
en de moraal niet die daar achter schuilt. Nu ik het zacht gebabbel hoor der kabbelende beek,
Voorzichtigheid lijkt voor u wel een groot vergrijp, verlicht mijn stemming snel en ik lach dan om ied’re streek
maar u komt snel te hulp als iemand huilt. die, uitgehaald door watergeest, de mens tot wanhoop drijft.
Mijn vreugde wordt niet aangetast, als ’k bij het water blijf.
Toe, wees niet wreed, hoor mij aan en geef mij een kans, Torilas
want ook ik ben iemand in grote nood.
Leer mij toch hoe ik uw liefde kan winnen thans,
en lach mij niet uit, want dat wordt mijn dood. Lullaby
A Song about Life DmADmA DmAADm DmADmA GmDmADm

GCE7Am G7CGC E7AmGAm Lullaby, lullaby, sleep my little baby,

lullaby, lullaby, sleep my little child.
CFADm CFCF ADmCDm Safe in my womb, safe in my belly,
safe beneath my heart, sleep my child.
When I lived in a far, far land, and was a little girl, Ajilina
my father used to have his plans, wanted to wed me to one of
his hands.
But I didn’t want to be a wife and give birth to child after child. The Dark and Hidden Parts
But someone came and rescued me, gave me a kitar and a AmGAmG AmGAmEm DAmEmAm AmGAmG
Now I travel fare away, in lands not known to me yesterday,
I earn my money singing songs and making people smile. DmCDmC DmCDmAm GDmAmDm DmCDmC
But I was alone for a long time, I travelled on my own.
I felt that no-one understood, and that I surely never could Marcia, my loved one, I never understood,
find one who would know me well and understand my way. why people hurt each other, I never thought they could.
But lately I was forced to see into another’s heart
But someone came and rescued me, said: "I like your style. and I am scared by what I find, in dark and hidden parts.
My friends and I go through this land, will you give us a helping But Marcia, do you know what scares me most of all my sweet?
hand, There also is a part in me that daylight will not greet.
and make us all glad with your songs." So now I finally
belonged. Marcia, I’m really hurt by what he does to me,
I’ve never been afraid to die, but now I am, you see.
I fell in love with a kind brave man, and gave him all my heart. I don’t know if they can survive: the joy, the warmth, the light,
But he had already pledged his lefe, told me he didn’t want a I only know the pain, the tears, I know my bonds too tight.
wife, But one thing will keep me alive, I know that in my heart,
and then I oculd have died, for weeks on end I cried. that is what I’m so frightened of that dark and hidden part.
But someone came and rescued me, told me not to cry. Love, I want to hurt him, I will send him to his death,
This wouldn’t be the last time I loved a man, and someone and all my life I never thought that I once would say that.
would answer my And so you see that I have changed, I am not what I was,
feelings then. I’ll never be the same again, that open, laughing lass.
And untill then what I had to do was wait and be myself. I do not know if I’ll survive, what my life has in store,
but I am sure of this one thing, I’m not a child no more.
Then my group went out to find a dragon fierce and strong. Ajilina
We went after one who knew where it was, but he was cruel and
had no heart.
When he got mad at something small, he tried to make me pay.

But someone came and rescued me, showed herself to him.

I didn’t receive his punishment, and he was left there in his tent.
And I could go away from him, and go on to my friends.

So now we are to find this beast and I am rather scared.

But I have my friends to care for me and all alone I’ll never be,
so I will go and face my fears and do my very best.

Fifty lashes for two lives, master, that does not seem much!
Klaagzang van een reiziger Fifty lashes for two lives, falling on my back and thighs.
AmEmCE (2x) EAmEE AmEmCAm Fifty lashes for two lives, master, that does not seem much!
dmAmFA (2x) ADmAA DmAmFDm Fifty lashes for two lives, or do you think the price too high?

Het is zwaar om ver van huis te zijn, ver van hen die je liefhebt. But to pay coin for hunan lives, to me that does not seem right,
Ooit zag ik mijn dorp in de verte verdwijnen en het leven dat ik so I’ll pay lashes for those lives, that I’ll pay if that’s the price...
had. Amaranth
Nu reis ik ver langs bossen vol bomen, kastelen en velden en
Nooit kan ik lang ergens op verhaal komen, altijd moet ik verder Nu moeten ze boeten
(op She moved through the fair)
Plotseling is heel mijn leven veranderd, word ik vervolgd en DDCD or AAGA or GGFG
Nooit kan ik zeggen dat ’t mij niet beangstigt, dit leven ver van Ach, hoor nu dit klaaglied, dit lied van een geest,
huis. van krijgers die Khan ontrouw zijn geweest.
Toch weet ik zeker dat wat wij doen goed is: de mensen moeten Zij probeerden te werken tegen zijn wensen in,
het horen, en nu moeten ze boeten, vanaf het begin.
maar ’t blijft moeilijk zolang ik nog mis het leven dat ik had.
Aoife De Clan der Kahdharen, de Clan van de Hra,
zij deden de Khan kwaad, toen hij hen zei:"Ga!"
Ga, en vecht voor het oosten!", maar zij vochten toen niet.
Listen to me En nu moeten ze boeten voor hetgeen is geschied.

Zij kwamen in opstand, hun wandaad was groot,

Listen to me, why don’t you see, that what I fear is real to us, daarom werden zij allen door Khan’s macht gedood.
and dangerous, En zij werden gebonden, zo vast aan hun grond,
And all you seem to do with it is laugh right in it’s face. en nu moeten zij boeten, zij dwalen steeds rond.
Listen to my, why must I be the one who always fears for you, Vaya
cause you won’t do,
a stupid thing that you may think is really out of place.
Refr: And please don’t look at me that way and quickly wave my De Ballade van de Twaalf
fear away,
because I fear for all of you and you should know that feeling (Op de Braes of Yarrow)
too. AmAmEmAm AmAmGC CCGEm AmEmAm
I know together we can cope, but if we don’t there is no hope.
Listen to me, I do not see too much in a continued life of just
more running and more strife, ’k zal u zingen van de Twaalf, zij zochten naar de wijsheid.
without a place where we can rest our weary heads and stay. De wijsheid die in harten straalt, zij brengt geluk en vrijheid.
Listen to me, why must I be the one to prune your joys away,
the one to hate your merry play, Zij reisden ver op zoek naar dat wat hen dit nu kon bieden,
while I grieve for the loss of it, but see no other way? zij vonden toen een steen opdat wijs werden alle lieden.

Listen to me, and hear my plea, be careful with what is at hand, Zij brachten toen nieuw geld, en tijd naar Sferdie in oorlog.
even if you don’t understand, Maar een verloor zijn zielestrijd, kwaad volgde in zijn kielzog.
cause sometimes we will have to take great risks just to survive.
And finally we will be free and then able to speak our mind. We Zij wierpen hem toen uit hun groep en gingen daarna verder.
will say if we look behind: Hij uitte toen zijn eigen roep, werd een Kadharen herder.
we really had very hard times, but now we are alive.
Aoife En vele jaren gingen voorbij, de Twaalf bleven beschermen,
en daarom bleven wijs en vrij en veilig alle Sferden.

Fifty Lashes Maar ook de kwade van de Twaalf probeert nog steeds te
EmAmEmEm or DmEmDmDm Hij heeft zijn gram nog niet gehaald en blijft steeds strijd
Fifty lashes for two lives, master, that does not seem much!
Fifty lashes for two lives, that’s a reasonable price. Dus Sferden luister naar mijn raad. Om ’t kwaad niet sterk te
Fifty lashes for two lives, master, that does not seem much! help dan de Twaalf waar zij gaat, dan kan ’t ons nimmer raken.
Fifty lashes for two lives, for their shackles were too tight. Vaya

Fifty lashes for two lives, master, that does not seem much!
Fifty lashes for two lives, so I can be sure of their flight.

Fifty lashes for two lives, master, that does not seem much!
Fifty lashes for two lives, finally my soul sings high.

Maar ach, een kluns die zou zijn boog die dag daar voeren,
Nachtschaduw en arme keizer Lan, wel hij had enorme pech.
(On I wish I were in Carrickfergus)
De pijl die schoot niet recht, en tot ieders ontzetting
CDmGCAmDmGC CDmGCAmDmGC vloog hij richting de keizer, met snelheid o zo groot.
CAmAmGGAmCCDmG GDmGCAmDmGC Hij vloog dwars door zijn mantel en zijn ambtelijke ketting
GAmDGEmAmDG GAmDGEmAmDG en arme keizer Lan was toen in een klap dood.
GEmEmDDEmGGAmD DAmDGEmAmDG Dus arme keizer Lan heeft nooit mogen genieten
van zijn grootste hobby: dat prachtige toernooi.
Khan Ruen ging eens uit rijden, ging uit rijden in oorlogstijd, Dus kijk goed uit als u in een wedstrijd boog wilt schieten,
Hij ging toen met de vijand strijden, zijn hart was vol van haat en en dood dan niet de keizer, want dat is echt niet mooi!
nijd. Vaya
Hij vocht toen dapper, en doodde velen, hij doodde al het
orkenras. (Op All around my Hat)
En zijn gevaar kon hem niet schelen, hij zag niet dat een val
daar was.
De Ballade van Blurpt
Megar, een krijger van enorme grootte, ging naar hem toe, zijn
wachters door, (op het Magetje)
waarvan hij moeiteloos velen doodde, daar droeg hij zijn AmAmGAm EmEmDmE AmAmGG DmDmEmAm
magisch zwaard toch voor.
Hij ging toen recht af op de Khan Ruen, die schrok en werd toch
een beetje bleek,
maar plotseling stond daar een tweede voor hem, die wel heel Er was een een groen watermonster zo schoon,
erg op de eerste leek. dat zat druipend en ruikend op zijn kleffe troon.
Zijn vijvertje werd hem toch wel wat te klein,
Maar vreemd genoeg, deze tweede wachter, stond voor Ruen o, wat zou er buiten te vinden zijn?
en hief zijn zwaard. Hij verzamelde toen ieder om zich heen,
Hi was bekleed met gouden kettingen, Nachtschaduw ben ik, Vissekop, Glibberaal, stinkend als geen.
zei hij bedaard. En hij was te bang om alleen te gaan,
Megar was sterk, maar hij was sterker, en Megar die viel toen dus liet hij al dezen vlak voor hem staan.
hard van zijn paard.
En brak zijn been, en ondanks zijn smeken, doodde Druipend op alles verliet hij zijn poel,
Nachtschaduw hem met zijn zwaard. want het droge benatten dat was nu zijn doel.
Met webvingers, platvoeten gingen zij toen
En zo bevocht hij Megar de Grote en hij overwon vrij om water in ieder zijn wijn te doen.
En zo kwam het dan dat hij Megar doodde, zijn zwaard dat Toen zag Blurpt een wonder dat krulde zijn staart:
glimde met paars licht boos. hij zag toen de zon glinsteren op een zwaard.
Dus hoed je, krijger, voor die duist’re Schaduw, hij kent geen ’Slijm ende glibber’ zei hij en hij wou
genade en hij is de Dood, alleen nog die zilverglans vast in zijn klauw.
Hij is van staal, hard wreed en sluw, zijn macht en zijn
krijgskunst zijn beiden groot. Maar ’t zwaard gaf hem toen hij het pakte een kerf,
en hij riep: ’Au dit licht is wel vreselijk scherp!’
Maar toen maakte Glibberaal een rondedans
De Ballade van Keizer Lan met een veilig klein voorwerp met zilverglans.

(Op All around my Hat) Dus nu eist de grote en dappere Blurpt

DADDDEmEmA DADDDEAA AADDEEDD van ieder een zilverglans dat hij opslurpt.
Hij heeft al een zilverschat van wat hij vroeg,
DADDDEmDD maar hij wil steeds meer, het is nooit genoeg.
GDGGGAmGG Dus als ik ze glibberend en glijdend zie,
dan loop ik wat om of ik ren weg voor drie.
Machtig keizer Lan was zo wijs en zo verstandig, Want ik heb geen zin te betalen,
en hij regeerde dus over ’t Oosters Rijk zo groot. aan glibbers die zilver weghalen.
Hij was goed voor zijn volk en regeerde o zo handig,
maar hield zo van toernooien, en die werden zijn dood. Want een ding dat doet hen toch zoveel verdriet,
het zilverlicht zie je bij hen thuis toch niet.
Machtig keizer Lan, hij deed zijn best te leven Want daar onder water hebben ze veel pech,
voor zijn volk en rijk en hij deed het best wel goed. want zonder de zon is de zilverglans weg.
Maar was er een toernooi, wel dan moest je hem vergeven, Vaya
hij liet dan alles vallen, omdat hij daarheen moest. AmAmGAm EmEmDmE AmAmGG DmDmEmAm
Machtig keizer Lan was dan ook vereerd als niemand,
toen wat grote Ridders hem eerden in een toernooi.
Hij riep zijn secretaris en zette alles aan de kant,
en verheugde zich ontzettend, want dit dat was pas mooi.

Eerst hielden zij een wedstrijd met bogen voor de boeren,

die zouden schieten naar een doel wat verderweg.

Blooming in body, in soul or in mind. Blooming within for those
Khadaar Battle Song who can see.
(Op Jan Klaassen was Trompetter) Blooming because of the life that does bind the Pain so her
beauty can bloom and be free.
DADADGA GADGGAD Thus blooms the Flower of Pain, whiff of sweetness, soothing
smell, heady and strong,
Once per generation the Mahdi will give a call, in the middle intoxicating as lust.
to collect to him the Khadar warriors all. Thus blooms the Flower of Pain, tangy scent, round bouquet,
They’ll fight the West for all their best pungent aroma,
and win through every battle test, overwhelming even if there is no trust.
and the marvelous Mahdi will never fall. Blooming in body, in soul or in mind. Blooming within for those
who can see.
The Mahdi leads us to battle, the Mahdi leads us to war, Blooming because of the life that does bind the Pain so her
he will give the West what they long had in store. beauty can bloom and be free.
We’ll fight for him, and do them in,
and this time from the West will win. Starshield
The Mahdi will give us victory once more.

So come to us you brave Khadaar and join our battle ranks, The truth cuts to the soul
and now join your brothers in their tribal flanks.
And slay them all and have a ball, AmDCEm AmDmEmD GDmAmG AmDCEm/Am
and then take down their city wall. DmGFAm DmEmAmG CGmDmC DmGFAm/Dm
The Mahdi will give you his eternal thanks.
Vaya Every time I sing a song I cry for some sweet thing,
every time I find again a strong remembering,
every song I sing has magic hidden at it’s core,
The Flower of Pain and every time it feels like it has not been sung before.
The truth is in each song, if you just look at what is there,
AmAmEmEmAmGFEmDAm AmAmEmAm for there has never been one truth, but truths are everywhere,
AmAmEmAm AmCCAm AmAmEmA AmCEmAm and every song I sing does have a truth that cuts me deep,
otherwise these songs are not the ones that I would keep.
Thus blooms the Flower of Pain, ruby red, wine red, blood red,
with a center of the most brilliant white. If you look at what I sing then you will surely know
Thus blooms the Flower of Pain, slowly unfolding, opening the truths that I hide deep inside, which I will seldom show.
grace, curling leaves, I cannot help but show my life, my soul and heart to all
none will ever forget her dark sight. because I cannot sing without the clear and crystal call
Blooming in body, in soul or in mind. Blooming within for those to tell the truth within each song to all that want to hear,
who can see. even if I do not trust or do not like or fear
Blooming because of the life that does bind the Pain so her what they will say or do to me with knowledge of my soul
beauty can bloom and be free. because by listening to me they feel and know it all.

Thus blooms the Flower of Pain, rustling leaves, sighing sound, And some will think me small and weak and not worth anything,
soft moan, and some will laugh at what I say and my remembering,
with a scream hidden deep in her heart. and some will use the truths I tell, to bend them far away
Thus blooms the Flower of Pain, pounding heart, halting breath, from what I see inside and with my songs to others say.
ringing ears, And some will trample all my songs and with that hurt my soul
those are of her blooming a part. I’ve seen all this, but still will not stop showing truths to all
Blooming in body, in soul or in mind. Blooming within for those because if someone laughs or cries at what I have to say
who can see. then maybe all the pain was not for nothing anyway.
Blooming because of the life that does bind the Pain so her
beauty can bloom and be free. And if you hate my singing, do not tell me, but just leave,
I cannot help it that you cannot see what I believe.
Thus blooms the Flower of Pain, velvet enveloping, shy starting So please be gentle with this heart, that’s open o, so wide,
touch, red-growing glow, because what would my songs be like if all I do is hide?
to a shattering sharpness from which you can’t hide.
Thus blooms the Flower of Pain, silent shaking, running blood, Starshield
tearing heart,
till nothing else matters inside.
Blooming in body, in soul or in mind. Blooming within for those
who can see.
Blooming because of the life that does bind the Pain so her
beauty can bloom and be free.

Thus blooms the Flower of Pain, salt sorrow, sour hate, sweet
and a bitter brew at its core.
Thus blooms the Flower of Pain, salt of sweat, salt of blood, salt
of tears,
as you’ve never tasted before.

And sometimes my songs will cry for me, they weep and wail my
Bright Darkness grief,
for in that sad story, in that lover’s plea, I can find a short relief.
DmAmEmAm AmGEmAm And sometimes my dance will cry for me, the movements they
DmCDmC DmCDmAm GDmAmDm DmCDmC flow like tears,
they flow like the waves, they flow like the sea, they flow like the
GDmAmDm DmCDmAm seasons and years.
A soft and velvet night, here black is made of all bright colours, But never my eyes will cry for me, it seems I cannot let go,
Swirling scents and dark earth smell is filled with lots of I will always bear it, and I cannot flee from the pain that in me
wonders. does grow.
How can something that’s thought so dark for me be yet so
bright? Rhisa
How can I see these stars and moons and comets without
And what has made this warm, dark world, as round as The Smith’s Song
woman’s womb?
Is this my sign of starting life, or as Ivar says a tomb? GEmDEm GEmDEm GEmGD EmEmEm DCG
The people, they are also dark, as dark as sky at night,
and how come others think that evil’s darkness and not light?
For there is light in darkness here, if you but use your eyes, See how the fire sparks, see how it licks and glows,
it’s much more subtle, much more sweet, to me it is a prize. see how it eats the wood, until it grows and grows,
Within all the darkness here you can much better see see how the fire sings, see how the fire dances,
the play of colours on each thing that’s such a sight to me. it sings: Shape me with your hands,
it sings: shape me with your will,
This darkness is not evil to me, though this is still true, it sings: shape me with your mind,
it makes one see much different from what humans mostly do, and let me help you bring beauty in the world.
but a different vieuwpoint makes not evil through my eyes,
for there is falseness in the truth and truth in many lies. See how the air does swirl, see how it feeds the fire,
So I will stay and see the colours even without sight until it grows and grows, following his desire,
and I will cherish and embrace and live the Darkness Bright. see how the air is dancing, see how the air does swirl.
it whispers: shape me with your breath
Starshield it whispers: shape me with your thoughts
it whispers: shape me with your dreams,
and let me help you bring beauty in the world.
The life of a slave
See how the metal heats, glowing with a red light,
AmAmAmEm FCAmAm until it is so hot that it is glowing white.
See how the metal glows, see how the metal changes,
The life of a slave is hard, without any choices to make, it clings: shape wme with your hands,
nor decisions to take, the life of a slave is hard.. it clings: shape me with your hammer,
The life of a slave is bound to whoever holds her by right it clings: shape me with your dreams,
with collar and shackles so tight, the life of a slave is bound.. and let me help you bring beauty in the world.
The life of a slave is sad when she has no more tears left to cry,
not even the choice left to die, the life of a slave is sad.. Se how the water does extinguish metal’s gleam
The life of a slave is lust when the one who takes her by right it moves and boils and sloshes and is changed to steam
is able to love her, make her life light, the life of a slave is lust.. see how the water moves, see how the water flows,
The life of a slave can be born when she enjoys every patch of it hisses: shape me with your will,
blue sky, it hisses: shape me with your metal,
when she as far as chains allow her will fly, the life of a slave it hisses: shape me with your thoughts,
can be born. and let me help you, bring beauty in the world.

Rhisa See how the girl is moving within your embrace

see how she seeks and finds the passion in your face,
see how the girl does sing, see how the girl is dancing,
Crying she sings: shape me with your lips,
she sings: shape me with your hands,
AmAmEAmAmAmE DmAmGEEEAm she sings: shape me with your love,
DmDmADmDmDmA GmDmCAAADm let me help you, bring beauty in the world.

Sometimes my silence cries for me, since I’ve got no room to
and if you don’t listen, if you don’t see, you never will know me

And sometimes my gestures cry for me, for in them I can

the things that I keep tight in me, my pain and my fear for the

Song to a hard heart Song to my parents (on the melody of the Loch Tay
Boat Song)
Listen, I have got something to tell you, even if you are not here
and what I’ll say is likely to surprise you, because you’ve not or GGGG GCG CCG GGDG GGG GCG CCG
been listening somehow.
I know that you think that you have not hurt me, for after all I’m CCG CCG CCG GDG GGG CCG CCG GGDG
nothing but a slave,
but if you’d opened up your eyes you could see, that I have I’ve always known myself to be, a child of love and ecstasy,
really felt the pain you gave. and yet still I cannot see, why you had to love each other,
for I’m loathed and despised, I see hatred in most eyes,
And some people will say that I have asked it, because I give and the kin I have are biased, against my father and my mother.
some men just what they need, So why did you not refrain, from the love between you twain?
but let me tell you that I am not waiting for you to take your For what good was there to gain, but a lasting honor stain?
anger out on me. This I wonder every day, my pain will never go away,
and I wonder when I’ll say, that I loved you anyway.
And if you wonder why I’m telling you this, it’s because I did not
know another way, And I’m very angry too, for this body’s faults came through
and I don’t even know if I will send this, cause I doubt that you all you could not stop to do, for it gave you only pleasure.
will listen anyway. Then by death you had to leave, left me all my life to grieve,
and now all that I believe, is that hatred is each measure.
Rhisa So what force makes love so strong, that it cuts through right
and wrong,
and did not leave me among, the only thing for which I long?
The warmth of a woman For my people do not see, that there’s also good in me,
and I’ll never find their key, thus alone I’ll ever be.
She smiles up at you from within your embrace,
sometimes she’s wild, and you know her grace,
you see the bright light shining up from her face,
Bask in the warmth of a woman.
Song to Gaugh..
You know she is shy, she looks to the ground, DmDmCDm FDmGDm DmFFAmAm DmCAmDm
you feel her heart shake, in your arms that surround, EmEmDEm EmGEmEm AmEmAmD EmDDEm
you know that with love to you she is bound,
win the warmth of a woman.
She always has a teasing glint in her eyes,
And ever she will have for you a surprise, As I feel the love you give to me, know your heart is as strong
She’ll never do things in the same way twice, as fire,
Wonder at the warmth of a woman. I can only gladness see, and finally I have my deep desire.

She has the round flesh and your mother’s charms, For my family have I lost, and I know that was your fate too,
with her you feel safe, as in your mother’s arms, and we both have felt the cost, for we never could just start
She’ll always be here, never do you harm, anew.
Safe in the warmth of a woman.
Both alone for a time so long, that we almost forgot about,
Her beauty is radiant, it lightens the place, joy and warmth and love so strong, that it makes the heart and
you dream of her body, her laugh and embrace, soul sing out.
but you come no closer, just look at her face.
Dream of the warmth of a woman. You reach out to those lonely hearts, I’m impressed with all that
you give,
She writhes and she moans and for pity she cries, for you’ve given many starts, to the ones who again dared to
But you hold the reigns, it’s you who decides, live..
When you think it right, you let go and she flies,
Reign the warmth of a woman. Reaching out is still hard to me, and still I’m not yet used to that,
but I promise you will see, my trust to reach out for this sharing
Rhisa yet.

Song to the sept of the stormy eye
mAmCEm Love and hate
DmDmFAm I join you at your table, in my hand a glass of beer,
you laugh and grin at me, your teeth are white, your smile a
As I am welcomed within your circle, my heart feels hope shine, flash.
yet also fear, I saunter close, sit down, and lay aside my balladeer,
and trust for me is so hard to learn since I’ve never felt others you speak to me, and ere I see, our words make a great clash.
come so near.
You say you understand me, yet cannot see why I won’t
I see your strength and also your weakness, I see success, but tell you what others told me in the faith that I would keep
the failure too, it to meself and will not prattle all these words, I don’t
and I don’t know what gifts I can offer, because I know that my feel that you are not worthy but my ethics are too deep.
strengths are few.
So why then do you harshly growl, your look both sharp and
All I can give to the fight is music, all I can give to the sept is dark,
doubt, tell me it is your business, when I know these words should go
All I can know of our lives is hatred, all I can see wrapped in only to the one that they were meant for, yet you bark
misty cloud. at me and call me words that really hurt me as you know.

My songs are yours, that’s if you will have them, my dreams are And so I lurch at you, and kick, would throttle if I could
reaching far to your side, and all my anger, all my hate, is centered in this fight.
My strength and will I’ve already given, against that dark force And as I push to hurt you hard as I hadn’t known I would
we all must fight. I cannot stop to wonder are you really on my side?

And what you’ll choose, I will stand beside you, for you have If we are friends as you had said, then why can you not stop
taught me I shouldn’t hide. to push me and to anger me, unfold the darkest deep,
and might it not be wiser if all contact I would drop?
Maira Because each time we meet more love and hate for you I keep.

And yet, though I have hurt you more in body then you see
to hurt me in my soul I am surprised when fighting ends
Listen.. and laughter runs to clear the air that flows twixt you and me
EDED(2X) EDED EDEG EGCG EGEG I wonder are we enemies, impassionate, or friends?
Listen to the singer, the Spinner of the Tales,
she will show the truth between all vision’s misty veils.
The singer tells the stories, the stories of the past,
for when all is forgotten it’s the stories that will last. Wild the Storm
The story shows the truth that’s hidden deep within our soul,
so if you listen well it will then make your knowing whole.. Wild the Storm, and wild the wind is strong and darkly blowing
as in the land the power of the wyrm’s steadily growing.
Listen to the singer, the Spinner of the Tales, Against the darkness that it casts over the land I know one cure,
she will show the truth between all vision’s misty veils. and that’s the martial power of Garou which guard for sure.
The tales are all the answers to questions of before,
the thing is that we do not have the questions anymore. Dark the wyrm, and dark the shadow that it casts into this
So never undrestimate the power of a tale, ending
for wisdom in that form never will grow unfit or stale. as it seems that there is nothing left to prevent the final blending
of men’s power and men’s disregard of our sweet Mother Earth,
Listen to the singer, the Spinner of the Tales, but we, Garou, the Guardians will try to stop that hurt.
she will show the truth between all vision’s misty veils.
A song shows truth and vision, a knowing deep and strong, Fight! She calls out. Fight! My children, guard for us the future
for you can find the live of life and feeling in a song. clean the gangreen out of the wound, and bleed it through the
So listen to the music that will lift soul and heart high, suture,
and feel how a good song can make the spirits of all fly. clean out the evil which you trample, howl defiance in it’s face!
Dance the dance of life and with that still your death embrace..
Listen to the singer, the Spinner of the Tales,
she will show the truth between all vision’s misty veils. For She will help us, and her helpers, spirits strong and
And know the truth is hidden in lyrics or in words, knowing,
but if the song finds you with hate, or joy, or if it hurts, Grandfather Thunder and his children keep the power growing.
then know that you have found the truth, and you will seek no Let us all be like the Storm! For we all are His wards,
more, let the force of our fight be spread throughout all parts.
and you will know the truth of what I’ve said as none before..
Listen to the singer, the Spinner of the Tales,
she will show the truth between all vision’s misty veils.

might soon break through and set the stage for hate I’ve never
Wyrm’s child.. known.
I saw her crying tears of blood, her flowing tears a dark, dark This shadowmonster in my mind I’m so afraid to face,
red, opposed to all in me that’s kind, has hated all its days.
I heard my heart sing with her strenght, sing with the courage It hates and rages all through me, screams every night and day,
that she had, I wonder why I couldn’t see what I have kept at bay.
a child of Wyrm, yet this was true, to all our deep surprise,
a soul of truth, a soul of us, was shining through her eyes. And at the crossroads now I stand, for I cannot be sure
if I should make that beast my friend, and thus hope for a cure,
I saw her speak the truth to all, regardless of all that she feared or keep it under lock and key, and never let it out,
I knew her voice, for truth and strength it sang, which all who I cannot in the future see what that would bring about.
were there heared,
And hope sang in my heart as well, harmonious in song, But keeping it locked up so tight will not work any more,
for I saw that the Wyrm would lose this one before too long. and it is trying hard for flight, for a wide opened door,
so I fear I don’t have much choice but to come face to face,
But Wyrm has no love for its children if they work against it’s and listen to it’s growling voice, and thus find newer ways.
and she did speak clear against it and she was remorsing her Maira
choice still,
when the Shadow Dancers took her for she worked against the
Wyrm Kitaran
and she died because she stayed in her conviction strong and
firm. So far away, I miss you so
Your voice so soft, your eyes aglow
So now, her broken body lies there, trampled, wrapped in iron You’re the best friend I’ll ever know
thread, I miss you so, Kitaran.
an empty shell from which all I could recognise as her has fled.
And Anger burns within me as her tears, a dark, dark red, I wonder why you sought the end
and how I wish that Wyrm had slain another’s children dead.. Was it too hard to bow and bend?
And why I cannot comprehend
Maira could you not stand, Kitaran.

You fought so hard, to keep your own

To all who have hurt me.. And all your life, you’d been alone
You had in rage and anger grown
that much was shown, Kitaran.
Sharp glittering knives I would cast in your flesh, and then turn
them around,
But hope was with you all that way,
with a gentle smile rub salt in your wounds after that.
it danced around you every day
Laugh cruelly down upon you as you struggle, with metal thread
and helping things to you did say,
so you could stay, Kitaran
and vengeance will be much more sweet then all things I have
But then you lost that hope in grief
And lost of dawn and day belief
It makes a dark song in my soul with these words as its
and thought all hope, and us, naive
whispering tune:
and thus we grieve, Kitaran.
I Hate you! I Hate you! that’s all I can think of and more.
And yet in this darkness my hate shines as silver as light of the
For you have left us, others, me
I only know that we must see
as I feel it glitter and shimmer deep down to the core.
that hope could only have saved thee,
Now thou art free, Kitaran.
And why is She here, She the Moon, She the image of
nightmares, Grey Dove,
And whence did that light come? That light that makes shadows
so clear?
No light without shadow, no will without weakness, no pain The love of oneself.
without love,
and all who have hurt me, who still hurt me most, are so dear... Long were the lessons I learned in my life,
heavy the hardships, and hollow the hope
Maira surely deep sorrows and serious strife
caught me in cares and I could hardly cope.
But now I realise though reasons are rife,
Meeting the Shadow that love of yourelf is the light of one’s life.
I am not sure just what to say, and yet I feel I should, I left kith and kin and felt lonely and lost,
for if I don’t, well in that way, lies such despair that could and nothing I know now brings me anew
just paralyze all that I am, if I wait to tell you, the cure for those cares, since my kin cast the cost
what’s hiding now behind the dam, which here in my heart grew. of their sorrows on my shoulders and their silence only grew.
And so I was cast out of hearth and of home,
The waters of my feelings churn, their wildness scares me so, and love of myself thus I never have known.
I feel I dare not ever learn to really get to know
the anger, grief, despair and rage that all in one big flow

but high is the hardship of holding out love, and asked if she could enter of this little, white-haired dame.
as a stone saps the strength of the soul holding out This ladies hair was even stranger, long green flowing mane,
the weight as will wanes to wring it aloft Together sitting they were talking by the fire’s flame.
with help there is hope but there’s hardship without
another advance to allow extra strength And stranger colors I saw there, when another one came by.
and love of yourself gives that aid then at length. This one was male, with hair just like a flame’s dark colored
So now I have seen such sorrows seem small, He asked if he could enter and the ladies let him nigh
in love’s life that’ll lift and turn into light. and so then there were three of them, the fire burning high.
And all other aid I’ve accepted as well
to grow and to gain then a more gentle might. They sat and ate and suddenly, just out of thin air,
So I will accept love and light in me’ll grow another lady, just like that, did also appear there.
and love of myself is a new path I go. She was foxy (yes I’ll say so), had long black colored hair,
and all the others had, this seeing, was an openmouthed stare.
Stranger it became, thsi would be a very crowded place,
if visitors would keep arriving, following this pace.
To sing the pain aloud. And so it happened, for I saw within the fire’s blaze
a gold haired lady finding then her way to this cave’s maze.
O, It is lonely living, if you know you should be dead,
and everything you’ve reached so far, and everything ahead, One more was to arrive, I saw him hiding far outside,
was wrenched away from Lady Fate, and stolen from her hold, he sent a giant moth to catch these people in the night.
you know you should have been the one who’s buried, stiff and But Goldhair ended this small test in a short and violent fight.
cold. And then he came closer there within the cave so bright,
Yet you, you are the one alive, and all the rest is not.. his sable colored hair which seemed absorbing all the light.
"Why did you save just me, not them?" I daily ask of God.
This group is now together and will go a long, long way.
I cannot lose the images of death and of decay, Whitehair will be stronger than she now would ever say.
I dream them every night and I fight them every day. Ravenhair’s inexperienced, but that she will not stay,
And life seems like a curse and with it comes the burden hard Redhair is quite secretive will often nothing say.
of the responsibility, redeem my guilty heart.
Greenhair’s kind and confident, she knows her way around,
I have to fight to keep my heart from turning into stone, Goldhair is the valiant one, will win many a round.
a battle I fight day and night, and I still fight alone. Sablehair so cautious, will ne’er be fully bound,
mabye in a group they will the powers great astound.
And so I sing the pain aloud, for speak it I cannot,
and I shake up an angry and determined fist at God, I don’t know what these people will accomplish for themselves,
who did not take my life and who has given me this curse but I know they’re important since I saw them very well.
of life and of a guilt responsibility makes worse. That is why I now this story to you all together tell,
If life should have a meaning I should keep on fighting death, and whatever then may happen, remember this all well!
but sometimes I cannot but wish He’d taken me instead.

Faye Part two: The finding of a goal

If you heared me lately you have known the six who went
to manage their strange business, but their roads were subtly
The Pattern’s War. bent.
Part one: Beginnings Untill within a small slight cave they were together pent.
And after they had met then it was there their night was spent.
Please my people do come closer, little ones as well.
Come and hear the strangest visions of which I will tell. Within the night a seventh came and number eight came too.
For I can see, thorugh half veiled eyes in heaven and in hell, They came in through the back side, the same time as morning
and in even stranger places, through the magic well. dew.
The seventh she was Brownhair and from weather bad she flew,
It was in the twilight shadows, it was getting dark, the eighth man who was Rune-eye, hte place he came from no
yet I saw the trees so clearly, leaves and trunk and bark. one knew
And there was a cave within a barren slope so start. (and he left there quickly too).
And within the desolation a horse’s footsteps, hark!
Rune-eye came from The Mystery, the city shadowless.
A horse was nearing, dark, so dark, as dark as sky at night. But now the shadows kept on changing and they left their mess.
On it seated, without saddle, a little lady bright. Even in that centreplace, strategic just like chess.
Her presence was quite powerfull, htough her stature only slight. The seven they were asked to make this bitter danger less.
She wore strange clothes, but stranger still, her hair it was stark
white. But two they left to other place, Ravenhair went first.
She left because her house by unknown strangers had been
They dismounted and they entered, this strange opposing pair, searched.
and within the cave they rested, made a fire there. She didn’t trust this strange group, who would know what plans
And food was made, and I hoped that this was not the lair they nursed!
of some strange beast or simply of a wolf, lion or bear. And Brownhair came to visit her to quench her knowledge-thirst.

But she would not be long alone, for soon another came, The rest they started looking for the mother Greenhair had,

for she was kidnapped, Greenhair knew, and feared that she
was dead. Minutes later all came there to look at this real close.
The others then did follow whne they left the caves’ hard bed, Yellowhair and Greenhair brought with them the Silver Rose.
and Rune-eye left to follow to where his own road had led. They tried to follow through the water but only wet their nose,
then decided they would study this phenomena up close.
When the trail was followed they still didn’t have a clue,
until Whitehair asked her water-flow to show all that it knew. Part five: Pattern’s fight
And following that path they found a bowman in a yew,
around all this a small white owl there softly blinking flew. They entered then another place, where pulled by pattern’s will,
the pattern that the Silver Rose had made to danger’s thrill.
Carefully they did avoid this bowman’s arrows keen, Greenhair went to this pattern she’d be searching right untill,
some of them surrounded his high hiding all unseen. she would know who her father was, her search then be fulfilled.
Goldhair, who was of the all the group with weapons unmatched
queen, Was it the Silver Rose or Checquered Black and Red? And still
she finally did conquer him with silver weapon’s sheen. She was accepted by the pattern, but never got her will.
(and that is all I"ve seen). The pattern sent her onwards for Eric then to kill,
it was looking for his final death and held a hatred still.

Part three: Learning Greenhair got a net the pattern asked her then to take,
and to let go the magic for there was a lot at stake.
Of the five who looked for Greenhair’s mother I have told, When they arrived at Eric then it started to unmake
they followed her into a country silent and so bold. the haven put up by the first, that pattern’s will to break.
There they saw a little campfire burn against the cold,
made by a lady name of Dawn with hair of yellow-gold. But Chequered Black and REd was then saved by some of
these ones,
She came into their company and offered them her aid. he was taken from the falling castle just in time by chance,
Then they rode on as morning came before it’d be too late. and both the patterns pushed and pulled, it was a power-dance,
They found strange roses who did live on sweet red blood they But Sablehair went in-between, and forged an alliance.
they saw a village and a keep but passed it’s threatening gate. So now they rest at Amber’s castle, wounded, sometimes spent,
but wellcomed by the castle’s king who gave them his consent.
They came unto a message-tower from where light was sent. They think to this adventure they have given a good end,
They wanted to learn to what purpose the short bursts were lent. but where do you think the next time they will be therefore sent?
So one diverted all the guards, while the other his time spent Stream
learning from the message book in which their code was
penned. Kind van Chaos
Then they were within the city that is where they’ve been,
Papa, is her waar dat wat de Zilv’ren Roos vertelt?
Greenhair looking for her mother whom she hadn’t seen
Kom jij dan van die plaats die and’ren kennen als de hel?
for months now, with a purpose had she kept her eye so keen,
Kom jij dan van een thuis dat steeds verandert, steeds maar
and then the king who was there, always looking for a queen.
waar alles blijft verwisselen, verwarrend keer op keer?
Whitehair went to serve him though his servant she was not.
Ben ik een kind van Chaos zoals Corwin heeft gedacht?
Worked with all the palace maids, and unobtrusive lot,
Ben ik onder hun machtsstrijd en hun spelletjes gebracht?
wearing cast-off clothes that she had at the market bought,
to greenhairs mother and the king with grace their supper
Papa, kan ik nu echt verand’ren in een ander ding?
In vogels, vissen, water zelfs, dat is maar het begin!
Waarom kiest iemand dan van chaos geen tweede vorm zo
The king was so distracted he behaved much like a ghost.
That didn’t keep from celebrating all the palace host.
dat een ander hem dat ’engel’ noemt, en niet altijd ’demoon’?
The lady looked looked unhappy, didn’t change that for a toast.
Ben ik een kind van Chaos zoals Corwin heeft gedacht?
Whitehair got confused and kept on serving for the most.
Heeft dat mij dan alleen maar een demonen vorm gebracht?
Part four: Werewolves
Papa, waarom lijk jij zo anders weg van onze stam?
Zo koel en zo berekenend, je maakt me bijna bang.
THe next day all the serving maids were waiting at the gate,
Is het dan noodzaak wat je doet, om hier zo hard te zijn?
Whitehair stood among them, was not early and not late,
Wat will je dan verbergen, ben je bang soms voor de pijn?
suddenly a group of werewolves hunted with a hate,
Ben ik een kind van Chaos, zoals Corwin heeft gedacht?
thought there was no nicer morsel then a serving maid.
Hoe kan ik mij verweren tegen zo een koude nacht?
The werewolves killed and hunted througout all the city broad,
Papa, zeg hoe was het dan, op te groeien in een plek
and Whitehair Brownhair, Blackhair they were all that ever
waar iedereen elkaar voorbijstreeft, hatelijk en gek?
En zijn ze dan nog wel so anders in die Amber stad,
The rest just ran or was the food the werewolves had not
en waarom hebben we’t niet eerder hier over gehad?
Ja, ik ben een kind van Chaos zoals Corwin heeft gedacht,
The whole day through they hunted and defeated they were not.
anders had ik nooit zolang op antwoorden gewacht.
In evening late they suddenly all to a fountain went.
And Greenhair’s mother they took with them, they did not relent.
They jumped into the fountain which with all wolves did not
for through the fountainwater was another magic land.

Als het Water Grant me a glimpse of the great Mystery
that might make these myriad mists
Nu wordt het tijd om op te groeien, clash and crash together
ouders volg ik nu niet meer. or drift dreaming apart again.
Voor Macht en Wil om op te bloeien Overlapping order,
kiezen, testen, keer op keer. changing creation, the unchangeble.
Mijn vader will zijn afstand houden Diving so deep for divination
speelt nu duidelijk een spel. that no knowing will keep, only feeling.
’K wil hem nu niet meer vertrouwen
want ik kan het zelf ook wel. Only deep dark dreaming,
velvet enveloping,
Ik wil sterk zijn als her water seeing through sightless eyes.
dat door stenen gaten boort I will win through this wall,
Ik will meegaand zijn als water force myself free to fly freely.
dat echt overal thuishoort And in that take the truth
Ik wil zeker zijn als water with me, be it wreathed with weal or woe.
dat zich nooit ergens aan stoort. I shall see that sight.
En zo zal het zijn,
want -dat- is mijn domein. Stream
Mijn moeder is nu uit aan’t rusten’
van een oorlog lang en zwaar.
en ik wens haar welterusten
want -mijn- werk is lang niet klaar.
Als zij zich zo graag wil verbergen I want to fly
wel ze heeft het vast verdient.
Maar ik wil meer van mezelf vergen I want to fly, just want to fly,
afhank’lijkheid is nu geen vriend. is it so terrible that all the guards think they’re going to die
when all I try, is just to fly?
Ik will wakker zijn als water,
golvend, stromend, dag en nacht. They think I lie, when I just try
’K wil actief zijn als het water to run so hard into the city, to take me into the sky,
dat altijd babbelt, altijd lacht. really high, I want to fly.
Onvermoeibaar zijn als water
met zijn eindeloze kracht. When I come nigh, won’t let me by,
En zo zal het zijn, I’m getting o, so tired of these guards who never let me try,
want -dat- is mijn domein. and so I sigh, they don’t comply.

’K hou niet van spelletjes spelen If loud I cry, that I will fry
en dat is hier vaste wet whoever gets into my way, so they will all horribly die,
Het gaat me nu soms nog vervelen if that I cry, would I come by?
maar ik doe mijn eerste zet.
Om mijn weg te kunnen kiezen But I won’t try, to let them die,
hou ik geheimen, een heel stel, because they only do their job, even if they don’t let me nigh,
En ik wil dit niet verliezen so I’ll just try, to learn to fly.
dus ik speel daarom dit spel.
And once I fly, high in the sky,
Ik wil helder zijn als water I’ll dive and spin and do them in and I will cry
maar ook troebel op zijn tijd O me, O my, see how I fly!
Onverstoorbaar als het water
ook al wordt het omgeleid. Stream
Ik zal mezelf zijn als het water
want daarvoor is het nu tijd.
En zo zal het zijn,
want -dat- is mijn domein.
Wild Schaakstuk
Koning, Ridder, Admiraal,
spelen willen ze allemaal.
Wit en zwart, en zwart en wit,
waar ook maar een kansje zit.
Ik sla jou, en jij slaat mij,
Seeing through Shadows of ga je toch liever opzij?
De wereld lijkt op zwart en wit,
Through sheer shadows softly swirling, acht maal acht, in het gelid,
I will work to know my way, uitgebalanceerd en wel,
but before I break the bonds staan de stukken in het spel.
that seek not to sever security, Helder voor wie taktiek goed kent,
but that can keep the connection als je slim en berekenend bent.
between the bodily being Pionnen lopen stapje voor stapje,
and the spiritual soul komen soms hoger op het trapje,
I will pray for protection from all the Powers. worden soms zelfs koninginnen,

moeten soms opnieuw beginnen. Wheel of moon and day and night..
Koningen staan voor de kracht van het land,
en hebben de wereld in hun hand, But hope is hard to find and keep,
en met hun dood moet je verliezen Stars shine dimly in the dark,
(of een andere kant snel kiezen). And now it seems my name is buried deep,
De Ridder springt heel onverwacht, Under a fear and a terror stark,
wees op zijn vreemde sprong bedacht.. And it keeps robbing me from sleep,
De Toren, duister tegen de grijze hemel, I cannot flee from shadow’s mark.
beloert en bewaakt het leger-gewemel.
De Kardinaal’s hand reikt ver en wijd,
en heeft zich immer voorbereid.
Ben ik een Pion, een ridder, of weet
Dancing in the moonlight
ik me een speelvak dat elk stuf betreedt?
Men noemt mij een wild stuk, ben ik dat? Dancing in the moonlight, dancing round the fire,
Van zwart naar wit? Van wit naar zwart? Dancing in the honor of the Goddess of the moon.
Van pion naar ridder naar koningin, Dancing wild and gently, jumping ever higher,
en dan weer terug naar het begin? Dancing wild and lovely to the music’s haunting tune.
Ik weet het niet, kan niet logisch denken,
het schaakspel wil me haar inzicht niet schenken, Refr:
misschien maakt -dat- onberekenend en wild, Swaying as the water, turning as the air,
geen doelen, geen kronkels, geen macht, en geen schild. Leaping like the fire in the joy of full moon night.
Stamping feeling earth under our footsteps everywhere,
Stream Dancing in the robes of beams of Moon’s silvery light.

Running through the woods, as we follow the fleet dear,

Hunting for the meat to feed our circle members all.
The Raven Bounding through the forest our prey runs all mad with fear,
AmAmEmEm AmAmEmAm AmAmEmAm AmAmEmAm Untill finally in a quick death the deer does fall.

Raven flies over the land And then there is singing for which we all cared,
Glittering eye pierced the veil of the night, As we sing the songs of the sweet soft surfice life.
Knowing that always alone he will stand, And with that the stories and the dancing is all shared,
Keeping in shadows away from the light. Turn and dip and slide and sway and step and turn and dive.

Raven caws with his sharp beak, Starshield

His past is the only thing that him does bind,
To him the world is all shadow and bleak,
Finding those things that another can’t find. The Power of Darkness
Raven soars on gliding wings,
The Power of Darkness is strong and is deep,
Seeking the glitter of silver and gold
The power of darkness is stronger then light.
Finding the pickings that lady Fate brings,
The power of darkness will us safely keep
Keeping it strongly to have and to hold.
The power of darkness does help in our fight
Raven flies high and alone,
His heart is without all compassion and care,
So sing of the strength and the beauty of shadow,
With talons of death and a heart full of stone,
Sing of it’s power, it’s depth and it’s might.
Thus Raven falls deep in despair.
Sing of the beauty that touches and hides all
Sing of the power and beauty of night,
Sing of the power and beauty of night.

The power of darkness is power of seeds

Shadow’s Mark That lie in the earth to awaken once more.
(dgabesagbesagfisesd ddgabesagbesa The power of darkness is power of deeds,
That have not known softness or weakness before.
abescbesacbesagbesagfisesd dfisesesdcdes
fisdefisga/dd) The power of darkness is seen in the shade
AE AE DFE EDE DFE EDE In the shadows of enemies blood on a knife.
The power of darkness is strength, hardness, hate
That which gives us our safety in life.
My lute will soar no more in flight,
Cracked her voice will only be.
The power of darkness has such a strong call
Nevermore my heart will see the light,
It will not let the light overcome very long.
Of the joys of being free..
The power of darkness does rule over all
And it keeps holding me so tight,
For all know the night and the shadows are strong.
In pearl grey velvet folds it holds me.
I know that I should hold on,
Carefully my time should bide,
Keep the hope inside of me strong,
Memories of love and light,
Soaring strength of song,

This is what we are proud of
Our ways and our cities our will and our fight,
Pride makes us stronger then those who’re without it,
People of shadow know strength and know might.

This is what we are proud of

Our culture, our cities, our ways and our law,
For a land or a culture, a civilization
Without law or hardness does show a great flaw.

This is what we are proud of,

The beauty that we have created since long
For beauty shows strength and it shows refinement,
The power of creating beauty is strong.

This is what we are proud of,

We know that we are the strongest of all,
We keep our pride and we keep our head up,
People of strength, law and beauty stand tall.



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