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Evaluation Units 5&7

1.2 Assess the e effectiveness of drawing and research skills to develop ideas to
solve a 2D art and design problem.

3.2 Assess the e effectiveness of materials, processes and technical skills to solve
a 2D art and design problems.

What kind of research did you produce? Which in particular research

helped inspire your ideas? (Mindmap, design boards, primary or secondary
source photos, Pinterest boards, gallery/museum visits or Contextual

What drawing development did you produce? Which in particular drawing

development helped influence your ideas or final outcome? (Fonts and
Iconography drawings, Breakdown of websites, buttons, social network icons, typography,
logo drawings or Layout designs using key codes.

What materials, processes and technical skills did you use to create your
final outcomes? (Mindmap, design board, time plan, proposal, Gallery visit
photography, editing in Photoshop, Contact sheets in Bridge, stop Motion in
Photoshop, Adding sound in AfterEffects, website building, colour experimenting
physically and digitally)

What cultures have influenced your sop motion and website outcomes?
How have you studied them before? How did this help develop your ideas?
What was your most successful part of the assignment? Why?

What was your least successful part of the assignment? Why was this?

How could you improve this project or your final stop motion and website?

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