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Create external person: CBIHT1

Create physician: CBIHT2

Create Health Center: CBIHT3

Assign Person to Health Center: EHSPERSHC1

Edit Laboratory Tests: EHSVU31.

Edit Physical Tests: EHSVU21.

Edit Examinations: EHSVU11.

Laboratory Examination
Step 1 – create Laboratory Examination Choose Examination Category 02 (Laboratory test).

Physical Examination
Step 1:
Choose Examination Category 03 (Physical examination).

Edit Health Surveillance Protocols (Transaction EHSVU01).

In the HSP double click on the Protocol to open the details

In the triggering causes tab, enter the gender, age limit for the same, and the task.

Task are defined in PP01 in HR and assigned to Jobs which are assigned to persons and these are
then part of proposal.

Create proposal list

Propose Protocols (Transaction EHSSUGGP).

Execute the Job and then select the persons.

+ means accept and = means not needed.

Accept the proposals.

Check assigned Health Surveillance Protocols

Planning Cockpit (Transaction EHSH_D_PCP).

Select the person from the list

For each person select the protocols to group under a medical service[visit to doctor]

Each Lab test can be clubbed in single if health center is same.

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