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Nichole Piccolo CT Observation Time Chart 2/6/18

Time Celebration/Struggle/ Question Claim about teaching practice

5 minutes and 3 Struggle: When teaching any lesson, it is

seconds I did not review the essential very important to read the
question with the students like I essential question, or “today I
had initially intended to do. I will” written on the board. Doing
explained what we would be this ensures that the students
doing during the lesson, but did understand exactly what they will
not explicitly read the essential be learning for the lesson. Having
question. Instead, I reviewed them read it off the board also
what an opinionated writing holds them accountable for their
piece was. learning. If there are students that
do not understand any part of the
objective, they are able to ask
questions and I am able to assess
what direction to take during the

Missed FEAP:
3c. Identify gaps in students’
subject matter knowledge;

5 minutes and 32 Struggle: Being that I am in a first grade

seconds Rather than modeling each part classroom and my students are
of the opinionated writing piece fairly new to writing, it would
one at a time, I lumped them all have been more beneficial to
together at the beginning of the break the four different parts of
lesson. the opinionated writing piece
down even further. For any
lesson, it is very important to
break down the information as
much as possible to ensure that
the students are understanding
each step and are able to build
their knowledge with a solid

Missed FEAP:
3d. Modify instruction to respond
to preconceptions or

7 minutes and 25 Struggle: When teaching, it is important to

seconds One of the students had his head be as aware as possible about
down during first part of lesson students levels of engagement. If
and I did not notice. I am there are multiple students with
surprised that I did not notice their heads down, the instruction
being that he was seated towards needs to be paused to address
the front of the classroom. these issues in the classroom. In
elementary school, taking a quick
2-minute brain break would be
beneficial in this type of

12 minutes and 32 Celebration: Students supporting and teaching

seconds As a class, we were able to other students is sometimes even
translate some of the modeled more effective than the teacher
sentences that I wrote for the teaching the students. Being that
lesson so that new monolingual a lot of the students in my
student understood. It made him classroom are monolingual, they
smile and feel included in the are able to help translate a lot of
lesson. the academic as well as non
academic language that is spoken
in the classroom to give the
monolingual student an
understanding of the lesson as
well as the atmosphere in the

20 minutes and 5 Question/Struggle: For any writing lesson, it is

seconds I spent too much time teaching important to limit the
the modeling portion of the instructional time to 15-minutes
lesson, where I should have to allow students ample time to
moved on to the students practice their writing. To keep
working independently on their track of time, I can set timers on
own writing pieces. my watch or use a timer in the
classroom. Offering support
What is an effective method that while the students are working
I can use to ensure that this does independently by addressing gaps
not happen in all of my lessons? in their knowledge while they are
writing and clearing up
misconceptions so that their
writings are meeting the objective
is very important during this
independent work time.

30 minutes and 41 Celebration: When there is a monolingual

seconds While I am working with the rest student in the classroom, it is
of the students, my CT is essential to have additional
working one-on-one with the resources to meet their needs as
monolingual student, and he is ELLs. Resources can range from
very determined to get his translated sentences to having
sentences down. additional help to work one on
one with the student or in a small
group. Ensuring that the student
is actively participating in the
lesson and not sitting quietly
without an understanding of what
is going on is key.

48 minutes and 15 Celebration: It is very important to celebrate

seconds Quiet student was the first who small victories in the classroom.
As a teacher, I also have to make
wanted to read her own sure that my students feel
opinionated writing piece comfortable and safe. For this
without my assistance. This portion of the lesson, the
students had the option for me to
student is an ELL and has a
read their work, or to read it to
language processing disorder. I the class themselves. Most of the
was very excited that she wanted students preferred for me to read
their work with their help
to share her own writing.
deciphering what they were
trying to say, but there were a
few who wanted to read their
work. This particular student
rarely talks in class, let alone
read in front of everyone. It was
important for me to let her know
how proud I was of her that she
was the first student who wanted
to read their own writing piece
in front of the class.
1d. Selects appropriate
formative assessments to
monitor learning;

54 minutes and 45 Celebration: When students who are

seconds Monolingual student wrote two completely monolingual enter
sentences in English. This is the into a classroom. It is important
most work he has produced since to have resources available in
arriving in our classroom. both their native language as well
Translated sentence strips and as translated into English. It is
pictures assisted him with also important to encourage the
writing the English sentences. student to only write in English,
but not completely force them to.
As a teacher with a brand new
monolingual student, collecting
writing samples in their native
language gives you an idea of
their content knowledge and
abilities. Once the student as
acclimated to the new
environment and develops their
English some, they can be told to
write exclusively in English.
Luckily, this student was
determined to complete the
assignment completely in English
using the provided resources.
4b. Designs and aligns formative
and summative assessments that
match learning objectives and
lead to mastery;

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