In Binary Trees: We Have Different Transversals

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In binary trees: we have different transversals

1. In order transversal: Left, Node, Right (LNR)

2. Pre order transversal: Node, Left, Right (NLR)
3. Post order transversal: Left, Right, Node (LRN)

Binary Search Tree: a restriction where number of elements can be either:

1. Left node elements < roots (node) < right node elements (in order: ascending)
2. Left node elements > roots > right node elements (in order: descending)
3. Binary search tree allows you to sort data
4. Another way to restricting binary tree: by having a max heap (a restriction that root
node is greater than left subtree and everything on right tree).
5. We also have min heap – whereas a root node is smaller than the left subtree and
than the right subtree.)
6. Heap allows you to identify the minimum value or maximum value.
7. It can be descending or ascending order.
8. You also have heap – allows you to extract minimum or maximum value.
9. IOT – gives you a sorted list.
10. Binary search tree value – stores data for all Data sets – produces an algorithm.
11. To search for a value – examining every single element in a list.

L, R, MLmr, MRml

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