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Chapter 32

Geology and petroleum potential of the Arctic Alaska petroleum province


US Geological Survey, 345 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA
US Geological Survey, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192, USA
*Corresponding author (e-mail:

Abstract: The Arctic Alaska petroleum province encompasses all lands and adjacent continental shelf areas north of the Brooks
Range–Herald Arch orogenic belt and south of the northern (outboard) margin of the Beaufort Rift shoulder. Even though only
a small part is thoroughly explored, it is one of the most prolific petroleum provinces in North America with total known resources
(cumulative production plus proved reserves) of c. 28 BBOE. The province constitutes a significant part of a displaced continental frag-
ment, the Arctic Alaska microplate, that was probably rifted from the Canadian Arctic margin during formation of the Canada Basin.
Petroleum prospective rocks in the province, mostly Mississippian and younger, record a sequential geological evolution through
passive margin, rift and foreland basin tectonic stages. Significant petroleum source and reservoir rocks were formed during each tectonic
stage but it was the foreland basin stage that provided the necessary burial heating to generate petroleum from the source rocks. The lion’s
share of known petroleum resources in the province occur in combination structural– stratigraphic traps formed as a consequence of
rifting and located along the rift shoulder. Since the discovery of the super-giant Prudhoe Bay accumulation in one of these traps in
the late 1960s, exploration activity preferentially focused on these types of traps. More recent activity, however, has emphasized the
potential for stratigraphic traps and the prospect of a natural gas pipeline in this region has spurred renewed interest in structural
traps. For assessment purposes, the province is divided into a Platform assessment unit (AU), comprising the Beaufort Rift shoulder
and its relatively undeformed flanks, and a Fold-and-Thrust Belt AU, comprising the deformed area north of the Brooks Range and
Herald Arch tectonic belt. Mean estimates of undiscovered, technically recoverable resources include nearly 28 billion barrels of oil
(BBO) and 122 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of nonassociated gas in the Platform AU and 2 BBO and 59 TCF of nonassociated gas in the
Fold-and-Thrust Belt AU.

In 2008 an appraisal of possible future additions to world continental fragment that includes the Brooks Range, the North
conventional oil and gas resources was completed by a team of Slope and the adjacent Beaufort and Chukchi Sea shelves, the
US Geological Survey scientists for the region north of the Chukchi Borderland, and part of the East Siberian Sea and northern
Arctic Circle. This Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal (CARA) Chukotka Peninsula. It is generally agreed that the Arctic Alaska
project mapped and evaluated all of the basins of the Arctic and microplate rifted from the Canadian Arctic margin during for-
the present article is derived from that project. The methodology mation of the Canada Basin in Jurassic – Early Cretaceous time
followed in the project and the overall results obtained are pre- (Grantz & May 1982; Embry 1990, 1998; Grantz et al. 1990;
sented in this volume in the articles by, respectively, Charpentier Lawver & Scotese 1990; Lane 1997). The most prominent geologi-
& Gautier (2011) and Gautier et al. (2011). cal features of the Arctic Alaska petroleum province, from oldest
The Arctic Alaska petroleum province is one of the most to youngest, are the Hanna Trough, the Beaufort Rift shoulder,
petroleum productive areas of the USA and the Circum-Arctic the Colville foreland basin, and the Brooks Range and Herald
region as well and is an area of ongoing active petroleum explora- Arch fold-and-thrust belts (Figs 32.1 & 32.2).
tion. Extensive seismic surveys, hundreds of exploration wells and The Hanna Trough is a north-trending structural sag beneath the
decades of field studies have made it one of the geologically better Chukchi Shelf characterized by a complex array of north-trending
known regions of the Arctic. As defined for the 2008 Circum- Late Devonian(?) – Permian grabens and half-grabens interpreted
Arctic Assessment, the Arctic Alaska petroleum province extends as a failed rift; the relatively thick and generally unfaulted
from the northern margin of the Brooks Range and Herald Arch overlying Permian – Jurassic strata are interpreted as a sag-phase
tectonic belts on the south and SW to the northern margin of the succession (Sherwood et al. 1998, 2002). The Hanna Trough sep-
Beaufort Rift shoulder on the north, and from the axis of the arates high standing (,2 km) acoustic basement of the Beaufort
Chukchi platform on the NW to the western margin of the Mack- Rift shoulder to the NE from that of the Chukchi platform to the
enzie delta on the east (Fig. 32.1). The province is c. 1400 km long west (Fig. 32.1). Acoustic basement in the trough axis typically
(west –east) and ranges in width (south – north) from c. 500 km in lies at depths in excess of 9 km and locally more than 13 km
the west to c. 50 km in the east and covers an area of nearly (Sherwood et al. 1998, 2002). Hanna Trough is part of a region-
350 000 km2. The province includes the Alaska North Slope, the wide episode of extension following Devonian (Ellesmerian)
Alaska and Canada Brooks Range foothills, part of the Alaska orogenesis. Numerous north- to NW-trending half-grabens and
and Canada Beaufort Shelf, most of the US Chukchi Shelf and a sags of equivalent age are known to occur beneath the Alaskan
small part of the Russian Chukchi Shelf. North Slope (ANS) as far east as 1478W (Hubbard et al. 1987;
The objectives of this paper are to review the regional geological Bird 2001). Restoration of the north Alaskan margin against the
framework and petroleum geology of the Arctic Alaska petroleum Canadian margin by counterclockwise plate rotation prior to
province and to summarize the yet-to-be-discovered petroleum opening of the Canada Basin shows alignment of the axis of
potential estimated in the 2008 Circum-Arctic Assessment. Hanna Trough with that of Sverdrup Basin. That alignment and
general stratigraphic similarities suggest that Hanna Trough is an
extension of Sverdrup Basin (Embry 1990, 1998; Embry et al.
Geological framework 1994).
The Beaufort Rift shoulder formed during Jurassic –Early
The Arctic Alaska petroleum province comprises a significant Cretaceous opening of the Canada Basin (Grantz & May 1982;
part of the Arctic Alaska microplate (Hubbard et al. 1987), a Grantz et al. 1990; Houseknecht et al. 2011). The Arctic Alaska

From: Spencer, A. M., Embry, A. F., Gautier, D. L., Stoupakova, A. V. & Sørensen, K. (eds) Arctic Petroleum Geology. Geological Society, London, Memoirs,
35, 485– 499. 0435-4052/11/$15.00 # The Geological Society of London 2011. DOI: 10.1144/M35.32
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Fig. 32.1. Map of Arctic Alaska Province (outlined in red) showing major tectono-stratigraphic features, location of cross section (Fig. 32.2), and boundaries of adjacent
assessment units (green lines). Blue lines, bathymetry in metres.

microplate rifted from Arctic Canada, perhaps by counter- across normal faults to great depths beneath the Beaufort Shelf
clockwise rotational opening of the Canada Basin or alternative (Fig. 32.2). This abrupt northern boundary of the rift shoulder
motions (Grantz & May 1982; Embry 1990, 1998; Grantz et al. defines the ‘Beaufort hinge’ and the northern boundary of the pro-
1990; Lawver & Scotese 1990; Lane 1997; Grantz & Hart vince (Figs 32.1 & 32.2). The crest of the rift shoulder is commonly
2008). The rift shoulder is defined by high-standing acoustic base- referred to as the Barrow Arch.
ment that generally dips southward beneath Arctic Alaska and the The Colville foreland basin is an east –west-trending asym-
Chukchi Shelf, and that steps northward over a short distance metric basin with sedimentary fill increasing southward to as

Fig. 32.2. Cross section showing generalized

stratigraphic and structural relations from the
Brooks Range to the northern margin of the
Beaufort Rift shoulder, central North Slope of
Alaska. Note that Beaufort Rift shoulder in this
area includes Dinkum graben and plateau.
Location of cross section is shown in
Figure 32.1. Modified from Bird & Bader
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much as 10 km near the front of the Brooks Range (Fig. 32.2). It Hope Basin (Tolson 1987). Moore et al. (2002), in their study of
records the subsidence related to crustal loading and the accumu- the northern Lisburne Hills, the only detailed study of this trend,
lation of sediment debris shed from the Jurassic –Cenozoic ero- conclude that timing of deformation and degree of shortening is
sional unroofing of the Brooks Range orogenic belt. Initiation similar to that of the Brooks Range with greatest uplift (c. 5 km)
and early development of the foreland basin was coincident occurring in Early Cretaceous (c. 115 Ma) and with lesser uplift
with rifting and opening of the Canada Basin. The foreland (2 –3 km) occurring sometime during post-mid Cretaceous. The
basin consists primarily of Aptian to Palaeogene marine to non- origin of the NW structural trend is unknown.
marine clastic deposits that filled the basin, onlapped and even-
tually overtopped the rift shoulder, and built the adjacent
continental terrace. Throughout the basin, clinoform geometry is Stratigraphy
a distinctive feature on seismic reflection records (Molenaar
1988; Bird & Molenaar 1992; Houseknecht et al. 2009). Analysis The stratigraphic record of the northern Alaska province ranges
shows that the Albian clinoform sequences are significantly thicker from Cenozoic to Precambrian, but rocks with petroleum potential
here than most reported in the literature elsewhere in the world are mostly younger than Devonian (Fig. 32.3). Rich in detail, the
(600 –2500 v. 250– 500 m, respectively), indicating significant stratigraphy is simplified here by the traditional grouping of the
subsidence followed by rapid sediment influx (Houseknecht rocks into tectono-stratigraphic sequences, a scheme, proposed
et al. 2009). Shelf margin trends based on clinoform dip directions, by Lerand (1973) and modified by later investigators, that empha-
outcrop lithofacies and palaeocurrent indicators, and regional age sizes tectonic history, provenance and genetic relations. The
relations indicate primarily longitudinal, SW to NE filling of the sequences are briefly described here with additional details pro-
basin (Bird & Molenaar 1992; Moore et al. 1994; Houseknecht vided later in discussions of petroleum potential.
et al. 2009). These observations lead to the conclusion that the The Franklinian sequence includes Devonian and older
dominant sediment source terrain for the basin included highlands sedimentary and some igneous rocks of unknown but substantial
in the southern Chukchi Sea (now subsided and buried beneath thickness representing diverse origins and a complex geological
Hope Basin) and the Chukotka Peninsula with the ancestral history. Although knowledge of these rocks is limited, it is
Brooks Range constituting a lesser source (Molenaar 1985). known that they have everywhere been buried, deformed and
The Brooks Range and Herald Arch, which form the southern metamorphosed beyond the thermal stage for oil preservation.
boundary of the Arctic Alaska petroleum province, are parts of a Thus, they are generally considered economic basement and in
north-directed fold-and-thrust belt. The Brooks Range is consi- most areas they also represent acoustic basement, except for the
dered to represent two superposed contractional orogens (Moore NE Chukchi Basin beneath the Chukchi Shelf (Fig. 32.1). This
et al. 2004): (1) an older orogen that was active from Middle basin, clearly imaged on seismic data but not penetrated by any
Jurassic to Early Cretaceous (160 –120 Ma) and produced a wells, is estimated to consist of .9 km of carbonate and clastic
thin-skinned deformational wedge characterized by far-travelled rocks (Grantz et al. 1990; Sherwood 1994) with seismic reflection
allochthons with relatively low structural relief; and (2) a characteristics similar to those of early and mid-Palaeozoic rocks
younger orogen that deformed the older one, produced a thrust of the Parry Island fold belt of the Canadian Arctic Islands
belt and frontal triangle zone with low amounts of shortening (Embry 1990; Sherwood 1994).
but relatively high structural relief, and extended north of the The Mississippian to Jurassic Ellesmerian sequence consists of
Brooks Range –Herald Arch well into the foreland basin carbonate and nonmarine to marine siliciclastic continental-shelf
(Fig. 32.1). Apatite fission-track data show that younger orogen deposits developed on a south-facing passive margin; from a north-
deformation occurred primarily during the Palaeogene (c. 60 and ern pinchout or erosional edge, they thicken southward to a typical
c. 45 Ma) in most parts of the basin and as young as 23 Ma in thickness of about 2 km (Moore et al. 1994). Westward, these
the NE (O’Sullivan et al. 1993, 1997), where the fold-and-thrust deposits thicken dramatically into the Hanna Trough and then
belt extends northward across the rift shoulder and into the thin against the Chukchi platform. In the Hanna Trough, Devo-
passive margin (the Canning –Mackenzie deformed margin, nian(?) and Mississippian rocks are thick graben-filling (synrift)
Fig. 32.1). Ongoing deformation in this northeastern area is indi- deposits, and younger Permian to Jurassic strata are interpreted
cated by earthquake epicentres (Grantz et al. 1990). Complicating as thermal sag-phase deposits (Sherwood et al. 1998). The
this picture of two superposed orogens are mid-Cretaceous radio- Ellesmerian sequence includes both reservoir and source rocks.
metric ages (113 –90 Ma) from metamorphic rocks in the southern However, because the sequence is generally thin, Triassic and
Brooks Range that have been interpreted as showing either con- Early Jurassic source rocks lying near the top of the sequence
tractional deformation (Till & Patrick 1991; Till & Snee 1995; were not capable of petroleum generation until they were buried
Gottschalk & Snee 1998) or extensional deformation (Miller & by Beaufortian and Brookian deposits.
Hudson 1991; Little et al. 1994; Christiansen & Snee 1994). The Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous (Neocomian) Beaufortian
Thus, that part of the Albian –Cenomanian sedimentary fill in sequence of Hubbard et al. (1987) or Barrovian sequence of
the Colville Basin derived from the Brooks Range may have Carman & Hardwick (1983) consists of synrift deposits derived
been shed from uplift caused either by continued contractional locally or from the north. This stratigraphically complex, mud-
deformation in the orogen or, alternatively, to uplift related to dominated sequence with multiple unconformities and large vari-
regional extensional deformation in the hinterland of the Brooks ations in thickness includes source rocks and reservoir rocks.
Range orogen. Normal faulting and development of sediment-filled grabens and
The Herald Arch and its onshore extension, the Lisburne Hills, is half grabens, some with more than 3 km of fill (e.g. Dinkum
a NE- to east-vergent fold-and-thrust belt. East of the Liburne graben; Grantz & May 1982), occur mainly on the north flank of
Hills, folds in the adjacent foreland basin intersect those of the the rift shoulder and in the northern part of the Hanna Trough
western Brooks Range producing prominent interference struc- (Sherwood et al. 1998, 2002). On the south flank of the rift
tures (readily visible in Google Earth images) in an area termed shoulder in the central onshore part of the province, four sequence
the ‘Chukchi syntaxis’ by Tailleur & Brosgé (1970; Fig. 32.1). Off- sets with a total thickness of more than 1200 m have been mapped
shore, seismic reflection profiles show that Herald Arch is a high on seismic reflection profiles showing southward prograding shelf
-tanding block of acoustic basement at the sea floor, that its north- deposits each of which eventually downlap and coalesce into a
ern boundary is composed of SW-dipping thrust faults that juxta- basinal condensed section (Houseknecht & Bird 2004). Part or
pose acoustic basement and mid-Cretaceous foreland basin all of this basinal condensed section is represented in the Brooks
strata, and that its southern boundary is a gentle south-dipping ero- Range thrust belt by the ,20 m-thick Blankenship member of
sional surface onlapped by Palaeogene strata of the extensional the Otuk Formation, some parts of which are rich oil shale (Tailleur
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Fig. 32.3. Generalized chronostratigraphy for

the Arctic Alaska petroleum province, based on
the Alaska North Slope. Tectonostratigraphic
sequence names shown in all caps at left.
Oil-prone source-rock systems discussed in text
are indicated at right: 1, Triassic source-rock
system, comprising the Shublik Formation and
Triassic part of the Otuk Formation; 2, Jurassic
source-rock system, comprising the lower
Kingak Shale and Blankenship Member (B) of
the Otuk Formation; and 3, Cretaceous –
Palaeogene source-rock system, comprising
(a) the Lower Cretaceous Pebble Shale Unit
and GRZ, (b) the Upper Cretaceous Seabee
Formation and (c) lower Palaeogene
organic-rich tongues of the Canning Formation.
Most important reservoir rocks in terms of
known hydrocarbon accumulations are
indicated by circled ‘R’ symbol. LCU, Lower
Cretaceous unconformity; JU, Jurassic
unconformity; F, Fortress Mountain Formation;
N, Nanushuk Formation; T, Tuluvak Formation.
Italicized labels (Otuk Formation and B,
Blankenship Member) indicate units that crop
out in the Brooks Range frontal thrust belt and
that represent southern distal facies equivalents
of formations present beneath the Alaska North
Slope. Arctic Alaska stratigraphy modified from
Bird (1985, 2001) and Mull et al. (2003); ages
from Gradstein et al. (2004).

1964). The Beaufortian sequence beneath the Chukchi Shelf distal, condensed marine mudstone (Hue Shale); relatively deep
is similar to that of the ANS, except that it is punctuated by marine basinal, slope and outer-shelf mudstones and turbiditic
several unconformities (e.g. Jurassic unconformity; Fig. 32.3) sandstones (Torok, Seabee and Canning formations); and shallow-
that appear to be more significant than those to the east (Sherwood marine to coal-bearing nonmarine sandstone, mudstone and
et al. 1998). The Beaufortian sequence and, in many areas, the conglomerate (Nanushuk, Tuluvak, Prince Creek, Schrader Bluff
Ellesmerian sequence are truncated progressively northward and Sagavanirktok formations). The lower part of the Hue Shale,
beneath the Lower Cretaceous unconformity (Fig. 32.2, LCU), an important source rock, is characterized by an interval of high
considered to be the breakup unconformity formed during rift- gamma-ray readings known as the gamma-ray zone (GRZ) or
shoulder uplift; Franklinian basement subcrops the LCU in areas the highly radioactive zone (HRZ) (Molenaar et al. 1987). This
of maximum uplift (Fig. 32.4a). Because it truncates many reser- unit typically occurs in a bottomset seismic facies and interfingers
voir and source rocks, the LCU plays an important role in many with downlapping clinoform strata. The Brookian sequence
of the largest oil fields in northern Alaska. This role includes devel- beneath the Chukchi Shelf comprises Lower Cretaceous (mostly
opment of enhanced porosity in sub-unconformity reservoirs Aptian –Albian) and Cenozoic successions separated by a signifi-
(Shanmugam & Higgins 1988; Jameson 1994); provision of a cant Paleocene unconformity (Sherwood et al. 1998). The Lower
migration pathway for hydrocarbons to charge multiple sub- and Cretaceous succession displays a regional geometry suggesting
supra-unconformity reservoirs; and juxtaposition of overlying influences of both a sag basin developed above the Hanna
marine mudstone source and seal rocks – pebble shale unit and Trough and a foreland basin related to the Herald Arch and
gamma-ray zone (GRZ) of the Hue Shale – with sub-unconformity western Brooks Range. Lower Cretaceous strata grade eastward
reservoir rocks. The Barrow Arch, first formed during rift-related into foreland basin deposits of the ANS (Houseknecht et al.
uplift and subsequently accentuated by subsidence to the north 2009). The Cenozoic succession, in contrast, is thickest
and south, is a regional basement high and a key element in the for- in syndepositional grabens that open northward into the North
mation of most north Alaskan oil fields. Subsidence of the rift Chukchi Basin (Fig. 32.1; Sherwood et al. 1998). South of the
margin and the ensuing marine transgression resulted in deposition rift shoulder, no apparent stratigraphic continuity exists between
of a blanket-like marine mudstone (pebble shale unit) that marks the Cenozoic successions beneath the Chukchi Shelf and the
the end of the Beaufortian sequence. eastern ANS. Evidence suggests broad uplift of the western
Cretaceous and Cenozoic deposits derived from the Brooks ANS during this time (Burns et al. 2007), essentially segment-
Range orogen are assigned to the Brookian sequence. These volu- ing the foreland into a Chukchi depocentre influenced by
minous deposits filled the Colville foreland basin, overtopped the wrench tectonics (Lothamer 1994; Sherwood et al. 1998) and an
rift shoulder and built the passive margin that forms the present eastern ANS depocentre influenced by contractional tectonics
continental terrace north of Alaska. The Brookian sequence con- associated with the eastern Brooks Range (Moore et al. 1994;
sists of a complex assemblage of siliciclastic strata that includes Potter et al. 2004).
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Fig. 32.4. Maps showing the three major oil-prone source-rock systems in the Arctic Alaska province, with colors depicting the inferred original distribution of
oil-prone (green) v. gas-prone (yellow) kerogen. Maps are highly generalized and based on published information (see text) and original palaeogeographic
reconstructions. (a) Triassic source-rock system, comprising the Shublik Formation across most of the map area and the Triassic part of the Otuk Formation in the
southernmost part of the map area (frontal thrust belt of the Brooks Range). (b) Jurassic source-rock system, comprising primarily the lower Kingak Shale across most of
the map area and the Jurassic Blankenship Member of the Otuk Formation in the southernmost part of the map area (frontal thrust belt of the Brooks Range). The abrupt
yellow-to-green boundary occurs at the shelf margin of the lower Kingak depositional sequence (Houseknecht & Bird 2004). (c) Cretaceous– Palaeogene source-rock
system, comprising primarily the pebble shale unit, GRZ and Seabee Formation south of the Beaufort hinge and Cretaceous and Palaeogene condensed mudstones north
of the Beaufort hinge (Houseknecht et al. 2011). Pink areas in (a) and (b) show areas of greatest uplift of rift shoulder during Jurassic–Early Cretaceous; Triassic
and Jurassic source rocks are absent by erosion in those areas. Note that Triassic and Jurassic source rocks are probably absent or buried to extreme depths north of
the Beaufort hinge. Presence of Cretaceous– Palaeogene source rocks north of Beaufort hinge is inferred based on palaeogeographic reconstructions (Houseknecht
et al. 2011).
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Charge considerations however, is not considered a significant factor in the oil and gas
assessment of the Arctic Alaska Province.
Petroleum systems In addition to the major source-rock systems discussed above,
oil-prone source rocks are known to occur in the upper part of
Multiple petroleum systems have been identified in Arctic Alaska the Upper Palaeozoic Lisburne Group (Fig. 32.3) and several
and many oil accumulations appear to be mixtures of oil expelled Arctic Alaska oil accumulations are inferred to have been partly
from two or more source rocks (Magoon et al. 2003; Peters et al. charged from Lisburne source rocks (Magoon et al. 2003; Dumou-
2008). The regional source-rock potential of Arctic Alaska is con- lin et al. 2008). Moreover, gas-prone mudstones and local coals
sidered within a framework of three source-rock systems, Triassic, occur in strata ranging from Mississippian (Endicott Group) to
Jurassic and Cretaceous –Palaeogene. The Triassic source-rock Palaeogene (Nanushuk, Prince Creek, and Sagavanirktok for-
system includes the Shublik Formation and its southern distal mations) in age (Fig. 32.3). However, gas studies (e.g. Burruss
equivalent, the Triassic part of the Otuk Formation, which crops et al. 2003) provide no clear linkage of gas accumulations to
out in the frontal thrust belt of the Brooks Range (Mull et al. these rocks and suggest that, like the oil accumulations, multiple
1982; Kupecz 1995; Masterson 2001; Parrish et al. 2001a, b; sources contributed to each accumulation.
Peters et al. 2006). The Jurassic source-rock system includes the
lower Kingak Shale and its southern distal equivalent, the Jurassic
Blankenship Member of the Otuk Formation, which crops out Thermal maturity
in the frontal thrust belt of the Brooks Range (Mull et al. 1982;
Masterson 2001; Houseknecht & Bird 2004; Peters et al. 2006). Thermal maturity of these source rocks generally reflects the dis-
The Cretaceous –Palaeogene source rock system includes the tribution and thickness of Cretaceous and younger foreland-basin
Lower Cretaceous Pebble Shale Unit and GRZ of the Hue Shale, and, for Triassic and Jurassic source rocks, the additional burial
the Upper Cretaceous Hue Shale and (mostly Turonian) Seabee imposed by Beaufort passive-margin deposits. A structure contour
Formation, and Palaeogene organic-rich beds in the Canning map on the Lower Cretaceous unconformity and its correlative
Formation (Fig. 32.3; Mull et al. 2003; Macquaker & Keller horizon (Fig. 32.5) provides a view of the present-day thickness
2005; Peters et al. 2006; Houseknecht et al. 2011). and distribution of Cretaceous and younger foreland basin rocks.
The present character of these source-rock systems has been It shows a minimum thickness of 1 km or less along the western
documented in the most heavily explored part of the Arctic part of the rift shoulder and the southern part of the Chukchi Plat-
Alaska petroleum province (e.g. Magoon & Claypool 1985; form with abruptly increasing thickness to more than 8 km north of
Magoon & Bird 1988; Magoon et al. 1999; Masterson 2001) the rift shoulder and in the North Chukchi Basin and more gradual
and the original (pre-maturation) character has been inferred for increasing thickness southward into the axis of the foreland basin
the same area (Peters et al. 2006). However, the source-rock and Hanna Trough. A thermal maturity map on this horizon
quality across much of the province remains poorly known (Fig. 32.6) shows that all source rocks in the foredeep are overma-
because of limited data. Outcrop samples from the Brooks ture with respect to the oil window, are mostly mature on the north-
Range frontal thrust belt (Dow & Talukdar 1995; Dow 1998; ern flank of the foreland basin, and are mostly early-mature to
Mull 2000; C. G. Mull, pers. comm. 2009) suggest that the immature on the rift shoulder. Modeling of burial history and
Triassic and Jurassic source-rock systems originally graded hydrocarbon generation (Figs 32.6 & 32.7) indicates that most
southward to be richer (higher total organic carbon content) and oil generation occurred during Early to middle Cretaceous in the
more oil-prone (higher hydrogen index values). In contrast, western to central part of the province and during the Palaeogene
thrust-belt outcrop samples of the pebble shale and GRZ display in the eastern part of the province; these maturation dates corre-
highly variable character; they tend to be lean and gas-prone spond to times when the thickest foreland basin successions
across much of the thrust belt but locally are rich and oil-prone were deposited (Houseknecht et al. 2011). In the Canada Basin,
(Dow & Talukdar 1995; Dow 1998; Mull 2000; C. G. Mull, maturation of all source rocks generally occurred during the
pers. comm. 2009). Palaeogene – Neogene, except in a depocentre immediately north
Maps depicting the highly generalized, original character of of the Beaufort Rift shoulder along the NE Chukchi margin,
these three source-rock systems are shown in Figure 32.4. The where maturation of the oldest source rocks may have occurred
Triassic and Jurassic source-rock systems were deposited on a during the Early Cretaceous (Houseknecht et al. 2011).
south-facing (present coordinates) passive continental margin Throughout the history of hydrocarbon generation, the Beaufort
and, when the character of outcrop samples from the Brooks Rift shoulder remained a structurally high focus for migration of
Range frontal thrust belt is considered, they appear originally to hydrocarbons generated both in the Arctic Alaska province and
have been richer (higher total organic carbon content) and more in the adjacent margins of the southern Canada Basin. Most dis-
oil-prone (higher hydrogen index values) towards the south covered oil accumulations (including the super-giant Prudhoe
(Fig. 32.4a, b; Dow & Talukdar 1995; Kupecz 1995; Dow 1998; Bay field) and many discovered gas accumulations occur along
Mull 2000; Masterson 2001; Parrish et al. 2001a, b; Peters et al. the rift shoulder and its flanks.
2006; C. G. Mull, pers. comm. 2009). The Lower Cretaceous
Pebble Shale Unit and GRZ, deposited during and following the
opening of the Canada Basin and the onset of Brooks Range tecton- Petroleum potential
ism and foreland basin development, appear originally to have
been richer and more oil-prone towards the east and north The geological synthesis presented above was used to conduct an
(Fig. 32.4c; Dow & Talukdar 1995; Dow 1998; Mull 2000; assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Arctic
Peters et al. 2006; C. G. Mull, pers. comm. 2009). However, Alaska Province (Houseknecht & Bird in press). For this assess-
organic-rich and oil-prone source rocks also have been documen- ment, the province was subdivided into two assessment units
ted locally in outcrops of the pebble shale unit and GRZ along the (AU): the Platform AU in the north and the Fold-and-Thrust
western part of the Brooks Range frontal thrust belt (C. G. Mull, Belt AU in the south (Figs 32.6 & 32.8). The northern limit of
pers. comm. 2009), so exceptions to the generalized regional the fold-and-thrust belt (Fig. 32.1) serves as the common boundary
trends have been documented. Although not confirmed by drilling, between these assessment units. Initial considerations focused on
the potential exists for rich and oil-prone Cretaceous and Palaeo- three broadly defined risk factors that influence the occurrence of
gene source rocks in the Canada Basin, north of the Beaufort significant oil and gas resources, defined as at least one undiscov-
Rift shoulder (Houseknecht et al. 2011), and this potential is ered accumulation of .50 million barrels of oil equivalent
reflected in Figure 32.4c; their presence in the Canada Basin, (MMBOE): (1) ‘Charge’ includes the presence of adequate
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Fig. 32.5. Structure contour map (in metres sub-sea) of the Lower Cretaceous unconformity (LCU) and correlative horizon in the Arctic Alaska Province based on
seismic reflection and well data. The LCU approximates the base of the Brookian sequence and that of the youngest of the three most important petroleum source rock
intervals in the province (Figs 32.3 & 32.4). See Figure 32.6 for map of thermal maturity at this horizon. Contour interval, 500 m.

source rocks, a thermal maturation history suitable for generating relatively small part of the AU, onshore and near-shore along the
hydrocarbons, and favourable migration pathways for hydrocar- trend of the rift shoulder (Fig. 32.8). More than two dozen accumu-
bons expelled from source rocks to reach traps; (2) ‘Rocks’ is an lations have been discovered in the AU, including at least 15 oil
evaluation of the presence of adequate reservoir rocks, traps, and and two gas accumulations .50 MMBOE plus numerous
seals; and (3) ‘Timing’ considers the chronological history of pet- smaller oil and gas accumulations (Figs 32.8 & 32.9). Currently,
roleum systems, specifically the relative timing between charge 10 fields are producing, including the largest conventional oil
and the development of rock attributes. The following sections field in North America (Prudhoe Bay). As at 2005, about
describe each assessment unit and summarize our evaluation of 15 billion barrels of oil (BBO) have been produced with reserves
these risk factors and the resulting assessment of undiscovered of 6.7 BBO and 35 trillion cubic feet of gas (TCFG) (Houseknecht
oil and gas resources for each. & Bird 2006). Considering the history of discovery in this AU and
the vast area that is lightly explored, the probability that the Arctic
Alaska Platform AU contains at least one undiscovered accumu-
Arctic Alaska Platform lation .50 MMBOE is considered to be 100% (Table 32.1).
The Arctic Alaska Platform AU extends from the northern limit of Charge. Demonstrated source rocks that occur within this AU as
the Brooks Range foothills fold-and-thrust-belt on the south to the well as in the Fold-and-Thrust Belt AU to the south include the
northern margin of the Beaufort Rift shoulder (Beaufort hinge) on Triassic Shublik Formation, Jurassic lower Kingak Shale and Cre-
the north and from the axis of the Chukchi platform (near the USA– taceous Pebble Shale Unit and Hue Shale. Regional seismic, well
Russia maritime boundary) on the west to a wedge-out on the east and outcrop data, and burial history modelling indicate that pet-
where the Brooks Range tectonic front has overridden the rift roleum generation was controlled by burial related to filling of
shoulder (Fig. 32.8). The AU encompasses an area of 193 000 km2. the Colville Foreland Basin which began in the SW in the Early
The AU includes the Beaufort Rift shoulder (whose crest is the Cretaceous (c. 120–110 Ma) and progressed eastward to the
Barrow Arch) and the Chukchi Platform, including much of the middle Palaeogene (c. 45 Ma). As foreland basin fill prograded
Chukchi Shelf. The tectonic history of the AU includes a late northward across the subsiding rift shoulder, petroleum generation
Palaeozoic and early Mesozoic south-facing passive continental occurred north of the rift shoulder, where a thick prism of Brookian
margin transected in the west by a Devonian(?) – Mississippian sediment was deposited (Fig. 32.5). Regional migration pathways
failed rift (Fig. 32.1, Hanna Trough); an episode of extension in follow strata and unconformities updip toward the Barrow Arch,
Jurassic and rifting in early Cretaceous; and deeper burial in the but local pathways are postulated to be controlled by faults in
Cretaceous and Cenozoic by southerly sourced foreland basin the entire stratigraphic section and by clinoforms in the Beau-
strata (Moore et al. 1994). Petroleum prospective strata are mostly fortian and Brookian sequences. Mixing of oil from these
Mississippian and younger, although postulated Lower Palaeozoic source rocks is common in this AU (Magoon et al. 2003; Peters
strata in the NE Chukchi Basin (Fig. 32.1; Grantz et al. 1990; et al. 2008).
Sherwood 1994; Sherwood et al. 1998) also are included.
Although this assessment unit is the most intensely explored in Rocks. The dominant reservoir lithology in this AU is sandstone,
Arctic Alaska, most exploration has been concentrated in a although Upper Palaeozoic carbonate reservoirs (Lisburne
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Fig. 32.6. Map of thermal maturity of the base of the Brookian Sequence across the Arctic Alaska Province and the southern Canada Basin. This map is derived from
thermal history modelling and honors empirical vitrinite reflectance data from 97 exploration wells in the Arctic Alaska Province. Crosses are exploration wells and
pseudowells used for modelling. Circled wells with labels (7a, 7b) are shown in Figure 32.7. Maturity values .3% vitrinite reflectance are approximate as those values
exceed the validity range of kinetics used for calculation. Location of the Beaufort hinge is shown by the heavy blue line. Modified from Houseknecht et al. (2011).

Group) are locally important. Nearly every sandstone unit is to the east, apparently as the result of tectonic loading by the north-
known to contain oil and or gas somewhere in the AU. The greatest ward advance of the NE Brooks Range (Hubbard et al. 1987). This
volumes of known petroleum resources (cumulative production regional tilting caused spilling of oil from the super-giant Prudhoe
plus reserves) are reservoired in fluvial –deltaic sandstone of the Bay accumulation and remigration of that oil to shallower traps
Ivishak and Kekiktuk formations (Triassic and Mississippian, (Jones & Speers 1976; Erickson & Sneider 1997; Masterson
respectively) and the shallow marine sandstone of the Kuparuk 2001). Some of those traps are so shallow (610 –1370 m) that the
Formation and stratigraphically equivalent units (Early Creta- oil has been biodegraded, resulting in multi-billion barrel accumu-
ceous) and the Jurassic part of the Kingak Shale (Fig. 32.3). lations of heavy oil in the Prudhoe Bay – Kuparuk area (Werner
The largest known accumulations (Prudhoe Bay, Kuparuk, Point 1987). Also during the Palaeogene, the western part of the Beaufort
Thomson, Burger; Fig. 32.9) occur in combination structural – Rift shoulder was uplifted, increasing the possibility of oil displa-
stratigraphic traps related to rifting, but an increasing number of cement by gas expansion (Burns et al. 2007).
accumulations are known to occur in purely stratigraphic traps in
both deep marine (Meltwater, Tarn, Nanuq) and shallow marine Assessment. Minimum, median and maximum values for the
(Alpine, Fiord, Rendezvous, Moose’s Tooth, Tabasco) facies. number and sizes of undiscovered accumulations and for the
Seals are provided by marine shale. ratio of oil to gas accumulations (Table 32.1) were estimated on
the basis of exploration and discovery history; published reserve
Timing. Oil generation began in the south and west parts of the estimates for discovered accumulations; maps of seismically ident-
Arctic Alaska province in the Early Cretaceous (Fig. 32.7a) ified, untested structures; and global analogues (Charpentier et al.
and progressed eastward and northward through the Cenozoic 2008). A list of the 34 global analogues considered for this AU is
(Houseknecht et al. 2011). Onshore, most generation probably provided in Houseknecht & Bird (in press). Assessment input was
ended in late Eocene (c. 45 Ma) but may still be ongoing offshore influenced strongly by the geology, sizes and numbers of discov-
in the eastern part of the AU where sedimentation continues on the ered accumulations in the AU and by the assessments of undiscov-
shelf of the Beaufort Sea (Houseknecht et al. 2011). ered resources conducted by the USGS and US Minerals
The potential for loss of trapped hydrocarbons occurred during Management Service (MMS), which were largely based on the
the Palaeogene, when the Beaufort Rift shoulder tilted downward mapping of favourable trap geometries from reflection seismic
Downloaded from at Indiana University Libraries on May 13, 2015


number and sizes of undiscovered pools larger than 50 MMBOE

were tabulated and used as a guide for completing the assessment
input. These parameters and ancillary information provided the
input for a Monte Carlo-based estimation of the oil and gas
resources of the Arctic Alaska Platform (Charpentier & Gautier
2011). The resulting probabilistic estimates of undiscovered,
technically recoverable oil and gas for the Platform AU are sum-
marized in Table 32.2. These results include mean estimates
of nearly 28 BBO, 38 trillion cubic feet (TCF) of associated gas
and 122 TCF of nonassociated gas. The mean estimates for the
largest undiscovered oil and nonassociated gas accumulations
are 3.3 BBO and 17.9 TCFG, respectively.

Arctic Alaska fold-and-thrust belt

The Arctic Alaska Fold-and-Thrust Belt AU extends from the north-

ern edges of the Brooks Range and Herald Arch on the south to the
northern limit of significant detachment folding that marks the
boundary with the Arctic Alaska Platform AU (Fig. 32.8). The
eastern quarter of the AU, where the Brooks Range tectonic front
has overridden the Beaufort Rift shoulder, is bounded on the
north by growth-faulted and contractionally deformed Cenozoic
strata deposited north of the rift shoulder (part of the Canning–
Mackenzie deformed margin AU of the Amerasia Basin province;
Fig. 32.1). The AU encompasses an area of 156 000 km2.
As defined, the AU includes the southern part of the Chukchi
Shelf, the Hanna Trough and the Colville foreland basin as well
as the entire frontal thrust belt of the Brooks Range in northeastern
Alaska and northwestern Canada (Fig. 32.8). This AU is character-
ized by detachment folds and thrust faults related to Brooks Range
compression. The detachment level generally steps stratigraphi-
cally down section southward toward the Brooks Range, from
Cretaceous –Cenozoic foreland basin strata in the north, through
Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous rift-related strata, and into Lower
Mesozoic–Upper Palaeozoic passive margin strata in the south
(Moore et al. 1994). Petroleum prospective strata span the strati-
graphic section from Upper Palaeozoic through Cenozoic.
The AU contains several oil-prone source-rock systems that have
been demonstrated to have charged discovered oil and gas accumu-
lations (Magoon et al. 2003; Peters et al. 2008). The main oil-prone
source rocks include the Triassic Shublik Formation, the Jurassic
Fig. 32.7. Petroleum systems plots for two wells in the Arctic Alaska province. lower Kingak Shale and the Lower Cretaceous Pebble Shale Unit
(a) Husky Awuna 1, representative of burial and thermal maturation history in and GRZ (Fig. 32.3). The Triassic –Lower Jurassic Otuk For-
the fold-and-thrust belt assessment unit. Stratigraphy below total depth of well mation, the distal stratigraphic equivalent of the Shublik Formation
(TD in stratigraphic column) was estimated from seismic data. Timing of and lower Kingak Shale, is an important component of the
indicated trap formation reflects Palaeogene deformation and does not include
source-rock system in the southern part of the AU where it is
development of stratigraphic traps and pre-Palaeogene structural traps. Note
present on thrust sheets and probably in autochthonous positions
rapid and nearly simultaneous oil generation in all three main source–rock
systems, as expressed by plot of time v. transformation ratio. (b) Mobil West
beneath the disturbed belt of the frontal Brooks Range. Locally,
Kuparuk 3-11-11, representative of burial and thermal maturation history in the
the Otuk Formation in outcrop occurs at levels of thermal maturity
platform assessment unit. Well penetrated entire stratigraphic section and that are in the oil window (Dow & Talukdar 1995; Dow 1998; Mull
reached total depth in Franklinian basement. Timing of indicated trap formation 2000; C. G. Mull, pers. comm. 2009). Additional oil-prone source
reflects development of the LCU-truncation trap (main trap at Prudhoe Bay) and rocks are locally present in Upper Palaeozoic strata, most notably
does not include other stratigraphic and structural trap development. Note that the Kuna Formation of the Lisburne Group (Dumoulin et al.
none of the main oil-prone source rocks has generated oil at this location, as 2008). Gas-prone source rocks are present in several formations
indicated by the plot of time v. transformation ratio. In the stratigraphic column spanning Upper Palaeozoic through Cenozoic strata.
of both plots, only major stratigraphic units are named whereas burial history Several gas accumulations and one oil accumulation have
plots include more detailed subdivision of strata. Well locations are shown in been discovered in the AU (Houseknecht & Bird 2006). Only the
Figures 32.6 and 32.8. Gubik gas accumulation (c. 600 billion cubic feet (BCF)) and
the Umiat oil accumulation (c. 70 MMBO) are larger than the
minimum size considered in this assessment (Figs 32.8 & 32.9).
data. In those assessments a total of 69 plays were identified and However, most of the discovered gas accumulations are based
assessed within the area considered in the Arctic Alaska Platform on a single well and thus are too poorly characterized to determine
AU (Sherwood 1998; ANWR Assessment Team 1999; Bird & their size (e.g. Kumar et al. 2002). No commercial production has
Houseknecht 2002; Bird et al. 2005). The most important plays occurred in this AU, although c. 40 000 barrels of oil were
in those assessments are mainly Brookian (stratigraphic traps in produced for local consumption and testing at Umiat prior to
topset and turbidite facies) and Beaufortian (primarily strati- 1953 (Molenaar 1982).
graphic but some structural traps all in topset facies). From those The likelihood that the Arctic Alaska fold-and-thrust belt AU
assessments, the mean value of undiscovered resources and contains at least one undiscovered accumulation .50 MMBOE
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Fig. 32.8. Map of Arctic Alaska Platform and Fold-and-Thrust Belt assessment units showing locations of exploration wells and outlines of the largest oil and gas
fields. Colored dots (green, oil; red, gas) locate smaller accumulations. (7a and 7b) Location of Husky Awuna 1 and Mobil West Kuparuk 3-11-11 wells, respectively, for
which petroleum systems plots are shown in Figure 32.7.

is considered to be 100% (Table 32.1) based on the occurrence accumulations. Consideration of kerogen composition in the
of two discoveries greater than the minimum size, the large three major source-rock systems (Fig. 32.4) and thermal maturity
number of prospects that are evident in seismic data and surface (Figs 32.6 & 32.7a) indicates that the AU is significantly
geological map patterns, and the underexplored status of the AU. gas-prone, although the potential for oil is demonstrated by the
Many untested prospects involve anticlines, including relatively discovered Umiat accumulation, which is thought to have been
simple detachment anticlines and more complex thrust-faulted sourced from the GRZ (Magoon et al. 2003).
anticlines (e.g. Oldow et al. 1987; Bird 1988; Moore et al.
2004; Potter et al. 2004). Stratigraphic traps and combination Rocks. The dominant reservoirs in this AU are sandstone, although
structural –stratigraphic traps also are likely to occur (e.g. House- late Palaeozoic carbonate reservoirs (Lisburne Group) also are
knecht & Schenk 2007). viable, especially in thrust sheets close to the Brooks Range
(Bird 2001). Oil and gas shows are common in this AU. Reservoir
Charge. Demonstrated source rocks that occur within this AU potential is greatest in Cretaceous and Cenozoic fluvial – deltaic
include the Mississippian Kuna Formation in the upper part of (topset) sandstone (Fortress Mountain, Nanushuk, Tuluvak, Schra-
the Lisburne Group, Triassic Shublik Formation, Jurassic lower der Bluff and Sagavanirktok Formations) and coeval toe-of-slope
Kingak Shale, Triassic –Jurassic Otuk Formation and Cretaceous turbidite sandstone (Torok, Seabee and Canning Formations;
Pebble Shale Unit and Hue Shale (Fig. 32.3). Regional seismic, Fig. 32.3). The largest known accumulations (Umiat oil accumu-
well and outcrop data, and burial history modelling indicate that lation and Gubik gas accumulation) occur in sandstone reservoirs
petroleum generation was controlled by sedimentary and tectonic of topset seismic facies in detachment-anticline traps. Strati-
burial. Initial hydrocarbon generation induced by sedimentation in graphic traps in both deep marine and shallow marine sandstone
the western Colville foredeep began c. 120– 110 Ma (Fig. 32.7a) are likely. Seals are provided by marine shale and mudstone.
and progressed eastward and northward until c. 90 Ma, with rela-
tively modest additional generation occurring during the Late Cre- Timing. Oil generation began in the southern and western parts of
taceous and Palaeogene as the result of additional sedimentary the AU in the Early Cretaceous and progressed eastward and north-
burial and, near the mountain front, tectonic burial (Houseknecht ward (Houseknecht et al. 2011). Onshore, generation probably
et al. 2011). This timing reflects the progressive filling of the ended in late Eocene (c. 45 Ma) but may be ongoing offshore in
foredeep and the broader foreland basin from SW to NE (Bird & the eastern part of the AU where sedimentation and contractional
Molenaar 1992; Houseknecht et al. 2009). Migration pathways deformation continue. Except for that eastern part of the assess-
in this AU are probably controlled by stratal geometry (e.g. clino- ment unit, most structural traps probably formed, or were modified
forms), unconformities and faults. Geochemical evidence from oil- by additional contraction, in the Palaeogene (Fig. 32.7a), so the
stained rocks in outcrop in this AU indicates widespread mixing of timing of structural trap development is poor for oil and is favour-
oil from two or more source rocks (Lillis et al. 2002). In addition, able for gas. Uplift and oil displacement by gas expansion may
gas generation in the foredeep and gas expansion related to Palaeo- have occurred in the southern half of the central and western
gene uplift probably caused remigration of some accumulated oil. part of the AU in the Palaeogene as a consequence of uplift in
Gas also may have been generated from thermal cracking of oil the frontal thrust belt of the Brooks Range.
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Table 32.1. Arctic Alaska Province input parameters for assessment of

undiscovered, technically recoverable petroleum resources of the Platform
and Fold-and-Thrust Belt assessment units (AU)

Platform AU Fold-and-Thrust belt AU

Probability (risk) attribute

Charge 1.0 1.0
Rocks 1.0 1.0
Timing 1.0 1.0
Overall probability 1.0 1.0
Accumulations Min Med Max Min Med Max
Oil– gas ratio 0.3 0.6 0.8 0.1 0.2 0.3
Total 25 150 300 10 60 250
Oil 8 85 240 1 12 75
Gas 5 60 200 7 50 225
Oil (MMBO) 50 150 8000 50 100 2000
Gas (BCFG) 300 900 50 000 300 700 14 000

Top part of table summarizes probability of sufficient charge, rocks, timing and
overall probability for the occurrence of at least one accumulation of
.50 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMBOE). Lower part of table
provides minimum, median and maximum values for ratio of oil
accumulations to total number of accumulations (oil– gas ratio), total number
of accumulations, number of oil and gas accumulations and sizes of oil and
nonassociated gas accumulations. MMBO, million barrels of oil; BCFG,
billion cubic feet of gas. See text for additional explanation.

information provided the input for a Monte Carlo-based estimation

of the oil and gas resources of the Arctic Alaska Fold-and-Thrust
Belt. The resulting probabilistic estimates of undiscovered, techni-
Fig. 32.9. Charts summarizing petroleum discoveries in the Arctic Alaska cally recoverable oil and gas for the Fold-and-Thrust Belt AU
Province. (a) Time-series plot of the nearly 70 petroleum discoveries (pools) are summarized in Table 32.2. These results include mean esti-
made in the province during the last six decades (1946–2006) as a result of mates of 2.1 BBO, 2.8 TCF of associated gas and 59 TCF of
ongoing industry exploration since 1958 and two episodes of government nonassociated gas. The mean estimates for the largest undiscov-
exploration (1944–1953 and 1974–1981). Significant discoveries are annotated ered oil and nonassociated gas accumulations are 476 MMBO
and their locations shown on Figure 32.8. (b) Size-order ranking of hydrocarbon and 5.8 TCFG, respectively.
accumulations for which size information (produced plus reserves in millions of
barrels of oil equivalent) is available. The super-giant Prudhoe Bay
accumulation necessitates use of a logarithmic scale to see relative sizes of Summary and conclusions
smaller accumulations. Data are from Alaska Division of Oil and Gas (2007)
and USGS files. The Arctic Alaska petroleum province encompasses all lands and
adjacent continental shelf areas north of the Brooks Range –Herald
Arch orogenic belt and south of the northern (outboard) margin of
Assessment. Minimum, median and maximum values for the the Beaufort Rift shoulder, an area of about 350 000 km2. Even
number and sizes of undiscovered accumulations and for the ratio though only a small part is thoroughly explored, it is one of the
of oil to gas accumulations (Table 32.1) were estimated on the most prolific petroleum provinces in North America with total
basis of exploration and discovery history; published reserve esti- known resources (cumulative production plus proved reserves)
mates for discovered accumulations; maps of seismically ident- of c. 28 BBOE.
ified, untested structures; and global analogues (Charpentier The province constitutes a significant part of a displaced conti-
et al. 2008). A list of the 27 global analogues considered for this nental fragment, the Arctic Alaska microplate, which was probably
AU is provided in Houseknecht & Bird (in press). Assessment rifted from the Canadian Arctic margin during formation of the
input was influenced strongly by the geology, sizes and numbers Canada Basin. Petroleum prospective rocks in the province,
of discovered accumulations in the AU and by the assessments mostly Mississippian and younger, record a sequential geological
of undiscovered resources conducted by the USGS and US evolution through passive margin, rift and foreland basin tectonic
MMS, which were largely based on the mapping of favourable stages. Significant petroleum source and reservoir rocks were
trap geometries from reflection seismic data. In those assessments formed during each tectonic stage but it was the foreland basin
a total of 23 plays were identified and assessed within the area con- stage that provided the necessary burial heating to generate pet-
sidered in the Arctic Alaska Fold-and-Thrust Belt AU (Sherwood roleum from the source rocks.
1998; ANWR Assessment Team 1999; Bird & Houseknecht 2002; Three major source-rock systems (Triassic, Jurassic and Creta-
Bird et al. 2005). The most important plays in those assessments ceous) are recognized and contribute to the overall richness of the
are Brookian, comprising topset and turbidite facies in structural province, although details of regional (province-wide) source-rock
traps. From those assessments, the mean value of undiscovered quality remain poorly known because of limited data. Geochem-
resources and number and sizes of undiscovered pools larger ical analysis indicates that many oil accumulations on the rift
than 50 MMBOE were tabulated and used as a guide for complet- shoulder are mixtures of oils derived from all three source rock
ing the assessment input. These parameters and ancillary systems, an apparent indication of complex migration pathways
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Table 32.2. Results of petroleum resource assessment of the Arctic Alaska Petroleum Province

F95 F50 F5 Mean Standard deviation

Oil (MMBO)
Platform 13 867 26 707 47 426 27 851 10 451
Fold-and-Thrust Belt 588 1762 4815 2110 1402
Associated gas (BCFG)
Platform 17 176 34 742 68 535 37 693 16 216
Fold-and-Thrust Belt 641 2256 7047 2846 2191
Nonassociated gas (BCFG)
Platform 53 123 112 562 222 712 121 861 53 453
Fold-and-Thrust Belt 24 273 52 465 115 799 58 998 29 621
Oil equivalent (MMBOE)
Platform 27 431 54 679 103 815 58 700
Fold-and-Thrust Belt 5399 12 338 28 588 14 064
Largest oil (MMBO)
Platform 1264 2905 6603 3281 1619
Fold-and-Thrust Belt 151 384 1139 476 318
Largest gas (BCFG)
Platform 6136 15 403 38 866 17 864 9928
Fold-and-Thrust Belt 2475 5195 11 161 5763 2618

Probabilistic estimates of undiscovered, technically recoverable resources for each assessment unit include volumes of oil, associated gas, nonassociated gas and oil
equivalent and of the largest oil and nonassociated gas accumulations. MMBO, million barrels of oil; BCFG, billion cubic feet of gas; MMBOE, million barrels of oil
equivalent. F95, F50 and F5 are 95, 50 and 5% probability fractiles, respectively.

related to unconformities and faults. However, quantitative predic- details of each AU than could be achieved by reliance on global
tion of the proportion of oil from any particular source rock that analogues alone. For example, the Fold-and Thrust-Belt AU oil –
might occur in future discoveries is beyond current capabilities. gas ratio (oil accumulations to total accumulations) of 0.2 at
The lion’s share of known petroleum resources in the province the mode is a reflection of generally overmature source rocks,
occur in combination structural– stratigraphic traps formed as a formation of structural traps post-oil generation, and multiple epi-
consequence of rifting and located along the rift shoulder. Since sodes of uplift and deformation. In contrast, this ratio for the Plat-
the discovery of the super-giant Prudhoe Bay accumulation in form AU (0.6 at the mode) encompasses not only the geologically
one of these traps in the late 1960s, exploration activity preferen- long-lived high-standing focus for migrating hydrocarbons, an
tially focused on these types of traps and specifically for oil. More abundance of combination structural-stratigraphic and pure strati-
recent activity, however, has emphasized the potential for strati- graphic traps, and favourable timing but also recognition of the
graphic traps and the prospect of a natural gas pipeline in this Palaeogene uplift history, the possibility of oil displacement by
region has spurred renewed interest in gas prospects, especially gas expansion and recent gas and condensate-rich discoveries
in structural traps. such as Burger, Spark, Lookout and Rendezvous.
In keeping with the broad, regional-scale Circum-Arctic Assess- The assessment of undiscovered, technically recoverable
ment approach to assessment unit definition, the Arctic Alaska petroleum resources in conventional accumulations greater than
Province was divided into just two assessment units: the Arctic the minimum size yields the following mean estimates: Arctic
Alaska Platform AU, comprising the Beaufort Rift shoulder Platform AU, nearly 28 BBO and 38 TCF of associated gas, and
and its relatively undeformed flanks, and the Arctic Alaska nearly 122 TCF of nonassociated gas; Fold-and-Thrust Belt AU,
Fold-and-Thrust Belt AU, comprising the deformed area north of about 2 BBO and nearly 3 TCF of associated gas, and about
the Brooks Range and Herald Arch tectonic belt. The broad-scale 59 TCF of nonassociated gas.
nature of these two AUs is illustrated by the fact that in previous
assessments of the region by the USGS and MMS a total of This report was improved as the result of constructive reviews by E. Johannessen
92 assessment units (plays) were identified and evaluated, includ- and P. Nadeau.
ing 69 in the presently defined Platform AU and 23 in the
Fold-and-Thrust Belt AU.
In spite of distinctly different burial histories in each AU, the References
probability of finding at least one petroleum accumulation of the
minimum size (.50 MMBOE) is considered to be 100% for ALASKA DIVISION OF OIL AND GAS 2007. Alaska oil and
each. Evaluation of that probability relied most heavily on pro- gas report, July 2007. Available online at: (accessed
vince discovery history (30 of 70 discoveries greater than the
2 February 2009).
minimum), and the large, lightly explored nature of the region. ANWR ASSESSMENT TEAM 1999. The oil and gas resource potential
Burial history differences were incorporated in the input details of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 1002 Area, Alaska. US
of the assessment forms. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, Open-File Report, 98 –34. Available
Input for the assessment of each AU (sizes and numbers of online at: (accessed 2
accumulations, the ratio of oil accumulations to total accumu- February 2009).
lations, etc.) was strongly influenced by information from known Bird, K. J. 1985. The framework geology of the North Slope of Alaska as
accumulations, previous detailed assessments, maps of seismically related to oil-source rock correlations. In: Magoon, L. B. & Clay-
identified, untested structures and global analogues. By using this pool, G. E. (eds) Alaska North Slope Oil/Rock Correlation Study.
entire suite of information as a guide for arriving at input values we American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, Studies
have achieved a better linkage of specific petroleum geology in Geology, 20, 3– 29.
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Bird, K. J. 1988. Structure-contour and isopach maps of the National Embry, A. F. 1990. Geological and geophysical evidence in support of the
Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. In: Gryc, G. (ed.) Geology and hypothesis of anticlockwise rotation of northern Alaska. Marine
Exploration of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, 1974 to Geology, 93, 317 – 329.
1982. US Geological Survey, Reston, VA, Professional Papers, Embry, A. F. 1998. Counterclockwise rotation of the Arctic Alaska plate:
1399, 355 –377. best available model or untenable hypothesis for the opening of the
Bird, K. J. 2001. Alaska: a twenty-first-century petroleum province. In: Amerasia basin. Polarforschung, 68, 247 – 255.
Downey, M. W., Threet, J. C. & Morgan, W. A. (eds) Petroleum Embry, A. F., Mickey, M. B., Haga, H. & Wall, J. H. 1994. Cor-
Provinces of the Twenty-First Century. American Association of relation of the Pennsylvanian– Lower Cretaceous succession
Petroleum Geologists, Tulsa, OK, Memoirs, 74, 137– 165. between Northwest Alaska and southwest Sverdrup basin: Impli-
Bird, K. J. & Bader, J. W. 1987. Regional geologic setting and history cations for Hanna trough stratigraphy. In: Thurston, D. K. &
of petroleum exploration. In: Bird, K. J. & Magoon, L. B. (eds) Fujita, F. (eds) 1992 Proceedings: International Conference on
Petroleum Geology of the Northern Part of the Arctic National Wild- Arctic Margins, Anchorage, Alaska, September 1994. US Minerals
life Refuge, Northeastern Alaska. US Geological Survey, Reston, Management Service, Anchorage, AK, OCS Studies, MMS 94-
VA, Bulletins, 1778, 17 –25. 0040, 105 –110.
Bird, K. J. & Houseknecht, D. W. 2002. U.S. Geological Survey 2002 Erickson, J. W. & Sneider, R. M. 1997. Structural and hydrocarbon
Petroleum Resource Assessment of the National Petroleum Reserve histories of the Ivishak (Sadlerochit) reservoir, Prudhoe Bay field.
in Alaska (NPRA). US Geological Survey, Reston, VA, Fact Sheets, SPE Reservoir Engineering, 12, 18 – 22.
045 – 02. Available online at: Gautier, D. L., Bird, K. L. et al. 2011. Oil and gas resource potential
02/fs045-02.pdf (accessed 2 February 2009). north of the Arctic Circle. In: Spencer, A. M., Embry, A. F.,
Bird, K. J. & Molenaar, C. M. 1992. The North Slope foreland basin, Gautier, D. L., Stoupakova, A. V. & Sørensen, K. (eds) Arctic
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