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2nd Grade Lesson Plan 2.

1. Goal: To practice do, mi, so, la; practice ta, ti ti, and quarter rest; practice meters;
present half note

2. Objectives: SWBAT
 ID beat vs. rhythm
 ID/read/perform ta, ti ti, quarter rest, half note in songs and patterns
 ID a song by its meter
 Evaluate a song

3. Materials: Quarter rest patterns; Peer Gynt story

4. Procedure

1. Hello’s (smd)

2. Quarter Rest Echo Patterns

 Use flashcards on board to say patterns
 T. taps one pattern; students guess which one it was

3. In the Hall of the Mountain King

 Review what happened in the story last week
 Listen to song again!
 Ask students to share what they think happened to Peer…
 Read the rest of the story!
 Decode main part of song on board – what is that new rhythm
sound at the end of the last phrase?
o Show that it takes up two beats by drawing an arrow
o Present as half note!

4. Meter Listening
 T. will play duple or triple meter on drum
 Students will stomp on downbeat and clap on upbeat(s)
 Have students come up with movements that can show DB or UB

5. Bow Wow Wow

 If time, sing and do dance game

6. Goodbyes

5. Informal/Formal Assessment: Informal assessment of matching meters

6. Homework:

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