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Low boiling point solvent additives enable vacuum

Published on 19 December 2018. Downloaded by Shiv Nadar University on 1/9/2019 10:36:01 AM.

Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c8ta09259a

drying-free processed 230 nm thick PTB7-
Th:PC71BM active layers with more than 10% power
conversion efficiency†
Jinxiang Chen, Feilong Pan, Yong Cao and Junwu Chen *

In this work, three fast removable solvent additives o-chloroanisole (CBE), o-chlorobenzaldehyde (CBA),
and o-chloroacetophenone (CBK) with low boiling points (bp.) of 195, 212, and 230  C, respectively,
were applied for morphology control of PTB7-Th:PC71BM active layers. Without a vacuum drying
process, CBE, CBA, and CBK could work well as fast removable solvent additives in chlorobenzene (CB)
host solvent. Relative to the routine 1 : 1.5, a D/A ratio of 1 : 2 is more beneficial for device performances
with thicker active layers because of increased charge extraction rates and longer carrier lifetimes. At
a thickness of 100 nm, CBE, CBA, and CBK gave PCEs between 9.51% and 9.55% while for 230 nm
thick active layers, CBE, CBA, and CBK afforded PCEs of 10.12%, 9.90%, and 9.27%, respectively, well
demonstrating the advantage of low bp. solvent additives in vacuum drying-free processing of thick
Received 24th September 2018
Accepted 19th December 2018
active layers. Relative to the 100 nm level, an optimal PCE at the 200 nm level is more useful for
defining a larger processing window that can help fabrication of pin-hole free active layers during high
DOI: 10.1039/c8ta09259a
speed printing. Therefore, the fast removable solvent additive strategy has big potential to upgrade some high efficiency active layer materials to a more roll-to-roll compatible level.

a solvent additive is an indispensable method in achieving

Introduction many record efficiencies for both fullerene and nonfullerene
Aiming at the sustainable development of human society, there based BHJ PSCs.17–26 At the eve of real application of PSCs,
is a growing demand for renewable energy sources. Bulk hetero- developing promising solvent additives to meet roll-to-roll
junction (BHJ) polymer solar cells (PSCs) are a promising compatibility becomes quite necessary.
renewable energy technology because of their light weight, Large area and high speed solution printing of organic active
exibility, and large area low-temperature solution layers toward scale-up manufacturing will encounter the
manufacturing that can be compatible with a continuous roll- thickness variation issue.27 An ideal active layer should main-
to-roll printing line.1,2 A BHJ active layer composed of tain high efficiency even when its thickness is largely varied.6,28
electron-donor and -acceptor phases possesses great advantage This concern has been called as the thickness tolerance of an
in supplying large donor/acceptor interfaces for efficient charge organic active layer, which is very important in dening a pro-
separations as well as a bicontinuous interpenetrating network cessing window for PSCs with a qualied PCE on a roll-to-roll
of the donor and acceptor phases for fast transports of holes printing line.29 During the past few years, increasing attention
and electrons to electrodes in the mean-time.3,4 Along with the has been paid to the thickness tolerance issue, and develop-
great efforts in developing new donor and acceptor materials as ment of new donors and acceptors with high carrier mobility
well as good control of the BHJ morphology, the power and good control of the nanoscale morphology of BHJ lms
conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of single junction BHJ PSCs are have been demonstrated to be effective.6,9,28–34 Although
continuously improved up to the state-of-the-art 14%.5–9 a 100 nm average thickness of the active layer has already shown
Thermal annealing,10 solvent vapor annealing (SVA)11–13 and use very high efficiency and is also benecial for saving materials
of solvent additives14–17 are the typical methods for morphology cost, the thickness is only suitable for dening a very small
optimizations of BHJ active layers. It should be noted that using processing window. For example, a thickness range of 100 
30 nm would signicantly limit the operating speed of a roll-to-
Institute of Polymer Optoelectronic Materials & Devices, State Key Laboratory of roll printing line. Low production capacity means high product
Luminescent Materials & Devices, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou cost. Relative to a 100 nm average thickness, a thicker active
510640, P. R. China. E-mail: layer can also help suppressing of pin-holes inside the active
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: layer.28 Thus a thicker average thickness with an enlarged

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processing window to meet a higher operating speed is more thicknesses, respectively.44 Relative to the device performance at
attractive. It is worth noting that high efficiency and a wide 100 nm thickness, PTB7-Th also exhibited obviously decreased
processing window from 100 to 600 nm based on an average PCEs for thicker active layers of 200 nm. In the report by Jen
thickness at 300–400 nm has been realized, based on some high et al., CB/DIO processed PTB7-Th:PC71BM active layers with a D/
mobility materials.29 A suitable average thickness should be A ratio of 1 : 1.5 displayed PCEs of 9.3%, 9.41%, and 8.01% for
a compromise of operating speed, yield control, and materials 100, 150, and 230 nm active layer thicknesses, respectively.34
cost when transferred to an industrially feasible roll-to-roll line. For PTB7-Th:PC71BM active layers processed with a D/A ratio of
PTB7-Th (Fig. 1a) and PTB7 with the thieno[3,4-b]thiophene/ 1 : 1.1 and a much lower DIO content of 0.5%, PCEs of 9.03%,
benzodithiophene backbone unit are two well-known low band 7.45%, and 6.50% were found for thicknesses of 100, 200, and
Published on 19 December 2018. Downloaded by Shiv Nadar University on 1/9/2019 10:36:01 AM.

gap polymer donors because of some record efficiency perfor- 280 nm, respectively.45 For all-polymer PSCs with PTB7-Th as
mances reported in the past several years for single junction the donor, the PCE showed a large decrease along with
BHJ PSCs.35,36 Unlike the alkyl substitutions for PTB7, PTB7-Th increasing active layer thickness.46 Although untraditional spin-
comprises alkylthienyl pendants on the benzodithiophene coatings have been proposed for the modication of the thick-
(BDT) unit, which afford PTB7-Th with higher PCEs than PTB7 ness tolerance of PTB7-Th based active layers, the lm-forming
in combination with a fullerene or a nonfullerene processes are more complicated than the routine one.34,47 It
acceptor.17,21,24,25,37–39 Recently, PTB7-Th based active layers should be noted that DIO is still the solvent additive in modi-
showing high short-circuit current densities (Jsc) in binary and cation of thickness tolerance.
ternary PSCs with outstanding PCEs up to 14% have been DIO is a solvent additive with a very high boiling point (bp.)
demonstrated,40,41 from which tandem PSCs with a record high of 332.5.14 There is DIO residue inside the active layer when the
PCE of 17.29% can be achieved with the PTB7-Th based ternary host solvent has been removed during the solution process-
blend lm.42 Also, PTB7-Th based semitransparent PSCs with ing.48,49 A subsequent vacuum drying process is typically applied
9.77% PCE for an average visible transmittance of 36% have to fully remove the DIO residue so as to maximize PCE, e.g. even
been realized, which may promote the development of power for a low DIO loading of 0.5%.45 However, toward full roll-to-roll
generating windows.43 These results clearly indicate the prom- solution-processing of BHJ PSCs, the vacuum drying process to
ising future of PTB7-Th based active layers. It should be noted remove a solvent additive with a very high bp., e.g. the DIO, is
that the high efficiency BHJ active layers of PTB7-Th and PTB7 unfavorable and should be avoided.49 Although removing DIO
are typically processed with chlorobenzene (CB) as the host via a solvent washing process is an alternative consideration,
solvent and small amount 1,8-diiodooctane (DIO) as the solvent the extra washing processing would increase cost.48 Very
additive.17,42,44 recently, we demonstrated that o-chlorobenzaldehyde (CBA in
There are several reports involving the evaluation of the Fig. 1) with a bp. of 212  C was a higher efficiency solvent
thickness tolerance of PTB7-Th and PTB7 based active layers. In additive for the morphology optimization of PTB7:PC71BM
the report by Marks et al., CB/DIO processed PTB7:PC71BM active layers when compared with DIO.49 Due to its much lower
active layers showed very poor thickness tolerance, with PCEs of bp. relative to DIO, CBA can show the advantage of fast removal
7.98%, 6.63%, and 4.23% for 100, 195, and 300 nm active layer in the absence of vacuum drying: being almost completely

Fig. 1 (a) Chemical structures of PTB7-Th and PC71BM. Chemical structures and boiling points (bp.) of (b) host solvent chlorobenzene (CB) and
(c) the three solvent additives o-chloroanisole (CBE), o-chlorobenzaldehyde (CBA), and o-chloroacetophenone (CBK).

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removed along the evaporation process of the CB host solvent already displayed a slightly brownish-red color, very close to
during spin-casting, and thus avoiding excessive SVA effects of a fully dried state, and then we further rotated the lms for
DIO residue in thick BHJ lms during vacuum drying. The CBA- another 1.5 min to give fully solidied lms. This was
processed PTB7:PC71BM active layers of 100, 200 and 300 nm conrmed by immediate IR measurements of the spin-coated
could achieve PCEs of 9.11%, 8.24%, and 7.11%, respectively, blend lms (Fig. S1–S3 in the ESI†), which did not contain
much higher than 7.53%, 5.71%, and 4.93% for corresponding any signals from CB and the solvent additives. It should be
DIO control devices with vacuum drying. It should be noted noted that, on a roll-to-roll line, short-time blowing to the newly
that, from 100 to 300 nm, the continuously decreased PCEs are developed blend lm may be needed to fully remove the solvent
unideal in dening high efficiency processing windows. and additive, due to lacking forced convection of the spin-
Published on 19 December 2018. Downloaded by Shiv Nadar University on 1/9/2019 10:36:01 AM.

Therefore, there is a great demand to demonstrate that a fast coating process. Relatively, among the three additives, CBE
removable solvent additive can reverse the PCE decreasing with a bp. already close to the common solvent DCB may be the
tendency with thicker blend lms, particularly for some prom- best choice. Without the additional vacuum drying of the active
ising material systems. layers as applied for the CB/DIO case, the PFN layer was
In this work, o-chloroanisole (CBE) and o-chlor- subsequently coated and then started the Al cathode deposi-
oacetophenone (CBK), two new solvent additives with bp. values tion. The measurements of the PSCs were carried out under
of 195 and 230  C, respectively, were investigated in spin- illumination of AM1.5G simulated solar light at 100 mW cm2.
coating PTB7-Th:PC71BM active layers, in comparison to CBA The photovoltaic parameters are summarized in Table 1.
(Fig. 1). It was found that, without a vacuum drying process, As a comparison, PSCs based on active layers without
CBE, CBA, and CBK all could work well as fast removable solvent a solvent additive were fabricated. The pure CB-processed PTB7-
additives in the CB host solvent. At a thickness level of 100 nm Th:PC71BM ¼ 1 : 1.5 blend lm of 100 nm thickness exhibited
and D/A ratio of 1 : 1.5, CBE, CBA, and CBK gave PCEs between an open-circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.82 V, a Jsc of 10.08 mA cm2,
9.12% and 9.66% while for a D/A ratio of 1 : 2, very limited and a ll factor (FF) of 53.17%, corresponding to a PCE of
changing of PCE between 9.51% and 9.55% was observed. 4.71%. With a 3% content of CBE in CB, device performances
Relative to CBA, the new additives CBE and CBK further chal- were obviously improved. The PSC device showed an almost
lenge the lower and the higher bp. limits when used as effective comparable Voc of 0.81 V, but a largely elevated Jsc of 16.23 mA
fast removable solvent additives. It should be noted that the bp. cm2 and FF of 73.48%, giving a remarkably increased PCE of
for CBE is very close to the 180  C for o-dichlorobenzene (DCB), 9.66%. The results suggest that a solvent additive is quite
a common solvent that has been widely used in the fabrication necessary to achieve a high performance PTB7-Th:PC71BM
of active layers. It was also found that a D/A ratio of 1 : 2 is active layer. PCS devices with the same 3% content for CBA and
benecial for device performances of thicker active layers. For CBK as the fast removable solvent additives were also
230 nm thick active layers, CBE, CBA, and CBK afforded PCEs of compared. The PSCs with the three additives showed similar J–V
10.12%, 9.90%, and 9.27%, respectively, well demonstrating the curves (Fig. 2a), also with comparable curves for external
advantage of low bp. solvent additives in vacuum drying-free quantum efficiency (EQE) (Fig. 2b). The calculated PCEs for the
processing of thick active layers. It is worth noting that CBA- and CBK-processed PTB7-Th:PC71BM active layers are
several CB/DIO-processed active layers of 100 nm thickness 9.43% and 9.12%, respectively. The integrated Jsc values based
have shown top PCEs over 13%.9,41 Our fast removable solvent on the EQE curves are 16.14, 16.01, and 15.90 mA cm2 for the
additive strategy would be a possible choice to upgrade some CBE-, CBA-, and CBK-processed active layers, respectively,
high efficiency active layer materials to a more roll-to-roll showing very small spectral mismatch less than 1%. The results
compatible level. demonstrate that using the fast removable solvent additives can
supply PTB7-Th:PC71BM based PSCs with good PCEs, almost
Results and discussion comparable to that achieved with the high bp. DIO. However,
using a fast removable solvent additive can omit the vacuum
In order to evaluate the photovoltaic performances of the PTB7- drying process of the active layers, supplying more compatible
Th:PC71BM active layers fabricated with CBE, CBA, and CBK as processing to the roll-to-roll printing.
the fast removable solvent additives in the CB host solvent, we TEM images of PTB7-Th:PC71BM ¼ 1 : 1.5 blend lms
rst selected a D/A ratio of 1 : 1.5 for the active layers. It should fabricated without and with the fast removable solvent additives
be noted that the blend ratio was the best as initially shown by are shown in Fig. 2c. Without a solvent additive, large fullerene
the PTB7:PC71BM based PSCs and then was widely utilized in agglomerates with sizes up to the 200 nm level could be found
many reports for the PTB7-Th:PC71BM based PSCs. The device from the blend lm. The severe agglomeration will deteriorate
conguration for the PTB7-Th based BHJ PSCs in this study is the formation of a bicontinuous interpenetration network that
ITO/PEDOT:PSS/active layer/PFN/Al, where an alcohol-soluble can result in decreased donor/acceptor interfaces (poor charge
polymer PFN lm (5 nm)50 is the electron selective layer for separations) and unbalanced carrier transports (bimolecular
the Al cathode. With a PTB7-Th concentration of 10 mg mL1 recombinations), nally giving a low Jsc of 10.08 mA cm2 and
(or total concentration of 25 mg mL1) in the PTB7-Th:PC71BM FF of 53.17%. Similar observations were widely reported previ-
¼ 1 : 1.5 blend solution, 100 nm thick PTB7-Th:PC71BM active ously.47,49 The TEM images of the PTB7-Th:PC71BM ¼ 1 : 1.5
layers could be obtained via spin-coating at 1400 rpm for 2 min. blend lms fabricated with the three fast removable solvent
Generally, the blend lms during spin-coating in the rst 30 s additives are almost comparable. The fullerene agglomerations

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Table 1 Photovoltaic performances of PTB7-Th:PC71BM active layers with D/A ratios of 1 : 1.5 and 1 : 2 fabricated with the fast removable solvent
additives without a vacuum drying process

D/A ratio Additive Content (%) Thickness (nm) Voc (V) Jsc (mA cm2) FF (%) PCEa (%)

1 : 1.5 No 0 100 0.82 10.08 53.17 4.71 (4.66)

CBE 3 100 0.81 16.23 73.48 9.66 (9.57)
CBA 3 100 0.82 16.08 71.54 9.43 (9.39)
CBK 3 100 0.81 15.78 71.31 9.12 (9.11)
CBE 5 100 0.81 16.14 73.12 9.56 (9.53)
CBA 5 100 0.82 16.24 70.54 9.39 (9.37)
Published on 19 December 2018. Downloaded by Shiv Nadar University on 1/9/2019 10:36:01 AM.

CBK 5 100 0.81 15.86 70.88 9.10 (9.08)

CBE 3 200 0.79 18.87 60.74 9.05 (9.02)
CBA 3 200 0.80 18.64 61.52 9.17 (9.05)
CBK 3 200 0.79 18.72 59.28 8.77 (8.72)
1:2 No 0 110 0.82 10.70 58.70 5.15 (5.04)
No 0 230 0.81 10.09 49.23 4.02 (3.89)
CBE 3 110 0.80 16.03 74.17 9.51 (9.45)
3 230 0.82 19.49 63.28 10.12 (10.03)
3 250 0.81 19.54 63.27 10.02 (9.96)
3 300 0.79 18.83 61.06 9.08 (8.94)
CBA 3 110 0.81 15.93 74.05 9.55 (9.48)
3 230 0.80 19.32 64.06 9.90 (9.85)
CBK 3 110 0.82 15.90 73.08 9.53 (9.46)
3 230 0.78 19.38 61.31 9.27 (9.20)
The averaged values are in parentheses (over 10 devices).

do not appear at all, corresponding to good phase separations of It should be noted that the bp. difference (DTbp.) between
the donor polymer and the fullerene acceptor. Thus the PSCs CBE and CB is as low as 63  C, further challenging the low DTbp.
can display good PCEs between 9.12% and 9.66%, due to limit of 80  C as reported for the CB/CBA case previously49 while
a much higher Jsc of around 16 mA cm2 and higher FF of more the corresponding DTbp. for CBK is 98  C, also challenging the
than 71%. upper limit for a solvent additive with fast removable

Fig. 2 (a) J–V curves of PSCs based on PTB7-Th:PC71BM ¼ 1 : 1.5 blend films of 100 nm thickness fabricated without and with the fast removable
solvent additives (3% content in CB) and (b) EQE curves of the PSCs with the three solvent additives. (c) TEM images of PTB7-Th:PC71BM ¼ 1 : 1.5
blend films of 100 nm thickness fabricated without and with the fast removable solvent additives (3% content in CB).

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properties. We want to point out the advantage of challenging 9.51%, based on a Voc of 0.80 V, Jsc of 16.03 mA cm2, and FF of
the lower limit: a faster drying of the active layer is helpful for 74.17%. Interestingly, the thicker active layer of 230 nm affor-
more intimate equipment arrangement of a roll-to-roll line. ded a higher PCE of 10.12%, based on a Voc of 0.82 V, Jsc of 19.49
Also, further challenging of the upper limit would provide mA cm2, and FF of 63.28%. Thus the higher efficiency for the
a chance to nd more candidates that may be suitable for more 230 nm thick active layer results from the increased Jsc. The J–V
active layer materials. We have noticed that diphenyl ether curves of the two devices are shown in Fig. 3a. The Jsc increase of
(DPE)16 and 1-chloronaphthalene (CN),15 two oen used solvent 21.6% can exceed the decreasing percentage of 17.2% for the FF
additives, possess bp. values of 260  C; however, their poten- if compared with the thin active layer, nally giving a higher
tials as effective fast removable solvent additives are still efficiency for the 230 nm thick active layer. The EQE curves for
Published on 19 December 2018. Downloaded by Shiv Nadar University on 1/9/2019 10:36:01 AM.

unknown. PSCs based on the 110 and 230 nm active layers are shown in
A higher content of 5% of the fast removable solvent addi- Fig. 3b, and the 230 nm thick active layer can generate a largely
tives in CB was also investigated. The CBE-, CBA-, and CBK- enhanced photo-response. The integrated Jsc for the two active
processed PSCs displayed PCEs of 9.56%, 9.39%, and 9.10%, layers is 15.68 and 18.58 mA cm2, respectively, corresponding
respectively. The very limited variations of the three photovol- to spectral mismatches of 2% and 5%.
taic parameters along the changing of the additive content With a D/A ratio of 1 : 2, the PCE of 10.12% achieved for the
indicate that the 3% content for each additive is already suffi- CBE-processed 230 nm thick blend lm corresponds to a Jsc of
cient to modify the BHJ morphology. In the meantime, the 19.49 mA cm2 and FF of 63.28%, all higher than the Jsc of 18.87
much higher content of 5% for each additive also does not give mA cm2 and FF of 60.74% for the CBE-processed 200 nm thick
any adverse effect. It should be noted that among the three blend lm based on a D/A ratio of 1 : 1.5. The results indicate
solvent additives, the 3% and 5% contents of CBE all afford that a D/A ratio of 1 : 2 is better for PTB7-Th:PC71BM based
PSCs with the highest PCEs (>9.5%) and the highest FF (>73%). thick-lm PSC devices when the low bp. CBE is used as the
The results suggest that CBE with the smallest DTbp. of 63  C is solvent additive. However, traditional AFM and TEM observa-
optimal for a 100 nm thick active layer among the three tions did not nd obvious morphological differences between
additives. the two blend lms. Previous reports indicated that transient
To evaluate the thickness tolerance of the PTB7-Th:PC71BM photovoltage (TPV) and transient photocurrent (TPC)
active layers being processed with the three solvent additives, measurements were useful to compare charge recombination
we further investigated the photovoltaic performances of dynamics and the charge extraction process, respectively, as
thicker blend lms. Also with a D/A of 1 : 1.5 and a PTB7-Th alternative proof.51 Thus the charge recombination dynamics
concentration of 10 mg mL1, 200 nm thick PTB7-Th:PC71BM and the charge extraction process in the two devices were
active layers were spin-coated at a lower rate of 460 rpm. In the compared. The TPV analysis is shown in Fig. 4a. The PSC device
PSCs, the thicker active layers can contribute a higher Jsc of with a D/A ratio of 1 : 1.5 showed a charge carrier lifetime of
around 18.7 mA cm2 due to more effective harvesting of solar 4.49 ms. For a D/A ratio of 1 : 2, the lifetime was increased to 7.98
light, but resulting in a lower FF of about 60%. For the overall ms. The longer carrier lifetime was consistent with its higher FF
effect, the CBE-, CBA-, and CBK-processed PSCs exhibit PCEs of in the PSC device, indicating a reduced recombination process.
9.05%, 9.17%, and 8.77%, respectively. Although the efficien- The TPC results are shown in Fig. 4b. For a D/A ratio of 1 : 1.5,
cies are all lower than those of PSCs with the corresponding the charge extraction time of the device was 0.377 ms. For the
100 nm thick active layers, the PCE decrease extents of the device with a D/A ratio of 1 : 2, the charge extraction time of the
devices are quite limited, only between 2.8% and 6.3%. The device was decreased to 0.316 ms, meaning a faster extraction
results suggest that using a fast removable solvent additive not rate. Relative to the D/A ratio of 1 : 1.5, the increased charge
only supplies the convenience for roll-to-roll processing of PSCs, extraction rate and longer carrier lifetime caused by the active
but also shows potential to improve the thickness tolerance of layer with a D/A ratio of 1 : 2 should be the major reasons that
the PTB7-Th:PC71BM active layer. contributed to its higher FF and Jsc, leading to higher PCE in
A thicker active layer (e.g. 200 nm) showing lower efficiency is PSCs.
a restriction to dene a large processing window as highly With a D/A ratio of 1 : 2, using CBE as the fast removable
efficient as possible. To our delight, it was found that the fast solvent additive successfully reverses the PCE decreasing
removable solvent additive strategy demonstrated in this work tendency for thicker blend lm. This would be quite helpful for
could reverse the tendency between the PCE and active layer the enlargement of a high efficiency processing window for
thickness when a D/A ratio of 1 : 2 was selected (Table 1). With PTB7-Th:PC71BM active layers. Thicker active layers of 250 and
a D/A ratio of 1 : 2 and a PTB7-Th concentration of 10 mg mL1 300 nm were also investigated, which were obtained by spin-
(or total concentration of 30 mg mL1), the former spin-coating coating at 440 rpm with a blend solution of 10 mg mL1 poly-
conditions at 1400 and 460 rpm could afford slightly thicker mer concentration and 420 rpm with a blend solution of 11 mg
PTB7-Th:PC71BM active layers of 110 and 230 nm, respectively. mL1 polymer concentration, respectively. With a CBE-
In the absence of a solvent additive, a D/A ratio of 1 : 2 also gave processed 250 nm thick active layer, the PSC device also
a poor PCE of 5.15% for the 110 nm thick active layer and exhibited a high PCE of 10.02%, with a Voc of 0.81 V, Jsc of 19.54
further reduced the efficiency to 4.02% for the thicker active mA cm2, and FF of 63.27%. On further increasing the active
layer of 230 nm. With 3% CBE as the solvent additive, the layer thickness to 300 nm, the PSC device still displayed a good
110 nm thick active layer could show a nearly constant PCE of PCE of 9.08%. It should be noted that the very thick active layer

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Fig. 3 (a) J–V and (b) EQE curves of PSCs based on the CBE-processed PTB7-Th:PC71BM ¼ 1 : 2 blend films of 110 and 230 nm thickness.

can still contribute a FF over 61%, a value hardly achieved by thickness from 110 to 300 nm. In a previous report for thicker
other solvent additives. Thus the CBE-processed PTB7- PTB7:PC71BM blend lms, a larger unbalanced extent due to
Th:PC71BM active layers can display PCEs more than 9% in the decreasing of me causes monotonous decreasing of PCE.49
thickness range from 100 to 300 nm, demonstrating a largely However, relative to the thin lm (110 nm) in this study, a much
improved thickness tolerance (Fig. 5a). higher Jsc of 19.49 and 19.54 mA cm2 could be achieved for the
The hole and electron mobilities (mh and me) of the 3% CBE- CBE-processed 230 and 250 nm thick PTB7-Th:PC71BM active
processed PTB7-Th:PC71BM ¼ 1 : 2 active layers with different layers, respectively. Therefore, more sufficient light harvesting
thickness were obtained from space charge limited current with a thicker CBE-processed active layer would be valuable,
(SCLC) measurements of hole-only and electron-only devices. which compensated FF decreasing and nally gave higher PCEs.
The CBE-processed thin active layer of 110 nm shows a mh and With a D/A ratio of 1 : 2, the as-cast PTB7-Th:PC71BM active
me of 0.93  103 and 3.1  103 cm2 V1 s1, respectively, layers of 110 and 230 nm all display very poor photovoltaic
giving a me/mh of 3.3. Changing the thickness from 110 to performances. However, with CBE as a fast removable solvent
300 nm thickness alters the mh of the active layers with limited additive, greatly improved efficiency and thickness tolerance
extent (Fig. 5b). For the thicker 230, 250, and 300 nm active have been demonstrated. The results suggest that the CBE-
layers, the me values show a continuous increase up to 8.5  processed PTB7-Th:PC71BM thin and thick blend lms should
103 cm2 V1 s1. The calculated me/mh values are 8.6, 8.4, and possess obviously improved nanoscale morphologies. AFM and
9.6, respectively, showing enlarged deviations from balanced TEM measurements were carried out to compare PTB7-
hole and electron transports. This can be reected by the overall Th:PC71BM thin and thick blend lms without and with CBE as
tendency of decreasing FFs in PSCs based on an active layer the solvent additive. As shown in Fig. 6a, the 110 nm thick blend

Fig. 4 (a) Transient photovoltage (TPV) and (b) transient photocurrent (TPC) of CBE-processed thick-film solar cells based on different D/A

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Fig. 5 (a) PCE and (b) carrier mobility as a function of the active layer thickness for the CBE-processed PTB7-Th:PC71BM ¼ 1 : 2 blend films.

lm processed without an additive shows a large root-mean- thickness does not help the Jsc at all, suggesting the decreased
square (RMS) roughness of 3.48 nm. For the thicker blend interface area between the donor and acceptor phases. There-
lm of 230 nm without an additive, the surface roughness is fore, in the absence of an additive, using a D/A ratio of 1 : 2 has
further increased to 4.02 nm (Fig. 6b). When using 3% CBE as no positive effect on the photovoltaic performance. However,
the solvent additive, the 110 and 230 nm thick blend lms applying CBE as the solvent additive signicantly improves the
exhibit very low RMS values of 1.04 and 1.09 nm, respectively phase separations for the both 110 and 230 nm thick active
(Fig. 6c and d). Thus largely improved surface morphology can layers, and fullerene agglomerations can all be greatly sup-
be achieved in the mean time for the thin and thick active layers pressed (Fig. 6g and h). Therefore, CBE-processed PTB7-
by applying CBE as the solvent additive. For the TEM analysis, Th:PC71BM active layers of 110 and 230 nm can show high PCEs
the 110 nm thick blend lm processed without an additive of 9.51% and 10.12%, respectively. Notably, increasing lm
displays obvious fullerene agglomerations inside the BHJ blend thickness from 110 to 230 nm gives a Jsc increase of 21.6% that
lm, giving very large phase separation (Fig. 6e). The poor BHJ can exceed the FF decreasing percentage of 17.2%. The overall
morphology results in a very low Jsc of 10.7 mA cm2 and FF of effect can give a higher PCE for the thicker active layer, from
58.7%. For the thicker blend lm of 230 nm without an additive, which the thickness tolerance of the PTB7-Th:PC71BM active
some further enlarged fullerene agglomerates can be found layer can be improved.
(Fig. 6f) and the PSC device shows a decreased Jsc of 10.09 mA With a D/A ratio of 1 : 2, PSC devices based on thin and
cm2 and FF of 49.03%. Thus increasing the active layer thicker active layers processed with CBA and CBK, two fast

Fig. 6 (a–d) AFM images (5  5 mm2) for additive-free (a) 110 nm and (b) 230 nm and CBE-processed (c) 110 nm and (d) 230 nm PTB7-Th:PC71BM
¼ 1 : 2 blend films. (e–h) TEM images for additive-free (e) 110 nm and (f) 230 nm and CBE-processed (g) 110 nm and (h) 230 nm PTB7-Th:PC71BM
¼ 1 : 2 blend films.

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