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Diário de leitura (Reading Diary)

Relato no qual são registradas reflexões e impressões

originadas durante o processo de leitura do texto. No
diário podem ser registradas as dificuldades encontradas
na leitur a, as reações diante do texto, as relações
percebidas entre o texto e experiências pessoais, etc. O
diário representa um espaço de diálogo do aluno com o
texto, um espaço totalmente privado, onde é possível
adotar-se linguagem informal, sem a preocupação com
“certo” ou “errado”, de modo que o aluno se coloque
livremente diante dos textos.

Keeping a Reading Diary

Dr. Ken Beatty
Author of Read and Think!

What is a Reading Diary?

In its most basic form, a Reading Diary is a record of what a student has read. It can
simply list the titles of books or magazine articles. A more comprehensive Reading Diary,
however, includes much more detail. It helps turn reading into a thinking process by
making students reflect upon what they have read.

Students should evaluate what they have read by considering some of these questions:

 What did I think the poem/story would be about before reading it?
 How was the poem/story different from what I had first thought?
 How did the poem/story make me feel?
 Does anything in the poem/story make me associate it with something else (such as
another poem/story, a film, an incident in my life, a song, etc.)?
 Does a part of the poem/story seem similar to me or to a part of my life?
 What do I like or dislike about it?
 Has the poem/story changed my ideas or opinions in some way? How?
 If there are illustrations, how do they complement the poem/story?
 What lines or expressions did I particularly enjoy? Why?

Adapted from: August 10, 2010

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