Eirtrv06n20-19790522 022-Cubas Remarkable Development

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Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 6, Number 20, May 22, 1979

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22 Economic Survey EXECUTIVE INTFlLlGENCE REVIEW May 22-May 28, 1979

© 1979 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited.

L ittle that happened in the post-World War II period The Castro government wiped Havana off the
still inspires such anger or passion in the United States International Monetary Fund's map-off "Dope,
as the establishment of the Socialist Republic of Cuba Inc.'s" map. The Cubans rapidly eradicated the drug
"just 90 miles off the coast of Florida," an event problem with a relentless crackdown action which
triggered 20 years ago last January with the fall of the Dope Inc.'s British Board of �irectors has not yet
Batista government. The "Pearl of the Antilles" fell forgiven. One noted American journalist a few years
under " Soviet domination." Political scientists and back complained bitterly that the Cuban Revolution
others almost unanimously rank this as one of the had destroyed the "old flavor" of Havana, reporting
worst of America's foreign policy failures in the 20th that after a lengthy search of Havana, he was unable to
century. find any prostitutes at all!
Cuba is indeed one of the most outstanding
examples of United States foreign policy failures-but The 'Red Sea' myth
not in the way most people understand. Cuba, under For 20 years, U.S. policy toward the developments in
the leadership of Fidel Castro, is one of the few Cuba has obsessively centered on the alleged red danger
humanist republics in the world today. As the of Soviet-Cuban influence in the area. Three weeks
accompanying report documents, gigantic economic ago, one of the most ludicrous red scares to date was
strides have been taken through policies premised on generated around the March, 1979 coup in Grenada
the advancement of the skill level of the country's which replaced the ruling Pinochet-allied government
population. The U.S. "failure" is not found in Cuba's of Charles Gairy (a practitioner of voodoo) with a
present "socialist" status, but in the policy which forced government which has stated its friendliness toward
Cuba to break with the U.S. in order to develop; and Cuba. U.S. State Department officials have already
in the contin uing U.S. policy which defines Cuba-and expressed their "concern" following rumors in the press
its republican conception of development-as hostile to of arms shipments in "mysterious Cuban crates"
U.S. interests. marked "Cement" unloaded at a Grenada dock after
It's time America faced up to facts: the republican the coup!
United States can live with socialist Cuba, and a A strategic threat? Grenada is an island of 100,000
principled basis for cooperation can and must be people, whose principal export is nutmeg. A spicy
negotiated. What the U.S. could not live with was the story, indeed!
drug-centered Cuba of before; neither could the Yet, this is the stuff out of which "missile crises"
Cubans. No more subversive and corrupt center of are made, with the source of each new red scare
influence, no more serious threat to U.S. strategic invariably traceable to one of the London-based
interests existed in the Caribbean than Batista's strategic think-tanks or their state-side "clones." For
Havana-a center of the international drug-running instance, Carter Administration policy toward Cuba
networks known informally as "Dope, Incorporated." has been based on the Latin American report of the
Today the United States is more threatened than Critical Choices Commission (Ccq, written by two
ever by the portion of drug plague originating in the Kissinger colleagues formerly at Georgetown's Center
Caribbean, but its center is no longer Cuba. Now it is for Strat<:gic and International Studies, Roger Fontaine
virtually every British colony and former colony in the and James Theberge. The report contains one scenario
area whose economies are increasingly falling under after another for drawing Soviet-allied Cuba into a
the domination of the International Monetary Fund confrontation with the U.S.
and British-directed international drug traffic with the The CCC report asserts that the "ultimate aim of
general corruption and degradation that accompany it. U.S. policy" is to "reintegrate a democratic Cuba into

May 22-May 28, 1979 EXECUTIVE INTElLIGENCE REVIEW Economic Survey 23

the western hemispheric system. ... Cuba is a test case U.S. will have more commerce, just as it has more
for the United States. ... Making Cuba the socialist commerce with· a developed Canada than with a
camp's first true deserter is a good policy because it is backward Canada. Besides, if we solve the economic
a possibility." Renewing relations with the Castro-led problems now, we will lay the base for a humanist
government is considered only as it would aid in democracy in the future." The U.S. flatly refused the
splitting Cuba from the Soviet Union, or foster internal proposal. Cuba was forced onto other paths for nation­
factions against Castro. building.
The CCC strategy simply won't work. Over the past The famed August, 1961 conference of the Alliance
20 years, a po�erfuI national identity has been created for Progress in Punta del Este, Uruguay encapsulated
in Cuba through what amounts to one of the most the bitter U.S.-Cuban debate. The U.S., "in feverish
rapid transformations from backwardness to modern competition with Cuba," as New York Times corre­
growth in recent history. Beginning in the mid-1970s, spondent Juan de Onis later wrote, had convened the
Cuba began institutionalizing her revolution in repub­ meeting in response to pressures throughout the
lican form, a process culminating with the adoption of continent for a serious development program. The U.S.
the new constitution in 1976. Elections followed shortly was only, offering promises of a debt bailout.
thereafter-the presidency, executive bodies, the Na­ Ernesto "Che" Guevara, leading the Cuban dele­
tional Assembly, and regional and local representatives, gation, issued a challenge the U.S. has yet to answer:
are now all elected posts. present a serious aid package for the industrialization
The active functioning of constitutional life com­ of the continent. Characterizing the Alliance's version
pletes a phase of Cuban development, providing the of "appropriate technology" as a policy of massive
Cuban citizen with direct and permanent access to the "outhouse" building, Che dared the Conference to
planning process of nation-building. The present reconvene 20 years later�and compare the results of
National Assembly discussions of the Twenty-Year Cuba's industrialization policy with the nations of the

Development Plan, debating the priorities for allocating Alliance and their latrines.
the nation's resources into the next century, epitomize Now, nearly 20 years later, Cuba wins Guevara's
that process. challenge. While most of the continent is starving-and
still without adequate latrines!-Cuba's economy has
Cuba's challenge to the u.s. reached the industrial take-off stage with one of the
Cuba's fundamental break with the U.S. occurred over most skilled labor pools in the Third World.
one basic issue, which had nothing to do with This is the real "secret" behind the enormous
communism or the Soviets: development. respect Cuba commands in the Third World today.
In May, 1959, Fidel Castro headed a delegation Thousands of Cuban professionals, construction work­
from the "new Cuba"-not then avowedly commu­ ers, and military advisors have been requested for
nist-to a Washington, D.C. meeting of Latin Ameri­ construction projects throughout the Third World­
can Foreign Ministers, the "Committee of 21." Castro's Army Corps of Engineers-style. In addition, Cuba has
speech, which a Brazilian delegate described as express­ taken an active leadership role in such international
ing the aspirations of all Latin America, focused on the forums as the Non-Aligned Nations and the United
need for U.S. aid for real industrial development­ Nations. Cuba will host the Summit of the Non­
specifically, a $30 billion, lO-year investment plan� Aligned Nations in Havana this September, and
"What we are proposing," said Castro, "will not President Castro, in his capacity as Chairman of the
adversely affect the United States. It will benefit future Conference, is considering personally delivering �he
generations, since with.a developed Latin America, the report of the meeting to the UN General Secretariat.

24 Economic Survey EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REVIEW May 22-May 28, 1979

The state directs the economy
The following excerpts were taken from Cuba's new promotes education, culture, and science in all their
socialist constitution, enacted in 1976, by the People's manifestations .... In order to make this principle a
Power Assemblies and the Council of State, Cuba's reality, general education and specialized scientific,
ruling institutions. technical and artistic education are combined with
work, development research, physical education,
Article XVI. The state organizes, directs and controls sports, participation in political and social activities,
the economic life of the nation in accordance with and military training ... education is free. The state
the central plan of socio-economic development in maintains a broad scholarship system for students
whose elaboration and executiqn the workers of all and provides the workers with mUltiple opportunities
the branches of the economy ,and the other spheres to study with a view to the universalization of
of social life have an active and conscious partici­ education. In order to raise the level of culture of
pation. the people, the state fosters and develops artistic'
The development of the economy serves the education, the vocation for creation and the culti­
purpose of strengthening the socialist system, of vation and appreciation of art.
increasingly satisfying the material and cultural ... Creation and investigation in science are free.
needs of the society and' of the citizens and of The state encourages and facilitates investigation
promoting the flowering of the human personality and gives priority to that which is aimed at solving
and of human dignity and serves thel progress and the problems related to the interest of society and
the security of the country and the national capacity the well-being of the people; the state makes ii
to fulfill the i nternati on a list duties of our people. possible for work�rs to �ngage in scientific work and
Article XXXVIII. The state orients, fosters, :�lId to contribute to the development of science.

Cuba's much-commented-on Africa policy, as we invite the President of the United States to think about
show below, is best understood as a direct extension of the possibility of cooperating for development in
this commitment to spread economic development Africa. There is room for cooperation ... for progress
throughout the Third Wodd, and not some terrifying ... for development. ... Africa needs financing, as every
spread of "communist militarism" wherever possible. underdeveloped country needs financing. Not only in
That the former is in fact the essence of Cuba's Africa Africa, but in' Latin A merica and in Asia. We could
policy was proved beyond doubt by the remarkable cooperate in the' problems of development for these
challenge presented to the United States by Cuban Vice countres without fighting. There are many things in
President Carlos Rafael Rodriguez a year ago on U.S. which you can put your money and your equipment. It
national TV. In an interview with CBS correspondent would be a good business for the United States ... that
Barbara WaIters on May 30, 1978, Rodriguez laid out is what the Founding Fathers talk about, that is what
the basis on which detente could be built between Cuba Jefferson talked about, and it's the only way to see
and the U.S. peace."
"We could cooperate in Africa ... western powers -Gretchen Small
... western people, ... the Soviet Union '" Cuba. I

May 22-May 28, 1979 EXECUTIVE INTELLIGENCE REYIEW Economic Survey 2S


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