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Essex and Lennon hold Faith down.

Kat watches.

Meredith produces a pair of latex gloves, a surgical mask,

and a kidney bowl full of cotton swabs (and various other bits for the effect).

ESSEX: Won’t you be needing a scalpel, Doctor?

MEREDITH: Not at all- this is a Faith healing.

Faith begins to laugh.

MEREDITH: Stop struggling. It’s not just a case of your spiritual well being at stake
here. Open her blouse.

Essex rips her blouse buttons open and Meredith begins.

She begins working her hands into Faiths abdomen.

Blood wells and gushes around the delving hands of Doctor Meredith.

She fossicks for some time.


LENNON: What is it Meredith?

MEREDITH: That’s Doctor Meredith.

ESSEX: What is it, Doctor?

Meredith holds up a small bloody ziplock bag of white powder.

KAT: Faith! You internalised drugs?!

Meredith opens the bag and dips a bloody gloved finger into the powder.

She dabs it on her tongue.

MEREDITH: Hmm. Yes- Just as I suspected. Icing sugar! I knew you were far too
sweet to believe! Incidentally we have ourselves a donor- B rhesus negative. Very
rare. Our boys’ll need all the blood they can get.

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