Odivshe Spellpack

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HârnMaster Odivshe 1

divshe is the magic of water and darkness, Ethereal Water

the opposite of fire and action. Odivshe This “substance” takes a variety of forms, but is
mages are sometimes called the wizards of thinner than mundane water, and sometimes invisible.
gloom. Ethereal water has been described as and “icy pallor
An Odivshe focus is a bowl, cup, or other item that robs away the breath and drowns the very spirit
which can hold water and/or ice. However, it acts with its dark, clinging gloom.” It takes about twice as
long to drown in ethereal water, although this is small
as a focus only when filled with its element. comfort to those wo have the experience. Ethereal
The Odivshe also manipulate Ethereal Water water is easier to walk through, but more difficult to
which is easier to manipulaethan mundane water. swim in (double fatigue).
Ethereal water affects ethereal creatures in the
same way that mundane water affects mundane
creatures. Ethereal water will also quench ethereal

HârnMaster DemonMaster © N.Robin Crossby, 2003

Odivshe 2 HârnMaster
Daenin’s Specter
Frost Fairies
Hasan’s Mist
Hewgon’s Shield

Cloak of Cucyne
Sight of Teri

Cloak of Mandos

Dance of Himgalith

Daenin’s Cant

Cucyne’s Watertamer

Tidal Wave

© N.Robin Crossby, 2003 DemonMaster HârnMaster

HârnMaster ODIVSHE 3


A self-affecting enchantment that enhances the natural This spell creates drawn delicate patterns of frost on any
Odivshe properties of his or her shadow, basically forming damp surface (dew covered grass, window panes, damp
a subliminal gate for ethereal gloom. walls etc.). The maximum area covered is CSI square feet
The effect of this spell causes all who pass through, or The frost is left to decay under normal weather conditions
are touched by the caster’s shadow during duration to feel after the basic spell is cast.
extreme discomfort, chills, and ennui. Usually a caster’s
shadow at sundown is no longer than 150% of his or her Bonus Effects
If the caster has no shadow, there is no effect. Please CML60+ The frost is magically sustained for CSI
note, mid-day under a cloudless sky, or any time of a minutes duration and is then left to the mercy
cloudy, rainy day, etc. is not the time to use this of the elements.
enchantment, and all who might be near the caster in a
torch-lit chamber beware. CML80+ Caster may direct the frost to form simple
designs and geometric shapes. Precision varies,
Bonus Effects depending on weather conditions, success
levels, etc.
CML80+ All who pass under the caster’s Specter gain
1d2-1 FL per round. CML90+ Caster may create more complex forms in the
frost ( simple symbols, pretty spirals and the
like). If used for words or scripts, only simple
messages are possible.

Time: 25-CSI seconds Time: 15-CSI seconds

Range: Varies Range: Touch
Duration: CSI rounds Duration: Instantaneous, but see CML60+

HârnMaster DemonMaster © N.Robin Crossby, 2003

ODIVSHE 4 HârnMaster


This spell creates a thick, obscuring cloud of mist, This minor spell causes the caster’s skin to become
which limits visibility, and muffles sound. The cloud repellent to moisture, making rainstorms and shipboard
occupies CSI x100 cubic feet, and unless somehow travel somewhat more comfortable. Note that this spell does
restricted, spreads racially out from its center to a depth of not protect hair or clothing, nor does it protect the caster
10 feet. The cloud deforms to fit in the surroundings, an from the temperature of the precipitation. If this spell is
important consideration when casting it indoors or used for extended periods of time, skin will dry out and
underground. The cloud is centered on the caster or focus. become irritated.
Vision in the cloud is reduced to two feet, and sounds
are muffled and distorted, giving a -30 penalty to attempts Bonus Effects
to discern the direction or nature of the sound. If cast in an
area smaller than the volume of the cloud, the cloud gets CML60+ This spell affects the caster’s hair
thicker, proportionally lowering visibility and increasing
the Hearing penalty. The caster is not immune to the CML70+ This spell may be laid upon another by touch.
The vapours are rather heavy and dissipate slowly even CML80+ This spell may include clothing, and objects up
if Hasan's Mists is cast in a drafty location. Duration is to CSI inches away from his body.
CML minutes, divided by wind Force (treat Force 0 as
Force 1).

Bonus Effects
CML50+ The cloud can move with the caster.

CML60+ The caster can have the cloud originate at any

point within CSI hexes. The cloud is stationary
when cast at range.

CML70+ The caster can move the cloud around at range,

provided it remains in view, and within CSI

Time: 35-CSI seconds Time: 15-CSI minutes

Range: Touch/CSI hexes at CML60+ Range: Self/Touch at CML70+
Duration: CML minutes, but see above Duration: CSI hours

© N.Robin Crossby, 2003 DemonMaster HârnMaster

HârnMaster ODIVSHE 5


An enchantment to protect an object entity from cold. This spell enables the caster to see through any natural
The basic spell may only be laid on the caster. The darkness, fog or precipitation. Things will be seen in shades
enchantment reduces the effect of all Frost impact by half of blue (i.e., no colours).
CSI (MS) or CSI (CS). It also allows the recipient to be While the spell is in effect normal light cannot be seen,
more comfortable in a cold environment, treating the and the caster can’t see through normally transparent solids,
temperature as up to CSI x1° C (MS casting) or CSI x2° C such as like glass or clear water.
(CS casting) warmer (but not to adjust the effective The caster can disengage from the spell by ceasing to
temperature above 8° C). Thus, an Odivshe with a CSI6 concentrate upon it, this dispells Sight ofTeri.
could feel comfortable in -3° C weather, as it would be
effectively be 3° C to the caster with MS. Bonus Effects
Bonus Effects CML50+ The caster can see clearly through water, even
if its murky.
CML50+ The spell may be extended to encompass items
carried by the caster up to CSI inches from his CML70+ The caster can see clearing through magical
body. and ethereal darkness, fog or precipitation.

CML70+ The spell may be laid on an individual other CML80+ The spell can be cast on others. Range is touch.
than the caster.

Time: 15-CSI minutes Time: 35-CSI seconds

Range: Self/Touch at CML70+ Range: Self/Touch at CML80+
Duration: CSI hours Duration: CSI minutes

HârnMaster DemonMaster © N.Robin Crossby, 2003

ODIVSHE 6 HârnMaster


This spell creates ennui and brings into effect an area A spell to extinguish fires. The basic spell will moisten
centered around the caster that affects the force of one small, burning object, such as a candle or lamp wick
movement. This spell affects up to CSI inches away from causing the fire to go out. The fire can not be relit until the
the caster, and reduces all Blunt impacts by CSI points of material has dried thoroughly.
damage, caused by falling, steel maces, etc. It also reduces The spell is targeted upon a burning/lit object, and can
Edge and Point impacts by CSI/2 points. not be redirected to something of lesser heat within range.
Because this spell influences all motion within CSI If the spell can not extinguish the fire, it may lessen it.
inches of the caster, including the caster himself, a Special Note: This spell will douse only non-chemical or
Penalty of -10 applies all Physical Skills and Move is grease based fires. Should it be used otherwise, it
reduced by 2., and this is applied to the caster, and anything will have the effect of increasing the fire - and
or anyone passing within the spell’s zone. should be reported as a critical failure.

Bonus Effects Bonus Effects

CML80+ The spell may be centered on any target up to CML40+ A fire the size of a torch flame can be doused.
CSI hexes away, including another person.
CML50+ All small fires within range may be affected.
The effect can be limited to an angle in front of
the caster. Range can also be limited, but this is
not very accurate.

CML60+ A fire up to two square yards large may be


CML80+ One or more fires totalling up to CSI square

yards may be doused.

Time: 35-CSI seconds Time: 15-CSI seconds

Range: Self/CSI hexes at CML80+ Range: CSI x3 hexes
Duration: CSI rounds Duration: Instantaneous

© N.Robin Crossby, 2003 DemonMaster HârnMaster

HârnMaster ODIVSHE 7


An enchantment that gently cools an area until its This enchantment purifies a source or body of fresh
dewpoint is reached, causing mild to moderate water, such as a well, pond, spring, etc. of up to CSI yards
precipitation. This spell will only work if there is cloud in radius/depth, an average well being 4-6 yards deep. The
cover. Light cloud/overcast will result in light showers and basic spell requires the caster to touch the water. After
heavy cloud will result in rain. The chain reaction caused casting, the spell will fully effect the water after 100-CML
by this cooling usually gives the enchantment a range of a days (minimum 1 day), this time is halved with CS. If this
CSI miles enchantment is used upon a manor, it can, if used correctly,
This spell can be very impressive if stored and released increase the Fief Index by CSI/100 (i.e. CSI4 means +0,04).
at a dramatic moment. The spell removes impurities and disease from the water
This enchantment by no means imparts any control of and will remove harmful effects (i.e. poisons etc.)
the weather effects; it merely pushes pre-existing conditions introduced into the source within the 100-CML purification
in the right direction. days.

Bonus Effects Bonus Effects

CML70+ The caster may decrease the temperature of the CML60+ Range is now CML feet (crawling down into
area more rapidly, causing more pronounced the well is no longer required).
weather effects like minor thunderstorms, hail
or heavy snow. CML70+ The caster may affect other bodies other than
fresh water sources (i.e. salt water, vinegar,
wine etc.)

CML100+ With CS the duration is now indefinite.

Time: 25-CSI minutes Time: 25-CSI hours

Range: CSI miles radius Range: Touch/CML feet at CML60+
Duration: One watch (or more) Duration: CSI months, see CML100+

HârnMaster DemonMaster © N.Robin Crossby, 2003

ODIVSHE 8 HârnMaster


Calms the water around a vessel the caster is travelling This spell creates a huge wave CSI x2 (MS) or CSI x4
on, with a maximum length of (CSI x10) feet, allowing it to (CS) yards high. The height of the tidal wave will decrease
travel easier. as it goes and after a league or two it will only be a couple
Note that although the water is calmed , other conditions of feet high. The tidal wave is CML yards wide with MS or
may affect travel (such as wind), and this spell only affects double that with CS. Once launched the caster has no
water which is traveled on by the vessel. control of the tide and it will go at the direction that the
The spell reduces the MP values of currents as follows: ocean goes to, this is controlled by the wind direction
MS -2; CS -3. The caster must concentrate on the spell and/or onshore (day)/offshore (night) wind effects.
during duration. Otherwise the effects are halved (rounded
down). Bonus Effects
Bonus Effects CML60+ The height and wide of the tidal wave can be
set from 1 to the normal maximum depending
CML60+ The spell may be used to hinder the movement on CSI, the tidal wave has always more wide
of a vessel by increasing the MP value of a than height though.
current (MS +2; CS +3).

CML70+ The caster may affect one vessel within CML

x5 hexes.

CML80+ The maximum length of the spell is now

treated as a radius. This means that multiple
ships can be affected.

Time: 15-CSI minutes Time: 25-CSI minutes

Range: Touch/CSI x5 hexes at CML70+ Range: Line of Sight
Duration: CSI hours Duration: Instantaneous

© N.Robin Crossby, 2003 DemonMaster HârnMaster

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