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PROGRAM PASCASARJANA !LMU MANAJEMEN (PPIM) FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA “Your Choice to be an Expert” Akreditasi BAN PT “A” INFORMASI LEBIH LANJUT: “Il Prof. Dr. Sumitro Djojchadikusumo i > 0813.846 (WhatsApp) Gedung pascasarjana It.2, Kampus FEB UI Depok Emai Website | Fvestment Financial Eeonereta * Reseach Mathaeeey ‘2nd Semester Strategic Moragement** “Finan zonemaes2*¢ | “rtd income Secu: ane | eee | Neer sna Menta Enveonrent SReeNedeing “Mirosconamie ankng Management of Asset and Quantitative Metoe or | “cuanttatve Meth fo Fnance_| -taret and Monetary “erarh Wethodology -mlcccconemie of Banking “Srategetescersip Huan resources for compevtveness exeulence = Crgarztonl Sehov and Process Chanaes| Reseach Methoslogy Strategie Merazement? Easenter seach Methoscey thes Wing statele Mansseren Onsnistonal ehanor and Process Changes BaSemeier “Consumer denavor “brand Management Satay -helaonhip marketing “Research Metiedoiony “titersted Conmurieaion & Digit Marketing” Becsarester ‘esis af rani! Stterants |< FnncalEeonometrs 1 Banding Regulators ond Sant i Nanagement of arts 308 Usbis Fisk Moding Tad Semester “uanttabve Method for Talent Deelogren “Performance Monagerient Sifingend sour Siesepes “Compensation and Benafie Sieteey™ i Tha senate Dynami Buenas Enveonment Samia on Buss Ethes apd soci Cota “Quantitne Method for susteple Management “Corporate Restriction Tha Semester AAisiiatve Method for Markee (atic Management s EperierialDeszn Becive (3) Serve Naksting Intemational Wartting lee) °° SSeminaon Marketing Serie on Mostra Communietion Sri Semester These Whiting PubletonafRexearch Reso Thess #2" forevening program “+33 for evening program *** 48 for evening prosram "rd Semester =Sratpe anager Thess Wrting heseornribicaton FedSemerier SThessWiting ‘Research Puscaton*t Ee evane ee 3rd Semester Sate Proceis “ubistn Research Hetve 2) «Stratege leacertp ane Competence Kogtledge Wanagerrent “encpreneurstip and Stateey Hrran Resources Maragement for Competitive Adontage -lotepotedintetuctire Maragemest Lage ae Sup cha Management Bed Semester “These Witng Research putlicion s+ Thess +2 forevenine program 2 porevening prota 70 forevenaproram SeatepeManagament roe Changes Thess aviation tse “Posy oScege a Resch | ethacs | -Oeanzatons Beaver and_| emia on Comore Suter 2uanatin Teo ya Betavir Dreoore wing Yate emer hess. Sena on Corpetine Dyas “Semin: on frowlece,nortion AGuree -Mulvare nas “Semi on EtepreUahi Sed Semester Doce Ths Consime Behar “Thess Weng Wavialaten| Tasonater hse of Scene snd eter ete BaandNanagenentStaegy | -Makeing Theory “Abanced Nahting Resear Semiaon Sect Tops Nake docorte Wet Tad Sanaiar “Seni on Mae Theor, “vuthart Arse “Serna on Gres Behav "INANGE AND BANNG she ‘Sena oncoporsefrane stuittave motte, || traotecreners. oe Socesehees “These ing Matic istseneser “Phos of Secs Reseach Meads Bdseneste Senator Ast Pnce “Semaron fang anderante Hectve() SennsrenEnpical fname Sorina’ on Maret castle

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