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Varian, Inc.

2700 Mitchell Drive

Walnut Creek, CA 94598-1675/USA

Varian 3400/3600 GC Control

Galaxie Driver Manual

©Varian, Inc. 2005 03-914947-10:Rev. 3

Table of Contents
Introduction.............................................................................................. 2
General ........................................................................................................................... 2
Installation and Configuration................................................................ 3
Installing the Driver Software .......................................................................................... 3
Configuring the Driver ..................................................................................................... 3
Configuring the Varian 3400/3600 GC ........................................................................ 3
Configuring the Synopsis ............................................................................................ 6
Building a Method ................................................................................... 8
Creating a New Method .................................................................................................. 8
Control Method for the Varian 3400/3600 GC .............................................................. 11
General Control ......................................................................................................... 13
Oven Control ............................................................................................................. 15
Inlet Control ............................................................................................................... 16
Column Control.......................................................................................................... 20
Detector Control ........................................................................................................ 21
Auxiliary Control ........................................................................................................ 26
Events Control ........................................................................................................... 29
Sampler Control......................................................................................................... 30
Stripchart Control....................................................................................................... 35
Starting and Viewing an Acquisition.................................................... 37
QuickStart and Sequence ............................................................................................. 37
QuickStart (Single Acquisition).................................................................................. 37
Sequence .................................................................................................................. 38
Running Acquisition Status ........................................................................................... 39
Viewing a Running Acquisition .................................................................................. 39
Status of 3400/3600 Gas Chromatographs............................................................... 39

3400/3600 GC Control Manual -1- 03-914947-10:Rev. 3


This document describes the configuration of the Varian
3400/3600 GC driver. It also explains how to build a control
method for this driver, how to start and view a running acquisition
and what actions are available during an analysis.

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Installation and

Installing the Driver Software

To install the Galaxie Drivers software refer to the Galaxie
installation Guide.

Configuring the Driver

The driver software configuration is done in the Galaxie
Configuration Manager when a new chromatographic system is

Configuring the Varian 3400/3600 GC

Click on the button corresponding to the gas

chromatograph driver and the chromatograph configuration
screens appear.
Two sub-sections allow you to configure the instrument:
Communication and Hardware.

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The toolbar allows you to easily scroll through the configuration
to select the first configuration window.

to select the previous configuration window

to select the next configuration window.

to select the final configuration window.

Communications Window

Local Serial Port: select this option if the PC is directly connected

to the GC instrument (RS 232 cable).
Star 800 MIB Serial Port: select this option and then the name of
the Star 800 MIB box which is the interface between the GC and
the PC. This interface must be configured first.
COM Port Number: select the PC com port or the Star 800 MIB
box one, linked to the instrument.

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NOTE: Refer to the Galaxie Installation Guide for more details about the configuration of
the 800 MIB.

Hardware Window

Chromatograph: Select the type of the GC. Two choices are

available: 3400 or 3600.
Inlet Type: Select the type of inlet installed on the GC. Two inlets
are configurable. The choices are: Temp. prog., Isothermal,
Detector Type: Select the type of the detectors installed on the
GC. Two detectors are configurable between the following
choices: TCD (Thermal Conductivity Detector), TSD (Thermionic
Specific Detector), FID (Flame Ionisation Detector), ECD
(Electron Capture Detector), FPD (Flame Photometric Detector),
SFPD, ELCD (Electrochemical Detector) or PID (Photoionization
Sampler Type: Select the type of sampler installed on the GC.
Two choices are available: 8200 series or 8134 SSV.
Dual 8200: This option is active only when a 3600 GC is selected
in the Chromatograph field. Check this option only if the GC has

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two 8200 samplers and two injectors installed. In this case, the
dual injection mode is possible. The samplers will inject the
same volume from the same vial number in the two injectors.
Auxiliary Type: Select the type of auxiliary installed on the GC.
Two choices are available: Temp. prog. or Isothermal
Strip-chart Installed: Check this option if the gas chromatograph
has an inboard printer/plotter.

Configuring the Synopsis

In the Overview part of the system configuration, a synopsis can
be defined for the system. This synopsis depends on the
configured devices.
1. To save the configuration of these devices, click on the OK
2. Right click on the system name in the bottom part of the
Galaxie Configuration Manager screen. A pop-up menu
appears: click on Stop. Then right click on the system name
again, and click on Start.

3. Go back to the System Configuration screen (Properties

wizard). A graphic of the devices that comprise the system is
displayed in the synopsis screen. To configure the synopsis
as the real instrument configuration, move each module, and
then connect it appropriately. To do this, select one anchor
for each of the two modules (the selected anchors become

red) and click on the button; a connection tube will

appear between the two anchors.

Click on the to delete a selected tube; click on the

button to delete all the tubes.

Click on to define a background color, or on to

make the background transparent.

Click on the icon to change the grid color.

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4. Once the synopsis configuration is complete, it will be
displayed in the Galaxie Chromatography Data System, in
the Systems tab. In this tab, the Overview part will show the
synopsis of the system with some parameters displayed
(temperature, flow, signal, etc.) depending on the installed
For example, the following pictures represent the synopsis of
the Varian 3400/3600 GC:

Galaxie Configuration Manager Screen

Galaxie Chromatography Data System screen

NOTE: Once the system has been created and correctly configured, it must be
associated to one or several projects in order to start acquisitions. For more
details about the creation and configuration of a system, refer to the Galaxie
Configuration Manager User’s Guide.

Click on the button to print the current configuration.

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Building a Method

Creating a New Method

The method contains parameters for instrument control, data
acquisition, chromatogram processing, and editing of final
results. To initially set up a method, it is not necessary to define
all of the sub-method sections; however, you must fill in the
instrument control section prior to starting an acquisition.
1. To create a new method, select the FILE / NEW METHOD
option from the Galaxie Chromatography Data System main
A wizard guide will appear and assist you through the first
steps of method creation:

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2. Choose the system (chromatograph) associated with the
method. A method is created for a particular system. When
starting an acquisition, the name of the system that performs
the acquisition must be correct, since method access is
limited only to those methods associated with this system.
3. Once this field is completed, click on the Next button. Move
to the second step of the method creation:

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4. Enter the New Method Name in the first field. In the
Description field, enter information concerning the method
5. Once these two fields have been completed, click on the OK
button. The new method is created and is opened with
default parameters in the Galaxie Chromatography Data
System. The next step is the definition of the method
The instrument control section must be defined in order to
start an acquisition. In the following part of this guide, only
the control section of the method for the 3400/3600 Gas
Chromatographs is detailed. Other parameters such as
Injection Volume, Vial and Rack number may be necessary
and are defined in the acquisition section.

NOTE: For more details about the programming of each method section, refer to the
Galaxie Chromatography Data System User’s Guide.

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Control Method for the Varian 3400/3600 GC
Once the new method is created, select the control section in the
lower part of the browser.

Press the button to display the System Control Method

Advanced Tools window:

to send the current method to the instrument

to get the active method from the instrument

to print the current method

Click on the button to display the 3400/3600 Gas

Chromatograph control method section. It contains nine sub-
sections: General, Oven, Inlet, Column, Detector, Aux, Events,
Sampler and Strip-chart. Click on the required sub-section to

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define the corresponding parameters that will be used during the
chromatographic run.
The toolbar allows you to easily scroll through the control method

to select the first window of the control method.

to move back to the previous window of the control

to move forward to the next window of the control

to select the final window of the control method

to expand the method section tree view.

to compact the method section tree view

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General Control

Auxiliary zone control: Enables Auxiliary Oven

Detector zone control: Enables Detector Oven

Column StandBy: check this option to activate the column
standby temperature and enter the temperature (°C) in the
corresponding field.
Temperature Limits Parameter Group:
Detector Max Temperature: enter the detectors (A and B)
maximum temperature in °C (limit 420°C).
Injector Max Temperature: enter the injectors (A and B)
maximum temperature in °C (limit 420°C).
Aux Max Temperature: enter the auxiliary maximum temperature
in °C (limit 420°C).
Coolant parameter group:

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Coolant to Column: check or uncheck this option to enable (On)
or disable (Off) the coolant valve. When this option is set to On,
the coolant valve is opened to cool the column. In the other case,
the valve remains closed for the entire run.
Coolant to Injector: check or uncheck this option to enable (On)
or disable (Off) the coolant valve. When this option is set to On,
the coolant valve is opened to cool the injector. In the other case,
the valve remains closed for the entire run.
Coolant TimeOut: check this option to allow conservation of
coolant when the injector or the column does not reach their sub-
ambient temperatures in the maximum time specified. Define the
Coolant TimeOut time (0.0 to 650.0 min) in the corresponding
Check Infinite to hold the coolant timeout until the end of the

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Oven Control

Check the On option to turn the column oven ON.

Max Temperature: enter the maximum oven temperature in °C (-
99 to 420 °C).
Initial Temperature: enter the initial oven temperature in °C (-99
to 420 °C).
Equilibration Time [min]: corresponds to the thermal stabilization
time. The chromatograph does not go to Ready until it has been
at its thermal set point for this length of time (0.0 to 650.0).
Initial Time [min]: corresponds to the time the column is held at
its initial temperature (-99 to 420 °C).
If you want to use isothermal mode just define the initial time to
be the desired run time and initial temperature. If you need to
use a program, fill in the temperature program table. The table
can contain up to four steps. For each one, define the Rate (0.1

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to 50.0 °C/min) at which the column temperature is ramped, the
final Temperature for the step and the Time (0 to 650 min) the
column oven is held at this temperature. (The final temperature
must be 1 °C above the final temperature of the previous step to
420 °C)
Press the enter key to validate a line or define 0 for the rate if
you want to delete a step.
The total time of the analysis is automatically calculated.
Check Infinite to hold the temperature of the inlet at its last
programmed value until the end of the acquisition.
The chart on the right hand side can display the oven
temperature programming.

Inlet Control
Two inlets can be configured, by selecting A or B in the browser.
If an Isothermal inlet has been configured, the following screen
is displayed:

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Check the Off option to turn the inlet heater OFF or the On to
turn it ON.
Initial Temperature: enter the initial inlet temperature in °C (-99
to 420 °C).
Initial Time [min]: corresponds to the time the inlet is held at its
initial temperature.
Check Infinite to hold the initial temperature of the inlet until the
end of the acquisition.
If a Temperature Program, inlet has been configured, the
following screen is displayed:

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Check the Off option to turn the inlet heater OFF or the On to
turn it ON.
Initial Temperature: enter the initial inlet temperature in °C (-99
to 420 °C).
Initial Time [min]: corresponds to the time the inlet is held at its
initial temperature.
Check Infinite to hold the initial temperature of the inlet until the
end of the acquisition.
Complete the temperature program table. The table can contain
up to two steps. For each one, define the Rate ( 0.1 to
300 °C/min) at which the inlet temperature is ramped, the final
Temperature for the step and the Time (0 to 650 min) the inlet
heater is held at this temperature. (The final temperature must
be 1 °C above the final temperature of the previous step to
420 °C)
Define 0 for the rate if you want to delete a step.

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The total time to complete the injector temperature program is
automatically calculated.
The chart on the right hand side allows the display of the inlet
temperature programming.
Check Infinite to hold the temperature of the inlet at its last
programmed value until the end of the acquisition.
If a SPT-CO2 or a SPT-LN2 inlet has been configured, the
following screen is displayed:

Check the Off option to turn the inlet heater OFF or the On to
turn it ON.
Trapping temp: enter the initial trapping temperature (for SPT-
CO2: -60 to 420 °C, for SPT-LN2: -190 to 420 °C).
Trapping Time: sets the time (0 to 650 min) which the injector is
held at its trapping temperature.

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Check Infinite to hold the initial temperature of the inlet until the
end of the acquisition.
Complete the temperature program table. The table can contain
up to two steps. For each one, define the Desorption
temperature for the step and the Desorption time (0 to 650 min)
the inlet heater is held at this temperature. (The final temperature
must be 1 °C above the final temperature of the previous step to
420 °C)
Define 0 for the desorption temp. if you want to delete a step.
Check Infinite to hold the temperature of the inlet at its last
programmed value until the end of the acquisition.

Column Control
This part allows you to specify column parameters. Two columns
can be installed A and B. Select the column in the browser, then
complete the following screen:

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Length: check Defined and enter the column length
( 0 to 99.9 m).
Diameter: check Defined and enter the column diameter (0 to
1000 µm)
Carrier gas: select the type of the carrier gas between N2, He or

Detector Control
Eight types of detector can be used. The method screen
depends on the selected detector, nevertheless some
parameters are common to all.
Common parameters are described below; specific ones are
detailed in the corresponding detector part.

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Thermal Zone Parameter Group:
Check the On option to turn the detector heater block ON and
enter the temperature (20 to 420 °C) in the corresponding field.
Additional parameter group:
Check the option Detector On to turn the detector ON.
Time Program Parameter Group:
Time: enter the time during the run when detector parameters
will change. Parameters defined at time 0.0 corresponds to initial
settings. You can time program up to six steps. Use the button

to add a line, the button to remove a line or the button

to clear the time table.

Atten: enter the detector attenuation value. Attenuation values
change as powers of 2 from 1 to 1024 or infinite; thus you may
select attenuations of 1, 2,4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024,
or infinite.
Range: enter the detector range value.
Detector Range
TCD 5, 0.5, 0.05
FID 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
ECD 10, 1
TSD 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
FPD 8, 9, 10
SFPD 100, 10, 1
PID 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

For the ranges listed in the column, the last of each series is the
most sensitive setting, e.g., 0.05 is the most sensitive setting for
a TCD detector.
Az: automatically zeros the detector. If the corresponding box is
checked, the detector voltage is set to zero, if not checked, the
baseline remains unchanged. For ELCDs, this function is not

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If a FID, an ECD, a FPD, a SFPD, or a PID is installed, the
following screen is displayed:

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If a TCD is installed, the following screen is displayed:

Additional Parameter Group:

TCD filament: If checked, turns the filament On. If unchecked,
turns it Off. Set its temperature in the associated box
(50 to 490 °C).
Time Program Parameter Group:
Polarity: If negative, allows negative peaks to be treated as
positive peaks. If positive, only positive peak are integrated. Can
be used to detect peak eluting through the reference cell or
those with thermal conductivities less than that of the carrier gas.
Range: 0.05, 0.5, 5.0

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If a TSD is installed, the following screen is displayed:

Additional Parameter Group:

TSD Bead Current: sets the TSD bead current (2400 to 3800
Time Program Parameter Group:
Bead Power: If checked, turns the power of the TSD bead On, if
not checked turns it Off.
Range: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

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If an ELCD is installed, the following screen is displayed:

Time Program Parameter Group:

Vent Switch: If checked, opens the ELCD vent, if not checked
closes it.

Auxiliary Control
Isothermal or temperature programmable auxiliary can be

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Thermal Zone parameter group:

Check the On option to turn the auxiliary heater ON, or Off to
turn it OFF.
Description: select in the scrolling list the type of auxiliary heater
zone. Three choices are available: Detector, Injector or Transfer
Initial Temperature: enter the auxiliary temperature in °C (-99 to
420 °C).
Initial Time [min]: corresponds to the time the auxiliary is held at
its temperature.
Check Infinite to hold the initial temperature until the end of the

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Temperature Programmable:

Thermal Zone Parameter Group:

Check the On option to turn the auxiliary heater ON, or Off to
turn it OFF.
Description: select the type of auxiliary heater zone in the
scrolling list. Three options are available: Detector, Injector or
Initial Temperature: enter the initial auxiliary temperature in
°C (-99 to 420 °C)
Initial Time [min]: corresponds to the time the auxiliary is held at
its initial temperature.
Check Infinite to hold the initial temperature until the end of the
Fill the temperature program table. The table can contain up to
two steps. For each one, define the Rate (0.1 to 300.0 °C/min) at
which the auxiliary temperature is ramped, the final Temperature

3400/3600 GC Control Manual - 28 - 03-914947-10:Rev. 3

for the step and the Time ( 0 650 min) the auxiliary heater is held
at this temperature. (The final temperature must be 1 °C above
the final temperature of the previous step to
420 °C)
Define 0 for the rate if you want to delete a step.
The total time to complete the auxiliary temperature program is
automatically calculated.
The chart on the right displays the auxiliary temperature
Check Infinite to hold the temperature at its last programmed
value until the end of the acquisition.

Events Control

Four relays are available on the GC. To activate a relay check it.

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In the Time (0 to 650 min) column enter the time at which the
state of the relays changes and check (or uncheck) the
corresponding cells to turn the relays ON (or OFF).
The relays time table can contain up to 21 lines.

Use the button to add a line, the button to remove a

line or the button to clear the time table.

Relays can be used to select the split/splitless mode: refer to the
instrument’s manual for details.
Check the option Return to initial conditions at run end if

Sampler Control
Two samplers are available: Varian 8200 series and Varian 8134

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Varian 8200 series:

Active Parameter Group:

Check Active to use the autosampler and enable the parameters.
When this option in unchecked, it is possible to inject manually.
Sample Mode parameter group:
Standard mode: in this mode, preset values control the
autosampler operation.
Volatile Sample: this mode is used for volatile samples at
ambient temperature. The injection parameters are fixed for this
Neat sample: this mode is used for very pure samples to avoid
contamination with the washing solvent. The injection
parameters are fixed for this mode.
Viscous sample: this mode is used for viscous solvents (or
samples). The injection parameters are fixed for this mode.

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User defined: in this mode you will be able to set or change all
the autosampler’s parameters (the parameters appear when this
mode is selected).

Parameter Volatile Neat Viscous Standard

Sample Sample Sample Sample Mode
Solvent flush sampling Yes No Yes Yes

Syringe Wash Time 20 sec 40 sec 40 sec 20 sec

Air Dry After Wash No No No No

Solvent Plug Size 1.0 µL 0.0 µL 1.0 µL 1.0 µL

Needle Depth 90% 90% 90% 90%

Uptake Speed 1.0 µL/Sec 1.0 µL/Sec 1.0 µL/Sec 5.0 µL/Sec

Upper Air Gap No No Yes Yes

Lower Air Gap Yes Yes Yes Yes

Pause Time 6 sec 6 sec 10 sec 2 sec

Hot Needle Time 0.00 min 0.00 min 0.00 min 0.00 min

Injection Rate 1.0 µL/sec 5.0 µL/sec 1.0 µL/sec 5.0 µL/sec

Inj Resident time 0.10 min 0.10 min 0.20 min 0.00 min

When User Defined mode is selected, the following parameters

are available:
Solvent Flush Sampling: check this option to activate the solvent
flush sampling.
Syringe Wash Time [sec]: defines the syringe wash time (5 to
180 sec).
Air Dry After Wash: if this option is checked, the needle is air
dried after the wash cycle. It is disabled if solvent flush sampling
is used.
Solvent Plug Size [µL]: corresponds to the volume (0 to 3 µL) of
the solvent plug above the sample in the syringe. The solvent
flush sampling option must be selected to use this parameter.
Note that a plug size of 0 will cause the autosampler to sample
directly and inject without any wash cycle.

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Vial Needle Depth [%]: defines the depth of the needle in the vial
(0 to 100%, 100% represents the maximum depth the needle
can penetrate).
UptakeSpeed [µL/sec]: defines the rate (1 to 5 µL/sec) that the
sample is drawn into the syringe.
Upper Air Gap: if this option is checked, an air gap of 0. µL is
placed above the sample in the syringe. You need also to select
the solvent flush sampling to use this option.
Lower Air Gap: if this option is checked, an air gap of 0.8 µL is
placed below the sample in the syringe. You need also to select
the solvent flush sampling to use this option.
Pause Time [sec]: corresponds to the time (1 to 10 sec) the
autosampler pauses after drawing up a sample. This parameter
is mainly used for viscous samples to be sure the sample has
been drawn completely into the syringe before the needle is
withdrawn from the sample.
Hot Needle Time [min]: enter the time (0 to 1 min) the needle
must remain in the hot injector before the sample is expelled.
Injection Rate [µL/sec]: enter the rate (0.2 to 10.0 µL) at which
the contents of the syringe are expelled into the injector.
Needle Resident Time [min]: corresponds to the time (0 to 1 min)
the needle remains in the injector after the sample has been
Wash in Solvent: select in the list the wash solvent between A,
B, A then B or No wash.
Syringe size: select in the list the size of the syringe. Two
choices are available: 10 µL or 100 µL.
Dual injection mode parameter group:
These options appear only when a Dual 8200 is configured in
Galaxie Configuration Manager.
Left, Right or Both: select which of the two autosamplers to use.

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Varian 8134 SSV:

Select the Active option to activate the autosampler. When this

option in unchecked, it is possible to inject manually.

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Stripchart Control

Stripchart On: turns on the strip-chart recorder (available both on

3400/3600 gas chromatographs).
Time Ticks on: if option is checked, prints time ticks on the plot
Zero Offset (%): specifies the placement of the initial baseline of
the chromatogram. Allows you to set the zero point for the
Instrument Event Codes on: records instrument event codes on
the plot.
Program table: six steps can be programmed. To add a line click

on the button, to remove the selected line click on the

button, to clear the table click on the button.

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Time: sets the time (0 to 650 min) during the run when the step
is to be execute.
Plot speed: Sets the plot speed (0 to 30 cm/min) for the step.
Signal: Specifies on which analog channel (A or B) the data is
plotted for the step.

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Starting and Viewing an

Quick Start and Sequence

Once the instrument control method has been correctly
programmed, an analysis can be started. The next section briefly
describes how to start an acquisition.

Quick Start (Single Acquisition)

1. Press the button.
In the Quick Start window, select the system, the method
and optionally the project if connected in "All project" mode.
2. Press the OK button
The following screen is displayed:

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In the Acquisition Parameters tab, required fields like the
Run Name, the Run ID and the Acquisition length must be
filled in before starting an analysis. Furthermore, if the
system is equipped with an autosampler controlled by the
Galaxie Chromatography Data System, the Injection
Volume, the Vial position and the Rack number (if required)
must be entered.
Other parameters appropriate to each acquisition channel
can be entered in the Channel X tab.
3. Click on the Start button to start the acquisition if the system
is a single-injector system or click on the Next button if the
system is a multiple injector system. In a multiple injector
system, the same parameters entered for the first injector
must be entered for the other injectors before starting the

1. To create a sequence, select the FILE / NEW SEQUENCE
menu, and complete the displayed creation wizard screen
(refer to the Galaxie Chromatography Data System User’s
Guide), by entering the system name that will perform the

3400/3600 GC Control Manual - 38 - 03-914947-10:Rev. 3

analysis, the number of lines (corresponding to the number
of samples), and the sequence name.
2. The sequence is displayed: complete the appropriate
sequence columns (refer to the Galaxie User’s Guide).

The Method Name, the Run Name, the Run ID and the
Acquisition length must be entered before starting the
analysis. All these informations are automatically imported
from the acquisition part if defined in the method.

3. Start the sequence by clicking on the button.

NOTE: For more details about how to start an acquisition, refer to the Galaxie
Configuration Manager User’s Guide.

Running Acquisition Status

Viewing a Running Acquisition
To view a running acquisition, click on the Systems tab then
select the running system. A window is activated which is
composed of two parts: the running chromatogram and the
status window where the driver modules are listed.

Status of 3400/3600 Gas Chromatographs

Click on the button corresponding to the gas

chromatograph, and the status screens of the system will
appear. It contains seven sub-sections: General, Oven ,
Inlet/Column, Detector, Aux/Relay, Sampler and Overview. Click
on the required sub-section to display the corresponding
parameters that will be used during the chromatographic run.

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The toolbar allows you to easily scroll through the status
to select the first status window.

to move back to the previous status window.

to move forward to the next status window

to select the final status window.

General Window

GC State: shows the state of the GC: Ready, Sampling,

Running, Stabilizing, Waiting, Run Ended or Monitoring.
GC times: shows the Elapsed time and the programmed run End
Not Ready Information: lists the parameters which are not ready
preventing the GC to become ready.

Click on when the oven is on to turn off the

column oven heater.

Click on when the oven is off to turn on the

column oven heater.

Click on if the system is ready, to start the GC

method. Equivalent to pressing Start on the front panel of the

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Click on to reset the GC. If it is running, the GC
aborts the current run, goes to the ready state, and continues
with the next injection in the sequence. Equivalent to pressing
Reset on the front panel of the GC.

Oven Window

Oven: shows the actual and setpoint temperatures of the oven.

Inlet/Column Window

Inlet A and B: shows (if configured) the actual and setpoint

temperature of the inlet.
Column A and B: shows (if configured) the parameters (flow,
pressure, split ratio and velocity) of the carrier gas in the column.

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Detector Window

Detector A and B: shows (if configured) the parameters

(temperature, state, range, attenuation and signal) of the

Aux/Relay Window

Temperature Auxiliary: shows the actual and setpoint

temperature of the auxiliary.
Relays: shows the state of each relay.

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Sampler Window

AS State: shows the state of the sampler: Searching, Ready,

Sampling, Injecting, No Vial, Not Used or Not Present.
Sampler A and B: shows (if configured) the number of the
injected vial and the rack number (dual 8200s only).

Overview Window

Click on the button: the status overview window is

displayed and contains three tabs:
• General: displays the synopsis of the GC, where
some current values can be read (temperatures,
pressures, signal, etc.).

When the mouse points on the colored vial (yellow for current
used vial, green for already used vial and red for missing vial),
the current vial and rack number and the number of injections
are displayed.

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The flow and temperature (current and setpoint) for each module
and the signal values are displayed. You can choose to display
the flow, the pressure or the velocity of the gas in the column by
clicking on the button.

Click on the button and the

sampler will detect which vials are present on the tray
(represented by ).
• Not Ready: contains the not ready information sent
by the GC.
• Events: contains the events that have occurred on
the instrument.

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