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English I paper



(Q.NO.11 TEXT 24- 25 MARKS - 2)


Two singular words …..either…or …choice

Datum – Data……. 1 mark
I collected the data. 1 mark

Singular ending Plural ending Examples

- um, - on -a= Datum - Data, Criterion - Criteria
- us -i= radius - radii, syllabus - syllabi
- ch, - is, - sh, - o, -s, - - es = axis - axes, analysis - analyses
x, -z
-a - ae = formula - formulae, amoeba - amoebae
ix, - ex - - ices = matrix - matrices, index - indices
- f, fe - ves= leaf – leaves
-y - ies copy – copies
- ba - bae amoeba - amoebae

UM - A :
Agendum – agenda: I read the agenda.
Bacterium - bacteria : Bacteria cause fever. (Jn. 09, Oct.09, PTA)
Curriculum - memoranda: They follow different curricula.
Datum - data: I collected the data./ I used the data for research./ I saw the data. (Mar.06, Oct.06,
Jn.07, Mar.09, Jn.10, Jn.13,Mar.13, Mar.15)
Erratum - errata: A list of errata is given in the end. / I refer to the errata.
Forum - fora: I met him in the fora.
Medium - media: There are several media for communication./ Media spread the news. (Jan. 06,
Memorandum – memoranda: - I wrote the memoranda.
Stadium - stadia: There are many stadia in our country.
Stratum - strata: Our society has many strata.
Ultimatum - ultimata: They failed to meet all the ultimata.
Phenomenon – phenomena: - Acid rains are natural phenomena.

US - I:
Alumnus - alumni: He attended the alumni meeting./ We are the alumni of Anna University.
(Mar.06, Oct.06, Jn.07, Oct. 09, Mar.12 ,Jn.12)
Fungus - fungi: They ate poisonous fungi./ Mushrooms are fungi.
Genius- genii - Indians are genii.
Nucleus - nuclei: Several nuclei are seen inside the cell.
Radius - radii: I drew many circles of different radii. (Oct. 07, Mar.14, PTA, Mar.15)
Stimulus - stimuli: Awards and prizes are great stimuli to the students.
English I paper

Syllabus - syllabi: We should not follow different syllabi in schools./ These syllabi must be
modified. / I have a list of syllabi. (Jn. 09,Mar.11, PTA)
Terminus - termini: The Minister opened several new termini in the city.

Analysis - analyses: All the analyses were wrong.
Axis - axes: The axes of the planets cannot be changed.
Basis - bases: Superstitions have no bases.
Criterion - criteria: These criteria are the reasons for the development. / I have a list of criteria.
(Mar.10, PTA)
Hypothesis - hypotheses: They formed a few hypotheses.

ADD …..“ES”
Index - indices / indexes: There are four indices./ Faces are the indexes of mind. (DMQ, Mar.09,
Mar.11, Mar 12,Mar.13 Jn.8,Jn. 10, Jun.13 PTA)
Matrix - matrices: We can arrange the numbers in matrices./ These matrices will work well./ I am
good at matrixes. (DMQ, Jn. 06,Oct.11,Oct.13)
Virus – viruses - Viruses cause fever.

Formula – formulas - I learn the formulas. (Oct.07, PTA )
Antenna – antennas - Antennas receive signals.
..IS ….. ES
Crisis – crises - We need help in times of crises. / Analysis – analyses - I read many analyses./ I do analyses
the test
Oasis – oases - Sahara has many oases. / Thesis – theses - Students wrote many theses.

Child – children: Rani has two children. / Foot – feet: I walk in bare feet. (Mar.10)
Goose – geese: Geese lay eggs. / Knife – knives: There are three knives on the plate.
Mouse- mice: Grains are eaten by the mice. / Ox – oxen: Oxen are used for ploughing.
Tooth – teeth: We have 32 teeth in our mouth.
NO CHANGES: Furniture, Scenery, Baggage, Information, Deer, Sheep, Innings.
Adding ‘s’ to the headword
father - in - law = fathers - in – law

“house”; ‘hire” and “rent” (Mar.08)
* Home is a place to live in; House is a place where a family can live in.* Hire is short duration;
Rent is long term.
a). Old people prefer to stay in their homes.
b). I built a house last year.
Noun forms of 'Dedicate' and 'religious' (Mar.07, Oct.08)
a). Ravi was honoured for his dedication to his duty.
b). There are many religions in India.

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