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Graham & Doddsville

An investment newsletter from the students of Columbia Business School

Issue X Fall 2010

Inside this issue:

Danilo Santiago and p. 2
Finding Conviction When Others Panic — Steven Romick
Claudio Skilnik —
Rational Asset Mr. Romick, CFA, who enter the investment man-
Management agement industry. Can you
joined FPA in 1996, is the
U.S. Physical Therapy p. 20 Portfolio Manager of the talk about that and what
(USPH) - Ryan Coyle FPA Crescent Fund. Mr. your experience with invest-
‗11 ing was up to that point?
Romick was previously
CoreLogic, Inc. p. 22 Chairman of Crescent
(CLGX) - Alex
Management and con- Steven Romick (SR): I had no
Latushkin ‗11
sulting security analyst experience investing up to
2011 CIMA p. 34 for Kaplan, Nathan & Co. that point. I was on my way
Conference He earned a B.S. in Edu- to law school at USC to get
cation from Northwest- my JD/MBA because I hap- Steven Romick, Portfolio Man-
ern University. pened to have done reasona- ager, FPA Crescent Fund
bly well in school and I didn‘t
G&D: You started the Cres- really know what I wanted to tired of unlearning MBA‘s -
Garrett Jones do. I figured I could push off he wanted to teach someone
cent fund in 1993, but let‘s
MBA 2011
go back earlier than that – the real world for a couple from the ground up.
Daniel Kaskawits more years. But, I got a job
you had an interesting op-
MBA 2011
portunity coming out of offer from a friend of my
Anna Baghdasaryan father, who said that he was
Northwestern University to (Continued on page 3)
MBA 2012
Joseph Jaspan
MBA 2012 Low Decile, High Return — Donald G. Smith
Donald G. Smith is the sity of Illinois, an MBA by
CIO of Donald Smith & Harvard University and a
Co. He began his career J.D. from UCLA Law
Contact us at: as an analyst with Capital School and was admitted Research Company and to the Bar Association of
Visit us at: subsequently worked at California. Capital Guardian Trust Co. In 1980, Donald be- G&D: Briefly describe the
organizations/cima/ came the CIO of Home history of your firm and how
Insurance Company, and you got started?
President of Home Port-
folio Advisors, Inc., which DS: Donald Smith & Co. was
he bought in 1983 and founded in 1980 and now
changed the name to has $3.6 billion under man- Donald G. Smith. Donald
Donald Smith & Co., Inc. agement. Over 30 years Smith & Co.
since inception our com-
Mr. Smith was awarded a pounded annualized return is is 12.1% versus −0.4% for
B.S. in Finance and Ac- 15.3%. Over the last 10 the S&P 500. We have
counting by the Univer- years our annualized return (Continued on page 11)
Page 2

Welcome to Graham & Doddsville

We are pleased to present with pricing power. He also focusing on a stable set of
you with Issue X of Graham discusses the fund‘s recent 85 companies.
& Doddsville, Columbia Busi- investment in distressed
ness School‘s student-led mortgages. We also aim to offer spe-
investment newsletter co- cific investment ideas that
sponsored by the Heilbrunn The issue also features an are relevant today. The cur-
Center for Graham & Dodd interview with Donald G. rent issue includes two stu-
Pictured: Bruce Greenwald and Investing and the Columbia Smith, who volunteered for dent investment ideas, in-
Marty Whitman at the Columbia
Investment Management Ben Graham at UCLA. His cluding U.S. Physical Ther-
Investment Management Con-
ference in February. Association. fund concentrates on the apy (USPH), presented by
bottom decile of price to Ryan Coyle ‗11 and Core-
This issue features an inter- tangible book stocks and Logic, Inc. (CLGX) by Alex
view with Steven Romick, has compounded 15% over Latushkin ‗11.
portfolio manager of FPA 30 years.
Crescent Fund. Mr. Romick Please feel free to contact
outlines his free-range capi- We also talk with Danilo us if you have comments or
tal allocation approach and Santiago, CBS ‗01 and Clau- ideas about the newsletter
walks through his prefer- dio Skilnik, CBS ‗02, who as we continue to refine this
ence for large-cap, interna- operate a long-short fund publication for future edi-
tionally exposed companies with a unique strategy of tions. Enjoy!

The Value of Process — Rational Asset Management

Danilo Santiago, CBS
'01 and Claudio Skilnik,
CBS '02 are both engi-
neers who graduated
from the University of
Sao Paulo and co-
founded Rational Asset
Management Co.
("Rational"). Rational is
the Investment Manager
for the Rational Value
Fund ("RVF"), which is a
long-short equity hedge
fund with a well defined Danilo Santiago, CBS ‗01— Claudio Skilnik, CBS ‗02 —
investable base of 85 Rational Asset Management Rational Asset Management
companies that closely
represent the U.S. econ-
omy. Since its inception G&D: Why don‘t you in- School, but we both gradu-
in April 2008, RVF has troduce yourselves and ex- ated from the University of
attained an unlevered plain how you got to know Sao Paulo with engineering
net adjusted alpha in each other and got started degrees. This is important,
excess of 20% when with Rational Asset Manage- because we have a common
compared to the S&P ment? analytical background and a
500 performance. common investment meth-
Danilo Santiago (DS): We odology background. We
met at Columbia Business (Continued on page 24)
Issue X Page 3

Steven Romick
(Continued from page 1) G&D: So what advice hotel down in Laguna Beach
G&D: That was your experi- would you give to young with a guy wearing pajama
ence at Kaplan, Nathan, & men and women looking to bottoms. I‘d never seen
Co.? start their own fund, given anyone wear silk paisley
what you know now? pajamas in the middle of the
SR: It was James Nathan, day before, but it was John
who graduated from Co- SR: I don‘t think it is a mis- Templeton. I got to have
lumbia Business School with take for all young men and dinner with Leon Cooper-
Mario Gabelli and Leon Co- women, but for me it was man, I think when he was
operman sometime in the what I didn‘t know that I running GSAM at the time.
‗60s. I worked with him for taught myself over time. I I got to sit down with these
11 years, and he helped me people and just listen, like a
start my business during fly on a wall. In Mr. Na-
that time. people shouldn‟t than‘s office I had a desk
pushed up to his and every
G&D: So you started your have given me time he spoke with a com-
own money management pany I listened in on the
money then.
firm in 1990, but the Cres- extension.
cent Fund didn‘t begin until With what I
1993. Can you talk about G&D: Then in 1993, you
those first three years? know now, and started the Crescent Fund.
what I thought I How did you position the
SR: I managed separate ac- fund?
counts. Honestly, people knew then, it‟s
shouldn‘t have given me SR: I felt that most mutual
money then. With what I
such a vast funds were style box con-
know now, and what I difference. strained, and didn‘t take
thought I knew then, it‘s advantage of a deep tool-
such a vast difference. Peo- People took a box. I spent a lot of time
ple took a chance on me, looking at high-yield bonds
chance on me,
and I learned as I went. I‘m and some distressed debt in
better now than I was then. and I learned as I the late 80‘s, and I got a
I think that in the money flavor for it. I didn‘t think
management business, went. I‟m better there were a lot of public
knowledge is cumulative, or now than I was funds out there that in-
rather should be cumulative vested in such diverse asset
rather than repetitive, and then.” classes, but felt that such a
one should improve the vehicle made sense for peo-
longer one is in the busi- put myself in front of a lot ple. For years, I had to fight
ness. I‘m much more com- of people and tried to have the idea that I was a style
fortable wearing the skin of them teach me. I was fortu- box manager.
an investor than I was back nate, because within the
then. I guess I was too ig- first couple of months of
norant to realize that when working for Mr. Nathan I
I was younger. ended up having lunch at a (Continued on page 4)
Page 4

Steven Romick
(Continued from page 3) down, considering what stayed away from financials
G&D: After three years might happen in the world as P/Es on banks expanded
you joined FPA. How did and how we might protect to levels that weren‘t justifi-
that transpire? against certain types of risk. able. I believe that P/Es on
You can protect against any levered business, all
SR: I realized that you can‘t certain types of risk, not things equal, should be less.
wear all the hats well, and I just by hedging your portfo- What‘s more leveraged than
was wearing too many hats. lio, but by choosing to buy a bank? You might have an
I wanted to just focus on certain types of companies 8% capital ratio, so you‘ve
investing. I wanted some- versus others. That might got 12-1 leverage, not in-
one to insulate me from the cluding any off balance sheet
marketing and back office. “We spend a lot of leverage that might exist.
It just took too much time You might have a large de-
away from the portfolio. I time thinking rivatives book, which is a
wanted to partner with peo- black box. We felt the ex-
ple of like-minded nature,
about what can cessive prices being paid
who were value investors happen. At the weren‘t taking the risk into
and had great integrity. account.
They may execute differ- end of the day,
ently, but thought similarly. By the way, when I first
we‟re worry warts.
I had been friends with Bob started out with Mr. Na-
Rodriguez for seven years at As a byproduct of than, I did most of my work
that time, and used to have on banks and thrifts. I was
regular lunches with him to our strategy, we effectively a banking and
talk ideas. At one lunch, I end up with cash thrift analyst back in the mid
asked him if there was a -80‘s, so I was predisposed
place for me at FPA, and he and we end up to analyze and enjoyed own-
said we should talk about it. ing banks. I didn‘t feel it
lagging in up was justified owning those
G&D: You have a unique markets, but companies as a result of our
strategy for a mutual fund, top-down view in the early
in that you can go short as outperforming in part of the last decade. We
well. However, your short wrote about credit default
down markets.”
exposure has never been swaps back in 2002. We
very elevated. How do you spend a lot of time thinking
think about building your mean not owning certain about what can happen. At
portfolio? industry groups or asset the end of the day, we‘re
classes. For years, we didn‘t worry warts. As a byprod-
SR: We think about dis- own financials because we uct of our strategy, we end
crete investments, from the had a lot of concern about up with cash and we end up
bottoms up, which we be- what was happening with lagging in up markets, but
lieve have attractive upside- easy money, poor under- outperforming in down mar-
downside parameters. But, writing standards, excessive kets. It‘s not that we‘re
we also spend a lot of time leverage, and a bubbling targeting such performance
thinking about the top housing market. So we (Continued on page 5)
Issue X Page 5

Steven Romick
(Continued from page 4) nies with excellent track sions end up manifesting
characteristics, but that our records that Wall Street has themselves in volatility,
general sense of unease yet to discover. Is it worth where things are oversold
leads that to be the case. your time looking for these and overbought. Being a
opportunities now that you really good investment man-
G&D: Do you have finan- have $4 billion under man- ager is equal parts being a
cials in your portfolio today? agement? financial analyst, business
analyst, and psychologist
SR: Now we do. 2008 rolls SR: I think that I was naïve. with conviction to act when Columbia Business School is
around, and we were net What is really undiscov- others are panicking. a leading resource for invest-
short financials, not in a big ered? I think it‘s morphed ment management profession-
way, but short companies from undiscovered to When we screen, we‘re als and the only Ivy League
like Lehman Brothers and unloved or misunderstood. looking for companies with business school in New York
City. The School, where value
certain Spanish banks. Most strong cash flow character-
investing originated, is consis-
of our financial exposure is istics and returns on capital, tently ranked among the top
on the debt side. We were but most of companies
“Being a really programs for finance in the
able to buy loans with very don‘t come from screens. world.
strong collateral, which we good investment What‘s more prominent in
thought we understood our process are monitor
reasonably well, and we manager is equal lists. There are other areas,
stress tested the portfolios parts being a like spin-offs, that we moni-
to determine what our asset tor because we think there
coverage would be in a financial analyst, are more natural sellers
worst case scenario. We than natural buyers. We
ended up buying things like
business analyst, don‘t think spin-offs are
Ford Credit of Europe, CIT, and psychologist terribly inefficient anymore,
American General Finance, but there are other things
and International Lease Fi- with conviction to like that that we follow.
nance. We discounted the
act when others
underlying assets tremen- G&D: How do you think
dously, and in every case we are panicking.” about your goal as a portfo-
didn‘t think we could lose lio manager?
money so we just kept buy-
ing. So our portfolio is not There aren‘t that many un- SR: Beating the market is
long financials on the equity discovered names out there. not our goal. Our goal is to
side to any great degree, but provide, over the long term,
on the debt side. A lot of G&D: How do you go equity-like returns with less
that has been culled back. about looking for ideas risk than the stock market.
The yield on our debt book where there is a gap be- We have beaten the market,
was 23% last year and now tween perception and real- but that‘s incidental. We
it‘s less than 8%. ity? don‘t have this monkey on
our back to outperform
G&D: In your first letter in SR: Fortunately, people are every month, quarter, and
1993, you wrote that you emotional and they make year. If we think the market
often found niche compa- visceral decisions. Such deci- (Continued on page 6)
Page 6

Steven Romick
(Continued from page 5) vested in certain areas of the meds wear off. Half of
is going to return 9% and the market. We don‘t have the people in this country
we can buy a high-yield a crystal ball and don‘t be- are receiving subsidies of
bond that‘s yielding 11.5% lieve that we understand the some sort. What does that
and we‗re confident that the economic picture better mean for GDP? Our econ-
principal will be repaid in than everyone else. At cer- omy is not growing that fast
the next three years, we‘ll tain points though, we feel as it is.
take that. If the market rips that there is enough uncer-
and goes up 30%, we don‘t This is the second deepest
worry about it. We don‘t downturn of the last 100
feel the onus to be buying “We are in one of years and the rebound com-
juice all the time, because ing out of that contraction
that can sometimes turn those periods right has been rather muted.
into disaster. We are abso- There has been some bump
now where we
lute value investors. We – it has been positive – but
take our role as guardians of think the eco- if one used the alphabet
our clients‘ capital quite soup of recovery, it is not a
seriously. If we felt the nomic outlook is ―V‖. It kind of looks like a
need to be fully invested at square root, where it comes
pretty opaque.
all times, then we would up like a ―V‖, but then tails
have to accept more risk The U.S. economy off and does not do much
than I think we need to. I after that. The government
don‘t think our approach is is currently so is doing its best to keep
for everybody, but it works jacked up on ster- things moving with the lat-
for us. I‘d like FPA to be est hope pinned on QE2.
known as respected value oids that you
investors. I‘m very careful G&D: What do you think
in stating ‗value investors‘
can‟t really under- the impact of that poten-
and not ‗value investment stand the data un- tially substantive liquidity
firm‘ because our money is response might be on the
invested alongside our cli- til the meds wear US dollar?
SR: The government is do-
G&D: Despite constructing ing its best to destroy the
your portfolio from the tainty that could lead to value of the US dollar. We
bottom-up, your macro either some pretty ugly out- have made efforts to de-
view does play a role in comes or even wonderful dollarize our portfolio, tak-
your analysis. Do you want outcomes. We are in one ing advantage of other parts
to give us an overview of of those periods right now of the world that have bet-
what you are seeing right where we think the eco- ter growth opportunities
now? nomic outlook is pretty than the US with more ex-
opaque. The U.S. economy posure to currencies other
SR: We think it is very im- is currently so jacked up on than our own. We are
portant to have a macro steroids that you can‘t really seeking those companies
backdrop and not be in- understand the data until (Continued on page 7)
Issue X I, Issue 2 Page 7

Steven Romick
(Continued from page 6) had better earnings for 65% of its revenue from
that are more protected some time and most people outside the US. That will
should inflation be more do not realize it. Admit- drop though because there
than expected in the future. tedly, there are some flaws is a deal closing to buy
Now, we are not calling for with looking at reported Hewitt, a consulting firm.
hyperinflation, but we will earnings, given write-offs Given our knowledge, we
not tell you that it cannot and other noise, and the actually would have pre- Pictured: Glenn Greenberg at the
come – that is something indices are market- ferred that Aon not buy Security Analysis 75th Anniver-
sary Symposium (Fall 2009), with
we view as a real possibility. weighted; but I still find it a Hewitt. But, the gentleman Bruce Berkowitz (left) and Tom
We are looking for compa- who runs Aon has a proven Russo (right).
nies where we feel the pric- track record and we believe
ing power would offset the “We are looking that he will be successful
potential rise in input costs. for companies with the Hewitt transaction.
That leads us to a whole It just would not have been
universe of companies, where we feel the our first choice.
while keeping us away from
pricing power In regards to inflation –
would offset the where are you guys calling
G&D: That seems consis- from?
tent with characteristics of potential rise in
the larger-cap group of G&D: The Columbia Busi-
input costs. That
stocks you discussed earlier. ness School library.
leads us to a whole
SR: Yes, they have better SR: The replacement cost
pricing power, have more universe of of the building you are in
international exposure, and will cost more in an infla-
companies, while
also tend to be less efficient. tionary environment. Aon,
You can improve efficiencies keeping us away which incurs no underwrit-
and take costs out – which ing risk, will be a beneficiary
should lead to better earn- from others.” of increased premiums –
ings. In fact, the large-cap which will rise because of
stock earnings growth has reasonable proxy. replacement valuations.
been stronger than small- But, for Aon to perform
cap stock earnings growth G&D: Can you give us an well, we do not even need
for some time now, which a example of a large-cap stock an inflationary environment.
lot of people find surprising. with pricing power and in- If we just get pricing to sta-
Russell has data showing ternational exposure that bilize, the stock should be a
that 5-year trailing earnings you are looking into? winner. This is a necessary
growth for the Russell 1000 business, it is almost impos-
companies (large-caps) has SR: One name we own is sible to disintermediate, it
been greater than earnings Aon Corp. (AON; $39.46). will improve if the economy
growth for the Russell 2000 They are an insurance bro- improves, it will improve if
companies (small-caps) all kerage firm that does con- inflation comes, and mean-
the way back to 1995. sulting as well. Aon is a
Large-cap companies have business that derives about (Continued on page 8)
Page 8

Steven Romick

(Continued from page 7) SR: Their returns on capital a new CEO, Michael
while it is generating huge are huge. The company was Rouleau, came in and really
amount of free cash flow. built by Pat Ryan, who made drove the business forward
many successful acquisitions as he brought in systems,
G&D: Would potential over a long period of time. took out costs, and at the
inflation also benefit their I would argue it was never same time was able to drive
float? operated as well as it has sales and take advantage of
been since Greg Case came buying power. So, with
SR: Yes, but their float is in. It was a loose collection Aon, Greg has found many
unlike that of a traditional of businesses that were opportunities to improve
insurance company. With a quasi-integrated. We love efficiencies. Return on capi-
broker, the money comes in tal is massive on a tangible
from the client and before it “If you take out book basis. Returns are
is paid to the insurance fantastic for a company that
company it sits on their the intangibles, we think is relatively under-
books and vice versa when leveraged, or at least not at
there actually is
an insurance company has an optimized balance sheet.
to pay a benefit. Unfortu- negative equity – If you take out the intangi-
nately, that cash sits on bles, there actually is nega-
their books earning practi- there is no capital tive equity – there is no
cally nothing today. Thus, for this business. capital for this business.
they will be a beneficiary of The company is comprised
higher short-term interest The company is of people, either brokers or
rates, inflation, a hard mar- consultants and they throw
comprised of
ket in pricing, and their con- off $1 billion of operating
tinued internal restructur- people, either income annually.
ing. We also believe they
will benefit from the Hewitt brokers or G&D: Many investors shy
transaction – we have away from companies that
consultants and
greater belief in it as a finan- were built through acquisi-
cial transaction than as a they throw off $1 tions, but this is a slightly
strategic transaction; al- different view.
though, they believe in both. billion of operating
Plus, Aon has a great bal- income annually.” SR: We shy away from com-
ance sheet. We look at this panies that are serial acquir-
and say it fits those parame- ers until the deals are
ters of being protected in an those types of investments largely behind them and a
inflationary environment where a business was grow- strong operating executive
with a lot of optionality at- ing through acquisitions for comes to help the company
tached. a number of years, and then realize its potential. An-
they are finally integrated. other example of that is
G&D: How good of a busi- Another example is AGCO, which we have
ness is it other than having Michaels Stores, which we owned for some time.
those characteristics? owned for years. It grew AGCO is a farm equipment
through acquisition and then (Continued on page 9)
Issue X Page 9

Steven Romick
(Continued from page 8) torically and a little bit more on the dollar, of the unpaid
company, which had gone up our alley. We started to principal balance, or roughly
on a binge of acquisitions. work through the idea, and a 65% or so discount to the
After a new management the margin of safety was original estimate of ap-
team came in, they stopped similar to the assets we praised value when the loan
acquiring. We do not mind were buying in 2008/2009, was underwritten.
a company making acquisi- albeit an admittedly lower
tions periodically, we just As an example, let‘s say we
do not want them to have are able to buy a $100,000
an addiction. mortgage at $43,000 and
“We are going to originally that home was
G&D: How do you think different banks valued at $125,000. We
about valuation for Aon? believe we can achieve an
that were appropriate return. If we
SR: We think sustainable knock the appraisal values
originators of sub-
normalized FCF is the rele- that we are getting today
vant indicator of value at prime and Alt-A down by about 10%, then
businesses like AON. So, we figure that we will still
we focus on the normalized loans back in 2005- make an annual return of
level of FCF and are inter- 10%-12%. That also as-
2007 and buying
ested in buying at a reason- sumes 80% foreclosures,
able multiple of normalized these loans at which is not occurring ei-
FCF. On that basis, AON is ther.
trading at 10-11x. roughly forty-three
cents on the dollar, G&D: What happens if you
G&D: Your fund has made can work out a modification
some distressed mortgage of the unpaid on the loan?
investments over the past
12 months – how did you
principal SR: Even better - we get to
come across this opportu- balance...” say to the borrower (who
nity? has a $100,000 mortgage) if
you can qualify for a modifi-
SR: A third-party servicing cation at $65,000, then that
firm that purchased a de- return. For example, if would be beneficial for both
funct sub-prime servicing home prices dropped 10% of us. We will make 50%
platform came in and we were still going to make and you will have a lower
pitched our fixed income money. We think that is a monthly payment and you
team on an opportunity to better risk-reward than the will get to live in your
buy distressed whole loans. stock market. We are going home. That has been our
So, our investment is not in to different banks that were strategy. We would like to
distressed mortgage securi- originators of sub-prime and pick up a lot more of these
ties. This is a little bit out Alt-A loans back in 2005- opportunities and we have
of form for what our fixed 2007 and buying these loans bid on other pools of mort-
income team had done his- at roughly forty-three cents (Continued on page 10)
Page 10

Steven Romick

(Continued from page 9) G&D: You have worked down people who used to
gages; but, we have lost with Bob Rodriguez for work for Aon and get their
more than we have won. many years – what are some phone numbers. We will
With the first pool we pur- of the main lessons that you then have conversations.
chased, we had about 31% learned from him? Or, in certain cases, she will
of principal paid to us over have the conversations for
the initial 10 months and we SR: The biggest lesson I ever us. Other times, she will
made about 24% in that learned from Bob is to pre- act as a data gatherer; for
Professor Bruce period. We do not think pare for the worst and hope instance, insurance market
Greenwald at the 2009 that will be indicative of the for the best. pricing data in a hard-
G&D Breakfast rest of that pool or the market versus a soft-
other pools, but it is still an G&D: We also noticed that market. So, she is an inves-
Bruce C. N. Greenwald
indicator that we are on the you recently hired Elizabeth tigative journalist for us, a
holds the Robert Heil-
brunn Professorship of right track. We have this Douglass, a former business data synthesizer, research
Finance and Asset Man- one mortgage in Detroit, journalist with the LA librarian and just a great
agement at Columbia Busi- which is not in a great area. resource to have.
ness School and is the Our cost of this mortgage is
“As someone
academic Director of the $1,800 and in the last 10 G&D: As MBA students,
Heilbrunn Center for Gra-
interested in an
months, we have received how do you think we should
ham & Dodd Investing. investing career, I
$2,500 in payments and still make the most of our time
Described by the New
York Times as ―a guru to own the mortgage. and squeeze the most out of
think you have to
Wall Street‘s gurus,‖ this program?
Greenwald is an authority G&D: Why do you think patiently wait for
on value investing with such attractive pricing for SR: I appreciate your
additional expertise in these loans exists – is it the opportunity. school‘s program – it is back
productivity and the eco-
similar to a spin-off, where to basics. As someone in-
nomics of information. Also, do enough
you have a pressured seller? terested in an investing ca-
work so that you reer, I think you have to
SR: Sure, banks have added patiently wait for the oppor-
to their reserves and they can take tunity. Also, do enough
are taking losses slowly over advantage of that work so that you can take
time. But, there are not a advantage of that opportu-
lot of natural buyers for opportunity when nity when you see it, either
these assets, so you have a in terms of job prospects or
little bit of a mismatch –
you see it...” an investment proposition.
more capital for sale than Times, which we found in-
there is seeking purchase. If teresting – can you talk G&D: Thank you very much
the housing market goes up about that decision? Mr. Romick – we truly ap-
from here, our returns are preciate you sharing your
going to be terrific. We set SR: We are trying to do due thoughts with our readers.
it up so that we can make a diligence in a deeper way
10% rate of return, even if and get information that
housing prices decline a bit. may not be easily accessible.
For example, with Aon,
Elizabeth will help us track
Issue X Page 11

Donald Smith
(Continued from page 1) earnings were too volatile stocks. Upon graduation I
seven investment profes- to base an investment phi- went to work as a securities
sionals and three of those losophy on. That‘s why I analyst at Capital Research
went through the Value started playing with book in Los Angeles. They had
Investing program at Co- value to develop a better just bought an IBM main-
lumbia. The program has investment approach based frame and had a lot of ex-
been a wonderful hunting on a more stable metric. cess computing capacity.
ground for us to find ana- They had a bright program-
lysts who understand the mer and I asked him to set
value approach. up different screens. So we
backtested many value
Our investment philosophy strategies based on price to
goes back to when I was book, price to earnings,
going to UCLA Law School “I still kept coming price to sales, price to divi-
and Benjamin Graham was dends, growth rates, return
teaching in the UCLA Busi- back to price to on equity, etc. We found
ness School. In one of his that a lot of the value ap-
book. Most of the proaches worked. I guess
lectures he discussed a
Drexel Firestone study backtests we did the moral of the story is
which analyzed the perform- that there is more than one
ance of a portfolio of the showed that price way to skin a cat. But I still
lowest P/E third of the Dow kept coming back to price
Jones (which was the begin- to book would to book. Most of the back-
ning of ―Dogs of the Dow tests we did showed that
30‖). Graham wanted to come out the best price to book would come
update that study but he out the best or close to the
didn‘t have access to a data- or close to the best. I liked the simplicity of
base in those days, so he it. It made common sense
asked for volunteers to best. I liked the to me that stocks should
manually calculate the data. sell in some relationship to
I was curious about this simplicity of it. It their underlying book value.
whole approach so I de- At the time analysts used
made common price to book for utilities,
cided to volunteer. There
was no question that this sense to me that banks and insurance compa-
approach beat the market. nies, but it wasn‘t empha-
However, doing the analysis, stocks should sell sized outside of these indus-
especially by hand, you tries as much as I thought it
could see some of the flaws in some should be. When I joined
in the P/E based approach. Capital I started applying
Based on the system you relationship to price to book more broadly
would buy Chrysler every and I soon became known
time the earnings boomed their underlying as the deep value portfolio
and it was selling at only a manager.
5x P/E, but the next year or book value.”
two they would go into a G&D: Today it‘s a lot easier
down cycle, the P/E would to screen than it probably
expand and you were
was when you started out.
forced to sell it. So in ef-
fect, you were often buying I then went to Harvard Has that made the strategy
high and selling low. So it Business School and spent a more competitive?
dawned on me that P/E and lot of my time analyzing (Continued on page 12)
Page 12

Donald Smith

(Continued from page 11) fers. If we know the tangi- the great franchises of all
ble book value is $10, the time was supposed to be
DS: Screening for tangible liquidation value is $20, and the distribution system and
book value has certainly we can buy the stock for $7, trademark of General Mo-
gotten easier. However, we that‘s ideal. tors. No one could ever
make a lot of adjustments penetrate Chevrolet distri-
that don‘t show up in the G&D: There aren‘t many bution. People paid a lot of
databases. For example, we investors that maintain such money for that ―franchise‖
adjust book value for dilu- a strict focus on tangible and then it disappeared.
tion from options and con- book value, with many seek- Eastman Kodak was one of
vertible debt. We add back ing out franchise businesses. the greatest trademarks in
deferred tax asset valuation the whole world, and then
allowances if there is a likeli- the value of that trademark
hood that they will be used disappeared. There are
to offset taxes in the future. some exceptions - Coca
We also adjust for Cola has managed to keep
―phantom goodwill‖ which its franchise intact. In gen-
can occur when a company “Often when we‟re eral though, franchise value
does acquisitions and writes can disappear on you very
up the assets in the process
buying stocks easily and that‘s how you
so that the purchase pre- below book, there get hurt. Often when we‘re
mium does not show up in buying stocks below book,
goodwill. That is something is some franchise there is some franchise
that most investors don‘t value there that isn‘t on the
do. value there that books: customer relation-
ships, intellectual property,
G&D: The contrast to that isn‟t on the books: etc. We‘ll take it as a free-
might be when tangible bie, but to pay for it, that‘s
book value understates the customer something else.
asset value. Do you tend to
miss out on companies with relationships, G&D: There are plenty of
hidden asset values? studies suggesting that the
intellectual lowest price to book stocks
DS: That can happen, but I outperform. However, only
think it happened more of-
property, etc. 1/10 of 1% of all money
ten years ago. Companies, We‟ll take it as a managers focus on the low-
in the quest for earnings, est decile of price to book
have sold many highly val- freebie, but to pay stocks. Why do you think
ued assets when they had that‘s so, and how do peo-
the opportunity. In our for it, that‟s ple ignore all of this evi-
fundamental research we dig dence?
intensively into the liquida- something else.”
tion value of companies to DS: They haven‘t totally
find instances where that ignored it. There are peri-
value is significantly higher ods of time when quant
than tangible book value. In funds, in particular, use this
that case it‘s just frosting on DS: True. The problem is strategy. However a lot of
the cake. However, we still that franchise value is in the the purely quant funds buy-
like to focus on basic tangi- eye of the beholder. Some- ing low price to book stocks
ble book value because of times it is real, but many have blown up, as was the
the margin of safety it of- times it disappears. One of (Continued on page 13)
Issue X Page 13

Donald Smith

Stocks in the lowest price/tangible book decile have

delivered the highest returns over the long-term
15.0% 13.7% “In general people
11.3% 11.2%
S&P 500 10.5% 10.4% like glamour,
10.7% 10.0% 9.1% 9.2%
growth, clean and

simple stories. It‟s
also tough to ride
0.0% out our strategy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lowest Highest
during hard times.

or so the low price to book try, Rich who knows many

Every ten years or
(Continued from page 12)
strategy has a down period. industries, and me. I have
so the low price to
case in the summer of 2007. From a psychological stand- followed many industries
Now not as many funds are point, it can be a difficult over the years and bring a book strategy has
using the approach. Low approach to stick with. macro perspective.
price to book stocks tend a down period.
to be out-of-favor compa- G&D: How is your invest- G&D: What are some of
nies. Often their earnings ment team structured? your key questions for man- From a
are really depressed, and agement?
when earnings are going DS: We all have a sector psychological
down and stock prices are focus. When a new stock DS: The first thing we talk
going down, it‘s a tough sell. hits the watch-list and looks about is the balance sheet. standpoint, it can
Analysts don‘t like to cover interesting, the first work is We want to make sure that
them and they don‘t have an done by the industry ana- tangible book value is accu- be a difficult
easy time pitching them to lyst. If he thinks it‘s worth rately stated, all the assets
portfolio managers. The pursuing, then it goes to are fairly valued and all the
approach to stick
companies are often difficult Rich Greenberg (our Direc- liabilities are stated. We with.”
to understand and have tor of Research). If Rich focus a lot on whether or
many moving parts. Institu- thinks it‘s worth pursuing, not the book value is real.
tional investors don‘t want he comes to me with it, and What‘s the replacement
to have to explain to clients if it looks interesting to me, cost? Is the balance sheet
that their stocks have gone we set up a meeting with sufficient to withstand a
down 50%, that same store management. This really recession for a year or two?
sales are negative, that mar- differentiates us from the We stress test it. That is
ket share is decreasing. In quant shops. We strongly the first of the value traps -
general people like glamour, believe in fundamental re- buying something that ends
growth, clean and simple search. We like the fact up going bankrupt on you.
stories. It‘s also tough to that a stock is being looked The second value trap is
ride out our strategy during at by three people - an ana- buying a cheap asset that
hard times. Every ten years lyst who knows the indus- (Continued on page 14)
Page 14

Donald Smith

(Continued from page 13) I have seen dumb managers DS: We try to make sure
stays cheap forever. That is whose stocks are selling at that when we buy some-
why the second part of our $10, suddenly become gen- thing it‘s so undervalued
meetings with management iuses when their stock goes that natural market forces
is always focused on the to $40. One of the attrac- will cause the stock to go
earnings power of the com- tive things about owning a up. We try not to spend a
pany. We spend time on stock with a low price to lot of time on anything that
where the company is today book ratio is that it often is considered ―active‖. We
and why it is under-earning. attracts good management. might, for example, press
Is it an industry problem? A A good manager at GE for management very hard to
management problem? Is example would rather be- buy back their own stock
underperformance isolated come the CEO of a com- instead of doing an acquisi-
to one struggling division? pany with a stock that‘s at tion that is dilutive to book
Then we come up with an 80% of book than one in the value, but mostly we keep a
estimate of what we think low profile. Generally man-
normalized earnings will be. “We really look for agements tend to just listen
This earnings power is what to you politely and then do
gives us near-term upside, stocks where what they want to do any-
instead of just buying cheap way, unless you have a very
assets and hoping that earnings can turn large position.
someone comes in and buys
them someday. We really around. That‟s G&D: Would you mind talk-
look for stocks where earn- ing about how the composi-
ings can turn around. That‘s
what gives you the tion of that bottom decile
what gives you the doubles, doubles, triples, has changed over time? Is it
triples, quadruples. We put typically composed of firms
that all together and come quadruples. We in particular out of favor
up with 20 to 30 best ideas. industries or companies
put that all dealing with specific issues
G&D: How much impor- unique to them?
tance do you put on a com- together and come
pany‘s management team? DS: The bulk is companies
up with 20 to 30 with specific issues unique
DS: Quite a bit, in the sense to them, but often there is a
that we want a management best ideas.” sector theme. Back in the
team that will do no harm. early 1980‘s small stocks
We don‘t expect a stock same industry selling at 1.8x were all the rage and big
selling at 70% of book to book. We‘ve had compa- slow-growing companies
have Einstein running it. nies with average manage- were very depressed. At
We spend a lot of time ment teams that end up that time we loaded up on a
questioning the manage- with terrific management, lot of these large compa-
ment. Do you plan to do and those companies have nies. Then the KKR‘s of the
acquisitions (we‘re generally become some of our biggest world started buying them
anti acquisition)? Do you winners. because of their stable cash
like your own business? If flow and the stocks went
the stock is selling at 70% of G&D: Have you ever taken up. About six years ago, a
book, why aren‘t you buying an active approach with lot of the energy-related
it back? Ben Graham said managers, for example, stocks were very cheap.
that the opinion people writing letters or campaign- We owned oil shipping, oil
have of management is cor- ing for some sort of services and coal companies
related with the stock price. shakeup of the board? (Continued on page 15)
Issue X Page 15

Donald Smith
(Continued from page 14) back to normal valuations. You now have very strong
trading below book and That was very valuable, and growth in operating rates
liquidation value. When oil primarily precipitated by while fares have also gone
went up they became the bottom-up analysis. It up, so it‘s not uncommon to
darlings of Wall Street. helped us to avoid some see companies with revenue
Over the years we have huge value traps. Some- growth of 13-15%. We
consistently owned electric times it‘s not what you own think the whole industry is
utilities because there al- but what you don‘t own changing as a result of the
ways seem to be stocks that big guys merging. They are
are temporarily depressed going to have more pricing
because of a bad rate deci- power. One company we
sion by the public service like is Republic Airlines
commission. Also, cyclicals (RJET; $8.70). It‘s a low-
have been a staple for us
“We sent a client cost operator with a very
over the years because, by letter out in 2007 good CEO. They recently
definition, they go up and bought Frontier and Mid-
down a lot which gives us saying that housing west out of bankruptcy at
buying opportunities. good prices. At $8.70 the
We‘ve been in and out of prices should go company is trading at 86%
the hotel group, homebuild- of tangible book value and
ers, airlines, and tech down 40% just to we estimate it has approxi-
stocks. mately $1.60 of earnings
get back to normal power, so we‘re paying 5.4x
G&D: Speaking of cyclicals, potential earnings. This
you mentioned your under- valuations. That conservatively assumes EBT
standing of the macro pic- margins of 1.5% for the
ture. How do you overlay was very valuable, Frontier segment and 7.0%
your macro views on top of for the regional jet segment.
your bottom-up perspec-
and primarily The company will not pay
tive? precipitated by taxes for several years due
to tax loss carryforwards.
DS: A lot of times our bottom-up Republic will benefit tre-
macro view is generated by mendously from consolida-
our bottom-up process. analysis.” tion in the industry. South-
For example, we have fol- west is buying Airtran and
lowed homebuilders, banks both of them are big com-
and the mortgage GSEs for petitors of Republic. Fewer
years. When we did a bot- competitors is usually a
tom-up review four years that makes you successful. good thing in this industry.
ago, we saw that these com-
panies were extremely G&D: Would you mind giv- G&D: It‘s interesting, you‘ve
overleveraged and that ing us a few examples of heard very few people say-
housing prices were unsus- your process in action? ing positive things about the
tainable relative to income airline industry. Warren
levels. At the same time, DS: One industry that we Buffett says that each time
down-payments were going like is the airlines. During he thinks about this space,
from 20% to 10% to 5% and 2008/2009, capacity was cut he has a 1-800 number he
then 0%. We sent a client back severely, and while calls to prevent him from
letter out in 2007 saying some is being added now, making an investment in the
that housing prices should it‘s very small compared to industry. What is it that
go down 40% just to get other recoveries in the past. (Continued on page 16)
Page 16

Donald Smith

“The moral of the

story is that no
matter how bad
the industry is, at
the right price and
especially when
the fundamentals
are turning, you
can make a lot of
to easy access to off balance DS: Generally, if anything
money.” (Continued from page 15)
sheet lease financing. It gets to 2x tangible book it‘s
you guys see differently; is it would be a real positive if automatically a sell. The
more a matter of under- airlines had to put all their advantage of this approach
standing the cycles that the leases on balance sheet, of is that if you catch a com-
industry goes through? which there‘s some talk. pany in a real turnaround,
The moral of the story is their book can grow at 20%
DS: People are overly nega- that no matter how bad the a year, and if they have tax
tive on the industry because industry is, at the right price loss carryforwards, even
they have been burned in and especially when the faster than that. In these
the past and because fundamentals are turning, cases the stock price often
―conventional wisdom‖ now you can make a lot of follows the book value
states that you should never money. The steel industry growth but the multiple
buy an airline stock. Yet, was terrible for years, but doesn‘t initially expand so
we think there are a lot of when the fundamentals fi- we stay in the stock. Then
new things going on. Con- nally turned, we made a lot after five years of this, the
solidation has reduced com- of money on AK Steel and growth guys come in and
petition and not as many US Steel. say, this must be a changed
airplanes are being ordered. industry, and then bid the
Companies are being run by G&D: Republic Airways is stock up to 2x book. Then
CFOs that became CEOs so selling at about 86% of tangi- we‘re on our way out. This
they are more focused on ble book right now. At happened with the home-
the bottom line rather than what point do you think builders, when in the early
empire building. Historically about selling? 2000‘s, they were selling at
overcapacity was due in part (Continued on page 17)
Issue X Page 17

Donald Smith
(Continued from page 16) this real estate at $100 a estimates, it‘s based on nor-
less than 50% of book, and square foot is probably a malized earnings looking out
their earnings grew like good deal. two-to-four years. We find
crazy. By the time we finally that it generally takes that
ended up selling at over 2x long for a business to funda-
book, our worst performer, mentally turn around, and
Standard Pacific, had gone that even after it turns
up 7x. Our biggest gainer, around, it takes a while for
Hovnanian, had gone up the Street to pick up on it,
14x. and even longer to attract
“Some academic the momentum investors.
G&D: Do you want to shift Some academic studies sug-
studies suggest that gest that long holding peri-
to another name?
ods for low price to book
long holding
DS: Another name that we stocks are better than short
own is Dillard‘s Department periods for low holding periods. Often our
Stores (DDS; $26.46). This holding period gets cut
is a tough one to get your price to book short because we have a lot
hands around. Management of takeovers. This year we
generally doesn‘t have con- stocks are better have had 8 takeovers out of
ference calls. The Dillard about 60 stocks, and the
family controls the company than short holding premiums have been very
via a dual class share struc- attractive.
ture so there are concerns periods. Often our
about management account- G&D: One of your top
ability. The real story here holding period gets holdings is Yamana Gold –
is tremendous hidden real can we discuss that invest-
estate value. Dillard‘s owns
sped up because
46 million square feet of we have a lot of
real estate. The stated DS: We were attracted to
book value is $32, but if you takeovers.” Yamana Gold (AUY; $11.63)
assume retail real estate because it was selling at a
value recovers, their real huge discount to tangible
estate could be worth $100 book. We started buying it
a square foot and that at the end of 2008 when it
would add about $20 for an was being dumped during
adjusted book value of $52 the financial crisis. Cur-
(and that‘s after adjusting G&D: This is probably a rently the stock is trading at
for taxes on selling the real good segue to talk about a 25% premium to book but
estate). So you have a stock timing and your average we think it is still attractive
around $27, with a breakup holding period, which is here. At current gold
value of about $52. One of under one year for most prices Yamana has about
the problems with the com- funds. But for a lot of these $1.00 of earnings power.
pany has been their lack of theses to play out, obviously However, the company has
sales growth, and that‘s you‘ll be waiting much significant organic growth
turning around. You have a longer than that. What is potential through the devel-
fundamental turnaround your typical holding period? opment of existing mines
story here, supported by and reserves. Importantly,
tremendous asset value. If DS: We usually hold stocks Yamana has a very strong
you think inflation is a prob- for three-to-four years and balance sheet, with only 7%
lem down the road, owning when we do our earnings (Continued on page 18)
Page 18

Donald Smith

(Continued from page 17) book value, so it makes all which has a big market
debt to capital, so it can the sense in the world for share in mature product
fund expansion through them to buy our tech stocks categories like DRAM and
internally generated cash at book value for cash or NOR flash, and rapidly
flows. Also, in our analysis stock, even paying a pre- growing categories such as
the company can make mium. Some of these com- NAND flash and solid state
money all the way down to panies also have valuable drives. It‘s unlikely that the
$600 gold, so you are get- intellectual property that we company as a whole will
ting production growth and are getting for free. become obsolete. For that
upside leverage to the price reason we generally stay
of gold with limited down- away from single focus tech
side. We think gold stocks companies. Micron has a
are a lot more attractive strong balance sheet and
than the metal itself. trades at 87% of its $8.70
tangible book value. It also
G&D: You have a few tech “...they should buy trades at 6.9x our estimated
stocks in the portfolio, normalized earnings power
which we were surprised to Graham and Dodd of $1.10, which assumes net
find. income margins of about
stocks in their own
DS: Many small and medium portfolios and see
-size tech companies have G&D: A lot of our readers
been in a bear market since how it works. are MBA students, or re-
the 2000 tech bubble, so cent grads, committed to a
over the last couple of years Hopefully they‟ll value investing approach
we have purchased a lot of based on what they learned
tech stocks at well below make so much from Ben Graham and Secu-
book value. We think all rity Analysis. But as we‘ve
the new gadgets, like smart money that they discussed here, there are
phones and iPads, and the not a lot of disciplined value
corporate replacement cy- can start their own investing firms. What ad-
cle for technology provides vice do you have for some-
good growth prospects for firms.” one who can‘t find the ideal
this industry over the next organization for their first
couple of years. The stocks job?
have sold off recently be-
cause of the fear of a double DS: There are very few
-dip recession. There may G&D: How do you get true Graham and Dodd
be a slowdown in consumer comfortable with the assets style deep value firms, so
spending, but the typical of technology companies, they can send their resumes
smart phone uses 7x the with the fear of obsoles- to us, but other than that
semiconductor content of a cence? it‘s tough. While they‘re
traditional cell phone. Thus, seeking out as many deep
we think revenue growth is DS: We have an analyst value investment firms as
going to be strong for the whose job it is to figure out possible they should buy
enablers of these trends. which products are going to Graham and Dodd stocks in
We think there will be a lot become obsolete, and which their own portfolios and see
of takeovers in this space. aren‘t. But most of our how it works. Hopefully
Many tech companies have a companies are large and they‘ll make so much money
lot of cash, and have stocks diversified, like Micron
trading at big multiples of Technology (MU; $7.60), (Continued on page 19)
Page 19

Donald Smith

(Continued from page 18) stance, companies with G&D: Any parting words of
that they can start their tough union problems can wisdom?
own firms. be a challenge. Another
thing we have learned to DS: The universe of invest-
G&D: You‘ve been in this avoid is companies in secu- ment opportunities is very
industry for over 30 years, lar decline. We always ask large and there is a lot of
which is much longer than ourselves, does this com- analytical noise in the sys-
many people last. Over 30 pany or industry have a cy- tem. When I started at
years of investing, what is clical or secular problem? Capital I realized there were
the most difficult part about Finally, we have learned to a lot of smart people out
a deep value strategy to stay always stress-test our pro- there working 12 hours a
“When I started at disciplined about? jections. For example, what day analyzing every oppor-
happens if oil goes to $150, tunity – how could I possi-
Capital I realized DS: About every 10 years how about $30? With our bly beat them? So I said,
this strategy has a bad pe- airlines, it would not be let‘s just eliminate 90% of
there were a lot of
riod, but those clients that pleasant if oil went to $150. the universe and focus on
smart people out stick with us are usually Yet, they weathered the last the lowest price to book
highly rewarded. After oil spike which gives us decile. To begin with this is
there working 12 these tough periods, our some comfort. If oil goes to a much better pond to fish
stocks have massively out- $30, margins could explode. in. It also gives me a 10 to 1
hours a day performed the S&P. Older focus advantage over the
clients that have experi- G&D: There‘s an active competition. We learn
analyzing every enced these rebounds are debate. A lot of people much more about these
very loyal to us. But with who have thought of them- companies than they can
opportunity – how newer clients, it can be a selves as bottoms-up, are learn about the whole uni-
tough sell. The 2008 down thinking, now in light of the verse. Most importantly,
could I possibly period lasted about 18 past couple of years, we when push comes to shove
months, which is good. If it need to pay more attention and stock prices are falling,
beat them? So I lasts more than two years, to macro. Have your views we have an anchor of solid
patience wears out. Our on that shifted over time? tangible value supporting
said, let‟s just
worst stretch was 1998 and our stocks, so we can confi-
eliminate 90% of 1999. During times of un- DS: It‘s probably true that dently buy at the lows. So I
derperformance there‘s a macro is more important would just say that you need
the universe and lot of pressure to change today because the financial to have a differentiated in-
your stripes, and that‘s what system is much more lever- vestment philosophy. After
focus on the lowest happens at many value firms. aged, and world wide gov- transaction costs, it is a
I‘m convinced that one of ernment intervention is negative-sum game, so not
price to book the main reasons for our having a huge impact on too many people can sub-
superior results is that we interest rates, currencies, stantially beat the market
decile.” take a long-term focus and commodities, etc. Capital over time. You need to
are willing to tough it out flows much more freely have an approach that is
during rough periods. than it did 20 years ago unique.
which can make all asset
G&D: What was the most classes very volatile. I think G&D: Donald, thank you so
instructive mistake you that macro has always been much. We truly appreciate
made in the past? important, but more so now it.
because the whole system is
DS: We have gotten into so leveraged and volatile
trouble in situations where that accidents can and will
the free market isn‘t al- happen.
lowed to work. For in-
Page 20

U.S. Physical Therapy (USPH)

Ryan Coyle
U.S. Physical Therapy USPH Long, Price Target of $24.00 (15.0x 2012E Adj. FCF)

Capitalization Multiples Returns

Price Per Share (10/15/2010) $18.04 LTM LTM Adj. LTM 3-year avg.
Diluted Shares 11.6 TEV/Sales 1.0x -- ROA 15.6% 14.8%
Market Capitalization $209.8 TEV/EBITDA 5.9x 7.7x ROIC 18.0% 17.3%
Plus Debt 4.3 TEV/FCF 8.4x 12.6x ROE 14.6% 13.7%
Plus Non-Controlling Interest (NCI) 8.3 P/B (6/30/2010) 2.2x -- Growth
Less Cash 7.2 EPS P/E LTM 3-year CAGR
Enterprise Value (TEV) $215.3 LTM 6/30/2010 $1.10 16.4x Revenue 5.6% 14.5%
Ryan is a second year MBA Operating Statistics LTM 2010E $1.22 14.8x EBITDA 9.0% 16.0%
student concentrating in Revenue $206.0 2011E $1.33 13.6x Net Income 16.8% 24.2%
Finance & Economics. He EBITDA 36.3 2012E $1.45 12.4x EPS 18.3% 16.0%
spent the summer interning Adjusted EBITDA (ex-NCI) 27.8 Other Corporate Location: Houston, Texas
with a value-focused small- Net Income 13.0 Short Interest 3.4% Clinics: 471, in 41 states
cap fund in New York. Prior FCF (OCF - CapEx) 25.6 Insiders Own 5.9% States with Most Clinics: Tennessee (56),
to enrolling at Columbia Adjusted FCF (OCF - CapEx - NCI) 17.1 Dividend Yield NA Texas (50), Michigan (41), Wisconsin (17)
Business School, he spent
four years covering the Investment Thesis:
consumer sector at a long- I recommend purchasing shares of U.S. Physical Therapy (―the Company‖ or ―USPH‖). USPH is
short hedge fund in New poised to benefit from secular demand growth for physical therapy services. Additionally, the physical
York. therapy business model offers attractive unit economics and solid cash flow, and USPH has a golden
opportunity to gain market share via targeted in-market advertising, selective new partnerships, and
tuck-in acquisitions (taking advantage of an extremely fragmented marketplace). At 12.6x LTM ad-
justed free cash flow to common equity (after cash payments to non-controlling interests, aka clinic
partners), the company is attractively valued in light of the business fundamentals. I believe a combina-
tion of market share growth, demand growth, and operating leverage will enable USPH to grow FCF
at a high single digit rate over the medium term, yielding a value estimate of $24.00 per share, up 33%.
High Demand, Low Supply: The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the demand for physi-
cal therapy will grow 28% by 2016, or ~4% per annum. A large driver of the demand growth is the
retirement of baby boomers who are pursuing active lifestyles later in life. Further, a recent Business
Week survey indicates that there is an estimated 15% shortage in the supply of physical therapists in
the marketplace. Any individual therapist must complete a three-year graduate degree program, un-
dergo training, and then meet state licensing requirements prior to beginning work in the market-
place. The market demand for physical therapy is brisk, and the industry is healthy.
Selling Therapists Have Limited Options: There are over 16,000 therapy clinics in the USA, and
many of those clinics are locally-owned businesses. In the current competitive landscape, no outpa-
tient physical therapy company has a national market share greater than 6.0%. Indeed, USPH has only
a 2.9% market share. USPH maintains a $50M revolving credit facility and can act quickly and deci-
sively when an opportunity presents itself. Historically, USPH has made acquisitions ranging in size
from one clinic to a regional network of 50 clinics. USPH is in good position to acquire partnerships
as existing therapists/owners seek a partial (or full) liquidity event for their existing enterprise while
still maintaining a minority equity interest in the business. In the wake of the financial crisis, some
clinic owners and therapists are increasingly eager to diversify their personal financial risk away from
their place of business.
Disciplined Buyer: USPH does not undertake an acquisition unless it is immediately accretive to
earnings, and unless the management team is willing to stay on to run the business after the transac-
tion closes. USPH typically extracts immediate synergies as the acquired operations streamline into
the USPH systems. As previously indicated, there are over 13,000 clinics in the universe of potential
domestic acquisitions for USPH, many of which are small operators, and thus it seems reasonable to
assume that USPH can tuck-in or otherwise capture share from these clinics and improve the opera-
tional efficiencies, driving further operating leverage for the company over the medium term.
Management: The USPH management team has industry experience and a record of delivering
shareholder value. The CEO, Chris Reading, is a licensed physical therapist. Prior to joining USPH in
2003, he managed 200 clinics within the HealthSouth outpatient therapy system. Management must
continue to manage the business prudently. To date, they have a good track record of doing so.
Issue X Page 21

U.S. Physical Therapy (Continued from previous page)

Cash Flow: On an enterprise basis, USPH generates substantial free cash flow to equity and is in a net
cash position. Even with substantial non-controlling cash interest expense, the combination of a larger
clinic footprint, operational efficiencies, and an inelastic demand environment for physical therapy ser-
vices will enable the company to grow operating earnings and free cash flow at a high single digit growth
rate over the next 3 years. USPH can redeploy this cash flow into new clinic openings, accretive acquisi-
tions, and/or share repurchases. The company has an existing share repurchase authorization for ap-
proximately 5.9% of the shares outstanding.
Business Description:
USPH is the third-largest provider of outpatient physical and occupational therapy clinics in the United “USPH has a
States and the largest pure-play operator. USPH owns and/or operates 371 clinics in 42 states. A physi-
cal therapy clinic provides rehabilitative exercise services for a variety of physical ailments, including or- golden opportu-
thopedic-related disorders, sports-related injuries, neurological-related disorders, rehabilitation, and
preventative care. Clinics obtain new patients via physician referrals. Services take place on an outpatient nity to gain mar-
basis under the supervision of licensed physical therapists. USPH has historically grown its store base in
the following ways: (1) by partnering with established therapists in select markets to open new centers;
(2) by acquiring ownership interests in existing clinics; and (3) by opening same-market ―satellite‖ loca-
ket share via tar-
tions. Approximately 80% of the current USPH store base was developed organically, with the remainder
coming via acquisition. 80% of revenue comes via non-government sources (Private Insurance and Man-
geted in-market
aged Care 57%, Worker‘s Comp 16%, and Other 7%), with the remaining 20% from Medicare and Medi-
caid. USPH seeks to reduce its exposure to government-funded programs over time because this line of advertising, selec-
reimbursement has recently experienced pricing pressure.
Valuation tive new partner-
USPH is on track to drive Valuation Range
operating leverage in its core Low Mid High ships, and tuck-in
business, and it has a golden TEV (2012E @ 15.0x Adjusted FCF) 255.0 346.7 403.7
opportunity to scale the busi- acquisitions
Equity Value (2012E) 249.6 339.2 395.2
ness further. At current valua-
tion, you are buying a well- Current Value (discounted 2 years @ 10%) $206.2 $280.4 $326.6 (taking advantage
managed business trading at Shares Outstanding 11.63 11.63 11.63
an adjusted FCF yield of 8% Per Share $17.73 $24.10 $28.08 of an extremely
with secular demand tailwinds Upside from Current (1.7%) 33.6% 55.7%
and minimal risk of a serious fragmented mar-
negative change to the underlying business. My midrange valuation assumes USPH adjusted FCF expands
from a normalized base level at a 7.5% CAGR over the next two years, and assumes modest multiple ketplace).”
expansion as the growth trajectory ramps up for this company. This expansion in adjusted FCF comes
alongside growth in the store base and modest operating efficiencies, yielding a midrange value estimate
of around $24.00 per share. Although the current valuation ascribes no potential ―strategic value‖ to this
asset, one could potentially view USPH in this light as large healthcare institutions attempt to diversify
their revenue streams and invest more heavily in preventative and rehabilitative outpatient care. USPH
currently trades at a 65% discount to transaction comps in the space.
Investment Risks/Considerations
Reimbursement Reduction: Many are concerned by the potential for future reductions in govern-
ment reimbursement rates, and they fear that any government reduction will trigger a cascade of reduc-
tions from all other parties. However, I would argue that this risk is less prevalent for USPH because the
company‘s mix of government-paid patients is relatively small (as of 2Q10, 20% of USPH patients are
Medicare/Medicaid). My research indicates that contract negotiations with other payors are more
enlightened as many within the payor community are beginning to embrace the relative cost efficiency
and measurable outcomes of physical therapy (as compared to alternative treatments).
No Moat: Detractors claim that USPH has no ―moat‖ in its business model. This is a fair criticism. How-
ever, I would argue that USPH‘s current scale, the credibility of its management team, and its status as a
pure-play public company with capital markets access give USPH an advantage in executing transactions
quickly. Further, I would argue that the current fragmentation in the market makes it more of a ―land
grab‖ to gain further scale, and that USPH can succeed simply by hitting relatively simple milestones in its
current growth trajectory.
Integration Risk: There is always operational risk to consider. Some are skeptical of this company
because it is a ―roll-up‖ model across disparate geographies, but I would argue that the retained equity
interest in the clinics by the therapist partners keeps the incentives for USPH and its clinicians aligned
and that scale benefits are actually more tangible than detractors believe.
Page 22

CoreLogic, Inc. (NYSE: CLGX) Alex Latushkin—

Recommendation: Buy common stock of CoreLogic, Inc. (“CLGX”), which
trades at $18/share and has an intrinsic value of $27/share or ~50% upside.
 CLGX was spun-off from First American (FAF), a title and specialty insurance company
on 6-1-10. Since then, the market has given us the opportunity to invest in a high ROIC
business services/data analytics company with leading niche market share that should
benefit from long-term secular trends of providing useful tools and applications to the
mortgage and financial industry amidst more regulatory oversight and increasing trans-
parency. The stock trades at an attractive 10% free cash flow yield (possibly off cyclical
trough FCF) and is naturally hedged via its default and origination businesses.
 Due to lack of substantial analyst coverage and confusing public financials (Capital IQ
and other financial databases present incorrect pre spin-off financials), CLGX is a be-
Alex is a second year MBA low-the-radar $2.2 billion market cap company.
student and participant in
Columbia‘s Applied Value
 While many of its outsourcing services are demanded irrespective of housing condi-
Investing Program. Prior to tions, the company‘s operations are nonetheless tied to housing and credit and there-
school, Alex Latushkin fore tainted by these currently weak end-markets.
worked in private equity.  Management (having operated together for over 15 years) has been able to grow mar-
Post MBA, Alex would like gins and withstand weak macro conditions despite volumes and sales being tied to
to work at a research- mortgage originations by adding new revenue streams through higher margin product
oriented public equities launches, via incremental market share penetration and by rigorously controlling costs.
investment firm.  With 5 patents, CLGX‘s solutions are used by all top 100 mortgage lenders/
originators, over 500,000 realtors, many hedge funds, broker-dealers, as well as mil-
lions of individual users and government bodies.
 Benefiting from scale, CLGX is the lowest cost provider in the industry, has 50% of its
workforce abroad, carries little debt, and hedges its operations by providing default
services; management is able to sustain a competitive edge in various housing markets.
 Management continues to penetrate growth opportunities by creating new applications
for customers and by entering tangential sectors like telecom, energy and public utili-
ties industries (all need detailed property data and analysis) and international markets.
 In light of the company‘s leading market share (operating in a sector with few major
players), attractive barriers to entry from its heavily invested data analytics and sticky
customer base, the market should value CLGX on a more appropriate mid-cycle FCF.
valuation. Applying 13x free cash flow to a normalized levered FCF of ~$250MM, I
arrive at a target price of $27/share.

Mortgage Originations ($ trillions)

$4.5 $4.2
$3.5 $3.0
$2.9 $2.7 $2.8
$2.2 $2.5
$2.5 $1.9
$2.0 $1.7 $1.6
$1.0 $1.4
$1.5 $1.1
$0.9 $0.8
$1.0 $0.8 $0.8
$0.6 $0.6
$0.5 $0.5

MBA Projections (as of 9-10)






Housing Home Sales M ortgage Purchase Refinancing
Starts Orgn.

2010 2011 2012

Issue X Page 23

CoreLogic, Inc. (Continued from previous page)

Business Description
 Business and Information Services segment (50% of ‗09 sales; 53% of ‗09 EBITDA) - Mort- “The market has
gage Origination segment provides outsourcing services to mortgage originators, ser-
vicers and default asset managers via tax information from 22k taxing authorities to pro- given us the op-
tect lenders from delinquencies (#1 position/42% share) and via federally mandated flood
zone and geospatial data services to mortgage lenders/insurance companies (#1 posi- portunity to invest
tion/40% share). Default Services & Technology provides for loss mitigation services,
property valuation, default technology, claims management and broker price options (29%
in a high ROIC
market share). Customers include 1MM+ end-users in insurance, real estate, finance, business services/
consumer-direct, and gov‘t sectors. CLGX has grown market share in this segment.
 Data & Analytics segment (35% of 2009 sales; 43% of 2009 EBITDA) - Provides high qual- data analytics
ity data/analytical tools to assist customers in risk management, fraud detection, property
evaluation and consumer credit functions. Specialty Finance provides credit reports, real- company with
tor solutions and compliance services (50% market share); Risk/Fraud provides risk man-
agement (database covers 95% of US properties/135MM non-prime records) to analyze leading niche mar-
mortgage securities/loans. Data & Analytics segment profitability has remained resilient
throughout the recession by introducing higher margin new applications, and via market ket share that
share gains. CLGX has grown market share in this segment.
 I value CLGX on mid-cycle EBITDA/FCF given the cyclical end-markets; 7.5x EBITDA should benefit
or13x FCF given where comps trade, and in light of CLGX‘s leading market share, strong
barriers to entry, high ROIC and secular tailwinds. In a downside case, CLGX is worth
from long-term
$14/share (22% downside) under Bear Case ‗10 EBITDA of $375MM (10% below guid- secular trends of
ance) and at 5x EBITDA. In an upside case of mid-cycle EBITDA of $500MM and 9x
EBITDA multiple, CLGX is worth $37 (105% upside). providing useful
 Risks include a prolonged housing crisis, pressures from bank consolidation, and misuse of
capital. tools and applica-
x 2010 tions to the mort-
Current Capital Structure EBITDA Lev FCF Quick Discounted Cash Flow
Price Per Share (10-15-10)
Shares Outstanding
Terminal EBITDA Multiple
7.5x gage and financial
Market Cap $2,117 10.1x PV of Yr 1-5 Unlev FCF's $944
Net Debt
Enterprise Value
$2,339 5.8x
PV of Terminal Value
industry amidst
Intrinsic Value Implied Enterprise Value $3,301
Normalized EBITDA & FCF
EBITDA & FCF Multiples
Implied Price/Share
% upside
more regulatory
Implied Price Per Share $27.47 $27.62
($ in millions) LTM Projections (2012 = Normalized) oversight and in-
2007 2008 2009 6-10 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Risk & Fraud Solutions $429 $412 $388 $387 $408 $424 $458 $481 $505 creasing transpar-
Specialty Finance Solutions $355 $320 $301 $294 $263 $273 $295 $313 $328
Data & Analytics
Mortgage Origination Svcs
$632 ency.”
Default & Tech Services $281 $368 $417 $426 $450 $428 $406 $386 $367
Business & Info Services $843 $798 $982 $955 $960 $958 $979 $987 $998
Employer, Legal & Marketing $380 $373 $306 $262 $285 $294 $305 $314 $321
Corporate $31 $9 $14 $6 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Sales $2,038 $1,912 $1,991 $1,903 $1,916 $1,949 $2,037 $2,095 $2,152
% Growth -6% 4% -4% 2% 5% 3% 3%
Risk & Fraud Solutions $133 $142 $130 $121 $126 $136 $147 $159 $167
Specialty Finance Solutions $62 $61 $71 $65 $58 $63 $70 $78 $82
Data & Analytics $195 $202 $201 $185 $184 $199 $217 $237 $249
Mortgage Origination Svcs $153 $130 $169 $128 $122 $138 $155 $168 $183
Default & Tech Services $42 $53 $76 $84 $95 $90 $81 $77 $70
Business & Info Services $194 $183 $245 $212 $217 $228 $236 $246 $253
Employer, Legal & Marketing $77 $56 $18 $18 $20 $24 $27 $28 $29
Corporate $16 $8 ($1) ($15) ($20) ($21) ($22) ($23) ($24)
Total EBITDA $482 $450 $463 $401 $401 $429 $458 $488 $506
% Margin 23.7% 23.5% 23.3% 21.0% 20.9% 22.0% 22.5% 23.3% 23.5%
Capital Expenditures ($83) ($79) ($81) ($67) ($70) ($75) ($77) ($78) ($80)
Interest Expense ($18) ($18) ($18) ($18) ($15) ($8) ($3) $0 $0
Taxes ($139) ($124) ($130) ($105) ($106) ($119) ($130) ($141) ($148)
Levered FCF $242 $229 $235 $211 $210 $228 $249 $269 $278
Unlevered FCF $260 $247 $253 $229 $225 $236 $252 $269 $278
Page 24

Rational Asset Management

(Continued from page 2) what most people do, is that lio risk control, which is
both had classes with Pro- we have a circular process. very important. Sometimes
fessor Bruce Greenwald, Most funds start with the value investors focus so
which was our real intro- entire universe, screen the much on the individual
“...we remember duction to Value Investing in companies, and then com- analysis that they miss that.
a more practical way and it‘s mence a deep-dive analysis.
that Greenwald fantastic, because it‘s a com- We realized, though, that G&D: It must have taken
frequently mon ground. This consis- this screening process can quite some time to develop
tency is very important for consume a huge amount of your knowledge base.
mentioned the partners. One of the major time and create false leads.
risks when you‘re starting a So what we decided to do Claudio Skilnik (CS): While
concept of „circle fund is to have disagree- was establish our knowledge we were both attending the
ments on your approach. base, which is a group of Seminar in Value Investing,
of competence.‟ We stayed in touch after about 85 solid companies we remember that
Columbia as Claudio went that we don‘t change. With Greenwald frequently men-
This is how we back to work at ABN that knowledge base, we tioned the concept of
AMRO Capital and I went apply the same template and ―circle of competence.‖
designed the fund, to back to McKinsey. Over same process for analyzing This is how we designed the
time we discussed starting a each company. The details fund, in the sense that we
in the sense that fund together, but if not for of the template are highly are truly capable of under-
Columbia, we would not be customized, but we use the standing the industries in
we are truly
partners. same template to give us which we invest and we are
capable of the consistency. The objec- able to understand how
G&D: Was starting the tive is to know each com- those industries evolve.
understanding the fund your first direct invest- pany we cover better than Let‘s take the example of
ment experience? the average investor, given the natural gas industry in
industries in which the amount of time we the United States. To truly
DS: No, I was at a $2 bil- spend performing each understand it, one has to
we invest and we lion hedge fund for almost valuation. follow the industry for at
three years and Claudio was least three to five years.
are able to working with private equity The other component is You have to understand the
after business school. Clau- our portfolio construction importance of drilling in
understand how dio also managed invest- methodology. After you unconventional reserves
ments for family and friends have spent literally hundreds (e.g. shales) as opposed to
those industries before we founded Rational of hours on each one of conventional drilling on-
together. Given our indus- those companies, doing ex- shore and in offshore wa-
try experience, we also tremely detailed and com- ters. You also must under-
knew how to run a com- plete quantitative and quali- stand the difference in
pany. That is very impor- tative analysis, you don‘t terms of economics associ-
tant, because you might be want to second guess your- ated with the different ways
an excellent investor, but self on when to buy and of exploring, and how the
not necessarily a good busi- when to sell, and what size huge reserves of natural gas
nessman. each position should be. So previously trapped in the
Rational has another com- major shales are now being
G&D: You have an interest- ponent which is that our made economically available.
ing and unique investment portfolio construction is If it weren‘t for Danilo‘s
strategy. Can you give us an rules-based. We limit our experience in plenty of con-
overview of that? exposure, both long and sumer related businesses at
short – we want to limit McKinsey, and for my ex-
DS: The core of Rational, each individual position size perience with infrastructure,
which is very different from too. This is part of portfo- (Continued on page 25)
Issue X Page 25

Rational Asset Management

(Continued from page 24) only a four person team. It have to make sure that the
we don‘t think we would is because of the number of models are updated and we
have the knowledge base in years we have spent study- are on top of whatever is
the detail that is necessary ing these companies. These going on not only in the
to build the huge checklist are not companies that we companies themselves, but
that is basically our model- decided one or two years also their industries.
ing. In this sense, we can do ago to analyze. These are
good work - we are able to companies that we have G&D: Do you know any
understand the industries been following for five, six other fund managers that
and the businesses not only years, or even more than follow such a strategy?
differently, but also better that. This is why we have
than most research analysts, DS: You know, it‘s funny,
and that gives us the neces- our impression is that there
sary edge to outperform. may only be one or two
that are doing this. But it‘s
G&D: What is the first step a typical black swan situa-
in the process?
“You can‟t start tion – it doesn‘t matter how
many white swans you look
DS: Initially, it‘s a lot of
with a company‟s at, you don‘t know if there
industry analysis. You un- are any black swans out
10K, because you
derstand how the industry there, and how many of
works, and then you jump won‟t know what them. But we don‘t think
into a company. You can‘t it‘s a common way of run-
start with a company‘s 10K, the results tell ning a portfolio. That may
because you won‘t know be because it‘s not appealing
what the results tell you. you. You need to on a day to day basis – it is
You need to develop indus- very systematic and boring
try-wide information stan- develop industry- for most people. But, we
dards from comparing each love it! It‘s about a process,
company. How does the wide information so you either like to do
company drive its sales? Is processes, or you don‘t. My
it correlated with something standards from first job was as a methods
in the industry, or does that and process engineer, so
company have its own par-
comparing each that may have something to
ticular niche market? So if company” do with this. In our opinion,
you don‘t look into compa- of course, it looks very logi-
nies within the industry con- cal. It is one of the best
text, you are missing an ways, for sure not the only
important part of the proc- one, but a very responsible
ess. We don‘t go as high as way of investing. It lowers
making macro economic these 85 companies, but we your chances of being com-
forecasts, but on the indus- would not feel comfortable pletely wrong in something
try level, you really need to coming back a year from because you have seen that
be a specialist. now and telling you that we company in different cycles
expanded our knowledge and you know how it be-
CS: We get lots of ques- base to 150. We would not haves. It‘s very hard when
tions from potential clients be able to follow such a you look at a company for
asking us how we could large number of additional the first time to understand
truly understand these 85 companies in a short period where the company is, until
companies in detail and fol- of time. Whenever we are you have studied one cycle
low them very closely with following a company, we (Continued on page 26)
Page 26

Rational Asset Management

(Continued from page 25) that, because when we have because we need to build
and lived through another conversations with potential the knowledge base. Since
one. investors, with other man- that‘s not the plan, Rational
agers, they say, look, it is a one-trick pony. We
G&D: How do you think makes a lot of sense to do it focus on US equities. What
about forecasting? this way. defines us as investors is not
that we are Brazilians, but
DS: These cycles exist and that we are engineers who
it is important not to fore- were exposed to the idea of
cast against the extremes of “What helped us value investing. In other
a cycle. For instance, when words, we need data, we
the US was building 2.5 mil- to do that well like data. We know how to
lion houses per year, above run correlations, or what-
the long-term average of 1.5 was looking at the ever is necessary to help us
million houses per year, understand how the flow of
people were forecasting a same companies. information from the indus-
soft landing in housing. The try trickles to the company.
dominant rationale for Otherwise, you We also were both trained
housing was that it would in corporate finance. You
keep jumping need both, the industry
never fall below 1.5 or 2
million houses per year. from one industry knowledge and the ability to
Now we are at 600 thou- translate that.
sand and it‘s the opposite, to another, in
we‘ll never build houses So which country has a lot
again. So that‘s one thing different parts of of public information where
we try very consciously not we speak the language and
to do, is forecasting ex- the cycle, and which has a broad base of
tremes into the future. companies? Maybe Japan,
What helped us to do that how do you know but we don‘t speak Japa-
well was looking at the nese. Maybe Europe, but
same companies. Other- where you are?” then you probably have to
wise, you keep jumping speak Italian, French and
from one industry to an- German, so you can have
other, in different parts of the same depth of knowl-
the cycle, and how do you G&D: You have some per- edge that you have here. So
know where you are? You sonal experience with some clearly the US was the first
never know how long and of these companies, but choice for us. So after we
how high the cycles will go, other than that, how do you decided where we wanted
but you can clearly recog- choose your companies and to play, we had to decide
nize when you are in ex- industries? how to choose the 85 com-
treme modes. panies. An important point
DS: There is one major is the performance of those
There are many people on driver of the knowledge 85 companies over time has
both the buy-side and sell- base, which is it has to fol- had a very high correlation
side that do a lot of good low a broad index. We with S&P 500 or Russell
analysis. But, we think the want to represent the US 2000 – thus, there is not a
difference is the consistency economy. We are a super- bias in our knowledge base.
of our methodology, which specialized fund. People ask We also avoid industries
we think is unique. We us if we can do this in Brazil that we are not able to ana-
would love to know exactly – we might be able to in five lyze. Our methodology,
why people don‘t follow years, but not tomorrow, (Continued on page 27)
Issue X Page 27

Rational Asset Management

(Continued from page 26) essarily looking for great will occur or not, how
even in the US, does not businesses. probable it is that the barri-
apply to banks, biotechnol- ers to entry or the econo-
ogy, or high-tech, because DS: One thing we find very mies of scale will be
you do not really know interesting is that a lot of achieved? It‘s very impor-
where the industry will go. value investors say that they tant for us that the industry
are looking for companies attract competition when “One thing we
G&D: What is the next with huge moats. If there return over invested capital
step? are huge moats though, gets high. In technology find very
then there‘s no earnings though, there isn‘t a number
DS: Then you need to variation, and without earn- that can be reliable in the interesting is that
search. You exclude the ings variation, there‘s no short, medium or even long
companies where the indus- confusion. For example, run. We don‘t have history a lot of value
try is not highly quantifiable. people get highly confused on those numbers and we
We look at trucking compa- when they see USG deliver- don‘t know whether the investors say that
nies, infrastructure, packag- ing $6-$7 per share in 2005 competition will be coming
ing, basic consumer compa- or 2006 and now they earn they are looking
or not.
nies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, minus $2. This confusion
and Nestle. Take hard-line though, presents the oppor- One of the companies we
for companies
retailers like Home Depot tunity to go short or go considered putting into our with huge moats.
and Lowes, Staples, Office- long at different times. We knowledge base is Paychex.
Max, and OfficeDepot, for did just that. We shorted it, It‘s a very interesting busi- If there are huge
example. We can count then bought it, then sold it ness with very high barriers
how many square feet they and then bought it again. to entry, customer captivity moats though,
have, we can adjust by the Another company we‘ve and high return over in-
age of their stores - we can done this with is Advance vested capital; however, we then there‟s no
work with that data. Auto Parts. It has a totally wouldn‘t feel comfortable
different cycle. They are knowing when to short a earnings variation,
To summarize: choose the the quintessential mainte- business like that. We don‘t
country, exclude the indus- nance company. In this par- know what the limit is on and without
tries where the methodol- ticular case, we bought the ROIC that this company
ogy does not apply, and AAP‘s shares when we can achieve. From the long earnings variation,
make sure that the block of started the fund and sold perspective, we don‘t know
companies you focus on recently, with a good real- that competition is not ca-
there‟s no
correlates with an index and ized return. pable of entering and de- confusion.”
has no bias - otherwise you stroying their ROIC. Quan-
become a sector fund. CS: We are looking for tifiable information is very
Then, make sure that every businesses whose assets are much related to ROIC as
single one has a volumetric important from a valuation we understand it.
driver - miles driven for perspective because the DS: The opposite of this is
trucking companies, number anchor for our valuation is trucking. It‘s a highly com-
of trucks produced by long-term return over in- petitive sector with earnings
trucking manufacturing com- vested capital. Technology variation because of eco-
panies, square feet for the firms, for example, are usu- nomic cycles. We know
retailers. You need the ally light from an asset per- there will be reversions to
physical drivers. spective. This makes it very the mean from both sides.
hard to determine the long- Since the sector has very
G&D: That sounds like an run trajectory of the busi- low barriers to entry, it‘s
interesting contrast to many ness - how will capital ex- highly predictable. You
investors. You are not nec- penditures impact the busi- know that when they are
ness, whether competition (Continued on page 28)
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(Continued from page 27) scenarios. They are proba- There was a recession in
bly extreme for the indus- 2000, volume went down,
making a lot of money they try, but they are believable. their price went down, and
will ultimately buy a lot of You can always model a their stock traded consis-
trucks, and eventually either company going bankrupt, tent with our low case.
declining demand or excess but that‘s not a realistic
supply will bring the eco- worst case for most compa- The great case is a huge
nomics back to 8 , 9, 10% expansion of margins in the
ROIC. There are other in- rail industry due to higher
dustries that are always in fuel expenses. Trucking
trouble, like the airline in- companies need 3x more
dustry, so we don‘t touch fuel per mile on average
them. In other words, there than a rail company. That
is a limit to how competitive means when fuel doubles,
you want your companies to “We have to make the delta moves from 3-1 to
be. 6-2, a difference of 4 units
sure that we‟re rather than 2 units. The rail
CS: By its nature, the airline companies priced most of
industry is highly leveraged. comfortable buying this delta and it explained
So our bad case for an air- most of the increase in mar-
line business is almost al- a business below gins. In May 2008, we were
ways zero for the equity. short CSX and at that mo-
We have to make sure that our bad case, and ment the market was saying
we‘re comfortable buying a that the ROIC would be
business below our bad would feel 15% in perpetuity. It im-
case, and would feel com- plied that volumes would
fortable shorting the com- keep growing and gaining
pany at a valuation above shorting the market share from trucking
our great case. and/or that people would
company at a consume more heavy goods.
DS: So it‘s a balance be- So, that‘s a great case.
cause we don‘t want a com- valuation above
pany with a super high bar- So our study of a company‘s
rier to entry because we our great case.” historical returns helps us
don‘t know how much they define what believable great
can potentially earn and and low returns on invested
there will not be sufficient capital are. Next, we take
earnings variation. On the into consideration changes
other side, we want to in the industry. Even our
avoid companies that would low case for CSX is much
bring permanent losses of higher than it would have
capital by going bust during nies. Take the rail company been 15 years ago when oil
the bottom of a cycle. CSX. A low case is sub- was much cheaper. The
historical return over in- excess supply from OPEC
G&D: You‘ve mentioned vested capital for the indus- was consumed, and we
using a low, great and base try, in that case 6-7%. In don‘t see huge expansion of
case valuation framework. that scenario, you are as- capacity coming online. So
Why use this approach? suming low volume growth if oil stayed where it is,
and lower returns than you there is more room for
DS: We try to simulate have observed in the indus- margins even in the long
what we think are believable try projected in perpetuity. (Continued on page 29)
Issue X Page 29

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(Continued from page 28) G&D: How far out do your space to simulate cycles. For
term for rail companies. So base, low, and great cases instance, we are now in a
we do incorporate that. If forecast? bottom of the housing cycle.
there are new facts, we in- It‘s impossible to know
corporate them and don‘t DS: Every single methodol- what USG‘s normalized
blindly forecast off of his- ogy, whether the person earnings are when you have
torical information into per- thinks of it as such or not, is only two years‘ worth of
petuity. If we think that the projections. It is much eas-
low case before was even ier to simulate the next cy-
worse than our case today, “It‟s impossible to cle and bring this to an aver-
we‘re fine with that, be- age ten years from now.
cause we don‘t know what know what USG‟s Your mistake on that aver-
is going to happen in fifty age is much smaller.
years, nor does the market.
So everyone has a medium You can also see the impact
earnings are when
term bias, but what we try of different scenarios over
to avoid is what we call a you have only two the coming years. For ex-
mathematical impossibility. ample, what happens with
years‟ worth of their debt? Will they blow
G&D: Can you give us an up in some of the bear case
example that illustrates a projections. It is scenarios? If you have a
mathematical impossibility? two year template, how do
much easier to you know? The answer is
DS: For example, when you don‘t. We have all
USG was trading at $90 in simulate the next their debts modeled,
2006, it was implied that tranche by tranche, because
there would be a soft land- cycle and bring it matters how the company
ing in the housing market will be performing when
and the return over in-
this to an average they must renew their debt.
vested capital for USG ten years from If the company is luckier in
would remain in perpetuity that a bigger chunk is due at
around 30%. Our base case now. Your the next peak, they will refi-
is 11%, not very far from nance it at much lower rate,
the observed return during mistake on that so we can‘t simply ignore
normal parts of the cycle. that. It matters.
It‘s a very simple industry, average is much
very replicable. For in- In practice, after the 10 year
stance, there was a price fly- smaller.” forecast period, it ends up
up in the industry in 2005, being a perpetuity. The
the capacity was fully util- a perpetuity. When people difference is that we do it
ized and the pricing moves tell you that they do a cou- explicitly. We converge to
up the cost curve. But ple of years and use a multi- the long-term average re-
eventually capacity expands, ple because they don‘t turn. The growth should be
and prices are already very know what is going to hap- consistent with the popula-
close to where the cost pen in three, five or ten tion growth or whatever is
curve tells you it should be. years, they‘re using a perpe- the driver for that industry.
So what the market was tuity. The multiple repre- It‘s very dangerous when
forecasting back in 2006 is sents buying that cash flow you have a perpetuity where
close to a ―mathematical in some form of perpetuity. you can plug in 4% and say
impossibility‖. So, we go over ten years, it‘s reasonable. But if infla-
because we want to have (Continued on page 30)
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(Continued from page 29) DS: A good example of that also not thinking about do-
tion is 2%, and volume is is housing with USG. To go ing expansions or renova-
2%, that may imply huge out and project GDP, that‘s tions.
market share gain over 30 too much macro forecast-
years for a population that ing. It‘s always about a bal- We develop our expecta-
is growing at 0.5%-0.6%. ance. However, going tions on new home starts by
blindly into these industries looking at the number of
G&D: Can you talk about without knowing what mat- homes per thousand inhabi-
where USG is today relative ters is also not a sound tants in the US and revers-
to your base case? methodology. So we look ing this to the long-term
trend that we see in the US.
DS: USG is very close to It has to fluctuate around a
our low case scenario, “Interestingly, reasonable number of
which implies very low re- homes per thousand people.
turns in perpetuity. The three months ago, Our assessment of new
company was lucky that home starts over the next
they had this huge peak in we left the position 10 years is a major input
earnings, which allowed into our valuation of USG.
them to pay down a lot of at our fair value,
debt. It is a leveraged com- G&D: So is that more of a
pany, so it is classified in our
and then it return to long term trend
knowledge base as an ―at dropped by 50%, or do you simulate variation
risk‖ company. That‘s a around that trend line?
company that could be in and we bought it
trouble in the event of an- DS: For the next ten years,
other bad recession. They again. Same it‘s the real simulation, with
were in trouble earlier housing starts going from
when they were saved by company, nothing 600 thousand to 1.7 million
Warren Buffett through the and coming down to a mil-
help of the convertible is- changed, the lion. In practice, companies
sue. Interestingly, three will be impacted by it be-
months ago, we left the market decides to cause of their debt cycle.
position at our fair value, USG has no normalized
and then it dropped by 50%, take it from $5 to earnings. Their earnings are
and we bought it again. anything but normal in any
Same company, nothing
$25, more or less, given year. It‘s always in
changed, the market decides and drops again to transition between boom
to take it from $5 to $25, and bust. If you were the
more or less, and drops $10-12.” owner of this company, it
again to $10-12. would matter to you if the
cash flow came now, five
G&D: It sounds like you‘re at the sales of wallboard for years from now, or ten
building out a ten year fore- the industry in the US, and years from now.
cast with different scenarios see that the correlation
to capture different cycles. with the new home starts is G&D: Are you more con-
How do you think about 90%. Although not all wall- cerned with having a catalyst
those projections and the board is used for new home in your short positions, do
role they play in your proc- construction, this one vari- you rely on the same longer
ess? able has a lot of information. -term valuation reversion?
When people are not build-
ing new homes, they are (Continued on page 31)
Issue X Page 31

Rational Asset Management

(Continued from page 30) position on the stock price will be. For example, you
DS: We short the same downward movement. think you are at the end of a
companies that we will po- recession, and then a sec-
tentially go long. We prese- G&D: How do you think ond leg, much bigger than
lect our companies not to about margin of safety, do the first, is coming, as it did
have extreme scenarios in you require a certain spread in 2008-2009. We design
either direction, either go- between the great and low risk controls, to guarantee “I think the
ing bankrupt or having the cases? that there‘s no permanent
company become ten times loss of capital, so we come biggest mistake
bigger in real value than DS: This is why we develop back after the recession. If
what we had forecasted. the three scenarios we do, our resources are pre- we will commit
When companies are selling so that the margin of safety served, we can keep moving
at our great case valuation is there. If we make a mis- as investors. But this is an from time to time,
and we are shorting them, take, we took a position in a inevitable mistake that will
chances are that they are company at the fair value. happen from time to time. which is
very close to their peak
earnings. It‘s just a matter CS: If you focus on always The only way to avoid it is inevitable, is
of patience that the valua- starting a position at a valua- to have a crystal ball. If we
tions will correct. We find tion such that you avoid had one, we would have
that the correlation be- permanent loss of capital, started our fund net short how severe a
tween next 12 months‘ then you will understand in April 2008, rather than
earnings and price per share the methodology. You are net long because we were macro-event will
is extremely high. It doesn‘t buying at a price where at the end of one recession.
make sense, but that‘s how even if lots of bad things You can see this in trucking: be. For example,
the market works. We are happen to the company, you the first normal housing
creating alpha based on that, are still going to avoid per- recession was over already, you think you are
in the sense that price will manent loss of capital. And that was from 2006 to 2008.
follow earnings, and if there the same is true of shorts; Then the panic recession, at the end of a
is high probability that the you are shorting at a price with all the banks saying
earnings are above trend- where everything that can they were bankrupt, led to a recession, and
line, they will reverse. go in favor of the business is huge decline in real activity
already priced into the in companies. In the case of then a second leg,
CS: We also need to make stock. So the idea here is USG, they had to go after
sure that the portfolio risk to open positions making an expensive, dilutive instru-
much bigger than
controls are all set and sure that we may lose ment. This shaves almost the first, is
working. For example, even money in the short or me- 30% of their value that was
if the stock price of one of dium term, but we are not not in our forecast. And so coming, as it did
our short positions tripled going to lose from the per- this is unpredictable because
against the price at which manent perspective. it is an event that happens in 2008-2009.”
we shorted it, we could every 70 years. But you
potentially make money G&D: Could you talk about have to have a methodology
once the stock finally goes a mistake that you made, that even with your mis-
to our fair value estimate that you have corrected the takes, you don‘t blow up.
(base case). To make sure methodology to account We haven‘t changed any-
that is the case we need to for? thing from the beginning of
trim down our position to the fund in April 2008 until
our maximum exposure per DS: I think the biggest mis- now.
position on the stock price take we will commit from
upward movement and we time to time, which is inevi- The other kind of mistake
will be adding back to our table, is underestimating that we might commit, and
how severe a macro-event (Continued on page 32)
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Rational Asset Management

(Continued from page 31) against a lot of things we investment, and we need to
this is more on an individual hear from other value inves- make sure that we limit our
basis, is with wrong analysis. tors. If we think that the losses. It is very important
For instance, if you look at fair value of a business is to recognize that we are
our implied return over doing the same kind of
invested capital, including analysis for eighty five busi-
capitalized leases, for Home
“There were some nesses, and we are not go-
Depot and Lowes, it is ing to double or triple down
value investors
higher than the average for on any one of them. The
other retailers we follow. that came out explanation that if you like
Those two companies have something with an x market
behaved very well for a long after the recession of safety, you should like it
time, including in this mas- more with 2x and you
sive crisis. There was no and said that they should die for it at 3x - this
price war. What should be is not within our methodol-
the base case for this du- were very ogy. Unfortunately, we will
opoly? There are limits to commit mistakes and we
what they can earn, but if concentrated and should make sure that our
they continue to behave as methodology will limit the
they have, it implies a higher they were chasing losses associated with such
valuation than in a fully com- mistakes. We intend to re-
petitive industry. How
something down munerate our investors for
could I make a mistake the bulk of our analysis and
to the bottom.
here? What if they started not necessarily for extreme
a long price war? The fair That‟s the danger, returns achieved from one
value will then be revised or two home-runs.
down. We thought we because you
were buying at the low case DS: There were some value
valuation, but it turned out expose your fund investors that came out
to be the real case. It is not after the recession and said
a permanent loss of capital doing this. that they were very concen-
because of the margin of trated and they were chas-
safety, but it would have Although it is ing something down to the
been a mistake nevertheless. bottom. That‘s the danger,
If you do a lot of this, your beautiful when it because you expose your
returns are going to be me- fund doing this. Although it
diocre. But again, with
works, the risks is beautiful when it works,
companies that you know, the risks associated with it
associated with it
that you have been follow- are gigantic. Our portfolio
ing for many years, some of are gigantic.” management was designed
those mistakes will happen before the 2008-2009 crisis
less frequently than com- $16, and now the low case and in such a way that it
pared to the average inves- valuation for that same busi- could withstand a very bad
tor. Therefore you can cre- ness is $10, and we buy that shock, which did happen.
ate alpha by stock-picking. company once it goes below There was a drawdown, but
$10, our methodology does we came back, without
G&D: How do you limit the not include buying more at emergency tweaks in the
impact of such mistakes? $9, buying more at $6, and methodology.
even buying more at $3.
CS: This is very important, We recognize that we might
and it goes very much be wrong on the subsequent (Continued on page 33)
Issue X Page 33

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(Continued from page 32) fident that I was making a methodology - it‘s not about
G&D: Is there anything that good and responsible invest- having a dream one day and
you wish someone from the ment? becoming a great investor.
industry told you when you
were at Columbia Business CS: I think that before get-
School? ting into this industry I
would have liked to have
DS: There are many differ- dealt more with the impor-
ent ways to invest: choose “You research, tance of portfolio allocation
yours. Try to find it. I wish and risk control, in addition
someone had told me that it you know your to studying single businesses
is possible to invest being and investment ideas. I
very methodical. The feel- companies, you think people focus a lot, and
ing that I had when I started they should, in trying to
to invest, after speaking
know the industry, understand a business and
with a lot of people and the industry. But a lot of
and you know
reading a lot of books, is importance needs to be
really the same feeling when what you are placed on building a portfo-
I started in engineering. I lio from these ideas that will
remember when I was an doing under the maximize your gains and
engineer, reading a book by make sure that your losses
Lee Iacocca talking about best known are such that you can live
Chrysler. It was a must- with.
read book for people who circumstances.
were thinking about being DS: For students at Colum-
CEOs of companies. I re- Mistakes will still bia, the focus is more on
member feeling almost de- specific company analysis.
spaired when I read Lee happen, but there This makes sense, because
Iacocca saying that he knew one‘s initial job after Colum-
that the Mustang was the
is a methodology - bia is as an analyst. When
best name for that car and it‟s not about you make the jump to run-
that it was the key to its ning your own fund, you
success. I asked myself, having a dream eventually have to learn the
how does he know that? portfolio management part.
How does he have that kind one day and You are going to need to
of foresight? And it was a have a methodology. So it‘s
terrifying feeling to think becoming a great also an important part of
that I didn‘t have that type the job.
of intuition. investor.”
G&D: Thank you very much
When I went to investing, it Danilo and Claudio – that
was something similar to was very insightful.
this. How does this inves- So I wish someone had told
tor do it? Sometimes you me that there‘s another
see people presenting their way. You research, you
methodology in very generic know your companies, you
terms, as if all they did was a know the industry, and you
back of the envelope calcu- know what you are doing
lation. How am I supposed under the best known cir-
to do a back of the enve- cumstances. Mistakes will
lope calculation and be con- still happen, but there is a
Issue X Page 34

The Columbia Investment Management Association

The Heilbrunn Center for Graham & Dodd Investing
are proud to announce the 14th annual


On Friday, February 4th, 2011
Columbia University in New York, NY

The CIMA conference is structured to be a full-day event with two keynote speeches
and three panels.

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of the top names in the investment management business on current events, the global
economy and promising new investment trends.

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tivities include sponsoring guest lectures from industry practitioners, organizing stock-picking contests, and
assisting with the recruiting process.


The Heilbrunn Center for Graham & Dodd Investing builds on Columbia Business School’s extraordinary tra-
dition of value investing by promoting the study and practice of the principles developed by Benjamin Gra-
ham and David Dodd, MS ’21. Established with the generous support of Robert and Harriet Heilbrunn, the
center serves as the leading global resource on investing. To learn more, visit
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Graham & Doddsville 2010 / 2011 Editors

Garrett Jones is a second year MBA student. This summer he in-

terned at Nicusa Capital, a concentrated long-short value fund. Prior to
Columbia, he was a Senior Consultant with Booz & Company in Dallas
and the Middle East. He received a BA in Music and Computer Science
from Dartmouth College.

Daniel Kaskawits, CFA is a second year MBA student and participant

in the Applied Value Investing Program. This summer he interned at
Steinberg Asset Management, a long-only concentrated equity value
fund. Prior to Columbia, Daniel worked for six years in investment
research at Citi, where he was a member of the US equity strategy
team. Daniel received a BSM in Finance and Marketing, with a minor in
Sociology from Tulane University in 2003.

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