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NTT DATA Corporation

Our Group Vision

Global IT Innovator
Through our Group Vision, we continue to take on
challenges and leap forward to reach our vision
for the group.


1 Message from the President

2 Group Vision
4 Business Fields
6 Global Support
8 Case Study
12 Research & Development
13 CSR
Service, product and other names within this publication may be
trademarks, registered or otherwise, of NTT DATA Corporation
or other companies in Japan and / or other countries.
Message from
the President

On behalf of the NTT DATA Group, I would like to take the opportunity to offer you our best wishes for your
continued success.
Formulating the Group Vision as “Global IT Innovator” in 2005, the NTT DATA Group has expanded globally
and increased its focus on services, enabling us to move away from a business model centered on large-scale
system integration (SI) in Japan. As a result, we have grown to a scale where our diverse array of employees can
deliver a broad range of IT services in many of the world’s countries and regions.
With our Group companies globally now integrated as Global One NTT DATA, we are again united under our
“Global IT Innovator” Group Vision and aim to join the ranks of the global top 5 players in the IT service industry.
Building long-term relationships with our clients, we work to help them realize their dreams and
hopes. Moreover, we boost the added value of our services by advancing leading-edge technologies and
creating “ecosystems” where various companies and services are aggregated and linked to each other.
Furthermore, we are nurturing a culture of creativity that is competitive globally through our respect for
the diversity of all Group employees as individuals.
Based on our new, refined Group Vision, we continue to meet challenges and take large strides towards
where we believe the NTT DATA Group should be ten years from now.

Toshio Iwamoto
President and Chief Executive Officer

The NTT DATA Group continues to
Group Vision take on challenges and leap forward
towards the future.

IT Innovator
In responsse to acceleratin
ing glob
atiion, NTT
TA instituted
uted a ne
e GGroup
p Vis
i ion
n in 2005, whi
h ch
we termed
d Global IT Inno
tor. W
ith IT at th
he cor
r of our busine
ess, we
e aimed
d to ex
xpand ourr
operations to markets aro
ope ound th
he world. Our vi
n embraced
mbraced two
o be
belieffs: “we ccould
ould change IT
to make
m it b
ter” and “thrrough
gh IT we could chang
change the world.” As
As a lead
ng innovato
i ovva
tor in tthe
he fi
of IT, we set out to ena
e our clients to achieve the
eir highest goals and
n aspirrat
urrrently, our oper
ns have
have grown
own to
o the glob
globall scale, expanding into many
m y count
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o the grou
p and conti
tinuously expanding. To he
p accelerate
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our b
s ness growt
growth in
i th
he dec
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ade ahead, we ha
have institute
ed a new highly evolved
vol definitio
on of
ball IT
I Innov

We realize the dreams
of our clients around the
world through long-term

We develop evolving
ecosystems with our clients
through leading-edge

We enhance our creativity by

respecting diversity.

Statements of the values we esteem and seek to share.

First, and above all else, we place the needs of our clients. We work continuously to under-

Clients First
stand your business and we strive to resolve every concern to your satisfaction. We feel
responsibility to ensure your success and we let this obligation set the direction of our work
and guide our actions.

We never settle for the status quo. Instead, with speed and foresight, we anticipate challenges

that lay ahead. We consider the future of IT as well as the future of your business, work to en-
hance our ability to picture the future, and with our ecosystems, adapt to the changing business
environment. In this way, we help you to meet your goals and create a brighter future for society.

We put great importance on enabling our employees to achieve their best through their work

with each other. We believe that when a diverse group of individuals brings their unique world
views together, shares their wisdom, and works toward a common goal, the results are ex-
traordinary and far beyond what can be achieved by any one person.

Business Business fields across
Fields diverse sectors


NTT DATA has played an instrumental role in establishing and advanc- Public Sector and Education
ing Japanese IT infrastructure since 1967 when it started out as the We develop and manage informa-
Data Communications Bureau of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone tion systems that support com-
Public Corporation. Its origins help explain the importance NTT DATA munities in fields such as taxation,
places on contributing to social benefits with a quality-first mindset. employment, labor, trade, transpor-
Having spun-off from NTT in 1988 and gone public in 1995, NTT DATA tation, and IT-based education ser-
retains a hybrid culture of long-term commitment and challenge to in- vices. We provide systems and
novation in order to contribute to the progress of business and society. services designed to make societ-
ies safe, convenient, and prosperous.
NTT Group consists of the following major companies.

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone

Healthcare and Life Sciences
We provide services that enable
Planning management strategies for
the NTT Group more efficient and advanced health-
Encouraging fundamental R&D efforts care administration including health-
care management systems and
regional health information network
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone systems. Our technology-enabled
East Corporation systems help many health-related
Regional Communications Businesses organizations adjust rapidly and cost-effectively to dynamic
markets and regulation changes.

Nippon Telegraph and Telephone

West Corporation
Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance
Regional Communications Businesses
We provide systems that meet the
scale and purpose requirements of
NTT Communications Corporation financial institutions, including solu-
Long-Distance and International tions in shared-use and outsourcing
Communications Businesses for banks, brokerages, and life and
non-life insurers. We also develop
payment-receipt systems to sup-
Dimension Data plc port Japan’s financial and economic infrastructure.
Long-Distance and International
Communications Businesses

Media and Entertainment

We help media and entertainment
NTT DATA Corporation companies navigate the sweeping
Data Communications Businesses changes in the field by offering the
most appropriate technological and
strategic solutions in line with new
business models, editorial needs, and
NTT DOCOMO, INC. consumer and audience demands.
Mobile Communications Businesses

The NTT DATA Group has provided information systems and services aligned
with the requirements and challenges of society, including systems for public
administration and businesses engaged in the financial, manufacturing, and
telecommunications sectors as well as cross-industry infrastructure services.
We intend to expand our scope globally and continue providing innovative
paradigms and value for years to come.

Telecommunications Retail, Wholesale, and Distribution

As our parent company is NTT, the We deploy responsive services
largest global telecommunication and solutions that are well-suited
organization in the world, NTT DATA to the rapidly changing business
understands technology advance- environment in the retail, whole-
ments and dramatically changing sale, and distribution sectors. Our
consumer demands in the telecom- solutions enable clients to reduce
munications sector, and is capable costs, streamline processes, and
of offering solutions for clients’ key processes. use new channels such as social media.

Energy, Utilities, and Natural Resources Service Providers

To build a sustainable society for We address professional firms’
future generations, we provide requirements via pre-configured
solutions that enable our clients industry solutions that enable proj-
and society to achieve a smaller ect activity planning, quotes based
environmental impact. Our sys- on activity planning, resource plan-
tems also help our clients to cope ning, time recording, approval pro-
with various challenges including cesses, billing, and reporting.
energy and risk management.

Manufacturing and Automotive Transportation and Logistics

We provide solutions that enable We specialize in providing innova-
leaner and more efficient operation- tive business and IT solutions to
al procedures for the entire lifecycle help clients compete on a local, re-
of manufacturing, from new product gional, and global scale. We also
development, recipe management, help clients improve and optimize
and production to cost, quality, and all business functions, relating peo-
regulatory management. ple, process, data, and technology.

Electronic and High Tech Customer Products

Our technology-enabled services We specialize in innovative ap-
and solutions help optimize the proaches including mobile appli-
end-to-end processes for the en- cations that allow clients to create
tire lifecycle of production as well more convenient products and ser-
as react to rapidly changing mar- vices as well as to operate more
ket conditions. efficient and cost competitive pro-
cesses. These solutions lead to in-
creased customer loyalty and higher profit margins.

Global Providing the best solutions as
Support Global One NTT DATA

Global Regions

We are able to offer customers
distinctive solutions that meet
their specific needs. Using onsite,
offshore and near-shore capabili-
ties, we will provide applications
development and management,
business IT consulting, customer
management, infrastructure ser-
vices, IT security, and business
intelligence services.

We will continue reinforcing compe-
tence of the NTT DATA brand, and de-
velop local business activities. We also
increase competitiveness of our off-
shore resources in China.

We have strong poposition in the public
private sector, we pro-
sector. In the priva
vide global consulting programs and
APAC diverse solutions to a wide range of
industries including banks, life and
We are strengthening support for both Jap-
non-life insurance, manufacturing,
anese and local corporations who operate
logistics, communications, transpor-
globally. We offer IT systems to local finan-
tation, and energy, etc. In particular,
cial institutions and public organizations. In
we have expertise in cross-industry
addition, we provide total IT solutions with
and shared net-work systems.
hardware systems.

The NTT DATA Group is enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of its global operations.
As a true “global business partner” that makes clients’ businesses succeed, we establish
capabilities to offer fast services both to local and global clients.

The Americas
Utilizing the resources in India and Canada, we offer total
solutions, ranging from applications development and man-
agement, enterprise resource planning (ERP) services, cloud-
computing services, business process outsourcing (BPO)
services to IT consulting and staffing solutions.

Business Solutions
With SAP solution provider itelligence as a major
force, we offer global scale support services from con-
sulting, sales of licenses, maintenance to outsourcing.

Global One Team Building a Global Delivery Model

NTT DATA is promoting the Global One Team initia- NTT DATA is building a global delivery model that
tive to combine our resources and to expand business provides high-quality best-solutions for our customers.
supports to our clients. We have Global One Teams We aim to realize high productivity in development
in the areas such as SAP, cloud computing, business and simultaneously minimize costs by smooth coor-
intelligence, Oracle, and Testing. Through the Teams’ dination among development centers in India, China,
activities, we are building a powerful framework that Southeast Asia, and Eastern Europe, as well as by em-
offers our clients one-stop and global services. ploying best practices.

Case Study

Foreseeing the IT Society of Tomorrow:

Technology Foresight

Looking into the future, and creating new

businesses with our clients
Foresight compilation and shares these trends with the
Operating Environment public. They contain a wide range of studies and inter-
With the constant progress and advancement in infor- views with experts and researchers on various social and
mation technology, the business environment for to- business issues.
day’s corporations is changing at a frenetic pace. Here, One of the latest information society trends is “Increas-
the term business environment refers to the emergence ing demand for real-time responses to the ever-changing
of new technologies as well as all developments and environment and needs.” With advances in sensor tech-
changes taking place in the political, economic, and so- nology, the provision of social infrastructure that can
cial domains. immediately respond to changes in the environment and
There are many recent examples of businesses having social demands will become vital. One example of a tech-
difficulty surviving, irrespective of their size, because nology that can do this is our Bridge Monitoring System
they could not keep pace with these changes. (see page 9).
Businesses must be able to anticipate changes and Another cutting-edge technology trend is “Ultrahigh-
modify their activities accordingly. speed development for prompt delivery,” which includes
our automation tools for software development (see page
12). The fast delivery of information systems made pos-
Fostering lasting partnerships with clients sible by shorter system development timeframes will be
The NTT DATA Group identifies information society vital from here on.
trends that are likely to have considerable impacts on We hope to create new businesses and establish last-
our customers’ businesses over the medium and long ing partnerships with our clients by showing them the
terms, and technology trends that will underpin the in- direction of medium- and long-term business innovation
formation society in our annual NTT DATA Technology through Technology Foresight.

An NTT DATA Initiative aimed at addressing
the Infrastructure Crisis

Real time detection of

defects via M2M solutions*
bridge’s condition. It can quickly detect signs of cumula-
Aging infrastructure threatens countries tive degradation or anomalies caused by a natural disas-
Recently in Japan, there have been some accidents caused ter. By monitoring the status of bridges, the system aims
by deteriorating infrastructure which has drawn con- to achieve effective maintenance as well as to enable ad-
cern. These include a highway tunnel where the ceiling vanced preventative maintenance through early detection
collapsed and fracturing sections of bridges. Much of Ja- that allows repair of strained or damaged parts.
pan’s infrastructure was built all at once during a period
of rapid economic growth and the time for nationwide
renewal is now approaching. However, as a practical issue Introduction of the Bridge Monitoring
it will be impossible for Japan to completely reconstruct System into Vietnam
all of its built infrastructure. Against this backdrop, ma- Our Bridge Monitoring System was installed in the Can
chine to machine (M2M) solutions like our Bridge Moni- Tho Bridge, one of the longest bridges in Southeast Asia
toring System have moved into the spotlight. Monitoring and constructed on a tributary of the Mekong River. Since
the physical status of bridges using sensors, the system the ground in the area is very loose, it was vital for plan-
aims to use the data it gathers to facilitate regular and ners to take steps against land subsidence. Our system
preventative maintenance. can monitor the cumulative strain and damage caused
over time by passing vehicles, so that it was adopted as
one measure to detect and forestall land subsidence.
Bridge Monitoring System We expect this Bridge Monitoring System, which now
The Bridge Monitoring System monitors the physical sta- helps to maintain the safety of the Vietnamese people,
tus of a bridge using sensors placed at key points of the to be adopted in other Southeast Asian countries, where
structure. The sensors collect thousands of units of data there are similar needs, and we look for adoption by
every second on a range of factors such as changes in posi- countries in other regions.
tion, stress, and vibration, and the system analyzes that * Solutions in which machines exchange information with other ma-
data in real time to provide an accurate snapshot of the chines through networks and work together.

Overseas Rollout of an Integrated Credit Card
Settlement Solution: CAFIS

Offering reliability, security, and meticulous

payment service capabilities amassed in Japan
tlement solution. Since launching “CAFIS” in 1984, NTT
Overview of system DATA has continued to expand the scope of the service
CAFIS is an integrated network system for credit card with various new offerings and initiatives.
transactions that connects credit card companies and In this way, we have been expanding our interna-
financial institutions with participating retailers nation- tional business by deploying the business operational
wide via the Internet. The service enables retailers to con- knowhow and technical expertise amassed in Japan,
firm in real time whether or not a customer’s credit card and more recently by forming alliances with overseas
can be used—no matter what type of card it is—and per- corporations. In Asia, where the full-scale arrival of the
form settlement accordingly. It is the largest such service card-based society is imminent, we have formed allianc-
in Japan with respect to the number of companies con- es with local partners in China, Vietnam and Thailand.
nected and the transaction volume. In addition to credit Through these alliances, we will launch various types
balance inquiries and cashing, “CAFIS” incorporates a va- of innovative, competitive settlement services while
riety of settlement services, including debits, cash with- addressing the distinctive business customs of each na-
drawals using convenience store ATMs, and electronic tion. Our aim is to roll out services that match local cir-
money transactions. cumstances in the future.
Meanwhile, we are also pursuing alliances with busi-
ness operators in Europe and North America that are ad-
Targeting global settlement services vancing their operations worldwide as we build a global
CAFIS occupies around 70% of the domestic market for payment delivery system. Through the aforementioned
integrated settlement services. Handling more than 300 initiatives, we will aim to become a Global Top 5 player in
million transactions per month, it is Japan’s largest reli- the payment sector as well, by providing reliable, secure,
able, secure, high-performance integrated credit card set- high-performance settlement services around the world.

Strategic IT Partnership with Honda

Selected as strategic IT partner for

joint enhancement of IT value
end, Honda and NTT DATA will work together to estab-
Overview of system lish mechanisms for accumulating know-how in-house
“The Power of Dreams” is the force that inspires Honda to by building a collaborative system that will enhance the
provide new joy to the world. Honda recently chose NTT value of Honda’s IT.
DATA as its strategic IT partner in the business area of
after-sales service, which covers post-sale vehicle service
operations, and includes repairs. Accordingly, NTT DATA Joint design to optimize performance
will play a part in the transfer, operation, and mainte- throughout the system
nance of Honda’s IT systems in this business area. As In response to Honda’s request for support in the inter-
Honda’s strategic IT partner, NTT DATA will provide on- nalization of IT functions, NTT DATA has proposed a
going support for the global automaker’s innovation. framework by which IT staff can accumulate expertise
through operational improvements to systems mainte-
nance. Furthermore, NTT DATA has been able to reduce
Role of strategic IT partner operational costs by establishing maintenance and oper-
Previously, Honda relied on various outside IT vendors ational processes that maximize the utilization of NTT
for most of its IT systems service processes. As a result, DATA’s overseas resources, including an offshore base in
it did not retain IT know-how in its own IT department. Beijing and other locations. In its role as a strategic IT
Therefore, instead of choosing vendors for each project, partner, NTT DATA will continue proposing solutions
Honda decided to select strategic IT partners for each that will optimize performance throughout Honda’s
specific business area. Honda’s aim is to gradually in- entire IT system with an eye toward future needs, based
ternalize IT functions so that it no longer needs to de- on a firm understanding of Honda’s medium- and long-
pend too heavily on outside vendors’ expertise. To this term management priorities.

Research &

The NTT DATA Group is developing cutting-edge services that anticipate trends in technology and strength-
ening system development capabilities for realizing customer innovation.

Developing Leading-edge Services that Strengthening System Development

Anticipates Trends in Technology Capabilities to Bring Innovation to Our Clients
Big Data / M2M Solution Automated Software Development
We see an increasing demand for tools to help clients Shorter life cycles of products and services and intensified
make the right decisions at appropriate times through global competition have been quickly raising the priority
analyzing huge amount of information available in and of accelerating IT processes as a vital management issue.
out of companies. Answering these demands, we offer To respond to the concern, the NTT DATA Group suc-
M2M cloud-computing services that effectively gather cessfully developed technology for recovery by automati-
and manage sensor data. We also established a Large-scale cally generating design documents from source codes of
Real-time Data Analysis service that monitors subjects, existing systems as well as technology for development
detects signs of abnormalities and provides predictive in- by generating completely automatic source codes based
formation in a timely manner by collecting, analyzing, on design information. This automation technology not
and processing such data. Furthermore, we offer consult- only dramatically shortens development periods of new
ing on big data analysis. systems but has also been widely used for maintenance
work. It achieved significant success and is changing the
Cloud Services / Virtualization prevailing paradigm of the conventional software de-
We quickly moved on to technologies for establishing and velopment and maintenance. The NTT DATA Group will
managing cloud systems through open-source and for continue to pursue automation technology to help our
large-scale data processing (Hadoop) that generates new clients’ technological revolution.
added-value for cloud services. We have already helped
our clients apply these technologies to their systems. Promotion of Agile Software Development
Moreover, we work on network virtualization technology Amid the globally increasing trend that demands agile
(OpenFlow) and a virtualization platform (OpenStack) as software development, a method based on short cyclical
an active member of these development communities, repetition of development, we have established a train-
and we have developed technology to migrate clients’ ex- ing platform for 1,000 employees during three years. By
isting systems to cloud models. mainly using overseas outlets, we promote the human
resource development as well as the training feedback
Mobile / Security to projects.
We have developed services including device manage-
ment and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) solutions that Open Source Software
enable customers to safely and confidently use smart- We are also enabling open source software (OSS), which
phones and tablets, drawing upon our security technol- reduces licensing costs and eliminates dependence on spe-
ogy and accumulated know-how in system development. cific vendors, to be used in mission-critical systems that
These services are provided under the BizSMA brand. require reliable operations 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Social Responsibility Initiatives

The NTT DATA Group believes it is responsible for contributing to the prosperity of clients and society by
creating new paradigms and value while at the same time achieving its own growth through sound, trans-
parent management. In line with our CSR message “We shall continue our innovations and contributions
utilizing IT to realize a prosperous, sustainable society,” we have set our priorities on society and regional
communities, people and the global environment.

Corporate Governance Social Contribution and Environmental

To ensure the proper conduct of business operations, Activities
the NTT DATA Group has established guidelines for mak- Social Contribution Activities
ing and implementing decisions regarding business As a good corporate citizen that seeks to contribute to
operations, clearly delegated authority, and appropri- the formation and growth of a sound society, we set up
ate controls. Our Internal Audit Department, which is a Social Contribution Promotion Office to take the lead
independent from our business execution sectors, will in initiatives that utilize our core businesses and activi-
maintain the soundness of the company by auditing busi- ties that emphasize employee participation. For example,
ness operations to provide appropriate advice and recom- as a Valentine’s Day charity event, we conduct internal
mendations. In addition, we have established the Group sales of confectioneries made by people with disabilities
Internal Control Promotion Committee to reinforce gov- in welfare centers at prices that include a donation.
ernance within the group. Another effort is a project in which elementary school
students enjoy hands-on experience with information
technology. We also accept junior high school students
Compliance for an on-site, work-study program as our way of support-
Global Compliance Policy is at the heart of our compli- ing the education of next-generation IT professionals and
ance structure. We are reinforcing in-house systems contributing to regional communities.
through the “Corporate Ethics Committee” and the
Compliance Promotion Section. We are also improving Environmental Activities
corporate ethics and strengthening compliance through We are pursuing environment-oriented management
training and educational activities that foster employee to not only reduce the company’s own environmental
awareness of compliance, among other efforts. In addi- impact but also to utilize IT to reduce the environmen-
tion, we have set up a Whistleblower Line as an internal tal impact of our customers and society. Based on our
reporting system. environmental slogan, “Earth Solutions. Using IT to
solve environmental problems,” which declares our en-
vironmental stance, we have formulated a three-part Ac-
Risk Management tion Plan: Contribute to the greening of our customers
Our risk management system is chaired by the Chief Risk and society through IT, contribute to the environment
Officer and focuses on proactively preventing risks that through the greening of the NTT DATA, and promote
could affect management and reduces the impact of risks proactive environmental contributions and environ-
that have already materialized. Every fiscal year, we priori- mental communications.
tize major risks and implement various countermeasures.
For example, we set up the Disaster Response Office to
prepare for large-scale disasters such as earthquakes and
formulated a Business Continuity Plan. In terms of infor-
mation security, we created the NTT DATA Group Security
Policy and are training employees and thoroughly apply-
ing rules for operations and management.
The results of these efforts are compiled and published
in the Information Security Report.

NTT DATA Corporation


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