Fuel Adulteration Detection System

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Trolley System

The Current practice of carting systems are that the user just picks up the required products and
drops into the trolley and ending up waiting in a queue for billing , which is formed due to scanning
of all the collected products of every customer while billing. So aiming to reduce the queue as well
as save customers time we propose and automatic billing trolley which scans the product while we
drop it in the trolley and prepares the bill accordingly and communicates with the system with the
help of cloud.


We use microcontroller interfaced with RFID readers which senses RFID cards where the
product details are already stored as the card is sensed the specific amount is added to the bill.
The Microcontroller used is ATMEGA328p
We use LCD to Display the products and the total price

Objectives :

1.To Build a customer friendly environment in malls and shopping places.

2.To create an interactive IoT based system forming a succesfull communication with the
billing system
3.To identify Each trolley uniquely so that the product details and total bill details can be
retrieved easily from one particular trolley
4. To save cutomers time and increase sales by attracting people with time efficient feature.
5. To display the details on the LCD screen so that the customers gets an immediate
estimate of the bill.
6.To be able to send and retrieve information via cloud

Fig 1:Block Diagram of Smart Trolley System

Hardware Components:
3.RFID Reader
4. RFID tags
5. ESP 01
6.Power Supply Board

Software Requirements:
1. Arduino IDE
2. Thingspeak
The Figure 1 shows the actual implementation of proposed system We have the heart of the system
ie our microcontroller , Arduino is used for giving multiple inputs and outputs. In our system the
input we need to fetch is the RFID tags which acts as an product and whenever there is any product
detected some related details about the product is stored in the tag and the price gets added to the
total bill
The total bill is displayed on a 20*4 LCD screen displaying the bills with the details about the
The stored value has no much application until and unless it is able to communicate with the billing
The device used to connect my arduino with internet is ESP01

Therefore, the experiment can be achieved . Once the implementation is done we observe the
RFID tags which is one source of input given by RFID reader.
It is obviously an Embedded system
Time Efficiate
User friendly

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