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Quick guide for software installation

Step -1- Software Installation

How to install CPtams-Beta software at your system.

Step:-1.1-> first inserts CD into the CD-ROM.You will find CPTAMS folder open
CPTAMS folder and run CPTAMS Installer file as shown below:

Step: -1.1.1->Double click on setup after that click on “install”.

Step: -1.1.2-> Click “select all” first then click “Next”.

Step: -1.1.3-> Do not change “Named instance SQLCPTAMS” click “Next”.

Step: -1.1.4-> Do not change “Authentication Mode” into Mixed Mode but if you
will change then need put “Password” and the same password has been
configured by the CPTAMS wizard.

Step: -1.1.5-> After successful installation of SQL server it will automatically goes
to CPTAMS software setup. For that need to click “Yes”.
Step:-2.1.1 -> click “next “button.
Step:-2.1.2-> Select license agreement terms and click “next “button.

Step:-2.1.2-> Do not change Login Id or password click “Next” button.

Step:-2.1.3-> Error 1904 if come then need to install cristal report manually.
Step:-2.1 .3-> after successful installation of CPTAMs, click on “finish”

Step:-3. After finishing installation double click on icon at your

Step:-3.1->after processing put user name:-“admin” and password
“admin” then click on “SIGN IN” button.

Step:-4->. After successful login you can add devices and etc………

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