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Forebrain Or Prosencephalon

The fore-brain or prosencephalon consists of:

 Diencephalon: at third ventricle
 telencephalon:comprising the cerebral hemispheres
each cerebral hemisphere contains the lateral ventricle
through the interventricular foramen, the third ventricle communicate with
the lateral ventricle but are separated by a medial septum, the septum
The Diencephalon
Connected superoanterior with cerebral hemispheres and posterior with
Inferior it reaches the base of the brain
Its upper surface is covered by the corpus callosum+ tela chorioidea of the
third ventricle
1. thalamencephalon
2. pars mamillaris hypothalami
3. posterior part of the third ventricle

1. The Thalamencephalon
 Thalamus
 metathalamus or corpora geniculata
 epithalamus(trigonum habenulæ+pineal body+posterior
2 large ovoid masses on each side of the 3rd ventricle
Has 2 extremities(1 anterior and 1 posterior)
4 surfaces(superior, inferior, medial, and lateral)
anterior extremity
forms the posterior boundary of the interventricular foramen.
posterior extremity
expanded and overlaps the superior colliculus
Medially: is an angular prominence, the pulvinar=> forms laterally the
lateral geniculate body
Under the pulvinar is the medial geniculate body separated from it by the
superior brachium
superior surface
free and convex
covered by stratum zonale
separated laterally from the caudate nucleus by stria terminalis+terminal
has a lateral and medial part formed by the lateral margin of the fornix
 lateral part: forms a portion of the floor of the lateral ventricle,
 medial part: covered by the tela chorioidea of the third ventricle
In front the superior surface is separated from the medial surface by tænia
Behind, it is limited medially trigonum habenulæ separated from it by the
sulcus habenulæ
inferior surface
continuous with the subthalamic tegmental region
Anterior to it is the substantia innominata of Meynert
medial surface
forms upper part of the lateral wall of the third ventricle
connected to the corresponding surface of the opposite thalamus by a flattened
gray band, the massa intermedia (middle or gray commissure)
Lateral surface
Forms the occipital part of the internal capsule
Separates the thalamus from the lentiform nucleus of the corpus striatum

Blood supply
Branches from posterior cerebral artery
 polar
 paramedian
 inferolateral or thalamogeniculate
 posterior medial and lateral choroidal arteries

b)The Metathalamus
Contains the medial and lateral geniculate bodies
medial geniculate body or internal geniculate body
covered by the pulvinar
found on the lateral aspect of the corpora quadrigemina
lighter in color and smaller in size than the lateral
Connected to the inferior brachium from the inferior colliculus
The medial geniculate bodies are connected with one another by the
commissure of Gudden
lateral geniculate body or external geniculate body
elevation on the lateral part of the posterior end of the thalamus
connected with the superior colliculus by the superior brachium
dark color and larger than the medial geniculate body
The superior colliculus, the pulvinar, and the lateral geniculate body constitute
to the lower visual centers

c) The Epithalamus
consists of trigonum habenulæ, the pineal body, and the posterior
1. trigonum habenulæ
small depressed triangular area situated in front of the superior colliculus and
on the lateral aspect of the posterior part of the tænia thalami
contains a group of nerve cells termed the ganglion habenulæ
Fibers enter it from the stalk of the pineal body forming habenular
Most of its fibers form a bundle, the fasciculus retroflexusof Meynert,
which passes medial to the red nucleus and ends in the interpeduncular

2.pineal body or epiphysis

small, conical body which lies in the depression between the superior
It is placed beneath the splenium of the corpus callosum separated from this
by the tela chorioidea of the third ventricle
The base is attached by a stalk or peduncle of white substance
The stalk of the pineal body divides anteriorly into 2 laminæ, a dorsal and a
ventral, separated from one another by the pineal recess of the third ventricle:
 The ventral lamina is continuous with the posterior commissure
 the dorsal lamina is continuous with the habenular commissure and
divides into 2 strands => the medullary striæ
3. posterior commissure
band of white fibers crossing the middle line on the dorsal aspect of the upper
end of the cerebral aqueduct
the fibers have their origin in the nucleus of the posterior commissure
(nucleus of Darkschewitsch),in front of the nucleus of the oculomotor nerve
2) The Hypothalamus
Has a subthalamic tegmental region and the structures forming the greater
part of the floor of the third ventricle, viz., the corpora mammillaria, tuber
cinereum, infundibulum, hypophysis, and optic chiasma.
a) subthalamic tegmental region
a upward continuation of the tegmentum
lies on the ventro-lateral aspect of the thalamus
The red nucleus and the substantia nigra are prolonged into its lower part
in front it is continuous with the substantia innominata of Meynert
medially with the gray substance of the floor of the third ventricle.
 stratum dorsale: at lower surface of the thalamus
 zona incerta: a anterior continuation of the formatio reticularis of the
 corpus subthalamicum (nucleus of Luys): on the dorsal aspect of the
fibers of the base of the cerebral peduncle
b) The corpora mammillaria (corpus albicantia)
2 round white masses under the gray substance of the floor of the third
consists of white substance externally and of gray substance internally
Has 2 nuclei: a small medial and a large lateral
The cells of the gray substance have 2 fasciculi:
 thalamomammillary fasciculus (bundle of Vicq d’Azyr):passes
upward into the anterior nucleus of the thalamus
 the other is directed downward into the tegmentum
c)tuber cinereum
eminence of gray substance situated between the corpora mammillaria
behind, and the optic chiasma in front
anteriorly is continous with the lamina terminalis
In its lower surface is the infundibulum attached to the posterior lobe of the
In the lateral part of the tuber cinereum is the basal optic nucleus of
Between the tuber cinereum and the corpora mammillaria is the eminentia
d)hypophysis (pituitary body)
is attached to the end of the infundibulum,
found in the sella turcica and covered by diaphragma sella
this fold leaves a small central aperture through which the infundibulum

e) Optic Chiasma
quadrilateral band of fibers
found at the junction of the floor and anterior wall of the third ventricle
fibers have their origins in the retina, and reach the chiasma through the optic
fibers from the nasal half of the retina decussate
fibers from the temporal half of the retina do not undergo decussation
Occupying the posterior part of the commissure(joining) is the commissure
of Gudden, which is not derived from the optic nerves; it forms a connecting
link between the medial geniculate bodies.
Optic Tracts
The optic tracts are continued backward and lateralward from the postero-
lateral angles of the optic chiasma
Each winds around the ventrolateral aspect of the cerebral peduncle and
divides into a medial and a lateral root
 The medial root comprises the fibers of Gudden’s commissure
 The lateral root consists mainly of afferent fibers+few efferent fibers
afferent fibers arise from the lower visual centers. The fibers pass as
arise optic radiations, to the cortex of the occipital lobe of the
cerebrum, where the higher or cortical visual center is situated.

3) The Third Ventricle

is a median cleft between the two thalami
Behind, it communicates with the fourth ventricle through the cerebral
aqueduct, and in front with the lateral ventricles through the interventricular
It is triangular in shape, with the apex directed backward
it has a roof, a floor, an anterior and a posterior boundary and a pair of
lateral walls.
formed of a layer of epithelium
is covered by fold of pia mater, named the tela chorioidea of the third
ventricle and the choroid plexuses of the third ventricle
formed by the of the hypothalamus: the optic chiasma, the tuber cinereum
and infundibulum, the corpora mammillaria, interpeduncular fossa and the
tegmenta of the cerebral peduncles.
It is prolonged downward into the infundibulum as the recessus infundibuli
anterior boundary
inferior by the lamina terminalis
Superior by the columns of the fornix and the anterior commissure
At the junction of the floor and anterior wall is the optic recess above the
optic chiasma
Between the columns of the fornix, and above the anterior commissure, is a
second recess termed the vulva
At the junction of the roof and anterior wall of the ventricle is
the interventricular foramen (foramen of Monro) through which the third
communicates with the lateral ventricles.

posterior boundary
Formed by the pineal body, the posterior commissure and cerebral aqueduct
Has 2 recesses:
 recessus pinealis, projects into the stalk of the pineal body
 recessus suprapinealis: in front and above of the pineal body
lateral wall
consists of
upper portion: the medial surface of the anterior 2/3 of the thalamus
lower portion: continuation of the gray substance of the ventricular floor
These two parts correspond to the alar and basal laminæ and are separated
from each other by a furrow, the sulcus of Monro, which extends from the
interventricular foramen to the cerebral aqueduct
The lateral wall is limited above by the tænia thalami
The lateral walls are joined to each other across the cavity of the ventricle by
a band of gray matter, the massa intermedia
Interpeduncular Fossa
Contains posterior perforated substance, corpora mamillaria, tuber cinereum,
infundibulum, and hypophysis
Anterior: optic chiasma
Posterior: antero-superior surface of the pons
Anterolateral: optic tracts
Posterolateral: cerebral peduncles

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