Proposal: Public Opinion On Society, Politics, Governance & Sovereignty

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Committee on Surveying
Insaf Research Wing Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Public Opinion on Society, Politics, Governance & Sovereignty

Insaf Research Wing
Central Secretariat
Street No. 84,
Finding solutions for a better Pakistan
Sector G-6/4,
Islamabad, Pakistan.
Tel: 92-51-2270744
Fax: 92-51-2873893
“IRW can set trend of surveying and develop tradition of research studies
by opening a new chapter in political history.”

Public Opinion
Society, Politics, Governance
searchwinginsafresearchwingins November 27, 2010

afresearchwinginsafresearchwin Author: Atif Abbas

Committee: Surveying

ginsafresearchwinginsafresearch Dossier # 001

Version # 002

winginsafresearchwinginsafresea Proposal

Insaf Research Wing Page 1

Committee on Surveying Public Opinion on Society, Politics, Governance & Sovereignty

Insaf Research Wing (IRW) is a part of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (movement for justice a political party,
PTI). IRW was created in 2009 to carry out research in order to find solutions for problems in Pakistan.
The foremost goal of IRW is to keep people of Pakistan and PTI informed and prepared.

The wing is composed of committees. Each committee addresses issues related to its field of expertise.
The committees defined as of yet are (i) Economics & Finance (ii) Energy (iii) Science & Technology (iv)
Health (v) Education (vi) Environment (vii) Anti-Corruption (viii) Surveying (ix) Socio-Political (x)
Foreign Affairs (xi) Strategic Thinking.

The research reports/papers are either commissioned by the central executive committee of PTI or
committee members of IRW. PTI members can also suggest IRW to consider researching on a matter they
find important. IRW welcomes any contributions in the form of scholarly work addressing important
issues. Nevertheless, after the author(s) sends the document it is peer reviewed before getting published.
In the process of peer review the document is technically analyzed and scrutinized. The procedure is
necessary to maintain quality control. However, varying opinions & ideas are not penalized.

Apart from working on research reports/papers which shed light on problems and provide basic
solutions, IRW undertakes the task of preparing extensive policies for PTI. These detailed and in-depth
policy documents are a combination of input from several professionals who are well versed in the
subject. IRW also serves as a check on the reigning government’s policies.

The Wing does not follow a preset ideology while carrying out research. IRW does not endorse any
opinion presented in a published report/paper as an official position. Likewise, several research
reports/paper on a similar subject published by IRW can have contradictory recommendations
though it should be noted that these point of views are sole responsibility of the author(s). Very
rarely when there is a complete consensus on a certain research report/paper within IRW only
then it is recommended to PTI for official perusal. Any published document by the wing does not
constitute it as an official position of PTI unless otherwise stated.

Insaf Research Wing works at a national level but its members are located throughout the world bringing
in the much needed international experience. IRW practices an open membership policy valid for all
Pakistanis regardless of religion or race. Nevertheless, members of other nationalities from international
organizations interested in helping Pakistan are always welcome to join IRW.

Published reports of IRW can be accessed at PTI’s website The headquarter of IRW is
located at PTI’s Central Secretariat, Street No. 84, Sector G-6/4, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Copyright © 2010 by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf All rights reserved.

The contents of this report/paper cannot be reproduced without prior permission of IRW.

Insaf Research Wing Page 2

Committee on Surveying Public Opinion on Society, Politics, Governance & Sovereignty

Public Opinion
The study will present viewpoint of
citizens, which has never been exposed in such
a framework.

on Society, c. Background information available

Surveys’ already conducted and
Politics, publications.

Governance &
d. Scope of the study
The study will be conducted in federal
capital; the scope of the study revolves around

Sovereignty citizens of Islamabad and target respondents

will be from all walks of life.

Voice of citizens on various issues can e. To whom will it be useful?

be portrayed on global canvas by means of our The study will be useful to researchers,
politicians and academic community.
human resource and intellectual capacity.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) can reach
Research Design
public in a different style, gather their opinion
scientifically and share their viewpoint, Universe of the Survey:
worldwide. Insaf Research Wing (IRW) can set Union Councils of Islamabad
trend of surveying and develop tradition of
Unit of Analysis:
research studies by opening a new chapter in
Citizen of Islamabad
political history. To shape culture of surveying -
a game plan is proposed. Time Dimension:
(Data will be collected in what time
Descriptive Title of the Study frame).

Public Opinion on Society, Politics, Characteristics of Interest:

Governance and Sovereignty – A Philosophical Opinion of citizens on society, politics,
Framework. governance and sovereignty

Mode of Observation:
Nature of the Study
Cross-Sectional Study:
Study carried out once and represents Population Size:
a snapshot of one point in time. Data are {Five Zones of Islamabad}
collected just once, perhaps over a period of
days or weeks or months. Sampling Unit:
A Citizen
a. Problem to be examined
There is no definite problem statement; Sampling Design:
objective of the study is to explore opinion of Convenience Sampling
citizens in context of our society.
Sample Size:
b. Significance and need for the study 1,000
Public opinion has its own significance
whereas the study is a framework to investigate Observation Tool:
perspective of a common man on society, Questionnaire
politics, governance and sovereignty (the
indicators). Research Instrument:
i. Design based on categorization and ranking
The need for the study is to portray ii. Pretest
what citizens in our society think and whether
philosophy of public is reflected in our politics
and governance.

Insaf Research Wing Page 3

Committee on Surveying Public Opinion on Society, Politics, Governance & Sovereignty

Data Collection & Processing Survey Team:

a. Supervisor(s)
Data Collection b. Enumerators
Technique to be used is Quantitative:
Survey Data Entry Operators:
c. Persons (for data entry and
Collection Procedure: checking)
Questionnaire method
Cost Estimate
Quality Control Measures:
i. Supervisor training 1. Cost on copies of questionnaire
ii. Enumerator training
iii. Field editing 2. Stationery
iv. Double entry of the data (some percentage
of each data operator’s work is re-entered to
ensure reliability of data entry)
v. Enumerator’s profile

Data Processing
Editing (Primary) Data:
Central Editing

Classification of Data:
Arranging data in groups on the basis
of certain characteristics (data entry)

Data Analysis & Presentation

Data Analysis
Statistical Method
Descriptive Statistics

Data Presentation
Tabular and Graphical Presentation

Interpretation of Results
Address findings - portray results.

Survey Methodology and Research Instrument

Development depicted in Figure# 1.0 on Page#

Resources & Facilities Required

1. Bundle of papers, size: A4

2. Printer and Computer (for data entry)

3. Copies of Questionnaire

4. Stationery: pencil, sharpener, eraser, pen,

envelop and cardboard / file

5. Introductory letter and guidelines from IRW

6. Human resource for surveying and data


Insaf Research Wing Page 4

Committee on Surveying Public Opinion on Society, Politics, Governance & Sovereignty

Figure# 1.0: Survey Methodology & Research Instrument Development


Design of
Research Stratification:
Instrument Union Councils
(Rural + Urban)


Analysis &
Presentation Convenience
Training of Sampling

Pre-testing of Processing
Research (editing &
classification) Quality Control
- Field editing
- Data cleaning
- Double entry of
Data Collection data
of Sample
Finalization of


Insaf Research Wing Page 5

Committee on Surveying Public Opinion on Society, Politics, Governance & Sovereignty

Research Methodology for Management
Decisions, Commonwealth Executive Master
of Business Administration (CEMBA), Allama
Iqbal Open University (AIOU) in collaboration
with Commonwealth of Learning (COL)
(Vancouver, Canada).

Research Methods, Virtual University (VU) of


Autobiographical Sketch
Atif Abbas:- Research Scholar, work
experience in management consultancy, print
media and embedded systems.

[E-mail, A2:]

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