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Limba Engleză
Etapa a II-a – 20.04.2013

5th year of study (7th grade)

Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 120 de minute.
Punctaj total: 100 de puncte. Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.

I. Read the following messages. For each message mark the correct letter A, B or C.

3p 1) Dad,
I’m having a great time. Some of the group have returned home, but the rest
of us are going on a boat trip tomorrow.
See you next week,
Dan is:
A. going home with the rest of B. going on a boat trip with C. going out with the whole
the group tomorrow. members of the group group tomorrow.

3p 2) Jack,
I’ll be back late. Don’t forget Brenda needs a lift to ballet practice at school –
please make sure she’s in uniform.
What should Jack do?
A. remind Brenda that someone B. make Brenda practise before C. check Brenda is dressed
is picking her up for ballet she goes to her school ballet properly and take her to ballet
practice. meeting. practice.

3p 3) Mary,
Could you pick up my trousers from the dry cleaner’s when you
collect your jacket? I’ll pay you back this evening.
What will Mary do?
A. receive money from Daniel B. fetch Daniel’s jacket from C. deliver her own clothes to the
tonight for his dry cleaning. the dry cleaner’s for him. dry cleaner’s.

3p 4) George,
Couldn’t wait any longer, didn’t want to miss the start of the match! Problem at
school? Here’s your ticket – see you at the stadium.
A. George and John missed each B. John had to leave without C. John has given up waiting for
other at the stadium. George to get to school. George to arrive.


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3p 5) Paul,
Brad rang: DON’T take the main road to Vernonville – there’s been an accident
and you won’t get to the match on time. Go through Glenshire instead.
A. To arrive punctually, Paul B. Brad suggests that it’s C. If there’s enough time, Meg
should use a different route. quicker to go on the main road. would like to see the match.

II. Read the text. Decide if the sentences are true or false and put a T (true) or an F (false) in the
boxes below.
Computer programmer David Jones makes £35,000 a year designing new
computer games, yet he cannot find a bank prepared to let him have a cheque
card. Instead, he has been told to wait another two years, until he is 18.
The 16-year-old works for a small firm in Liverpool, where the problem
of most young people of his age is finding a job. David’s firm releases two new
games for the expanding home-computer market each month.
But David’s biggest headache is what to do with his money. Despite his
salary, earned by inventing new programmes, with bonus payments, he cannot
drive a car or obtain credit cards.
He lives with his parents in their house in Liverpool, where his father is a bus driver. David’s
company has to pay £150 in taxi fares just because David cannot drive. David got his job four months ago,
after working for a time in a computer shop. “I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had
already written some programmes”, he said.
“I hope it will come to more than £35,000 this year. But most of my spare time is spent working.
Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school. But I had been studying it in books and
magazines for four years in my free time. I knew what I wanted to do. I would like to earn a million.”

1p 1. David Jones is a computer game designer.

1p 2. David is 18 years old.
1p 3. David has a job at a big company.
1p 4. David’s firm makes two games every other month.
1p 5. David’s most important problem is how to spend his money.
1p 6. David is not allowed to drive.
1p 7. David has to spend £150 on taxi fares.
1p 8. David has had this job for four months.
1p 9. David used to have a job at a computer shop.
1p 10. David learnt all he knows about computing at school.

I. Read the sentences below and decide which answer A, B or C best fits each blank. Circle the
correct answer.
2p 1. His phone is not ___________ as mine.
A. more modern B. as modern C . most modern
2p 2. I haven’t played tennis ______________ I was in primary school.
A. for B. from C. since
2p 3. How long ___________ Tony?
A. do you know B. have you known C. are you known
2p 4. If it ______________ sunny, we’ll stay in.
A. isn’t B. won’t be C. doesn’t
2p 5. You won’t pass the exam unless you ______________.
A. don’t study B. won’t study C. study


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II. Finish the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three
2p 1. I haven’t got enough money to buy that game.
That game is _______________________________ for me to buy.
2p 2. The last time I saw Mary was two years ago.
I _______________________________ Mary for two years.
2p 3. How about going for a pizza?
Why _______________________________ go for a pizza?
2p 4. You mustn’t walk your dog here.
You aren’t _______________________________walk your dog here.
2p 5. She has a beautiful voice.
She sings _______________________________.

III. Each of the following sentences contains a mistake. Find the mistakes and write the correct
2p 1. He can’t run very fastly.
2p 2. We were all very exciting about the new movie.
2p 3. The thief dissappeared into the night.
2p 4. She doesn’t have many furniture.
2p 5. My deskmate doesn’t likes pink.

IV. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in capital letters.

2p 1. I absolutely adore your new ____________________ T-shirt. COLOUR

2p 2. The movie was so ____________________ that I couldn’t sleep that night. SCARE
2p 3. He is very ____________________. He still sleeps with his teddy bear. CHILD
2p 4. On your birthday, I wish you all the ____________________ in the world. HAPPY
2p 5. I feel very sorry for all the ____________________ people who sleep in the HOME
cold in winter.

V. Underline the correct response.

2p 1. A: That must be the funniest joke in the world.
B: I couldn’t agree with you more./ No, it mustn’t.
2p 2. A: What do you think we should do?
B: Yes, you’re right./ We’d better tell the truth.
2p 3. A: Good luck!
B: Thank you./ Indeed.
2p 4. A: I’m not too keen on collecting stamps.
B: Me too./ Neither am I.
2p 5. A: Thank you.
B: Don’t mention it./ I don’t.

25p Write a 120-word story beginning with the following line:
I knew it was too late to go back.
Make sure you have a beginning, a body and an ending. Give your story a catchy title.


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