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Experimental Study

Journal (Article 1): Science Direct, 2018 (International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing)

Title: The Experiences of Providing Caregiving for Patients with Schizophrenia in the Ghanaian

(Odue Gloria, Joseph Osafoa, Emily Goldman, Nina S. Parikh, Justice Nonvignon,
Irene M.A. Kretchy)

Q1. Identify and categorize all the variables in the paper into three types of variables (I.E true
dichotomies, polytomies and continues variables)

True Dichotomies Polytomies Continues Variables

Sex Religion Illness perception
Employment Status Timeliness and attendance Spiritual attribution
Health Status Marital status Caregiving burdens
Supervision related burdens
Treatment Related Burdens
Psychosocial Factors

Q2. Identify and categorize all the variables in the paper into five classifications of

Situational Response Participant Mediating Intervening

Illness Psychosocial Sex Caregiving Treatment Related
perception Factors burdens Burdens
Employment Supervision
Status related burdens
Health Status Marital status

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