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The Cause of IT Illiteracy

Society is currently in a period of rapid technological change. In the modern world a
significant percentage of the population still remains IT illiteracy despite the advancement and
spread of education. IT illiteracy could happen due to several reasons, such as financial
problems, health problems and lack of education.

First of all, the main problem of illiteracy is financial. Financial is very important for
everyone’s life to helping people live hood. Of course, when you are going to study in college,
we mainly need the money to supply for the study materials, paid for university. Moreover,
for IT subject the important thing are study materials. For study materials, such as modern
computer, monitor and more modern technology things. Thus, all students must have enough
money to pay for all that things.

Second, another main reason that makes some people have IT illiteracy is health
problem. People should have good health, but sometime people didn’t have the science skill,
so they only focus on their own skill. This reason also the main point that disrupt their study.

Third, moreover main reason that makes some people have IT illiteracy is lack of
education. Must people should have books, E-library and disciplinary. But some people didn’t
have it, because students need to read books for improve own skill. Addition, students need to
read books in E-library. Moreover, disciplinary for their. This reason also main point that
makes some people have IT illiteracy.

In conclusion, the major causes that lead to IT illiteracy which we had mentioned above
are financial problems, health problems and lack of education.

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