Descriptivewords For Negative Character Traits

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Descriptive Words.


Descriptive Words for Negative Character Traits

Affected, Aggressive, Allows Imperfection, Aloof, Apathetic, Arrogant, Authoritarian, Belligerent, Big-Headed, Blames Others, Boastful, Bone-Idle,
Boring, Bossy, Callous, Cantankerous, Careless, Changeable, Cheerless, Clinging, Close, Closed, Cold, Combative, Complacent, Compulsive,
Conceited, Conservative, Constricting, Controlling, Covetous, Cowardly, Cowering, Cruel, Cunning, Cynical, Deceitful, Deceiving, Dependent,
Detached, Directed By Externals, Dishonest, Disorderly, Disorganized, Disrespectful, Distant, Does What Is Convenient, Dogmatic, Domineering,
Ego-Centric, Envious, Fearful, Finicky, Flagging, Fleeting, Flirtatious, Foolhardy, Foolish, Frivolous, Fussy, Gives Up, Gloomy, Greedy, Grumpy,
Guarded, Gullible, Harsh, Hatred, Hostile, Ignores, Ill-Will, Immature, Impatient, Impolite, Impractical, Impulsive, Inconsiderate, Inconsistent,
Indecisive, Indifferent, Indiscreet, Indulgent, Inflexible, Insecure, Insensitive, Insincere, Interfering, Intolerant, Introverted, Irresponsible, Jealous, Kept
Back, Lack Of Faith In Self, Lack Of Self Confidence, Late, Lazy, Life Can't Be Trusted, Low Confidence, Low Self-Esteem, Lying, Machiavellian,
Malice, Materialistic, Mean, Miserly, Mistrusting, Moody, Narrow, Narrow-Minded, Nasty, Naughty, Negative, Nervous, Not On Time, Not Viable,
Obsessive, Obstinate, Ostentatious, Others Can't Be Relied On, Overcritical, Overemotional, Parsimonious, Patronizing, Perverse, Pessimistic,
Pompous, Possessive, Pretentious, Pusillanimous, Quarrelsome, Quick-Tempered, Random, Rebellious, Recalcitrant, Rejects Change, Rejects
What's Given, Relents, Reluctant, Resentful, Rigid, Rude, Ruthless, Sarcastic, Scattered, Secretive, Self-Centered, Self-Centered, Self-Indulgent,
Selfish, Self-Satisfied, Silly, Small-Minded, Sneaky, Sour, Spendthrift, Spiteful, Stingy, Stubborn, Stupid, Superficial, Suspicious, Tactless,
Thoughtless, Tight, Timid, Touchy, Trivial, Truculent, Unappreciative, Unbending, Uncaring, Uncommitted, Uncooperative, Undependable,
Undisciplined, Unenthusiastic, Unfeeling, Unfocused, Unforgiving, Unfriendly, Ungrateful, Unhelpful, Unkind, Unmotivated, Unpredictable, Unrealist,
Unreceptive, Unreliable, Unresponsive, Unrestrained, Unsure, Unsustaining, Unsympathetic, Unsystematic, Untidy, Untrustworthy, Unwilling, Vague,
Vain, Vengeful, Vulgar, Wasteful, Weak-Willed

© Copyright | DescriptiveWords.Org | Updated 10/04/2013

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