Players Agreement

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FULL NAME_____________________________________________
First Middle Last

Street City/State Zip

PHONE_________________ DATE OF BIRTH______________

SCHOOL ATTENDED______________________________________

Current Grade Team playing for
I will obey the Official Rules and Regulations and will not hold CROSSTOWN
BASEBALL or Team Sponsor responsible for any injury I may sustain while a
playing member of the above baseball team.

PLAYER’S SIGNATURE______________________________________________

To the best of my knowledge, my child is physically fit and able to play baseball
and I agree as Parent or Guardian to furnish a doctor’s statement to that effect if
requested by the Team Manager or the District Supervisor. It is understood that
CROSSTOWN BASEBALL does not take responsibility for the physical fitness of
players and that as the parent or guardian I bear the responsibility for my child’s
physical condition.

I hereby agree that CROSSTOWN BASEBALL, it’s members, coaches or officers

and any Park District, School Board or like entity whose facilities are utilized shall
not be liable for any injury or loss which my child or children may sustain while
participating in activities of any kind, whether sponsored by or under the
supervision or CROSSTOWN BASEBALL, and I agree to indemnify and to hold
harmless these parties and their members, coaches, sponsors, officers, or
designates of any kind from any claim whatsoever.

PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE_______________________________________

TEAM MANAGER SIGNATURE__________________________________________

DATE ACCEPTED_____________________________________________________

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