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PHAETHON FAILS when Phaethon tried to show his

playmates, he was unable to

DRIVER’S ED control the chariot's horses and
ended up setting the Earth
Phaethon was born as the ablaze. It involved scorching the
Younget child and only son of African plains to desert possibly
Helios and Clymene, who had even turning the African peoples'
seven older daughters known When he was sixteen, skin dark.
as the Heliades. Helios had left Phaethon came upon Prince
to return to his godly duties Epaphos showing off his new
shortly after phaethons’s birth. chariot to a crowd. When
Phaethon criticized the chariot,
saying that his father's was
better, Epaphos demanded
proof from Phaethon that he
was indeed the son of Helios.
Zeus used one of his powerful
Phaethon told his mother that lightning bolts to blast Phaethon
he wished to see his father, and out of the chariot, killing him. His
was told to go to his palace. body then hurled into the river
Phaethon traveled to Helios' Po, where it was found by his
Phaethon grew up, Clymene was palace and met his father and sisters, who mourned his death
overprotective of him and asked to ride his Sun Chariot, and were turned into amber-
wouldn't allow him to take part in which Helios reluctantly agreed teared poplar trees. years later
sports at school, which resulted to. found his body still smouldering
in him not having many friends. with his crying sister trees around
Percy jackson
And the
Greek heroes

by: maria paula

7 grade
English class

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