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‘BUFFALO’ - Project Notes & Self-Tape Instructions

1. Self-Tape Instructions

Due to ‘Buffalo’ being largely a two-hander, and an entirely character and performance driven
piece, we are interested to see, in this initial stage of casting, which scenes speak to you most.
Therefore, for the self-tape, please choose any two contrasting scenes from the script, for the
character(s) you have been asked to put on tape.

• Your chosen scenes should each have a minimum duration of approximately 2 minutes

• You may choose a two minute section from a longer scene if preferred

• You are of course free to tape scenes which are longer than 2 minutes, but this is not a
requirement or expectation

If you have been asked to read for both characters (Lukas and Beck), then please choose one
scene for each character. You are of course free to record two scenes for each character should
you wish, but again, this is not a requirement or expectation.

In addition to your chosen scenes, please record the following:

• A short ident with NAME and the CHARACTER(S) and SCENE NUMBERS you are taping

• Side profiles and a full-length shot

• A brief answer to the question: “If you were to be stranded anywhere due to an ash cloud
and closure of air space, where would you choose, and why?”

Please see the following guidelines for recording your self-tape:

• You are of course welcome to record on a smart-phone or similar, but please ensure that
you record in landscape / horizontal only.

• Please film in a well-lit room (preferably natural daylight, where possible) and preferably
against a plain background.

• If you will not be able to have a reader present for the other character’s lines, please
consider choosing a section from the various monologues as your self-tape scene(s).

• Please be off-book.

• Please send your completed self tape via only, to: by no later than Tues 14th August 2018

Thank you, and feel free to get in touch should you have any questions - otherwise, we look
forward to receiving your tape!

2. Project Notes

The success of ‘Buffalo’, and how it is received by audiences, will lie largely in the performances
of the two lead actors. Although there will be a strong visual style, and a particular voice in the
framing, production design, score and editing, it is very much an actors’ piece, first and foremost.
This is all about the characters, their relationship, and their journey. No action, no special effects,
no statement filmmaking techniques - it is all about the human connection.

Although we have always prided ourselves on performance-led productions in the past, with
‘Buffalo’ we face our most challenging casting process to date. Simply put - there will be nowhere
emotionally for the actors to hide. It is a piece led not only by conversation, but also the things
that are largely left unsaid. Therefore, in terms of style, we are looking for minimalistic, natural,
nuanced and truthful performances - very raw and understated.

The most important aspect of this film to us is the truthfulness of the characters, the dynamic
between them, and their emotional depths. Above all, we have to find the perfect chemistry
between our two leads, as they share the screen for most of the 90 minutes - with the exception
of a few scenes with a third character, Celine.

With the above in mind, we encourage you to explore the nuances of the character in your self-
tape. What are their habits, etc.? For this initial casting stage, we are keen to give you free reign
(within the confines of truthfulness to the context) and to see what each inidividual actor brings in
their interpretation.

Due to the above, we wanted to be upfront and let you know that this will be a lengthy casting
process. We hope you understand, but also that you take reassurance from this, should you be
offered one of the roles.

Following the self-tape deadline, we will notify you within two weeks if you have been invited to a
recall. However, please note that it may be a further few weeks before the recalls then actually
happen. This is for two reasons - (a) so that we can ensure that we pair the right actors together,
and (b) to give actors fair time in which to prepare the recall scenes.

The final stage of the casting process will occur very shortly after the recalls. This will be our
‘chemistry read’, in which we bring together our final 3 or so actors for each role to all read with
each other.

Concerning full-frontal nudity and explicit scenes of a sexual nature - the entire focus and
motivation for each of these scenes is to explore the complex and differing emotions that Lukas
and Beck each experience during their first meaningful sexual encouters with another man.
Therefore, our primary focus will be on the emotional beats for each character, and not always on
the acts themselves. The scenes are scripted in a detailed manner to identify the emotional beats.

All scripted sexual acts that occur between Lukas and Beck will be entirely simulated.

Elsewhere in the script, certain other acts are already marked in brackets as: ‘(SIMULATED)’.

All other content will be discussed between director and actors to mutually agree what will
actually be performed and/or shown, or simply implied. This discussion will occur well in advance
of filming, as it is of utmost importance to us that, once cast, our two lead actors feel entirely
comfortable during the entire filming process. We are also happy to answer any specific questions
you may have about content/requirements during the recalls.

At no stage during the casting process will actors be asked to disrobe completely or perform
scenes of a sexual nature.

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