Website Eval

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Week 4: Web Resources, Databases, Boolean Logic, and Copyright


Read Chapter 10 of your textbook.

Website Evaluation Assignment

For website evaluation, look at all of the pages of the following website. After you have thoroughly
reviewed the website, go to the Website Evaluation Link under Week 4 and answer the questions.

Go to Evaluate the website to determine if it is appropriate for use in

research by using the following criteria.

1. Scope and Subject Matter

 What subject is covered? It is an information-based website dedicated to the Holocaust. It gives

the user background information regarding the Holocaust along with information on genocide,
survivors and victims, anti-Semitism.

 What is the purpose of the site? To inform the public about the atrocities of the Holocaust as
seen directly through pictures, exhibits, library, written materials, artifacts, and lectures by the
docents of the museum.

 Who is the intended audience? People of all ages are encouraged to attend. Teacher and school
aged groups can be reserved through their website. They can also assist people with disabilities
such as hearing, vision loss, and handicapped.

 What is the intended age or academic level? Due to the maturity of the subject matter the
museum recommends ages 11 and above.

 Is the information unique, or is it available in other places? The permanent three story museum
located in Washington, D.C. has the most extensive and informative amount of materials
available. This site also provides a traveling museum to reach people throughout the World that
are unable to travel to the main museum. Other cities in the United States also contain
Holocaust museums. Information can also be obtained on websites through a google search.
2. Authority - Hint: Read the "About Us" section of the webpage to check for authority.

 What are the credentials of the author(s)/organization who produced the site? The museum
was mandated by an act of Congress as a living memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.
Materials have been donated by individuals who directly experienced the Holocaust. The staff
collects, preserves and makes available to the public research, exhibitions, education, and
communication regarding the Holocaust as a whole.

 Is contact information for the author(s)/organization provided? Hint: Read the "Contact Us"
section of the webpage to check for contact information. Yes. The museum provides many
different ways to connect through various social media platforms. Such as Facebook, Twitter,
Google +, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and iTunes U. You can also fill out an online form
where they can directly contact you regarding the issue.

 Is it reputable? How do you know? Yes. It was mandated by an act of Congress and all items are
provided by survivors and victims. A staff has to authenticate the materials prior to them being
added to the collection.

 Is this site mainly designed for product promotional purposes, or is it mainly designed for
informational purposes? It is designed for informational purposes as all materials can be
obtained through social media for no charge. It also provides links for educators to download
lesson plans, teacher training, and resource and curricular options. Students can also be
provided research topics and tools to help them understand the many facets of the Holocaust.
The public can also view the museum free of charge.

 Does the address, specifically the domain, suggest the perspective from which the site was
designed? For example, ".edu," ".com," ".gov" respectively imply education, commercial, and
government origins. The website was designed by an organization and does not solicit
contributions or products for sale.

 Is appropriate attribution given where required? Yes, there is an extensive bibliography on the
website along with approved materials that are authenticated through the use of films,
eyewitness accounts, photographs, personal testimonials, and objects.

3. Currency and Completeness

 When was the site last updated, and is this done regularly? Using their social media platforms
updates are daily. The last post on Facebook was updated two hours ago on April 22, 2018.

 How current are the links? Do they work? All of the links are up to date and in working order.

 Does the site thoroughly cover the topic? Yes. It gives full educational background on every
aspect of the Holocaust. It even gives outside resources to further the information available.

4. Design

 Are the resources well organized and logically presented? Yes. They are organized on tabs and
link buttons. Once the user clicks on the link the information is then readily available.

 Are the text and background color choices contrasting enough for the text to be easily read?
Yes. The major colors used throughout are black, white, orange, and blue. I have no trouble
reading the information given at all.

 Are the graphics clear and relevant to the information being provided? Yes. For example, at
every tab there is a picture that relates to the information provided below. They also include
film clips to provide another visual.

 Is multimedia provided? If so, is it appropriate for the site? Yes. They use text, pictures, film, and
graphics to enhance the users experience. Yes. It gives the reader the ability to more readily
experience the Holocaust through different means then just providing text.

5. Ease of Use

 Is the site user friendly with an effective interface? Yes. Information can be easily obtained
through the various tabs and every link works.

 Is the site open to everyone? Or do some sections require registration or payment? None of the
sections require registration or payment. All of the information is provided free of charge.

 In what language is the site written? If the information is translated, what other languages are
given? It is translated into sixteen other languages such as Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish,
Portuguese, Greek, French, Sanskrit, and Russian.

 Are special needs users considered in the design? For example, are alternate text descriptions
provided for the visually impaired? How will the page function for hearing impaired users? Hint:
Look for a transcript. Yes. They are complaint with the Section 508 and W3C accessibility
guidelines. They provide screen readers, text only browsers, and enlargement of text and
background in browsers such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari. They also
provide descriptive text equivalents for images and graphics.

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