Alexander's Title: By: Gianna Baker

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Alexander’s Title

By: Gianna Baker

Alexander the third of Macedonia does not deserve the title “Alexander the Great” for
these three reasons.

Alexander does not deserve his title “Alexander the Great” because in A.D. 90, Plutarch
wrote, “When he came to Thebes...the city...was sacked and razed. Alexander’s hope that being
so severe an example might terrify the rest of Greece into obedience...thirty thousand were
publicly sold for slaves; and it is computed that upwards of six thousand were put to the sword.”
This depicts Alexander as an enslaver when the text states, “thirty thousand were publicly sold
for slaves”. In addition he is depicted as a murderer when the text says, “that upwards of six
thousand were put to the sword” . In addition, the text says he is trying to “terrify the rest of
Greece into obedience”. That is why Alexander does not deserve his title “Alexander the Great”.

Alexander does not deserve his title “Alexander the Great” because in 1st century BCE,
Diodorus wrote, “The Macedonians rushed into it, killing all the men and plundering the
houses… but the royal palace… had been condemned to total destruction. As for the women,
they dragged them away forcibly with their jewels, treating as slaves the whole group of
captives.” This depicts Alexander as a murderer when the text states, “killing all the men”.
Alexander is also depicted as a thief when the text says, “ plundering the houses”. In addition,
the author depicts him as a destructor when the text states, “but the royal palace… had been
condemned to total destruction.” Lastly, they treated the women as slaves, when the passage
states, “As for the women, they dragged them away forcibly with their jewels, treating as slaves
the whole group of captives.” That is why Alexander does not deserve his title “Alexander the

Alexander does not deserve his title “Alexander the Great” because in 4th century A.D.
an anonymous author stated, “Alexander boasted that he won his victories for himself alone and
became more cruel to his friends as his success increased...Alexander’s behavior and
extravagant lifestyle were causing intense disgust among large numbers of his men...The fault
in him grew worse, he now wanted himself worshipped as a god and would have none of being
saluted in a manner of mortals”. This depicts Alexander as a narcissist, because he boasted
about himself and wanted other people to worship him. That is why Alexander does not deserve
his title “Alexander the Great”

Alexander the third of Macedonia does not deserve the title “Alexander the Great” for
those three reasons.

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